Handbook of Intelligent Control

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Edited by

David A. White

Donald A. Sorge



~ New York

This book is an outgrowth of discussions that got started in at least three workshops sponsored by the
National Science Foundation (NSF):

.A workshop on neurocontrol and aerospace applications held in October 1990, under joint
sponsorship from McDonnell Douglas and the NSF programs in Dynamic Systems and Control
and Neuroengineering
.A workshop on intelligent control held in October 1990, under joint sponsorship from NSF and
the Electric Power Research Institute, to scope out plans for a major new joint initiative in
intelligent control involving a number of NSF programs
.A workshop on neural networks in chemical processing, held at NSF in January-February 1991,
sponsored by the NSF program in Chemical Reaction Processes

The goal of this book is to provide an authoritative source for two kinds of information:
(1) fundamental new designs, at the cutting edge of true intelligent control, as well as opportunities
for future researchto improve on these designs; (2) important real-world applications, including test
problems that constitute a challenge to the entire control community. Included in this book are a
seriesof realistic test problems, worked out through lengthy discussions between NASA, NetJroDyne,
NSF, McDonnell Douglas, and Honeywell, which are more than just benchmarks for evaluating
intelligent control designs. Anyone who contributes to solving these problems may well be playing
a crucial role in making possible the future development of hypersonic vehicles and subsequently the
economic human settlement of outer space.This book also emphasizes chemical process applications
(capable of improving the environment as well as increasing profits), the manufacturing of high-qual­
ity composite parts, and robotics.
The term "intelligent control" has beenused in a variety of ways, some very thoughtful, and some
based on crude attempts to market aging software. To us, "intelligent control" should involve both
intelligence and control theory. It should be based on a serious attempt to understand and replicate
the phenomenathat we have always called "intelligence"-i.e., the generalized, flexible, and adaptive
kind of capability that we see in the human brain. Furthermore, it should be firmly rooted in control
theory to the fullest extent possible; admittedly, our development of new designs must often be highly
intuitive in the early stages, but, once these designs are specified, we should at least do our best to
understandthem and evaluate them in terms of the deepestpossible mathematical theory. This book
tries to maintain that approach.

1 The viewsexpressedhere arethoseof the authorsanddo not representofficial NSFviews.The figureshave

beenusedbeforein public talks by the first author.


Figure F.l Neurocontrolasa subset.

Traditionally, intelligent control has embraced classical control theory, neural networks, fuzzy
logic, classical AI, and a wide variety of search techniques (such as genetic algorithms and others).
This book draws on all five areas, but more emphasis has been placed on the first three.
Figure F.l illustrates our view of the relation between control theory and neural networks.
Neurocontrol, in our view, is a subset both of neural network research and of control theory. None
of the basic design principles used in neurocontrol is totally unique to neural network design; they
can all be understood-and improved-more effectively by viewing them as a subset and extension
of well-known underlying principles from control theory. By the same token, the new designs
developed in the neurocontrol context can be applied just as well to classical nonlinear control. The
bulk of the papers on neurocontrol in this book discuss neurocontrol in the context of control theory;
also, they try to provide designs and theory of importance to those control theorists who have no
interest in neural networks as such. The discussion of biology may be limited here, but we believe
that these kinds of designs-designs that draw on the power of control theory-are likely to be more
powerful than some of the simpJer,more naive connectionist models of the past; therefore, we suspect
that they will prove to be more relevant to actual biological systems, which are also very powerful
controllers. These biological links have been discussed extensively in other sources, which are cited
in this book.
Those chapters that focus on adaptive control and neurocontrol implicitly assume the following
definition: Intelligent control is the use of general-purpose control systems, which learn over time
how to achieve goals (or optimize) in complex, noisy, nonlinear environments whose dynamics must

r A.-\r--.A..-\



t I -00
TO +00


Figure F.2 Aspectsof intelligent control,

ultimately be learned in real time. This kind of control cannot be achieved by simple, incremental
improvements over existing approaches. It is hoped that this book provides a blueprint that will make
it possible to achieve such capabilities.
Figure F.2 illustrates more generally our view of the relations between control theory, neurocontrol,
fuzzy logic, and AI. Just as neurocontrol is an innovative subset of control theory, so too is fuzzy
logic an innovative subset of AI. (Some other parts of AI belong in the upper middle part of Figure
F.2 as well, but they have not yet achieved the same degree of prominence in engineering applica­
tions.) Fuzzy logic helps solve the problem of human-machine communications (in querying experts)
and formal symbolic reasoning (to a far less extent in current engineering applications).
In the past, when control engineers mainly emphasized the linear case and when AI was primarily
Boolean, so-called intelligent control was mainly a matter of cutting and pasting: AI systems and
control theory systems communicated with each other, in relatively ad hoc and distant ways, but the
fit was not very good. Now, however, fuzzy logic and neurocontrol both build nonlinear systems,
based on continuous variables bounded at 0 and 1 (or il). From the controller equations alone, it
becomesmore and more difficult to tell which system is a neural system and which is a fuzzy system;
the distinction begins to become meaningless in terms of the mathematics. This moves us towards a
new era, where control theory and AI will become far more compatible with eachother. This allows
L 1 arrangementslike what is shown in Figure F.3, where neurocontrol and fuzzy logic can be used as
two complementary sets of tools for use on one common controller.
,II t./1: !:ari­



Figure F.3 A wayto combinefuzzy andneuraltools.

FROM ~ §



Figure F .4 A wayto combinefuzzyandneuraltools.


In practice,thereare manyways to combinefuzzylogic and otherforms of AI with neurocontrol

and otherforms of control theory. For example,seeFigure F.4.
This book will try to provide the basic tools and examplesto make possiblea wide variety of
combinationsand applications,andto stimulatemoreproductivefuture research.

Paul J. Werbos
NSF ProgramDirector for Neuroengineeringand
Co-directorfor EmergingTechnologiesInitiation

Elben Marsh
NSF DeputyA.D. for Engineeringand
FormerProgramDirector for DynamicSystemsand Control

NSF ProgramDirector for EngineeringSystemsand
Lead ProgramDirector for the Intelligent ControlInitiative

Maria Burka
NSF ProgramDirector for ChemicalReactionProcesses

Howard Moraff

NSF ProgramDirector for RoboticsandMachineIntelligence


Paull. Werbos
NSF Program Director for Neuroengineering
Co-director for Emerging Technologies Initiation]


3.1.1. General Comments

This chapter will present detailed procedures for using adaptive networks to solve certain common
problems in adaptive control and system identification. The bulk of the chapter will give examples
using artificial neural networks (ANNs), but the mathematics are general. In place of ANNs, one can
use any network built up from differentiable functions or from the solution of systems of nonlinear
equations. (For example, section 3.2 will show how one can apply these procedures to econometric
models, to fuzzy logic structures, etc.) Thus. the methods to be developed here are really part of
learning control or adaptive control in the broadest sense. For those with no background in neural
networks, it may be helpful to note that everything in this chapter may be viewed as approximations
or extensions of dynamic programming or to other well-known techniques, developed to make it
possible to handle large, noisy, nonlinear problems in real time, and to exploit the computational
power of special-purpose neural chips.
In the past, many applications of ANNs to control were limited to the use of static or feedforward
networks, adapted in relatively simple ways. Many applications of that sort encountered problems
suchas large error rates or limited application or slow adaptation. This chapter will try to summarize

I Theviewsexpressedherearethoseof the author,and not the official views of NSF.


these problems and their solutions. Many of these problems can be solved by using recurrent
networks, which are essentially just networks in which the output of a neuron (or the value of an
intermediate variable) may depend on its own value in the recent past. Section 3.2 will discuss
recurrent networks in more detail. For adaptation in real time, the key is often to use adaptive critic
architectures, as in the successful applications by White and Sofge in Chapters 8 and 9. To make
adaptive critics learn quickly on large problems, the key is to use more advanced adaptive critics,
which White and Sofge have used successfully, but have not been exploited to the utmost as yet.

3.1.2. Neurocontrol:FiveBasicDesignApproaches
Neurocontrol is defined as the use of well-specified neural networks-artificial or natural-to emit
actual control signals. Since 1988, hundreds of papers have been published on neurocontrol, but
virtually all of them are still based on five basic design approaches:

.Supervised control, where neural nets are trained on a database that contains the "correct"
control signals to use in sample situations
.Direct inverse control, where neural nets directly learn the mapping from desired trajectories
(e.g., of a robot arm) to the control signals which yield these trajectories (e.g., joint angles) [1,2]
.Neural adaptive control, where neural nets are used instead of linear mappings in standard
adaptive control (see Chapter 5)
.The backpropagation of utility, which maximizes some measure of utility or performance over
time, but cannot efficiently account for noise and cannot provide real-time learning for very
large problems [3,4,5]
.Adaptive critic methods, which may be defined as methods that approximate dynamic program­
ming (i.e., approximate optimal control over time in noisy, nonlinear environments)

Outside of this framework, to a minor extent, are the feedback error learning scheme by Kawato
[6] which makes use of a prior feedback controller in direct inverse control, a scheme by McAvoy
(see Chapter 10) which is a variant of the backpropagation of utility to accommodate constraints, and
"classical conditioning" schemesrooted in Pavlovian psychology, which have not yet demonstrated
an application to optimal control or other well-defined control problems in engineering [7]. A few
other authors have treated the problem of optimal control over time as if it were a simple function
minimization problem, and have used random search techniques such as simulated annealing or
genetic algorithms.
Naturally there are many ways to combine the five basic designs in complex real-world applica­
tions. For example, there are many complex problems where it is difficult to find a good controller
by adaptation alone, starting from random weights. In such problems, it is crucial to use a strategy
called "shaping." In shaping, one first adapts a simpler controller to a simplified version of the
problem, perhaps by using a simpler neurocontrol approach or even by talking to an expert; then, one
uses the weights of the resulting controller as the initial values of the weights of a controller to solve
the more complex problem. This approach can, of course, be repeated many times if necessary. One
can also build systems that phase in gradually from a simpler approach to a more complex approach.
Hierarchical combinations of different designs are also discussed in other chapters of this book.

All of the five basic methods have valid uses and applications, reviewed in more detail elsewhere
[8,9]. They also have important limitations.
Supervised control and direct inverse control have beenreinvented many times, because they both
can be performed by directly using supervised learning, a key concept in the neural network field.
All forms of neurocontrol use supervised learning networks as a basic building block or module in
building more complex systems. Conceptually, we candiscuss neurocontrol without specifying which
of the many forms of supervised learning network we use to fill in these blocks in our flow charts; as
a practical matter, however, this choice has many implications and merits some discussion. The
concept of propagating derivatives through a neural network will also be important to later parts of
this book. After the discussion of supervised learning, this chapter will review current problems with
each of the five design approaches mentioned above.


3.2.1. SupervisedLearning and Multilayer Perceptrons

Many popularized accounts of ANNs describe supervised learning as if this were the only task that
ANNs can perform.
Supervised learning is the task of learning the mapping from a vector of inputs, X(t), to a vector
of targets or desired outputs, Y(t). "Learning" means adjusting a vector of weights or parameters, W,
in the ANN. "Batch learning" refers to any method for adapting the weights by analyzing a fixed
databaseof X(t) and Y(t) for times t from t = I through T. "Real-time learning" refers to a method for
adapting the weights at time t, "on the fly," as the network is running an actual application; it inputs
X(t) and then Y(t) at each time t, and adapts the weights to account for that one observation.
Engineers sometimes ask at this point: "But what is an ANN?" Actually, there are many forms of
ANN, each representing possible functional forms for the relation that maps from X to Y. In theory,
we could try to do supervised learning for any function or mapping! such that:
.~ =!(X, W). (1)

Some researchers claim that one functional form is "better" than another in some universal sense for
all problems; however, this is about as silly as those economists who claim that all equations must
have logarithms in them to be relevant to the real world.
Most often, the functional mapping from X to Y is modeled by the following equations:

X; = X; I ~ i~m (2)

net; = L W;jXj m < i ~N+ n (3)
j=1 '.

Xi = 1/(1 + exp (-net;» m <i ~N +n (4)


~ i = Xi+N 1~ i ~ n , (5)

where m is the number of inputs, n is the number of outputs, and N is a measureof how big you choose
to make the network. N-n is the number of "hidden neurons," the number of intermediate calculations
that are not output from the network.
Networks of this kind are normally called "multilayer perceptrons" (MLP). Becausethe summation
in equation 3 only goes up to i-I, there is no "recurrence" here, no cycle in which the output of a
"neuron" (Xi)depends on its own value; therefore, these equations are one example of a "feedforward"
network. Some authors would call this a "backpropagation network," but this confuses the meaning
of the word "backpropagation," and is frowned on by many researchers. In this scheme, it is usually
crucial to delete (or zero out) connections Wipwhich are not necessary.For example, many researchers
use a three-layered network, in which all weights Wijare zeroed out, except for weights going from
the input layer to the hidden layer and weights going from the hidden layer to the output layer.

3.2.2. Advantagesand Disadvantagesof Alternative Functional Forms

Conventional wisdom states that MLPs have the best ability to approximate arbitrary nonlinear
functions but that backpropagation-the method used to adapt them-is much slower to converge
than are the methods used to adapt alternative networks. In actuality, the slow learning speed has a
lot to do with thefunctionalform itself rather than the backpropagation algorithm, which can be used
on a wide variety of functional forms.
MLPs have several advantages: (1) given enough neurons,they can approximate any well-behaved
bounded function to an arbitrarily high degree of accuracy, and can even approximate the less
well-behaved functions needed in direct inverse control [10]; (2) VLSI chips exist to implementMLPs
(and several other neural net designs) with a very high computational throughput, equivalent to Crays
on a chip. This second property is crucial to many applications. MLPs are also "feedforward"
networks, which means that we can calculate their outputs by proceeding from neuron to neuron (or
from layer to layer) without having to solve systems of nonlinear equations.
Other popular forms offeedforward neural networks include CMAC (see Chapters 7 and 9), radial
basis functions (see Chapter 5), and vector quantization methods [11]. These alternatives all have a
key advantage over MLPs that I would call exclusivity: The network calculates its output in such a
way that only a small number of localized weights have a strong effect on the output at anyone time.
For different regions of the input-space (the space of X), different sets of weights are invoked. This
has tremendous implications for real-time learning.
In real-time learning, there are always dangers of thrashing about as the system moves from one
large region of state-spaceto another, unlearning what it learned in previous regions [12].
For example, in learning a quadratic function, a system may move occasionally from one region
to another; if a linear approximation fits well enough within anyone region, the system may virtually
ignore the quadratic terms while simply changing its estimates of the linear terms as it moves from
region to region. It may take many cycles through the entire spacebefore the network begins to exploit
the quadratic terms. Networks with exclusivity tend to avoid this problem, becausethey adapt different
weights in different regions; however, they also tend to contain more weights and to be poor at


generalizing across different regions. See Chapter 10 for a full discussion of reducing the number of
weights and its importance to generalization.
Backpropagation, and least squaresmethods in general, has shown much better real-time learning
when applied to networks with high exclusivity. For example, DeClaris has reported faster learning
(in feedforward pattern recognition) using backpropagation with networks very similar to radial basis
functions [13]. Jacobs et al. [14], reported fast learning, using a set of MLPs, coordinated by a
maximum likelihood classifier that assumes that each input vector X belongs to one and only one
MLP. Competitive networks [15]-a form of simultaneous-recurrent network-also have a high
degree of exclusivity. From a formal mathematical point of view, the usual CMAC learning rule is
equivalent to backpropagation (least squares) when applied to the CMAC functional form.
To combine fast learning and good generalization in real-time supervised learning, I once proposed
an approach called "syncretism" [16], which would combine: (I) a high-exclusivity network, adapted
by ordinary real-time supervised learning, which would serve in effect as a long-term memory; (2) a
more parsimonious network, trained in real time but also trained (in occasional periods of batch-like
"deep sleep") to match the memory network in the regions of state-spacewell-represented in memory.
Syncretism is probably crucial to the capabilities of systems like the human brain, but no one has
done the research needed to implement it effectively in artificial systems. Ideas about learning and
~ generalization from examples, at progressively higher levels of abstraction, as studied in human[
psychology and classical AI, may be worth reconsidering in this context. Syncretism can work only!
in applications-like supervised learning-where high-exclusivity networks make sense.
Unfortunately, the most powerful controllers cannot have a high degree of exclusivity in all of
their components. For example, there is a need for hidden units that serve as feature detectors (for
use across the entire state-space),as filters, as sensor fusion layers, or as dynamic memories. There
is no way to adapt such units as quickly as we adaptthe output nodes. (At times, one can learn features
simply by clustering one's inputs; however, this tends to break down in systems that truly have a high
dimensionality-such as to-in the set of realizable states, and there is no guarantee that it will
generate optimal features.) Human beings can learn to recognize individual objects very quickly (in
one trial), but even they require years of experience during infancy to build up the basic feature
recognizers that underlie this ability.
This suggests that the optimal neural network, even for real-time learning, will typically consist
of multiple layers, in which the upper layer can learn quickly and the lower layer(s) must learn more
slowly (or even off-line). For example, one may build a two-stage network, in which the first stage
is anMLP-a design well-suited for generalized feature extraction; the output of the MLP could then
be used as the input to a differentiable CMAC, such as the one developed by Sofge and White [17].i
Finally, one can achieve even more computational power-at the cost of even more difficult!
adaptation-by adding recurrence to one's networks. There are actually two forms of recurrent
networks: (I) time-lagged recurrent networks (TLRNs), in which neurons may input the outputs from
any other neurons (or from themselves) from a previous clock cycle; (2) simultaneous-recurrent
networks, which still perform a static mapping from X to Y, but are based on a kind of iterative
relaxation process. TLRNs are essential when building neural networks for system identification, or
even for the recognition of dynamic patterns. This chapter will show how TLRNs for system
identification are essential to all forms of neurocontrol, but it will not show how to adapt them; those
details are provided in Chapter 10, which will also discuss how to combine time-lagged recurrence

and simultaneous recurrence in a single network. On the other hand, since simultaneous-recurrent
networks are essentially just another way to define a static mapping, they will be discussed further at
the end of this section.

3.2.3. Methodsto AdaptFeedforwardNetworks

The most popular procedure for adapting ANNs is called basic backpropagation. Figure 3.1 illustrates
an application of this method to supervised control, where the inputs (X) are usually sensorreadings
and the targets (u.) are desired control responses to those sensor readings. (In this application, the
targets Y happen to be control signals u..)
At each time t, basic backpropagation involves the following steps:

I. Use equations 1 through 4 to calculate u(t).

2. Calculate the error:

n (6)
E (t) = 112 L ( ~i (t) ~ Yi (t» 2.

3. Calculate the derivatives of error with respect to all of the weights, WijoThese derivatives may
be denoted as F -Wij. (This kind of notation is especially convenient when working with
multiple networks or networks containing many kinds of functions.)
4. Adjust the weights by steepestdescent:

Wij (T+I) = Wij (t) -LR * F _Wij (t), (7)

where LR is a learning rate picked arbitrarily ahead of time, or adapt the weights by some other
gradient-based technique [18,19].

Backpropagation, in its most general form, is simply the method used for calculating all the
derivatives efficiently, in one quick backwards sweep through the network, symbolized by the dashed
line in Figure 3.1. Backpropagation can be applied to any network of differentiable functions. (See
Chapter 10.) Backpropagation in this sense has many uses that go far beyond the uses of basic

X(t ) w y( t) ("~~'\-_!!.:~~L-­

~ ~.J
aWi aE

Figure 3.1 Basic backpropagationin supervisedcontrol.


Conventional wisdom states that basic backpropagation--or gradient-based learning in general­

is a very slow but accuratemethod. The accuracy comes from the minimization of square error, which
is consistent in spirit with classical statistics. Because of the slow speed, backpropagation is
sometimes described as irrelevant to real-time applications.
In actuality, steepestdescent can converge reasonably rapidly, if one takes care to scale the various
weights in an appropriate way and if one uses a reasonable method to adapt the learning rate [20].
For example, I have used backpropagation in a real production system that required convergence to
four decimal places in less than forty observations [5], and White and Sofge have reported the use of
backpropagation in an Action network in real-time adaptation [17]. Formal numerical analysis has
developed many gradient-based methods that do far better than steepest descent in batch learning,
but for real-time learning at O(N) cost per time period there is still very little theory available.
Based on these considerations, one should at least replace equation 7 by:

W;j(t+l) = W;j(t) -LR(t) * Sij * F_W;j(t), (8)

where the Sij are scaling factors. We do not yet know how best to adjust the scaling factors
automatically in real time, but it is usually possible to build an off-line version of one's control
problem in order to experiment with the scaling factors and the structure of the network. If the scaling
factors are set to speed up learning in the experiments, they will usually lead to much faster learning
in real time as well. To adapt the learning rate, one can use the procedure [5]:

LR(t+l) = a*LR(t) + b*LR(t)* (F&_"\"'j&_;'\'j

Wft+l'. F Wft' ), (9)

I F_W(t) I

where a and b are constants and the dot in the numerator refers to a vector dot product.
Theoretically, a and b should be 1, but in batch learning experiments I have found that an "a" of
0.9 and a "b" of.2 or so usually work better. With sparse networks, equation 9 is often enough by
itself to yield adequate performance, even without scaling factors.
In some applications (especially in small tests of pattern classification!), this procedure will be
disturbed by an occasional "cliff' in the error surface, especially in the early stages of adaptation. To
minimize this effect, it is sometimes useful to create a filtered average of IF -WJ2and scale down any
gradient whose size exceeds this average by a factor of 3 or more; in the extreme, one may even
normalize the gradient to unit length. Likewise, in real-time learning applications, the past gradient
in equation 9, F _W(t), should probably be replaced by some kind of filtered value. Once again, there
are more rigorous and powerful methods available for batch learning [18,19], but they have yet to be
extended to real-time learning.
A crucial advantage of equation 9 is that it can be applied separatelyto separate groups of weights.
For example, one can use equation 9 to independently adapt a different learning rate for different
layers of a network. This is crucial to many practical applications, where hidden and/or recurrent
layers require slow adaptation.
To complete this section, I must show how to calculate the derivatives, F -W;J.t), in equation 8. For
any differentiable feedforward network, one may perform these calculations as follows:

F':: Y j (t) = ~ = ~I(t) -Yj(t) (10)

a~j (t)

{F_Wj)(t)} = FJW<X, W,~Y ), (11)

where F Jw is a function calculated by the dual subroutine of the neural network/.

Appendix B of Chapter 10 explains how to program the dual subroutine for any differentiable

feedforward network. In the special case of MLPs, the equations for the dual subroutine are:

N-+n (12)
F _Xj(t) = F -~ ;-,.{t) + L ~j * F _net)(t) i = N+m, ..., 1

F _netj (t) = s'(netj (t» * F -Xj (t) i = N+m, ..., m+ 1 (13)

F_Wjj(t) = F_netj(t) * Xj(t), all Wjj (14)


s '(netj (t» = Xj (t) * (1 -Xj (t» , (15)

where the first term on the right-hand side of equation 12 is taken as zero for i ~ N, and where F _ne~
is taken as zero for j ~ m. Notice how this dual subroutine would generate two useful output arrays,
F _Wand F _X (which is the same as F _Xi for i ~ m); the main inputs to the dual subroutine are simply
the three arguments of the dual function used in equation 11. (The terms Xjand netj,needed in equations
13 and 14, can either be recalculated from X and Wor retrieved from a previous run of the original
networkfbased on the same X and W.)
Likewise, for a two-stage network where j>= f(z) and z = g(X, W), we can calculate the required
derivatives simply by calling the dual subroutines for the two subnetworks! and g:

FJ. = F-h (z, F- t) (16)

{F_Wjj} = F_gw(X,W,F_z).

Few researchers have actually used dual subroutines in adapting simple MLPs for pattern

recognition. It is easierjust to code equations 10, 12, 13, 14, and 15 into one big subroutine. However,

in complex control applications, dual subroutines are essential in order to maintain understandable

modular designs. Intuitively, dual subroutines may be thought of as subroutines that propagate

derivatives (any derivatives) back from the outputs of a network to its inputs. They backpropagate to

all of the inputs in one sweep, but to represent them as functions we need to use subscripts (like the

Win F Jw) to identify which input is being used.


3.2.4 Adapting Simultaneous-Recurrent

or Simultaneous-Equation
Simultaneous-recurrent networks are extremely popular in some parts of the neural network commu­
nity. Following the classical work of Grossberg and Hopfield, networks of this kind are usually
represented as differential equation models. For our purposes, it is easier and more powerful to
representthese kinds of networks as iterative or relaxation systems. More precisely, a simultaneous-
recurrent network will be defined as a mapping:

t = F(X, W), (17)

which is computed by iterating over the equation:

y (n+l) = f (y (n),X, W) (18)

wheref is some sort of feedforward network or system, and}> is defined as the equilibrium value of

y(y(~). For some functionsf, there will exist no stable equilibrium; therefore, there is a huge literature
on how to guarantee stability by special choices off. Many econometric models, fuzzy logic inference
systems, and so on calculate their outputs by solving systems of nonlinear equations that can be
represented in the form of equation 18; in fact, equation 18 can represent almost any iterative update
procedure for any vector y.
To use equation 11 in adapting this system (or to use the control methods described below), all we
need to do is program the dual subroutine F _F in an efficient manner. One way to calculate the
required derivatives-proposed by Rumelhart, Hinton, and Williams in 1986 [21]-required us to
store every iterate, In), for n = 1 to n = 00.In the early 1980s,I developed and applied a more efficient
method, but my explanation of the general algorithm was very complex [22]. Using the concept of
dual subroutine, however, a much simpler explanation is possible.
Our goal is to build a dual subroutine, F _F, which inputs F _t and outputs F _X and/or F -W. To
do this, we must first program the dual subroutine, F J, for the feedforward networkfthat we were
iterating over in equation 18. Then we may simply iterate over the equation:

F -y (n+l)= F _t + F-h (t, X, w, F _y(n). (19)

In cases where the original iteration over equation 18 converged, we are guaranteed that this dual
iteration will converge as well, usually faster [22]. (Note that F -y(n)is only our nth estimate of F -y;
i it has no relation to our earlier iterate y(n).)After convergence has been obtained, we may go on to

F _X = F Jx (t, X, w, F-y (~). (20)

{F_Wij} = F-fw(t,X, W,F-y(~). (21)

The computer program for F _F would therefore consist of a DO loop over n, implementing equation
19, followed by two simple subroutine calls.
As an example, consider the case where:

f(X,y, wx, Wy) = WxX + W.JLY. (22)

It is easyto verify that the procedure above yields the correct derivatives in this linear example (which
can also be used in testing computer code):

y (-) = WxX + Wyy(-) (23)

1" = (I -Wy)-l WxX (24)~

F Jy (1",X, Wx, Wy,F_y (-) = F- 1" + W; F_y (-) = (I -W;)-l F-i~ (25)

F-fx(1", X, Wx, Wy, F- 1") = W~F_y(-) = W~ (I -W;)-IF- 1" (26)

The validity of the procedure in the general case follows directly from equations 22 through 26,
applied to the corresponding Jacobians.
In practical applications of simultaneous-recurrent networks, it is desirable to train the network so
as to minimize the number of iterations required for adequateconvergence and to improve the chances
of stability. Jacob Barhen, of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, has given presentations on "terminal
teacher forcing," which can help do this. The details of Barhen's method appear complicated, but one
might achieve a vefJ: similar effect by simply adding an additional term representing lack of
convergence (such asA(y(N+l)- y(N»)2,
where N is the last iteration) to the error function to be minimized
antis an "arbitrary" weighting factor. The parameter may be thought of as a "tension" parameter;
hig~ tension forces quicker decisions or tighter convergence,while lower tension-by allowing more
time-may sometimes yield a better final result. Intuitively, we would expect that the optimal level
of tension varies over time, and that the management of tension should be a key consideration in
shaping the learning experience of such networks. However, these are new concepts, and I am not
aware of any literature providing further details.
The practical value (and potential hazards) of using simultaneous-recurrent networks is described
in Chapters 10 and 13.


3.3.1 SupervisedControl: CommonProblems
Supervised control seems very simple to implement, as described above. In practice, it presents a
number of challenges.
The first challenge is to build up the databaseof sensor inputs and desired actions. If we already
know what actions to take in a wide variety of situations, doesn't that mean that we already have an
adequate controller? If so, what good is the neural net equivalent? In actuality, there are many
situations where it is useful to copy a known controller with a neural network. For example, one might
copy the skills of a human expert, so as to "clone" him or speed him up [8]. Conventional expert
systems copy what a person saysto do, but supervised control copies what a person actually does (as
recorded in the database). Likewise, supervised control can be used to copy a computer-based
controller that runs very well on a Cray at slow speed but requires a smaller, faster copy for real-world

applications. To understand a supervised control system, it is essential to find out where the database
came from, because the neural net is only trying to copy the person or system who generated the
The second challenge lies in handling dynamics. There are many problems where simple static
networks or models can give an adequate description of the human expert; however, there are many
problems where they are inadequate. For example, Tom McAvoy has pointed out that good human
operators of chemical plants are precisely those operators who do a good job of responding to dynamic
trends. Human controllers-like the automatic controllers I will discuss-cannot adapt to changing
parameters like changing temperatures and pressures- without an ability to respond to dynamics,
as well. In other words, the advantages of time-lagged recurrent networks in automatic control apply
as well to human controllers and to ANN clones of those human controllers.
For optimal performance, therefore, supervised control should not be treated as a simple exercise
in static mapping. It should be treated as an exercise in system identification, an exercise in adapting
a dynamic model of the human expert. Chapter 10 describes at length the techniques available for
system identification by neural network.

3.3.2. CommonProblemsWith DirectInverseControl

Figure 3.2 illustrates a typical sort of problem in direct inverse control. The challenge is to build a
neural network that will input a desired 10cation-X(t)-specified by a higher-level controller or a
human, and output the control signals, u(t), which will move the robot arm to the desired location.
In Figure 3.2, the desired location is in two-dimensional space,and the control signals are simply
the joint angles 91 and 92. If we ignore dynamic effects, then it is reasonable to assume that XI and X2
are a function,f, of 91 and 92,as shown in the figure. Furthermore, iff happens to be invertible (i.e.,
if we can solve for 91 and 92 uniquely when given values of XI and xv, then we can use the inverse
mappingf -I to tell us how to choose 91 and 92 so as to reach any desired point (x;, x;).
Most people using direct inverse control begin by building a databaseof actual X(t) and u(t) simply
by flailing the arm about; they train a neural net to learn the inverse mapping from X(t) to u(t). In
other words, they use supervised learning, with the actual X(t) used as the inputs and the actual u(t)
used as the targets. Most users find ways to avoid the obvious problems in random flailing about, but
there are three problems that are prevalent in this kind of work:

.Positioning errors tend to be about four to five percent of the workspace, which is inadequate
for industrial robotic applications. (For example, see [23].)


62 '
61 X1,X2=f(61,6~ :' "'


.. .61, 62=f-1(X1, X2) Ii;


Figure 3.2 Direct inverse control.


.Even without adding extra actuators, the mapping f in Figure 3.2 is typically not invertible,
which-as Kawato [6] and Jordan [24] have shown-can lead to serious errors.
.There is no ability to exploit extra actuators to achieve maximally smooth, graceful, or
energy-saving motion.

Two approaches have been found to solve the first of these problems: (1) use of a highly accurate
supervised learning system (which caninterfere with real-time learning) and a robot arm with minimal
dynamic effects [25]; (2) use of a cruder, faster, supervised learning system, and the inclusion of
X(t -1) in addition to X(t) as an input to the neural network. Even if the neural net itself has errors
on the order of five to ten percent, the second approach could allow a moving robot arm to reduce
tracking error at time t to five or ten percent of what they were at time t-1. In other words, the dynamic
approach puts a feedback loop around the problem; it captures the capabilities of classical controllers
based on feedback, but it also can allow for nonlinearity. Using an approach of this general sort, Tom
Miller has reported tracking errors for a real Puma robot that were a tiny fraction of a percent; see
Chapter 7 for details.
Nevertheless, Miller's scheme has no provision for minimizing energy use or the like. That would
require an optimal control method such as backpropagating utility (which Kawato and Jordan have
applied to these robot motion problems) or adaptive critics.
Miller has shown that his robot is relatively adaptive to changes in parameters, parameters such
as the mass of an unstable cart which his robot arm pushes around a figure-8 track. After a mass
change; the robot arm returns to accurate tracking after only three passes around the track. Still, it
may be possible to do far better than this with recurrent networks. Suppose that Miller's network had
hidden nodes or neurons that implicitly measured the mass, in effect, by trying to track the dynamic
properties of the cart. Suppose further that this network was trained over a series of mass changes,to
allow the correct adaptation of those hidden nodes. In that case, the robot should be able to adapt
near-instantaneously to new changes in mass. In summary, one could improve on Miller's approach
by treating the direct inverse problem as a problem in system identification, forecasting fl(t) over time
with a recurrent neural network.

3.3.3. AdaptiveControl andNeuralNetworks

The standard textbook on adaptive control in the United Statesis Stable Adaptive Systemsby Narendra
and Annaswamy [26], which grew out of pioneering work by Narendra in the 1970s. The techniques
given in that book are mainly the model reference adaptive control (MRAC) techniques, but the book
also suggests that these techniques are very similar for our purposes to the self-tuning regulator
designs pioneered by Astr6m in Sweden.
Classical MRAC techniques solve a problem very similar to that of direct inverse control. The user
or higher-order controller is asked to supply a ReferenceModel that outputs a desired trajectory. The
control system is asked to send control signals to a robot arm or to some other kind of "plant," so as
to make the plant follow the desired trajectory. It is usually assumed that the plant and the controller
are both linear, but that the parameters of the plant are not known aheadof time. Narendra has shown
how to adapt the parameters of the control system to solve this problem.
There are two practical problems that this work has solved, which are important to neurocontrol
as well: (1) the problem of whole-system stability; (2) the problem of adapting to changes in
parameters of the system to be controlled.


The problem of whole-system stability is crucial to many real-world applications. For example,
the people who own a biIlion-doIlar chemical plant want strong assurances that a control system
cannot destroy this plant through instability. If ANNs provide a one percent savings in cost, but cannot
provide proofs of stability, there may be difficulties in getting acceptance from them. In aerospace
applications, there are similar verification issues. Many neural network researchershave experience
in using Lyapunov methods to prove the stability of neural networks as such [27]; however, the issue
here is the stability of the whole system made up of the unknown plant, the controIler, and the
adaptation procedure all put together. Proofs of stability have been very hard to find in the nonlinear
case, in classical control theory. The desire to go beyond the linear case is one of the key motivations
of Narendra's work with ANNs, discussed in Chapter 5.
The need to adapt to unexpected changes and changes in parameters has been even more crucial
to the interest of industry both in adaptive control and in neurocontrol. BecauseANNs can adapt their
parameters in real time, it is hoped that they wiIl be able to adapt in real time to unexpected events.
In actuality, there are at least three types of unexpected events one could try to adapt to:

1. MeAsurable noise events, such as measurable but unpredictable turbulence as a weIl-in­

strumented airplane climbs at high speed
2. Fundamental but nonnal parameter changes, such as unmeasured drifts in mechanical elastic­
ities or temperature that nonnaIly occur over time in operating a system
3. Radical structural changes, such as the loss of a wing of an airplane, which were totaIly
unanticipated in designing and training the controIler

The ideal optimal controIler should do as weIl as possible in coping with all three kinds of events;
however, it is often good enough in practice just to handle type 1 or type 2 events, and there are severe
limits to what is possible for any kind of control design in handling type 3 problems in the real world.
Real-time learning can help with all three types of events, but it is reaIly crucial only for type 3.
For type 1, it may be of minimal value. Type 3 events may also require special handling, using fast
associative memories (e.g., your past experience flashes by in an instant as your plane dives) and
idiosyncratic systems that take over in extreme circumstances. One way to improve the handling of
type 3 events is to try to anticipate what kinds of things might go wrong, so as to make them more
like type 2 events. The best way to handle type 1 events is to use a control system which is explicitly
designed to account for the presence of noise, such as an adaptive critic system.
Real-time learning can help with type 2 events, but it may not be the fastest and best way to go.
For example, the previous discussion of direct inverse control gave an example of adapting to
changing masses.If we train a network over data in which massesand other parameters are changing,
certain types of network can learn to recognize familiar kinds of parameter change. If mass changes
are familiar from past experience, it should be possible to adapt to them much more quickly than it
would if they were a type 3 event.
This kind of adaptivenessis possible only for networks that contain neurons or units that are capable
of responding to changes in the dynamics of the plant. (How to adapt such units is another issue,
described in Chapter 10.) For example, one such intennediate unit might be needed to estimate the
temperature of the plant. To do this, that unit must somehow be able to integrate infonnation over
long periods of time, because plant dynamics usuaIly cannot be measured accurately based only on
data from t and t- 1. Some researchersmight simply add a whole lot of tapped delay lines, inputs going

back from tand t-l through tot-l000; however, this results in a very nonparsimonious network, which
causes severe problems in learning, as described above. It is better to use structures like those used
in Kalman filtering, in which the state of the intermediate variables at time t depends on observed
inputs at t and t-l and on their own state at time t-l. This, in turn, implies that the system must be a
time-lagged recurrent network.
The ideal approach is to combine the best techniques for handling all three types of events-adap­
tive critic controllers, with recurrent networks and real-time learning. In many applications, however,
real-time learning or recurrent networks may be good enough by themselves. For example, one may
design a controller based on recurrent networks, and adapt it offline using the backpropagation of
utility; the resulting controller may still be "adaptive" in a significant way. Likewise, one may build
a predictive model of a plant and use backpropagation through time to adapt it off-line; then, one may
freeze the weights coming into the memory neurons and use them as a kind of fixed preprocessor
inside of a system that learns in real time.
Narendra has developed three designs so far that extend MRAC principles to neural networks. The
first is essentially just direct inverse control, adapted very slightly to allow the desired trajectory to
come from a reference model. The second-which he called his most powerful and general in
1990-is very similar to the strategy used by Jordan [24]. In this approach, the problem of following
a trajectory is converted into a problem in optimal control, simply by trying to minimize the gap
between the desired trajectory and the actual trajectory. This is equivalent to maximizing the following
utility function (which is always negative):

U = -V2 L (Xi (t) -X;(t»2, (27)


where X(t) is the actual position at time t and x* is the desired or reference position. Narendra then
uses the backpropagation of utility to solve this optimization problem. Jordan has pointed out that
one can take this approach further by adding (negative) terms to the utility function which represent
jerkiness of the motion and so on. Furthermore, it is possible to use adaptive critics instead to solve
this optimization problem, as first proposed in [9].
Many authors refer to equation 27 as an error measure, but it is easierto keep the different modules
of a control system straight if you think of error as something you do in forecasting or pattern
classification, etc.; utility refers to desirable or undesirable physical conditions in the external world
[28,29]. Keeping these concepts distinct becomes important when we move on to the backpropagation
of utility and adaptive critics; in those designs, we usually propagate derivatives of utility through a
Model network for various applications, but the weights in the Model network itself are adapted in
response to error. By expressing equation 27 as a utility function, we can also appreciate more easily
the value of adding extra terms to that utility function, as in the work of Kawato and Jordan. In many
applications (as above), it is a little easier to think about minimizing cost or disutility, rather than
maximizing utility, because of the sign reversal; however, this chapter will emphasize maximization
for the sake of internal consistency.
Narendra's third design appears for the first time in this book. The third design is similar to the
second design, except that radial basis functions are used in place of an MLP, and certain constraints
are placed on the system; within these constraints, Narendra provides a rigorous proof of whole-sys­

tem convergence. In the future, there is also some hope of developing stability proofs for adaptive
critic systems, by adapting a Critic network to serve as a kind of constructed Lyapunov function.
There is also some possibility of validating neural networks for specific applications by using tests
more like those now used to qualify human operators for the same tasks (subject to automatic
emergency overrides).

3.3.4. BackpropagatingUtility and RecurrentNetworks

Section 3.1 mentioned two methods for maximizing utility over future time: the backpropagation of
utility and adaptive critics. The backpropagation of utility is an exact and straightforward method,
essentially equivalent to the calculus of variations in classical control theory [30]. The backpropaga­
tion of utility can be used on two different kinds of tasks: (I) to adapt the parameters or weights, W,
of a controller or Action network A (x,W); (2) to adapt a schedule of control actions (u) over future
time. The former approach-first proposed in 1974 [31]-was used by Jordan in his robot arm
controller [24] and by Widrow in his truck-backer-upper [4]. The latter approach was used by Kawato
in his cascade method to control a robot arm [6] and by myself, in an official 1987 DOE model of
the natural gas industry [5]; Chapter 10 gives more recent examples which, like [5], involve
optimization subject to constraints. This section will emphasize the former approach.
Both versions begin by assuming the availability of an exact model or emulator of the plant to be
controlled, which we may write as:

x (t+ 1) = f(x(t), u(t». (28)

This model may itself be an ANN, adapted to predict the behavior of the plant. In practice, we can
adapt the Action network and the Model network concurrently, but this chapter will only describe
how to adapt the Action network.
The backpropagation of utility proceeds as if the Model network were an exact, noise-free
description of the plant. (This assumption mayor may not be problematic, depending on the
application and the quality of the model.) Based on this assumption, the problem of maximizing total
utility over time becomes a straightforward, if complex, problem in function maximization. To
maximize total utility over time, we can simply calculate the derivatives of utility with respect to all
of the weights, and then use steepestascentto adjust the weights until the derivatives are zero. This
is usually done off-line, in batch mode.
The basic idea is shown in Figure 3.3. A simple implementation of Figure 3.3, using the concept
of dual subroutines discussed in section 3.2 and Chapter 10, is:

1. Repeat the following five steps until convergence.

2. Initialize F_Wand Total_Utility to zero. teii"cc;?~.j
3. For t going from 1 (initial time) to T (final time), do: '.
a. u(t) = A(x(t), W)
b. x(t+l) =f(x(t), u(t»
c. Total_Utility = Total_Utility + U(x(t+ I».
4. Set F_x(T+l) = F_Ux(x(T+l» (i.e., F _Xi(t+l) = aU(x(t+I)/axj(t+l)).
5. Fort from Tto 1, do:
a. F _u(t) = F_fu(x(t), u(t), F_x(t+ 1)) (i.e., backpropagate through the model).


Model ---J
~ U(X(t + 1)

l :
1 X(t)


Figure 3.3 Backpropagatingutility, using backpropagationthroughtime (B1T).

b. F_x(t)=F _U.(x(t»+F _f.(x(t),u(t),F _x(t+l»(backpropagatethrough themodel,adding

grad U).
c. F_W = F- W+ F _Aw(x(t), F_u(t» (propagate derivatives through the Action network).
6. Update W = W + learning_rate * F_W.

Step 5 is a straightforward application of the chain rule for ordered derivatives, discussed in Chapter
10. All of the "F -" arrays contain derivatives of total utility; they should not be confused with the
very different derivatives used in adapting the Model network itself.
Strictly speaking, we should add a third term-F _A.(x(t), F_u(t»-to the right-hand side of step
5b. This term is important only when the Action network cannot accurately represent an optimal
controller (e.g., when it is an MLP with too few weights).
Figure 3.3 represents a use of backpropagation through time, which is normally used in an offline
mode becauseof the calculations backwards in time in step5. It is possible, instead, to use aforwards
perturbation method [36] to calculate the derivatives; however, this usually increases the computa­
tional costs by a factor ofn, where n is the number of weights in the Action network. Such an increase
in cost is bearable if n is on the order of ten to 100,and if the cost of calculation is not a large concern.
Many practical control problems do have that characteristic; therefore, Narendra's recent examples-
which use this approach-point towards a useful form of real-time learning and control for such
problems. Likewise, if the required planning horizon is only ten to 100 steps into the future, then the
alternative method in Chapter 10 may be useful in real time.
There are tricks to account for noise in these methods, but their numerical efficiency in the general
case is questionable.
No matter how we calculate the derivatives of utility here, we still need to use recurrent networks
in order to make the scheme fully adaptive, as discussed earlier. The logical way to do this is by
adapting a Model network that contains neurons able to input their own state at time t-l. The input
vector to the Action network should represent the complete state vector of the plant, including both
the observables X and the outputs R of the hidden units in the Model network. This approachis similar
to the usual dual-control schemebased on Kalman filtering [30]. Once again, the challenge is to adapt
recurrent networks for system identification.

Model of Utility
Reality (E) Function (U)

Secondary or Strategic Utility

Function (J*)

Figure 3.4 Inputs andoutputsof dynamicprogramming.

3.3.5. AdaptiveCritics
The adaptive critic family of designs is more complex than the other four. The simplest adaptive critic
designs learn slowly on large problems but have generatedmany real-world successstories on difficult
small problems. Complex adaptive critics may seemintimidating, at first, but they are the only design
approach that shows serious promise of duplicating critical aspects of human intelligence: the ability
to cope with large numbers of variables in parallel, in real-time, in a noisy nonlinear environment.
Adaptive critic designs may be defined as designs that attempt to approximate dynamic program­
ming in the general case. Dynamic programming, in turn, is the only exact and efficient method for
finding an optimal strategy of action over time in a noisy, nonlinear environment. The cost of running
true dynamic programming is proportional (or worse) to the number of possible states in the plant or
environment; that number, in turn, grows exponentially with the number of variables in the environ­
ment. Therefore, approximate methods are needed even with many small-scale problems. There are
many variations of dynamic programming; Howard's textbook [32] is an excellent introduction to
the iterative, stochastic versions important here.
Figure 3.4 illustrates the basic concept common to all forms of dynamic programming. The user
supplies a utility function U and a stochastic model, F, of the plant or environment to be controlled.
Dynamic programming is used to solve for another function, J, which serves as a secondary or
strategic utility function. The key theoreItl is that any strategy of action that maximizes J in the short
term will also maximize the sum of U over all future times. J is a function of R(t), where R is a
complete state description of the plant to be controlled at time t. Adaptive critic designs are defined
more precisely as designs that include a Critic network-a network whose output is an approximation
to the J function, or to its derivatives, or to something very closely related to these two. The Action
network in an adaptive critic system is adapted so as to maximize J in the near-term future. To
maximize future utility subject to constraints, you can simply train the Action network to obey those
constraints when maximizing J; the validity of dynamic programming itself is not affected by such
To actually build an adaptive critic control system, you must decide on two things: (I) exactly
what the critic network is supposed to approximate, and how you will adapt it to make it do so; (2)

how you will adapt the Action network in response to infonnation coming out of the Critic network.
This section will summarize the range of choices on both of these issues, starting with the choice of
Critics. Chapters 6 and 13 will give more complete infonnation on how to adapt a Critic network, but
the infonnation in this section is reasonably complete for Action networks.
As of 1979, there were three Critic designs that had beenproposed based on dynamic programming:

1. Heuristic dynamic programming (HDP), which adapts a Critic network whose output is an
approximation of J(R(t» [16,33]. The temporal difference method of Barto, Sutton, and
Anderson [34] turns out to be a special case ofHDP (see Chapter 13).
2. Dual heuristic programming (DHP), which adapts a Critic network whose outputs represent
the derivatives of J(R(t» [16,35]. The derivative of J(R(t» with respect to Rj(t) is usually
written as ').;(R(t».
3. Globalized DHP (GDHP), which adapts a Critic network whose output is an approximation
of J(R(t», but adapts it so as to minimize errors in the implied derivatives of J (as well as J
itself, with some weighting) [35,36,37]. GDHP tries to combine the best ofHDP and DHP.

HDPtends to breakdown, through very slow learning, as the size of a problem grows bigger; however,
DHP is more difficult to implement. A major goal of this chapter and of Chapter 13 is to stimulate
research on DHP by explaining the method in more detail.
The three methods listed above all yield action-independent critics. In all cases,the Critic network
inputs the vector R(t), but not the vector of actions, u(t), for the sake of consistency with dynamic
programming (see Figures 3.5 through 3.7). In 1989, Lukes, Thompson, and myself [38,39] and
Watkins [40] independently arrived at methods to adapt action-dependent critics, shown in Figure
3.8. To do this, we went back to the most relevant fonD of the Bellman equation [32], the equation
that underlies dynamic programming:

J(R(t» = max (U(R(t),u(t» + <l (R(t+l» >/(I+r) -Uo, (29)


X(t+ 1) --i~~~~~-- J~ 1)

X(t) --i~~~~:j ~ u(t)

Figure 3.5 The two-networkdesignof Barto, Sutton,andAnderson.


Critic J(t + 1)
I B(t+1)


B(t) I u(t)


Figure 3.6 The Backpropagated

AdaptiveCritic (with J-styleCritic).

where rand UII are constants that are needed only in infinite-time-horizon problems (and then only
sometimes), and where the angle brackets refer to expectation value. We then defined a new quantity:

]'(R(t),u(t» = U(R(t),u(t» + <.l (R(t+ 1» >/(l+r) (30)

By substituting between these two equations, we may derive a recurrence rule for J':

]'(R(t),u(t» = U(R(t),u(t» + max <.l'(R(t+l),u(t+l» >/(I+r) -UII. (31)


Both Watkins and our group developed a way to adapt a Critic network that inputs R(t) and u(t), and
outputs an estimate of J'(R(t),u(t». We called this an action-dependent adaptive critic (ADAC), and
Watkins called it Q-learning. Actually, it would be more precise to call the adaptation procedure
action-dependent HDP (ADHDP), becausethe procedure is almost identical to HDP. Chapter 13 will
also describe an action-dependent version of DHP (ADDHP).
In addition, tricks have beenproposed to make thesemethods work better in practice [33,34,35,37].
For example [35,37], if U can be written as a sum of known components, Vi, one can then estimate
a separate Ji function for each of the Vi. In theory, the sum of these Ji functions is just another way to
express the overall J function, but if each of the Ji components requires fewer inputs than the total J
does, one can expect greater accuracy and faster learning by adapting the components separately. (In
statistical terms, fewer independent variables usually imply smaller standard errors [41].) White and
Sofge have found this trick to be very useful in their work. This trick is essentially just a way station
on the way from HDP to DHP, which effectively breaks out even more components.
Whichever method we use to adapt the Critic network, we still need to find a way to adapt the
Action network in responseto the Critic. Until 1990, virtually all of the applications of adaptive critics

~ (t+1) A (t+1) ~ ~J(t+1)

~ (t)

Figure 3.7 The Backpropagated

AdaptiveCritic (with A-styleCritic and U independentof u(t».

were based on the simple scheme used by Barto, Sutton, and Anderson, illustrated in Figure 3.5. In
this scheme, the Critic network emits a single scalar, an estimate of J(R(t». This scalar is then used
as a kind of gross "reward" or "punishment" signal to the Action network. More precisely, the weights
in the Action network are all adapted by using an algorithm called A-rp [34], which implements the
notion of reward or punishment.
This scheme has worked very well with small problems. With moderate-sized problems, however,
it can lead to very slow learning-a problem that can be fixed by using more advanced designs.
Whenever the vector u(t) has several components, the scheme in Figure 3.5 does not tell us which
component should be rewarded when things go well, or punished if they do not. Furthermore, even
if we know that the Ui(t) component ofu was the really important action, we still don't know whether
Ujshould have been greater or smaller. The more action variables are, the more serious this probleIJl
becomes. Intuitively, this is like telling a student that he or she has done "well" or "badly" without
grading the individual problems on a test; it makes it difficult for the student to improve performance.
(In formal statistical terms [41], one would say that there is a severe problem of multicollinearity
when we try to explain a single dependent variable-J-on the basis of a very large number of actions
or weights.) Clearly, we can do better if we can get additional information indicating which action to
change, in which direction. In other words, we can do better if we somehow obtain information about
derivatives. (Essentially the same argument explains why DHP can do better than HDP in adapting
the Critic network itself.)
By 1990, two alternative methods had been used to overcome this problem in adapting an Action
network. The first-the backpropagated adaptive critic (BAC)-is illustrated in Figures 3.6 and 3.7.
(Figure 3.6 is for more conventional Critic networks, adapted by HDP or GDHP, while Figure 3.7 is
for Critics adapted by DHP.) BAC implements theideaoftryingtopicku(t) so as to maximizeJ(t + I),
which is what equation 29 tells us to do. The idea is to build up a model of the plant to be controlled,
and use backpropagation to calculate the derivatives of J(t + 1) with respect to the weights in the
Action network. These weights can then be adaptedby steepestascentor by some other gradient-based
method. Jameson [42] has shown that the design in Figure 3.6 does work, but realistic and large-scale

Even in Figure 3.8, recall that dynamic programming requires the R vector to be a complete state
vector. Even with ADAC, our ability to develop a high degree of adaptiveness or short-term memory
requires that we construct an R vector that provides these capabilities. The best way to do this is
simply to adapt a Model network and use its hidden nodes as an expanded state vector. One could do
something similar by using Kalman filtering on the observed sensor data, X(t), but the neural net
offers a more general nonlinear formulation of the same ideas.
In summary, the adaptive critic family of methods is a large and complex family, ranging from
simple and well-tested, but limited, methods, to more complex methods that eventually promise true
brain-like intelligent performance. Early applications of the latter have been very promising, but there
is an enormous need for more tests, more studies of applications demanding enough to justify the
greater complexity, and more creative basic research. Better system identification, based on methods
like those of Chapter 10, is crucial to the capabilities of all of these systems; indeed, it is crucial to
all of the five basic approaches of neurocontrol.

[1] L. G. Kraft and D. Campagna, A summary comparison ofCMAC neural network and traditional
adaptive control systems. Neural Networks for Control, W. T. Miller, R. Sutton, and P. Werbos,
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1990.

[2] A. Guez and J. Selinsky, A trainable neuromorphic controller. Journal ofRobotic Systems,August

[3] P. Werbos, Backpropagation through time: What it does and how to do it. Proceedings of the
IEEE, October 1990.

[4] D. Nguyen and B. Widrow, The truck backer-upper: an example of self-learning in neural
networks. In W. T. Miller, R. Sutton, and P. Werbos, op. cit. [1].

[5] P. Werbos, Maximizing long-term gas industry profits in two minutes in Lotus using neural
network methods. IEEE Trans. Systems,Man, and Cybernetics, March/April 1989.

[6] M. Kawato, Computational schemes and neural network models for formation and control of
multijoint arm trajectory. In W. T. Miller, R. Sutton, and P. Werbos, op. cit. [1].

[7] Commons, Grossberg, and Staddon, eds., Neural Network Models of Conditioning and Action,
Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, 1991.

[8] P. Werbos, Neurocontrol and fuzzy logic: Connections and designs. International Journal on
Approximate Reasoning, January 1992.

[9] P. Werbos, Neurocontrol and related techniques. Handbook of Neural Computing Applications,
A. Maren ed., Academic Press, New York, 1990.

[10] E. Sontag, Feedback Stabilization Using Two Hidden-Layer Nets, SYCON-90-11. Rutgers
University Center for Systems and Control, New Brunswick, NJ, October 1990.

[11] T. Kohonen, The self-organizing map. Proceedings of the IEEE, September 1990.

[12] W. Y. Huang and R. P. Lippman, Neural net and traditional classifiers. In NIPS Proceedings

[13] N. DeClaris and M. Su, A novel class of neural networks with quadratic junctions. In 1991
IEEElSMC, IEEE Catalog No. 91CH3067-6, IEEE, New York, 1991.

[14] R. Jacobs et al., Adaptive mixtures of local experts. Neural Computation, 3:(1), 1991.

[15] S. Grossberg, Competitive learning: from interactive activation to adaptive resonance. Cognitive
Science, 11 :23-63, 1987.

[16] P. Werbos, Advanced forecasting methods for global crisis warning and models of intelligence.
General Systems Yearbook, 1977.

[17] D. Sofge and D. White, Neural network based process optimization and control. In IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control (Hawaii), IEEE, New York, 1990.

[18] P. Werbos, Backpropagation: Past and future. In Proceedings of the Second International
Conference on Neural Networks, IEEE, New York, 1988. (Transcript of talk and slides available
from author.)

[19] D. Shanno, Recent advances in numerical techniques for large scale optimization. In W. T. Miller,
R. Sutton and P. Werbos, op. cit. [1].

[20] J. E. Dennis and R. Schnabel,NumericalMethodsfor Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear

Equations, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1983.

[21] D. Rumelhart, G. Hinton, and R. Williams, Parallel Distributed Processing (Chapter 8).
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1986.

[22] P. Werbos, Generalization of backpropagation with application to a recurrent gas market model.
Neural Networks, 1 :339-356, October 1988 (submitted August 1987).

[23] M. Kuperstein, INFANT neural controller for adaptive sensory-motor coordination. Neural
Networks, 4:(2), 1991.

[24] M. Jordan, Generic constraints on underspecified target trajectories. In Proceedings of IJCNN,

IEEE, New York, June 1989.

[25] J. A. Walter, T. M. Martinez, and K. J. Schulten, Industrial robot learns visuo-motorcoordination

by means of neural-gas network. Artificial Neural Networks, Vol. 1, T. Kohonen, et al., eds., North
Holland, Amsterdam, 1991.

[26] K. Narendra and Annaswamy, Stable Adaptive Systems,Prentice-Hall, Englewood, NJ, 1989.

[27] J. Johnson, Globally stable saturable learning laws. Neural Networks, Vol. 4, No.1, 1991. See
also A. N. Michel and J. Farrell, Associative memories via neural networks. IEEE Control Systems
Magazine, 10:(3), 1990. Many other examples exist.

[28] J. Von Neumann and O. Morgenstern, Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, Princeton
University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1944.

[29] P. Werbos, Rational approaches to identifying policy objectives. Energy: The International
Journal, 15:(3/4), 1990.

[30] A. Bryson and Y. Ho, Applied Optimal Control: Optimization, Estimation and Control,
Hemisphere, 1975.

[31] P. Werbos, Beyond Regression: New Tools for Prediction and Analysis in the Behavioral
Sciences, Ph.D. thesis, Harvard University, Committee on Applied Mathematics, Cambridge,
MA, November 1974.

[32] R. Howard, Dynamic Programming and Markhov Processes.MIT Press,Cambridge, MA, 1960.

[33] P. Werbos, Consistency of HDP applied to a simple reinforcement learning problem. Neural
Networks, 3:179-189, October 1990.
[34] A. Barto, R. Sutton, and C. Anderson, Neuronlike elements that can solve difficult learning
control problems. IEEE Trans. Systems,Man, and Cybernetics. 13:(5), 1983.

[35] P. Werbos, A menu of designs for reinforcement learning over time. In W. T. Miller, R. Sutton,
and P. Werbos, op.cit. [1].

[36] P. Werbos, Applications of advances in nonlinear sensitivity analysis. System Modeling and
Optimization: Proceedings of the 10th IFIP Conference, R. F. Drenick and F. Kozin, eds.,
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1982.

[37] P. Werbos,Building and understandingadaptivesystems:a statisticaVnumericalapproachto

factory automationand brain research.IEEE Trans. Systems,Man, and Cybernetics,17:(1),

[38] P. Werbos, Neural networks for control and systemidentification. In IEEE Conferenceon
Decisionand Control (Florida),IEEE, New York, 1989.

[39] G. Lukes, B. Thompson,and P. Werbos, Expectationdriven learning with an associative

memory. In IJCNN Proceedings(Washington),op. cit. [10].

[40]C. Watkins,Learningfrom DelayedRewards,Ph.D. thesis,CambridgeUniversity,Cambridge,


[41] T. H. Wonnacottand R. Wonnacott,Introductory Statisticsfor Businessand Economics,2nd

ed.,Wiley, New York, 1977.

[42] J. Jameson,A neurocontrollerbasedon model feedbackand the adaptiveheuristic critic. In

Proceedingsof theIJCNN (SanDiego),IEEE, New York, June1990.

[43] M. Jordanand R. Jacobs,Learning to control an unstable systemwith forward modeling,

Advancesin Neural Information ProcessingSystems2, D. Touretzky,ed., Morgan Kaufmann,
SanMateo,CA, 1990.

[44] P. WerbosandA. Pellionisz,Neurocontroland neurobiology:New developmentsand connec­

tions. In ProceedingsoftheInternationalJointConferenceonNeuralNetworks.IEEE, NewYork,
Co,", 10


Paull. Werbos
NSF Program Director for Neuroengineering
Co-Director for Emerging Technologies Initiation

Thomas McAvoy and Ted Su

Department of Chemical Engineering. University of Maryland


This chapter will discuss the application of artificial neural networks (ANNs) in the chemical process
industries. with particular emphasis on new designs that could be useful in other applications (neural
and nonneuraI) as well:

.The use of simple ANNs as the system identification component of model-based predictive
control (MPC), a widely used scheme that optimizes over time subject to constraints.
.The use of "robust" or "parallel" training of ANNs used in system identification. In tests on real
data from a wastewater treatment plant and an oil refinery, this has led to an orders-of -magnitude
reduction in prediction error when compared with conventional maximum-likelihood ap-
proaches. Earlier tests on nonneural implementations were also promising. There are deep
theoretical lessons involved, significant to all forms of ANN adaptation and system identifica-
.Techniques for pruning ANNs (a task which has turned out to be crucial to ANN performance).
techniques for using ANN-like techniques with other nonlinear specifications (for those who
do not want to use ANNs as such) and techniques for using ANN models similar to nonlinear
ARMA models or Kalman filtering systems-to be given in later sections.

ANNs are already in use in real-world applications by many of the major chemical manufacturers.
Applications fielded to date mostly involve pattern recognition or soft sensing or feedforward control


systems, where safety and stability are not a major issue. There is substantial new research, and some
application, in more advanced forms of system identification and control. Greater efficiency in
chemical processing, through advanced control, could save millions of dollars and have a significant
impact on major global environmental problems.
This chapter will begin with a broad summary of these applications. Then, in section 10.3, it will
discuss the use of simple ANNs within model-based predictive control (MPC), and discuss some tests
run on a simulated chemical plant at the University of Maryland [1]. Section 10.4 will discuss
alternative ways of adapting ANNs for use in prediction, tested against real-world data. The
theoretical issues discussed in section 10.4 apply to system identification in general; they are not
unique to ANNs. Section 10.4 will also discuss alternative model specifications-neural and non-
neural-which address such issues as measurement noise, slowly-varying system parameters, and
memory of important but unobserved variables. Finally, the final sections of the chapter will provide
the equations needed to implement various extensions of these methods; for example, section 10.5
will discuss a technique for pruning ANNs [2], and section 10.6 will contain a tutorial on how to use
the chain rule for ordered derivatives [3,4], so as to calculate gradients and Hessians at minimum
cost in a parallelizable manner for any nonlinear dynamic system. Sections 10.7 and 10.8 will provide
equations for options discussed in sections 10.3 and 10.4.


The Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Maryland, in cooperation with the
NSF-sponsored Systems Research Center, has investigated a wide range of applications of artificial
neural networks (ANNs). Becausethis work was successful,and also becauseof substantial industrial
interest, McAvoy founded a Neural Network Club in 1990 that now has over twenty-five dues-paying
corporate members, representing Fortune 500 corporations. Many of these companies have achieved
net savings already, through existing applications of ANN s, which range from hundreds of thousands
to millions of dollars. At a recent public talk [5], a representative from DuPont stated that his company
is already into the "third generation" of ANN applications, reaching out to dozens or even hundreds
of sites within the company.
The applications of ANNs to date at the Neural Network Club are probably representative of those
in the industry:

1. Sensor interpretation (biosensors) [6]

2. Nonlinear dynamic modeling [7,8]
3. Modeling (or "cloning" of human operators/experts) [9]
4. Nonlinear steady-state modeling
5. Knowledge extraction [10]
6. Smart optimization [11]
7. Fault detection [12]

In addition, a technique has beendeveloped to remove unnecessaryconnections from ANNs [2] (see
section 10.5), using a modified objective function. Techniques of this sort are important to the success
of many applications involving backpropagation.
The sensor-interpretation example [6] is probably typical of the easy, first-generation applications
that are now widespread and still expanding. In this example, McAvoy et al. were basically trying to
build a "soft sensor" capable of monitoring the concentration of desirable products in real time in a
chemical plant. Traditionally, the processindustries have relied on simple measurements suchas flow,
pressure, and temperature; however, to achieve a higher level of efficiency, and to control more
complex systems such as bioreactors, itis important to measure concentrations as well.
Chemical engineers have known for decades how to measure chemical concentrations in the
laboratory, if one is willing to wait for a few hours or a few days. The challenge here lies in real-time
sensing. We do have real-time measurements available-such as fluorescence spectra-which
implicitly tell us what the concentrations are; the problem is to learn the nonlinear mapping from the
spectral information to actual concentrations. In their experiment, McAvoy et al. did exactly that,
by putting together thirty-three samples of various mixtures of amino acids, and using a simple ANN
to predict the corresponding concentrations of fluorophores. They achieved an average absolute
prediction error of 5.2% in predicting the mole fractions, using an ANN, versus 11.7% when they
used partial least squares (PLS), the best conventional alternative [13]. A larger training database
should make the method more accurate.
ANNs for pattern recognition have also been used to detect hot spots in the continuous casting of
steel [14]. In this application, ANNs led to a great increase in accuracy over more expensive,
conventional methods. The system has been installed in several plants of the Nippon Steel Company
and is scheduled for use in all of them.
Nonlinear dynamic modeling-like smart sensing-is crucial to real-time control. For that reason,
this chapter will describe our recent experience in that area in some detail. First-principle models are
possible in the chemical industry, as in other industries; however, the sheer complexity of chemical
plants and the presence of unknown secondary reactions usually make such models extremely
expensive, unreliable, and specific to only one or two plants. For this reason, empirically based
models--either linear models or ANN models-can be of great value. ANN models can be used either
as alternatives to first-principle models or as supplements, to predict the errors of the first-principle
The modeling of human operators can also be very useful [9]. The difference between the best
human operators and the average is often worth large amounts of money, because of differences in
plant efficiency during plant change-over and the like. The techniques required to model human
operators with ANNs are no different, in principle, from those required to model other dynamic
systems. This approach is discussed further in the section on supervised control in Chapter 3.
ANNs have been used at Maryland and elsewhere to extract knowledge that is then used in more
conventional AI control systems [10]. There are probably dozens of ways to combine ANNs and AI
techniques, useful in different applications, especially if the AI systems are based on differentiable
functions (as in fuzzy logic). Many of the best examples of such combinations come from Japan[15].
More effective optimization-both in the design of chemical plants [11] and in real-time optimi-
zation-will probably turn out to be the most important application in the long term. As an example,
imagine a petrochemical plant that produces a billion dollars worth of product per year, running at a
ninety-eight percent level of efficiency. Such efficiencies are quite typical. The remaining inefficien-

cies are typically due to the difficulty of optimization during transient or changing conditions, when
process parameters change in an unplanned or nonlinear manner. Good nonlinear optimization might
well raise this up to ninety-nine percent efficiency, thereby saving the company $10 million per year.
More importantly, a rise in efficiency from ninety-eight percent to ninety-nine percent typically
cuts the unwanted waste products in half, from two percent to one percent. It is not obvious what the
larger social implications of this may be, because there are so many different kinds of plants and
waste products; however, as a general rule, there is a correlation between inefficiency and waste, and
there is reason to believe that such improvements could have a substantial impact on environmental
problems. As a further example, a representative of General Electric (GE) has told us that more
efficient, pattern-recognition-based control systems might well be able to reduce the emissions of
NOx by a factor of ten, in gas turbines and boilers, even as a retrofit to well-designed modem systems.
These kinds of environmental benefits addresscentral problems that would otherwise be very difficult
to deal with in a comprehensive, long-term energy and environmental policy [55].
Better control may be crucial, as well, to the feasibility of using certain advanced production
processes, such as the biological processesused in biotechnology and wastewater treatment plants.
The potential markets for such processesare very large.
Better diagnostics are important, of course, to improved safety and to cost-effective maintenance
that can minimize the need for very expensive replacement investments. A wide variety of techniques
has been used at the University of Maryland and elsewhere [12,14,16]. The issue of safety will be a
crucial factor in the use of novel control designs in the chemical industry.


Model-based predictive control (MPC) has been used very widely in the chemical and petroleum
industries. Because of the difficulties of using or obtaining first-principle models (mentioned above),
the usual procedure is to develop a linear model of the plant, based on empirical data, and to use that
model within an optimization routine. Our goal has been to use the same empirical data, instead, to
develop an ANN model of the same plant. This is almost as easy as developing the linear model;
however, becauseANNs can learn to represent any well-behaved nonlinear function [17,18,19], they
should be able to represent the plant more accurately, and thereby lead to better performance.
The simulations described here were first reported by Saint-Donat, Bhat, and McAvoy [1] at
Maryland. Saint-Donat has since returned to the A TOCHEM company of France, and Bhat has gone
to Texaco.
Model-based control systems have been used before in the neural network community. For
example, see the section on the "backpropagation of utility" in Chapters 3 and 13. The method used
by Saint-Donat et al. is technically a form of the backpropagation of utility, but it has two special
features that it shares with other forms of MPC:

.The present and future control signals are output directly from the optimizer, not from an ANN
or other parametrized controller; in other words, the systemsolves for an optimal future schedule
of actions, rather than an optimal set of controller parameters.
.The optimizer takes account, explicitly, of system constraints, which typically involve con-
straints on flow rates, temperature, and pressure.

This method is parallelizable, and the major pieces of it could be implemented on chips; therefore,
unlike traditional MPC, it has serious promise as a real-time optimal control system.
This section will begin with a more detailed description of the task that Saint-Donat et al. addressed
in simulation. Next, it will describe the architecture used to perform the task. It will conclude with a
discussion of the observed performance.

10.3.1. TheTask: A pH CSTRReactor

The task is to control the level of acidity (pH) in a continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR), illustrated
in Figure 10.1. We assumea constant input flow of acetic acid. Our goal is to adjust the flow of sodium
hydroxide (NaOH) so as to "neutralize" the acid-to achieve a desired setpoint for the pH. To test
the control system, Saint-Donat et al. evaluated its ability to cope with a change in setpoints. In the
initial tests, they changed the setpoint from 6.5 to 6.3. In later tests, they changed it from 7.2 to 7.0.
At any given time, t, we have information on the pH (which we observe) and the flow rate (which
we chose), both for times t -3, t- 2, and t- 1. We also observe the pH at time t. Our goal is to decide
on the flow rate for times t through t + 7. The flow rates for times t + 8 through t + 30 will be set equal,
to the flow rate for time t + 7; this is done to stabilize the system, to prevent "overoptimization," andi
is standard in MPC.
To be more precise, our goal at any time t is to pick the actions (F2(t) through F2(t + 5», which
will minimize the tracking error:

30 (1)
U = L (PH(t + k) -pIt(t + k)y,

where pH is the actual pH and pIt is the desired pH, subject to four constraints that apply at all times:

pHmin ~ pH ~ pHmax (2)

Acetic acid ~ "*'~ NaOH flo~

flow ~-~---, I v "= f ( time)
= f (time)


Figure 10.1 Casestudy (pH in a stirredtank reactor)


F2min~ F2 ~ F2max. (3)

Tracking error is denoted by "U," rather than "E," because it is really a measure of utility or
disutility-a measure of the desirability of the actual state of the plant; the letter "E" is reserved for
prediction errors or classification errors or the like. Our control system as a whole is designed to
minimize U, but it will contain a system identification component trained to minimize E.
The simulation was based on equations taken from [7]. By writing material balances on Na+and
total acetate (HAC + AC), and assuming that acid-base equilibria and electroneutrality relationships
hold, one gets:

Total Acetate Balance:

C; = [HAC] + [AC-] (4)

& (5)
Yd7 = F1C1-(F1 + FVC;

Sodium Ion Balance:

~ = [NAi (6)

Ydt = F2C2-(F1 + FV~ (7)


~ + [H-] = K..I[H-] + Ku[HAC]I1H-] (8)

Fl and F2 are the acid and base flow rates, respectively. In our case, F2 is the manipulated variable.
C1 and C2 are the concentrations of the acids and bases, respectively, in the input stream. V is the
volume of the reactor. The parameters used in this simulation are given in Table 10.1.
Table 10.1

CSTR ParametersUsed Value

Volume of Tank 1000lit.
Flowrate of HAC 81Iit./min.
Steadystate flow rate of NaOH 515Iit./min.
SteadystatepH 7
Concentrationof HAC in Fl 0.3178mol.flit.
Concentrationof NaOH in F2 0.05mol.flit.


past and presentpH.

past F2
Neural Net F uture pH
Dynamic Model

+ from plant

present F2
Fulure F2 0 ..
Ptlmlzer +

Desin:d pi I

Figure 10.2 Neural netbasedcontrol.

10.3.2. Architecture Usedto Solvethe Problem

The architecture used to solve this problem is shown in Figure 10.2. First of all, an ANN was adapted
or fitted to serve as a dynamic model of the process to be controlled. Then, in real-time control, the
ANN was held fixed, except for a constant bias term that was continually updated. At each time t,
the optimizer looked ahead thirty steps and planned a series of actions for thirty time-steps ahead;
however, it actually took only one step, and then-at time t + I-it recalculated everything. This
section will describe these steps in more detail. Adapting the ANN The ANN was an ordinary three-layer multilayer perceptron
(MLP), illustrated in Figure 10.3. In general, this kind of network inputs a vector of inputs, X(t), made
up of components KAt) through Xm(t). It outputs a vector Y(t), made up of components YAt) through
Yn(t). It obeys the following system of equations at each time t:

m (9)
vi = Wj()-+LWitXk(t) 1 ~j~h

xi = s(vj) ~ 1/(1 + e-V;) 1 ~j ~ h (10)

h (11)
v7 = ~)+LWijxi 1 ~i~n

(I. + +,. .1 -v'. (12)

r;(t) = x; = s(v; J = 1/(1 + e I), 1~ I ~ n

Output Laye



Pastoutputs Pastand Presentinputs

Figure 10.3 Multilayer perceptron.

where h represents the size of the hidden layer, where sO is usually called "the sigmoid function,"
where the matrices Wand W are the "weights" or parameters to be adapted,where v-and v+ represent
the levels of voltage stimulating the neurons on the hidden and output layers, respectively, and where
x' and x+ represent the intensity of the outputs of those neurons.
In this application, Saint-Donat et al. used a net with seven inputs (i.e., m = 7), four hidden units
(h = 4), and one output or target variable (n = 1). At eachtime t, the input vector, X(t), consists of the
following sevennumbers:pH(t- 3), pH(t -2),pH(t-l), Fz(t- 3), Fz(t- 2), Fz(t-l), and Fz(t). The
output, YJ,was used to predictpH(t). In actuality, the variable Fz(t) had little effect on the forecast of
pH(t), because of deadtime effects, and was deleted from subsequenttests; however, this chapter will
assume its inclusion, for the sake of generality. In earlier experiments [7], ANNs had beendeveloped
to predict pH(t + I), pH(t + 2), and pH(t + 3) all together as outputs of the network; however, those
ANNs were not used in this application. Figure 10.5 illustrates the fit betweenpredicted pH and actual
pH in some of the earlier work [7].
In order to adapt this network-i.e., to estimate the optimal values of the weights Wij" and
Wij+-Saint-Donat, et at. performed two tasks: (1) they developed a database of simulated X(t) and
pH(t) for many times t; (2) they used the well-known technique called backpropagation to adapt the
weights, so as to minimize the error of the network in predicting pH(t) over that database.
The technique for developing the database was taken from Bhat, et at. [7]. Basically, a pseudo-
random binary signal (PRBS) was added to a steady-state signal for the manipulated variable, and
equations 4 through 8 were used to forecast the resulting flows. This led to the time series for flow
rate (Fz) and pH shown in Figure 10.4. This continuous time series was read off at regular time
intervals, yielding the database for X(t) and pH(t) across different values of t.

j 550.00 J\JJ~qrJ1v

000 100.00 200.00 JOO.OO 400
~ (oec)




5.00 ',-r rTTrrr-rr-. ...r .-r~ I ~-'~-1

000 10000 20000 .300.00 400..
r I 08c:I

Figure 10.4 Casestudy: pH in a C.S.T.R.(Acid flow rate constantand NaOH flow rate varying.)

The techniqueusedto adaptthe weightswasbasic backpropagation (BEP)-a specializeduse of

backpropagationfirst proposedby Werbos[20-22] and laterpopularizedby Rumelhart[23]. In this
application, Saint-Donatet al. cycled through each of the (X(t), pH(t» pairs in the database,
performingthe following sequenceof stepsfor eachpair t:

1. Useequations9 through 12to calculatea forecast,~(t), for pH(t).

We will denotethis forecastaspPl(t).
2. Calculatethe error of this forecast:

E(t) = 1i2(PPl(t)
-pH(t»2 (13)

3. Updatethe weightsby the equations:

new % = old % -learnIng_rate *~ (14)

McNIel , -'
docl"'" ,;
I ()II "

, ~..'
.. .!
I .,
lltiO ..
0. II .,11

II .J'" I ) ,.;
'.. '.

, .~
/ ").'
)\ '"". '.
., .,
.., "".."
IIIHI t I I ;11..I 1 I I I I',I I I II H1 I I 1 I I I I I (III
1 II III,I I 1 I I I I '..I'.1 I ::1)
I I 1 1 1 ..I .J'lt1 I I (II)
.1 I , , , ,I' ."

li,ne (rnin)

Figure 10.5 Predictionon training data(st. st. pH = 9).

new Wij = old Wij -learning_rate * ~ ,

wherethe constantlearning_ratewas setas in [7], They cycled throughall of the (X(t),pH(t»
pairs, over andover, until the weightsconverged.

For the simple architectureshownin equations9 through 12,it happensthat:

aE(t) = (r;(t)
a"W:; c.. -Y;(t» * s, (v;)
+ * Xj


( n , +
~a .= L (S>;(t) , -(16)
-Y;(t» * s (v;) * WijS(Vj)XJt),
Wit ;=1

wherethe sigmoid function s() hasthe property:


s'(v) = s(v)(1 -s(v». (17)

In this application, n = 1 and Y }(t) is just pH(t); this simplifies the calculations considerably.
Backpropagation, in the most general sense,refers to a general algorithm for calculating derivatives
efficiently through a large sparse system,to be described in section 10.6. The efficient implementation
of equations 16 and 17 is simply one example of the applications of that algorithm. Many authors
have discussed alternatives to equation 14 which can speed up convergence [21,24,25] Adapting the ANN Bias in Real Time Once the ANN was adapted off-line, as dis-
cussed in section, the weights were frozen throughout the control simulations, with one
exception. At each time t, the forecast of pH(t) actually used was:

pH(t) forecast = ptJ(t) + bias, (18)

where ptJ(t) was the forecast from the ANN and bias was calculated from the previous time-step:

bias = pH(t -1) -ptJ(t -1). (19)

Furthermore, this same value of bias was used in predictingpH(t + k), for k = 1 through 30, as required
by the control system (optimizer) at time t. The bias term accounts for plant/model mismatch and
unmeasured disturbances. By using equation 19, it can be shown that perfect setpoint tracking can be
achieved in spite of these effects. Solving the Optimization Problem in Real Time At eachtime t, the optimization rou-
tine solved for values of F2(t) through F2(t + 7) to maximize:


U = L (PH(t + k) -plt(t + k»2,


subject to the constraints:

pHmin~ pH ~ pHmax
~ F2min ~ F2 ~ F2max
F2(t + k) = F2(t+ 7) for k > 7,

as given in equations 1 through 3, assuming that pH(t + k) is given as in equation 18.

Actually, equation 18 only tells us how to predict pH(t) when we know F 2(t)and prior information;
Figure 10.6 shows the general approach used to "chain" the ANN to produce all the forecasts we
need, from pH(t) through to pH(t + 30). (Some of these figures have minor differences from the nets
used here, because they came from earlier work.)
This optimization problem is a straightforward problem in nonlinear programming. To solve this

problem, Saint-Donat et al. [I] used a feasible sequential quadratic programming (FSQP) program
developed through research at the University of Maryland [26,27]. This program can:

i j
i xl= pH(t-1 I

L". x_-
")- p H(t) Neural pH(t+l) !
x3=F;(t-l) :'let i


X4=~(t) x 1= pH(t)
i ") pH(t+2)
! -x_= pH(t+ I Neural
, ,... x3=F(t) Net


Figure 10.6 Simple example.

.Minimize any smooth nonlinear function

.Deal with any kind of nonlinear equality and/or inequality constraints on the manipulated
.Generate only feasible iterates (i.e., meet all the constraints even before convergence to the final

This last feature will be especially important if we actually try to apply this approach in a real plant.
In a real plant, one can never be certain that the FSQP will find the optimal solution quickly enough,
if we require it to stop its calculations at the end of each sampling cycle. This could become a serious
problem for complex plants. However, the feasibility property guarantees that the current iteration of
FSQP will still give us acceptable values for the manipulated variables, even if they are not quite fully
optimal. The feasibility feature has another advantage, which may help in speeding up convergence:
By keeping the iteration out of the unacceptable range, it also keeps it within the original training
range of the ANN; iterations outside that range might have confused the iterative process, because
predictions from the ANN are far less reliable outside of the original training range.
In the future, there is reasonto hope that this algorithm can be implemented in a fully parallel form,
on a chip-enabling true real-time applications. ANN calculations can certainly be done on a chip.
Even within the optimization algorithm, a major part of the computation concerns the gradient of the
Hamiltonian function for the problem, given by:

3() (20)
H = U + L (Al1)(PH(t + k) -pHmin) + Al2)(PHmax
-pH(t + k» )


+ L (A.~1)(F2(t
+ k) -F2min)+ A.~4)(F2max
-F2(t + k» )

where the A'S are Lagrange multipliers. In the special case where pH(t + k) is predicted by an ANN,
we can parallelize the calculation of this gradient, simply by using backpropagation through time.
This was actually done successfully in the simulations by Saint-Donat et al. In fact, backpropagation
can also be used to calculate the Hessian of the Hamiltonian-which can also be used in FSQP-in
a highly efficient way. section 10.7 will provide the details of how to do both things, based directly
on the chain rule for ordered derivatives.
Additional speedupresults from using the values of F2(t + I) through F2(t + 30), calculated at time
t, as starting values for the optimizer at time t + I. Deeper analysis of these Lagrange multipliers may
also be useful. (However, users of methods like differential dynamic programming or DHP should
be warned that these Lagrange multipliers are quite different, because the equations used to predict
pH(t + k) are not treated as constraints themselves.)

10.3.3. SimulationResultsand Conclusions

Before testing the overall control scheme, Saint-Donat et al. conducted a brief test of the steady-state
predictive abilities of the ANN. Figure 10.7 shows a comparison of the steady-state pH versus the
steady-state flow of NaOH into the CSTR for a constant inflow of acid. As can be seen, the ANN
achieves a reasonably accurate model of the highly nonlinear steady-statecharacteristics of the CSTR.

slClkiy-stlilc descriplion orille model(.) and the nn




.- -.' .I ., .'..

.'iIM' .'i 10 5211 .'iJII

bllsi~ Ih}w.r:llc

Figure 10.7 Steadystatedescriptionof the model(.) andthe nn.


Neural net basedcontrol

Real modelbasedcontrol


6.40 "'"
'" "
."" , "'" "'.',..,..,..., ,

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

Figure 10,8 Controlled set.pointchange:6.5 -+ 6.3.

To test the model-based control approach, the pH setpoint was initially setto 6.50. Then the setpoint
was changed to 6.3. Figure 10.8 shows the actual change in acidity achieved by the neural net control
system. Also shown is the response achieved when the real model is used in place of the ANN in
Figure 10.2. As can be seen, the response achieved with the ANN is close to that achieved using the
real model. In both cases,the new setpoint is not reached immediately, because the optimization hits
constraints on the allowable flow. It is clear in this case that the ANN has captured the dynamics of
the process. There was no need for first-principle modeling; the control architecture shown in Figure
10.2 does not need any prior knowledge about the plant. The ANN, although trained on a very wide
region, is able to predict very accurately the dynamics of the pH system in this region between 6.5
To provide a more challenging problem, the pH setpoint was initially set at 7.2. Then the setpoint
was changed to 7.0. In this pH region, the steady-state pH gain to basic flow (i.e., the derivative of
pH with respect to flow) changes by a factor of 2.8, as Figure 10.7 illustrates. Figure 10.9 shows the
setpoint responses achieved by the ANN control system. Also shown is the response achieved when
the real model is used in place of the ANN in Figure 10.2. As can be seen, the ANN-controlled
response is slower than that of the real model and its undershoot is higher. It should be noted that the
ANN was trained on a databasewhere the pH varied between 6 and 11. If the ANN were trained on

7.2 \

,, \

7.1 \
:%: \\
Co \

\ \\ --
\\ -- --

U. 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 10.9 Controlled set-pointchange:7.2 -+ 7.0.

data in the pH range 7.0 to 7.2, a more accurate model would be achieved. (This also suggeststhe
possibility of something like neural gain scheduling, as a step up from the usual linear gain
scheduling.) Although the process gain changes by a factor of2.8 in the region between pH equal 7.2
to 7.0, the neural net is able to cope with this change effectively. Overall, the results shown in Figure
10.9 are encouraging, since the nonlinear neural net model was developed using only process data.
As can be seen,the ANN model used in a model predictive control architecture produces a response
in certain regions that is slower than that produced by the real model. The question arises as to how
this discrepancy can be explained. Figure lo.io shows the derivative of the tracking error U with
respect to the first future move of the manipulated variable (F2). For each flow rate on the X-axis, the
steady state is assumed to be reached. Tracking errors were calculated based on a setpoint of 7.0,
which corresponds to an NaOH flow of 515 liters per minute. The ANN does a good job in most of
the cases but has some problems in modeling the dynamics near pH = 7. This case study is particularly
nonlinear, with the classic pH jump near 7. Given that the control architecture is tested in this region
of pH near 7, results like those in Figures 10.9 and 10.10 are easy to explain. These results do not
represent the limit of our system to control a plant, but rather the limits of this ANN in modeling
velocity information. The ANN was trained on real input-output data, and was asked after conver-
gence, not only to reproduce that data, but also to provide the first and eventually the second derivative


neural netbased gradient

0.8 real modelbased gradient



0.2 ."
,, .'.
: ".
0.0 j

500.0 510.0 520.0 530.0
basic flow-rate

Figure 10.10 First gradientof the objectivefunction.

infonnation, on which it hasn't been trained. (It is possible, in principle, to augment the error function
E(t) by adding the length of the difference between the gradient vectors of the actual model and the
ANN. The adaptation is straightforward and inexpensive, using second derivative techniques analo-
gous to those used in "GDHP" [28]; however, actual gradient vectors are not generally available for
real plants.) Perhaps suchderivative infonnation would be more accurate if narrower training regions
were used, or if a larger network were used (with a larger training set). Other traditional chemical
engineering processes should not be so demanding in tenDSof their nonlinear behavior compared to
the pH system studied in this section.


The previous section has shown how the quality of system identification with an ANN can have a
strong effect on the resulting quality of control. Chapters 3 and 13 argue that the quality of system
identification is crucial to the capabilities of neurocontrol in general, even when other designs are

used. Most of the failures of neurocontrol in the past year or two can be traced back to inadequate
system identification. This section will discuss alternative ways of adapting ANNs for the purpose
of prediction, which appear to work far better than the conventional methods described in section
The problem of system identification is not unique to neural networks. In the control theory
community as well, a variety of techniques have been tried. Linear system identification has made
great progress, and many generic linear models, such as transfer-function models and convolution
models, are available and widely used. For example, transfer function models have been used as
fundamental tools for the design and analysis of control systems. Convolution models, such as a finite
impulse response model (FIR) or a stepresponsemodel, have played an essential role in the dynamic
matrix control algorithm (DMC). However, linear models can only be used under limited conditions
and special assumptions, because most physical processes usually behave nonlinearly.
This section will begin by discussing new empirical results, obtained with an alternative training
procedure in the nonlinear case [29]. The ANN that we adapted was a very simple static network, as
in section 10.3. First we will describe how we adapted the network. Next, we will describe the
real-world data and results, first for the wastewater treatment plant and then for the oil refinery. Next,
in section 10.4.5, we will compare our simple ANN model and design against similar designs-such
as ARMA models and their ANN generalizations-which could lead to better performance in more
demanding applications. Finally, in section 10.4.6, we will describe the deeper statistical issues that
underlie our training procedure, along with the nonneural tests of similar methods and their
extensions. We will describe some alternative training methods that are likely to be more powerful
than what we tested here. The issues here are extremely subtle, and there is clearly room for further
researchto do even better. Section 10.8 will provide some of the equations needed to implement these
models and methods.
The reader should be warned that the methods described in the first part of this section will work
very poorly in some situations. That is the reasonwhy section 10.4.6 is important for some applications
and why more research is needed. In some applications, however, the simple methods of section
10.4.1 do lead to an orders-of-magnitude reduction in prediction errors.
Even before we discuss our empirical results, we should say a few words about our use of the word
"robust." In control theory, "robust control" typically refers to the design of linear controllers that
are "robust" in the sensethat they achieve stability (if not optimality) in control even as the parameters
of the unknown linear plant vary over a wide interval. This is merely one special case of "robust-
ness"-the effort to build systems that work well in practice despite our lack of perfect information
about the plant to be controlled or predicted. The phrase "robust estimation" was used long ago in
the field of statistics [30], to refer to identification procedures that tend to yield good predictions
despite our lack of knowledge about the equations governing the real world. The effort described here
was motivated by earlier work on robust estimation [3]. Again, the theory involved is quite subtle
and will be described in more detail in section 10.4.6.

10.4.1. Networksand ProceduresUsedin SystemIdentificationin Our Tests Structure of the ANNs In all these tests, we used a simple MLP, as described in
equations 9 through 12. However, the vectors Y(t) to be predicted had more components here. In the
three wastewater treatment tests, we tried to predict the concentrations of three ions coming out of

the various treatment subsystems: N~ +, NO32., and PO43-; thus, Y(t) had three components,
corresponding to these three concentrations, in each of these tests. In the oil refinery test, we tried to
predict two production variables that we cannot describe becauseof the proprietary nature of the data;
thus Y(t) had two components. In all of these tests, the inputs to each network included data on other
variables (u) from earlier times. The inputs also included Y(t -1) in all cases. In two of the four tests,
we also supplied Y(t -2) and Y(t -3) as inputs to the network. The approach we used here would not
be useful in cases where Y(t -1) is unimportant as an input in predicting Y(t); however, cases like
that are relatively rare in control applications. Three Alternative Approaches to System Identification This section will only de-
scribe the two approaches tested here, and a related approach introduced for the sake of explanation.
See section 10.4.6 for other approaches.
In all four tests, we used an ANN to predict Y(t) as a function of earlier data. We may call this
vector-valued function "F," and we may write our model as:

t(t) = F(Y(t -1), Y(t -2), Y(t -3), u(t -I), u(t -2), u(t -3), W), (21)

where F is the function that represents.the neural network, and W is the set of weights we are trying
to estimate/identify/adapt.
The most common way to estimate/identify/adapt a function of this kind is to pick W so as to

E = 1/2L (Y,{t) -t{t»2. (22)


Many alternative error functions (such as the 1.5 power of error) have been used for systems that do
not have Gaussian noise distributions [30]; however, that aspectof robust estimation is not our major
concern here. (Also, it is trivial to adapt our approachto such alternatives.) In our case, we will always
minimize error as defined in equation 22, but we will minimize three different measures of error based
on three different ways of interpreting equation 22. The meaning of equation 22 is not well specified
until we specify how to calculate "~i(t)" as a function of W and of our data. The most common
procedure, based on maximum likelihood theory and a simple model of noise,is to substitute equation
21 into equation 22 and minimize the following expression as a function of W:

E1 = ]/2 L (Yi(t) -F;(Y(t -1), Y(t -2), Y(t -3), u(t -1), u(t -2), u(t -3), W»2 (23)

where Y(t ) refers to actual observed data for Y, and where F; refers to the ith component of the
function F. This is the procedure we used in section 10.3, and it is also the procedure used in the bulk
of ANN research.
An alternative approach is to build up prediction for Y(t) from predicted values in earlier time
periods. Thus, we may calculate a prediction:

t(t) = F(t(t -1), t(t -2), t(t -3), u(t -1), u(t -2), u(t -3), W) (24)

and therefore try to minimize the following function of W,treating the other arguments of the function
as constants:

E2 = 1/2L (S>;(t)-Fi(t(t -1), t(t -2), t(t -3), u(t -1), u(t -2), u(t -3), W)r. (25)

Approaches of this sort have been used quite often in the linear case in control theory, particularly
by Ljung and by Narendra [31-33]. Usually they are called parallel identification methods.
Notice that equations 23 and 25 are both defined, at time t, as functions of a small number of inputs
available at time t (and earlier). Therefore, both equations would allow us to adapt an ANN on an
observation-by-observation basis, as in section 10.3. Both are suitable for real-time system identifi-
cation. In these tests, however, we studied the problem of off-line system identification.
In off-line system identification, it is possible to do something very similar to equation 25, while
also accounting for the influence of the weights W in changing the values of
t(t -1), t(t -2), and t(t -3), as they are input to the neural net. To explain this idea in formal terms,
we need to consider how equation 24-<hained back from time tto time 4 (where time t= 1 is defined
as the earliest data point)-leads to the functional relationships:

t(t) = F(t(t -1), t(t -2), t(t -3), u(t -1),... u(t -3), W) (26)

= F(F(t(t -2), t(t -3), t(t -4), u(t -2),... u(t -4), W), t(t -2), t(t -3), u(t -1)... W)

= F(F(F(t(t -3)... W), t(t -3), t(t -4), u(t -2)... W), F(t(t -3),...), t(t -3), u(t -1)... W)

= G(Y(3), Y(2), Y(I), u(t-l)... u(I), W),

for a function G which is fairly complex. In other words, equation 24 implicitly makes t(t) a function.t
ofY(3),. ..,W. In our tests,we picked Wso as to minimize the following measure of error as a function
~ ofW:

E3 = IIlL (Y;(t), -G;(Y(3), Y(2), Y(I), u(t -1) ..u(I), W)r. (27)

In practice, the idea is simply to chain the network forward from initial data, as shown in Figure 10.11
(drawn for a different application), and to minimize the total error across the entire time trajectory.
In other words, the classic real-time version of parallel identification treats t(t -1) through
t(t -3) as constants,when adjusting W so as to minimize error at time t. The off-line version attempts
to account for the impact of the weights in changing what the~einputs would have been. This approach
can be applied in a real-time system as well (section 10.4.6), but the tests reported here were all done
off-line. The approach can be applied to any forecasting model-not just ANNs-but the minimiza-
tion problems become much easier when the backpropagation algorithm is used.
The idea of adapting ANNs so asto minimize equation 27 was first proposed by Werbos [34,35],
as an extension of his earlier work on the general nonneural case [3,36,37]. The ANN version has
also been used by Kawato on data from a simulated robot arm, as part of his "cascade" control design

<~ I ~

[38]. Werbos has called this approach "the pure robust method." In some situations, it is better to use
a more complex method, called the compromise method, to be discussed in section 10.4.6. The pure
robust method can be rationalized as an alternative maximum likelihood method, based on what
control theorists have called an output errors assumption [31-33]; however, section 10.4.6 will argue
that this interpretation understates the significance of the method.
In the tests reported here, we compared the conventional maximum likelihood approach (equation
23) against the pure robust method (equation 27) to see which led to better predictions from the ANN.
The pure robust method led to multiperiod prediction errors that were smaller by orders of magnitude. Overview of the Algorithm It is possible, in theory, to minimize equation 27 by the

usual procedure of "backpropagation through time" (BIT). More precisely, we can pick initial values
of the weights W by some sort of random number generator and iterate through the following steps
until the weights settle down:

1. Starting from actual data on Y in times t = 1 through t = 3, and actual data on u at all times,
use equation 24 to calculate i"(4); then use it to calculate i"(5), and so on up to the end of the
training data.
2. Calculate the sum of square error, E, across all time (based on equation 22).
3. Update all the weights, Wi, by:

new Wi = old Wi -learning_rate *~ '

for some small learning_rate determined in ad hoc fashion. The calculation of the derivatives of E
with respect to the Wi can be done all at once, in one quick sweep through the data, using the
backpropagation algorithm.
Unfortunately, the errors E depend on the weights W in a highly volatile nonlinear way. There is
a kind of Murphy's law at work here: Highly accurate statistical estimation implies very large second
derivatives (because of how one calculates estimation errors in statistics); large second derivatives
tend to imply nonsmooth surfaces with steepregions near the optimum; that, in turn, makes it harder
to find the minimum of error. In earlier work, Werbos has generally used the following procedure to
overcome these problems:

1. Do not initialize the weights at random. Instead, initialize them to their maximum likelihood
2. Next, adapt the weights using some form of the compromise method, which is similar to the
pure robust method, but not so extreme.
3. Then use thoseweights as the initial weights with the pure robust method. (If necessary, repeat
step two several times, using stiffer and stiffer forms of compromise.)

This procedure is not guaranteed to find a global minimum. However, it is guaranteed to do better,
in some sense, than the initial weights-the maximum likelihood weights, which are the major
alternative we had available to us. In addition, this procedure will work much better if one uses

adaptive learning rates, as given in Chapters 3 and 13, or a sophisticated numerical method like one
of those discussed by Shanno [24].
For these tests, it was easier and simpler to alternate between a simple version of BTT (as given
at the start of this section) and a random search procedure in order to avoid a local minimum.
Convergence was still essentially an overnight affair, but this was easier for us than spending weeks
to upgrade the computer program. In addition, we used an iterative procedure to decide on the number
of hidden units in each network. The remainder of this section will describe the remaining elements
of the algorithm in more detail. Calculation of the Derivatives of Error The derivatives of E3, as defined in equation
27, can be calculated, in principle, by using the conventional chain rule for partial derivatives.
However, this calculation is very tedious and very subtle. In addition, it is not a "linear" kind of
calculation, which can easily be automated. Even the best engineers make errors very easily when
they try to calculate partial derivatives in an ad hoc way, through very complex systems.
Werbos [3] deve1.opedan alternative chain rule in 1974 for use with ordered dynamical systems,
which is more "linear" (i.e., straightforward) and was proven to yield the correct derivatives. Section
10.6 describes the use of this chain rule in more detail.
In our application, it was easiestto write out the forwards equations which were used to calculate
error, and then to apply the chain rule for ordered derivatives directly to our system, in order to work
out the derivative equations. Section 10.8 will provide a more general version of these equations;
here, we will report exactly on the version used in these tests [29], developed by Su, for the sake of
the intuition that it may provide.
The forwards equations of the MLP were represented as:

vl(t) = WX'-l(t) (28)

xl(t) = s,(vl(t», l = 1,2,...,L, (29)

where L denotes the output layer (there are L + 1 layers in all), and vl( ) andx'() are the voltage vector
and the output vector, respectively, from the uh layer. The various vectors, matrices, and functions
are defined as:

1 0 ...0 (30)
W't,o WI. I ...W't,n'"
A ~.o ~.I ...~,n'"
W = ...

Wn'.O Wn'.l ...Wn',n'"

A T (31)
sJv) = (1, s(vJ, ..., s(vn'»

I L\ , T (32)
v(t) = (l,vI(t),...,vn(t»

I( )

XI(t), ..., Xn



Here, ~.Ol are bias weights and s( ) is the sigmoid function defined in equations 10and 12. In addition,
an input neuron can be representedas a neuron with a linear activation function; in other words, XO(t)
= VO(t).These equations, combined with equations 22 and 24, complete our description of how we
calculated total error as a function of the weights.
Starting from those system equations, the chain rule for ordered derivatives leads very simply and
directly to the following relationships:

a+E a+E a'v~(7) (34)
a~i 1=1 Ovj(t) a~i

~-~ ~ (35)
avj(t) -axj(t) .avj(t)
a+E a'E n a+E a'vl+l(t) (36)
aXj,()t =~ l:iXj()t +L~
k=1 UVt ()t .:\1 UXj(t)

and aidx;(t) = 0 for all t ~ L, where a+ indicates ordered derivatives and a' indicates conventional
partial derivatives. These conventional partial derivatives are calculated by differentiating the
functions for E, v, and x exactly as they are written in equations 22, 28, and 29 without any
substitutions. Let us define:

F_viI ( t) = Uj(t)
~I = -:;:;-.

With this notation, equation 34 looks very similar to the original delta rule ofWidrow and Hoff [39]:

+ T T (37)
aE ~
~ = ~ F -ViI( t)xiI-I (t) = ~
~ ~I I-I (t).
]I 1=1 1=1

In other words, the change of the weights W' that connect the (t -l)th layer to the tlh layer is
determined by the product of the (t -l)dI layer's output and the tlh layer's delta. Thus, the key to
updating weights in the training phaseis to calculate the deltas, the F _v terms, the derivative feedback
to the voltage variables. This calculation can be carried out as follows:

F (t) = ~a I
~ ~'( t)

+ , n'" (39)

(t) w:kj
d E () E ~ ,+1
~ = ~ + "",F_vj
clxAt) clXj(t) k=1

Equation 39 contributes to propagating information about error backwards from the (1 + 1)1hto the 1th
layer through the deltas recursively. Note that:

() '( ) (40)
sj'(t + 1) ~ ~ = xj(t)(l -xj(t» ,


for layers 1 where the sigmoid function is used in equation 29; however, for linear neurons (e.g., input
neurons), this s' term will simply equal one. Nevertheless, equation 39 has a slightly different form,
depending on whether we calculate error in the traditional way (equation 23) or in the pure robust
way (equation 27).
Case 1: When we calculate error in the traditional way, equation 39 becomes exactly the same as
in basic backpropagation or the "generalized delta rule" [23], i.e.:

F _vf(t) = ej{t)sf(t) (41)

[ n'" J ' (42)

F _vJ(t) = L F _Vz+I(t)vl;j1 sJ(t)


where ej{t) is defined as XjL(t)-~{t). and h ~ L indicates hidden layers.

Case 2: When the ANN output xL(t) replaces Y(t) as the input to the network, then changes of
weights will affect xL(t + 1) and thus affect XL(t + 2) all the way up to xL(t). Therefore, the second
term of equation 39 has to account for this chaining from time t = 0 to t = T. As mentioned earlier,
the input layer at time t + 1 can be considered as a part of the (L + l)d8layer of the network at time t
(see Figure 10.12). When calculating the delta of the output layer at time t, one has to calculate the
delta for the input neurons at times t + I up to t + k, all of which are directly connected to the
corresponding output neurons at time t. (Again, in our tests, we used a k-a basic time lag-of 1 in
some tests, and 3 in others.) It is easy to show that:

n' (43)
0 = ~
F_vj(t) 1 1

since the input neurons are linear. Therefore, the delta for an output neuron becomes:

L ( ~ 0 \L' (44)
F -Vi (t) = eAt) + "'" F _V.(t + t) j (t).

/ ...', '. / ./ .', .
/ ., ./ ., ./ ., .

t1 ,. t '. t l' .
.',/ ',,/ + ',/

0 inpJt
Ia)ilr ~ t*iMn. .~ layer
Figure 10.12 Another view of the time-lag recurrentnetwork.

Here, * indicates the delta of an appropriate neuron to which the output neuron is connected. In
equation 44, the delta propagates the required information all the way from t = T back to the current
time t; therefore, the delta rule for a time-lagged recurrent system is referred to as the backpropagation
through time (BTf) algorithm [22,40]. Likewise, we can easily define a similar rule for training
networks where equation 28 is generalized so that vi depends on x(t -1) in addition to x(t), as in FIR
neural networks (see section 10.4.5 and section 10.8). Random Search Algorithm Random searchmethods have been widely used in classi-
cal optimization problems. It has been proven that certain random searchmethods can always reach
the global minimum of a nonlinear function. Baba [41] has pointed out that the random search
algorithm by Solis and Wets [42] can lead to a global minimum for training a multilayer perceptron.
Morris and his co-workers [43] have also utilized a random search algorithm (Chemotaxis algorithm)
for neural network training [44]. In these tests,Solis' and Wets' algorithm was used for robust training
whenever a convergence problem was encountered. This algorithm, according to its authors, ensures
eventual convergence to a global minimum of the objective function. (In actuality, of course, there
is no way to guarantee global convergence in less than exponential time; see section 10.4.6 for related
issues.) The procedure was as follows:

1. Select an initial estimate for Wand let bO= O.

2. Generate a Gaussian random vector ekwith a predefined variance and a mean of bk.

3. If E(W + ek)< E(W), set W+/ = W + ekand bk+J= 0.2bk+ 0.4ek.

4. If E(Wk + ek) 0A E(Wk) > E(Wk -e k ), set "Jc+l

w = "Jc
w -e k
and bk+l = b k -.. 0 4ek

5. Otherwise, let W+/ = Wand bk+/= 0.5bk.

6. Repeat step two until convergence.

308 HANDBOOK OF INTELLIGENT CONTROL Determining the Number of Hidden Units Since sufficient hidden neurons are essen-
tial for a network to approximate a nonlinear function, the determination of the number of hidden
neurons is crucial in the training phase. Many researchers have considered this issue, although no
general and efficient method is available. In our tests, we simply used a cross-validation process as
a procedure for determining the number of hidden units. First, the number of hidden neurons for the
maximum likelihood version of the network is determined. Then, for ease of comparison, the number
of hidden units for the robust version is set equal to that of the maximum likelihood version.
The cross-validation procedure was as follows:

1. Split the data set into a training set and a testing set.
2. Start with a small number of hidden units.
3. Initialize all the weights to zero as discussed below.
4. Apply the generalized delta rule to update the weights.
5. Validate the updated model with the testing set.
6. Repeat the training process until the prediction error of the testing set reaches a minimum.
7. Add an additional hidden neuron to the network.
8. Repeat step three until adding additional hidden neurons increases the prediction error on the
testing set.

In order to have a common starting point for different-size networks, all the weights are initialized
to zero when determining the number of hidden neurons. A network with all weights equal to zero,
regardless of the number of hidden neurons, will have the property that the prediction errors for both
training and testing sets are proportional to the sampling variance of the whole data set. However,
for a network with all weights equal to zero, the final results for the weight matrix will result in all
the hidden neurons being identical to each other. To avoid this problem, different learning rates are
assigned to the weights connected with different hidden neurons. In this work, the learning rate is
multiplied by a linearly decreasing factor varying with the hidden unit so that the learning rate is
actually a vector, equal to a global learning rate multiplied by (1,1,...,2In',l/n'). Note that the bias
weight has the same learning rate as the first hidden neuron. From an optimization point of view, one
can consider that the gradient is being multiplied by the matrix diag[I,I,...,2/n',l/n'], which is
positive-definite and invertible. It is easy to prove that an optimization algorithm using such a
transformed gradient can lead to a minimum in the error.

10.4.2. Example Number One: A Wastewater Treatment System Description of the System and the Network The data for this study were provided by
Pedersen, Kummel, and Soeberg [45], to whom we owe many thanks.
A wastewater treatment plant is a very complex process, especially when biological removal of
nitrogen, phosphorous, and organic material (N, P, and C) is implemented, as in the research of
Pedersen et al. [45]. The pilot plant, as sketched in Figure 10.13, is fed with clarified municipal
wastewater, in which the large particles, sand, and oils have been removed. The process is carried
out in four vessels, in which the biological removal of phosphorous, nitrogen, and organic material
takes place. The throughput of the pilot plant is on the order of 60 liters per hour. The approximate



T1 T2

Figure 10.13 The processflow diagramof the wastewatertreatmentplant.

holding volumes of the pretreatment column (PRE), the two aeration tanks (TI and 1'2), and the
sedimentation tank (SED) are 200,800,800, and 1,100 liters, respectively.
The feed to the pretreatment column is a mixture of raw wastewater and return sludge. The
pretreatment column is maintained anaerobic, and the main biological process is carried out by the
phosphorus accumulating bacteria. The two aeration tanks TI and 1'2 are operated in an alternating
manner that is scheduled prior to the operation. The nitrification and denitrification processes take
place in these two tanks alternatively. In the sedimentation vessel, the heavier sludge falls out of
suspension. From the top of the vessel, the process effluent is removed from the system. The sludge
is returned via the sludge return pump and is mixed with the fluid entering the pretreatment column.
The sludge concentration is held approximately constant through intermittent removal of sludge from
the system at the point where it exits the sedimentation vessel. Samples are taken from four different
locations as indicated in Figure 10.13, in which SPJ through SP4measure the concentrations of N~ +,
NO32-and PO43. in the incoming stream, the pretreatment column, the aeration tanks, and the
sedimentation vessel, respectively. The oxygen consumption rates at the aeration tanks are also
recorded. A time series of four days' data is used to model the pilot plant. The data set is obtained by
sampling the system every seven minutes. This sampling results in nine hundred data points in total.
All the variables are linearly scaled between 0.1 to 0.9. The ranges of all the variables are given in
Table 10.2. The data is split into a training set (the first six hundred samples) and a testing set (the
remaining three hundred samples). The outputs of interest are the concentration measurements for
the three processing units (nine variables). The inputs are the concentrations of the incoming stream
and the oxygen consumption rates (five variables).
One can construct a network to model the whole plant as a 5 by 9 multi-input-multioutput (MIMO)
system. Alternatively, in this study we used three smaller networks to model the three processing~

Table 10.2 The rangefor eachof the measurements

for the wastewaterplant

unit: mg/i Inlet PRE T12 SED

[Nl4] .0366 4.956 .0366 .0061
49.51 28.934 11.768 1.147
[N~-] 0.000 .000 0.0214 .4364
11.58 .824 16.290 12.50
[Pot] .1953 11.130 0.5066 .6195
8.287 48.276 21.658 9.338

Table 10.3 The number of neuronsfor eachlayer of the neural network for the wastewaterplant and the
catalytic reformer


input 6 8 18 21
hidden 5 5 6 6
output 3 3 3 2

units individually. The three processing units are the pretreatment column (PRE), the aeration tanks
(TI2), and the sedimentation vessel. The pretreatment column is a 3 by 3 system, the aeration tanks,
5 by 3, and the sedimentation vessel, 3 by 3. A first-order dynamic model (k = 1) is chosen for PRE
and TI2, and a third order for SED. The order of the dynamic model determines the number of input
neurons needed for the networks. The size of the network for each subsystem is summarized in
Table 10.3. Results on the Wastewater Plant After the ANN is trained by the maximum likeli-
hood procedure, the one-step-ahead prediction by the ANN for each subsystem appears to be
exceptionally good. These results for the three subsystems (PRE, T12, and SED) are shown in Figures
10.14, 10.15, and 10.16, respectively. In principle, one can use these models for nonlinear model
predictive control (MPC), as described in section 10.3. In MPC, the model usually predicts many
time-steps ahead into the future. Therefore, the feedforward network, which predicts one step ahead,
has to be iterated; in other words, the network has to be chained to itself to go as far as needed into
the future. For example, if a predicted output in the future, like t(t + k), is needed at any time t, then
the predicted output t(t+ 1) has to replace the actual output Y(t+I) measured from the system, and
t(t + 2) must replace Y(t + 2) and so on, all the way up to t + k -I, becausethe actual system outputs
in the future are not yet known. Therefore, the errors of importance to MPC are the multiperiod

forecasting errors, the kinds of errors minimized in the pure robust method. In this situation, the gap
between Yand t can grow in a cumulative fashion over time, leading to large errors.

"t 0..
0.1 ~ /-"""-~_J,\-~-",-,,,-'J~ ~~'::.. ~ 1


0 ~ ~ --1000

i' 0..
L- l_.NI.J_~J ~-~ ~~ =::.1
0.2 .
0 ~ ~
- --1000

i 0..
~-1.)~"""'~-,,"/~../'~; ~ ~.. ::"1
0.2 '

0 ~ ~
- --1000

Figure 10.14 FFN: one-stepaheadpredictionfor PRE.

~ 0..
~~A~~M~~AMMM~~~ . ~~ =:::;.

0 ~ ~ --1000

.0.. 0.. ~ AAi\M~~AA~JJ_hkAAAM1
. ~
-_. ~
p"" 1

i~0.0 ~
0 ~ ~
- --1000


f 0..
~mA~A~./I}jJ\~}MJ,~ -'"_.~

0.2 .
0 ~ ~
- --1000

Figure 10.15 FFN: one-stepaheadpredictionforT12.


. ~v",..I\I'"",",N"~-i~"-"II\f\Jtre-m8a8. =:::.
~0..W pr.. t
I. 0


0 I~



V 0.4
r -"""'/""'""-_""/\,-J,,./~./:::- ~1

0 1~

t r , /I\ 0
-.-meGa. "',,: pr..
2' 0.4

0 I~

Figure 10.16 FFN: one-stepaheadpredictionfor SED.

As an extreme example, the maximum likelihood net (MLN) is chained to predict the future system
output all the way from t = 1 to t = 900, including the training set as well as the testing set. As shown
in Figures 10.17 through 10.19, the MLNs do not give consistently good results for the long-term
predictions on the three subsystemsas they do for the one-step-aheadpredictions. However, the MLN,
a one-step-ahead predictor, can give a fairly good long-term prediction for the T12 subsystem. For
the PRE and SED subsystems,as shown in Figures 10.17 and 10.19, theMLNs do not give reasonable
long-term predictions at all. The reason for such inconsistent results from the use ofMLNs is simply
that they are not trained to make long-term predictions.
On the other hand, the networks adapted by the pure robust method are trained to predict the whole
trajectory of the system output all the way from t = 1 to t = T (T = 600). Figures 10.20 through 10.22
show the results from the pure robust networks (PRNs) in predicting from time t = 1 to t = 900 (105
hours ahead). Clearly, the PRN is significantly superior to the MLN for long-term predictions,
especially for the PRE and SED subsystems. For comparison, the root mean square (RMS) of the
prediction errors for each subsystemare given in Table 10.4. Note that the prediction errors are based
on the scaled variables.

10.4.3. Example Number Two: A Catalytic Reforming System Description of the System and the Network The data for this test came from Mobil
Corporation, whose help is gratefully acknowledged.

t. .." '.'.' '.':::':.:: prod.


- 1000

o.a pr8d.
i' 0..
0.2 I. I, I.. -L'.J
0.0a ~ ::...

- , 1000

0. .'..."."...' ' '..""'."..'.' ' ' :.:::::proa.
~ o.
-- -
Figure 10.17 FFN: long-termpredictionfor T12.

i 0..



i' 0..


- 1000

Figure 10.18 FFN: long-termpredictionfor T12.


._m_. pred.
i 0.'
D.2 ,."

- ,-

D.8 pred.
---,- -


- -
Figure 10.19 FFN: long-tenDpredictionfor SED.

G.8 pred.


0 ---~ ,-
, .0

i" 0..
l J-"",l,,,,-_-l ~ ~t

o.z .~ ' -'.

0 - ,-

f 0..

--- -
Figure 10.20 REC: long-tenDpredictionfor PRE.

t 0..
I .0
~MJMA~~~~A)\},~~~AA~ =:::;~
,... pr8d.

0.4 .'-
..: =
G.2 .-

.: 3
0 I~

-_. j
.., prM.
~o. N

- 3

I.0 prM.
4 O. -=
to. 1
- '=0

Figure 10.21 REC: long-termpredictionfor T12.

o. prod.
:t 0.'
0.. "

0 1000

O. .-- p'M.



I. ,;
4 0.


Figure 10.22 REC: long-termpredictionfor SED.

Since the 1970s, the catalytic reformer has become one of the key systems in oil refineries, and
catalytic reformate has furnished a relatively high portion of the gasoline used in the United States
[46]. In catalytic reforming, the structure of the hydrocarbon molecules is rearranged to form higher
octane aromatics that can be used to increase the octane number of gasoline. The catalytic reformer
carries out four major reactions: (1) dehydrogenation of naphthenesto aromatics; (2) dehydrocycliza-
tion of paraffins to aromatics; (3) isomerization; and (4) hydrocracking. Catalyst activity is reduced
during operation by coke deposition and chloride loss, and it can be restored by chlorination following
high temperature oxidation of the carbon.
A typical catalytic reforming process consists of a series of reactors and heaters,and a fractionator,
as shown in Figure 10.23. The typical feed to a catalytic reformer is the heavy straight-run (HSR)
gasoline and naphtha. Material that will deactivate the catalyst is removed prior to the process. The
pretreated feed and recycle hydrogen are heated to about 900. F before entering the first reactor. In
the reactors, the reactions will cause temperature drops. The effluent from a reactor has to be reheated
to maintain the reaction rate before it enters the next reactor. As the flow goes down the reactors, the
reaction rate decreasesand the reactors become larger, and the reheat needed becomes less. Usually
three reactors are enough to provide the desired degree of reaction. The effluent from the last reactor
is cooled and separatedinto hydrogen-rich gaseousand liquid streams.The gaseousstream is recycled
to the first reactor and the liquid stream is sent to the fractionator to be debutanized. The reformate
is drawn out from the fractionator.
The data for the catalytic reforming system (REF) contains five inputs (denoted by u's) and two
outputs (denoted by Y's). Due to a secrecy agreement,the detailed description of the measurements
and the range of each variable are not given. As with the wastewater plant, the variables taken from
the reformer are linearly scaled to between0.1 and 0.9. The data contains 392 data points in total, of


chllg. te
heaters & reactors hydrogen
separator stabilizer

Figure 10.23 REC: long-tenDpredictionfor PRE.


0 :::-::::-~
200 400

0.:::-::::- -==

.. 0.8
0 200 400

Figure 10.24 FFN: one-stepaheadpredictionfor REF.

which the first 252 points are used for training and the remaining 140 for testing. In this case, a
third-order 5 by 2 model is used. The size of the network used here is described in Table 10.3. Results on the Catalytic Refonner In the case of one-step-ahead prediction, the net-
work trained by the conventional maximum likelihood approachpredicts the testing set of the catalytic
reformer as well as it did with the wastewater system (Figure 10.24). However, it did not perform as
well in tests of multiperiod predictions. In the most extreme test, the network was chained to make
long-term predictions from t = 1 to t = 392 (including both training and testing sets). As in the
wastewater example, the maximum likelihood network (MLN) performed much worse on these tests
than it did for one-step-aheadprediction (Figure 10.25). Strictly speaking, one should not use an MLN
for multiple-step predictions since it is trained to make single-step predictions. The multiple-step
prediction requires iteration or chaining, and conventional maximum likelihood training does not take
such chaining into account. On the other hand, the pure robust (PRN) version of the network was
trained to make long-term predictions. After training, it gives much better results than the MLN for
long-term predictions (Figure 10.26). For comparison, the RMS of the prediction errors for the
reformer are given in Table 10.4. Notice that the prediction errors are calculated based on the scaled

10.4.4. Overall Evaluation of Performance and Implications

As described earlier, networks trained by conventional maximum likelihood procedures and networks
trained by the pure robust method were used to make long-term predictions. The number of prediction

o. ~~

1. _me8lnd
O. pt.-:~

0 200 400

Figure 10.25 REC: long-tenDpredictionfor REF.

0 ~~-=
200 400

O. :-=:-~,.1

200 400

Figure 10.26 REC: long-tenDpredictionfor REF.


Table 10.4 RMS predictionerrors for the wastewaterplantandthe catalytic reformer

(a)the wastewaterplant
unit: 1/100 PRE Tl2 SED
one-stepahead NH;t 3.5 4.3 2.8
FFN training NO~- 5.2 3.8 3.9
PO~- 3.6 3.2 1.7
NH;t 1.5 3.1 3.8
testing NO~- 4.1 2.4 1.7
PO~- 4.0 1.8 2.8
long-term NH;t 45.3 12.5 31.3
FFN training NO~- 13.6 8.5 21.7
PO~- 47.0 10.0 18.7
NH;t 43.1 10.2 23.6
testing NO~- 12.0 8.6 11.8
PO~- 54.8 7.4 18.5
long-term NH;t 4.0 4.5 8.1
REC training NO~- 5.7 5.6 7.0
PO~- 5.1 5.3 4.2
NH;t 4.0 9.5 11.4
testing NO~- 3.8 6.0 6.2
PO~- 18.8 7.0 ,\ 7.0

(b) the catalytic reformer

training testing
unit: 1/100 Yl Y2 Yl V?
FFN (I-step ahead) 8.2 9.1 5.5, 6.2
FFN (lon.e;-term) 10.4 14.5 8.6 12.5
REC (lon.e;-term) 8.6 9.9 5.6 6.3

steps (i.e., prediction horizon) was equal to the total number of samples: 900 for the wastewater system
and 392 for the catalytic reformer. However, if the networks were used for model predictive control,
the prediction horizon would be much smaller, e.g., twenty or thirty steps ahead into the future. It is
important to know how well both networks perform within a smaller prediction horizon. In this
example, the width of the prediction horizon, p, is varied from I to 30, and the prediction errors are
calculated for p = 1, 5, 10. 15. 20. 25. and 30. The RMS prediction errors are plotted against p in
Figure 10.27. Notice that the prediction error is calculated only at the end of the prediction horizon.

The RMS errors are calculated for all data points in the testing set: 300 for the wastewater system
and 140 for the reformer. In order to predict the first p points of the testing set, training data that
immediately precede the testing data were used for predictions. As shown in the figure, the prediction
errors of a maximum likelihood network increase significantly as the prediction horizon becomes
large, whereas those of a pure robust network are more stable. Although in some cases a maximum
likelihood network gives results similar to a pure robust network (e.g., Figure 10.27f), the pure robust
network gives consistently better results than a maximum likelihood network in cases where p > 5.
The reason is that conventional maximum likelihood training is based on minimizing errors in
one-step-ahead predictions. On the other hand, pure robust training minimizes multiple-step predic-
tion errors.
Even though the pure robust network is normally trained over the whole trajectory of the training
data, it can be trained over a smaller trajectory [47]. For example, if the prediction horizon in MPC
contains p time steps, we can train the net over a trajectory of p time-steps [48]. In this case, one can
set up a moving window of width p along the whole training set. The network is then trained over the
trajectory within this moving window. This approachresults in a caseof semibatchwise backpropaga-
tion through time. A similar effect may be obtained at lower cost by using the compromise method,
to be discussed in section 10.4.6.
In summary, robust training is more appropriate than conventional training for ANNs to be used
in model predictive control.

10.4.5. Alternatives to the MLP in Control Theory and Neural Nets Summary The empirical results of sections 10.3 and 10.4 were all based on the
multilayer perceptron (MLP)-a very simple form of ANN. Many control theorists have argued that
MLPs are essentially static models, and that true system identification requires more dynamic models
analogous to those used in control theory. This argument is correct in principle; however, there are
alternative forms of ANN that provide nonlinear generalizations of the usual dynamic models.
In practical applications, simple ANNs are often good enough. In some applications, simple MLPs
cannot forecast Y(t + 1) well enough, but the problem can be solved by a simple change of variables
(e.g., forecasting Y(t + 1) -Y(t) rather than Y(t + I) [49]). This subsection will discuss alternative
models and functional forms for use in applications where MLPs are not good enough. When an MLP
model appears adequate at first, but leads to limited capabilities in control applications, then it is
important to reexamine that model (as we did in section 10.3), and to consider using an alternative
model or adaptation procedure. Classical NARMAX and Kalman Models Among the models used in control theory
and statistics, one of the better known is the classical NARX (Nonlinear AutoRegressive model with
eXogenous variables) model, which may be written:

t(t) = F(Y(t -1), ..., Y(t -k), u(t-l), ..., u(t -k), W), (45)

where k is the order of the model and W is the set of model parameters.

..,. r12: NH"


. ..
,. r r12:p«>"
I ..
.zo .
.., .
j ,. REC
......a . -

Figure 10.27 Predictionerrors (RMS)vs.p for a FFNandaREC. Notice thatthereare 300,300, 300,and 140
datapoints in the testing setof PRE,T12, SED,and REF systems,respectively.The RMS errorsarecalculated
basedon the scaledvariablesin all cases.

In order to represent a general NARX model, we need to use a class of models that can represent
any arbitrary function F; since MLPs can approximate any well-behaved vector-valued function F,
they can represent a general NARX model if their inputs and outputs are arranged as in equation 45.
The resemblance between equation 45 and equation 20 should make it clear that MLPs can do justice
to this class of model. (Strictly speaking, however, there are many nonlinear functions that can be
represented more parsimoniously by adding a feature called "simultaneous recurrence," which is
discussed in section Simultaneous recurrence is one more technique for improving perfor-
mance at the cost of doing more work, a technique that can be used to upgrade any of the models to
be discussed in this section.)
In their classic introductory textbook [50], Box and Jenkins discuss a variety of stochastic process
models, including the AR(p) model, based on a special case of equation 45:

Y(t) = w.Y(t-l)...+wpY(t-p)+e(t), (46)


where e( t) is a random number with a Gaussiandistribution. They also discuss the ARMA(p, q) model,
which may be written:

Y(t) = wIY(t-I)...+wpY(t-p)+e(t)+9,e(t-I)+...+9qe(t-q). (47)

In theory, an ARMA model of finite p and q can always be represented by an equivalent AR model
of infinite order. Superficially, this suggests that AR models (and their nonlinear generalizations) are
always good enough to model any process. However, the need for an infinite number of parameters
is of enormous practical importance. In any form of identification or estimation, the speed of learning
and the quality of generalization (i.e., the estimation errors after a finite database of experience)
depend on the number of parameters to be estimated; it is important to reduce the number of
parameters as much as possible. Therefore, when there is a possibility that the system to be identified
is an ARMA process, it is important to use an ARMA specification or the equivalent.
Box and Jenkins [50] explain how an ARMA (1, 1) process results very simply from an AR (I),
process observed through measurement noise, as in:

X(t) = wX(t -1) + el(t) (48)

Y(t) = X(t) + e2(t), (49)

where e Jrepresents random noise in the system to be controlled, and e2representsmeasurement error
in observing that process. If the variable Y is observed but the variable X is not, then the behavior of
Yover time fits an ARMA (1,1) model (albeit with different parameters). The general state-space
model of linear control theory is simply a multivariate generalization of equations 48 and 49;
therefore, it leads to a vector ARMA process. This is the reason why models of the ARMA type are
of great importance in control applications. In order to deal with nonlinear problems, authors like
Leontaritis and Billings [51] have recently advocated the use ofNARMAX models, which may be
written as:

~(t) = F(Y(t-I),...,Y(t-p),u(t-I),...,u(t-p),e(t-I),...,e(t-q»,W}, (50)


e(t) = Y(t) -~(t) (51)

is a random vector.
An alternative, equivalent way to cope with measurementnoise in the linear case is to use Kalman
filtering [52,53], Instead of just modeling the observed vector, Y, one may try to estimate the
underlying state-space vector, which we will denote as R. (In control theory, the state-space vector
is usually denoted as x, but there are advantagesto using a different notation with ANNs.) We arrive
at a model that may be written:

~(t) = BA(t)

i(t) = AR(t -I) + Bu(t) (52)

R(t) = i(t) + M(Y(t) -~(t»,

where ~ and i are forecasts based on prior data, and R is our best guess as to the true value of R at
time t, after the measurements from time t are available. H, A, B, and M are matrices of parameters
of the model. One consistent way to estimate the parameters in this model is simply to minimize the
square error in predicting Y(t). (Strictly speaking, this model does contain redundant parameters,
which makes the error-minimizing values nonunique; however, this is not a problem unless there is
some other reasonto want to estimate specific hidden variables. For example, if one of the unobserved
variables represents temperature, and high temperatures cause melting behavior outside of what the
linear model predicts, one then needs to use more than just empirical data on the observed variables
from normal operating regimes.) There are nonlinear extensions of Kalman filtering, but many
researchers consider them cumbersome and less than completely satisfactory. Time-lagged Recurrent Networks (TLRNs) The simple ANN models of sections
10.3 and 10.4.I-which are a special case of the NARX model-cannot effectively subsume the
NARMAX or Kalman models above. However, there is a class of ANN models, developed by Werbos
[21,34,54], which can subsume those models: the time-lagged recurrent network (TLRN). In effect,
the TLRN provides an efficient nonlinear generalization of the Kalman filter, when our goal is to
estimate the state vector or to predict Y(t) over time. Unlike the classical ARMA models, the TLRN
does not provide a general scheme for describing the probability distribution for alternative possible
values of Y(t); to make that generalization, seethe discussion of the Stochastic Encoder/Oecoder/Pre-
dictor in Chapters 3 and 13.
In the neural network literature, a "recurrent network" refers to any ANN in which a neuron can
use its own output as one of its inputs, or, more generally, in which the flow from inputs to outputs
may contain loops. There are two fundamentally different kinds of recurrence [54], each of which
has its uses: (I) simultaneous recurrence, discussed in Chapters 3 and 13; and (2) time-lagged
recurrence. In time-lagged recurrence, we simply allow any neuron at time t to receive, as input, the
output of any neuron at time I-I. It is trivial to allow inputs from times t -2 through to t -k as well
[22], but this does not really add any generality in practice; lags greater than 1 can be represented
quite effectively by bucket brigades or exponential decays within a lag-I structure.
The most classical form of TLRN is a multilayer perceptron, MLP, modified to allow crosstime
connections. The equations are:

x;(t) = X;(t) I ~ i~m (53)

;-1 N+n (54)

v;(t) = L WijX}(t)+ L W;/x}(t-l) m + I ~ i ~+N + n
j=() j=1

x;(t) = s(v;(t» m+ I ~ i ~ N + n (55)

~I(t) = Xi+,..{t) 111111111. [ S is n (56)


where Xorepresents the constant I, where N+n is the total number of neurons, where X is the vector
of all inputs at time t (usually made up of Y(t -I) and u(t», and where m is the total number of input
neurons. In practice, it works best to delete (or "zero out" or "prune" most of the weights Wand W,
but equation 54 indicates the full range of connections that are allowed.
In this arrangement, it should be possible to representthe estimated state vector,R, through hidden
nodes in the network. Any set of filtering equations could be approximated as well as desired by the
subnetwork that leads up to the calculation of those nodes. One can adapt this entire system by
minimizing square error, exactly as in basic backpropagation. It is straightforward to calculate the

the use of backpropagation through time; see Section 10.8. Sticky Neurons and Their Capabilities Time-lagged recurrence can yield two addi-
tional capabilities, which can be very important in intelligent control:

."Short-term memory"-the ability to account for phenomena observed many time periods ago,
which are not currently observable but are still currently relevant. For example, the person who
turns away from a loose tiger-to run-needs to account for the presence of a tiger behind his
back even though he can't see the tiger any more. Likewise, in manufacturing, short-term
memory allows you to account for the properties of the last part you made even as you adapt to
making a new part.
.The ability to estimate slowly varying process parameters. The need for this is one of the real
motives behind classical adaptive control.

In both cases, recurrent hidden nodes can provide the required memory or parameter estimates, in
principle. However, the specification in equation 55 does not provide enough stability to make this
realistic. An alternative specification [35], inspired by discussions of the Purkinje cells of the
cerebellum, is the "sticky neuron" defined by:

i-1 N.,. (57)

v,{t) = L W;jXJ{t)
+ L W;j'v/.t -I).
j=(1 j=1

When W;j' = O;j, this system becomes extremely stable, stiff, or sticky. Because it is even stiffer than
the usual TLRN, the user is advised-once again-to first adapt a less stiff or less general version of
the network in order to arrive at good initial values for the weights. In some cases,one might initially
fix the W;j' to O;jor to 0.90;j, and then adapt these sticky weights only after the other weights have
settled down. One might use the gradient-based learning rate adjustment scheme, discussed in
Chapters 3 and 13, to adapt a different learning rate for the sticky weights. For system identification
applications, one might even consider a more extreme form of sticky neuron, also suggested by
Werbos [35]:

v.{t) = v;(t-I)+LWiI{~{t-I)-~{t-I». (58)

As with other forms ofTLRN, it is straightforward to adapt these networks by backpropagation.


10.4.6. Beyond the Pure Robust Method: Alternatives,

Earlier Work, and ResearchOpportunities Introduction The goal of this section was not to promote the idea of using the pure
robust method in any and all problems of system identification. Up to this point, we have simply tried
to prove, with real-world examples, that neural network applications can yield much more useful,
practical results if we go beyond the conventional approaches to training or estimation. The pure
robust method is a first step in that direction, but there are enormous opportunities available to other
researchers who choose to go beyond that first step. It is very sad to see hundreds of papers in the
neural network field and the control theory field that contribute relatively little either to improving
our arsenal of usable, practical tools, or to deepening our fundamental understanding. At the same
time, we see numerous opportunities here-largely neglected-to achieve both things at the same
time, simply by paying more attention to certain basic issues.
The main goal of this subsection will be to describe these opportunities in more detail. The key to
these opportunities is to bring together and apply certain ideas that already exist in various strands
of control theory, statistics, neural network theory, information theory, epistemology, and elsewhere.
A perfect synthesis of these ideas would lead to mathematical algorithms that are impossibly complex
to apply in the real world; however, there are plenty of opportunities to proceed in a step-by-step,
empirical fashion, applying one idea at a time, improving one's approximations one step at a time,
as is common in neural network research and practical engineering. We ourselves do not claim to
have extracted the full potential of this approach.
This subsection will proceed as follows. First, for the practical and impatient researcher, we will
discuss the compromise method-one step beyond the pure robust method-and the empirical work
to date on the compromise and pure robust methods. Second, we will briefly discuss the issue of
adaptation in real time. Third, we will describe the four successive levels of theoretical analysis that
were used to develop the compromise method, and their relations to other issues and methods related
to intelligent control:

1. The maximum likelihood approach;

2. The Bayesian (prior probability) approach;
3. The utilitarian (loss function) approach;
4. A modified utilitarian approach.

A deeper, more rigorous reevaluation of this analysis would presumably lead to methods more general
and more powerful than the compromise method. Section will describe some preliminary
efforts on these lines, and the new approaches that result from them. Likewise, there are a host of
similar methods and approachesdeveloped in the field of control theory [31] that could be reevaluated
more deeply and extended to the neural network case. Statisticians often disparage the relatively ad
hoc, empirically motivated methods one often finds in sources like the Journal of Forecasting;
however, empirical results of that sort-if analyzed at a deeper theoreticallevel-could also be very
useful in guiding us towards more general methods.
326 HANDBOOK OF INTELLIGENT CONTROL The Pure Robust Method, the Compromise Method, and Earlier Work The first
experiments with the pure robust method were motivated by an attempt to fit a political forecasting
model to empirical data back in 1972 [3]. Previous attempts using multiple regression (i.e., conven-
tional maximum likelihood estimation and an ARX model) had led to very poor forecasting results
in split-sample multiperiod forecasting. There was reason to believe that the available data on the
relevant variables-nationalism and political mobilization data going back up to two centuries-
might be subject to some measurement noise. Based on maximum likelihood theory, Werbos fitted
a simple vector ARMA (I, 1) model-similar to equations 48 and 49, but with complex nonlinear
exogenous variables added as well. Just for the sake of comparison, Werbos also deleted the process
noise term (ev and estimated the "measurement-noise only" model-which is equivalent to the pure
robust method. (The vector ARMA model was estimated by backpropagation through time.)
The surprising result was that the pure robust method cut forecast error in half, compared with the
ARMA model. From a classical maximum likelihood viewpoint, this shouldn't happen. A more
general model-such as the ARMA model-should do at least as well as the more specialized model,
at least if the parameters were significant (they were), and if there were some reason to expect the
presence of process noise (there was). The ARMA model, by contrast, reduced prediction errors by
only about ten percent compared with multiple regression.
To test these results, Professor Mosteller of Harvard recommended a set of simulation studies.
Werbos performed multiple simulations of two different dynamic processes,each with six different
noise generators attached. The first process was:

X(t + 1) = (1.O3)X(t)(1 + el(t» (59)

Y(t) = X(t)(l + e2(t» (60)

The second dynamic process was similar, except that equation 59 was replaced by:

X(t+l) = (.38X(t)+.35X(t-l)+.3X(t-2»(1+el(t». (61)

The six noise processes chosen for e} and e2involved Gaussian white noise, Gaussian white noise
with random outliers in five percent of the cases,and dirty noise with correlations over time. Each
combination of noise process and dynamic model (twelve combinations in all) was simulated ten
times, yielding simulated time seriesof two hundred observations each. Broadly speaking, the ARMA
model did indeed cut the prediction and estimation errors by a factor of two compared with multiple
regression on the simulated data; however, the pure robust method cut the errors in half yet again.
The dirtier the system, the bigger the differences; however, even with the simplest systems, the
ranking of the methods was still the same [3].
Despite these results, it was obvious, intuitively, that the pure robust method would not be the ideal
method to use under all circumstances. For example, in equations 59 through 61, there is an underlying
exponential trend to the data, which makes it possible for a forecasting model to track the overall
trajectory of the data over long time intervals. This is not always the case. For example, consider the

X(t + 1) = X(t) + W + el(t) (62)

Y(t) = (sin X(t» + e2(t).

If the noise, e/(t), is small, it should bepossible to track this process by using any model that is capable
of outputting a sine wave-but only for a certain amount of time. As the time series grows longer,
the random phase shifts will always ensure that the later part of the data will get out of phase with
the earlier part, so that comparison between predicted and actual values at large times t will always
show large errors.
In caseslike equation 62, we do not need to go all the way back to the nonrobust AR (1) or ARMA
(1, 1) models. For example, we can try to minimize multiperiod prediction errors, but limit ourselves
to a time horizon of p-a parameter we must pick very carefully. Alternatively-and at lower
cost-we can use the compromise method, proposed in [3] as a way to deal with these kinds of
In the compromise method, we minimize a measure of error, E4, which is defined by the following
system of calculations:

Y(t) = F(Y(t -1), ..., Y(t -F), u, W) (63)

Yj(t) = (1 -Wj)~(t) + WjY,{t) (64)

T (65)
E4 = L L(~(t), Y(t), w),

where F represents the forecasting model or ANN, where u represents all the various exogenous
variables at various times, where W is the set of model parameters or weights, and where w (made up
of components Wj) is a vector of additional parameters or filtering constants. When w = 0, then the
compromise method reduces to the pure robust method. When w = 1, it reduces to conventional
maximum likelihood estimation. (If you feel nervous about your implementation of the compromise
method, you can check to make sure it matches the simpler methods in those cases.) A w of 0.01
would, in effect, yield a delay time of seventy time periods in equation 64, and be very similar to
minimizing the 70-period prediction error. If we pick w so as to minimize the conventional loss

L1(~(t), Y(t» = L (Y;{t) -~,{t)r, (66)


then the compromise method reduces to something like a special case of nonlinear Kalman filter-
ing-which, by its equivalence to ARMA estimation, loses the robustness feature we are looking for.
After some contorted analysis, Werbos [37] developed an alternative loss function:

~(~(t), Y(t), w) = L
(ill!}_=h~ ) (67)
j dr,(l -Iwjl)

which led to superior perfonnance on political data that were so noisy that the pure robust method
.did not work very well. In analyzing these results, Werbos suggested an alternative loss function:

~ = L ~!2~. (68)

In these tests, Wjwas restricted to the interval (0, 1).

The model used in these tests was an upgraded version of a model then used by the Joint Chiefs
of Staff for global long-range strategic planning [37]. The compromise method with the alternative
loss function led to a reduction of multiperiod prediction error that was only about twenty-five percent
for the political conflict variables (such as revolutions in Latin America), which were extremely
difficult to predict in any case. It led to a fifty percent reduction in error in predicting GNP, both in
the Latin American study and in a follow-up study of U.S. economic data (based on a simple model
of the U.S. economy developed by Kuh). Several unpublished student papers at the University of
Maryland showed similar reductions of error.
The biggest advantage of the compromise method is its ability to shift smoothly-to a different
extent for different prediction targets-between the extremes of conventional adaptation and pure
robust adaptation. In conventional statistics, it is often good enough to give the user two extreme
estimation methods and provide guidelines for which method to use when [56]. In intelligent
control-where many variables need to be predicted, and the decision needs to be automated and
changeable over time-something like the compromise method is essential. This kind of smooth
variation between a classical approach and a worst-case or robust approach can be implemented on
many levels in the design of a robust system.
The loss functions in equations 67 and 68 appear useful, according to the empirical results so far.
However, no one has attempted a neural network application as yet. Because of the gross approxi-
mations made in deriving these loss functions, there is every reason to believe that you, the reader,
could come up with something similar but better-especially if you revisit the theoretical issues to
be discussed below. On the whole, equations 67 and 68 appear very effective in nudging the Wj
parameters closer to 1 when they are already close to 1; however, they do not have such a strong
effect on values of Wjwhich are close to O. Also, it may be useful to weight the errors for different
variables in a different way; for example, for models embedded within an adaptive critic control
system, one might weight the error in predicting Yjaccording to the RMS average of the derivative
of J with respect to Yj. Real-time Learning Section 10.8 will describe how to implement the compromise
method in an off-line mode, using backpropagation through time. All of the models and identification
methods in this chapter boil down to minimizing an error function over time, in the presence of time
lags. To implement these methods, one basically needs to calculate the derivatives of error with
respect to the weights or parameters. Therefore, for real-time adaptation, one basically needsa method
that moves folWards in time, to calculate the same derivatives that are nonnally calculated by
backpropagation. (In some real-time applications, it may be useful to develop an off-line model first,
in order to develop useful hidden variables; these variables, in turn, can be input to a more static
real-time network.)

One can calculate the derivatives exactly in forwards time by using the forwards perturbation
technique [20], which was later called the "Williams-Zipser" method and "dynamic backpropaga-
tion"; however, the resulting calculations are N times as expensive as backpropagation through time.
If N is small, this may be useful. If it is large-as in biological systems-the method becomes
hopelessly unrealistic. See Chapter 5 for more details. Section 10.6 may help in using [20].
Alternatively, one can simply truncate the derivatives, as suggestedby equation 25; however, this
dramatically reduces robustness over time because it totally ignores the connections over multiple
time intervals.
Finally, one can approximate the derivatives in a consistent way by using the Error Critic design,
presented in Chapter 3. The present chapter gives a variety of error functions different from the
example in that chapter, but the extension to alternative error functions and functional forms is
straightforward. We would speculate that the human brain itself is based on such all extension. Basic Principles and Derivation of the Loss Function for the Compromise Method
Once again, the compromise method evolved in response to empirical results. The approximations
used to derive it were very drastic and can be improved upon (or made more adaptive). Before
understanding the robust approach, theoretically, it is necessary to review some earlier approaches,
which will still be important to future research.
The early work by Werbos [3] was initially based on the classical Bayesian approach to parameter
estimation. In that approach, one begins by formulating a stochastic model, such as equations 48 and
49 or equations 50 and 51. (Nearest-neighbor systems or spline models can also be formulated as
stochastic models, but it takes some care to avoid logical inconsistencies.) One tries to find that set
of parameters, W, that have the highest probability of being the true set of parameters, based on what
we know after accounting for the available data; in other words, we try to maximize the conditional
probability Pr (Wi data).
The first deep problem for theorists in parameter estimation is the fact that Pr (W I data) is not
really well defined in an objective manner. From Bayes' law, it is well known that:

P '"' W I d ) = Pr{data I W)Pr(W) (69)

'\ ala Pr(data).

On the right-hand side, only one term, the "likelihood term"-Pr (data I W)-is well specified, for
any well-specified stochastic model. We can ignore the term Pr (data) because it does not affect our
maximization with respect to W. The third term-Pr (W)-represents our prior assessmentof the
probability of different parameters, our assessmentbefore any data become available. No matter how
large our database,this term is still present, and it has beena source of deep and persistent confusion
even in practical applications.
In the maximum likelihood approach-as practiced by most engineers-one tries to be "scientific"
by assuming that all sets of parameters are equaliy likely a priori. This simply wipes out the Pr (W)
term. By maximizing the likelihood term itself, one has a direct recipe for calculating what appears
to be an optimal estimate of all parameters. Given a perfect model and an infinite database (with
enough variety of the input variables), this approach will eventually converge on the optimal

Practical users of statistical methods, beset by limited data, usually recognize the need to account
for specific, prior information they have about the variables they are trying to predict. For example,
econometricians have long grappled with the problem of how to reconcile empirical, statistically
based models with first-principle, engineering-based models [56]. Typically, econometricians do not
try to quantify their prior probabilities, Pr (W), and use a Bayesian regression routine. They use their
prior information to guide them in setting up alternative stochastic models; they use it again, after
performing maximum likelihood estimation, to select the final model and to "tweak" its parameters
[56]. Methods like backpropagation could be used as part of this process to adapt or calibrate
parameters in complex first-principle models in a more automated way.
There is another kind of prior information, above and beyond our knowledge of specific variables,
that is extremely important to fields like neural networks and intelligent control. To explain this
crucial point, we will begin with an example.
In the neural network field, we often try to "learn" the mapping from a vector X to a scalar Y.
Suppose, for example, that the vector X had twenty different components, and that we can distinguish
ten possible values for eachof these twenty variables. Thus, to specify Yas a function of X, we would
need to know the values of Y for each of 1020different points. Even if we do not assumethe possibility
of noise, we would need a huge amount of data even to begin learning the mapping. It is this kind of
impossible-looking problem that makes the purist variety of theoretician give up and hide, thereby
leaving the deep and important theoretical questions to people like engineers.
To cope with these kinds of practical problems, we need to exploit the fact that not all functions
are equally likely a priori. The real world tends to have certain properties of smoothness, of similar
values in nearby points, of sparse connectivity, of symmetry, of global order, and so on. In the real
world, simpler models (or, equivalently, models with a lot of the parameters zeroed out) are more
likely to be true or robust than are complex models. Deep philosophers have recognized for centuries
that this principle-Occam's Razor-is essential to human learning and induction. (Indeed, one can
argue that Occam's work had a very substantial effect on subsequenthuman history, particularly on
science and religion.)
Our first deep challenge, then, is to formulate Occam's Razor in a more operational way, which
is truly useful in adapting ANNs (or other models) in the real world. The Razor must be sharp enough
to prevent floundering with overly complex models, but dull enough to allow our system to be truly
"open-minded"-able to adapt to a wide variety of possible environments. Good ANN researchers
already know that simpler nets lead to better generalization, but we need to make this knowledge
firmer and more operational.
This challenge was met successfully in the field of classical AI by the work of Solomonoff in the
early 1960s [57]. Solomonoff proposed that the a priori probability for any model should be e-kS,
where k is some constant and S is the number of symbols required to describe the model as a program
in some kind of basic Turing machine. Because any Turing machine can be programmed to mimic
any other kind of Turing machine, with afinite program (using, say, Sosymbols), we are guaranteed
that such a system could "learn" to change its language after acquiring only Sopieces of information.
In effect, Solomonoff proved that such a system would be invariant to the initial choice of modeling
language; thus, it would be truly open-minded in an important way. Solomonofr s work is of enduring

importance, even to ANN research, but-like much of classical AI-it mainly focuses on Boolean
variables. For our purposes, we need to extend the concept further to deal with models of continuous

variables. We need to account more concretely for phenomena like local smoothness,forecasting by
analogy, and so on.
In neural network theory, it is important that the multilayer perceptron (MLP) does not live up to
Solomonoff s notion of a Turing machine or Turing language. A Turing machine has the ability to
write out to a kind of "blackboard" or "tape," which it can later read back and reanalyze, all as part
of the calculations it makes before outputting a single forecast. The simultaneous-recurrent network
does have the ability to perform multiple calculations, inputting its own outputs, as part of a single
computation cycle (see Chapter 13); therefore, it is very close to fulfilling Solomonoffs requirement.
It is not quite perfect, because the number of cells in the network is finite, whereas a true Turing
machine is allowed an infinite blackboard. To completely live up to Solomonoffs results, a system
must be able to engage in overt symbolic reasoning with the aid of unlimited paper and computer
support; this kind of symbolic reasoning can be learned by neural networks (e.g., the networks in the
brain), but it may well be impossible to implement it on a lower level as part of the neuronal hardware
When we insert the Solomonoff priors back into equation 69, and take logarithms on both sides,
we end up with an interesting recipe for parameter estimation. We are asked to minimize the sum of
two terms: (I) the log likelihood, which can be described as the residual entropy of the database after
the model is available; and (2) the kS term, the entropy or information content of the model. This
provides a rational basis for the notion of minimizing "total entropy" or "total complexity," a
well-known approach in information theory. Theorists like Solla [58] and Kazakos [59] have tried to
apply this approach in the neural network field; however, Kazakos has stated that there are many
insights and ideas about complexity measuresand robustness in journals like the IEEE Transactions
on Information Theory that have yet to be fully used or appreciated in system identification (e.g., see
Economists and statisticians have also developed formulations of Occam's Razor for use in the
linear case. Economists often find themselves with data on a very limited number of time points, for
a very large number of variables. They have beenforced to develop ways of coping with this problem.
There are two major techniques in common use:

1. Ridge regression, which effectively penalizes large estimates of parameters

2. Stepwise regression (by hand or automated), in which parameters are deleted (zeroed out)
when they fail a basic test of "statistical significance"

The well-known statistician Dempster [60] has given a thorough review of these techniques and their
many (less effective) competitors. Most of them have analogues in the neural network literature.
In ridge regression, one assumes that the parameters themselves-W-come from some sort of
Gaussiandistribution. Instead of assuming a priori that the variance of that distribution is infinite (as
in maximum likelihood theory), one tries to estimate the variance of this distribution. This is called
the "empirical Bayes" approach. Clearly, this general flavor of approachcould be used more generally
to help us generate prior probabilities of ANN adaptation. In practice, ridge regression asks us to
minimize an error function:

L (e(t)Y + k L (Wi»2 , (70)

I ij

where k is another parameter to be estimated in another way [60]. It is straightforward to apply this
method directly in ANN research (as first suggested in [34)}, but it may be possible to do better yet.
One can argue that equation 70 is too "closed-minded," in a sense,about large parameters; that it does
not adequately value the zeroing out of parameters (which is also important [60)}; and that it does not
reflect the tendency for the weights affecting a given target to vary considerably in size. To account
for such concerns, one might, instead, assume a lognormal probability distribution, which leads to
an error function:

2 1 (71)
2,(e(t» + k 2, log ~ .

This kind of error function reflects the usual practice in econometrics of zeroing out parameters that
are only one standard deviation or so away from zero. The constant k can be adapted by techniques
similar to those of Su, described earlier in this section. Because the term on the right has a powerful
effect in zeroing out some weights, one must take care in developing initial weights, as with the other
methods in this chapter. In the limit [34], one might give greater credence (a smaller k) to connections
between neurons in similar "clusters," etc. In the ANN field, there is recent work on input compres-
sion, by Cooper, and on B-spline methods, which may be significant and novel here.
In any event, the statistical profession has firmly established the validity of minimizing modified
error functions that include a direct reference to the parameters or weights of a model.
Unfortunately, the sophisticated Bayesian or Occamite approach above was still not enough to
explain the empirical results discussed in section ARMA models were estimated with
significant t-ratios and F-ratios, which suggested that the full model should be used in forecasting;
however, the pure robust method still did better, both in multiperiod forecasting and in parameter
estimation, with empirical and simulated data.
To explain or exploit these empirical results, one must move up to a more sophisticated theoretical
approach-the "robust estimation" approach [30].
In robust estimation, we give up the assumption that our original stochastic model will in fact be
"true," in some objective sense, for some set of values for the parameters W. We assume that our
stochastic model will typically (though not always) be a highly simplified description of a more
complex reality, regardless of whether that model is an ANN or a first-principle model. We try to
adapt or estimate that model so that it will do a good job of forecasting (or control) despite that
Some theoreticians have argued that robust estimation should never be necessary.If our stochastic
model is not good enough-as determined by any objective measure of how the model fits the
data-we should simply change it until it is good enough. In actuality, the real process we are trying
to identify may simply be too complex to make this a workable strategy. If there are many, many
objective measuresavailable, the complexity required to account for all of them may make it difficult
to avoid large estimation errors. Still, this approach should not be discarded altogether. In fact, the
pure robust method could be viewed as one way of implementing that approach. The pure robust
method may be seenas a kind of complex objective measure or diagnostic used to evaluate a stochastic
model; if we find that it is possible to do significantly better in multiperiod forecasting than the original
model suggested, we may then choose to stay with the pure robust (or compromise) method. This
kind of reasoning may well be useful as a guide to tuning the filtering parameters, Wi , in the

compromise method or in various extensions of the compromise method. Still, we have to ask what
to do when our diagnostic does tell us that better long-term forecasting is possible. Direct use of the
robust methods is the obvious choice. We wouldn't want to add a lot of terms to the old stochastic
models to make them fit better, simply because those models did, in fact, forecast poorly over long
time intervals. There may be other possible responses, however, that may merit further research.
In robust estimation, our biggest challenge is to find workable ways of estimating a model that do
not assume that its stochastic version is true. There is a huge literature on how to do this when a
stochastic model is almost true, when we assume that the equations of the model are true but that the
noise may not come from a Gaussiandistribution. Those methods still assume that the noise is "clean"
(i.e., uncorrelated). For the more general case, we are aware of only two workable approaches to
robust estimation: (I) a utilitarian-based approach; (2) an approach based on minimizing parameter
errors. From an Occarnite point of view, the best procedure would be to always consider the set of
all possible models, instead of just one model; however, even if we do maintain a handful of
alternative models, we still need to use robust estimation techniques for each of that handful. (In
effect, each explicit model must be used to integrate or represent a large set of models we cannot
afford to be explicit about.)
The utilitarian approach has been around for a very long time. As an example of this approach,
suppose that we are trying to forecast a single variable. Suppose that we are trying to predict the
savings rate, s, of different households, as a function of income and other variables. The savings rate
is defined as total savings (S) divided by disposable income. We expect that the noise in this process
will not be a function of income or other variables; thus, for people earning $1,000,000 per year, our
forecast may be off by ten percent or so--$1 OO,OOO-butfor people earning $10,000 or so we expect
errors on the order of $1,000. A maximum likelihood statistician would tell us to minimize the error

E = ~(s(t) -~(t»2. (72)


A utilitarian economist might instead try to minimize the loss function:

L = ~ (S(t) -'S(t»2. (73)


The utilitarian would argue that the cost of an error (in many applications of this model) would depend
on the size of the error in dollars; this justifies giving greater weight to observation where more dollars
are involved. He would argue that there are two sets of parameters out there in the real world-the
parameters that minimize E and the parameters that minimizeL; for his application, it is L that matters,
so he prefers to use a procedure that is consistent with his application. A maximum likelihood purist
would reply that there is only one true set of parameters; minimizing equation 73 is simply a less
efficient way of estimating the same set of parameters, which can be estimated more efficiently by
minimizing equation 72. In an ideal world, one might try it both ways, and then try to see if there
really were a measurable difference between the two sets of parameters; however, this judgment
would be affected somewhat by one's prior expectations about the possibility of such a difference.

There is a simpler example of this same principle, which has long been familiar to statisticians.
Suppose that we are trying to estimate the median of a random distribution. To be perfectly consistent,
we can simply use the median of our sample data. However, if we have good reason to believe that
our data comes from a Gaussian distribution, we can use the sample mean; this is a more efficient
estimator, and we know that the median is the same as the mean anyway, if we are sure of the
distribution. Using the sample median is essentially the robust or utilitarian way to go. There are other
possible estimators, of course.
In our application, the utilitarian approachseems very straightforward, at first. In Model-Predictive
Control, our payoffs depend on the multi period forecasting ability of our model or ANN. The pure
robust method minimizes those errors directly. Therefore, it is consistent with what we need, and we
should use it rather than the maximum likelihood method.
In actuality, there are two important complications here. First of all, our errors in control do not
depend in such a simple way on the sum of prediction errors over all possible prediction intervals;
the literature on control theory [31-33] suggestsa more complicated relation, related to our earlier
suggestions for a moving-window approach and for the compromise method. Secondly, our earlier
example of a phase-shift process shows that the pure robust method may in fact be extremely
inefficient in estimating parameters in some situations. Loss functions were developed for the
compromise method in 1977 [36] that failed very badly in empirical tests, derived from a pure
utilitarian approach.
The alternative loss functions shown in section were derived from a modified version of
the utilitarian approach [61]. The idea was to minimize the long-term prediction errors, as predicted
by the model itself, but assuming the worst about the accumulation (i.e., autocorrelation) of error.
There were gross approximations involved, but the method has proven useful.
To begin with, Werbos [61] considered the case of a simple univariate forecasting model with the
compromise method, deriving:

Y(t) = t(t) + e(t) (74)

Y(t) = (1 -w)t(t) + wY(t) = t(t) + we(t) (75)

t(t+ 1) = OY(t) = ot(t) + Owe(t) (76)

Y(t+ 1) = ot(t) + Owe(t)+e(t+ 1). (77)

And likewise:

Y(t+n) = ont(t)+e(t+n)+Owe(t+n-l)+O2w2e(t+n-2)+ (78)

The error terms on the right-hand side of equation 78 represent the errors in multi period prediction.
Assuming the worst about the correlation between errors over time, but assuming that Owis less than
one (as it would be in any stationary process, when we enforce the rule that w can be no larger than
one), the expected value of the square of the sum of these error terms will be:


cr; (79)
,. '" ,,2
(1 -lewl)

where a; is the variance of the error term, e(t). For a simple univariate model, we would then pick w
so as to minimize this measure of error. For a multivariate model or an ANN, where there is no scalar
e available, we assumed that errors also accumulate across variables in the worst possible way, and
assumed a e of 1; this led to the loss functions of section Again, one could easily do better.
Starting in 1981, we have explored yet another fundamental approach, mentioned briefly in [35].
This approach may be called the O'wapproach. In the O'wapproach, we go back to the maximum
likelihood idea that there is only one set of parameters that is best, both for short-term forecasting
and for long-term forecasting. Clearly, this will need to be reconciled with the utilitarian approach,
eventually, but so far it seems to follow the empirical evidence a bit better; in predicting conflict in
Latin America [37], Werbos found that the compromise method did better in all prediction intervals
in split-sample tests. In a sense,this is like the usual robust approach, where we accept the model at
face value, and assume that the problem lies in the dirty noise; however, in this case, we allow for
correlated and truly dirty noise, not just non-Gaussian distributions.
The idea is to pick those values of the filtering parameters, w, which lead to the smallest possible
estimation errors in those parameters-W-which will actually be used in the control application.
Instead of using the maximum likelihood estimates of the estimation errors, we would like to use
more robust estimates, such as the bootstrap estimates of Friedman or the empirical estimates of
Hjalmarsson and Ljung [62]; however, we need to use simple approximations, in the end, to fit with
the neural network rule of limiting ourselves to inexpensive calculations.
Once again, we have begun our analysis in the univariate linear case. In that case,the usual measure
for standard error may be written as:

~ = O'~/(-!iz ~(e(t)r ) (80)

This is similar to equation 79, except that the denominator is somewhat different; thus, our prior
method was somewhat similar to picking w to minimize 0'62.To evaluate the denominator, note that:

( a )2 (81)
aa2 (e(t»2 = L e(t)_
aa22 e(t)+ L ae e(t) .
e I lei

Note that the leftmost term on the right-hand side representsthe correlation between error and another
quantity; in general, there is little reason to expect a strong correlation, and-in a forecasting
situation-we always try to estimate parameters so that previous variables correlate very little with
error at time t. Thus, for a crude, preliminary analysis, we will approximate that term as zero; we will
use the rightmost term of equation 81 as our denominator.
Simple substitutions yield:

e(t) = Y(t)-i>(t) (82)


~(t) = 9f(t -1) = 9(1 -w)~(t -1) + ewY(t -1). (83)

Mathematical induction on equation 83 yields:

~(t) = ew(Y(t -1) + 9(1 -w)Y(t -2) + 92(1 -W)2Y(t -3) + ...). (84)

If we assume the worst about correlations between Y values over time, we arrive at the following
estimate of the RMS average size of equation 84:

9w (85)
0" = 1-9(1-w)Oy.

Going back to equations 81 and 82, we may approximate our denominator as:

(a )2 (a ( 9w ) ~2 (86)
~ ae ~(t) = ~ ae 1-9(1 -w)Oy~,

which reduces to:

( <ii )2 (87)
l(l-=""e1i-=-;)f .

Substituting this into equation 80, and ignoring the oj. term (which has no effect on our choices of w
and 9), we arrive at a different kind of loss function to minimize:

Ls -o.
- ( (1 -9(1 -W»2 )2

In cases where 9 is near zero, and larger values of w lead to smaller o. , this tells us to pick w was
large as possible; since w = 1 is the largest allowed value (representing the maximum likelihood case),
we pick that value. In fact, this still applies for any value of 9 less than one-half. However, when 9
is near 1, this tells us to minimize O.w, which tends to push very strongly for the pure robust method.
This analysis gives us considerable insight into the proper use of the compromise method.
However, it is not clear what to do about this insight in neural network applications. As a first crude
approach, we might "approximate" 9jas the square root of 1-(0.2/0y1, as suggested in [61]; however,
this is so crude that its value is questionable at present. A very crude, multivariate linear version of
the reasoning above leads to a denominator more like:

Tr«I -9(1 -W»T-2 WQW(I -9(1 -W»-2 Cov(y» (89)


where 9 is now a matrix, where W is a filtering matrix, where Q is a positive metric representing the
cost of different kinds of error, and Cov(Y) is the variance-covariance matrix of Y, assuming all
variables have been reduced to a mean of zero. If 9 is close to being any kind of unitary matrix, then
the optimal value of 1- W is not I (as in the pure robust method), but 9-1.This suggeststwo approaches
to getting maximum robustness from a complex model (such as an ANN model): (1) actually use a
complete filtering matrix or network; (2) try to transform the representation, so that individual
variables tend to represent eigenvectors of the dynamic matrix 9 or other such stable variables.
Both of these approacheshave some hope for them, but are completely new and unexplored in this
context. The network-filtering approach leads to the obvious problem of how to minimize a rather
complex error function. With simultaneous-recurrent circuits looping around a network, it is feasible
to calculate inverses (or, more precisely, to multiply the inverse of a network by a vector), but there
is some major complexity here and issues about numerical stability and consistency. The eigenvector
approach would be very similar in spirit to the encoder/decoderschemesthat are widely used in neural
network research; for example, see the Stochastic EncoderIDecoderIPredictor design in Chapter 13.
Likewise, variables that have big J derivatives (in an adaptive critic design) also tend to be relatively
stable variables. In a network with sticky weights (as discussed in section, the sticky weights
themselves may be used as estimates of 9. Clearly, it will take some creativity to get all these pieces
together in a logical manner, but the pieces do exist.
Taking this all a step further, the discussion of "chunking" in Chapter 13 does include a discussion
of further issues of relevance to robustness. Likewise, it would seem logical to modify our estimation
of some components ofW-such as sticky weights- in order to improve theirintluence on estimation
errors of other components of W.
There is a rich field here for future research-both empirical and theoretical-of enormous
importance to practical success in intelligent control.


Stringent pruning is often vital to ANN performance, for reasons discussed at length in this chapter.
At least two other pruning or sizing methods were discussed in section 10.4. The method described
here was developed in 1990 by Bhat and McAvoy [2]. This method has been applied successfully to
real-world problems involving felt design; however, [2] mainly discusses applications to simulated
systems and to the pH/CSTR example of section 10.3.
In reviewing the background, Bhat and McAvoy stressed the need for obtaining a good training
set as well, using classical notions of experimental design [63] to ensure variance of the inputs. They
reviewed earlier methods, based on deleting entire neurons, which have a number of limitations and,
in any case, do not provide all the power we need by themselves.
The Bhat/McAvoy algorithm uses two evaluation functions for the ANN, one of them (Lw) used
to adapt the weights, and the other (LNN)used to evaluate the ANN after training. They define:

[. )
Lw = ~ (t; -y;)2 + A.* COMPLEXITY (90)


N. (91)
k j

and Nk is the number of active, nonzero weights arriving at each node; and (for the case n = 1):

L --2 -2 ! (92)
NN -O.+Oy T

where T is the number of observations in the training set, k is the number of weights in the network,
and 0; and (J~are the sample variances of the error and target variables, respectively. (The sample
variance of Y is defined as the average observed value of (Y -~y)2, where ~y is the mean of Y.)
The algorithm itself is similar to an earlier one proposed by Niida et al. [64]:

1. Start with a complex MLP full of weights and adapt the weights so as to minimize Lw with
2. Increment I.. by a small amount, and adapt the weights again to minimize Lw.
3. Delete (strip) all the weights in the dead zone around zero.
4. After removing the stripped weights (i.e., holding them to zero), adapt the network again with
5. Evaluate LNNfor the resulting network (and store LNN).
6. If the current LNNis smaller than that obtained before, with a smaller value of 1..,go back to
step two and try again.
7. If the current LNNis larger, then go back to the previous version of the ANN (for a smaller 1..),
and use that as the final version. Quit.

Niida et al. had proposed a different measure of complexity:


k j

but this failed in all of our tests because of high sensitivity to changes in A.,difficulties in handling
weights that vary by orders of magnitude, and erratic behavior when small weights are deleted. The
measure of LNNused here was based on work by Barron for models that are linear in their coefficients
[65]; therefore, there may be some room for improvement in the procedure.


The chain rule for ordered derivatives ("backpropagation") is a general-purpose tool for calculating

derivatives efficiently through any nonlinear, sparse system. As a rule of thumb, if it takes N

calculations to run a model, it should take only kN calculations to extract the derivatives of any target

variables (such as error or utility) with respect to all of the inputs and parameters of the model, in a

single sweep backwards through the model. As computers grow more powerful and the problem

addressed grow correspondingly larger, the efficiency of derivative calculations will become even

more important, because the ratio between N calculations and N2 calculations will grow larger.

This section will only discuss the problem of calculating derivatives through an ordered system.

Roughly speaking, an ordered system is one where we have a definite, fixed procedure for calculating

the outputs as a function of the inputs; it differs from a "relaxation system," which requires the solution

of a set of nonlinear simultaneous equations in order to calculate the outputs. Chapter 13 describes

how to calculate derivatives effectively through a relaxation system (a "simultaneous-recurrent

network"), once you know how to 49-calculate through an ordered system.

The section will proceed as follows. First, it will describe what an ordered derivative is and give

the chain rule. Second, it will give an example of how to apply it. (The procedure here could easily

be automated.) Finally, it will describe the notion of a "dual subroutine," which is crucial to the use

of this chain rule within larger, more sophisticated control applications. The material here is mainly

taken from [4] and [22].

10.6.1. OrderedSystemsandOrderedDerivatives
An ordered system is a system made up of variables or quantities that we can calculate in a definite

order. The two most common examples are static systems and dynamic systems. An example of a

static system might be:

Z2 = 4 * Zl (93)

Z3 = 3 * ZI + 5 * Z2. (94)

More generally, a static system might be:

Z_l = l_l(ZI, ..., Zm) (95)

Z_2 = 1_2(ZI, ..., z-U

TARGET = ZN = IMZI. ..., ZN-U,

where Zl through Zm are the parameters and inputs, and where Im+l through IN are differentiable

functions. Whenwe are seekingthe derivativesof a particular quantity,ZN,we usually describethe~


system so that ZNis the last quantity to be calculated; it is convenient to give that quantity a special
name ("TARGET').
In some ordered systems, we can still calculate the desired output (ZN)after changing the order of
calculation; however, this merely gives us a choice of alternative ordering schemes,each of which is
a valid starting point. (For those who are interested in parallel computing, however, it may be
interesting to note that our derivative calculations will preserve the lattice structure-the paralleliza-
tion--of the original model.) The key requirement is that we can calculate any quantity, Zj , when we
know the values of preceding quantities.
An example of an ordered dynamical system would be:

Y2(t) = WI * YI(t) + W2* YI(t- 2) (96)

'* ~(t) = 3 * YI(t -I) + 4 * Y2(t)* Y2(t-I) (97)

E(t) = E(t -I) + (Y3(t) -f;(t»2, (98)

where E(t) is a kind of error measure. In actuality, this dynamic system may be treated as a special
case of equation 95, where we defineZj as Wj, Z2as W2,Z3as Yj(I), ..., ZT+2 as Yj(7), ZT+3
as Y2(1),ZT+4
as Y3(1),and so on. Using this kind of approach, Werbos has applied backpropagation even to models
with two time dimensions, as required by some economic models of the natural gas industry [4];
however, this section will not give explicit attention to that kind of model.
The chain rule for ordered derivatives may be written (for the system in 95):

d+TARGET -dTARGET + I d+TARGET * ~ (99)

dz; -dz; ..dz.
]=1+1 ,} dz;'

where the derivatives with the + superscript represent ordered derivatives, and the derivatives without
superscripts represent simple partial derivatives. To use this chain rule, you need to know only two

I. That the ordered derivatives of TARGET with respect to an input or parameter do, in fact,
represent the effect of changing that input on changing TARGET; these are the appropriate
derivatives to use in error minimization, utility maximization, and so on.
2. That the "simple partial derivatives" in equation 99 are worked out simply by differentiating
that equation in the model that defines Zj(or TARGE7) as a function of earlier variables.

The full definition and proof of equation 99 was given in [3] and reprinted in [4]. To use equation 99
in practice, you must start with the case i = N -I and work backwards to i = I.
It is usually best to test these derivatives by perturbing inputs and making sure that the calculated
derivatives are right. When they aren't, one can narrow down the problem by testing the validity of
intermediate ordered derivatives. One can perturb an intermediate quantity (or equation) Zj, and then
run the rest of the model (fromj + I to N) in normal fashion; this should change ZNin proportion to

the ordered derivative of ZNwith respectto Zi-If it does not, you then know that there is a downstream
problem, in calculating the ordered derivatives of ZNwith respect to Zj' Zj+/...ZN-/.
In the example of equations 93 and 94, the simple partial derivative of Z3 with respect to Z/ (the
direct effect of changing z/) is 3. The ordered derivative (the total effect) is 23, because of the indirect
effect by way of Z2.

10.6.2. ImplementationProcedure
Section 10.6.1 includes all the information you need, in principle, to apply the chain rule for ordered
derivatives. However, there is a straightforward way of applying that chain rule, given at length in
section IV of [4], which could be used by people who find it difficult to understand section 10.6.1.
This straightforward procedure is useful even for the expert in disentangling complex systems.
In this procedure, we begin by defining an abbreviation:

F Zi ~ (J+TARGET. (100)

In most applications, this abbreviation gives us all the information we need, becausethere is only one
TARGET variable (like error). Also, the abbreviation can be used directly to naming variables in
computer code. In more complex applications, this kind of abbreviation is even more essential.
Intuitively, F _Zjmay be thought of as "the feedback to variables Zi-"
In this notation, equation 99 may be written:
(J+TARGET N-I (Jzo (101)
F_Zi = (J + LF_Zj * f.
zi 00 1 zi

The summation on the right-hand side appears complex at first; however, since the equation
determining Zjwill usually refer to only a few other variables Zi, the simple partial derivative of Zjwith
respect to Ziis zero in most cases. In most cases,the summation boils down to a sum of only one or
two nonzero terms.
Step one in our procedure is to spell out, in proper order, all o/the calculations used to calculate
TARGET. Equations 96 through 98 are an example, if we add just one more equation: -

TARGET = E(1). (102)

Because dynamic systems are harder to work with than static systems, we will focus on that example
of an ordered system in this section.
After spelling out the forwards system (equations 96, 97, 98, and 102), our job is simply to work
out the backwards equations that will be used to calculate the required derivatives. In working out
these equations, we first write down the equation for F -(Z), where Z is the last variable calculated in
the forwards system; then we work out the equation for the variable before that, and so on. By writing
down the equations in this order, we can be sure that we can actually use them in this order in our
computer program.

In the forwards system, in our example, the last variable to be calculated was E(t), the variable on
the left-hand side of the last equation before the definition of the TARGET. We want to work out the
equation to calculate F _E(t), for all t. Here we find that we face two different conditions, de'elending
on whether t = T or t < T. For t = T, E(t) affects TARGET directly but does not affect any other
variables; thus, we have:

F E (1) = aTARGET = 1 (103)

-aE(1) ,

which follows from differentiating equation 102.

For t < T, we look for occurrences of E(t)-lagged or unlagged-across the right-hand sides of
all the equations in the forwards system. (In other words, we are looking for quantities Zj such that
aZj laE(t) is nonzero.) There is only one such occurrence here, located in equation 98; therefore, the
sum on the right-hand side of 101 has one nonzero entry in this case. Substituting into equation 101,
we get:

F E() = aTARGET F E( 1) * aE(t+ 1) (104)

-t aE(t) + -t+ aE(t)

= O+F_E(t+ 1) * I = F_E(t+ 1).

To simplify our computer program, we can combine 103 and 104 to get:

F_E(t) = 1. (105)

Now that we have calculated the feedback to E(t), which was calculated in equation 98, we go
back to the previous equation, 97. We try to work out the equation for F _Y 3(t). Looking across the
entire system again, we see the Y3appears on the right in only one equation, equation 98. Thus, we

( t ) = aTARGET + F E( t ) * ~ (106)
F -3Y aY3(t) -ay:,,(t)

= 0 + 1 * (2(Y3(t) -f;(t») = 2(Y3(t)-f;(t».

Then we go back to calculating the feedback to Y2(t), which appears twice in equation 97. For the
case t < T, we derive:

aTARGET ay:,,(t+ 1) ay:,,(t) (107)

F _Y2(t) = aY2(t) + F _Y3(t + 1) * aY2(t) + F _Y3(t) * ~

= 0+F_Y3(t+ 1) * (4Y2(t+ 1»+F_Y3(t) * (4Y2(t-l».

= 4F_y:,,(t+ 1) * Y2(t+ 1)+4F_y:,,(t) * Y2(t-l).


Note that F -Yj(t) was complicated enough that there is no value in substituting in from equation 106;
it is more efficient for the computer to calculate equation 106as such, and then move on to 107. Also,
equation 15 can be used for the case t = T as well, if we adopt the convention that F_YAT + 1) = O.
Finally, we can calculate the derivatives that we are really interested in. For the weights, which
appear only in equation 96, but which affect Y2at all times t, the chain rule for ordered derivatives
T , (108)
F _WI = L F _Y2(t)* YI(t)

T (109)
F_W2 = LF_Y2(t) * YI(t-2).

Likewise, for the inputs fAt), we get:

F _YI(t) = F _Y2(t)* WI + F _Y2(t+ 2) * W2. + .~~~~~~.. 3 (110)

Equations 106 through 110, together, form a well-ordered backwards system, which we can easily
program directly into a computer program or even into a spreadsheet(as in [4]). When debugging
complex systems, it often pays to identify select out simple testproblems (after testing the big system),
and to implement them in a spreadsheet.The computer program to calculate the derivatives would
look something like:

Initialize F _WI, F _W2, and quantities for t> Tto zero

DO FOR t= Tto t= 1 by -1:
Invoke equation 106
Invoke equation 107
Invoke equation 110
Set F _WI to F _WI + F _Y2(t) * YI(t)
Set F_W2 to F_W2 + F_Y2(t+2) * YI(t)

For very large, nonmodular forwards systems (a hundred equations or more), it is sometimes
inconvenient to have to search through the entire forwards system allover again for each variable. In
that case, it may be convenient to write "F _varN =" at the front of a blank line, "F _varN -1 =" under
that (using variable names instead of numbers), until you have a list, going over several pages, in
reverse order. Then you can work your way through each occurrence of each variable as you come
to it, adding the appropriate term to the right feedback equation. This kind of inverse search would
also allow more efficient automation of this procedure. If you have any doubts about the details, you
can use the example above as a test.

10.6.3. How to Construct Dual or Adjoint Subroutines or Functions

Complex systems for neurocontrol or system identification can be very difficult to keep track of if
one attempts to write out every equation in the entire system as one big mass of equations. The
resulting computer implementation would be even harder to maintain, understand, improve, and
debug. On the other hand, the use of modular design-both in research and in implementation--can
make these systems quite simple.
A vital part of thesedesigns is the ability to backpropagate through different modules. For example,
we may have a module that calculates:

Zm+l= !m+l(ZI,,..,Zm) (Ill)

ZN-I = !N-l(ZI, ..., ZN-V

but does not take the final step of calculating TARGET, ZN.We assume that the final TARGET will
be calculated somewhere else. The module here will simply output Zm+lthrough ZN-l.In order to
backpropagate through this module, we must assume that some other module will provide the

PO .~ ()TARGET - 1. (112)
-Z; () m+ 1 <_1-.< N

(In actuality, these derivatives may themselves be calculated by backpropagating through some other
module.) We must program a dual module that inputs PO_Ziand implements:

N-I ()z. (113)

F -, z. = PO_Iz. + ~~ F-:/Z.* ~.
1 Zi

To work out what these equations are for any particular ordered system, we can use exactly the same
procedures we used in section 10.6.2. Once again, this entire procedure could easily be automated.
This would permit control theorists (and modelers of all kinds) to take advantage of back propagation
and the designs of neurocontrol without being restricted to the case of ANNs.


The rapid, parallel implementation of the methods of section 10.3 would depend on a rapid calculation
of the gradient and (if possible) the Hessian of H, as defined in equation 20, holding the Lagrange
multipliers constant. These calculations can be derived by using the chain rule for ordered derivatives.
To do this (following section 10.6), we must first specify the forwards system used to calculate the
target, H. For simplicity, we will use k as the "time" index (representing t + k), use <pinstead of F2,
and use p instead of pH. We will use the notation s'(x) for the derivatives of the sigmoid function.
(Actually, s'(x) = s(x)(l -s(x».)

The forwards system can be written as the following, for k = 0 to 30:

vj(k) = %) + WlIP(k -1) + W;'2]J(k

-2) + wpp(k -3) (114)

+ %cp(k) + Wlscp(k-1) + ~cp(k -2) + %cp(k -3)

xj(k) = s(vj(k» (115)

~ (116)
v!(k) = wto + L wtjXj(k)

p(k) = bias + s(v!(k» (117)

U(k) = U(k -1) + (P(k) -p*)2 + Ail)(p(k) -Pmin)

+ Af)(Pmax-p(k» + AP1cp(k)-CPmi.)+ Ai4)(CPmax


where U(-l) = 0 and the target (H) is U(30).

A direct application of the chain rule for ordered derivatives (section 10.6) yields:

F -p(k) = 2(P(k) -po) + Ail) -Ai2) (118)

+ L (F_vj(k + 1) * Wll +F_vj(k+ 2) * % + F_vj(k + 3) * wp)


F _v!(k) = F -P{k) * s'(v!(k» (119)

F_xj(k) = F _v!(k) * wtj (120)

F _vi(k) = F Jj(k) * s'(vi(k» (121)

h (122)
F _cp(k) = L (F _vj(k) * % + F _vj(k + 1) * Wls
+ F_vj(k + 2) * ~+F_vj(k+3) * %)

where we again adopt the convention that F _anything (k) equals zero for k > 30. Equation 122 yields
the desired gradient (i.e., it yields F -cI>(k)for k from 0 to 30). As in section 10.6, the backwards
equations must be invoked backwards in time (i.e., from k = 30 back to k = 0). To explicitly implement
the additional requirement (dynamic equation) that cl>(k + 7) = cI>(7),
we could simply modify equation
122 to:

F -<P<k) = c(k) * F _<p(k+ 1) + L (F _vj(k) * W}4 (123)

+ F_vj(k + 1) * Wls+ F_vj(k+ 2) * Wi, + F_vj(k+ 3) * ~),

where we define c(k) as 1 for k > 6 and 0 for k < 7. Again, it is easy to generalize this procedure for
more complex models.
To calculate the Hessian is substantially trickier. We cannot calculate the entire Hessian in one
pass; however, we can calculate the second derivatives with respect to cl>(t)and <I>(k), for a particular
t and all k, in one pass. By repeating this process for all t, we can get the Hessian at minimum cost.
To generate these equations, we must treat the entire system, from equation 114 to equation 122,
as an ordered system for calculating the target F-<I>(t).We must "forget" that quantities beginning
with "F -" have anything to do with derivatives. To avoid confusion, we must use "G_" to represent
ordered derivatives of F -<I>(t)with respect to other quantities in that ordered system. We must keep
in mind that the order of calculation is from k = 0 to k = 30 for the forwards block and k = T to k = t
for the backwards block. Working back through that system, we arrive at the following equations
(which have not been implemented or tested as yet):

G_F _<p(k) = 1 (for k = t) or 0 (otherwise) (124)

G_F _vj(k) = G_F _<p(k)* W}4+ G_F _<p(k-1) * Wls (125)

+ G_F _<p(k -2) * Wi, + G_F _<p(k-3) * ~

G_F _xj(k) = G_F _vj(k) * s'(vj(k» (126)

G_F _vt(k) = L G_F _xj(k) * W.j (127)


G_F -p(k) = G_F _vt(k) * s'(vt(k» (128)

G_F _U(k) = 0

h (129)
G-p(k) = 2 * G_F -p(k) + L (G_vj(k + 1) * W;.
+ G_vj(k + 2) * Wl2+ G_vj(k + 3) * W;3)

G_vt(k) = G_F _vt(k) * F -p(k) * s"(vt(k» + G-p(k) * s'(vt(k» (130)

G_xj(k) = G_vt(k) * wrj (131)

G_vj(k) = G_F _vj(k) * F _xj(k) * s"(vj(k» + G_xj(k) * s'(vj(k» (132)


h (133)
G_<p(k) = L (G_vj(k) * ~ + G_vj(k + 1) * W;s
+ G_vj(k + 2) * % + G_vj(k + 3) * Wp).

Of course, equation 133 yields the relevant second derivatives. Once again, multiple passes-for
different t-are needed in this case, becausewe are looking for an entire matrix of second derivatives.
In coding these equations, one first loops forward from k = t to k = T in invoking equations 124
through 128 as a block; then one invokes through 129 through 133 for k = T back to k = O. At least
for large models, these calculations for the Hessian are an order of N less expensive than those
originally proposed by Saint-Donat et al. [1].
In other applications, where we only need one vector based on second derivatives, we can usually
get by with a single pass through the system, if we define the appropriate scalar TARGETas a function
of first derivatives. An example is given in [21].


Section 10.4has already given the concepts behind thesemethods and their implementation; however,
it left out the details of the derivative calculations, which will be given here. (For the real-time version
of this, see section
When debugging these programs, the user is urged to print out (or store) the following three items,
at a minimum, in each iteration: (1) the change in error from iteration k to iteration k + 1; (2) the
prediction of that change, based on the dot product of the weight change with the gradient calculated
in iteration k; (3) the prediction of the same quantity, based on the gradient calculated in iteration
k + 1. Normally, items 1 and 2 are negative, and 1 lies between 2 and 3. If 1 is not between 2 and 3
(except for a few atypical cases like the first iteration), suspect a bad gradient; test the gradient as
described in section 10.6. If 1 is positive, your learning rate is too high; you need to rescale your
variables or improve your learning-rate algorithm. If 1 is always negative, but you are making little
progress, you need a faster learning rate or you need to consider some of the tricks cited in this book
to speed things up.

10.8.1. The Compromise and Pure Robust Methods for

Feedforward ANNs or NARX Models

For the sake of brevity and generality, we will use the "modular" approach of section 10.6.3. We will
assume a model of order 3,just to make the equations more readable; the generalization to arbitrary
order is trivial.
Our first job is to spell out the calculations used to obtain the loss function for a given set of
parameters; from equations 63 through 65, we may write:

t(t) = /(1(t -I), 1(t -2), 1(t -3), u(t), W) (134)


'f;(t) = (1 -wut;(t) + WjYj(t) i = 1, n (135)

E = L L(t(t), Y(t), w). (136)


To implement the pure robust method, simply set Wi = 0, use the same derivative equations as given
below, but skip the equations used only to adapt Wi.In equation 134,the parameters or weights of the
model-W-are described as a vector, just for convenience; there is no assumption that the number
of parameters is in any way related to the number of variables in the model. The vectoru(t) represents
all exogenous variables used to predict Y(t), without regard to their actual source in space and time.
The loss function L could be any of the various loss functions described in section 10.4.
Using the procedures of section 10.6, we may immediately deduce:

t\. = ~ a
F _r,{t) t\. Y(t), W)
L(r(t), (137)

F_Y(t) = FIJY(t), Y(t-l), Y(t-2),u(t+ 1), W,F t(t+ 1) (138)

+F2JY(t+ 1), Y(t),Y(t-I), u(t+ 2), W, F_"t(t+2»
+ F3JY(t + 2), Y(t + 1),Y(t), u(t + 3), W, F _t(t + 3»

F_W = L FWJY(t), Y(t-l), Y(t- 2), u(t), W, F_t(t» (139)


F _Wi = L F _Yj(t) * (Y,(t) -~,(t». (140)


The required derivatives are calculated by equations 139 and 140. In equations 138 and 139, we
assume that you have coded up the dual subroutine, F1. for the function f. We have used the
abbreviation "FJ_" (instead of FY(I-/J) for the subroutine which calculates derivatives with respect
to the first vector argument off, and likewise for F2 and F3, just to avoid possible confusion about
time lags.
In practice, it is easier to calculate the sums in equations 138 and 139 as running sums (as with the
weight derivatives), in computer programming. This yields code that begins by initializing many
things to zero, followed by the main loop:

DOFORt=Ttot= 1 by-I:
Invoke equation 137;
FOR k = 1 to k = 3: F_Y(t -k) = F_Y(t -k) + Fk_f(...,F _t(t»;
F_W = F_W + FW_f(...,F_t(t»
FORi= 1 toi=n:F_wj=F_wj+F_Yj(t+k)*(Y;(t+k)-~j(t+k»;

The next to last instruction uses "t + k" instead of "t," to make sure that F _Yi has been completely
added up; therefore, after the core loop, one needs a quick loop for k = 1 to k = 3 to add in the final
components of F_Wi. The cost of running code like this will be far less if you actually use a single
subroutine, with multiple outputs, to provide all the derivatives based on F _t(t).
There is one more detail of relevance to computer programmers. The dual subroutine usually
requires knowledge of the intermediate variables of the original modelf. This can be handled either
by storing all the intermediate information on the initial forwards pass, or by recalculating them from
the inputs of the model (which need to be stored in any case). The tradeoff here is very application-

10.8.2. ClassicalAdaptation of Time-lagged

Recurrent Networks (TLRNs)

For a classical TLRN with classical maximum likelihood training, the calculation of error is based
on equations 53, 54, 55, 56, and 22, in that order. If we apply the chain rule for ordered derivatives
(section 10.6) to that ordered system, we immediately arrive at the following equations to calculate
the derivatives we need:

F _ti(t) = t;(t) -Y;(t) 1~ i ~ n (141)


F _Xi(t) = F -ti-Mt) + L F _vAt)Wji

j=i+l (142)

+ LF_v}{t+l)Wj;' m<i~N+n

F _v;(t) = F _x;(t) * s'(v;(t» m< i~N+ n (143)

F W:.. = ~ F v.(t ) * x.( t ) (144)

-I} """ -I J

F-I} W:.! = ~F
""" -I v.( t ) *x't-l
J\ ) (145)

where we adopt the conventions that F _tk is zero for k < 1 and that F _anything(t) is zero for t > T.
The generalization for longer time lags is trivial [22].
For a sticky TLRN with classical training, the calculation of error is based on equations 53, 57,
55,56, and 22, in that order. The derivative equations are:

F _ti(t) = ~;(t) -Yi(t) (146)

N-ltl (147)
F _Xi(t) = F _~i-n(t) + L F _vAt) * Wj;

N-i1I (148)
F _v,{t) = F _x;(t) * s'(v,{t» + r F_vJ{t + 1) * ~;'

F_W;j = rF_v,{t) *xJ{t) (149)


F_W;j' = r F _v;(t) * vJ(t -1) (150)


The case of a mixed system, with a combination of classical, sticky, and extreme sticky neurons can
again be handled by a straightforward use of the procedures in section 10.6.



As in section 10.8.1, we will use a modular approachhere.

The notation here is somewhat tricky, since we need to consider a forwards model which outputs
two vectors-a prediction, t(t), and a filtered state vector, R(t). In section 10.8.2, we assumed that
the vector R(t) was made up of Xm+At)through XN+n(t)or Vm+At)through VN+n(t),though in most
applications we restrict the recurrence to a subsetof the neurons. For simplicity here, I will assume
a model that is only second-order in the predicted variables and first-order in the recurrent variables.
We may write the forwards system used to evaluate error as:

t(t) = h(Y(t -1), Y(t -2), R(t -1), u(t), W) (151)

R(t) = /l(Y(t -1), Y(t -2), R(t -1), u(t), W) (152)

1;(t) = (1 -w;}~;(t) + w;Y;(t) (153)

E = r L(t(t), Y(t), W). (154)


Ifwe apply the chain rule for ordered derivatives, as we did in section 10.8,1,we end up with equation
137 followed by:

F _Y(t) = Fl.J{Y(t), Y(t -1), R(t), u(t + 1), W, F _t(t + 1), F _R(t + 1» (155)
+ F2.J{Y(t + 1), Y(t), R(t + 1), u(t + 2), W, F _t(t + 2), F _R(t + 2»

F _R(t) = F3JY(t), Y(t -1), R(t), u(t + 1), W, F _t(t + 1), F _R(t + 1» (156)

F _W = r FWJY(t -1), Y(t -2), R(t -1), u(t), W, F _t(t), F _R(t» (157)

followed by equation 140. The key thing about these equations is that there was really only one
forwards model/with two outputs; if we have F -derivatives available for both of these outputs, we
can use a single dual subroutine to calculate the derivatives with respect to all four of the relevant
vector arguments off.
Clearly, the main difficulty in implementing equations 155 through 10.8.24is the need to program
the dual subroutine, based on the methods of section 10.6. Perhaps an example might help. Suppose
that the recurrent system under discussion is a classical ll..RN. In that case, the "model" may take
the form:

x;(t) = f;(t -1) 1~ i ~ n (158)

X;-liI(t) = f;(t-2) 1~ i ~ n (159)

x;+2n(t)= R;(t -1) 1~ i~ r (160)

X;+2n+,(t)= u,{t) 1 ~ i ~ m -2n -r (161)

;-1 (162)
v;(t) = L W;jXj(t) m< i~N+ n

x,{t) = s(v;(t» m< i~N+ n (163)

f;;(t) = XN+;(t) 1~ i ~ N + n (164)

R;(t) = XN-r+i(t) 1 ~ i ~ r. (165)

Equations 158 through 165 can be coded into one subroutine that produces two outputs-Y(t) and
R(t). Applying the methods of section 10.6, we arrive at the equations for the dual subroutine:

F _x;(t) = L F _Vj(t) * Wji+ F _t-",(t) + F _Ri-N+,(t) (166)


F _v;(t) = F _x;(t) * s'(v;(t» (167)

F_W;j(t) = F_v;(t)*Xj{t) (168)

F _R;(t -1) = F _x;+2n(t) (169)

F_f,{t-2) = F_x;-liI(t) (Fl_) (170)

F_f;(t-l) = F_x;(t) (Fl->. (171)


Equations 166 through 171 can be coded into a single dual subroutine that yields all four F-arrays
needed in equations 155 through 157. In equation 166, as in earlier examples, we treat F _t; and F _R;
as zero for subscripts that are out of bounds.
Once again, equations 151 through 154 can be used with any model/, so long as you know how
to program the dual subroutine forf. For example,/ could be a simultaneous-recurrent neural network
or some other recurrent structure (such as a fuzzy inference structure or a finite element code or a
simultaneous model from econometrics); to program a dual subroutine for such an/, see Chapter 13.
The insertion of such an/into this system allows one to build a single modeling system that combines
together the advantages of simultaneous recurrence, time-lagged recurrence, and robust estimation;
once again, we believe that the higher centers of the brain rely on a similar combination (along with
real-time learning) [66,67].

[1] J. Saint-Donat, N. Bhat, and T. J.McAvoy, Neural net based model predictive control. Int. J.
Control, in press.

[2] N. Bhat and T. McAvoy, Information retrieval from a stripped backpropagation network. In
AICheE Proceedings, 1990.

[3] P. J. Werbos, Beyond Regression: New Tools for Prediction and Analysis in the Behavioral
Sciences,Ph.D. thesis, Division of Engineering and Applied Physics, Harvard University, Cam-
bridge, MA, 1974.

[4] P. J. Werbos, Maximizing long-term gas industry profits in two minutes in Lotus using neural
network methods. IEEE Trans. Systems,Man & Cybernetics, March/April 1989.

[5] M. J. Piovoso et al., Neural network process control. In Proceedings: Analysis ofNeural Networks
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[6] T. J. McAvoy et aI., Interpreting biosensor data via backpropagation. Proceedings of the
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[7] N. Bhat and T. McAvoy, Use of neural nets for dynamic modeling and control of chemical process
systems. 1989 American Control Conference; Computers and Chemical Engineering, in press.

[8] T. McAvoy, Y. Arkun, and E. Zafiriou, eds., Model-Based Process Control: Proceedings of the
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[9] C. Gingrich, K. Kuespert, and T. McAvoy, Modeling human operators using neural networks. In
Proceedings of Instrument Society of America Conference, October 1990.

[10] D. Kuespat and T. McAvoy, Neural network behavior analysis of human process operators. In
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[11] G. Birky and T. J. McAvoy, A neural net to learn the design of distillation controls, preprints of
IFAC DYCORD Symposium, pp.147-153, Maastricht, Netherlands, August 1989.

[12] S. Naidu, E. Zafirou, and T. McAvoy, Application of neural networks with detection of sensor
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[13] W. Cary et al., Chemometric analysis of multisensor arrays. Sensorsand Actuators, 1 :223-234,

[14] T. Tanaka et al., A trouble forecasting systemby a multi-neural network on a continuous casting
process of steel production. Artificial Neural Networks, Vol. 1, T. Kohonen et al., eds., North-
Holland Amsterdam, 1991.

[15] P. J. Werbos, Neurocontrol and fuzzy logic. 1nternational Journal ofApproximate Reasoning,
February 1992. An earlier, less complete version appeared in Proceedings of the Second Joint
Technology Workshop on Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic (1990), Vol. II, NASA Conference
Publication 10061. See also P. Werbos, Elastic fuzzy logic: a better fit to Neurocontrol. I:zuka-92
Proceedings, Japan, 1992.

[16] P. J. Werbos, Making diagnostics work in the real world. Handbook of Neural Computing
Applicationsm, A. Maren, ed." pp.337-338, Academic Press, New York, 1990.

[17] E. Blum, Approximation theory and feedforward networks, Neural Networks, 4,1991.

[18] G. Cybenko, Approximation by superpositions of sigmoidal functions. Mathematics of Controls ,

Signals and Systems,2:303-314, 1988.

[19] E. Sontag, Feedback stabilization using two-hidden-layer nets. SYCON-90-11. Rutgers Univer-
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[20] P. J. Werbos, Applications of advances in nonlinear sensitivity analysis. SystemsModeling and

Optimization: Proceedings of the 1981 IFIP Conference,R. Drenick and F. Kozin, eds., Springer-
Verlag, New York, 1982.

[21] P. J. Werbos, Backpropagation: Past and future. ICNN Proceedings. IEEE, New York, 1988. A
transcript of the talk, with slides, is somewhat more readable and is available from the author.

[22] P. J. Werbos, Backpropagation through time: What it is and how to do it. Proceedings of the
IEEE, October 1990.

[23] D. Rumelhart, G. Hinton, and R. Williams, Parallel Distributed Processing, MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA, 1986.

[24] D. F. Shanno,Recentadvancesin numericaltechniquesfor large-scaleoptimization. Neural

Networksfor Control,W. Miller, R. Sutton,andP. J. Werbos,eds.,MIT Press,Cambridge,MA,

[25] Seealso Chapter13.

[26] E. R. PanierandA. L. Tits, On Feasibility,Descentand SuperlinearConvergencein Inequality

ConstrainedOptimization.SystemsResearchCenter,Universityof Maryland,CollegePark,MD,

[27] J. Zhou and A. L. Tits, User's Guidefor FSQP, SystemsResearchCenter, University of

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[28] P. J. Werbos,A menuof designsfor reinforcementlearning.In W. Miller, R. Sutton,and P. J.

Werbos,op. cit. [24].

[29] T. Su,T. J. McAvoy, andP.J. Werbos,Identificationof chemicalprocessesvia paralleltraining

of neuralnetworks.Submittedto IECE, 1991.

[30] C. F. Mosteller and R. E. Rourke, SturdyStatistics: Nonparametricand Order Statistics,

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[31] L. Ljung, SystemIdentification,Theoryforthe User,Prentice-Hall,EnglewoodCliffs, NJ, 1987

[32] P. Young, Parameterestimationfor continuous-timemodels:a summary.Automatica,17:(1),


[33] K. S. NarendraandK. Parthasarathy,

Identificationandcontrolof dynamicsystemsusing neural
networks.IEEE Trans.Neural Networks,1,1990.

[34] P. J. Werbos,Learning how the world works: Specificationsfor predictivenetworksin robots

andbrains. In Proceedingsof theSMC Conference.IEEE, New York, 1987.

[35] P. J. Werbos,Neurocontrolandrelatedtechniques.In A. Maren,op. cit. [16].

[36] P.J. Werbos,Advancedforecastingmethodsfor globalcrisiswarningandmodelsofintelligence.


[37] P. J. WerbosandJ. Titus, An empirical testof new forecastingmethodsderived from a theory

of intelligence: the prediction of conflict in Latin America. IEEE Trans. Systems,Man &

[38] M. Kawato, Computationalschemesand neuralnetworkmodels for formationand control of

multijoint arm trajectory.In W. Miller, R. Sutton,andP. J. Werbos,op.cit. [24].

[39] B. Widrow and M. E. Hoff, Adaptive switching circuits. WESCON Convention Record, IV,
pp. 96-104. Reprinted in WESCON/89.

[40] B. A. Pearlmutter, Dynamic recurrent neural networks. Technical report CMU-CS-90-196.

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[41] N. Baba, A new approach for finding the global minimum of error function of neural networks.
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[42] F. J. Solis andJ. B. Wets, Minimization by random searchtechniques. Mathematics of Operations

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[44] H. J. Bremermann and R. W. Anderson, An alternative to backpropagation: a simple rule for

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[45] K. M. Pedersen,M. Kummel, and H. Soeberg,Monitoring and control of biological removal of

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[46] J. H. Gary and G. E. Handwerk, Petroleum Refining: Technology and Economics. Marcel
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[47] R. J. Williams and'J. Peng, An efficient gradient-based algorithm for on-line training of recurrent
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[48] H. Koivisto, Minimum Prediction Error Neural Controller, Department of Electrical Engineer-
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[49] D. Nguyen, Applications on Neural Networks in Adaptive Control, Ph.D. thesis. Stanford
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[50] G. Box and G. Jenkins, Time-SeriesAnalysis: Forecasting and Control, Holden-Day, San Fran-
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[51] I. J. Leontaritis and S. A. Billings, Input-output parametric models for nonlinear systems. Int. J.
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[52] A. E. Bryson and Y. C. Ho, Applied Optimal Control, Ginn and Co., Waltham, MA, 1969.

[53] A. Gelb, ed., Applied Optimal Estimation. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1974.

[54] P. J. Werbos, Generalization of backpropagation with application to a recurrent gas market

model. Neural Networks, 1:(4) (submitted August 1987).

[55] P. J. Werbos, Energy and population: Transitional issues and eventual limits. The Elephants in
the Volkswagen: Facing the Tough Questions About Our Crowded Nation, L.Grant, ed., W. H.
Freeman, New York, 1992.

[56] P. J. Werbos, Econometric techniques: Theory versus practice. Energy: The International
Journal, March/April 1990. (Also forthcoming in a Pergamon book edited by Weyant and
Kuczmowski. )

[57] R. J. Solomonoff, A formal theory of inductive inference. Information and Control, March/June

[58] N. Tishby, E. Levin, and S. SoIl a, Consistent inference of probabilities in layered networks:
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[59] P. Papantoni-Kazakos and D. Kazakos, Fundamental neural structures, operations and asymp-
totic performance criteria in decentralized binary hypothesis testing. In Proceedings of the IEEE
Conference on Neural Networks for Ocean Engineering, IEEE No. 9ICH3064-3. IEEE,
New York, 1991.

[60] A. J. Dempster, J. American Statistical Assoc., 72:(357), March 1977.

[61] P. J. Werbos and J. Titus, Predicting Conflict in Latin America: The First Full Test ofWerbos's
Robust Method. Final report of DARPA project funded through ONR contract No. NOOOI4-75-
C-0846. This document was submitted in January 1978 to DARPA, but never entered into the
defense documentation system.

[62] H. Hjalmarsson and L. Ljung, How to estimate model uncertainty in the case of undermodelling.
1990 American Control Conference,IEEE, New York, 1990.

[63] G. C. Goodwin and R. L. Payne, Dynamic SystemIdentification: Experiment Design and Data
Analysis, Academic Press, New York, 1977.

[64] K. Niida, J. Tani, and I. Koshijima, Application of neural networks to rule extraction for operator
data. Computer and Chemical Engineering, submitted in 1990.

[65] A. R. Barron, Predicted square error: a criterion for automatic model selection. Self-Organizing
Methods in Modeling, S. J. Farlow, ed.

[66] P. J. Werbos, The cytoskeleton: Why it may be crucial to human learning and to neurocontrol.
Nanobiology, 1:(1), 1991 (a new journal from Carfax).

[67] P. J. Werbos, Neurocontrol, biology and the mind. In IEEE Proceedings SMC, IEEE, New York,

PaulJ. Werbos
NSF ProgramDirector for Neuroengineering
Co-directorfor EmergingTechnologiesInitiation 1

Thetitle of this chaptermay seema bit provocative,but it describesratherpreciselywhat my goals
arehere:to describehow certaincontroldesigns,basedon an approximationof dynamicprogram-
ming,could somedayreproducethe key capabilitiesof biologicalbrains-the ability to learnin real
time,the ability to copewith noise,the ability to control manyactuatorsin parallel,and the ability
to "plan" overtime in a complexway. Theseare ambitiousgoals, but the brain itself is an existent
proof that they are possible.The new materialin this chapterhas beendiscussedwith prominent
neurophysiologists in the pastfew months,andremarkableparallelswith the humanbrainhavebeen
identified [1,2]; however, this chapter will mention only a few highlights of the more recent
discussions asthey bear uponthe engineering.
Chapter3 hasalreadyshownthatthe neurocontrolcommunityhasdevelopedtwo generalfamilies
of designscapableof planning or optimizationto somedegree,overtime-the backpropagationof
utility and adaptivecritics. Of the two, only adaptivecritics show real promise of achieving the
combinationof capabilitiesmentionedin the previousparagraph.This chapterwill beginto fill in
severalcrucial gaps betweenthe long-termpromise mentionedabove and the existing methods
describedin Chapters3 and 10:

1 Theviewsexpressed
herearethoseof theauthor,notthoseofNSF.


1. Section 2 will provide detailed infonnation on alternative methods to adapt a Critic network
(i.e., to approximate a solution of the Bellman equation of dynamic programming).
2. Section 3 will provide preliminary infonnation on the strengths and weaknesses of the
alternative methods, based on linear examples (which could also be used in debugging and in
establishing links with other methods).
3. Section 4 will discuss how neurocontrol systems can fulfill functions like hierarchical plan-
ning, chunking, etc., which are major concerns of the artificial intelligence (AI) community.
4. Section 5 will describe an Error Critic design that adapts time-lagged recurrent networks in
real time, without the cost-scaling problems of the usual forward perturbation methods.
5. The methods of Chapter 10 adapt neural networks to yield good predictions of a plant or
environment. To make full use of stochastic methods, one needs to adapt networks that
represent correct probability distributions. Section 6 will present a Stochastic Encoder/De-
coder/Predictor architecture that can do so.

The issue of exploration is also important to these designs, but other chapters of this book will have
more to say about it.
Like Chapter 3, this chapter will try to present the basic algorithms in such a way that any
reasonable functional fonn can be used-linear or nonlinear, neural or nonneural. Therefore, it will
have to assume a full understanding of Chapter 3 and of Appendix B of Chapter 10. For example,it j
will frequently use dual subroutines or dual functions.IfY =f(arguments) is a differentiable function,
and x is one of the arguments off, then we may define the dual function off with respect to x as:

F JX<arguments,F -y) = the vector k
~ ~
F_Yi * av. (arguments) .~
i "~

This notation for differentiation takes getting used to. However, iff represents a sparsely connected
nonlinear system (like a neural net), then we can calculate all these dual functions in a single sweep,
at a much lower cost than the brute force matrix multiplication suggested by equation I; thus,dual
functions are crucial to the computational efficiency of our algorithms.
Likewise, this chapter will assume some understanding of supervised learning. A real-time
supervised learning system may be defined as a setof admissible vector-valued functions,/(W, other
arguments), and a procedure for updating W when presented with a set of values for the other
arguments and a desired value (or "target") for f. For the sake of generality, this chapter will not
restrict itself to anyone choice of supervised learning system, but it will usually require functions!
that are continuous everywhere and differentiable almost everywhere.
There will be no simulation studies reported in this chapter. Simulation studies are an important
tool in the nonlinear case, but a thorough mathematical understanding of the linear case (or eventhe
finite-state case) is often the best place to start with a new algorithm. Narendra's stability prooffor j
the nonlinear case in this book is far more satisfying than the simple linear checks usedhere; however,
Narendra's work was possible only because of decades of painstaking work nailing down the
properties of the linear versions of his methods, followed by many nonlinear simulations guidedby
the resulting intuition. For the control problems and algorithms addressedin this chapter,we arestill
at an earlier point in that cycle.


2.1. Introductionand Notation
Chapter 3 mentioned a number of ways to adapt Critic networks. This section will provide details of
implementation for four of those methoos-heuristic dynamic programming (HDP) and dual heuristic
programming (DHP), both in their original forms and in their action-dependent variations (ADHDP
and ADDHP). It will not discuss certain other important methoos, such as GDHP [3,4] or methoos
based on instrtlmental conditioning theories [5], becausethey are two steps beyond the present state
of the art in published real-world applications; however, it will briefly discuss the methoo of temporal
differences (TD) of Barto, Sutton, and Anderson [6].
I will assume that the controller and the environment interact as follows, at each time t:

1. An estimate of the state vector, R(t), becomes available.

2. The controller performs its various calculations and invokes the Action network A to calculate
the actions y(t) = A (R(t». Total utility, U(R(t),u(t» is also calculated. .
3. The action u(t) is transmitted to the environment.

(Some authors would prefer to assume that U is observed, rather than calculated, but the
assumption here is more general and more realistic [1,3].) Portions of this section will assume the
availability of a Mooel network:

A(t + 1) = f(R(t), u(t», (2)

but I will not discuss the adaptation of the Mooel network or its use in estimating the state vector R,
because this is discussed elsewhere (see Chapter 10). For the same reason, I will not discuss the
adaptationof the Action network here (see Chapter 3). Likewise, there is no reasonhere to specifically
refer to the weights or parameters of ~.hosenetworks.
In all four methoos, the Critic network can be adaptedusing any supervised learning methoo. Thus,
the Critic network could be an MLP, a CMAC. or a Grossberg network. Our four algorithms are not
alternatives to basic backpropagation or associative memory methoos in adapting the weights of such
networks. Rather, they are procedures for how to set up the inputs and targets of a network. Like
direct inverse control (see Chapter 3), they are generalized procedures that can be used with any
specific supervised learning methoo. All four algorithms are fully time-forwards. real-time methoos

2.2. MathematicalBackground
This subsection is not necessaryto implementing the algorithms but may be helpful in understanding
HOP is based on an attempt to approximate Howard's form of the Bellman equation, given as
equation 29 of Chapter 3. For simplicity, I will assumeproblems such that we can assume Uo = O. (If
not, see [3].) ADHOP is based on equation 31 of Chapter 3.

DHP is based on differentiating the Bellman equation. Before performing the differentiation, we
have to decide how to handle u(t). One way is simply to define the function u(R(t» as that function
of R which, for every R, maximizes the right-hand side of the Bellman equation. With that definition
(for the case r = 0), the Bellman equation becomes:

J(R(t» = U(R(t), u(R(t» + < J(R(t + 1» > -Uo. (3)

where we must also consider how R(t + 1) depends on R(t) and u(R(t». Differentiating, and applying
the chain rule, we get:

~ aJ(R(t» --L aJ(R(t+ 1» (4)

A,(R(t» -aRi(t) -aR,(t) U(R(t), u(R(t» + < aR,(t) >

= aU(R(t), u(t» + L aU(R, u) 0auj(R(t»

aRi(t) j.aUj aRi(t)

+"",< aJ(R(t+ 1» 0aRJ.t+ 1) >
.aRj(t + 1) aRi(t)

+L< aJ(R(t+ 1» 0arj(t+ 1) 0~>

jok aRj(t + 1) aUk(t) aRj(t)'

Strictly speaking, this calculation would have peen more rigorous if we had used the chain rule for
ordered derivatives given in Chapter 10; however, the content of this equation should be clear
intuitively. Backpropagation "through" the Model network and the Action network, basedon their
dual subroutines, is simply an efficient way to carry out these chain-rule calculations without having
to store and multiply large matrices.
In a similar vein, equation 31 of Chapter 3 translates into:

J'(R(t), u(t» = U(R(t), u(t» + < J'(R(t + 1), u(R(t + 1» > -Uo (5)
which, when differentiated, yields:

(R) A a a (6)
Ai (R(t), u(t» = aR;(t) J'(R(t), u(t» = aR;(t) U(R(t), u(t» j
+ j
( aJ'
L oJ' aUk(t+l»
k auJt+ 1) 0aRt~
) 0 aRj(t+l)

and a similar equation for A(.).Note that our definition OfA(R)in equation 6 requires us to differentiate
the left-hand side of equation 5 as if u(t) were a constant vector; consistency requires us to do likewise
with the right-hand side in order to calculate A(R).(If we had treated u(t) as a function of R when
differentiating J', then A(R)would have been just the same as the A ofDHP!)

In theory, even with OHP, we might have adapted a A(o)network, whose targets would simply be
the derivatives of J(t + 1) propagated back to u(t); however, since those derivatives are available
directly to the Action network (as per Figure 2.7 of Chapter 3), there is no real need for sucha network.
Still, the calculations involved in running one network (the A(o)network) might take less time than all
the steps shown in that figure; therefore, it is conceivable that such a network might have some use
in lower-level Action networks that need to react very quickly.

2.3. Implementationof HDP, TD Methods,and Comments

HOP is a procedure for adapting a network or function, J(R(t), W), which attempts to approximate the
function J(R(t». Figure 13. I illustrates the basic idea. The steps in HOP are as follows, starting from
any actual or simulated value for R(t):

1. Obtain and store R(t).

2. Calculate u(t) = A (R(t».
3. Obtain R(t + I), either by waiting until t + I or by predicting R(t + 1) = f(R(t),u(t».
4. Calculate:

J(t) = U(R(t),u(t»+J(R(t+l),WY(I+r) (7)

5. Update Win J(R(t), W) based on inputs R(t) and target J"(t).

Step 5 is where we use y real-time supervised learning method. There are a variety of ways to
implement this five-step p ocedure, ranging from a purely on-line approach (where R(t) and R(t + 1)
are never simulated or p dicted) to a "dreaming" approach; all are statistically consistent, if we
assume that forecasting e ors are normal and independent. (Section 6 will show how to relax that
assumption.) The issue of ow best to simulate R(t) when dreaming is an outstanding researchissue,

R (1+ ) J (1+1) U (I)


R (I)
fovN) +)

Figure 13.1 HOP asa way. .


closely related to the issues of exploration and search. Because HOP is based on dynamic program-
ming, one might expect that optimal dreaming would involve something like a backwards sweep,
starting out near goal states, terminal states, or the like.
It may be possible to accelerate HOP by modifying step 5, to account for the changes in the target
itself that result from changing W; however, the obvious way of doing this (adapting J(t) -J(t + 1)
to match U, in effect) failed the consistency test we will discuss in section 3 [8].
HOP was originally developed with the thought of applying it to biological organisms or to
long-term decision problems, where the true horizon of our concern is essentially infinite [7]. For that
reason, I focused on the case where r (the factor we use to discount the future) is zero. The original
temporal difference (TO) method of Barto, Sutton, and Anderson [6] adapted a Critic in a situation
where there was a terminal time T, and the utility payoffs all occurred at time T. They adapted a table
look-up kind of Critic, which was updated to match the target J(t + 1y( 1 + r) for the case t < T, and
to the target U, for the case t = T. In the special case where U = 0 for t < T and J(T + 1) = 0, it is
obvious that equation 8 yields the targets they used.
A few researchers have argued that ANNs should be asynchronous systems, without clock pulses
and the like, in order to reflect the distributed, asynchronous nature of the brain. The design above
violates that idea. However, many well-known biologists, like Llinas, have studied clock pulses and
synchronization systems in the brain in very great empirical detail. For example, it is well known that
the limbic lobes of the brain (which appear to serve as a Critic network [1,4]) operate at a cycle time
(theta rhythm) about twice the normal cycle time (alpha rhythm) of the cerebral cortex, which appears
to calculate the short-term memory or state vector R(t) [14]. Llinas, in conversation, has stated that
these cycle times are "unbelievably constant" over time in individual animals. If good clocks are
difficult to achieve in organic brains, then their pervasive existence suggests very strongly that they
are critical to brain-like capabilities.

2.4. Implementationof DHP

OHP is a procedure for adapting a Critic network or function, t(R(t), which attempts to approximate
the function ')..(R(t»defined in equation 4. OHP, like HOP, can use any real-time supervised learning
method to adapt the Critic. There is no need to use backpropagation in the supervised learning itself;
therefore, OHP is not affected by the issue of convergence speed in basic backpropagation. Never-
theless, the procedure for calculating the target vector, A.',does use backpropagation in a generalized
sense; more precisely, it does use dual subroutines to backpropagate derivatives through the Model
network and the Action network, as shown in Figure 13.2.
OHP entails the following steps,starting from any value of R(t):

1. Obtain R(t), u(t) and R(t +1) as was done with HOP.
2. Calculate:

t(t + 1) = t(R(t + 1), W) (8)

F _u(t) = F _Uu(R(t), u(t» + F Ju(R(t), u(t), t(t + 1» (9)

2:-. C1') t(t) = F JR(R(t), u(t), t(t + 1» + F _UR(R(t), u(t» + F _AR(R(t), FJ'(t»~J~~

~ ( A (t+1) ~ ~J(t+1)

~ ;

: ,. TARGET= A' (t)

R(t) -

Figure 13.2 Calculatingthe targets)...in DHP.

.3. Update W in ~R(t), W) based on inputs R(t) and target vector ),,*(t).

In these equations, note that A.(t + 1) is input into the dual subroutine in place ofF _R(t + 1). Notice

how equations 9 and 10 are equivalent to equation 4 above, using our quick definition of a dual

function in equation 1. In some earlier descriptions of DHP [3], I left out the third term by analogy

to the backpropagation of utility; however, the results in section 3 below suggest that this was an


2.5. Implementation of ADHDP ("Q-learning")

ADHDP adapts a Critic network, J'(R(t), u(t), W), which attempts to approximate J' as defined in

equation 31 of Chapter 3. Most implementations of ADHDP so far have followed that equation quite

directly. Instead of using an Action network to generate u(t + 1), they generate all possible action

vectors u(t + 1), calculate the resulting '1'(t + 1), and then pick the u(t + 1) which maximizes

J'(t + 1). These calculations are used to generate the target that the Critic is adapted to. This nonneural

approach has some obvious limitations:

I ;. When the action vector u is complex, it is not practical to simply enumerate all its possible

:. values.

.The procedure requires a good Model network or excellent prior information to tell us what

in the 1)actual will plant!)
be, for each choice foru(t+ 1). (We certainly cannot try every u(t+ 1) in parallel

In addition, it leads to instability in tasks like broom-balancing, for technical reasons discussed by

Watkins. For the sake of exploration, we sometimes take actions u(t + I) that are not optimal [9], but

--.:ese are not used in calculating J'(t+ 1) when adapting the Critic network. -~

-J(I+1) U(t)
~ (1+1) CRITIC

Target =

R (I)

~ (I) CRITIC Error

Figure 13.3 ADHDP asa way to adaptan action-dependent


So far, therehave only beentwo true neuralnetimplementationsof ADHDP, implementationsin

which both the Critic andthe Action networkare neuralnetworks[10,11].The methodfor adapting
the Critic is shownin Figure 13.3.It is nearlyidenticalto HDP.
Starting from anyR(t), the stepsare:

1. ObtainR(t), u(t), andR(t + 1) exactlyas with HDP.

2. Calculate:

1*(t) = U(R(t), u(t»+ J'(R(t + 1),A (R(t + 1), WY(I +r). (11) i

3. UpdateWin J'(R(t), u(t), W) basedon inputs R(t) and u(t) and targetJ*(t). j

2.6. Implementationof ADDHP

ADDHP adaptsa Critic networkwith two outputs-A.(R1R(t),u(t), W) and A.(U1R(t), u(t), W)-which
try to approximatethetwo gradientsof J'(R(t), u(t». In otherwords,the "output vector" of theCritic
networkis the concatenationof two vectors.The procedureis very muchlike DHP, exceptthatthe
targetsarecalculatedin a different way,as shownin Figure 13.4.
Starting from anyR(t), the stepsare:

1. ObtainR(t), u(t), and R(t + 1) exactlyas in HDP. I

2. Calculateu(t+ I)=A(R(t+ 1».
3. Calculate:

F _R(t + 1) = ~(R1R(t+ 1), u(t + 1), W) + F _AR(R(t+ 1), ~(U)(R(t + 1), u(t+ 1), W» (12) j


A~u(I+1) U(I+1).
-: -AU(I+1)

~ (1+1) ~ :

., ..

~. ~ ~
R (I) 'A .(I) : ~
A .(I), U (I)
-R -u

Figure 13.4 Calculatingthe targetsAR*andAu* in ADDHP.

AR(t) = F JR(R(t), u(t), F _R(t + 1» + F _UR(R(t), u(t» (13)

A:(t) = F Ju(R(t), u(t), F _R(t + 1» + F _Uu(R(t), u(t» (14)

4. Update W in the Critic based on inputs R(t) and u(t) and targets ~*(t) and )..,*(t).
Note the comparison between step 3 and equation 6 above.


3.1. Summary
This section will perform a preliminary analysis of the strengths and weaknessesof the Critic designs
above,based on exact solutions in the linear case.This analysis was stimulated in part by discussions
with Guy Lukes (of [9)}, David White, Michael Jordan, and Andy Barto regarding their experience
in simulating some of these systems. The primary conclusions are:

.ADHDP, when fully implemented as a network adaptation scheme, has problems with what
Narendra [12] has called "persistence of excitation." Near an optimal solution, it loses its ability


to learn efficiently. In the work of Sofge and White [11], this problem was limited by a
combination of persistent process noise and the use of time derivatives (which magnify noise),
but it still was noticeable.
.ADDHP and DHP have much less of a problem with the persistence of excitation. The Critic
networks in ADDHP and DHP do not have to be MLPs and do not have to be adapted by basic
backpropagation, any more than the Critics in HDP do; however, backpropagation must be used
in setting up the targets that the Critic adapts to. (This is still a real-time design.) In setting up
the targets, it is important to propagate derivatives through the Model network and the Action
network; this is not like backpropagating utility, where the Action-net term is often optional.
This supersedes earlier discussions of DHP, which were incomplete [3].
.The advantages of DHP over HDP can be understood somewhat analytically. They hinge on
the fact that a Model network usually needs fewer inputs per output than a I-style Critic does,
and on the fact that changes in an Action network do not require changes in one's Model i
network. Again, however, hybrid designs might have benefits in handling type 3 unexpected i
events, as discussed in Chapter 3. 1

In many applications, initial experiments with DHP should probably be based on backpropagating 1
through the actual simulation model to be used in testing (using the methods of Chapter 1O,Appendix
B), instead of adapting a neural net Model network; the latter may be essential, eventually, for true
real-time adaptation, but it may help to start out by understanding how the controller operates in the
absence of system identification problems.
to match
arise '1(t + 1) + the
(beyond U(t)scope
can be
of problematic,
this chapter)when the overall
in exploring new level of J in
regions a certain
with HDP. I i

region is totally unknown. Since DHP deals with the gradient of J, instead of the overall level of J,
it should behave differently in this situation.

3.2. A Linear-QuadraticExample

To understand these methods further, consider the following simple linear-quadratic control problem.
Before evaluating the methods themselves, we must work out the correct values of various functions
in this problem, so that we have something to check the methods against.
Suppose that the vector of observables, x(t), is the same as the state vector of the plant; in other
words, assume that everything is fully observable. Suppose that we are trying to maximize a measure
of utility, U(t), summed from the present time to the infinite future, and defined by:

U(t) = -X(t)T Qx(t). (15)

Suppose that the plant is governed by:

x(t + 1) = Px(t) + Ru(t) + e(t). (16)


< e(t)e(t)T > = E. (17)


Suppose that our Action network is:

u(t) = Ax(t). (18)

For anyfIXed value of the matrix A, we can calculate theJ function conditional upon thatA (following
Howard's approach [13]). As a preliminary step to doing this, we define:

P' = P+RA, (19)

and observe that:

x(t+ 1) = P'x(t) + e(t). (20)

Let us define M as the matrix that solves the following equation:

M = P'Mp'T -Q. (21)

(This equation can be solved explicitly if we define M as a vector in N2-dimensional space, but the
resulting expression for M is not useful for our purposes here.) I claim that Howard's form of the
Bellman equation (with r = 0 and A now fIXed) is satisfied by:

J(x) = xTMx. (22)

To prove this, we simply substitute this into Howard's equation (3) and verify that it is satisfied. For
the left-hand side of the equation, we get:

J(x(t» = x(t)TMx(t). (23)

For the right-hand side, we get:

U(x) + <J(x(t+ 1»> = _XTQX + < (P'x(t) +e(t)TM(P'x(t) +e(t»>

= _XTQX +X(t)Tp'TMP'x(t) + < e(t)TMe(t)>.

(In this last calculation, I exploit the fact that e was assumedto be random, so that its cross-covariance
with x is zero.) Because M satisfied equation 21, and becausethe distribution of e is a constant with
respectto x, this tells us that:

U(x) + < J(x(t + 1) > = xT(t)Mx(t) + Uo, (24)

where Uo is a constant (here zero). Comparing equations 22 and 24, we can see that the Bellman
equati(jnis indeed satisfied. Howard has proven [13] that we converge to an optimal strategy of action
if we alternately calculate the J function for the current strategy of action, modify the strategy of
action so as to maximize that J, recalculate J for the new strategy of action, and so on.

Following equation 31 of Chapter 3, it is easy to see that the true value of 1'(x(t), u(t» conditional
upon the present action strategy A is:

l' = -X(t)T Qx(t) + (Px(t) + Ru(t»TM(Px(t) + Ru(t». (25)

3.3. Persistence
of Excitation
The need for persistent excitation is one of the classic problems of adaptive control [12], which can
be dealt with but never fully exorcised.
In extreme form, let us imagine a control problem where we are supposed to force a plant to stay
very close to a desired operating point, Xo. Suppose that the level of noise in the plant is extremely
low. In this case, a good controller will learn very quickly to make sure that there is very little change
or variance in the state of the plant or in the action vector itself over time. However, from a statistical
point of view, it is precisely the variance (or "excitation") of the plant that allows us to understand
how the plant works; as that variance decreases,our understanding may deteriorate, leading to a
deterioration in control, until the variance grows large enough to allow a slow return to adaptive
control. This kind of effect led to many surprising, counterintuitive failures of sensible-looking control
schemes in the 1960s and 1970s.
How does this apply to adaptive critic systems?
From equations 19 through 25, we can see that the weights in any form of Critic network should
change as the strategy of action, A, changes.The network must therefore be capable of "unlearning"
the past. This makes it especially important that there be excitation or variance in more recent time
In the case of ADHDP, let us consider a simple linear problem in which the optimal action turns
out to be u = -x (i.e., A = -/). In the early stages of adaptation, the A matrix will be incorrect; therefore,
the Critic must learn to "forget" those stages,and pay more attention to information near the optimum,
as it approaches the optimum. Near the optimum, however, it is trying to predict some target using
inputs-u and x-that are totally correlated with each other. It is well known from elementary
statistics [15] that this kind of situation leads to huge inaccuracy in estimating weights; this, in turn,
implies inaccuracy in adapting the Critic. With least-squares estimation techniques, like basic
backpropagation and regression, the estimates of the weights in the Critic will still be consistent
estimators but the random errors in these estimates will grow inversely with the variance of u + x
[15]. Other forms of supervised learning would tend to do even worse here, because they do not
correct so precisely for correlations between input variables. Random exploration could help a little
here, by reducing the correlation between u andx.
With DHP, the situation would be radically different, becausewe only use one input vector-x-to
predict the vector of targets. Thus, the correlation between u and x is not a problem. Even with
ADDHP, we use a Model network to consider explicitly how changes in u would change the results
at time t + 1; therefore, even if u should be correlated with x, the procedure will still be informed
("excited") about alternative possibilities for u. With DHP and ADDHP, one must still worry about
maintaining the validity of the Model network as the system experiences different regions of control
space; however, the Model network-unlike the Critic network-should not have to change asthe
Action network changes. In other words, Howard's procedure [13] tells us to adapt the Critic J by

throwing out data based on earlier, suboptimal action strategies A, even if the plant is unchanged;
however, for any given plant, data from optimal and suboptimal action strategies can be used without
difficulty in system identification. Therefore, the excitation problems should be far less in the case
of DHP. With DHP, there is no strong mechanism present to increase Model errors over time, near a
stable equilibrium, becausethere is no strong need to overwrite earlier experience in that situation.
These conclusions are reinforced by considering how DHP and ADDHP would work for the simple
linear problem given above, when the correct model (equation 16) is known.

3.4. DHP in the Linear-quadraticExample

Let us check to make sure that DHP works properly, for a given value of A and a known model, in
the simple linear-quadratic example above. More precisely, let us check to see-if the Critic is initially
correct-that it will stay correct after an adaptation step. (This check still leaves open a lot of other
questions for future research.)
From equation 30, the correct valueofJ(x) isxTMx. The correct value for').(x) is simply the gradient
of this. Thus, we start from:

).(t+l) = 2Mx(t+I).

Our task is to calculate the targets for t(t) as they would be generated by DHP, and then check them
against the correct values. To do this, we must carry out the calculations implied by equations 9 and
10 for this case.To calculate the first term on the right-hand side of equation 10,we propagate ').(t + I)
through the model (equation 16) back tox(t), which yields an expected value of:

<pT(2Mx(t+ I»> = 2pTM(P+RA)x(t).

For the second term, we simply use the gradient of U(x(t»:


For the third term, we propagate ').(t + I) through the model (equation 16) back to u(t), and then
through the Action network, which yields an expected value of:

< AT(RT(2Mx(t+ I» > = 2ATRTM(P+RA)x. (26)

Adding all three terms together, we find that the expected value of our target vector will be:

< ).*(t) > = 2(P + RA)TM(P + RA)x(t) -2Qx(t), (27)

which is easily seento equaI2Mx(t)-the correct value-if we exploit equation 21. The smaller the
learning rate, the more we can be sure of averaging out the effect of noise and tracking the expectation
value; here, as elsewhere in neural nets, there is a tradeoff between speedand accuracy, which is best
resolved by using adaptive learning rates, as in Chapter 3.

Some earlier accounts of DHP did not mention the third term, the term in equation 26. If this term
were not present, the left-hand "RA" in equation 27 would disappear,and the matrix multiplyingx(t)
would no longer be symmetric, unless RA were zero. Thus, the Critic would be grossly incorrect. RA
is zero only under extreme and uninteresting conditions-conditions where the control actions have
no effect at all on the system to be controlled, or where the best control strategy is always to do
nothing. Therefore, neglect of the third term leads to the wrong result, almost always.
This situation is quite different from what we get in backpropagating utility. With the backpropaga-
tion of utility, one can always derive an optimal schedule of actions, starting from fixed initial
conditions at time t = 1 and going through to a terminal time t = T. This is possible becausewe assume
the total absence of noise when using that method. The optimal schedule of actions can be found
simply by calculating the derivative of utility with respect to action at each time, without allowing
for any Action network at all. With a powerful enough Action network, one could presumably
reproduce this same optimal schedule of actions as a function of state input variables. Thus, there
should be no need to propagate derivatives through the Action network in that case-unless the Action
network is so constrained that it lacks the ability to reproduce an optimal or near-optimal strategy.
Again, this is quite different from DHP.
Notice as well that the calculations above do not become problematic for A near an optimum. The
persistence of excitation problems we saw with ADHDP do not appear here, so long as P and R are

3.5. ADDHPin the Example

As with DHP, we will assume that the Critic is correct at time t + 1, and verify that the expected
values of the targets are correct.
Differentiating equation 25 with respect to u, at time t + 1, we start with:

<A..(t+l» = <2RTM(Px(t+ 1)+Ru(t+ 1»> (28)

= 2RTM(P + RA) <x(t+ 1) > = 2RTMP' <x(t+ 1) >

and likewise with R:

<A~t+ 1» = -2Q<x(t+ 1) >+ 2pTMP' <x(t+ 1». (29)

Following Figure 13.4, we first propagate A(.) through the Action network, and add the result to A(R) j
to get: :"

<F_R(t+l» = AR(t+l)+AT(A.(t+l» ~
= -2Q<x(t+ 1) >+2(P+RA)TMP'<x(t+ 1) >
= -2Q <x(t+ 1) > + 2p'TMP' <x(t+ 1)>.

By equation 37 this is simply:

<F_R(t+ 1» = 2Mx(t+ 1» = 2M(Px(t) + Ru(t».~


(Notice that this complete derivative corresponds to the ').(t + 1) of DHP!) To calculate the target for
~(u)(t),we propagate this through the Model network back to u(t), and add in the gradient of utility
with respect to u(t) (which happens to be zero in this example); the result is:

< A:(t) > = 2RTM(Px(t) + Ru(t)), (30)

which corresponds to the correct value that we get from differentiating equation 25. In a similar way,
the targets for A(R)are also correct. As with DHP, propagation of derivatives through the Action
network was crucial to getting the right answer.

3.6. DHPversusHDP
A previous paper [8] described the performance of HDP in an even simpler example, where A was
again fixed. This example may be written as:

x(t+l) = P'x(t)+e(1) (31)

U(x) = UxT
J(x) = w Tx.

(Note that U was a vector in that study, and that there was no need to assume positive or negative
definiteness.) It showed that we would arrive at the following update for w after a long series of
experiments in which A was fixed:

< w(n)> = p'TW(n-J)

+ U. (32)

However, as with all expected values, there is noise. To get smaller and smaller errors in w, one needs
exponentially increasing amounts of data [15]. One needs to work through many values of t.
Furthermore, since equation 32 is actually the result of regressing all the Xi variables on a single
dependent variable, the errors will be magnified further if there are correlations between these
variables. With DHP in the same problem, we would use a very simple Critic network:

A(X) = w.

Using calculations like those above, we see that a single time cycle is enough to yield exactly:

A. = p'TW + u. (33)

Once the correct model is known, then, DHP can be immensely faster. Of course, it takes time to
learn the model. Therefore, a realistic tradeoff would compare the errors implied by equation 32
versus those in estimating a model. The standard errors [15] are determined in part by the degree of
collinearity and the number of independentvariables; one would expect both factors to be much larger
in equation 32-where J depends on all variables in the system and represents all direct and indirect
connections through time-than in estimating a model from time t to t + 1, because the patterns of
direct causal links will usually tend to be sparse.

If it is difficult to find a good functional form for the Model network-despite all the theorems
that say that MLPs canapproximateany functionalform-HOP may still havesomeadvantagesin
terms of robustness;this, in turn, suggeststhat a hybrid approachmight be the ultimate way to go.
For now, however,the advantagesof equation33 over equation32 are very compelling for large
problems,and (asdiscussedin Chapter3) thereis reasonto believethis is a generalconclusion.


During two of the workshopsthat stimulatedthis book,therewas considerablediscussionof some
very basic issues,including a key question:To what extent canpractical,realistic, adaptivecritic
designsreproducethoseaspectsof intelligencethatreceivethe most attentionfrom the AI commu-
nity? Adaptive critics do have a close relation to the "evaluation functions" or "static position
evaluators"of classicalAI.
Some of this discussionwas of enormousscientific importance;however, the more abstract
analysisof linguistic reasoning[1] andplanning [16] hasbeenpublishedelsewhere,and will notbe
repeatedhere in detail. From anengineeringapplicationspoint of view, this analysishasled to the
following informed conjectureswhich merit furtherinvestigation:

1. Thedesignsof section2 will indeedhavelimited capability if the boxesin thefigures areall

filled in withfeedforward networks.Suchdesignsare likely to work very well in ordinarybut
difficult control problems, like complex problems of controlling a nonlinear aircraft or
managinga chemicalplant. However,they are likely to performpoorly in problemslike robot
navigationthrougha crowded workspace,or problemslike interceptingmultiple missilesin
anoptimalfashion.The problemis thatevenafter learning,no feedforwardsystem-not even
a human-can be expectedto glance at a novel complexsceneand instantly seethe path
throughthe maze;evenafter learning,humansseemto implementsomethinglike a relaxation
algorithm thatrequiresthemto keeplooking at the sceneuntil a patternemerges.
The obvious solution here is to use a simultaneous-recurrentnetwork, as describedin
Chapter3, asthe Critic network. Minsky showedlong ago [17] thatthe problemof detecting
connectivityin a visualscenecanbe solvedparsimoniouslyby a recurrentnetwork,but notby
feedforwardMLPs; presumably,the searchfor aconnectedpaththroughaclutteredworkspace
imposessimilar computationalrequirements.Also, therearereasonsto expectbetterperform-
ancefrom suchnetworksin regardto generalizationandparsimony(seeChapter10),temporal
chunking [16], etc. In writing Chapter3 and section2, I havedeliberatelytried to specifythe
algorithmsso that you canplug in this option directly, without additionalinformation.
Therewould be certaindifficulties, however,in makingthis optionpractical. Suppose, for
example,thatit takes100iterationsthroughtheunderlyingfeedforwardnetwork(fin equation
18 of Chapter 3) to achieveconvergedoutput for the simultaneous-recurrent networkF.
Clearly, if we need frequentcontrol actions out of the overall controller (e.g., 1,000hertz
operation),we would needvery fast operationin the feedforward network(100,000hertzin J
this example!).
Surprisingly,thereis evidencethatthe humanbrain actuallydoesthis in its highercenters;
Walter Freemanhasstatedthatthe recurrentinnerloop of thehippocampusruns at400hertz,
eventhoughthe overall systemruns at somethingmorelike 4 hertz[1].

Stability may be a serious issue with systems like this. Indeed, occasional instability may
be an unavoidable price of very high intelligence. It is hard to imagine these networks obeying
Lipschitz conditions of the kind that Narendra' s theorem requires (though Lipschitz conditions
can probably be maintained, with proper care, for a wide range of feedforward nets). Therefore,
it might turn out to be important to avoid using such powerful systems in applications where
"Terminator 2" modes of behavior are available and overrides could be bypassed.
To take all this a step further-either with feedforward Critics (if timing requires their use)
or with simultaneous-recurrent nets--one can modify DHP as follows. Instead of adapting
I.{R(t), W), adapt t(R(t), t(R(t -1 », W), using the exact same procedure given in section 2.
Treat the I..(t -1) argument as a constant input, and do not use the methods of Chapter 10 to
backpropagate derivatives back to time t -1, etc. Backpropagation through time (or the
equivalent) is crucial for adapting short-term memory units, but the purpose of recurrence here
is not to add additional memory. The assumptions of dynamic programming suggest that the
short-term memory should be implemented inside the Model network (which defines the state
vector), not within the Critic network. Adding this lagged input to the Critic is like giving a
human chess player more than a quarter-second,ifhe needs it, to evaluate or critique a complex
strategic situation.
2. In neurocontrol, complex hierarchies and distributed metasystemsare usually not necessary.
Neural networks can easily implement hierarchical or distributed calculations simply by
choosing an appropriate pattern of connectivity (i.e., by zeroing out weights Wjj outside a
designated graph of connections). When we have prior knowledge that tells us a hierarchical
solution to a problem will work, it does make senseto use that knowledge in setting up the
initial state of the network; however, it also makes sense later on to give us and the network
freedom to make and break connections through "pruning" (see Chapter 10) and "random"
exploration of possible new connections. A single neural network is itself a distributed system,
and it can be implemented as a network spanning many locations. The well-known biologist
Pribram has argued that the brain is a "heterarchy," not a hierarchy.
When combining neural nets and other architectures, however, hierarchical designs can
make more sense.For example, teleroboticcontrol of the main arm of the spaceshuttle presents
a severe challenge to classical control theory. Seraji developed a hierarchical control scheme
that worked on a Puma robot arm to some degree,but was computationally intensive and never
deployed. This past year [18], the joint controllers used by Seraji were replaced by neu-
rocontrollers (using direct inverse control andcomputationally affordable), with a substantial
improvement in performance, at least in simulations. The NASA program officer has author-
ized tests on the real shuttle arm, and hopes for a tenfold increase in productivity compared to
the present teleoperation system. Even though there is no theoretical need for hierarchies when
working with neural nets, there is certainly no harm in using them to get a quick startup in
applications of this sort.
3. A simple two-level hierarchy can nevertheless be useful when the underlying optimization
problem requires a long cycle time to analyze, but high frequency control is needed. In this
situation, we could build one adaptive critic system-including a Critic and a Model network,
but not necessarily an Action network-to operate with a long cycle time, 9, long enough to
let us use simultaneous-recurrent networks. Then we could build another adaptive critic
system, using a short time cycle (1), based on feedforward networks. The second systemwould

be "independent" of the first, except that in adapting the low-level Critic, in equation 7, we
would replace U(R(t), u(t)) with something like:

J-(R(t- + 9)) + U-(R(t-)) -J_(R(t_)) + U-{R(t), u(t)), (34)

where t- is the most recent value of t divisible by 9 (i.e., the latest clock tick for the upper
system), whereJ+is the output of the upper Critic, and U. indicates high-frequency components
of utility that cannot be tracked at the upper level. (Total utility equals U+ + U..) (A similar
arrangement could be adapted to DHP or to an upper level ofGDHP and a lower level ofDHP.)
The lower system would also be allowed to input information-to be treated like an additional
set of external observables-from the upper system. In a variant of this, we could allow the
upper system to have an Action network, and calculate the total action vector u(t) as the sum
of u+(t+ + 9) and u-(t). There is evidence that the human brain uses some such arrangement
[1,2]; for example, Llinas has recently studied 8 to 10 hertz muscle tremors in humans due to
the low frequency of signals from the cerebral cortex down to the olive, which appears to act
as a Critic for the lower motor control system. The lower motor system is analyzed in more
detail as a neurocontroller in [25].


The problem of forecasting may be seen as a simple generalization of the problem of supervised
learning. As before, we start out by observing two setsof variables over time, X(t) and Y(t). As before,
we wish to adapt a network that outputs a forecast of Y(t), based on our knowledge of X(t). The only
difference is that we permit our network to remember information from earlier time periods. In any
applications-such as adaptive control-this kind of memory is crucial; in fact, it gets to be absurd
to think of control problems so simple that the state of the plant depends only on current control
actions and not at all on its previous state!
Nevertheless, because of our emphasis on control here, I will formulate the forecasting problem
in a different but equivalent way, tied directly to the needs of adaptive critic systems. Let us suppose
that we are trying to forecast a vector of observed variables, X(t + 1), as a function/ of the state at
time t, the action vector u(t), and weights W. Following the procedures of Chapter 10;.. we will choose
/ to be a time-lagged recurrent network (TLRN) and allow for the possibility that X(t) could be an
input to the network as well. In the neural network field, people usually visualize recurrent nodes,
Rj(t), as being "inside" the network; however, it is easierto describe our methods in the generalcase
by treating the output of recurrent nodes as an output of the network, an output that is then input to
the network in the next time period. Putting all of this together, we are trying to minimize error in the
following scheme, where/is a single static network implemented by a single subroutine, with two
output vectors (fx andfR):

i(t + 1) = f.t(X(t), i(t), R(t), u(t), W) (35)


R(t + 1) = fR(X(t), !(t), R(t), u(t), W) (36)

Error = ~E(t) = ~X(t), !(t), W). (37) ~

As an example, f could be a two-stage system, consisting of an MLP which inputs R(t), u(t), and
X(t), and a simple filtering system which calculates X(t) as a weighted average of X(t) and !(t) (see
Chapter 10). Intuitively, R(t) in this system represents memory from before time t. (The R in this
system is slightly different from the R of earlier sections, but there is a close connection.)
There are two exact ways to adapt the system in equations 35 through 37. The usual time-forwards
approach has been discussed elsewhere (see Chapters 3 and 5) and will not be discussed here. The
cheaper approach, backpropagation through time (B1T), has also been discussed elsewhere (see
Chapter 10) but is important as a first step in understanding the Error Critic.
Using BTT, one starts from initial guessesfor the weights (Wand W), one calculates the gradient
of error across all times t with respect to the weights, and one adapts the weights in response to the
gradient. The only new complication lies in how to calculate the gradient. If we ignore times 0 and,
T (which will not affect our real-time learning method), BTT yields the following equations for the
gradient here:

F _R(t) = F JR(X(t), !(t), R(t), u(t), W, F _!(t + I), F _R(t + 1» (39)

F_W = F_W+F_Lw(X(t),!(t), W)+ FJw(X(t), !(t), R(t) , u(t), W,F_!(t+ l),F_R(t+ 1».(40)

As in Chapter 10 (see Appendices Band 0), we only need to call one dual subroutine, F J, which
yields all three of the outputs required here (F -ft, FJR' and FJw). Equations 38 and 39 force us to
go backwards through time, since F _!(t) and F _R(t) cannot be calculated until after F _!(t + 1) and
F _R(t + I) are known.
In a previous paper [19], I have proposed that we treat the problem of adapting the recurrent hidden
nodes as a control problem. More precisely, I proposed that we turn this problem on its head, by
treating E(t) as a measure of utility and by treating R(t) as a control signal. To solve that control
problem over time, in a real-time manner, I proposed the use of an adaptive critic control system [19].
Schmidhuber [20] has actually attempted this approach, using a Critic network adapted by HOP.
Unfortunately, HOP has many limitations, discussed in detail above. The limitations of HOP relative
to OHP are especially severe when there is an exact model already available. In this application, the
forecasting network itself already provides what amounts to an exact model of how error is generated
as a function of R(t).
To apply OHP or AOOHP to this problem, one might go through severeagonizing to try to identify
the appropriate state vector, and so on. Fortunately, there are very straightforward ways to use these
methods here that do not require anything like that degree of complexity.
Let us define a Critic network, A.,which inputs X(t), X(t- I), u(t), u(t- I), etc., and outputs two
quantities (ARand Ax), which attempt to approximate:

A.t(X(t) ..., WA) ~ F J.t(X(t), i(t), R(t), u(t), WA,F _i(t + I), F _R(t + I» (41)

Ak.(X(t)..., WA) ~ F Jk(X(t), i(t), R(t), u(t), WA,F _i(t + I), F _R(t + I». (42)

There are several ways to implement and use this kind of Error Critic. For example, we could go
through the following steps for any time t:

I. Obtain (observe) X(t).

2. Calculate u(t) = A(X(t), R(t».
3. Calculate:

A!(t) = F_Lt(X(t), i(t), W) + At(X(t), ..., W).)

AR(t) = AR(X(t), ..., W).).

4. Set:

W = W -LR(t) * (F _LMX(t), i(t), W)

+ F JMX(t -I), i(t -I), R(t -I), u(t -I), W, A~(t), AR(t»).

where LR(t) is a learning rate (that can be adapted over time, etc., as in Chapter 3).
5. Update WAin A to inputs (X(t -I), X(t -2), ...) and targets:

A"i = F -fX:(X(t-I),i(t-I), R(t-I), u(t-I),W, A~(t), AR(t»

A"J'?= Ffi(X(t -I), i(t -I), R(t -I), u(t -I), W, At(t), AR(t».

6. Calculate and store for the next round:

i(t + 1) = ft(X(t), i(t), R(t), u(t), W)

R(t + 1) = /R(X(t), i(t), R(t), u(t), W).

As a practical matter, of course, there are many ways to try to "pipeline" these calculations. For
example, one might merge/and A into a single network; however, with A as an output, it is essential
to have inputs for two consecutive time periods, and experimentation will be needed to find the most
effective subsetof the allowable inputs. Alternatively, one might split/up into two different networks,
so that R(t + 1) could be input instead of R(t) to the Action network. (This would be closer in spirit
to our prior sections.) Or one could adapt the Critic only on every second time cycle. One could allow
the Critic to accept input only from time t, but then use feedback from derivatives propagated through
the Critic to affect the adaptation of R neurons used as input to the Critic. One might even try to use
GDHP in this application.
In early tests of this possibility, it would be good to compare against backpropagation through time
(and possibly against simple truncation, which approximates the difficult cross-time terms as zero);
after all, the Error Critic is still only an approximation to BTf.

From a biological point of view, this arrangement may seem moderately complex, but the giant
pyramid cells of the cerebral cortex involve a very similar kind of complexity (including an external
clock pulse used to synchronize the various flows of information). The same arrangement, but without
equation 37, can be used to adapt an Action network with time-lagged recurrence, something which
can be useful when there is an extreme need to boost computational speed even at the cost of slower
learning (as in the cerebellum [25]).
When building a complex neurocontrol system, it can sometimes be confusing to have one Critic
network evaluating actions and another adapting recurrent neurons. Therefore, I sometimes use the
notation AEor A(E)to represent the Error Critic.


6.1. Introduction
In order to adapt forecasting networks, most neural network researchers now use equations similar
to equations 35 through 37 in section 5. When Model networks or system identification are needed,
in any of the five forms of neurocontrol, those researcherswould simply adapt a forecasting network.
In most current applications, that is probably good enough.
Nevertheless, the theory behind adaptive critics allows for the possibility of a general stochastic
model. It is common to build a stochastic model by simply writing:

Xj(t+ 1) = tj(t + 1) + CJjej(t+ 1), (43)

where ej represents random noise of unit variance, and CJj2represents the variance of the error in
predicting Xi. (In other words, CJj2is simply the average value of the squared error.) One can build a
neural network to generate the forecasts, using the methods of section 5, and estimate CJjsimply by
measuring the error.
Section 2 and Chapter 3 described ways of adapting Critic and Action networks based on observing
the actual values ofR(t+ I), and feeding back derivatives through the Model network. That procedure
is legitimate for stochastic models built up from equation 43. It is equally legitimate to use a
hypothetical R(t) as the starting point in the same procedure, and to simulate R(t + 1) using equation
43, and then to treat the simulated R(t + 1) as if it were real. Such a simulation required that we
generate random numbers to represent the ej.
Unfortunately, equation 43 does not representa general stochastic model. It assumesthat the matrix
< eeT> is diagonal, and that the randomness in the observed variables always follows a normal
distribution. Conventional control theory usually allows for any matrix < eeT>, although it does have
problems with nonnormal distributions.
In 1977 [7], I suggested that we consider a more general model that may be written as:

Xj(t+ I) = CJ;Yef(t
+ 1) + Dj(R(t + 1), other information(t» (44)

R;(t+ 1) = cl:ef(t + 1) + Pi(information(t», (45)

where X is observed and R is not. D stands for "Decoder," and P for "Predictor." This architecture
can reproduce essentially any patterns of noise we like. Those researcherswho have proven that MLPs
can approximate any bounded function might want to study the ability of networks like this to
reproduce arbitrary probability distributions.
The challenge here lies in how to adapt the networks D and P when R is unknown. The classical
likelihood function for this problem involves integrals over all possible values of R [7]. We could
approximate these integrals, in theory, by performing a Monte Carlo integration/simulation, directly
based on equations 44 and 45, but this turns out to be extremely inefficient from a numerical point
of view. This section will propose a new design, which should be more efficient. The reader should
be warned, however, that the adaptation problem here is extremely difficult. The design below has
passed some simple tests of consistency, but this is not enough to prove that it will work without
revisions in the general case. When the "Predictor" network is removed, this design can also be used
as a kind of unsupervised feature extractor; however, it is radically different from other forms of
unsupervised learning now in use in the neural network field.
The method below is a slight variant of a method that I first proposed in 1977 [7]. That method
was developed as a way of addressingthe nonlinear case,based on integrals that representthe concept
of "relative entropy" or "mutual information." The variant given here is different, above all, because
it does pass the basic consistency checks in the linear case.
The method below may be thought of as a nonlinear, neural-net generalization of a well-known
classical statistical method: maximum likelihood factor analysis [21]. Maximum likelihood factor
analysis does have difficulties when one of the noise terms (O"ix)is infinitely small. This makes it
desirable to replace the maximum likelihood approach with a more robust approach. That will be a
task for future researchers.
The final part of this section will discuss how the method below ties in with classical debateson
realism versus phenomenology, and on fuzzy versus probabilistic reasoning.

6.2. The Design

The Stochastic EncoderlDecoder/Predictor design is illustrated in Figure 13.5. Like equation 57,this
figure assumesthat Xi equals tplus some Gaussianwhite noise. However, it would be straightforward
to adjust this design to predict something like net; instead of Xi.
To implement Figure 13.5, we can go though the following sequenceof calculations. First, we can
plug in information from time t -1 into the Predictor network, and use the Predictor network to
calculate il(t). Then we can call on the Encoder network, which inputs X(t), along with any or all
information available to the system from time t -1. (This could, in principle, include the prediction
il(t), which does not incorporate real information from time t.) The output of the Encoder network is
a vector, R, which is a kind of best guess of the true value of R. The next stepis to generatesimulated
values ofR, R', by adding random numbers to each component RI. Finally, the Decoder network
inputs these simulated values, R', along with information from time t -1, in order to generatea
prediction of X. These calculations depend on the weights inside the Encoder, Decoder, and Predictor
networks, and also on our estimates of O"iR and O"iX.

j ~'

'" .

~ -I -6:: (RI (RI


Figure 13.5 The StochasticEncoder/Decoder/Predictor. .

The Predictor network and the Decoder network in this scheme are straightforward forecasting
networks that can be adapted exactly like the forecasting networks of section 5. They could even
combine an upper layer of associative memory with hidden memory nodes adapted by backpropaga-
tion, if the application requires such complexity. The estimation of O";xis straightforward. (For
example, O";X can be estimated as the observed root mean square average of X; -t.) 8 (

6.3. How to Adapt the System

The adaptation of the Encoder network and the parametersO";R is more difficult. Conceptually, we try
" to adapt all parts of the network together so as to minimize:

E = L(X;-t(R'(x,if,eR»)2/(0"'l)2+L(f:l:j-Rj{x»2 (46)
, ; ; j

+ L log (O"'lf + L «off -log (of)1.

; j

In performing this minimization, it is critical that we account for the effect of if and of the Encoder
network in changing the errors of the Decoder network; that is why those arguments of the functions
are spelled out carefully in equation 46.
In particular, this arrangementrequires that we use backpropagation-gradient-based learning-to
adaptthe Encoder and the parameters O";R. The gradients are calculated as shown by the dashed lines
in Figure 13.5. These dashed lines represent the calculations that feed back the prediction errors, .I
r -

used to adapt all parts of the network simultaneously. For the Encoder, we calculate the relevant
derivative of Ewith respect to Rjas:

F_Rj = 2(Rj-~J+F_~'j (47)

where the first term results from differentiating the R-prediction error in equation 46 with respect to
Ri' and the second term representsthe derivative of the X-prediction error, calculated by backpropaga-
tion through the Decoder network back to Rj'. Note that equation 46 requires us to divide the Xi
prediction error by (O"ixf, before we begin the backpropagation. (To make this scheme more robust,
we might want to put an arbitrary floor on what we are willing to divide by here.)To adaptthe Encoder
network, we then propagate the F _R derivatives back through the Encoder network to the weights in
that network, and adjust them accordingly.
Intuitively, equations 46 and 47 say that we adapt the Encoder network so that the resulting R is
both predictable from the past and useful in reconstructing the observed variables Xi. If we delete the
Predictor network, and use this scheme as a kind of feature extractor, then these equations are really
telling us to minimize the variance of R, so as to prevent a kind of indirect bias or divergence that
would otherwise sneak in.
In a similar vein, we adapt the parameters (O"jRybased on:

~ aE = F-
R'j * ej+- a J/2 J/2
a J/2 ((OJ) -log (OJ)),
a(Oj) (OJ)

where the right-hand term tells us to make O"jRlarger, but the left-hand term will stop us from doing
so once the random numbers start to cause large errors in decoding.
Whenever any of these networks makes use of information calculated within the system at time
t -1, we must propagate derivatives of equation 46 backwards to the networks which produced that
information, and add them to the derivatives used to adapt these networks. All the considerations in
section 5 still apply, when we try to minimize this measure of error over time.

6.4. Using StochasticModels in Adaptive Critics

Section 2 and Chapter 3 include several procedures for using a Model network that require that
derivatives be propagated through the Model network. We had a choice of two procedures,one based
on a simulation of R(t + 1) and the other based on using the actual observations from time t + 1.
Using the design in Figure 13.5, it is easy to generate a simulation of R(t + 1), starting from data
at time t. First one uses the Predictor network to generate ~(t + 1). To simulate RJ{t+ 1), one adds
~i(t + 1) to a random number, whose variance is set to the observed average error in predicting Rj
from Ri. Next one generates a new set of random numbers, eR,and generates R'(t + 1) as shown in
Figure 13.5. Finally, one uses the Decoder network to generate t and a third set of random numbers
to simulate X. In backpropagating through this structure, one simply proceeds as if the random
numbers had been external inputs to the system.
To use actual observations, X(t + 1), one plugs these observations into the Encoder network, which
then outputs the actual values of R(t+ 1). One usesthese actual values in simulating R'(t + 1), which
is then plugged into the Decoder network to generate t(t + 1). We still use random numbers in

simulating R', but we use actual errors, in effect, to infer what the random numbers "actually were"
in generating R and X. In backpropagating through this structure, we proceed exactly as we did before.
The continuing presence of randomness in this structure reflects our uncertainty, even after the fact,
about the true value of R(t + 1). This general approach follows the structure of our uncertainty, but
its net effect on the consistency of adaptive critic systems has yet to be verified even through linear

6.5. Checks of Consistencyin a Linear Example: Overview

The remainder of this section will verify that the procedure given above can give the right answer, in
a simple linear example that does not involve any prediction. Even in the linear example, these checks
will not be totally complete. I will prove, for example, that we get the right Decoder network if the
Encoder network and oR have already been adapted correctly. Instead of considering real-time
learning effects, I will consider the equilibrium that results after an infinite number of observations
are availabl~; in other words, I will assume that our estimates are all based on the true expectation
values of all observable quantities. I will not consider issuesof uniquenessand stability for the whole
system, even in the linear case. In summary, these are really just consistency checks; they leave open
a lot to be done in future research. In actuality, it has taken considerable effort to find a system that
passesthese basic tests, and I have been surprised to see how many realistic-looking designs do not.
For all these tests, I will assume that we are observing a system governed by:

x(t) = AR(t) + e(t), (48)


<RRT> = 1 (49)


A -X 2 (50)
< ej(t)ej(t) > = ~ = 1,,(0;) ,

where R;(t) and e,(t) are independent normal random variables. This system is not a true dynamic
system, nor is it anything like a realistic plant; however, it does capture the essenceof the difficulty
here. (Adding dynamics basically just changes the expect~d values or means from which the
probability distributions are calculated.) There is no loss of generality in assuming unit variance for
the unobserved variables R, as in equation 49, since we can always rescale them without changing
any observable characteristics of the model. Equation 50 reflects our initial approach in equation 44;
the term on the right is not an identity matrix, but a mathematician's way of representing a diagonal
To begin with, I will assume that our network is adapted to minimize E, as defined in equation 46,
except that I replace:

L «aJ)2 -log (aJ)1



Tr(,sJl)-log det ,sJl,

where sRis the covariance matrix used to generate the random vector eR.(Note that my notation for
eRhere is slightly different from what it is in Figure 13.5.) I will assume that the "neural network"
takes the form:

R = !it- (51)

R' = !it- + eR (52)

; = aR' = a(!it- + eR) (53)

< eR(eR)T> = ,sJl. (54)

In the actual operation of this system, the minimization of E would be used to adapt the Encoder and
Decoder simultaneously; however, for simplicity, I will only carry out certain easier tests that are
necessary but not sufficient (though they are highly suggestive) in showing that the system will work
properly. More precisely, I will demonstrate, in order, that: (1) for a certain value of sRand a correct
Encoder, we adapt the weights in the Decoder correctly; (2) for a correct Decoder, we adapt the
weights of the Encoder correctly; (3) with a correct Decoder, we adapt the values of SRto the values
required in part (1). In all cases,I will assume that the parameters CJjX have already been estimated
correctly. In these calculations, it will turn out that a correct form of SRis a matrix that need not be
diagonal. However, one can always rotate the vector R so as to make that matrix diagonal; for that
reason, efforts to minimize E as defined in equation 46 will always give us a result that is correct
within the more general matrix framework. This fine point will be explained in more detail below.
There is no way to do these calculations without heavy use of matrix calculus and statistics.
Before checking for the correctness of what we adapt, we must first decide what the correct values
are. Comparing equation 47 to equation 53, we clearly want:

a = A. (55)

A correct Encoder should output the best estimate of R(t) given knowledge of x(t), based on
knowledge of equation 48. We can calculate this best estimate, !it-(t), simply by regressingR on x,
using classical methods [15] that are known to minimize square error:

~ = <RxT> «XXT»-I.

To work this out, note that our original linear model implies:

< XXT> = < (AR + e)(AR + e)T> (56)

= <ARRTAT>+<eeT> = AAT+sX.

(Note that our assumption that e is random implies < ex > = < eR > = 0.) Likewise:

<RxT> = <R(AR+e)T> = <RRTAT> = AT.

Substituting this into our formula for 13,we deduce that the correct value is:

13 = A T(AAT+ S')-I. (57)

6.6. Checking the Adaptation of the Decoder

For this check, we assume that the Encoder is already adapted corrected, as defined by equation 57:

13 = A T(AAT+ S')-I. (58)

We also assume that SRhas been adapted to the following value:

sR = I-AT(AAT +S')-IA. (59)

Our task here is to figure out what the Decoder will be adaptedto.
Looking at equation 46, we can see that the Decoder is simply being adapted to minimize square
error in predicting x(t) from R'(t). From classical statistics [15], we know what this results in, in the
linear case:

(X= < XR,T > « R'R,T »-1 .

Clearly this will lead to a unique solution for (X.We want to verify that it will lead to the correct
solution; in other words, we want to verify:

A = < XR,T > « R'R,T »-1

= < x(j3x + eR)T> « (j3x+ eR)(j3x+ eR)T»-1 (60)

= <XXT >I3T(I3<XXT>I3T+sR)-I.

This is equivalent to:

A(I3< XXT>I3T+ sR) = <XXT>I3T.

Substituting in from equations 56 and 58, and recalling that AATand S" are symmetrical, we can see
that this is equivalent to:

AsR+A(AT(AAT +S')-I(AAT +S')(AAT +S')-IA) = (AAT+S')«AAT +S')-IA),


which reduces to:

A~+AAT(AAT +5'")-IA = A. (61)

If we multiply equation 59 on the left by A, we can easily see that equation 61 will be true. Since
equation 61 is equivalent to equation 60, which we were trying to verify, we have succeeded in
verifying what we wanted to-that the Decoder weights will, in fact, be adapted to equal the correct

6.7. Checking the Adaptation of the Encoder

For this test, we assume that the Decoder has been adapted to the correct value, such that (X= A. We
also assume that the S'matrix of equation 50 is correct, and that there is no Prediction network (i.e.,
thatt = 0). In this case, we are trying to minimize those terms in equation 46 that are affected by the
encoder matrix 13.We are minimizing the following effective error function with respect to 13:

1\Tc.x-1 ~ -T
E.ff= «x-x)" (x-Xj>+ <R R >

= < (x -AR,)T S'" (x -AR') > + < llTR >

= < (x -A(J3x + eR»T(S')-I(x -A(J3x + eR»> + «~)T(J3x) >
= < xT(I -AI3)T (Sj-I(1 -AI3>x > + < xTI3TJ3x
> + terms not affected by 13.

Thus, we want to minimize the following matrix trace with respect to 13:

Tr( < x:x;T> ( (I -AI3)T (5'")-1(1-A 13)+ I3TI3». (62)

We can simplify this minimization problem slightly by defining matrices:

Z = < XXT>
C = (S')-IA
Q = AT(S')-IA +1.

Using this notation, we are trying to minimize the terms in equation 62 that depend on 13:

E.ff= -2 L ZijCjkl3ki+ L Zij 13~Qkll3li. (63)

ij,k ij,kJ

Differentiating equation 63 with respect to every matrix element l3ij,and collecting terms carefully,
we arrive at the following condition for a minimum:

0 = -2CTZ + QI3Z+ QI3Z

:. CT = QI3.

Going back to our definitions, this yields a solution for 13of:

13 = Q-1CT = (AT(S')-IA +/)-IAT(S')-I. (64)

In summary, our Encoder will adapt to the values shown in equation 64. Our problem is to verify that
these values are the same as the correct values, the values given in equation 57. In other words, we
must verify that:

AT(AAT+sr}-l = (AT(sr}-IA +/)-IA1sr}-I. (65)

To verify this, we may simply multiply both sides on the right by (AAT+ S")and on the left by AT(S")-1
+ I. This shows that equation 65 is equivalent to:

(AT(S')-IA +/)AT = AT(S')-1AAT +S'), (66)

which is easily seento be true. In short, since equation 65 is equivalent to equation 66, and equation
66 is true, we may deduce that equation 65 is also true. Thus, the weights we adapt to (given in
equation 64) are, in fact, equal to the correct weights as defined by equation 57.

6.8. Checking the Adaptation of sR

For our final check, we again assume that the Encoder is correctly adapted,so that a = A. To figure
out what ~ will be adapted to, we once again begin by figuring out what will be minimized as a
function of SR.As in our derivation of equation 62, we calculate the terms in < E> affected by SR:

Eeff= < (x -~T(S')-1x -~ > + Tr(,sJl)-log det,sJl

= < (eR)T
A1S')-IAeR > + Tr(~) -log det,sJl+ terms not affected by,sJl.

This reduces to an effective error function to be minimized of:

Eeff= Tr(,sJlM)-log det,sJl, (67)

where I have defined:

M = AT(S')-IA+I. (68)

From matrix calculus (in a form that recurs quite often in classical statistics [14,22]), we know that
the minimum of equation 67 occurs when:

,sJl= lfl. (69)


Our basic task in this section is to verify that ~ we adapt to--which is given in equations 68 and
69-will, in fact, equal the value we required earlier, in equation 59. In other words, we need to verify

(AT(S")-IA+J)-1 = I-AT(AAT+S')-IA. (70)

To verify this, we simply multiply the right-hand side of equation 70 by I + A T(Sj-l A, and verify that
we arrive at the identity matrix. When we do this, we get:

(I +AT(Sj-1A)(I -AT(AAT + Sj-1A)

= I +AT(S")-IA -AT(AAT + S')-l A _AT(S')-IAAT(AAT + S')-IA

= I +AT(S')-IA -AT(I + (S")-IAAT)(AAT+ S")-IA

= I +AT(S')-IA -AT(S")-I(S' + AAT)(AAT+ S')-IA

=I+AT(S'}-IA-AT(S'}-IA = I,

exactly as required.
To complete this discussion, we need to comment on the diagonal form of ,sJI,which our actual
neural network design requires. We have just proven that a modified form of E-allowing for arbitrary
,sJI-is minimized for appropriate combinations of a, ~, and ,sJI.(This modified form reduces to the
original form when ,sJIis, in fact, diagonal.) However, we know that there are equivalent ways to
represent the exact same stochastic model, simply by rotating the vector R. Such a rotation does not
affect the matrix <RRT > =1. Since ATA is a positive definite real matrix, we know that we can always
arrive at an equivalent form of the model that diagonalizes ATA, and therefore diagonalizes ,sJI.
Therefore, if we try to minimize E subject to the constraint that ,sJIbe diagonal, we know that one of
the unconstrained optimal solutions will still be able to satisfy that constraint. Thus, in building a
system that minimizes E subject to that constraint, we are certain that we still can arrive at a solution
that solves the unconstrained problem as well. No constrained optimum can lead to an E lower than
that of an unconstrained optimum; therefore, we can be sure that a solution equivalent (within rotation)
to the correct solution will emerge as a minimum of the constrained problem.
As stated above, there is still more theory to be developed, even in the linear case, but this does
appear to be a promising beginning in an area that has been largely neglected.

6.9. Implicationsfor RealismversusPhenomenology,

The design in Figure 13.5 has serious implications for some very old arguments. There are at least
three competing theories for how the mammalian brain representsuncertainty:~

1. That it does not really represent uncertainty at all-that it uses methods like those of section
5 to build up any implicit representation of uncertainty
2. That it usesmethods like those described here, which account for cross-correlations at the same
time t, but use methods like those of section 5 (in adapting the Predictor and Encoder) to
represent more abstract patterns of correlation over time
3. The radical Bayesian or realistic theory, in which aU "short-term" memory takes the form of
R vectors with uncertainty factors attached

These choices have their parallel in engineering. The first approach is incapable of representing the
statistics of a general vector ARMA process.The second approachis close to the approach used most
by statisticians [15,22] in describing vector ARMA processes; in that formulation, these processes
are completely and uniquely identifiable. The third approach is commonly used by engineers [23] in
describing such processes.
In Kalman filtering [23], the state of the plant is summarized in one vector, R (usually denoted as
"x"). This state estimate (and its covariance matrix) incorporates aU memory of the plant. At each
time t, the current state estimate is based on the forecasts,i, and the current observations X(t). There
are forecasts corresponding to aU state variables, and aU statevariables are updated by methods similar
to those of this section.
The methods of this section could be used to implement a radically realistic design, similar to
Kalman filtering. To do this, one simply forbids the three networks from using any internal memory
units. The Encoder and Decoder networks would be forbidden from using any information from time
t -1 except for fl. As a practical matter, it would seem more sensible to limit such memory units
rather than forbid them altogether; the challenge would be to develop criteria for keeping them or
deleting them (or adding them toR) after the fact, based on an empirical measureof their performance.
Research on these topics has hardly begun.
The biological evidence on these choices is also unclear as yet, becausethere are several types of
pyramid cells in the cerebral cortex and other cells in the thalamus that could plausibly be involved
in the different schemes.
The issue described here concerns realism versus phenomenology as principles used by the brain.
This is logically quite distinct from the parallel debate concerning objective reality in the physical
universe, a debate that also remains unresolved [24].

Researchapproachesand preliminary designs exist for bridging most of the gap between neurocontrol
as it is used today and the form of neurocontrol that will be needed in order to understand (and
replicate) true intelligent control as it exists in the brain. To fulfill this potential will take considerably
more work on the part of many researchersworking in many different areas, and drawing on many
different disciplines, but the scientific importance of the work is enormous. With proper motivation

and encouragement, control engineers, cooperating with biologists, could playa decisive role in
making it possible to understand human learning and the human mind.

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