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A Deep Learning Methodology To Predicting Cybersecurity Attacks On The Internet of Things

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1 Type of the Paper (Article)

2 A Deep Learning Methodology to Predicting Cybersecurity At-

3 tacks on the Internet of Things
4 Firstname Lastname 1, Firstname Lastname 2 and Firstname Lastname 2,*

5 1 Affiliation 1; [email protected]
6 2 Affiliation 2; [email protected]
7 * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: (optional; include country code; if there are multiple correspond-
8 ing authors, add author initials)

9 Abstract: Due to the recent growing rise in the severity and frequency of cyberattacks, the fast
10 growth in the number and variety of smart objects has posed substantial threats to cybersecurity.
11 Massive communication traffic data between Internet of Things (IoT) devices poses a significant
12 challenge for protecting devices from potential security intrusions. Moreover, highly unbalanced
13 network traffic data create an additional challenge. Artificial intelligence (AI)-based cybersecurity
14 applications are more effective at detecting various cyberattacks. AI technologies, such as machine
15 and deep learning, are extensively utilized to identify and mitigate a wide variety of security threats
16 against IoT networks. In this work, we designed a model based on machine and deep learning al-
17 gorithms to extract optimal features with high accuracy and tested and evaluated it using a realistic
18 network traffic BoT IoT dataset. The experimental outcomes of our study evaluating the execution
19 of ten separate machine learning models for detecting malware are discussed. These models include
20 two single classifiers regarding KNN and SVM, eight ensemble classifiers such as Random Forest,
21 Extra Trees, AdaBoost, and LGBM, and four architectures of deep learning algorithms such as
22 LSTM, GRU, and RNN. Additionally, we compared the effectiveness of these models with and with-
23 out the SMOTE algorithm for managing imbalanced data. CatBoost and XGBoost classifiers attained
24 accuracy rates of 98.19% and 98.50%. Experiment efforts can help experts identify various IoT net-
25 work intrusions using SMOTE or an alternative algorithm based on machine and deep learning
26 algorithms.

27 Keywords: Cybersecurity; DoS, DDoS; IoT; Machine Learning; Deep learning; Bot-IoT Dataset.

Citation: To be added by editorial

staff during production.

Academic Editor: Firstname Last- 30 1. Introduction

31 The Internet of Things (IoT) is the linking of materially moving items implanted with
Received: date 32 an intelligent machine, sensing, and other equipment and connected to the internet [1].
Revised: date 33 IoT interconnects systems, apps, data storage, and services, which may provide as a new
Accepted: date 34 entry point for cyberattacks as they continually provide services inside an enterprise [2].
Published: date 35 Furthermore, to maintain the security of IoT systems, continual surveillance and evalua-
36 tion are required. Predicting kinds of attacks is essential for the defense analysis and track-
37 ing of IoT devices [3]. This allows for the adaptation of unanticipated circumstances, the
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors. taking of safety measures, the protection of data, the provision of stability, and the mini-
Submitted for possible open access mization of various risks. Current attack prediction technologies are unable to keep up
publication under the terms and with the massive number and variety of attacks; therefore, this remains a challenge for
conditions of the Creative Commons
41 continuous study. Due to their good performance in a range of prediction-based fields,
Attribution (CC BY) license
42 researchers have recently focused on ML methodologies, especially deep learning tech-
43 niques [4].

Sensors 2023, 23, x. https://doi.org/10.3390/xxxxx www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors

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44 In the context of the IoT, the utilize of AI algorithms such as ML and DL algorithms
45 may offer an efficient method for making use of data to forecast and identify potential
46 cybersecurity threats [5]. The deep learning approach is growing in popularity as a strat-
47 egy for identifying cyberattacks more rapidly than previous methods, which enables more
48 efficient mitigation. Deep learning is a subcategory of Ai that concentrate on the pro-
49 cessing of computing machine applications that can recognize complex, nonlinear pat-
50 terns and then utilize those patterns to create predictions [6]. In the world of cybersecurity,
51 deep learning models are becoming an increasingly popular tool, and they are quickly
52 becoming an essential component of effective defense strategies against harmful assaults
53 [7], [8]. This technology can detect, react to, and prevent a broad variety of assaults that
54 are launched against linked items, such as the IoT [9]. Since IoT devices become more
55 networked, the likelihood of hacks increases. Deep learning may be applied to aid in the
56 detection of harmful assaults on connected devices, the mitigation of these risks, and the
57 proactive prevention of future attacks.
58 The main contribution of this work:
59  Propose an Ai model based DL and different machine and ensemble learning classi-
60 fiers to detect cyber attacks on IoT with SMOTE implementation to yield significant
61 results.
62  Improve the accuracy and confidence of cybersecurity attack detection in IoT envi-
63 ronments better than current works.
64  Produces more accurate and reliable predictions, leading to improved IoT security
65 by preventing unauthorized access, data breaches, and service interruptions.
66 Enhance the generalization capabilities of the developed models by addressing the
67 class imbalance issues commonly observed in IoT cybersecurity datasets through the ap-
68 plication of SMOTE.
69 Bring an understanding of the optimal application of DL and ensemble learning mod-
70 els as cybersecurity attack prediction classifiers. This effort will bring to the knowledge in
71 the fields of cybersecurity and IoT security by investigating the performance and efficacy
72 of various ensemble learning techniques in conjunction with deep learning models. These
73 insights can assist practitioners and researchers in developing more robust and efficient
74 security solutions for Internet of Things (IoT) systems, thereby increasing their resilience
75 against emergent cyberthreats. This study has the possibility to advance the current efforts
76 in cybersecurity attack prediction on the Internet of Things.
77 The aim contribution of this research is to enhance the effectiveness, reliability, and
78 generalizability of cybersecurity attack detection models by leveraging the strength of
79 deep learning and ensemble learning and mitigating class imbalance challenges with
80 SMOTE. This research has the potential to considerably enhance the safeguarding posture
81 of IoTs, protect critical data and services from malicious attacks, and facilitate the devel-
82 opment of more resilient and secure IoT infrastructures.

84 2. Literature Review
85 This study proposed a ML methods for malware detection on IoT networks that do
86 not need feature engineering [10]. Their suggested methodology significantly speeds up
87 the IoT edge with minimal power consumption. FEL-ML provided resource-sensitive in-
88 ternet traffic protection with the extra advantage of avoiding unnecessary subject material
89 experts' substantial effort in feature engineering.
90 Because of the unreliability inherent in IoT systems, such as the dynamic communi-
91 cation that might occur between different IoT devices, these systems have several security
92 flaws. Following that, this work suggested merging three DL algorithms, such RNN,
93 LSTM-RNN, and CNN, to construct a bidirectional CNN-BiLSTM DDoS detection model
94 [11]. These methods are RNN, LSTM-RNN, and CNN. The RNN, CNN, LSTM and CNN-
95 BiLSTM models are put through their paces to establish which one is the best effective
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 22

96 model for defending against DDoS assaults and being able to effectively identify and dif-
97 ferentiate DDoS traffic from normal traffic. The CICIDS2017 is used to give detection that
98 is more realistic. A rate of accuracy of 99.00% was acquired from the performance of the
99 models, except for the CNN model, which obtains a rate of 98.82% accuracy. The accuracy
100 of the CNN-BiLSTM was measured at 99.76%, while its precision was measured at 98.90%.
101 In this study [12] , a DL model was implemented to forecast the most prevalent cyberse-
102 curity assaults. The assessment metrics of the suggested SET-based model were evaluated,
103 and the suggested model attained an efficacy of 0.99% with a test duration of time 2.29
104 ms. In this study [13], the authors presented an exploratory study of federated DL using
105 several DL techniques. They examined the efficacy of three IoT traffic databases for en-
106 suring the privacy of IoT systems data and enhancing the accuracy of DL-based attack
107 detection. In this work [14], the authors suggested FDL for the detection of zero-day at-
108 tacks to prevent data privacy leaks in IoT edge devices. Utilizing an ideal DNN architec-
109 ture, this approach classifies network traffic. A parametric server coordinates remotely
110 the separate training of DNN models in many IoT edge devices, while the Federated Av-
111 eraging (FedAvg) method aggregates local model updates. After a series of communica-
112 tion cycles between the parametric server and the IoT edge devices, a global DNN model
113 was generated. In this study [15], the authors suggested employing the encoding phase of
114 LSTM Autoencoder to decrease the feature dimensionality of large-scale IoT network traf-
115 fic data (LAE). According to the findings, 91.89% less memory was required to store large-
116 scale network traffic data due to LAE. To reduce the potential threats posed by IoT de-
117 vices, it is now very necessary to have DDoS quickly identified. A Local-Global best Bat
118 Algorithm for Neural Networks (LGBA-NN) was presented in this research [16] to choose
119 both selected features and hyperparameters for the purpose of effective detection of bot-
120 net assaults, which were inferred from 9 commercial IoT systems. The updated bat veloc-
121 ity in the swarm was calculated using the local-global best-based inertia weight, which
122 was accepted by the Bat Algorithm (BA) that was developed. In order to address the issue
123 of BA swarm diversity, they suggested employing a Gaussian distribution for population
124 initialization. In addition, the local searching strategy was executed by the Gaussian den-
125 sity function and the local-global best function to improve exploration in each iteration.
126 This action was taken to achieve the greatest outcomes. The neural network hyperparam-
127 eters and weights were then optimized using an enhanced Bayesian analysis to classify 10
128 distinct botnet attacks and one benign target class. An N-BaIoT data set consisting of sub-
129 stantial actual traffic data was used to evaluate the proposed LGBA-NN method. This
130 data set included both benign and malicious target classes. The effectiveness of LGBA-
131 NN was evaluated in comparison to that of several recently developed advanced meth-
132 ods, including weight optimization by means of particle swarm optimization (PSO-NN)
133 and BA-NN. The findings of the experiments showed that LGBA-NN is better than BA-
134 NN and PSO-NN in the identification of multi-class botnet attacks, LGBA-NN achieved
135 an accuracy of 90%. This article [17] presents a unique hybrid deep random NN
136 (HDRaNN) for the detecting of cyberattacks in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The
137 Deep Dropout Regularized Random Neural Network (HDRaNN) was a hybrid model
138 that combines a deep random neural network with a multilayer perceptron. The approach
139 that has been suggested was assessed using two datasets that are linked to IIoT security.
140 Different performance measures were used to conduct the performance analysis for the
141 suggested plan. The HDRaNN was able to classify a total of sixteen distinct categories of
142 cyberattacks with an accuracy of 0.98 to 0.99. In this study [18], the authors proposed the
143 RPL loophole attack, which targets the commonly used IPv6 routing protocol in IoT-based
144 systems. A security technique based on ML was described. The evaluation of the gathered
145 data revealed that the machine learning-based algorithms identify the loophole attack cor-
146 rectly.
147 To overcome the difficulties associated with protecting IoT networks, which are am-
148 plified by the volume and variety of deployment, the rapidly changing environment of
149 cyber threats. The authors of [19] developed a technique that makes use of powerful deep
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 22

150 learning to identify cyber assaults that are directed against IoT equipment. Their method
151 involves incorporating LSTM algorithm into an existing solution. After then, a decision
152 tree is used to bring together these individual modules, so that an aggregated result can
153 be produced. They achieved an accuracy rate of over 99% when it comes to the identifica-
154 tion of cyber threats against IoT devices by evaluating the efficacy of their technique using
155 a Modbus dataset. The authors in [20] provided a model based on a variety of ML tech-
156 niques. On the BoT-IoT dataset, the KNN, Naive Bayes, and MLP ANN models were used
157 to build a model. Using an initial number according to efficiency and the ROC AUC result,
158 the optimal algorithm was determined. Incorporating machine learning methods with fea-
159 ture engineering and oversampling methodology (SMOTE). On class-imbalanced and
160 class-balanced datasets, the performance of three algorithms was evaluated. Using ma-
161 chine learning approaches, many cybersecurity threats were anticipated in this article [21].
162 A novel predictive system based on random neural networks (RaNN) is developed. Sev-
163 eral assessment parameters were developed to be tested with the ANN, SVM, and deci-
164 sion tree to determine the accuracy of the RaNN-based predictive model. According to
165 the evaluation results, the proposed RaNN model achieved an efficiency of 99.20% with a
166 learning rate of 0.01 and a time length of 34.51 milliseconds.

167 3. Materials and Methods

168 This work presents an automated network detection model for the Internet of Things.
169 Our proposed model gathers sensor-collected flow data, which is subsequently transmit-
170 ted to feature engineering algorithms techniques. It will utilize feature engineering tech-
171 niques such as feature selection and feature imbalance. Feature selection techniques, such
172 as Recursive Feature Elimination and Principal Component Analysis, can overcome nu-
173 merous data problems, such as lowering overfitting, training time, and enhancing the
174 overall model accuracy. In [20] the authors use the SMOTE approach for balancing the
175 provided data to address a class imbalance to our model. Then, several deep learning
176 models will be executed to determine the performance and time complexity of each
177 unique model.

178 3.1 Bot-IoT Dataset

179 A new development dataset Bot-IoT is used for the stimulation purpose of assault
180 identification in the experiment using the IoT network [22]. The collection includes data
181 from the Internet of Things collected from Cyber Range Lab of UNSW Canberra, as well
182 as ordinary traffic flows and traffic flows caused by botnets because of various types of
183 attacks [23].

184 Table 1 Bot-IoT dataset.

Type Target Count

BENIGN Benign 9543
DDoS TCP Attack 19,547,603
DDoS UDP Attack 18,965,106
DDoS HTTP Attack 19,771
DoS TCP Attack 12,315,997
DoS UDP Attack 20,659,491
DoS HTTP Attack 29,706
Keylogging Keylogging 1469
Data theft Data theft 118
Total - 73,370,443
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 22

186 A realistic testbed was used to create a valuable dataset with comprehensive traffic
187 information. Additional features were added and labelled to improve machine learning
188 model performance. Three subcomponents contributed to the extraction of characteristics:
189 simulated IoT services, networking structure, and investigative analyses. The IoT system
190 can gather real-time meteorological data and utilize it to adjust settings. A smart cooling
191 fridge communicates cooling and temperature details, while a smart device manages
192 lighting. These lights function as motion detectors and turn on automatically when mo-
193 tion is detected. The list also includes an IoT smart door with probabilistic input and an
194 intelligent thermostat that can adjust the temperature autonomously. The Table 1 de-
195 scribes the attack characteristics for the data.
196 Targets in an IoT system help differentiate network traffic into benign or malicious
197 activities, making it easier to distinguish between harmless and dangerous actions. The
198 following are the target categories in the BoT IoT dataset:
199 Benign category: normal, legitimate IoT network activity without malicious intent.
200 DDoS TCP attacks flood a network with TCP requests, rendering it inaccessible to author-
201 ized users.
202 UDP-focused DDoS attacks flood networks with packets, causing disruptions and
203 service outages.
204 DDoS HTTP attacks flood web servers with HTTP requests, causing degraded per-
205 formance or service disruption.
206 TCP DoS attacks exploit TCP stack vulnerabilities to exhaust device/network re-
207 sources and render them unresponsive/unavailable.
208 UDP DoS attacks flood the target with many packets, leading to resource exhaustion
209 and service disruptions.
210 HTTP-based DoS attacks overload web servers with excessive requests, causing de-
211 graded performance or unavailability.
212 Keylogging is the covert monitoring and recording of keystrokes on a compromised
213 device, used for malicious purposes to steal sensitive information.
214 Capture of data refers to the unauthorized capture and exfiltration of information
215 from compromised IoT networks/devices.

216 3.2 The proposed Model

217 3.2.1 Data Pre-processing
218 Pre-processing of data is an essential component of model development. We applied
219 the following pre-processing techniques to enhance the proposed model during this pro-
220 cedure. In the pre-processing phase, data cleansing comprises data filtration, conversion
221 of data, and checking the missing data. In the data filtration phase, null and duplicate
222 values are obtained and eliminated. In data transformation procedure, the data is con-
223 verted into the appropriate format, such as from a category to a numerical. Various Py-
224 thon utilities help prepare data for analysis by cleaning it.

226 3.2.2 Feature Engineering Techniques

227 1. Correlation Coefficient
228 The correlation coefficient measures the relationship between the two factors in a
229 given dataset. In the BoT IoT dataset, analyzing the correlation coefficient can provide
230 valuable insights into the interdependencies and associations between different variables.
231 Thereby enhancing comprehension of the dataset and its potential patterns as seen in Fig-
232 ure 1.
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 22

234 Figure 1. A correlation coefficient between features of the BoT IoT dataset.

236 The BoT IoT dataset contains information about IoT devices that have been infiltrated
237 by botnets, which are networks of infected devices controlled by malicious actors. This
238 dataset contains a variety of attributes and characteristics describing the behavior and
239 characteristics of compromised IoT devices. Ensuring the dataset is formatted properly
240 and that any missing values or outliers are handled appropriately. The data must be pre-
241 processed to ensure accurate and reliable results.
242 Specifying the BoT IoT dataset variables for which the correlation coefficient is to be
243 computed. These variables may include device type, communication protocols, network
244 traffic patterns, and any other pertinent factors that may be present in the dataset. Obtain
245 the correlation coefficient using an appropriate statistical method once the variables have
246 been selected. Identify both the magnitude and the direction of the connection between
247 the variables by analyzing the computed correlation coefficient. A high level of correlation
248 shows that as one factor rises, the other is usually increasing as well. While a single factor
249 rises, the other factor tends to go down, as indicated by a negative correlation. A correla-
250 tion coefficient near 0 indicates a non-existent relationship between the variables. The cor-
251 relation coefficient quantifies the relationship between two variables within a dataset. In
252 the BoT IoT dataset, analyzing the correlation coefficient can provide valuable insights
253 into the interdependencies between different variables, thereby enhancing performance
254 of the dataset and its potential patterns. The BoT IoT dataset contains information about
255 IoT devices that have been compromised by botnets, which are networks of infected de-
256 vices controlled by malicious actors. This dataset contains a variety of attributes and char-
257 acteristics that describe the behavior and characteristics of compromised IoT devices.

259 2. Feature Importance using Random Forest

261 Feature importance analysis utilizing random forest is an effective method for deter-
262 mining the significance of various features of the BoT IoT dataset. This analysis reveals
263 which characteristics have the greatest impact on the dependent variable. Thereby facili-
264 tating the identification of critical factors that contribute to the behavior of attack label
265 that compromised IoT devices as shown in Figure 2.
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 22

267 Figure 2. A Feature importance analysis using random forest.

268 When applying feature importance to the BoT IoT dataset using random forest. It
269 divided the BoT IoT dataset into subsets for training and testing. The training subset will
270 be used to construct the random forest model, while the testing subset will assess the
271 model's performance and generalizability. The random forest is capable of handling high-
272 dimensional datasets and provides an intrinsic measure of feature significance. Using the
273 random forest model, it calculates the feature importance. This can be accomplished by
274 investigating the mean decrease impurity or Gini importance, which measures the degree
275 to which each feature reduces the impurity or variability in the target variable across the
276 random forest's decision trees. Alternately, feature importance can be evaluated using
277 permutation importance or mean decrease accuracy. The calculated feature importance
278 scores for Visualized, using techniques such as bar charts and heat maps. This facilitates
279 the interpretation of the results and provides a clear comprehension of which Botnet IoT
280 dataset features are most influential. It is essential to note that interpretation must be
281 based on domain-specific knowledge and the characteristics of the dataset. Using feature
282 importance analysis with random forest on the BoT IoT dataset permits the identification
283 of important characteristics that influence the behavior of harmed IoT devices. Based on
284 feature importance analysis using random forest, the attributes 'pkSeqID', 'proto', 'saddr',
285 'sport', 'daddr', 'dport', and 'category' were dropped which has low significant features in
286 the BoT IoT dataset. By considering the feature importance analysis using random forest,
287 including these attributes in machine learning models decrease the accuracy and effec-
288 tiveness of predictive models, feature selection techniques, and exploratory analyses ap-
289 plied to the Botnet IoT dataset.

291 3. SMOTE Approach

292 An enhanced approach for handling unbalanced data as shown in Figure 3, the
293 SMOTE algorithm was first presented in [24]. The SMOTE algorithm generates new sam-
294 ples by performing random linear interpolation between a select number of samples and
295 the samples that are located nearby [25].

297 Figure 3. The attack class distributions.
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 22

298 To enhance the classification impact of the unbalanced dataset and hence raise the
299 data imbalance ratio, a given number of false minority samples are generated as shown in
300 Figure 4. This causes the data imbalance ratio to grow to be balanced data.

302 Figure 4. Attack class distributions after oversampling the BoT IoT dataset using Smote algorithm.

303 3.3 Ensemble Learning

304  Extra Trees classifier
305 The Extra Trees algorithm is a variant of the Random Forest algorithm. The algorithm
306 exhibits resemblances to Random Forests, though including extra randomness in the con-
307 struction of decision trees [26]. The Extra Trees classifier employs an ensemble learning
308 technique by aggregating multiple base classifiers to generate predictions, thereby har-
309 nessing the collective intelligence of the group [27]. It is an ensemble method that aggre-
310 gates the outputs of numerous trees that have been trained independently. This technique
311 can be used for classification tasks, where the final prediction is determined by majority
312 voting. In our specific context, the Extra Trees classifier ensemble is utilized for detecting
313 various types of attacks. The Extra Trees classifier can mitigate overfitting and improving
314 the accuracy of generalization by means of aggregating its results [28].
316  Histogram-based Gradient Boosting classifier
318 It involves the utilization of gradient boosting, which includes the continually evolv-
319 ing training of an ensemble of weak learners [29]. Weak learners commonly used decision
320 trees to rectify the inaccuracies of preceding models [30]. It used the methodology that
321 employs histograms to enhance both computational efficiency and predictive accuracy.
322 Histograms are generated to provide statistical information regarding the distribu-
323 tion of data within each bin [31]. This includes metrics such as the count of samples and
324 the aggregate of gradients or gradients squared. The utilization of these statistics facili-
325 tates proficient and calculations throughout the training procedure, resulting in enhanced
326 scalability and performance. The approach involves the sequential application of weak
327 learners to the negative gradients of the loss function, leading to a gradual reduction in
328 residual errors. The learning rate parameter regulates the weight assigned to each indi-
329 vidual weak learner, thereby achieving a delicate balance between the complexities of the
330 model and the ratio of convergence [32].
332  Adaptive Boosting classifier
334 Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) combines weak learners iteratively to produce a ro-
335 bust classifier [33]. The weak learners are usually decision trees, and their predictions have
336 weights according to their training outcomes. It provides several noteworthy advantages
337 that contribute to its popularity and efficacy in the field of machine learning. AdaBoost
338 has an exceptional ability to enhance classification accuracy compared to a single weak
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 22

339 learner. AdaBoost focuses on challenging samples by iteratively training weak learners on
340 various subgroups of the data and allocating higher weights to misclassified instances,
341 thereby reducing bias, and increasing overall accuracy [34]. AdaBoost is a flexible algo-
342 rithm applicable to a variety of classification problems, including binary classification and
343 multi-class classification. It can manage both discrete and continuous characteristics, mak-
344 ing it applicable to a wide variety of datasets [35]. AdaBoost assigns feature weights ac-
345 cording to their classification usefulness. During training, AdaBoost modifies its weights
346 to give misclassified instances and outliers less weight. This robustness allows AdaBoost
347 to effectively handle noisy data and outliers that would otherwise adversely affect other
348 classifiers.
350  LGBM classifier
352 The Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM) classifier is a powerful ML algo-
353 rithm that falls under the category of gradient boosting frameworks [36]. It is specifically
354 designed to deliver high performance, efficiency, and accuracy in solving classification
355 tasks. The LGBM classifier is based on the gradient boosting framework, which involves
356 iteratively training an ensemble of weak learners, typically decision trees, to sequentially
357 correct the errors made by the previous models. LightGBM has several unique optimiza-
358 tions to enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the boosting process. It utilizes
359 a histogram-based approach for binning the continuous features, which significantly re-
360 duces the memory footprint and speeds up the training process [37]. It constructs histo-
361 grams for each feature and uses these histograms to find the best splits for building deci-
362 sion trees efficiently.
364  CatBoosting classifier
366 CatBoost is a robust machine learning technique specifically intended for classifica-
367 tion tasks [38]. It comes to the category of gradient boosting structures and provides sev-
368 eral unique characteristics that make a difference to its efficiency and efficacy. It employs
369 a unique technique that combines gradient-based pre-sorting, ordered boosting, and sym-
370 metric decision trees. CatBoost can manage categorical characteristics with a variety of
371 cardinalities, such as variables with a high cardinality. CatBoost guarantees stability by at
372 random combining the order of each category throughout training, preventing the model
373 from depending exclusively on the order of the categories [39]. In addition, CatBoost in-
374 cludes a symmetric building of trees technique that takes the statistical characteristics of
375 the dataset into consideration.

376 3.4 Evaluation Metrics

377 Once a model has been trained, its performance must be evaluated. In this study, we
378 evaluate the effectiveness of suggested DL models using five widely accepted evaluation
379 metrics: precision, recall, computation time, accuracy, and F1-score.
380 The evaluation metrics will be computed using equations 1–4, which demonstrate
381 related formulations for each of these measures based on TPR, TNR, FPR, and FPR results.
382 True Positive Rate (TPR): Ratio of observed positives to expected positives.
383 False Positive Rate (FPR): The ratio of values that are truly negative but are expected
384 to be positive.
385 False Negative Rate (FNR): Ratio values that are in fact positive but are projected to
386 be negative.
387 True Negative Rate (TNR): Ratio values that are negative and anticipated to become
388 negative.
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 22

389  Precision is the capacity of a system to accurately detect the existence of an attack or
390 security breach. It illustrates the relationship between precisely predicted attacks and
391 actual consequences.

Precision = TPR / (TPR+FPR) (1)


394  Recall refers to the system's ability to correctly recognize a botnet attack when it oc-
395 curs on a network.
Recall = TPR / (TPR+FPR) (2)


397  The system's ability to effectively classify attack and non-attack packets is character-
398 ized as its accuracy. It represents the percentage of accurate predictions relative to
399 the total number of samples.
Accuracy = (TNR+TPR) / (TPR+FNR+FPR+TNR) (3)


401  The F1-score represents the average of recall and precision. It provides the percentage
402 of normal and attacking flow samples accurately anticipated in the testing sample.
F1-Score = 2 × (Recall × Precision) / (Recall + Precision) (4)

404  Time complexity indicates how quickly or slowly an algorithm performs in the same
405 relation to the amount of data.

407 4. Results

408 4.1Experimental Settings

409 To perform out our experiments, we used of the Python programming language as
410 well as several AI and deep learning frameworks and packages that are benchmarks.
411 These included the TensorFlow and keras libraries, which were run on the Google CoLab
412 GPU environment. Following up on what was covered previously, the first thing that we
413 did was apply data pre-processing and feature engineering methods to the BOT-IoT da-
414 taset. After that, we trained deep learning models using the train, and test set, we finally
415 evaluated all the learned models.
416 To execute out the experiment, the database was initially partitioned into three parts:
417 70% for the training, 20% for the validation development, and 10% for the testing.
418 The performance measurements, such as precision, recall, accuracy, and F1-score, are
419 reported by weighted average outcomes and other metrics such as model size, and com-
420 putation time.

421 4.2Experimental Results

422 In this section, we overview the experimental outcomes of our study, which evalu-
423 ated the performance of ten separate ML models for detecting malware. These models
424 consist of two single classifiers, ensemble classifiers, and four architectures for deep learn-
425 ing. As shown in Tables 2, and 3 we also compare the efficacy of these models with and
426 without the SMOTE algorithm for managing imbalanced data.
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427 4.2.1 Experiments without using the SMOTE algorithm.

428 The performance results for the deep learning models on the BoT IoT dataset, pre-
429 sented in Table 2, reveal varying levels of performance in terms of accuracy, precision,
430 recall, and F1-score. It is important to note that these results were obtained without utiliz-
431 ing the SMOTE algorithm.
432 From the results, it is observed that Random Forest, Extra Trees, and KNN achieved
433 competitive performance in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. These mod-
434 els were able to effectively classify instances in the dataset without the need for over-
435 sampling techniques. Notably, Random Forest achieved the highest accuracy of 95.183%,
436 closely followed by Extra Trees with an accuracy of 96.741%. These models also exhibited
437 high precision and F1-score, indicating their ability to correctly classify positive instances
438 and achieve a balance between precision and recall.
439 The Table 2 presents the performance results of various machine learning models
440 without using the SMOTE oversampling technique on the BoT-IoT dataset for detecting
441 IoT network attacks.

442 Table 2. Performance Results for Detecting IoT Network Attacks without using SMOTE Algorithm.

Metric Accuracy Precision Recall F1-score CPU time Model

Random 0.9518 0.9538 0.9284 0.9403 21.6 s 23.6
Extra Trees 0.9674 0.9652 0.9517 0.9582 47.6 s 598.7
KNN 0.9083 0.9036 0.8869 0.8947 3.29 s 13.6
SVM 0.6121 0.6280 0.3598 0.3695 21min 50s 12.2
HistGBoost 0.9560 0.7488 0.7332 0.7321 13.4 s 1.2
AdaBoost 0.1211 0.4552 0.3482 0.0826 1min 19s 0.31
LGBM 0.9323 0.4665 0.4739 0.4690 36.1 s 1.8
CatBoost 0.9819 0.9686 0.9608 0.9646 2min 55s 3.5
XGBoost 0.9852 0.9806 0.9654 0.9727 2min 43s 1.1
MLP 0.7539 0.3031 0.2942 0.2850 31.5 s 0.005
ANN 0.8308 0.3308 0.4789 0.3701 13min 48s 0.027
LSTM 0.7701 0.4887 0.3476 0.3682 10min 10s 7.7
GRU 0.8536 0.6058 0.4517 0.4902 11min 1s 7.7
RNN 0.8682 0.9189 0.7631 0.8013 10min 50s 1.6
Bagging 0.9398 0.9324 0.9160 0.9238 2min 54s 240.5
444 On the other hand, models such as SVM and AdaBoost showed lower performance
445 compared to the ensemble models. SVM exhibited relatively lower accuracy and F1-score,
446 indicating challenges in effectively handling the imbalanced nature of the dataset. Ada-
447 Boost, while having a low accuracy of 12.11%, achieved higher precision compared to
448 other metrics, suggesting a bias towards correctly classifying positive instances.
449 The model’s size varied across the different models, with Extra Trees having the larg-
450 est model size of 598.7 MB, followed by SVM with 12.2 MB. Meanwhile, models such as
451 AdaBoost and HistGBoost had considerably smaller model sizes. Overall, the results in-
452 dicate that certain models, particularly Random Forest and Extra Trees, performed well
453 without the need for SMOTE oversampling. These models were able to effectively capture
454 the underlying patterns in the dataset and achieve satisfactory classification performance.
455 However, further investigation and experimentation may be required to understand the
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 22

456 impact of the dataset characteristics and the specific requirements of the problem domain
457 on the model performance.
458 All models were evaluated based on their accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score as
459 shown in Figure 5.

461 Figure 5. The proposed ML models evaluation results on the BoT IoT dataset without using the
462 SMOTE algorithm.

463 The performance results for the DL models on the BoT IoT dataset, presented in Fig-
464 ure 6, show varying levels of performance in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-
465 score. It is important to note that it obtained these results without utilizing the SMOTE
466 algorithm.

469 Figure 6. The proposed deep learning models evaluation results without using the SMOTE algo-
470 rithm.

471 Among the deep learning models, MLP demonstrated the lowest performance across
472 all metrics. It achieved an accuracy of 0.75, indicating that it correctly classified approxi-
473 mately 75% of the instances. The precision, recall, and F1-score were also relatively low,
474 at 0.3, 0.29, and 0.29, respectively. These metrics indicate that the MLP model struggled to
475 accurately detect IoT network attacks, with a significant number of false positives and
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 22

476 false negatives. Furthermore, the relatively small model size of 0.005 MB suggests that
477 MLP is a lightweight model.
478 The ANN model performed relatively better than MLP, with an accuracy of 0.831. It
479 exhibited improved precision of 0.33 and recall of 0.48, suggesting a better balance be-
480 tween true positives and false negatives. However, the F1-score of 0.37 indicates that the
481 model's ability to achieve a balance between precision and recall is still limited. Despite
482 the longer CPU time of 13 minutes and 48 seconds, the ANN model maintained a small
483 model size of 0.027 MB.
484 Moving on to the LSTM and GRU models, they achieved comparable performance
485 levels. The LSTM model achieved an accuracy of 0.77, while the GRU model achieved a
486 higher accuracy of 0.85. Both models showed improvements in precision compared to
487 MLP and ANN, with values of 0.49 and 0.61, respectively. However, the recall values for
488 both models, at 0.35 for LSTM and 0.45 for GRU, were relatively lower. The F1 score for
489 LSTM and GRU were 0.37 and 0.49, respectively, showing a moderate balance between
490 precision and recall. Both LSTM and GRU models had longer CPU times compared to the
491 MLP and ANN models, with durations of 10 minutes and 10 seconds for LSTM and 11
492 minutes and 1 second for GRU. Both models had a larger model size of 7.7 MB. Finally,
493 the RNN model exhibited the highest accuracy among all the deep learning models, with
494 a value of 0.86819. It achieved a significantly higher precision of 0.92, showing a strong
495 ability to correctly classify positive instances. The recall value of 0.76 and the F1-score of
496 0.80 further support the model's effectiveness in getting true positives and achieving a
497 good balance between precision and recall. However, the RNN model had a longer CPU
498 time of 10 minutes and 50 seconds, and a larger model size of 1.6 MB compared to MLP
499 and ANN.
500 4.2.2 Experiments using the SMOTE algorithm.
501 The performance results for detecting IoT network intrusions using the SMOTE al-
502 gorithm on the BoT-IoT dataset are presented in Table 3. The table provides a thorough
503 review of several machine learning models based on their precision, recall, F1-score, CPU
504 time, and model size. These metrics are essential for evaluating the effectiveness and effi-
505 cacy of models for detecting attacks on IoT networks as shown in figure 7.
506 CatBoost, the first model listed in the table, obtained an accuracy of 97.661%. It ex-
507 hibited high precision 0.91243, indicating a low rate of false positives, and high recall
508 0.9815, indicating a low rate of false negatives. The F1-score of 0.94369 demonstrates the
509 balance between accuracy and recall. The model required 7 minutes and 43 seconds of
510 CPU time to train and was 3.48 MB in size.

511 Table 3. Performance results for detecting IoT network attacks with using SMOTE algorithm from
512 BoT-IoT dataset.

Metric Accuracy Precision Recall F1-score CPU time Model

CatBoost 0.97661 0.91249 0.9815 0.94369 7min 43s 3.48
XGBoost 0.97986 0.94868 0.98084 0.96383 7min 53s 1.22
MLP 0.53336 0.31119 0.63571 0.32423 4min 47s 0.02
ANN 0.76594 0.61794 0.89682 0.63602 31min 41s 0.03
LSTM 0.83418 0.75511 0.92699 0.76773 30min 6s 7.69
GRU 0.87806 0.78463 0.93476 0.83175 29min 50s 7.69
RNN 0.87147 0.77572 0.94066 0.8257 27min 3s 1.62
Bagging 0.94099 0.91357 0.93127 0.92205 9min 31s 350.73
Random 0.9425 0.90961 0.9635 0.9304 1min 7s 29.60
Extra Trees 0.90922 0.88756 0.8952 0.8906 3.43 s 35.19
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 22

KNN 0.90922 0.88756 0.8952 0.8906 3.43 s 35.19

SVM 0.59398 0.4853 0.63258 0.48259 1h18min 19s 25.34
HistGboost 0.97437 0.97758 0.97437 0.97511 47.6 s 1.90
AdaBoost 0.43068 0.32098 0.34041 0.25093 3min 55s 0.31
LGBM 0.98242 0.96029 0.98055 0.96986 4min 5s 11.05

514 Figure 7. The proposed machine learning models evaluation results using the SMOTE algorithm.

515 The accuracy of the second model, XGBoost, was slightly greater at 97.986%. It
516 demonstrated a greater precision of 0.94866 and a comparable recall of 0.98084. The F1-
517 score of 0.96383 indicates marginally better overall performance than CatBoost. The
518 XGBoost training duration was 7 minutes and 53 seconds, and the size of the model was
519 1.22 MB.
520 In contrast, the performance of the MLP model was substantially inferior across all
521 metrics. It attained a precision of 0.5336, indicating a substantial number of misclassifica-
522 tions. Precision of 0.31 and recall of 0.64 reflect the model's inability to identify positive
523 instances accurately. The F1-score of 0.32, therefore, indicates a poor overall performance.
524 However, the MLP model's training duration was only 4 minutes and 47 seconds, and its
525 model size was only 0.02 MB.
526 The ANN model performed better than the MLP model, but it still lagged behind
527 CatBoost and XGBoost. Accuracy was 0.76594, precision was 0.62, and recall was 0.897.
528 The F1-score of 0.64 indicates a satisfactory equilibrium between precision and recall.
529 However, the training period for the ANN model was significantly longer at 31 minutes
530 and 41 seconds, and the model size was slightly larger at 0.03 MB.
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 22

533 Figure 8. The proposed deep learning models evaluation results using the SMOTE algorithm.

534 The performance of the LSTM, GRU, and RNN models as shown in Figure 8, was
535 superior to that of the MLP and ANN models. The LSTM model obtained an accuracy of
536 0.83418, along with precision, recall, and F1-scores of 0.755, 0.927, and 0.77, respectively.
537 The GRU and RNN models exhibited comparable performance, with accuracies of 0.878
538 and 0.87, respectively. However, all three models required highly training periods of ap-
539 proximately 30 minutes, and their model sizes are relatively larger at 7.69 MB.
540 Moving on to ensemble methods, the Bagging model obtained an accuracy of 0.94000
541 with a high level of precision 0.91357 and recall 0.93127. The F1-score of 0.92205 indicates
542 a balanced combination of precision and recall. The model required 9 minutes and 31 sec-
543 onds of training time and had a larger model dimension of 350.73 MB. Similarly, the Ran-
544 dom Forest model had an accuracy of 0.94, precision of 0.91, recall of 0.9635, and F1-score
545 of 0.93. It had a training duration of 1 minute and seven seconds and a model size of 29.60
546 MB, which was shorter and smaller, respectively.
547 Both the Extra Trees and KNN models achieved an accuracy of 0.90922, with preci-
548 sion, recall, and F1-scores of 0.89, 0.895, and 0.8906, respectively. These models had much
549 reduced training times of 3.43 seconds and larger model sizes of 35.19 MB.
550 In contrast, the SVM model performed significantly worse across all metrics. It ob-
551 tained a precision of 0.59, indicating a substantial number of misclassifications. Precision
552 of 0.49 and recall of 0.63 indicate the model's inability to accurately identify positive in-
553 stances. Overall, the F1-score of 0.48259 indicates poor performance. The training duration
554 for the SVM model was 1 hour, 18 minutes, and 19 seconds, and the size of the model was
555 25.34 MB.
556 The HISTGBOOST, AdaBoost, and LGBM models finally demonstrated enhanced
557 performance. The accuracy of the HISTGBOOST model was 0.97437, and its precision,
558 recall, and F1-scores were 0.97758, 0.97437, and 0.97511, respectively. It had a training time
559 of 47.6 seconds and a model size of 1.90 MB, which are both relatively brief. With an ac-
560 curacy of 0.43068, lower precision, recall, and F1-scores ranging from 0.32098 to 0.34041,
561 and an F1-score of 0.25093, the AdaBoost model demonstrated lower performance. It re-
562 quired 3 minutes and 55 seconds of training time and was 0.31 MB in size. The LGBM
563 model demonstrated the highest accuracy with a value of 0.98242, as well as excellent
564 precision, recall, and F1-scores of 0.96029, 0.98055, and 0.96986, respectively. The LGBM
565 training duration was 4 minutes and 5 seconds, and the size of the model was 11.05 MB.
566 Using the SMOTE algorithm on the BoT-IoT dataset, the CatBoost and XGBoost mod-
567 els demonstrated superior performance in detecting IoT network attacks based on the per-
568 formance metrics presented in Table 3. These models attained high levels of accuracy,
569 precision, recall, and F1-scores, demonstrating their ability to identify both positive and
570 negative instances. In addition, they had shorter training durations and smaller model
571 sizes than other models, making them possible choices for detecting IoT network attacks.

572 5 Discussion
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 22

573 The performance results presented in Tables 2 and 3 provides understanding on the
574 efficacy of various classifiers for detecting IoT network intrusions on the BoT-IoT dataset.
575 A comparison of these tables reveals the effect the SMOTE algorithm has on the perfor-
576 mance metrics.
577 Figure 9 displays the comparison between ensemble learning models’ performance
578 with and without using Smote algorithm. It demonstrates that best results from several
579 classifiers, including, Extra Trees, CatBoost, and XGBoost, attained high accuracies. Ad-
580 ditionally, these classifiers exhibited favorable precision, recall, and F1-scores, indicating
581 their ability to accurately identify IoT network attacks. Notably, CatBoost and XGBoost
582 consistently demonstrated superior performance across a variety of metrics even better
583 than using these classifiers with Smote algorithm.

588 Figure 9. A Comparison between best ensemble learning models results with and without using
589 Smote algorithm.

591 In contrast, the comparison between deep learning models performance with and
592 without using Smote algorithm as shown in Figure 9 Comparing the two tables reveals
593 that the SMOTE algorithm has affected the performance many different classifiers. From
594 Figure 9 CatBoost and XGBoost, which performed exceptionally better as shown in Table
595 2, maintained their high accuracy, and obtained competitive precision, recall, and F1-
596 scores in Table 3. This indicates that these classifiers are robust and that the use of SMOTE
597 has minimal effect on their efficacy.
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 22

601 Figure 10. A Comparison between deep learning models performance with and without using
602 Smote algorithm.

604 On the other hand, the application of SMOTE altered the performance of some clas-
605 sifiers significantly. In Table 3, and Figure 10 MLP, ANN, LSTM, and GRU models exhib-
606 ited lower accuracies, precision, recall, and F1-scores than in Table 2. This suggests that
607 even with SMOTE, these classifiers can’t be as effective when dealing with imbalanced
608 datasets. However, it is important to note that these models still obtained a respectable
609 level of accuracy and other metrics. In addition, classifiers such as Bagging, Random For-
610 est, Extra Trees, KNN, and LGBM showed consistent performance across both tables,
611 demonstrating their robustness in dealing with imbalanced datasets. While the accuracies
612 and F1-scores remained relatively stable, the application of SMOTE improved the preci-
613 sion and recall values for these classifiers marginally.
614 With lower accuracies, precision, recall, and F1-scores, these classifiers struggled to
615 detect IoT network attacks with accuracy. Moreover, SVM had significantly greater CPU
616 times than other classifiers in both scenarios, indicating its computational complexity de-
617 tails as seen in Figure 11.

620 Figure 11. A Comparison between single classifiers models performance with and without using
621 Smote algorithm.
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 22

622 Recently, several studies have employed deep learning algorithms for boosting the
623 efficiency of training models as shown in Table 3. However, these studies do not com-
624 pletely study networks in the IoT domain to identify irregularities quickly and accurately
625 to detect and react to IoT attacks. And overcome the machine and deep learning issues
626 such as acquiring the optimal number of neurons, overfitting, and parameters that accom-
627 plish an ideal model objective.
628 The Table 4 presents a comparative analysis of the latest IoT cybersecurity solutions,
629 showcasing the performance results achieved by different studies in the field. Each row
630 represents a specific research reference, including the year of the study, the dataset used,
631 the methodology employed, the algorithms utilized, and the accuracy results in percent-
632 age.

635 Table 4. A comparative analysis of the latest IoT cybersecurity solutions.

Ref Data used Methodology used Accuracy

Mendonça et al [15] DS2OS, CICIDS2017 Deep learning 98

Popoola et al. [18] BoT-IoT LAE for dimensionality 91.89

reduction and BLSTM
Alharbi et al. [19] N-BaIoT A Local-Global best Bat 90
Algorithm for Neural

Saharkhizan et al. [22] Modbus/TCP net- LSTM and Ensemble 98.99

work traffic learning
Pokhrel et al. [23] BoT-IoT Deep learning 87.4
Proposed BoT-IoT CatBoosting XGBoosting 98.19


637 5. Conclusions
638 The objective of this dissertation is to implement an intelligent system for IoT protec-
639 tion devices using a novel deep learning-based model to manage extremely complex da-
640 tasets. Additional research has led to the development of intrusion detection systems with
641 a centralized architecture, deep learning, and machine learning.
642 To overcome numerous obstacles, such as overfitting, extended training times, and
643 low model accuracy, the proposed models will combine Deep Learning approaches with
644 feature engineering. On class-imbalanced data, the oversampling technique (SMOTE) was
645 applied, whereas the efficacy of fifteen algorithms was evaluated on class-balanced data.
646 CatBoost and XGBoost outperform deep learning models that learn from experience, es-
647 pecially when identifying future cyberattacks against IoT networks. A real-time dataset
648 BoT IoT represents enormous volumes of traffic that are affected by multiple types of at-
649 tacks. CatBoost and XGBoost classifiers attained respective accuracy rates of 98.19% and
650 98.50%. The best classifiers are consistent and dependable across the BoT-IoT dataset,
651 making them viable options for detecting IoT network attacks regardless of the implemen-
652 tation of the SMOTE algorithm.
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 22

654 The future work of this research paper includes comparing distributed deep learning
655 for other data using different ensemble learning algorithms, and neural network architec-
656 tures. Additionally, we plan to study detecting mobile network intrusions with ensemble
657 learning algorithms, feature engineering, and optimization techniques.

659 Author Contributions: For research articles with several authors, a short paragraph specifying their
660 individual contributions must be provided. The following statements should be used “Conceptual-
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663 aration, X.X.; writing—review and editing, X.X.; visualization, X.X.; supervision, X.X.; project ad-
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