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API 571 Study

API 571
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Terms in this set (214)

__________ is a change in the Graphitization

microstructure of certain carbon
steels and 0.5Mo steels after long-
term operation in the 800°F to
1100°F range that may cause a loss
in strength, ductility, and/or creep

________ is a change in the Softening (Spheriodization)

microstructure of steels after
exposure in the 850°F to 1400°F
range, where carbide phases in
carbon steels are unstable and may
agglomerate from their normal
plate-like form to a spheroidal
form, or from small, finely
dispersed carbides in low alloy
steels like 1Cr-0.5Mo to large
agglomerated carbides.

___________ is the reduction in Temper Embrittlement

toughness due to a metallurgical
change that can occur in some low
alloy steels as a result of long term
exposure in the temperature range
of about 650°F to 1070°F.

_________ is a form of damage found Strain aging

mostly in older vintage carbon
steels and C-0.5 Mo low alloy
steels under the combined effects
of deformation and aging at an
intermediate temperature.

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API 571is a loss in toughness due

_____________ 885°F Embrittlement
to a metallurgical change that can
occur in alloys containing a ferrite
phase, as a result of exposure in the
temperature range of 600°F to

_________ is the formation of a Sigma Phase Embrittlement

metallurgical phase known as
sigma phase can result in a loss of
fracture toughness in some
stainless steels as a result of high
temperature exposure.

________ is a sudden rapid fracture Brittle fracture

under stress (residual or applied)
where the material exhibits little or
no evidence of ductility or plastic

At high temperatures, metal Creep, Rupture, Creep and Stress Rupture

components can slowly and
continuously deform under load
below the yield stress. This time
dependent deformation of stressed
components is known as _______.
Deformation then leads to damage
that may eventually lead to a
_________. This is known as __________.

___________ is a result of cyclic stresses Thermal fatigue

caused by variations in

_______ is permanent deformation Short Term Overheating - Stress Rupture

occurring at relatively low stress
levels as result of localized

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API 571 of steam generating

The operation Steam Blanketing
equipment is a balance between
the heat flow from the combustion
of the fuel and the generation of
steam within the waterwall or
generating tube. The flow of heat
energy through the wall of the tube
results in the formation of discrete
steam bubbles (Nucleate boiling)
on the ID surface. The moving fluid
sweeps the bubbles away. When
the heat flow balance is disturbed,
individual bubbles join to form a
steam blanket, a condition known
as Departure From Nucleate
Boiling (DNB). This is known as what
damage mechanism?

____________ is a form of thermal Thermal Shock

fatigue cracking, which can occur
when high and non-uniform
thermal stresses develop over a
relatively short time in a piece of
equipment due to differential
expansion or contraction.

________ is the accelerated Erosion

mechanical removal of surface
material as a result of relative
movement between, or impact
from solids, liquids, vapors or any
combination thereof.

_________ is a description for the Erosion-corrosion

damage that occurs when
corrosion contributes to erosion by
removing protective films or scales,
or by exposing the metal surface to
further corrosion under the
combined action of erosion and

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is a form of erosion caused Cavitation
by the formation and instantaneous
collapse of innumerable tiny vapor

___________ is a mechanical form of Fatigue cracking (Mechanical failure)

degradation that occurs when a
component is exposed to cyclical
stresses for an extended period,
often resulting in sudden,
unexpected failure.

_______ is a form of mechanical Vibration-Induced Fatigue

fatigue in which cracks are
produced as the result of dynamic
loading due to vibration, water
hammer, or unstable fluid flow.

Mechanical damage (cracking, Refractory degradation

spalling, or erosion) as well as
corrosion due to oxidation,
sulfidation, and other high
temperature mechanisms on
thermal insulating and erosion
resistant refractories is known as:

___________ is cracking of a metal due Reheat cracking

to stress relaxation during PWHT or
in service at elevated temperatures
above 750°F.

___________ is the spontaneous ignition Gaseous Oxygen-Enhanced Ignition and Combustion

or combustion of metallic and non-
metallic components that can result
in fires/explosions in certain
oxygen-enriched gaseous
environments if not properly
designed, operated and

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_______ is571
a form of corrosion that can Galvanic Corrosion
occur at the junction of dissimilar
metals when they are joined
together in a suitable electrolyte,
such as a moist or aqueous
environment, or soils containing

____ is a form of corrosion that Atmospheric Corrosion

occurs from moisture associated
with atmospheric conditions.

______ occurs on piping, pressure Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)

vessels, and structural components
as a result from water being
trapped under insulation or

___________ is general or localized Cooling Water Corrosion

corrosion of carbon steels and
other metals caused by dissolved
salts, gases, organic compounds or
microbiological activity.

________ is general corrosion and Boiler Water Condensate Corrosion

pitting in the boiler system and
condensate return piping.

This corrosion results when CO2 CO2 Corrosion

dissolves in water to form carbonic
acid (H2CO3).

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Sulfur 571
and chlorine species in fuel Flue-Gas Dew-Point Corrosion
will form sulfur dioxide, sulfur
trioxide and hydrogen chloride
within the combustion products. At
low enough temperatures, these
gases and the water vapor in the
flue gas will condense to form
sulfurous acid, sulfuric acid, and
hydrochloric acid which can lead to
severe corrosion. What damage
mechanism is this?

_______ form of corrosion caused by Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC)

living organisms such as bacteria,
algae, or fungi. It is often
associated with the presence of
tubercles or slimy organic

_________ is the deterioration of metals Soil Corrosion

exposed to soils.

_____ is localized corrosion due to Caustic Corrosion

the concentration of caustic or
alkaline salts that usually occurs
under evaporative or high heat
transfer conditions.

_______ is a selective corrosion Dealloying

mechanism in which one or more
constituents of an alloy are
preferentially attacked leaving a
lower density (dealloyed) often
porous structure.

________ is a form of dealloying in Graphitic Corrosion

which the iron matrix is corroded,
leaving corrosion products and
porous graphite.

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_______ is571
corrosion of carbon steel Sulfidation
and other alloys resulting from their
reaction with sulfur compounds in
high temperature environments.

__________ is when carbon is absorbed Carburization

into a material at an elevated
temperature while in contact with a
carbonaceous material or
carburizing environment.

________ is a condition where steel Decarburization

loses strength due to the removal
of carbon and carbides leaving
only an iron matrix.

_________ is a form of carburization Metal Dusting

resulting in accelerated localized
pitting which occurs in carburizing
gases and/or process streams
containing carbon and hydrogen.

___________ is accelerated high Fuel Ash Corrosion

temperature wastage of materials
that occurs when contaminants in
the fuel form deposits and melt on
the metal surfaces of fired heaters,
boilers, and gas turbines.

_________ is hard, brittle surface layer Nitriding

that will develop on some alloys
due to exposure to high
temperature process streams
containing high levels of nitrogen
compounds such as ammonia or
cyanides, particularly reducing

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are surface initiated cracks Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking (CISCC)
caused by environmental cracking
of 300 Series SS and some nickel
base alloys under the combined
action of tensile stress, temperature
and an aqueous chloride

_______ is a form of fatigue cracking in Corrosion Fatigue

which cracks develop under the
combined effects of cyclic loading
and corrosion.

__________ is a form of stress corrosion Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking (Caustic Embrittlement)
cracking characterized by surface
initiated cracks that occur in piping
and equipment exposed to caustic,
primarily adjacent to non-PWHT'd

________ is a loss in ductility of high Hydrogen Embrittlement

strength steels due to the
penetration of atomic hydrogen
that can lead to brittle cracking.

_____ is a form of cracking that results Liquid Metal Embrittlement (LME)

when certain molten metals come
in contact with specific alloys.

__________ is surface-initiated cracks Ethanol Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)

caused by environmental cracking
of carbon steel under the
combined action of tensile stress
and fuel grade ethanol or
FGE/Gasoline blend environment.

_________ is surface initiated cracks Sulfate Stress Corrosion Cracking

caused by environmental cracking
of copper alloys in sulfate solutions
over many years.

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API 571
____________ refers to the general Amine Corrosion
and/or localized corrosion that
occurs principally on carbon steel
in amine treating processes.

_________ corrosion occurs in Ammonium Bisulfide Corrosion

hydroprocessing reactor effluent
streams and in units handling
alkaline sour water.

___________ results in general or Ammonium Chloride Corrosion

localized corrosion, often pitting,
normally occurring under
ammonium chloride or amine salt
deposits, often in the absence of a
free water phase.

___________ causes both general and Hydrochloric Acid Corrosion (HCI)

localized corrosion and is very
aggressive to most common
materials of construction across a
wide range of concentrations.
Damage in refineries is most often
associated with dew point
corrosion in which vapors
containing water and hydrogen
chloride condense from the
overhead stream of a distillation,
fractionation, or stripping tower.

The presence of hydrogen in H2S High Temp H2/H2S Corrosion

containing hydrocarbon streams
increases the severity of high
temperature sulfide corrosion at
temperatures above about 500°F is

_________ corrosion by HF acid can Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) Corrosion

result in high rates of general or
localized corrosion and may be
accompanied by hydrogen
cracking, blistering, and/or

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is a form of high Naphthenic Acid Corrosion (NAC)
temperature corrosion that occurs
primarily in crude and vacuum
units, and downstream units that
process certain fractions or cuts
that contain naphthenic acids.

_________ is corrosion of carbon steel Phenol (Carbolic Acid) Corrosion

that can occur in plants using
phenol as a solvent to remove
aromatic compounds from
lubricating oil feedstocks.

__________ acid is most often used as a Phosphoric Acid

catalyst in polymerization units. It
can cause both pitting corrosion
and localized corrosion of carbon
steels depending on water content.

_____________ corrosion is corrosion of Sour Water Corrosion (Acidic)

steel due to acidic sour water
containing H2S at at pH between
4.7 and 7.0.

__________ acid promotes general and Sulfuric Acid Corrosion

localized corrosion of carbon steel
and other alloys.

Organic compounds present in Aqueous Organic Acid Corrosion

some crude oils decompose in the
crude furnace to form low
molecular weight organic acids
which condense in distillation tower
overhead systems. They may also
result from additives used in
upstream operations or desalting.
These naturally occurring acids
may contribute significantly to
___________ corrosion depending on
the type and quantity of acids, and
the presence of other

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API 571is a form of stress

_____________ Polythionic Acid Stress Corrosion Cracking (PASCC)
corrosion cracking normally
occurring during shutdowns,
startups or during operation when
air and moisture are present.
Cracking is due to sulfur acids
forming from sulfide scale, air and
moisture acting on sensitized
austenitic stainless steels.

_______________ cracking is a common Amine Stress Corrosion Cracking

term applied to the cracking of
steels under the combined action
tensile stress and corrosion in
aqueous alkanolamine systems
used to remove/absorb H2S and/or
CO2 and their mixtures from
various gas and liquid hydrocarbon

_______ is a form of environmental Hydrogen Stress Cracking - HF

cracking that can initiate on the
surface of high strength low alloy
steels and carbon steels with highly
localized zones of high hardness in
the weld metal and HAZ as a result
of exposure to aqueous HF acid

_____________ is the term applied to Carbonate Stress Corrosion Cracking. (ACSCC)

surface breaking cracks that occur
adjacent to carbon steel welds
under the combined action of
tensile stress in systems containing
a free water phase with carbonate,
where some amount of H2S is also
present. It is a form of Alkaline
Stress Corrosion Cracking.

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API 571
____________ results from exposure to High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA)
hydrogen at elevated temperatures
and pressures. The hydrogen reacts
with carbides in steel to form
methane (CH4) which cannot
diffuse through the steel.

__________ is a metallurgical Titanium Hydriding

phenomenon in which hydrogen
diffuses into the titanium and reacts
to form an embrittling hydride

Graphization occurs after long term A. 800°F to 1100°F

operation in what temperature
A. 800°F to 1100°F
B. 850°F to 1050°F
C. 900°F to 1070°F

Graphitization may cause a loss in True

strength, ductility, and/or creep
resistance. True or false?

At elevated temperatures, the Graphitization

carbide phases in these steels are
unstable and may decompose into
graphite nodules. This
decomposition is known as

Graphitization occurs on the D. A and B

following materials:
A. Carbon Steel
B. 0.5M Steels
C. 300 Series SS
D. A and B

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API 571important factors that

The most A. Chemistry, Stress, Temperature, and time of exposure.
affect graphitization are:
A. Chemistry, Stress, Temperature,
and time of exposure.
B. Stress, Temperature, and time of
C. Time of exposure, temperature,
and chemistry
D. Time of exposure and

Temperature has an important 800°F

effect on the rate of graphitization.
Below ______°F, the rate is extremely

The rate of graphitization False - the rate increases.

decreases with increasing
temperature. True or false?

Titanium hydriding can result in a True

complete loss of ductility with no
noticeable sign of corrosion or loss
of thickness. True or false?

What material(s) are affected by A. Titanium alloys

titanium hydriding?
A. Titanium alloys
B. Low alloy steels.
C. Nickel based alloys
D. Austenitic stainless steels

The critical factors for titanium False - temperature, solution chemistry, and alloy
hydriding are temperature and composition
solution chemistry. True or false?

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API 571
Titanium hydriding occurs at C. 165°F
specific environments at
temperatures above ____°F and at a
pH below 3, above 8, or neutral pH
with high H2S content.
A. 150°F
B. 145°F
C. 165°F
D. 155°F

Galvanic contact between titanium True

and more active materials such as
carbon steel and 300 Series SS
promotes damage. However,
hydriding can occur in the absence
of a galvanic coupling. True or

Liquid metal embrittlement True

cracking can be very sudden and
brittle in nature. True or false?

Materials affected by liquid metal Nicke base alloys, copper alloys, aluminium alloys, and
embrittlement include carbon titanium alloys
steel, low alloy steels, high strength
steels, 300 series SS, and what
other alloys?

Liquid metal embrittlement is also A. Liquid Metal Cracking (LMC)

referred to as:
A. Liquid metal cracking (LMC)
B. Liquid metal corrosion (LMC)
C. Molten metal cracking (MMC)

Liquid Metal Embrittlement Related 1157°F

Mechanisms - Nickel alloys are
susceptible to a similar mechanism
caused by the nickel-nickel sulfide
eutectic that forms at _______°F?

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Liquid 571
Metal Embrittlement - Radiography
Because of the high density of
mercury, what NDE method has
been used to locate deposits inside
heat exchanger tubes?

Once cracking from liquid metal False - not acceptable

embrittlement has initiated,
grinding out the affected area is an
acceptable fix. True or false?

Liquid metal embrittlement can True

only be prevented by protecting
metal substrates from coming into
contact with the low metlting
metal. For example, galvanized
steel components should not be
welded to 300 Series SS. True or

Liquid Metal Embrittlement - Spectrographic Analysis

Techniques such as ___________ may be
required to confirm the presence
of the molten metal species.

Liquid Metal Embrittlement - brittle

Damage resulting from LME will
appear as _________ cracks in an
otherwise ductile material.

Liquid Metal Embrittlement - LME Metallorgraphy

can only be confirmed through
___________ by the presence of
intergranular cracks, usually filled
with the low melting metal.

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API 571 - Grapitization is not

Graphitization Silicon and aluminum
commonly observed. Some steels
are more susceptible than others
but what exactly causes the steels
graphitize is while others are
resistant is not well understood. It
was originally thought that _______
and _________ content played a major
role but it has been shown that they
have negligible influence on

The addition of about ____% C 0.7%

chromium has been found to
eliminate graphitization.
A. 1%
B. 9%
C. 0.7%
D 1.2%

Graphitization has been found in True

low alloy C-Mo steels with up to 1%
Mo. True or false?

Random graphitization where graphite nodules are

There are two general types of distributed randomly throughout the steel. Chains/local
graphitization, what are they? planes of concentrated graphite nodules which are more
damaging than the random.

Graphitization - The two forms of Weld-heat affected zone graphitization and non-weld
concentrated graphite nodules graphitization.

Weld heat-affected zone Eyebrow

graphitization is most frequently
found in the heat-affected zone in
a narrow band, corresponding to
the low temperature edge of the
heat-affected zone. Because of it's
appearance, this graphite formation
within the heat-affected zones is
called ______ graphitization.

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API 571 graphitization occurs

Non-welding chain-like
in a ___________ manner in regions that
have experienced significant
plastic deformation as a result of
cold working operations or

Severe heat-affected zone 1000°F

graphitization can develop in as
little as five years at service
temperatures above ____________.

Very slight graphitization would be 850°F

expected to be found after 30 to
40 years at ______°F.

What is the temperature range for 850°F to 1400°F


Spheriodization may cause a loss in True

strength and/or creep resistance.
True or false?

What two types of materials are CS and low alloy steels

typically affected by

Spheriodization - The carbide plate-like

phases may agglomerate from their
normal _______ like form to a
spheriodal form, or from small,
finely dispersed carbides in low
alloy steels to large agglomerated

The critical factors of A. Metal chemistry, microstructure, exposure time, and

spheriodization are: temperature.
A. Metal chemistry, microstructure,
exposure time, and temperature.
B. Microstructure, temperature, and
exposure time.

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API 571
The rate of spheriodization True
depends on the temperature and
initial microstructure. True or false?

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