Chapter 1 2 Per - Dev
Chapter 1 2 Per - Dev
Chapter 1 2 Per - Dev
Our personalities
PSU PRESIDENT: DR. ELBERT M. GALAS determine how we act and react, as well as how we interact
9 Campuses of PSU System with and respond to the world.
6 Independent College PSU Lingayen
PSU STUDENT HANDBOOK: location of the Personality is how people affect others and how they
duties and responsibilities of PSUnians. understand and view themselves
How people affect others depends primarily on their
PSU MISSION: The Pangasinan State University shall external appearance (height, weight, facial features, color,
provide a human-centric, resilient, and sustainable academic and other physical aspects) and traits.
environment to produce dynamic, responsive, and future ready 1. Parents
individuals capable of meeting the requirements of the local 2. Friends
and global communities and industries. 3. Genetics
4. Work
PSU VISION: To be a leading industry-driven State 5. Culture
University in the ASEAN region by 2030. 6. Environment
NEW STRATEGIC GOALS PERSONALITY - derived from the Latin word ‘persona’
SG1: Industry-Focused and Innovation-Based Student meaning ‘mask’.
Learning and Development
SG2: Responsive and Sustainable Research, Community The relatively stable feelings, thoughts, and behavioral
Extension, and Innovative Programs patterns a person has.
SG3: Effective and Efficient Governance and Financial If personality is stable, does this mean that it does not
Management change? It does. Changes occur.
SG4: High-Performing and Engaged Human Resource Enduring patterns of perceiving, relating to, and thinking
SG5: Strategic and Functional Internationalization Program about the environment and oneself, and are exhibited in a
wide range of important social and personality context.
PSU CORE VALUES Accountability and Transparency
Credibility and Integrity Personality Development
Competence and Commitment to Achieve Converting negative to positive personalities, acquiring
Excellence in Service Delivery new, improving what you already have.
Social and Environmental Responsiveness An improvement in all spheres of an individual’s life, be
Spirituality it with friends, in the office or in any other environment.
3. EXTROVERSION- The degree to which a person is 1. Helps One Stand Out from The Crowd
outgoing, talkative, and sociable, and enjoys being in A personal brand results from what others think
social situations. and say about you when you’re not in the room. It
is your reputation, and it can make or break your
Extraverts do well in social situations, and as a result they career.
tend to be effective in job interviews. They have an easier
time than introverts when adjusting to a new job. They So, why is personal branding so important?
actively seek information and feedback, and build
effective relationships, which helps with their For starters, it helps you stand out from the crowd. In a
adjustment. world where everyone has a degree, employers are
looking for candidates with something extra that makes
4. AGREEABLENESS- The degree to which a person is them unique.
nice, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind, and warm. By developing a solid personal brand, you can make
yourself the one they remember. In addition, personal
People who are high in agreeableness are likeable people branding can help you command a higher salary.
who get along with others. Not surprisingly, agreeable It starts with knowing who you are and what you want
people help others at work consistently, and this helping to be known for.
behaviour is not dependent on being in a good mood.
They are also less likely to retaliate when other people 2. Leads to Opportunity
treat them unfairly. A personal brand is the unique combination of skills
and experiences that make you who you are. It’s
5. NEUROTICISM- The degree to which a person is what makes you unique and sets you apart from
anxious, irritable, aggressive, temperamental, and moody. everyone else.
These people have a tendency to have emotional By developing a personal brand, you’re giving yourself a
adjustment problems and experience stress and depression competitive advantage. People will remember you and
on a habitual basis. People very high in neuroticism your brand when they look for someone with your
experience a number of problems at work. particular skills and expertise.
In addition, a strong personal brand can lead to new
What Is Personal Branding? opportunities. When people see that you’re an expert in
Personal branding is the process of creating a brand your field, they’ll be more likely to give you opportunities
identity for a person or a company. As the name to collaborate or work on new projects.
suggests, this is a brand for you or your business.
3. Your Audience Will Trust You More
Personal branding is the process of creating an
Personal branding is not just about marketing but about identity for yourself as an individual or business.
being your marketer. It is about standing for yourself and This involves developing a well-defined and
your business to command respect and confidence from consistent look, message, and presence online and
your peers and customers. The word “branding” can offline.
have a negative connotation when used in the context of
businesses. There are many psychology-based reasons why you
might want to work on your personal brand.
However, applying the correct principles and strategies will For one thing, it can help you build trust with your
help you create a brand identity for your business and help you audience. When people feel like they know who you are
stand out from your competition. and what you stand for, they’re more likely to trust you.
They know what to expect from you and that you’re an One of the easiest ways to get lost in the process is to
authority in your field. Finally, personal branding can not know where to start. Even Oprah Winfrey began by
help you attract opportunities. going through several style iterations on a small local show
before defining her voice into one of the most influential
4. People Will Always Screen You Online personal brands in the world.
With social media and Google, it’s easy for anyone to
find out information about you with just a few clicks. In both our look-at-me cultural shift and evolving job
As a result, it’s essential to be aware of how you are market, it’s both helpful and necessary to stand out when
presented online. applying for a job or starting your own company. A personal
brand is for (almost) everyone.
Personal branding can help you control the narrative
about yourself and introduce yourself in the best light 1. Have a focus.
possible. It’s also a way to stand out from the “Too many people are unfocused when it comes to
competition. press and coverage, trying to be “everything to
In a world where everyone has a website and an online everyone.” Decide what your key message is and
presence, personal branding can help you make yours stick to it,” says Cooper Harris, founder and CEO
stand out from the rest. of Klickly.
Personal branding can also help you build trust with Her personal brand has undergone a dramatic shift—from
potential customers and clients. Therefore, personal working actress to respected tech entrepreneur and she has
branding is essential for anyone who wants to succeed in handled this shift by only focusing on one message at a time.
today’s digital world. Keeping your message focused for your target demographic
will make it that much easier to both create content around
How To Get Started Developing Your Brand your personal brand and have others define you.
One good place to start is by cleaning up your social In fact, Adam Smiley Poswolsky, millennial workplace
media accounts. You can control what your reputation is expert and author of The Breakthrough Speaker, takes it one
online. step further when he’s advising speakers: “Carve a niche, and
Use your website not only to build your brand but to add then carve a niche within your niche. The best personal
value to your audience. This is your platform to brands are very specific.”
showcase your skills and experience, and also to share
valuable advice with your audience. And Juan Felipe Campos, VP of tech and partner at
Create a logo and theme for yourself, and keep it Manos Accelerator, goes one step further to focus on
consistent throughout all your social media profiles. communities that he targets with his large-scale clients. “Keep
Publish compelling content that will draw in your your message and content consistent to one niche topic to
audience and keep them coming back for more because become memorable within a targeted community.”
your content adds value to their lives. The narrower and more focused your brand is, the
Consider creating specialized, personal content that you easier it is for people to remember who you are . And when it
can give your audience in exchange for their email comes time to hire a speaker or a new employee, your
address; this is a great way to build your email list. narrowed-down brand will be what they remember.
2. Be genuine.
A business is nothing without a personal brand behind it. There’s an easy way to have an original personal
brand—and that is to be genuine and authentic.
However, this does not mean you must forsake your business
for your brand. Instead, it would be best to have a clear and Millennial influencer and head of marketing at Popular
purposeful strategy for the two. Demand, Monica Lin, says “People can see right through a
disingenuous act.”
Personal branding can only be successful if backed by a The more obviously a brand is a copycat, the more
strong business strategy. If your plan is weak, your brand is the audience will call out the perpetrator for it. Monica’s
already defeated before it has even begun. When you integrate personal brand experienced a huge amount of growth after she
your business and personal brands, you have a powerful began engaging with her audience more meaningfully on
branding combination that can help you reach your goals Twitter.
faster and easier.
One of the best ways to tell that story is through When Timothy Hoang, CEO of Stories By Tim,
written content or video. For Pelpina Trip, social video Inc. Develops his influencer clients, he likes to tell them:
strategist, this is definitely the case. Her own video channel “You’ll never achieve the best branding until you fail a couple
on LinkedIn sees some of the highest levels of engagement times while pushing past your comfort zone.” The very best
across the platform. “The most personal way to communicate brands always come from repeated trial and error, mistakes
online is with video. Simply use your smartphone to video and failures and not from instant perfection.
message your clients, make a personal connection with
prospective clients and connect with co-workers. After all, you 6. Create a positive impact.
always have your smartphone on you!” After you’ve developed your personal brand over a
4. Be consistent. period of time, there are generally two ways to
Being consistent is very similar to having a narrow continue to build your brand – hop over others and
focus—it’s much easier to get recognized for one burn bridges or steadily grow a community around
topic if you consistently create content and brand your brand.
voice around it.
Jacob Shwirtz, head of social partnerships at WeWork, who
“Ensure that your personal brand promise stays consistent, has worked with many of the top influencers in the world,
both online and offline,” explains Fyiona Yong, director and including makeup personality, Michelle Phan, gives us this
millennial leadership coach (ICF ACC). wisdom.
She regularly works with millennials in a corporate My quick tip on personal branding is to remember
context to help them define their more conservative work you are your brand, no matter what your current job is, what
goals. “You have to demonstrate consistency across your project you happen to be working on at any one time or
communication, gravitas, and appearance. Don’t whatever the priority happens to be today... always keep in
mind the impact you leave on others and remember all we
have is our own reputation and that’s our brand, so be As he eloquently states: “Personal branding is the
awesome to each other! story people tell about you when you’re not in the room.”
Jessie Maltin, co-host of Maltin on Movies works with her
Keeping a positive attitude and helping others will only help father, renowned film critic Leonard Maltin and has
healthily grow your brand in the long run. watched him build his career over the past several decades.
“All you have in your life is your name and the reputation you
7. Follow a successful example. garner.”
His own personal brand has gone viral several times, What are the keywords and actions that you want to be
over subjects like ice cream in Japan, inflatable pool toys and known for?
memes, earning him the title of the “Meme King.” His Blake Jamieson, artist at Blake Jamieson LLC, who
success often comes from studying trends and popular paints pop art portraits of famous tech and sports heroes
individuals on different social media platforms and then reminds us that: “Building a personal brand is much bigger
implementing them with a twist. Creatively dissecting social than building a business. The only exit strategy is legacy.”
analytics and establishing the next big trend can be within
your grasp too, if you pay attention across all social media A personal brand is a lifelong project that constantly
platforms and not simply focus narrowly on one of them. evolves and changes. Even the experts who build or enhance
the biggest brands in the business know that there are no hard-
8. Live your brand. set rules for creating a personal brand.
As mentioned before, one of the ways you can make
building a personal brand difficult on yourself is to
separate your brand from your personal life. While
certainly doable, it’s easier when initially creating a
personal brand to have your actual lifestyle and brand
be one and the same.