Java Theory Questions For Better Preparation

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OOPJava Theory Questions

UNIT 1 - Basics of Java

1. What is Java programming language and what are its key features?
2. Explain the process of setting up the Java development environment, including
installation of JDK and an IDE.
3. What is Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and what is its role in executing Java programs?
4. What are the differences between JVM, JRE and JDK?
5. What is the difference between Python and Java?
6. How does Java handle memory management and what is the significance of the
garbage collector?
7. Describe the steps involved in compiling and running a Java program using the
command line.
8. What are the basic data types available in Java, and how are they used in variable
declarations and assignments?
9. What is the basic structure of a Java program? Describe the roles of classes, methods
and statements.
10. Explain public static void main(String[] args) in Java.
11. What are the primitive data types in Java? Give examples of each.
12. How do you declare and initialize a variable in Java? Provide an example for each of the
following data types: int, double, boolean and String.
13. What is the scope of a variable in Java? Explain the concepts of local variables, instance
variables, and class variables.
14. What is the difference between “==” and the “.equals()” method when comparing two
objects in Java?
15. Explain the concept of type casting in Java. How can you convert a variable from one
data type to another?
16. What is the difference between static and non-static methods in Java? What do you call
each of these methods?
17. How many types of operators are available in Java?
18. Which operator is used for exponentiation in Java?
19. What is the value of the expression “Hello” + “World” in Java?
20. Which operator is used to assign a value to a variable in Java?
21. What is the purpose of a conditional statement in Java, and what are the two main types
of conditional statement?
22. Write a code snippet that uses an if-else statement to check if a given number is odd or
even. If the number is even, print “Even”, otherwise, print “Odd”.
23. What is the purpose of the switch statement in Java, and how is it different from an
if-else statement?
24. Write a Java code snippet that uses a switch statement to display the name of a day of
the week based on a given integer input. For example, if the input is 1, the code should
print “Monday”.
25. What is the purpose of a loop statement in Java, and what are the three main types of
loop statements?
26. Write a Java code snippet that uses a for loop to calculate the sum of all numbers from 1
to 10 and prints the result.
27. What is the difference between the break, continue, and return statements in
Java?Explain their usage with an example.
28. What is a wrapper class in Java? Why do we need Wrapper classes?
29. Differentiate between local, instance and static variables.
30. What are the default values assigned to variables and instances in Java?
31. What is a class variable?
32. What is the difference between System.out, System.err and
33. Differentiate between String and StringBuffer.

Still more to add….

Unit 2 & Unit 3- Class, Objects, Inheritance, Interfaces
1. What is the purpose of encapsulation in object-oriented programming? Provide an
example of how encapsulation can be achieved in Java.
2. Explain the concept of inheritance in Java. How does inheritance promote code reuse
and maintainability?
3. What is polymorphism in Java? Give an example of how polymorphism can be
implemented using method overriding.
4. What is the difference between method overloading and method overriding in Java?
Provide an example to illustrate each concept.
5. How are objects created in Java? What is the difference between class and object?
6. Explain the role of constructors in Java. What is the difference between a default
constructor and a parameterized constructor?
7. How can you achieve multiple inheritance in Java? Is it supported by the language? If
not, how can you simulate multiple inheritance using interfaces?
8. What is the difference between single and multiple inheritance in Java? Provide an
example of each.
9. Explain what an abstract class is in Java and how it is different from a regular class.
Provide an example of an abstract class and its usage.
10. How can you achieve multiple inheritance-like behavior in Java when it only supports
single inheritance? Provide an example using interfaces
11. What is the purpose of interface in Java? How does it differ from an abstract class?
Provide an example of an interface and its implementation.
12. Can abstract class have constructors in Java? Explain why or why not, and provide an
example to support your answer.
13. Can an interface extend another interface in Java? If so, what is the purpose of
extending an interface? Provide an example of an interface that extends another
14. When should you use inheritance and when should you use interfaces in Java? Explain
the advantages and disadvantage of each approach, and give an example scenario for

Still more to add…..

Unit 4 - Exception Handling
1. What is an exception in Java, and why is it important to handle exceptions properly in a
2. Explain the purpose of try-catch-finally block in Java. Provide an example of how it can
be used to handle exceptions.
3. What is the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions in Java? Give
examples of each.
4. Can you have multiple catch blocks for a single try block in Java? If yes, how are they
executed? Provide and example.
5. What is exception propagation in Java? Explain how exceptions are propagated up the
call stack.
6. How can you create exceptions in Java? Provide an example of a custom exception
7. Explain the concept of the “finally” block in Java exception handling. What is its purpose,
and when is it executed?

JavaFX and Modern UI development

1. What are some advantages of JavaFX over Swing for modern UI development in Java?
2. How can you create a user interface using FXML in JavaFX? Explain the steps involved.
3. What is the role of CSS in JavaFX? How can you apply CSS styles to JavaFX
4. How can you handle events in JavaFX? Provide an example of adding an event handler
to a button?
5. What are animations in JavaFX? How can you create animations for UI elements?
6. Can you explain the concept of binding in JavaFX? How does it help in synchronizing UI
7. What are some commonly used layout containers in JavaFX? Briefly describe their
purpose and when to use them.

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Unit 5 - I/O
1. What is the purpose of I/O in Java?
2. How can you read input from the console in Java? Provide an example code snippet.
3. How can you write output to the console in Java? Provide an example code snippet.
4. What are the steps involved in performing file I/O operations in Java?
5. How can you read the contents of a file in Java? Provide an example code snippet.
6. How can you write data to a file in Java? Provide an example code snippet.
7. What is serialization and deserialization in Java? How can you implement it for objects?
Still more to add…..

1. What is multithreading? Explain the concept with an example.
2. How do you create a thread in Java? Provide code snippets to illustrate the process.
3. What is the difference between extending the Thread class and implementing the
Runnable interface when creating a thread in Java?
4. What is thread synchronization? Why is it important in multithreaded programming?
5. What are the ways to achieve thread synchronization in Java? Compare and contrast the
synchronized keyword and the ReentrantLock class.
6. Explain the concept of thread safety. How can you ensure thread safety in Java?
7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of multithreading in Java? Provide an
example of scenarios where multithreading is beneficial and when it might not be

Still more to add…..


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