V-I Characteristics of PN Junction Diode

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Experiment No: 1



1. To plot Volt-Ampere Characteristics of Silicon P-N Junction Diode.

2. To find cut-in Voltage for Silicon P-N Junction diode.
3. To find static and dynamic resistances in both forward and reverse biased conditions
for Si P-N Junction diode.
Name Qty
Diodes IN 4007(Si) 1

Resistor lKQ, 10KQ


Name Range Qty

Bread Board 1

Regulated Power 0-30V DC

Digital Ammeter 0-200uA/20mA
Digital Voltmeter 0-2V/20V DC
Connecting Wires
Donor impurities (pentavalent) are introduced into one-side and acceptor impurities
into the other side of a single crystal of an intrinsic semiconductor to form a p-n diode with a
Junction called depletion region (this region is depleted off the charge carriers). This Region
gives rise to a potential barrier Vy called Cut- in Voltage. This is the voltage across the diode
at which it starts conducting. It can conduct beyond this Potential.

The P-N junction supports uni-directional current flow. If +ve terminal of the input supply is
connected to anode (P-side) and -ve terminal of the input supply is connected to cathode
(N- side) then diode is said to be forward biased. In this condition the height of the potential
barrier at the junction is lowered by an amount equal to given forward biasing voltage. Both
the holes from p-side and electrons from n-side cross the junction simultaneously and
constitute a forward current (njected minority current - due to holes crossing the junction
and entering N-side of the diode, due to electrons crossing the junction and entering P-side of
the diode). Assuming current flowing through the diode to be very large, the diode can be
approximated as short-circuited switch.

If -ve terminal of the input supply is connected to anode (p-side) and +ve terminal of the
input supply is connected to cathode (n-side) then the diode is said to be reverse biased. In
this condition an amount equal to reverse biasing voltage increases the height of the potential
barrier at the junction. Both the holes on p-side and electrons on n-side tend to move away
from the junction thereby increasing the depleted region. However the process cannot
continue indefinitely, thus a small current called reverse saturation current continues to flow
in the diod. This small current is due to thermally generated carriers. Assuming current
flowing through the diode to be negligible, the diode can be approximated as an open
circuited switch.

The volt-ampere characteristics of a diode explained by following equation:

I=l, (en- 1) where

I=current flowing in the diode Lo-reverse saturation current
V=voltage applied to the diode
VT=volt-equivalent of temperature=kT/q=T/11,600=26mV (@ room temp).
n=l (for Ge) and 2 (for Si)
It is observed that Ge diode has smaller cut-in-voltage when compared to Si diode. The
reverse saturation current in Ge diode is larger in magnitude when compared to silicon diode.
Circuit Diagram
R 0-20mA
Vn 1N4007 0-20V

Fig (2)- Reverse Bihsed condition:

R 0-200uA

Forward Biased Condition:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure (1) using silicon PN Junction diode.
2. Vary Vr gradually in steps of 0.1volts upto 5volts and note down the corresponding
readings of I,.
3. Step Size is not fixed because of non linear curve and vary the X-axis variable (i.e. if
output variation is more, decrease input step size and vice versa).
4. Tabulate different forward currents obtained for different forward voltages.

Reverse biased condition:

1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure (2) using silicon PN Junction diode.
2. Vary Vgradually in steps of 0.5 volts upto &volts and note down the corresponding
readings of I,.
3. Tabulate different reverse currents obtained for different reverse voltages. (I, = VR /
R, where VR is the Voltage across 10K2 Resistor).

Si diode in forward biased conditions:
S. Forward Forward
No RPS Voltage across current
Voltage the diode through the
Vr (volts) diode Ir (mA)
Si diode in reverse biased conditions:
SI. No Reverse Voltage current
RPS Voltage across the diode
V, (volts)
through the
diode I- (A)

Graph (Instructions):
1. Takea graph sheet and divide it into 4 equal parts. Mark origin at the center of the
graph sheet.
2. Now mark + ve x-axis as V
-Ve x-axis as V,
+ Ve y-axis as Ir
- ve y-axis as I,.

3. Mark the readings tabulated for Si forward biased condition in first Quadrant and Si
reverse biased condition in third Quadrant.

Calculations from Graph:

Ir (mA)

V.(volts) V(volts)


Static forward Resistance Rde = V g/Ire

Dynamic forward Resistance rc=AV r/Alr 2
Static Reverse Resistance Rde =V /Ira
Dynamic Reverse Resistance I ac = AV /AI, Q

1. While doing the experiment do not exceed the ratings of the diode. This may lead to
damage the diode.
2 Connect voltmeter and Ammeter in corect polarities as shown in the circuit diagram.
3. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit connections
as per the circuit diagram.

1. Cut in voltage =
2. Static forward resistance =
3. Dynamic forward resistance


1. How depletion region is formed in the PN junction?

2. What are trivalent and pentavalent impurities?
3. What is cut-in or knee voltage? Specify its value in case of Ge or Si?
4. What is maximum forward current and maximum reverse voltage? What is it
5. What is leakage current?
6. How does PN-junction diode acts as a switch?
7. What is the effect of temperature in the diode reverse characteristics?
8. What is break down voltage?
9. What is incremental resistance of a diode?
10. What is diode equation?
11. What is the value of V in the diode equation?
12. Explain the dynamic resistance of a diode?
13. Explain the phenomenon of breakdown in PN- diode?
14. What is an ideal diode? How does it differ from a real diode?
15. What are the specifications of a diode?
16. Temperature co-efficient of resistance of
() Metals (ii) Intrinsic semiconductor (ii) Extrinsic semiconductor
(iv) FET (v) BJT
17. What is the internal impedance of
(i) Ideal current source (ii) Ideal voltage source (iiü) Amnmeter

For Silicon Diode IN 4007: -
Max. Forward Curent = lA

Max. Reverse Current = 30uA

Max. Forward Voltage =0.8V

Max. Reverse Voltage = 1000V

Max. Power dissipation =30mw

Temperature =-65 to 200C

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