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Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

Hannover, 3 November 2022


1 Group overview 2
2 Property & Casualty 6
3 Life & Health 12
4 Investments 15
5 Target Matrix and Outlook 2022 18
Appendix 21

2 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 Group overview | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Group net income target for 2022 remains achievable

Return on equity of 11.5% despite significant loss burden in first nine months 2022
GWP F/x-adj. +13.5% NPE F/x-adj. +14.6% EBIT Group net income
30,000 26,251 24,000 21,586 1400 1,281 1,328 1400

21,620 17,634
856 871
15,000 12,000 700 700

+21.4% +22.4% +3.7% +1.7%

0 0 0 0

Q1-3/2021 Q1-3/2022 Q1-3/2021 Q1-3/2022 Q1-3/2021 Q1-3/2022 Q1-3/2021 Q1-3/2022

11.5% EUR 68.42 232%

Return on Equity Book value per share Solvency II ratio
above target of 8.8% -30.6%; due to lower OCI 30.09.2022

P&C R/I C/R: 99.2% L&H R/I EBIT: 441 m. Investments RoI: 2.9%
• Strong and diversified premium growth +27.6% • Moderate premium growth +6.6% (f/x adjusted +1.1%)​ • AuM at EUR 58.0 bn. (+3.2%), strong operating
(f/x adjusted +18.6%)​ • Strong underlying performance, particularly in cash flow offsets negative effects from asset
• Large losses of EUR 1,484 m. exceeding budget of Financial Solutions and Longevity valuation
EUR 1,079 m. (incl. EUR 276 m. for hurricane “Ian”) • EBIT impacted by • RoI from AuM 2.9%, above target of >2.5%
• Precautionary reserving related to war in Ukraine at
EUR 331 m. (1H/2022: EUR 316 m.) – declining Covid-19 mortality claims of EUR 228 m. • Ordinary investment income +30.1%, supported by
• Negative PYD for large losses partly offset by positive effect of EUR 97 m. from contribution from inflation-linked bonds, rising
• Covid-19: increased frequency of claims in Asia A&H extreme mortality retro cover reinvestment yields and real estate
business, partly offset by reserve releases in Credit – Negative effect from reinsurance derivative
(EUR -144 m.)
Figures in EUR millions, unless otherwise stated

3 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 Group overview | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Strong operating cash flow driven by premium growth

AuM +3.2%, cash flow and stronger USD offset impact of rising interest rates
Operating cash flow in m. EUR Assets under own management (AuM) in m. EUR

3,770 47,629

2,509 429
2,225 39
919 994
515 941
692 736
390 1,686
627 709

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 30.09.2022
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

4 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 Group overview | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Shareholders' equity decreased mainly due to rising interest rates

From an economic view, impact on capitalisation is moderate due to strict ALM
Policyholders' surplus in m. EUR Change in shareholders' equity in m. EUR

13,589 2,977

2,234 11,921 11,885
844 (693)
1,493 2,980
765 8,251
690 1,224

11,885 (5,035)
10,528 10,995
8,777 8,251

2018 2019 2020 2021 30.09.2022 Shareholders' Net Dividend Change in Currency Shareholders'
equity income payment unrealised translation equity
Shareholders' equity Non-controlling interests Hybrid Total 31.12.2021 gains/losses and other 30.09.2022

5 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results


1 Group overview 2
2 Property & Casualty 6
3 Life & Health 12
4 Investments 15
5 Target Matrix and Outlook 2022 18
Appendix 21

6 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 | 2 Property & Casualty | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Continued strong growth in an improving pricing environment

Result impacted by loss activity, partly offset by inflation protection
Property & Casualty R/I in m. EUR Q3/2021 Q3/2022 Q1-3/2021 Q1-3/2022 YTD

Gross written premium 5,003 6,562 15,269 19,484 • GWP f/x-adjusted +18.6%, diversified growth from traditional and Structured
Reinsurance business
Net premium earned 4,229 5,742 12,076 15,562 • NPE f/x-adjusted +20.2%
• Net large losses of EUR 1,484 m. (9.5% of NPE) above budget of EUR 1,079 m.
Net underwriting result for Q1-3/2022
(64) 25 253 121
incl. funds withheld
Combined ratio • Precautionary reserving related to war in Ukraine at EUR 331 m.
101.5% 99.6% 97.9% 99.2% (1H/2022: 316 m.)
incl. interest on funds withheld
• Covid-19: increased frequency of claims in Asia accident & health business,
Net investment income from assets
387 340 957 993 partly offset by reserve releases in Credit, net negative impact of ~EUR 150 m.
under own management
• Negative PYD for large losses (e.g. Brazil drought (EUR 130 m.), Texas Freeze
Other income and expenses (40) (64) (148) (227)
and Malaysia Floods)
• Increase in net investment income principally due to strong ordinary investment
Operating profit/loss (EBIT) 283 301 1,061 887 income, supported by inflation linkers (EUR 301 m.)
• Other income and expenses mainly driven by negative currency effects
Tax ratio 43.7% 37.3% 26.1% 29.0%

Group net income 147 146 739 545

7 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 | 2 Property & Casualty | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Major losses already above full-year budget 2022

EUR 321 m. remains budgeted for large losses in Q4

Natural and man-made catastrophe losses1) in m. EUR



1,722 1,595 1,667
1,497 1,484
846 850
662 724 578 559 714 573
478 627

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Q1-3/2022
Gross Net Large loss budget (net) Large loss budget YTD (net)

Natural and man-made catastrophe losses in % of Property & Casualty premium

9% 7% 9% 8% 7% 6% 8% 7% 9% 8% 17% 12% 14% 8% 10% 7% 13% 11% 14% 8% 9% 10%

Large loss budget (net) in m. EUR

560 625 670 690 825 825 825 875 975 1,100 1,400

1) Natural catastrophes and other major losses in excess of EUR 10 m. gross

8 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 | 2 Property & Casualty | 3 | 4 | 5 |

NatCat losses above YTD budget, driven by increased loss activity in Q3

Hurricane “Ian” net loss reflects our modest market share in Florida

Catastrophe losses 1) in m. EUR Date Gross Net

Storm "Ylenia/Zeynep", Europe 16 - 19 Feb 130.4 114.8
Rain and flood, Australia 21 Feb - 3 Mar 272.5 210.6
Earthquake, Japan 16 Mar 14.0 14.0
Floods, South Africa 8 - 15 Apr 85.5 85.4
Storm / hail, USA 10 - 15 Apr 22.3 10.3
Storm / hail , USA 9 - 12 May 75.4 49.3
Storm, Canada 21 May 15.7 8.7
Tornadoes / hail, USA 27 - 31 May 12.8 9.4
Storm / hail, France 2 - 6 Jun 44.7 33.2
Storm / hail, USA 4 - 7 Jun 14.4 4.5
Storm "Qiara", France 19 - 23 Jun 111.1 84.1
Floods, South Korea 7 - 10 Aug 28.7 28.7
Typhoon "Nanmandol", Japan 2) 18 - 19 Sep 64.5 64.5
Hurricane "Fiona", Caribbean, USA, Canada 2) 18 - 22 Sep 47.0 43.0
Typhoon "Noru", Philippines 2) 25 - 26 Sep 15.0 15.0
Hurricane "Ian", USA 2) 27 - 29 Sep 276.0 276.0
16 Natural catastrophes 1,229.8 1,051.4

1) Natural catastrophes and other major losses in excess of EUR 10 m. gross

Large loss budget 2022: EUR 1,400 m., thereof EUR 250 m. man-made and EUR 1,150 m. NatCat
2) Based on own IBNR estimate only (top-down approach); actual gross loss expected to be higher due to retrocession and ILS business

9 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 | 2 Property & Casualty | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Man-made losses within budget; Russia/Ukraine IBNR unchanged

Catastrophe losses1) in m. EUR Gross Net

16 Natural catastrophes 1,229.8 1,051.4

1 Marine loss 16.9 14.8

1 Credit loss 16.9 16.9
4 Property losses 72.2 70.1
6 Man-made losses 106.1 101.8

22 Major losses 1,335.9 1,153.2

War Russia/Ukraine 330.8 330.8

Total 1,666.7 1,484.0

1) Natural catastrophes and other major losses in excess of EUR 10 m. gross

Large loss budget 2022: EUR 1,400 m., thereof EUR 250 m. man-made and EUR 1,150 m. NatCat

10 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 | 2 Property & Casualty | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Combined ratios impacted by large losses

Q1-3/2022: Combined Ratio vs. target combined ratios

EMEA1) 99.5%
Americas1) 95.1%
APAC1) 130.1%

Structured Reinsurance and ILS 98.2%

Credit, Surety and Political Risks 57.4%

Facultative Reinsurance 84.7%

markets Aviation and Marine 83.8%

Agricultural Risks 119.2%

Total 99.2%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% 140%

Combined ratio Target combined ratio

1) All lines of Property & Casualty reinsurance except those stated separately; EMEA incl. CIS

11 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results


1 Group overview 2
2 Property & Casualty 6
3 Life & Health 12
4 Investments 15
5 Target Matrix and Outlook 2022 18
Appendix 21

12 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 | 2 | 3 Life & Health | 4 | 5 |

Strong underlying profitability

Strong earnings in Financial Solutions and Longevity – Covid-19 claims decreasing
Life & Health R/I in m. EUR Q3/2021 Q3/2022 Q1-3/2021 Q1-3/2022 YTD

Gross written premium 2,152 2,347 6,350 6,767 • GWP f/x-adjusted +1.1%​
• NPE f/x-adjusted +2.5%​
Net premium earned 1,889 2,076 5,558 6,024
• Technical result includes declining Covid-19 losses of EUR 228 m. (Q1-3/2021
EUR 404 m.), thereof US: EUR 113 m.
Net underwriting result
(122) (41) (315) (177) • Ordinary investment income increased primarily due to higher contribution from
incl. funds withheld
fixed income
Net investment income from assets
under own management
61 29 185 229 • Fair value of financial instruments includes positive valuation effect of EUR
97 m. from extreme mortality cover and negative effect from reinsurance-related
Other income and expenses 102 120 351 389 derivative in UK (EUR -144 m.)
• Other income and expenses mainly driven by strong contribution from deposit
Operating profit/loss (EBIT) 41 108 220 441 accounted treaties of EUR 338 m. (Q1-3/2021: EUR 282 m.) and one-off
recapturing fee income of EUR 40 m.
EBIT margin 2.2% 5.2% 4.0% 7.3%

Tax ratio (9.8%) 15.4% 31.3% 15.4%

Group net income 45 90 150 369

13 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 | 2 | 3 Life & Health | 4 | 5 |

Stable quarter with a promising pipeline for the rest of the year
Q3/2022 new and pipeline business1)
New Pipeline
business business

Financial Solutions Mortality Financial Solutions Mortality

Longevity Morbidity Longevity Morbidity

• Business financing (Australia) – Financial Solutions • Business financing (USA) – Financial Solutions
• Reserve relief (USA) – Financial Solutions • Solvency relief (Germany, USA) – Financial Solutions
• Risk relief (Germany, UK) – Longevity • Risk relief (Canada, UK, USA) – Longevity
• Risk relief (Colombia, USA) – Mortality • Risk relief (Brazil, Canada, France, USA) – Mortality
• Risk relief (Australia, USA) – Morbidity • Risk relief (Germany, USA) – Morbidity


Actual VNB Annual min. target (in m. EUR)
1) Focus on most important deals and opportunities

14 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results


1 Group overview 2
2 Property & Casualty 6
3 Life & Health 12
4 Investments 15
5 Target Matrix and Outlook 2022 18
Appendix 21

15 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Investments | 5 |

Stable return on investment of 2.9% above target

Strong and increased ordinary investment income
in m. EUR Q3/2021 Q3/2022 Q1-3/2021 Q1-3/2022 RoI YTD
• Increasing ordinary income from inflation-linked bonds, higher reinvestment
Ordinary investment income1) 408 529 1,106 1,432 3.3%
yields, higher return from real estate investments as well as higher asset
Realised gains/losses 96 (37) 238 15 0.0% volume
• Realised gains primarily from liquidation of portfolio of listed equity, largely
Impairments/appreciations & depreciations (13) (61) (52) (113) -0.3%
offset by reallocations due to strategic and regular portfolio adjustments,
Change in fair value of financial instruments liquidity management and partial realisation of a reinsurance-related
(5) (18) (48) 10 0.0%
(through P&L) derivative
Investment expenses (36) (44) (101) (122) -0.3% • Stable depreciation on direct real estate investments; rise in impairments
mainly due to fixed income securities impacted by Russia/Ukraine war and
NII from assets under own management 449 370 1,142 1,223 2.9%
NII from funds withheld 42 31 215 157 • Change in fair value of financial instruments through P&L impacted by
valuation of reinsurance-related derivatives (UK and extreme mortality
Total net investment income 491 400 1,357 1,380
• Decrease in valuation reserves due to higher risk-minimal yield curves and
credit spreads on corporates
Unrealised gains/losses on investments 31 Dec 21 30 Sep 22
On-balance sheet 2,310 (4,820)
thereof Fixed income AFS 1,299 (5,836)
Off-balance sheet 629 496
thereof Fixed income HTM, L&R 148 (62)
Total 2,939 (4,324)

1) Incl. results from associated companies

16 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Investments | 5 |

Ordinary income with increased return from government bonds

Rather stable asset allocation with defensive credit risk taking since beginning of year
Asset allocation1) Ordinary income split
Investment category 2018 2019 2020 2021 Q3/2022
Fixed-income securities 87% 87% 85% 86% 83% Others investments &
2% cash
- Governments 35% 35% 34% 34% 36%
Real Assets3) <1%
- Semi-governments 16% 15% 15% 14% 13% 11%
- Corporates 29% 31% 30% 32% 27% Governments
Investment grade 25% 26% 25% 28% 23% 35%
Private Equity
Non-investment grade 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 9%

- Pfandbriefe, Covered bonds, ABS 7% 7% 6% 6% 6% 2)

Equities 2% 3% 3% 4% 4% Pfandbriefe,
EUR 1,432 m.
- Listed equity >0% >0% 1% 1% >0% Covered
Bonds, ABS
- Private equity 2% 2% 3% 3% 4% 4%
Real Assets 6% 5% 5% 5% 7%
Others 1% 2% 3% 2% 3% Semi-
Short-term investments & cash 4% 3% 3% 3% 5% Corporates 9%
Total market values in bn. EUR 42.7 48.2 49.8 56.2 58.5

1) Economic view based on market values without outstanding commitments for Private Equity and Alternative Real Estate as well as fixed-income investments of EUR 1,951.0 m. (EUR 1,588.2 m.) as at 30 September 2022
2) Of which Pfandbriefe and Covered Bonds = 58.7%
3) Before real estate-specific costs. Economic view based on market values as at 30 September 2022

17 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results


1 Group overview 2
2 Property & Casualty 6
3 Life & Health 12
4 Investments 15
5 Target Matrix and Outlook 2022 18
Appendix 21

18 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Target Matrix and Outlook 2022 |

Target Matrix: Q1-3/2022

Strategy cycle 2021 - 2023

Business group Key figures Strategic targets Q1-3/2022

Group Return on equity 1) 900 bps above risk-free 11.5%
Solvency ratio 2) ≥ 200% 232%
Property & Casualty reinsurance Gross premium growth3) ≥ 5% +18.6%

EBIT growth4) ≥ 5% -16.4%

Combined ratio ≤ 96% 99.2%

xRoCA5) ≥ 2% n.a.
Life & Health reinsurance Gross premium growth3) ≥ 3% +1.1%

EBIT growth4) ≥ 5% +100.5%

Value of New Business (VNB)6) ≥ EUR 250 m. n.a.

xRoCA5) ≥ 2% n.a.

1) After tax; risk-free: 5-year average return of 10-year German government bonds 2) According to our internal capital model and Solvency II requirements
3) Average annual growth at constant f/x rates 4) Average annual growth
5) Excess return (one-year economic profit in excess of the cost of capital) on allocated economic capital 6) Based on Solvency II principles; pre-tax reporting

19 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Target Matrix and Outlook 2022 |

Guidance for 2022 remains achievable

Hannover Re Group

• Gross written premium1) > 7.5%

• Return on investment 2) > 2.5%

• Group net income 2) at the lower end of the EUR 1.4 - 1.5 bn. range

• Ordinary dividend ≥ prior year

• Special dividend if capitalisation exceeds capital requirements for future growth and profit
targets are achieved

1) At unchanged f/x rates

2) Subject to no major distortions in capital markets and/or major losses not exceeding the large loss budget of EUR 321 m. in Q4/2022 and no unexpected material Covid-19 impact in L&H

20 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results


1 Group overview 2
2 Property & Casualty 6
3 Life & Health 12
4 Investments 15
5 Target Matrix and Outlook 2022 18
Appendix 21

21 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Our business groups at a glance

Q1-3/2022 vs. Q1-3/2021
Property & Casualty R/I Life & Health R/I Total
in m. EUR Q1-3/2021 Q1-3/2022 Q1-3/2021 Q1-3/2022 Q1-3/2021 Q1-3/2022
Gross written premium 15,269 19,484 6,350 6,767 21,620 26,251
Change in GWP - +27.6% - +6.6% - +21.4%
Net premium earned 12,076 15,562 5,558 6,024 17,634 21,586
Net underwriting result 220 71 (497) (284) (277) (213)
Net underwriting result incl. funds withheld 253 121 (315) (177) (63) (56)
Net investment income 989 1,043 367 336 1,357 1,380
From assets under own management 957 993 185 229 1,142 1,223
From funds withheld 32 50 182 107 215 157
Other income and expenses (148) (227) 351 389 201 161
Operating profit/loss (EBIT) 1.061 887 220 441 1,281 1,328
Financing costs (2) (2) (1) (1) (61) (64)
Net income before taxes 1.060 886 219 440 1,219 1,264
Taxes (276) (257) (69) (68) (318) (306)
Net income 784 629 150 373 901 958
Non-controlling interest 44 84 1 3 45 87
Group net income 739 545 150 369 856 871
Retention 90.4% 91.3% 88.3% 88.8% 89.8% 90.7%
Combined ratio (incl. interest on funds withheld) 97.9% 99.2% - - - -
EBIT margin (EBIT / Net premium earned) 8.8% 5.7% 4.0% 7.3% 7.3% 6.2%
Tax ratio 26.1% 29.0% 31.3% 15.4% 26.1% 24.2%
Earnings per share (in EUR) 6.13 4.52 1.24 3.06 7.10 7.22

22 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Our business groups at a glance

Q3/2022 vs. Q3/2021
Property & Casualty R/I Life & Health R/I Total
in m. EUR Q3/2021 Q3/2022 Q3/2021 Q3/2022 Q3/2021 Q3/2022
Gross written premium 5,003 6,562 2,152 2,347 7,155 8,909
Change in GWP - +31.2% - +9.0% - +24.5%
Net premium earned 4,229 5,742 1,889 2,076 6,119 7,819
Net underwriting result (82) 16 (147) (63) (229) (47)
Net underwriting result incl. funds withheld (64) 25 (122) (41) (187) (16)
Net investment income 405 349 86 50 491 400
From assets under own management 387 340 61 29 449 370
From funds withheld 18 9 25 21 42 31
Other income and expenses (40) (64) 102 120 63 55
Operating profit/loss (EBIT) 283 301 41 108 325 409
Financing costs (1) (1) (0) (0) (21) (21)
Net income before taxes 283 301 41 107 303 387
Taxes (124) (112) 4 (16) (106) (122)
Net income 159 189 45 91 197 266
Non-controlling interest 12 43 (0) 1 12 44
Group net income 147 146 45 90 185 222
Retention 88.4% 90.6% 88.4% 88.8% 88.4% 90.1%
Combined ratio (incl. interest on funds withheld) 101.5% 99.6% - - - -
EBIT margin (EBIT / Net premium earned) 6.7% 5.2% 2.2% 5.2% 5.3% 5.2%
Tax ratio 43.7% 37.3% (9.8%) 15.4% 35.0% 31.4%
Earnings per share (in EUR) 1.22 1.21 0.37 0.74 1.54 1.84

23 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Stress tests on assets under own management

After listed equity liquidation, main focus turns back to credit exposures
Change in market Change in OCI before
Portfolio Scenario value tax
in m. EUR in m. EUR

-10% -215 -215

Equity (listed and private equity)
-20% -429 -429

+50 bps -1,226 -1,191

Fixed-income securities
+100 bps -2,391 -2,323

Credit spreads +50% -1,094 -1,076

As at 30 September 2022

24 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

High-quality fixed-income book well balanced

Geographical allocation mainly in accordance with our broad business diversification
Pfandbriefe, Short-term
Governments Corporates Covered bonds, investments, Total
ABS cash
AAA 76% 52% 1% 59% - 47%
AA 10% 23% 10% 13% - 12%
A 10% 8% 35% 13% - 18%
BBB 3% 2% 43% 13% - 17%
<BBB 2% 14% 11% 2% - 7%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% - 100%

Germany 12% 26% 3% 18% 25% 12%

UK 6% 1% 6% 6% 7% 5%
France 2% 1% 6% 8% 1% 4%
GIIPS 0% 3% 5% 8% 0% 3%
Rest of Europe 3% 14% 12% 19% 2% 9%
USA 55% 13% 33% 20% 17% 38%
Australia 2% 18% 6% 5% 5% 6%
Asia 17% 23% 19% 10% 39% 19%
Rest of World 2% 1% 9% 5% 5% 4%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Total b/s values in m. EUR 21,317 7,585 15,264 3,670 2,644 50,480
IFRS figures as at 30 September 2022

25 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Currency allocation matches balance sheet liability profile as much as possible

Duration-neutral strategy intact; lower modified duration as result of yield increases
Currency split of investments

EUR • Modified duration of fixed-income mainly congruent with
CAD 26% liability- and capital-driven targets
2.8 • GBP’s higher modified duration predominantly due to life
6% 4.5 business
GBP Modified
6% 5.1
duration of
Modified duration
Q3/2022 4.8
2021 5.8
4.7 2020 5.8
2019 5.7
2018 4.8

26 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

IR calendar

DZ BANK Equity HSBC Virtual Financials

Citi Investor Trip
Conference ESG Conference

08.11. - 09.11. 14.11. 29.11. 09.12.

14.11. 23.11. 01.12.

UBS European J.P. Morgan Meeting Wellington

Roadshow Milan
Conference with investors Conference

27 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

This presentation does not address the investment objectives or financial situation of any particular person or legal entity.
Investors should seek independent professional advice and perform their own analysis regarding the appropriateness of
investing in any of our securities.

While Hannover Re has endeavoured to include in this presentation information it believes to be reliable, complete and up-to-
date, the company does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness or
updated status of such information.

Some of the statements in this presentation may be forward-looking statements or statements of future expectations based on
currently available information. Such statements naturally are subject to risks and uncertainties. Factors such as the
development of general economic conditions, future market conditions, unusual catastrophic loss events, changes in the capital
markets and other circumstances may cause the actual events or results to be materially different from those anticipated by
such statements.

This presentation serves information purposes only and does not constitute or form part of an offer or solicitation to acquire,
subscribe to or dispose of, any of the securities of Hannover Re.

© Hannover Rück SE. All rights reserved.

Hannover Re is the registered service mark of Hannover Rück SE.

28 Conference Call on Q3/2022 financial results

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