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1. Assume the objects in the following diagrams have equal mass and the strings holding them in place are
identical. In which case would the string be most likely to break?

2. A bead of mass m is fitted on a rod and can move on it without friction. Initially the bead is at the middle
of the rod and the rod moves translationally in a vertical plane with an acceleration a0 in a direction
forming an angle  with the horizontal plane. The acceleration of bead with respect to rod is

A) g sin  B) ( g  a0 ) sin  C) g sin   a0 cos  D) g sin   a0 cos 

3. In a car the engine supplies power to front wheels only and brakes are applied to all four wheels.
The front wheels support 3/5 of car’s weight on road. If the coefficients of static and kinetic
frictions between tyres and road are 0.6 and 0.4 respectively, the maximum rate at which the
velocity can change with respect to time is
a) 3.6 b) 6 c) 4 d) 5

4. In the system shown, the acceleration of the wedge of mass 5M is (there is no friction anywhere)

5M 2M


(A) zero (B) g/2

(C) g/3 (D) g/4
5. Initial velocity of the block v  45iˆ while external force on it is F  25( iˆ) . It coefficient of static and
kinetic friction are .3 and .2 respectively then distance traveled by the block in 12 sec. (g = 10 m/s 2) is:
u = 45 m/sec
Fext = 25 N m = 10 kg

(A) 225 m (B) 216 m

(C) 210 m (D) 250
6. A plank having mass M is placed on smooth horizontal surface. Block of mass m is placed on it
coefficient of friction between block and plank is  0  kx , where k is constant and x is relative
displacement between block and plank. A force F is applied on block where F = at, where a = 10; t is in
second. Find t0 when relative motion will occur between block and plank
 0M 2 0M 2
(a)  0 M  (b) 0m  m F
m m

0m 2
0m 2
(c)  0 m  (d)  0 M  smooth

7. A 56kg climber is supported in the ‘chimney’ by the friction forces exerted on his shoes and back as
shown in fig. The static coefficients of friction between his shoes and the wall, and between his back and
the wall are 0.80 and 0.60 respectively. Assume the walls are vertical and that frictional forces are
maximum. The minimum normal force (in Newton) he must exerts is (take g = 10 m/s 2)

a) 4.0  102 b) 102 c) 1.9  102 d) 8.9  102

8. A block of mass m lying on a rough horizontal plane is acted upon by a horizontal force P and
another force Q inclined at an angle  to the vertical. The block will remain in equilibrium, if the
coefficient of friction between it and the surface is
(P  Q sin  )
(mg  Q cos  )

(P cos   Q)
(b) M
(mg  Q sin  ) P

(P  Q cos  )
(mg  Q sin  )

(P sin   Q)
(mg  Q cos  )

9. Which of the following is correct, when a person walks on a rough surface

(a) The frictional force exerted by the surface keeps him moving
(b) The force which the man exerts on the floor keeps him moving
(c) The reaction of the force which the man exerts on floor keeps him moving
(d) None of the above

10. What is the maximum value of the force F such that the block shown in the arrangement, does not

F 1
2 3
(a) 20 N (b) 10 N
(c) 12 N (d) 15 N

11. A 40 kg slab rests on a frictionless floor as shown in the figure. A 10 kg block rests on the top of the
slab. The static coefficient of friction between the block and slab is 0.60 while the kinetic friction is
0.40. The 10 kg block is acted upon by a horizontal force 100 N. If g  9 .8 m / s 2 , the resulting
acceleration of the slab will be
(a) 0 . 98 m / s 2
100 N A
10 kg
(b) 1 .47 m / s 2
40 kg B
(c) 1 .52 m / s 2
(d) 6 .1 m / s 2
12. A force of 19.6 N when applied parallel to the surface just moves a body of mass 10 kg kept on a
horizontal surface. If a 5 kg mass is kept on the first mass, the force applied parallel to the surface
to just move the combined body is
(a) 29.4 N (b) 39.2 N
(c) 18.6 N (d) 42.6 N

13. A stone weighing 1 kg and sliding on ice with a velocity of 2 m/s is stopped by friction in 10 sec.
The force of friction (assuming it to be constant) will be
(a) 20 N (b) 0 . 2 N

(c) 0.2 N (d) 20 N

14. A body of mass 2 kg is moving on the ground comes to rest after some time. The coefficient of kinetic
friction between the body and the ground is 0.2. The retardation in the body is
(a) 9 .8 m / s 2 (b) 4 .73 m / s 2
(c) 2 .16 m / s 2 (d) 1 . 96 m / s 2
15. A cyclist moves in a circular track of radius 100 m. If the coefficient of friction is 0.2, then the
maximum velocity with which the cyclist can take the turn with leaning inwards is
(a) 9.8 m/s (b) 1.4 m /s
(c) 140 m/s (d) 14 m/s

16. A ship of mass 3  10 7 kg initially at rest is pulled by a force of 5  10 4 N through a distance of 3 m. Assume that the
resistance due to water is negligible, the speed of the ship is

(a) 1.5 m/s (b) 60 m/s

(c) 0.1 m/s (d) 5 m/s
17. The mass of a body measured by a physical balance in a lift at rest is found to be m. If the lift is going up with an
acceleration a, its mass will be measured as
 a  a
(a) m  1   (b) m  1   (c)m (d)Zero
 g  g
18. Three weights W, 2W and 3W are connected to identical springs suspended from a rigid horizontal rod. The assembly of
the rod and the weights fall freely. The positions of the weights from the rod are such that
(a) 3W will be farthest
(b) W will be farthest
(c) All will be at the same distance
(d) 2W will be farthest

19. When forces F1 , F2 , F3 are acting on a particle of mass m such that F2 and F3 are mutually perpendicular, then the
particle remains stationary. If the force F1 is now removed then the acceleration of the particle is
(a) F1 / m (b) F2 F3 / mF1

(c) (F2  F3 ) / m (d) F2 / m

20. Consider the following statement: When jumping from some height, you should bend your knees as you come to rest,
instead of keeping your legs stiff. Which of the following relations can be useful in explaining the statement

(a)  P1   P2

(b) E  (PE  KE)  0

(c) Ft  m v

(d) x  F
Where symbols have their usual meaning

21. In the arrangement shown in figure the ends P and Q of an unstretchable string move downwards with uniform speed U.
Pulleys A and B are fixed. Mass M moves upwards with a speed
(a) 2U cos 
 
(b) U cos 
(c) M
cos  P Q
cos 

22. The pulleys and strings shown in the figure are smooth and of negligible mass. For the system to remain in equilibrium,
the angle  should be

(a) 0o 
(b) 30
(c) 45 o m m
(d) 60 o

23. A string of negligible mass going over a clamped pulley of mass m supports a block of mass M as shown in the figure. The
force on the pulley by the clamp is given by

(a) 2 Mg

(b) 2 mg

(c) (M  m ) 2  m 2 g

(d) (M  m ) 2  M 2 g

24. A pulley fixed to the ceilling carries a string with blocks of mass m and 3 m attached to its ends. The masses of string and
pulley are negligible. When the system is released, its centre of mass moves with what acceleration
(a) 0 (b) g/4

(c) g/2 (d)  g / 2

25. A solid sphere of mass 2 kg is resting inside a cube as shown in the figure. The cube is moving with a velocity
v  (5 t ˆi  2 t ˆj)m / s . Here t is the time in second. All surface are smooth. The sphere is at rest with respect to the cube.
What is the total force exerted by the sphere on the cube. (Take g = 10 m/s2)


O x
(a) 29 N (b) 29 N

(c) 26 N (d) 89 N

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