Documents - Pub - Testing of Cement and Its Types

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– This cement contains high aluminate
percentage usually 35%.
– It gains strength very rapidly with in 24
– It has resistance to sulphates, action of
frost, action of acid and high
– It is also used for construction of
chemical industries and other heavy
Lime stone and china clay free from
iron oide are suita!le for its
This cement is called snowcrete.
It dries "uic#ly, has more strength and
has good aesthetic view.
It is used for $oor nish, pastering
wor#, ormental wor# etc.,
It is mainly used for architectural
nishing in the !uildings.
(8)Portland Puzzolana
Cement (PPC)
• It is manufactured !y grinding &ortland
cement clin#er and pu''olana (usually
$y ash )* to 25% !y mass of &&+.
• The resistance to chemical attac#
increases ma#ing it suita!le for marine
• It has low heat evolution and is used in
the places of mass concrete such as
dams and in places of high temperature.
() E!"and#n$ Cement
• It is produced !y adding an epanding
medium li#e supho - aluminate and a
sta!ili'ing agent to ordinary cement.
• This cement epands !ut other types of
cements shrin#s.
• It is used for construction of water
retaining structures.
• It is also used for repairing of damaged
concrete surfaces.
(%&) Coloured Cement
• It is prepared !y adding re"uired
colouring pigments (5 to )5% !efore
the cement is ground.
• Iron oide is added to give red and
yellow colours.
• These are much costlier than &+.

• It is used for $oor nish, eternal

surfaces etc.,
T/0TI1 
Testing of Cement
1. Field testing
2. Standard consistency test
3. Fineness test
4. Soundness test
5. Compressive Strength test
Field Testing
• pen the !ag and ta#e a good loo# at the
cement, then it should not contain any visi!le
• +olour of cement should !e greenish grey.
• ne should feel cool when thrusting hand into
cement !ag.
• hen we touch the cement, it should give a
smooth 6not a gritty feeling.
• hen we throw the cement on a !uc#et full of
water !efore it sin#s the particles should $ow.
Standard Consistency Test
The standard consistency o a cement paste is
deined as that consistency !hich !ill permit a "icat
plunger having 1# mm diameter and 5# mm length
to penetrate to a depth o 33$35 mm rom the top o
the mould.


%sed to ind out the percentage o !ater

re&uired to produce a cement paste o
standard consistency.
This is also called normal consistency.

•For first trial, take about 300gms of cement & water of 30%by weight of

•fter mi!ing, Fill it in "icat#s moul$ with in 3min.

•fter filling, shake the moul$ to e!'el air.

• stan$ar$ 'lunger, (0 mm $iameter, 0 mm long is attache$ an$ brought

$own to touch the surface of the 'aste an$ )uickly release$.

•*ote the rea$ing accor$ing to $e'th of 'enetration of the 'lunger.


• Condu't tr#al 'ont#nuoul * ta+#n$ d#,erent -ater

'ement rat#o t#ll t.e "lun$er "enetrate /or a de"t.
o/ 00102mm /rom to"3
• T.# "art#'ular "er'enta$e # +no-n a "er'enta$e o/
-ater re4u#red to "rodu'e 'ement "ate o/ tandard
• T.# # uuall denoted a 5P3
• Condu'ted #n a 'ontant tem"erature o/ ;7&<;&C3
• Contant Hum#d#t &=3
Setting Time Test:

• In cement hardening process, two

instants are very important, i.e.
initial setting and nal setting.

• The time elapsed !etween the

moment that the water is added to
the cement, to the time that the
paste starts losing its plasticity.
• 1ormally a minimum of 3* min has
maintained for miing 6 handling
• It should not !e less than 3* min.
• The time elapsed !etween the moment the
water is added to the cement, and the
time when the paste has completely lost
its plasticity and has attained su7cient
hardness to resist certain denite pressure.
• It should not eceed )* hours for &+.
• The time at which the needle should not
ma#e any impression on the cement paste,
is #nown as inal setting time.
• The fineness of cement has an important bearing on the rate
of hydration, rate of gain of strength, evolution of heat.
• Finer cement offers greater surface area.
• Disadvantage of fine grinding is that it is susceptible to air
set & early deterioration.
• Maximum no. of particles in a sample of cement less than
• The smallest particle should have a si!e if 1."microns.
• #arge particle should have a si!e of 1microns.
• Fineness of cement is tested in t$o $ays.
• %y sieving.
• %y determination specific surface by air permeability
• iner cements react "uic#er with
water and develop early strength,
though the ultimate strength is not
a8ected. 9owever ner cements
increase the shrin#age and crac#ing
of concrete

•Ta'e correctly 1##grams o cement on

a standard (S sieve )o.*

•+rea' do!n the air$set lumps , sieve

it then !eigh it.

•This !eight shall not e-ceed 1# or

ordinary cement.

•Sieve test is rarely used.

• It # >er #m"ortant t.e 'ement a/ter ett#n$ .all not
under$o an a""re'#a*le '.an$e o/ >olume3

• T.# tet # to enure t.e 'ement doe not .o- an
u*e4uent e!"an#on3

• T.e unoundne #n 'ement # due to t.e "reen'e o/ e!'e

o/ l#me 'om*#ned -#t. a'#d#' o!#de at t.e +#ln3

• T.# # due to .#$. "ro"ort#on o/ ma$ne#a ? 'al'#um ul".ate3

• T.ere/ore ma$ne#a 'ontent #n 'ement # l#m#ted to 6=3

• G"um 0123
• It 'on#t o/ a mall "l#t 'l#nder o/ "r#n$ *ra3
• It # 0&mm d#ameter ? 0&mm .#$.3
• Cement "ate @lled #nto t.e mould ? +e"t on a $la "late
? 'o>ered -#t. $la "late3
• T.# # #mmered #n -ater at a tem"erature ;7 &'10;&' /or ;
• Meaure t.e d#tan'e *et-een #nd#'ator3
• Heat t.e -ater ? *r#n$ to *o#l#n$ "o#nt o/ a*out ;210&m#n3
• Bemo>e t.e mould /rom t.e -ater a/ter 0 .our3
• Meaure t.e d#tan'e *et-een t.e #nd#'ator3
• T.# mut not e!'eed %& mm /or ord#nar ra"#d .arden#n$
lo- .eat Portland 'ement3
• I/ t.# e!"an#on # more %&mm t.e 'ement # a#d to
*e unound3

• T.# # t.e mot #m"ortant o/ all

"ro"ert#e o/ .ardened 'ement3
• ue to e!'e#>e .r#n+a$e and
'ra'+#n$ t.e tren$t. tet are not
made on .eat 'ement "ate3
• tandard and # ued /or @nd#n$ t.e
tren$t. o/ 'ement3
• Ta+e 222$m o/ tandard and3 %82$m o/ 'ement
(#3e3 %:0 rat#o o/ 'ement and and)
• M#! t.em /or %m#n t.en add -ater o/
• M#! t.ree #n$red#ent t.orou$.l unt#l t.e m#!ture #
o/ un#/orm 'olour3
• T.e t#me o/ m#!#n$ .ould *e 0m#n to m#n3
• T.en t.e mortar # @lled #nto a 'u*e mould o/ 73&6'm3
• Com"a't t.e mortar3
• ee" t.e 'om"a'ted 'u*e #n t.e mould at a
tem"erature o/ ;7FC  ;FC and at leat & "er 'ent
relat#>e .um#d#t /or ; .our3
• A/ter ;.our t.e 'u*e are remo>ed ? #mmered #n
'lean /re. -ater unt#l ta+en /or tet#n$3

1' Mixing and crushing of ra$ materials

a. Dry process
b. (et process

)' %urning
*' +rinding
(a) Dry process:
n this process calcareous material such as lime
stone calcium carbonate' and argillaceous
material such as clay are ground separately to fine
po$der in the absence of $ater and then are mixed
together in the desired proportions. (ater is then
added to it for getting thic- paste and then its ca-es
are formed, dried and burnt in -ilns. This process
is usually used $hen ra$ materials are very strong
and hard.
n this process, the ra$ materials are changed to
po$dered form in the absence of $ater.
(b) Wet process:
n this process, the ra$ materials are changed to
po$dered form in the presence of $ater.
n this process, ra$ materials are pulveri!ed by using
a %all mill, $hich is a rotary steel cylinder $ith
hardened steel balls. (hen the mill rotates, steel
balls pulveri!e the ra$ materials $hich form slurry
liuid mixture'. The slurry is then pumped into
storage tan-s, $here correct proportioning is done.
/roper composition of ra$ materials can be ensured
by using $et process than dry process. 0orrected
slurry is then fed into rotary -iln for burning .
b' Wet Process: Continued------

This process is generally used $hen ra$

materials are soft.
ctually the purpose of both processes is to
change the ra$ materials to fine po$der.
(2) !r"#"$:
0ollected slurry is feed to rotary -iln, $hich
is a 2" m or more long, 2 m or more in
diameter and temperature arrangement is up
to 1"314" degree 0.
t this temperature slurry losses moisture
and forms into small lumps, after that
changes to clin-ers. 0lin-ers are cooled in
another inclined tube similar to -iln but of
lesser length.
(%) Gr#"&#"$:
5o$ the final process is grinding of clin-er, it
is first cooled do$n to atmospheric
temperature. +rinding of clin-er is done in
large tube mills. fter proper grinding,
gypsum 0alcium sulphate' of 132 6 is
added for controlling the setting time of
Finally, fine ground cement is stored in
storage tan-s from $here it is dra$n for

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