PM Sect B Test 6
PM Sect B Test 6
PM Sect B Test 6
The machine time needed to make one unit of the products is:
P1 P2
M1 0·44 hours 0·40 hours
M2 0·60 hours 0·65 hours
Question 1
Using appropriate calculation identify the bottleneck machine hours.
A. Machine M1
B. Machine M2
C. Machine M1 and M2
D. No bottleneck at all
Question 2
Calculate the cost per factory hour.
A. $22.00
B. $16.15
C. $5.85
D. $24.38
Question 3
Calculate the throughput accounting ratio for product P2.
A. 1.96
B. 1.90
C. 1.82
D. 1.09
Question 4
The company wish to maximise profit for the period by optimising the capacity of bottleneck machine. State
whether the following statements are correct or wrong in terms of bottleneck resource utilisation?
1. Bottleneck machine capacity must be fully utilised by the optimum production plan.
2. Bottleneck machine capacity should be allocated to product in the order of highest to lowest
throughput contribution per bottleneck machine hour.
3. The company should only produce product P1 to maximise profit.
4. The company should only produce product P2 to maximise profit.
5. The company should produce P1 and P2 to maximise profit.
Question 5
Which of the following statements are true about TPAR of product P1 and P2?
(1) Increase the time spent by the bottleneck activity on each service.
(2) Identify ways to reduce the material costs for the services.
(3) Increase the level of inventory to prevent stock-outs.
(4) Increase the productivity of the stage prior to the bottleneck
(5) Identify and remove non-value adding activities in the factory.
(6) Increase to the selling price of the products.
Fixed overheads are absorbed based on budgeted production and sales volume.
Question 6
By way of appropriate calculation, determine the bottleneck resource?
Machine hours Labour hours Quality control hours
Bottleneck resource Ο Ο Ο
Question 7
Based on throughput accounting principles, calculate the cost per factory hour to one decimal place?
You should assume that the labour cost and variable overheads are now fixed for the
short/immediate term, based on the value ($) which is applicable for the budgeted production of the
products. (to one decimal place)
Question 8
Based on throughput accounting principles, state whether the product are profit or loss making in
the short-term? You should assume that the labour cost and variable overheads are now fixed for
the short/immediate term, based on the value ($) which is applicable for the budgeted production of
the products.
Product Profit making Loss making
Question 9
Calculate the maximum profit that can be earned if bottleneck resource is allocated based on
throughput accounting ratio?
A. $268,635
B. $492,663
C. $211,600
D. $502,800
Question 10
Which TWO of the following actions can improve throughput accounting ratio of loss making
A. Reduce labour hours per unit for each product
B. Reduce machine hours per unit for the loss making product
C. Increase the selling price of loss making product.
D. Increase total quality control hours
Production costs
Material costs:
Direct material cost per unit was estimated to be $84.
Direct labour:
The new product will be produced in batches of 1,000 units. The first batch expected to take 20,000 hours.
However, learning curve effect of 80% is expected up to first 100 batches. Direct labour cost per hour is $12.
Learning index for learning rate 80% is -0.322.
Production overheads:
The accountant intend to use linear regression analysis to estimate production overhead cost for the new
product using the data from the above table. He has provided you with the following calculation using eight
pairs data:
𝛴 (total production overheads*production batches) 490,000
𝛴 production batches² 296,960
𝛴 production batches 1,504
𝛴 production overheads 2,490
Selling price
Selling price of the new product is expected to have linear relationship with demand. At a price of $500
demand is expected to 200,000 units. For every $50 increase in selling price, demand is expected to decrease
by 10,000 units. 20,000 units
Question 11
Calculate the budgeted annual sales volume for 2024, based on the details provided above?
A. 269,000 units
B. 296,000 units
C. 254,000 units
D. 286,000 units
Question 12
Using a linear regression analysis, establish a production overhead cost equation (y = a + bx) for the new
A. y = 21730 + 1540x
B. y = 35260 + 1540x
C. y = 52345 + 4068x
D. y = 23468 + 6701x
Question 13
Calculate the direct labour cost per batch of 100th batch?
A. $30,995
B. $36,995
C. $42,998
D. $46,335
Question 14
Calculate the variable production cost per unit of 100th batch?
A. $102.54
B. $158.95
C. $122.54
D. $134.68
Question 15
Calculate the profit maximising selling price per unit based on variable production cost per unit of 100th batch?
A. $301.37
B. $354.85
C. $391.69
D. $361.27