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Guardians By-Laws

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Sat Dec 15, 2007




We, the GUARDIANS, imploring the aid of Devine Providence, in order to establish an association that
believes in the tenets of democratic principle; rejecting the common tendencies towards hatred, jealousy,
pessimism, doubt and fear; inculcate the principle and spirit of brotherhood, justice, peace, discipline, service
and equality, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution and By-laws.


Section 1. The Association shall be known as the GUARDIANS BROTHERHOOD INCORPORATED, with
SEC Registration Number 123899 dated December 10, 1984.

Section 2. The GBI National Headquarters shall be located in Tagum City, Mindanao, Philippines;

Section 3. The members shall be called GUARDIANS;

Section 4 The name GUARDIANS connotes respect as it means, “ The Gentlemen and United Associates of
the Filipino Race, Dauntless and Ingenuous Advocator of the Nation and Society” translated to Filipino
language as “ Mga Maginoo, Nagkakaisang katuwang Ng Lahing Pilipino, Magigiting at Matatapat na
Tagapagtanggol ng Bansa at Lipunan”

Section 5. The word GUARDIANS as broken down into letters corresponds its representation as to the
following: G- Gentlemen, U – United, A- Associates, R- Race, D – Dauntless, I – Ingenuous, A – Advocator,
N- Nation, S- Society.

Section 5. The Motto of the association is “ Brotherhood for Peace and Prosperity” and Adopts the colors Red,
Yellow, Green and Blue as its national color.


Section 1. The Fraternal Association adopts a logo with three stars representing the three geographical
divisions of our country, Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Appearing along with the stars is a feature of a sword
symbolizes power, might and honor; the scale of justice symbolizes just and uprightness of the purpose of the
organization. The interlocking hands symbolize intimacy among members conglomerated from different
sectors in our society, the green leaves represents the different places where members are residing and the bold
letter GBI, an abbreviation of the title of the organization. The color golden yellow represents the sun shining
the noble aims and purposes of the organization and the color red and blue represents the Philippine flag
signifying nationalism.

The inscription herein are bounded by double circles within which the guiding spirit of brotherhood, justice,
peace, service, discipline and equality underlying the true tenets and ideals of the Guardians Brotherhood


Section 1. The Fraternal Association believes in the Divine Providence and apply his divine truth to mankind.

Section 2. The association respect and adheres to the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines and all
other laws that governs in the democratic government of the Republic promulgated by the duly constituted
authorities. It is a non-stock – non profit, and non sectarian organization;

Section 3. The association believes that “Brotherhood” is not only in words but in deeds. Unity and
development among and between members are of first priority in order to effectively implement its program,
introduced effectively sustainable development within the community, and operate as a non-government

Section 4. The GBI organization in protecting the dignity of its name shall seriously implement existing laws
of the organization and endeavor to file appropriate legal action against unscrupulous, unauthorized and
unlawful use of name “GUARDIANS”, its official Registry SEC No. 123899, markings, logo of non-members
or expelled members and other acts inimical and detrimental to the GBI Association.


Section 1. To adhere and internalize the enduring core values of love of God, respect for authority, selfless
love and service for people, respect for women and children and the sanctity of marriage, responsible dominion
and stewardship over material things, and the wisdom of truthfulness;

Section 2. To promote good and harmonious relationship, unity and cooperation between and among members
for mutual support and benefit;

Section 3. To undertake development activities for the general welfare of the members of the association as a

Section 4. To generate funds for the Association and its activities.;

Section 5. To extend immediate financial, legal and other assistance to the members of the Association.


Section 1. Qualifications for Membership. The Applicants for membership must posses the following
a. A citizen of the Philippines;
b. Good standing in the community
c. Must not have been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude;
d. Male or female, twenty one (21) years of age in the time of Application
e. Must be in good health as certified by a physician
f. Must be gainfully employed or operating a legitimate business and or farming sufficient enough to sustain
the needs of the family for civilian applicants or members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Philippine
National Police, Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, Bureau of Fire Protection, Philippine Maritime
Police, Philippine Coast Guard, National Bureau of Prisons, and Reservist with appropriate markings
corresponding to its branch of service.
g. Must have earned at least 108 units in college or a 3rd year college equivalent or high school graduate with a
special skill needed by the Organization.

Section 2. Pre-Membership Requirements:

a. An applicant shall accomplish an official application form duly indorsed by any bonafide member, known as
sponsor, of the Association which shall be submitted to the Screening Committee of the chapter concerned for

b. A background investigation shall be conducted by the Fraternal Commission to ensure that the prospective
member is not a liability or source of embarrassment in the future. The applicant/s maybe required to submit
clearances from various government agencies to support his application and admission.

c. The Applicant/s must be presented to all the members during a scheduled monthly meeting whereby the
former shall state his/her personal circumstances and the reasons for joining the Association. An objection
from any member of the screening committee will automatically defer action on the application form of the
prospective member. If there is no objection, the application is approved
d. Orientation Seminar/ Lecture primarily, the sponsor is held responsible for the orientation of his/her
applicant. Secondarily, the screening committee will designate a resource speaker to lecture on principles,
nature, purpose, objectives, membership, and financial obligations relative to this constitution And By-Laws.
A series of interviews to be conducted by the screening committee shall take place. Thereafter, the screening
committee will turn-over the applicants with their corresponding application forms to the Fraternal

e. Indoctrination Rites Selected Fraternity Officers will take exclusive charge of indoctrination rites. It has
been the practice of the brotherhood to adopt certain customs and traditions that makes it unique from other

f. Acceptance - In this final stage, the members are turned-over by the Fraternal Commission to the
Association in an appropriate ceremony to instill pride of belongingness and identity essentials to the progress
and success of the latter.

Section 3. Rights of Members:

a. To exercise the right to vote on all matters relating to the affairs of the Association;

b. To be eligible to an elective or appointive office of the Association;

c. To participate in the deliberation/ meetings of the Association
d. To avail of all the facilities of the Association;
e. To examine all the records or books of the Association during business hours;
f. To a lifetime membership, unless withdrawn or expelled for a cause;
g. To recommend applicants for membership per recruitment schedule;

Section 4. Duties and Responsibilities of Members a member shall have the following duties and

a. To obey and comply with the By-Laws, rules and regulations that may be promulgated by the Association
from time to time;
b. To pay membership dues and other assessments of the Association;
c. To file a written complaint before the chapter/fraternal officer concerned;
d. Such other duties and responsibilities the Association as promulgated from time to time.

Section 5. Markings, Classification and Color Designation of Members::

a. General Markings

MG - Represent the Magic Group (Mint Green);

R - Represent the Philippine National Police (Red);
B - Represent the Philippine Army (Blue);
W - Represent the Philippine Navy (White);
V - Represent the Philippine Air Force (Violet);
G - Represent the Bureau of Fire Protection (Gold);
M - Represent the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
( Maroon);
C - Represent the Philippine Coast Guard (Cream)
P - Represents the Bureau of Prison (Pink)

b. Special Markings

MF - Master Founder
NF - National Founder
F - Represents the Founder
SGF/SGM - Represents the Supremo (Supreme Godfather) /Suprema (Supreme Godmother);
RMG - Represents the Ranking Magic Group; and
GF/GM - Represents the Godfather / Godmother.

c. Correspondingly marked by a tattoo on the superior area in-between the thumb and point finger of the right
hand with letters particularly described above.

d. The “Guardians” mark including the pseudonym, year of admission and the letter “M” which stands for
Mindanao, are made permanently by appropriate tattoos on the lateral extremity of the upper right arm just
below the shoulder

e. The letter markings “GM” stands for Guardians Mindanao are tattooed on the superior are in-between the
thumb and the point finger of the left hand to easily identify areas of membership.

f. ‘MG” Represents the rank of the newly accepted GBI member coming from the Civilian Sector and
classified herein as member of the Magic Group.

Section 6. Conferment of Rank Promotion of Bona fide members according to its category and classification:

a. Master Founder (MF) is a rank promotion conferred to a member of the Association originated from the rank
of National Founder;
b. National Founder (NF) is a rank promotion conferred to a member of the association originated from the
rank of Founder.

c. Founder ( F) is a rank promotion conferred to a member of the association originated from the rank of
Supreme Godfather/Supreme Godmother (SG/FSGM), Godfather/Godmother (GF/GM), and Ranking Magic
Group ( RMG) who had been a member of good standing for at least five (5) years in the organization. It shall
take exclusive charge of indoctrination rights.

Promotion to Founder however, will always depend upon

achievement and contribution to the success of the organization and his attitude towards his members and the
association in general;

d. Supreme Godfather (SGF)/supreme Godmother (SGM) is the rank conferred to a Commissioned Officer of
the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Philippine National Police, Bureau of Fire Protection, Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology, Philippine Coast Guard, Philippine Maritime Police, National Bureau of Prisons
and Reservist. Retirees from the rank and file level who obtain the lowest rank of a commission Officer during
retirement from his/her long tedious time of sacrifices in the government service shall be given credit or
meritorious promotion of Supreme Godfather (SGF)/Supreme Godmother (SGM);

e. Ranking Magic Group (RMG) is a rank promotion conferred to a civilian member who is a professional
and/or respected leaders of the community having rendered exemplary services coming from the rank of Magic
Group (MG) whose promotion is equivalent to the rank of the Supreme Godfather/ Supreme Godmother
f. The word “MAGIC” is an acronym which stands for:

M – Magistrate
A – Advocator
G – Grievances
I – Impotent
C – Citizens

Which when translated into Filipino will mean “MGA MAHISTRADONG TAGAPAGTANGGOL NG MGA

g. Godfather (GF) / godmother (GM) is composed of GBI senior members coming from the
AFP/PNP/BFP/BJMP/PCG having the rank o Guardians who may have outstanding achievement as his
contribution to the success of the organization.

h. Guardians (GDN) - represents the newly accepted GBI members coming from the
AFP/PNP/BFP/BJMP/PCG and Reservist who is classified herein as members of the organic group.

Section 7. In case of change of status pursuant section 5 and 6 hereof, the affected member shall be marked
with appropriate tattoo, in line with the original mark for all promotions for Founders which shall be on top of
the original mark that will reflect his status, subject to another screening and testing procedure.

Section 8. Acceptance and Absorption of Members/applicants - No member/applicant from another Municipal

and district Chapter shall be transferred, absorbed or accepted to another Municipal/District Chapter without
clearance duly signed by his/her former Municipal/District Founder and Municipal President certifying his her
good moral standing in his or her losing chapter.

Section 9. Promotion of members – The Municipal/District President/Founder through Council Resolution

shall recommend for promotions to the Prime Minister through the Minister of Membership and Promotions
any deserving members with consent of the Provincial/City Fraternal Commission and the Regional Fraternal
Commission. Any violation to this effect shall be subjected to severe disciplinary action;

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