Unknown Armies 3e Campaign Starter Kit The Young Practicals

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Unknown Armies Campaign Starter Kits help you get started these aspirants to the inner circle of the magickal community
running your Unknown Armies campaign quickly. confront their pasts and fight for their futures, seeking to
Each kit features the following: avoid a fate much worse than death.
The characters are:
• Five characters, broken and damaged and ready to go.
• One group objective for the cabal to pursue. • Rachel Applebaum: A day trader obsessed with the
• A first session scenario to get things moving quickly. magickal power of romantic comedies.
• GM hooks, additional objective ideas, GMCs, and • Aden “Greenie” Applebaum: A drug-addicted abuse
suggestions for the antagonist phase. survivor who can be whoever people want to see.
• Matt “RightReason” Salvatore: A compulsive gambler
With this campaign starter kit, you have all that you need and open-carry advocate.
to fuel your imagination and get things moving. The kit takes • Jaylen Harris: ‘Roided-up trust fund kid who is now
the place of the initial planning and collaborative character flat broke.
and setting creation system provided in Unknown Armies. • Emilia “Petite Sparxxx” Campos: Veterinary technician
Players select a character, choose one or two additional rela- by day, cam girl by night.
tionships with the other player characters, and make these
obsessed individuals their own. Like most Unknown Armies scenarios and stories, this kit
includes and deals with mature themes, characters, and situ-
In The Young Practicals, the PCs are a cabal of upstarts ations. Talk with your players if you are concerned about the
in the occult underground, each of whom is guilty of some content, and be prepared to explore the world of the occult
horrible deed that could ruin them. During the campaign, underground through new eyes and alternate points of view.
Objective: Prevent Frank Hovat from turning the Young Practicals into something truly evil.
Marilyn Monroe got famous because she was sexy. Steve interviewer, Hovat and his cronies would attack and even
Jobs got rich because he was meticulous. We don’t say it’s kill rivals until there was no one left to hire.
unfair for Monroe or Jobs to get ahead based on what they All together, the Young Practicals count forty-eight
can do better than others. Then why should we feel like people as active members. Hovat has ten members behind
using magick to get ahead in life is unfair? No, it’s only prac- him and a good dozen on the fence. No one is particularly
tical. That’s why the Young Practicals exist. It’s a younger loyal to Leifer because that’s not practical at the moment.
movement devoted to using magick to get jobs, money, sex, The YPs are on the edge of the abyss, with Hovat and his
you name it. Adepts and avatars have the right (and maybe team pushing hard to see just how deep it is.
the obligation) to use their spells and channels to become The characters have all come together in disgust and
more successful. concern over Hovat’s changes, forming a cabal within the
All the characters provided in this kit joined the Young cabal to stop Hovat before things get out of hand. Given his
Practicals with some affinity for that ethos. Rachel, Aden, violent tendencies, things have to be done discreetly — at
Matt, Jaylen, and Emilia have needs that magick can help least for now…
meet. Like all the Young Practicals, their obsessions are sati-
ated more easily by using magick. It still needs to be done
with care though. No waking the sleeping tiger, and the
focus is on helping yourself rather than hurting others. For
example, if you have an important job interview, you could THE HORRIBLE DEEDS
magickally charm the interviewer. Each character performed a particularly heinous deed
That has begun to change. The founder of the Young during their time in the Young Practicals that gives
Practicals, Fay Leifer, has fallen seriously ill. Instead of them an extra failed notch. This deed is known only
Leifer’s second-in-command Ryanne Boyle taking charge, to that character and (probably) the main antagonist
ambitiously callous Frank Hovat has become the de facto Frank Hovat. It’s what helped the PCs realize they
leader. Hovat has a decidedly stronger take on the group’s needed to work against Hovat.
practical ethos: there are no limits. Instead of charming the

Here are the major movers and shakers within the Young Practicals, GMCs who stand a good chance of being involved
throughout the campaign in one way or another:
FAY LEIFER gospel of practical magick use. Leifer founded the Young
Wants to build the Young Practicals into a respected and Practicals and was its unchallenged leader until rheumatoid
admired cabal. arthritis and Parkinson’s took its toll. Her personality is cold
Wound Threshold: 50. and rational enough to make a Vulcan envious.
Fear: (Helplessness) She’s afraid of dying before her cabal is RYANNE BOYLE
stable enough to survive without her. Wants to help innocents who suffer from conflict.
Noble: It’s her responsibility to help people improve their Wound Threshold: 50.
lives through her leadership.
Fear: (Self) Fears that she’s too emotionally invested in
Rage: She can’t stand to see people freeze up when others to be practical when needed.
presented with a big opportunity.
Noble: Has to do something to help people without power
Avatar of the MVP 40%*: (* obsession identity). or homes.
Practical Corporate Raider 50%: Evaluates Self, Coerces Rage: Furious when she sees violence used for pleasure. This archetype
Helplessness, Substitutes for Secrecy.
Cameraturgy 35%*: (* obsession identity). is mentioned in
Young Practicals Founder 70%: Resists Challenges to Self, Book Three:
War Correspondent 80%: Resists Challenges to Violence,
Substitutes for Status, Therapeutic. Reveal but
Substitutes for Dodge, Substitutes for Notice.
Fay is an avatar of the MVP. At first, she parlayed that into Mother to All 40%: Coerces Isolation, Medical, Substitutes described in
financial success through hostile corporate takeovers (her for Lie. full in Book
business nickname is “Queen Hacksaw”). She retired in her Growing up, Boyle was fascinated by books with photos Five: Mine.
fifties with a golden parachute and a desire to spread her of war and destruction. It’s no wonder she became a There’s a
summary on
FAY LEIFER page 12.
Notches Violence Unnatural Helplessness Isolation Self
Hardened 2 5 2 4 3
Failed 1 3 0 0 2

Notches Violence Unnatural Helplessness Isolation Self
Hardened 6 3 4 3 1
Failed 3 0 0 2 1

Notches Violence Unnatural Helplessness Isolation Self
Hardened 6 4 2 7 8
Failed 1 1 3 2 0
legendary war photojournalist with time spent in Panama, Rage: Flies off the handle when people actively resist what
Bosnia, and Iraq. She stumbled into Cameraturgy all on her he thinks is best for them.
on page 146
own. Like her best friend Leifer, Boyle is very practical and Childhood Illness Survivor 60%: Coerces Violence, Resists of Book One:
strongly believes in the cabal. In fact, Boyle is the unoffi- Challenges to Helplessness, Substitutes for Fitness. Play.
cial heir to Leifer’s throne. But she has an impractical soft Katharomancy 40*: (* obsession identity).
spot for children, animals, and the dispossessed. She cannot Self-Made Savior 60%: Coerces Isolation, Substitutes for
stand Hovat but (accurately) fears he and his cronies would Connect, Substitutes for Status.
kill her if she blocked his path. Hovat grew up in the poor part of town. He was always
This new
FRANK HOVAT sick and has enough allergies that his doctor once recom-
Wants to stay pure by living a life free from contagion and mended he live in a bubble. Over the years, he grew into
Katharomancy as a way to stay alive. These days, Hovat tradition is
restraint. described in
Wound Threshold: 50. is quite healthy and physically fit. But years of ridicule,
bullying, and pain (from illnesses and peers) have given him full in Book
Fear: (Helplessness) Has nightmares of being sickly and Five: Mine.
a practical view on life: take whatever you can get away
powerless again. There’s a
with. He sees the Young Practicals as weak and misguided,
Noble: Wishes the powerless in society can become strong summary on
a group that could blossom and help the disenfranchised
enough to take what they need. page 13.
get what they deserve.

Here are the locations common to all of the cabal members,
and likely to serve as the stage upon which the campaign
is set:
This three-story Victorian mansion is the official stronghold
for the Young Practicals. Over the years, it’s been a private
home, a speakeasy, a temperance house, a girls’ Christian
boarding house, and now a private residence again. Boyle
owns it now and lives on the top floor. The other floors
are used for meeting spaces, casual get-togethers, and
cabal resource storage. The house was infamous for being
haunted long before Boyle turned it into the cabal’s home.
Most YPs simply call it “the House.”
A coffee shop run by recent Chinese immigrants. The coffee
and tea absolutely suck, but their Wi-Fi is free and bountiful.
Slip the owners an extra $20 and they’ll let you access their
private high-speed connection and VPN. They have no idea
about the occult underground, and they probably wouldn’t
care anyway. Rachel, Matt, and a few other YPs are regulars.
Cranky Illegal Immigrant 60%
Co-owner of the coffee shop. He’s a cranky, old Chinese
man who speaks English badly. He spends most of his
time smoking outside. He overstayed his visa and tries to
stay ignored.
Cranky Business Owner 65%
Co-owner and wife to Harry Ha. She’s cranky too, but
she speaks English, Spanish, and Cantonese fluently. She
just doesn’t let most customers know that. She naturalized
several months ago, but that whole “get married for citizen-
ship” thing can take years.
This neighborhood is one developers look at for gentrifica-
tion and say, “Nah, needs a couple more years.” The houses
are old and beautiful, and the neighbors keep things clean.
But two rival street gangs (Insane Tres and Four Corner
Lords) both claim this area as their own. Aden/Greenie sells
drugs and information in this alley because hey, dealing
where two gangs fight (and not being part of either) is a
winning idea.
Proudly Corrupt Cop 65%
Lott is a new officer. He’s a former gang member turned
good. At least, that’s the cover story. He’s actually as corrupt
as you can get without being a politician. When anyone
questions his integrity, he blames them for stereotyping him
because of his past. So far, this has kept him out of trouble
while he enjoys being a jackass.

MATTISON’S SHOOTERS heard so far. No, he hasn’t gotten to the point about magick
SUPPLY & INDOOR RANGE and eating people.
One of the few ranges in the city, Mattison’s is home to HOWIE TAFT
a motley collection of libertarians, survivalists, and gym Serial Tech Startup Founder 70%
moms. It sells pistols, rifles, ammo, and hunting supplies,
and the range has room for five shooters. The outside has Yes, he’s distantly related to the president who got stuck
no sign, and the inside is utilitarian except for the occasional in a bathtub because he was too fat. And yes, he’s quite
“terrorist wanted poster.” Being accepted by the regulars large. He’s somewhere between Vincent D’Onofrio’s Kingpin
opens up a grey market for guns and soft drugs, but doing and an ancient fertility idol. But Taft is also self-deprecating,
so takes time. They’re a bit anti-government but not stupid. witty, rich but generous, scarily smart, and honestly fun to
be around. Too bad he’s a cannibal who believes anyone not
CHRISTY MATTISON Christian is a devil worshiper.
Foolish Romantic with a Gun 45%
Sole owner and manager of the range. She’s an avatar of This gentleman’s club is a diamond in the rough. It sits off a
the Fool and has no idea. If she weren’t, she’d probably be busy road in a run-down, industrial part of town where the
dead by now from an accidental gunshot wound — just like streetlights rarely work. But inside, it’s clean and actually
her late husbands Keith, Ronnie, and Ronnie Jr. Christy falls tasteful (as far as strip clubs go). A few chargers and crimi-
in love fast and hard, and she’s currently crushing on Matt. nals do business here, so there’s an unofficial vibe of truce.
PRI/SEC The dancers tend to be young and skinny, but they don’t
Pri/Sec is the gay bar straight folks get taken to so they stop engage in prostitution. Several are soccer moms here to feel
thinking such bars are full of leather and public sex. The naughty and hot more than earn extra cash. The DJ is abso-
bar itself is award-winning, with craft beer and reasonably lutely horrible and cheesy. Emilia has many close friends
priced, trendy plates like Norwegian tacos and candied here, while Jaylen and Aden/Greenie have been here enough
hummus. On weekends, the dance floor is hot and packed, to know the place.
and the bar attracts many polyamorous people and swingers. SAIF “SOOEY BOY” IBN SAUD
A group of Ordo Corpulentis members drop by every first Newly Minted American 50%
Friday of the month seeking dinner, but never order from
the menu. Jaylen is a regular and Emilia has been there a Despite being a disowned son of a Saudi prince, Saif still
few times. has a ton of money. He bought out Pink Rhino Lounge to
show everyone he has given up his Wahhabi upbringing.
NIC FOSTER He goes by Sooey Boy whenever possible, and he tends to
Ambitious Bar Promoter 60% dress like an Arab idea of what an American looks like. Saif
The bar’s promoter and marketing expert, Foster has is also one of those rare people who knows about the occult
brains, beauty, and a penchant for classism that has made underground but doesn’t use magick himself. In fact, he
him a recruitment target for Ordo Corpulentis. So far, Foster cares nothing about what you do as long as you are nice to
has only talked over drinks with them, but he likes what he’s the dancers and treat him well.


First, each player introduces their character and explains private reasons why the individual PCs hate Hovat and what
why they’re comfortable with opposing Hovat and his the Young Practicals are turning into.
murderous take on practicality. However, do not share Once players choose their relationships with the other
the horrible deeds! These should come to light organically PCs, they’ll go on their first mission to stop Hovat’s growing
through tough decisions in play. For now, they serve as power — and maybe save their own lives.

Boyle has been quietly keeping an eye on Hovat. Yesterday, and either buy the Photoshoot Rounds or destroy them
she found out Caravan Taboo is coming to town. This before Hovat can get his manicured little hands on them.
is a traveling market where chargers and checkers can (Alternatively, the players could be the ones to hear these
purchase goods and services that only someone in the rumors and approach Boyle voluntarily or skip her and play
occult underground could use. Worse, she caught a rumor hero on their own.)
saying Caravan Taboo is selling a powerful relic called the First, the PCs will have to discover where Caravan Taboo
Photoshoot Rounds. With a significant charge, you could will end up in town, which is normally not known until they
shoot one of these bullets at a photo and hit that person open their doors. Then they’ll have to convince whoever
anywhere in the world. Shoot the photo in the head, and owns the artifact to part with it, and the cost might be high.
you’ve headshot the poor sucker in real life. Lastly, they also have to keep Hovat and his followers in the
You know who would love that? Frank Hovat. You know dark while they do the same thing the PCs are trying to do.
who shouldn’t have that? Frank Hovat. Have fun with that.
Boyle moves quickly, contacting the PCs and requesting
a meeting. She pleads with the PCs to find Caravan Taboo
FINDING CARAVAN TABOO and stretch some magickal muscles. Anyone who knows
Few people are able to predict where it will show up. That
means the PCs will have to devise a clever (and possibly where Caravan Taboo will appear (or knows someone who
foolish) plan to find it. knows) is not going to give up that info easily. Everything
costs something in the occult underground.
• Use a channel or spell that gains information not
Fun tip: make the cost related to a PC’s identity. A finan-
otherwise available.
cial cost should be high enough to damage Jaylen’s credit
• Summon a demon and ask it.
score. It could take a day’s worth of work, causing Rachel
• Locate the Hyena, a powerful infomancer known for
to miss Netflix. Matt might have to work for a gun control
finding unknown stuff.
organization for a bit. Don’t trigger a taboo, just make
• Visit Shonin Web Marketing, a stronghold for two
players realize their character’s obsession is more than a
avatars of the Merchant who rumor says have bought
personality quirk.
from Caravan Taboo before.
Eventually, the PCs learn Caravan Taboo will arrive in a
Instead of finding where Caravan Taboo will show up, they dense commercial neighborhood, squeezing into the back
could also tail Hovat. That’s cutting it a bit close, though. of a local big-box retailer. Unless the PCs do something
GMs should stretch out this search so it’s complicated ridiculously stupid, they always have just enough time to get
and takes some time but without getting annoying. This is a there as it opens — fifteen minutes before Hovat and his
perfect way for players to give their characters a test drive thugs arrive.


If GMs need to slow things down a bit, the PCs could fake Magic Bullets and “anti-incorporeal” knives. The
need an invitation to get in. They’re met by Murmur and only bit of real magick is the three Photoshoot Rounds.
two heavies at the entrance (yes, in the break room of the Odin knows they’re real, so he’ll drive the price up as far
superstore) and turned away. If this option is chosen, Hovat as possible.
shows up fifteen minutes after the PCs get inside. When Hovat shows up, he sends his three buddies to
Caravan Taboo is run by Sara Hughes and Murmur, the search for the Photoshoot Rounds. Hovat goes to Murmur
demon possessing her most of the time. The whole market and tries a more direct (but only subtly threatening) approach.
is filled with fake artifacts, false rituals, and just enough Let the players decide how deal with this complication.
real versions to keep the occult underground coming back
for more. It has its own human-looking guards called the
Why are the rounds so expensive? Take the bullet that killed
Bouncers that nonviolently but powerfully end any physical
Kennedy. Add in the bullets that killed Gandhi and Lincoln.
fighting or obscene arguments.
Then add bullets used by snipers Simo Häyhä, Lyudmila
Weird shit happens on the hour like clockwork. Mass
Pavlichenko, and Billy Dixon. Melt it all down, sprinkle in
dizziness, disembodied voices, and technology fails are
some metallic silver and use it to cast three 9mm bonded See “Minor
the most common, but toss in any minor phenomena that’s
bullets. Wrap the bullets in a study published by physicist Phenomena”
fun. Any threats or fights will be dealt with severely by the
John Stewart Bell along with an 8x10 headshot of the on page 82 of
intended victim. Keep this in a box with a cat overnight. Book One:
The Photoshoot Rounds are being sold by a weapons
That’s why these are so valuable. They’re hard to come by. Play.
dealer named Odin, God of Evil. He’s eager to sell some-
thing to stay on Murmur’s good side, so he clumsily tries to

It’s up to the PCs to decide how to stay below Hovat’s HOVAT’S SCHEDULE
radar. GMs should feel free to toss in a few near misses. For Here’s what Hovat will do if the PCs never bother him. No
example, if the characters head to the Hyena’s Burrow, they times are listed so GMs can pace the session as they see fit.
can spot Hovat casually walking down the street towards
• Get his followers to pressure local checkers hard for
their location
where the Hyena lives.
HOVAT’S REACTION TO THE CABAL • Start by respectfully offering to buy the Caravan
How will Hovat react if he discovers the PCs are after the Taboo’s location from her. When that fails, he beats
Photoshoot Rounds? Like he always does — poorly. He’s not the information out and leaves the Hyena crippled.
ready to tip his hand yet, so he won’t openly confront the PCs. • Fill a briefcase with cash and two minor artifacts to
Instead, he’ll hire some local gang members to beat the PCs trade.
into a long hospital stay. (At this point, Hovat wants them • Head to Caravan Taboo with three brutish followers,
alive. Like all good arrogant sociopaths, he’s convinced all arriving fifteen minutes after it opens.
Young Practicals will come around to his vision eventually.) • Fail to convince Murmur to give him a deal on the
If the PCs managed to get the Photoshoot Rounds Photoshoot Rounds and join his followers searching
without Hovat knowing, he’ll rage in the Caravan Taboo the market.
until beaten senseless by the Bouncers. Then he’ll know • Spend roughly thirty minutes quizzing vendors until he
someone is actively working against him. His paranoia will finds Odin’s table.
blossom nicely. • Use threats and cash to purchase the Photoshoot
• Go home and shoot a picture of Boyle in the head.
Drink expensive whiskey and clean the house in


Outside of the checkers in the Young Practicals, here are the primary characters the PCs are likely to run into during the
opening session and potentially the rest of the campaign:
CHARGERS or she will not trade. Although her personal hygiene is damn
Movers and shakers. awful, she’s very formal, polite, and always wears expensive
dresses. Too bad they all have stains from... something.
Demon-Possessed and Happy About It 65% CHECKERS
Players in the game.
Sara started channeling the Opportunist in college. Since
then, she became enmeshed in the occult underground CONNOR TRACY
as a fence, scrounger, and dealer in magick. Deals were Jingoistic Loyalist 55%
her opportunities, and she moved from project to project
Hovat’s unofficial second-in-command didn’t just drink
climbing the Invisible Clergy ladder.
the Flavor Aid. He has it running through his veins. As
She hit a roadblock three years ago when a failed ritual
an avatar of the Solid Citizen, he has picked Hovat and
allowed a demon to possess her. Murmur is obsessed
his followers as his chosen group. He explains away any
with taking advantage of humans. Instead of fighting the
violence as necessary for the “greater good” — which is
possession, Sara saw an opportunity — so she took it. For
whatever Hovat wants. Tracy has become one of those
three years now, Murmur has controlled Sara for days at a
political junkies whose party can do no wrong. If pushed in a
time. Since Murmur is skilled at getting deals done, Sara has
metaphorical corner by obvious evidence, he will lash out in
guided it to fulfill her Opportunist goals. Of course, Sara
a non-metaphorical way.
is confident that she can get rid of Murmur whenever she
wants. Murmur thinks the same. ODIN, GOD OF EVIL
Passive-Aggressive Servant of Hell 50%
Insatiable Infovore 70% Willie Sykes was a junior avatar of the Warrior years ago.
Then he ran into Murmur and made a proverbial deal with a
Her real name is Maria Saputo, and her real nickname is
demon. Murmur can’t enforce it — that’s not what demons
Jaina, but so many people mispronounce it as “Hyena” that
can do — but it tricked Sykes into believing his soul will go
she’s gotten used to it. (Although anyone who calls her Jaina
to hell if he doesn’t work for Murmur forever. Sykes fights
will earn her favor.) She’s a powerful infomancer who came
back with passive aggression. He named himself “Odin, God
up with her own ritual to build ethernet ports in her skin.
of Evil” knowing full well that it sounds stupid. His stall in
She is literally plugged into the internet 24/7 in a very gross
Caravan Taboo is full of weapons and middle school goth-
but effective way.
level “Satanic” stuff. His weapons are often fake or exagger-
The Hyena trades datum for datum. She knows almost as
ated for the price. (His “anti-incorporeal knives” do nothing
much as a demon; Big Data is way deeper than a lot of people
against unnatural creatures.)
realize. But she needs something that isn’t available online

Newbs and nobodies. Human-ish Security Guards 75%
MIKE AND MINDY HAWKINS Caravan Taboo’s eight security goons are not human.
Materialistic Social Media Marketers 60% They all look like a cross between a mall cop and a TV
newsman from the ‘70s, but they never speak. They under-
These two are a time bomb waiting to go off, and stand simple words only, and they obey Murmur more than
everyone seems to know that besides them. They are Hughes. Normally, they wander the floor in a Brownian-
newlyweds who both follow the Merchant. They founded motion style. If anyone starts a fight or vulgar argument
the social media marketing company Shonin Web Marketing inside Caravan Taboo, they will run, grab everyone, and
as co-presidents (and the only employees). At some point, gently place them outside.
one will need to undercut the other. Then boy, will there be
fireworks. But for now, they’re obviously in love and work HOVAT’S FOLLOWERS
well together. Selfish but Capable Pricks 55%
Did they ever buy from Caravan Taboo? That’s up to the Toadies, thugs, or cultists — whatever label fits, these
GM. If the players need help finding Caravan Taboo, this folks are new to the occult underground and mostly in
cute couple has bought before and knows where to go. If agreement with Hovat’s take on being practical. Sometimes,
things are moving too quickly, Mike and Mindy have no clue. they think Hovat is a bit obsessed even by occult standards,
but they’re on board with “practical” meaning “I hurt who I
want when I want.”

Here are additional locations key to the ongoing campaign:
This magickal flea market set up shop in the Fitzgerald The Hyena lives in two condos (one atop the other) in a
Ballroom and has never left. It’s the ballroom that moves. decent, near-suburban part of town. She destroyed most
It’s either an otherspace bubble or a room of the House of the floor between them and keeps the upper condo
of Renunciation. Every thirty-three days, it appears in a shadowy and unlit. In the darkness above, she has a variety
random building in some city and stays open for nine hours. of drones under her control. Some are spiders that carry and
It doesn’t take over any space. Instead, whatever building it store things. Others are small military drones capable of
falls into suddenly always had the Fitzgerald Ballroom in its shooting you dead. One even maintains the Hyena’s hygiene,
architectural plans no matter how ludicrous that looks. albeit poorly.
The ballroom features fifty-two vendors. Each is run by The front door is metal and reinforced. All windows are
a single person and sells one themed thing: one table sells barred and covered with heavy drapes. It smells like rotting
candles, the booth next door books, and so on. That one garbage and hydrocarbon-rich air fresheners.
person selling wares is either overly tired, strangely happy,
or obviously touched. The Bouncers are Caravan Taboo’s
This is the bottom floor of a three-story building on the
occult security force. No one is sure if Hughes/Murmur
edge of town. The rent is cheap, and once you get inside,
controls the space or vice versa.
you see why. The ceiling is water-stained, and the floor is
bare concrete. Mike and Mindy Hawkins have two metal
desks facing each other, a mobile whiteboard, and a sickly
potted plant.

The rest of the campaign is a cold war struggle between the If the players keep adding to their objective, more people
PCs and Hovat. Hovat continues his plans, growing bolder join their side. But Hovat can keep adding to his objective
and more frustrated as the PCs get in the way. Eventually, too, which brings more to his flag. In game terms, each side
Hovat snaps and the Young Practicals have a civil war. adds five Young Practicals each time they reach a milestone
and add percentiles to their objective.

THE WITCH HUNT • If he thinks the PCs are working against him, he starts
Possible Milestones: Recruit Grace Sook, Find and defeat breaking into their homes, stealing some DNA and
Taylor Jacobson, Ally with the Hyena. personal effects, then planting both at the crime
Hovat is pissed. He knows someone is working against scene. Then he calls the police. (Det. Mohammed from
him (even if he doesn’t really know the PCs are the ones “Noise Complaints” can be introduced here.)
tossing wrenches in his gears), and he’s not the forgiving • If he thinks Boyle is organizing things, he does the
sort. He may be an unhinged, violent bastard, but he’s a same for several local members of TNI. Then he calls
clever, unhinged, violent bastard. That’s why his first activity a general meeting at the House to “prove” TNI is at
is to purge his side of any traitors. war with the Young Practicals, and it’s time to take the
When he can’t find any, he picks two of his followers fight to them. (Nothing solidifies your power grab like
at random and drums them out: Grace Sook and Taylor claiming a crisis.)
Jacobson. Sook is upset but practical, so she can be • If he has no clue who’s working against him, he’ll
convinced to aid the PCs or even join them. Jacobson is make a deal with Roger Burns, head of TNI in the
royally pissed and starts a one-man war against all YPs that city: if they take out Boyle and Leifer, he’ll ally the
lacks any subtlety or precision. He first attacks the House Young Practicals with TNI. Burns agrees, planning to
conventionally but quickly, then he targets the Pink Rhino eventually force Hovat to either join TNI or die. Hovat
and one random PC’s favorite location. plans on killing Burns when the YPs are fully under
In the middle of all this, the Hyena reaches out to the PCs his control.
discretely. Even if Hovat never beat her in the first session,
The problem in this session is how the PCs can discover
she’s worried Hovat’s getting sloppy and is bringing either
Hovat’s plan. They might already be keeping an eye on him,
the police, FBI, or someone like the Sleepers into town. She
in which case their surveillance can bear fruit. If not, GMs can
wants to recruit the PCs to stop Hovat, but she frames it as
clue the PCs in through Sooey Boy (he overheard some of
being willing to help them for a price.
Hovat’s people talking shit at the Pink Rhino) or Howie Taft
GRACE SOOK (who is seeking allies in town as Ordo Corpulentis expands).
Avatar of the Messenger 45%, Overly Blunt Urchin 55% This is a great time to start really messing with the PCs’
obsessions. Hovat’s number two, Connor Tracy, declares
Raised in a former fundamentalist Christian home, Sook
his love for Emilia. If she dates him, he could be an inside
struggled to come to grips with being an avatar of the
source of information — but Campos would have to let
Messenger. Her obsession with truth got her disowned
someone get close. (This could trigger jealousy with Rachel
and kicked to the streets by age fifteen. Now she’s seven-
who wants a relationship badly.) Jaylen could have a fraudu-
teen and ready to take advantage of her channels before
lent creditor claim non-payment, damaging his credit score.
someone takes advantage of her again.
Aden might be approached by a Hovat toadie looking to
TAYLOR JACOBSON score some drugs and weapons. Anything that forces the
Abusive Pet Owner 65%, Agrimancer 40% player to choose between their character’s obsession and
the good of the cabal is interesting.
Taylor never knew his father, and the uncle who raised
Whatever the PCs obsessions are, now’s the time to hit
him on the farm was a milquetoast more comfortable with
them hard. See just how much the PCs are willing to sacri-
animals than people. Hovat’s firm authority found a very
fice to stop Hovat.
receptive ear with him. Taylor is one of those agrimancers
who love the animal sacrifice portion a bit too much. ROGER BURNS
Fulminaturge 55%, Scarily Competent Middle Manager 75%
Possible Milestones: Find out what Hovat is planning, Burns is rather blasé about his membership in the New
Protect Boyle and/or Leifer, Deal with Connor Tracy, Inquisition. Sure, he bought what Abel was selling, and he
Handle a weapon-buying Hovat follower. thinks magick is bad. But Burns doesn’t have much ambi-
Now that Hovat has cleaned house, he’s ready to make tion. He’s C Clearance, and he’s finding meetings a tedious
a move. He and his followers plan on killing both Fay Leifer waste of time. The only thing that has kept him out of a TNI
and Ryanne Boyle. Who he plans on framing for these “summer camp” is being genuinely talented and effective at
murders depends on what happened in the first session. running operations. He’s the kind of fulminaturge who can
shoot your ass dead.

NOISE COMPLAINTS talent, and cash bribes. She was recruited by GNOMON
Possible Milestones: Convince Det. Mohammed to leave after reaching detective, and then by the Blue Line soon after.
them alone, Avoid fighting (and losing to) Chen, Appease Today, Det. Mohammed is bucking for lieutenant. She’s ready
the Sleepers, Protect relationships. to do almost anything to reach that rank — almost.
Whether or not Leifer and Boyle survive, there’s going to
be a lot of magick thrown about willy-nilly. That’s starting
Goal-Oriented Sleeper Agent 70%
to wake the tiger. It’s also bringing the Sleepers into town.
At this stage in the campaign, the PCs are going to Chen became an avatar of the Warrior in elementary
suddenly find themselves being interviewed by Detective school fighting bullies. She hasn’t stopped, although now
Fasina Mohammed. She’s a member of the Blue Line, but the “bullies” are anyone the Sleepers send her after. She’s
she’s there because crime is up: property damage, violence, very focused an assignment’s ends rather than its means.
mayhem, and even murder is happening as Hovat and the If the mission is to quiet a local adept, she’ll do whatever
PCs struggle for control. She cases Yuan More Cup or Aden’s works. If that’s a subtle threat, fine. If that’s murder, also
alley until one of the PCs shows up. fine. The occult underground calls her Mulan, and she finds
If that’s not enough, the occult underground has been that racist.
talking about the recent turmoil. That has drawn the atten- TROJAN HORSE, OR GIFT HORSE?
tion of Michelle “Mulan” Chen, avatar of the Warrior and
Possible Milestones: Meet with Taft, Meet with Burns,
vrai-Sleeper. She rolls into town to put a lid on things before
Decide on alliance offers, Find out what’s happening to their
the tiger gets cranky.
YP allies, Rescue or protect YP allies.
By now, Hovat has likely figured out the PCs are building
When you’re struggling, two types of people tend to show
a coalition to stop him. He responds in the measured, quiet
up: those who truly want to help you, and those who want
way he’s infamous for. He kidnaps Grace Sook, turns her
to pretend to help as they take you for a ride. The problem
into a wheezehound, and stalks the PCs’ important locations, See
is telling the two apart.
homes and loved ones. Whatever relationships the PCs have “Wheezehounds”
Two possible allies for the PCs emerge at this time:
managed to build are his prime targets. on page 105 of
The goal here is to put PCs in a tough situation. If they • Ordo Corpulentis: Howie Taft brings the PCs to Pri/ Book Three:
fight for their relationships, Det. Mohammed and Chen Sec to discuss the situation. He won’t admit being part Reveal.
could come down hard on them. If they don’t, those rela- of Ordo, just that he’s a rich avatar of the Captain that
tionships can be hurt or killed off. Either way, Hovat wins. wants things quiet and safe for the occult underground
Sucks, doesn’t it? and his crew. He offers to ally with the PCs against
Hovat because Hovat rejected his offer yesterday.
DETECTIVE FASINA MOHAMMED • The New Inquisition: Roger Burns hates Hovat by now.
Detective on the Rise 65%
He invites the PCs to meet him at Mattison’s Indoor
A black, female, immigrant police officer has at least three Range to discuss a temporary alliance to defeat Hovat.
obstacles to overcome in her law enforcement career. Det.
Mohammed succeeded with a mix of intelligence, natural Both groups would be able to add five to six checkers,
decent resources, and magickal muscle to their side. Can
the PCs trust them? GMs should play up the PCs’ (and
the players’) paranoia. For the record, neither group will
betray them. Taft and Burns are both sincere in their offers,
WHAT HAPPENS IF because they each have something to gain. They just won’t
THE PCs KILL HOVAT? work with the PCs and the other group.
He’s starting a movement, not just a cult of What’s Hovat doing while the PCs possibly alienate the
personality. One of his followers will step up and only help they have? He’s trimming the PCs’ resources. Any
take his place, continuing the sessions below. That’s YPs that have allied with the PCs (through roleplaying or
Connor Tracy, and Taylor Jacobson is next if Tracy progressing on the objective) are getting arrested, beaten,
gets taken down. or killed. He’s sending a not-very-subtle message to any
unaligned YPs that it’s either his way or trouble.

Possible Milestones: Save the House, Save each PC’s home When the smoke clears, one of two things will have
and important location, Defeat Hovat once and for all. happened:
Now the gloves come off. And believe it or not, it’s
• If the PCs take down Hovat and his followers, their
not Hovat’s fault. Either Leifer, Boyle, or an overzealous
objective is met. If Leifer or Boyle survived, they lead
ally of the PCs starts the war by getting all arsony over
the Young Practicals. If not, the PCs are in charge.
Hovat’s place. As a katharomancer, he needs a clean room
Either way, the Young Practicals will return to being
environment. Cover him with some second-degree burns
practical but not evil.
and destroy his home, and he shoots over the edge like a
• If the PCs are killed or driven out of town, then
Saturn rocket.
Hovat’s objective is met. The Young Practicals are
Hovat and his allies spend a day readying themselves.
weak, but Hovat will soon build them up into a
During that time, the occult underground is buzzing with
decidedly evil force to be reckoned with.
rumors of gun sales, artifact purchases, and charge gener-
ation schemes. At dusk the next day, Hovat’s group attacks.
They target the House first by breaking in, stealing as WHAT IF THE PCs TAKE THE PLUNGE?
much as they can, then lighting the place on fire. (Oh, and This is the climactic last stand. But what if the PCs want
they murder anyone in there. That’s important too.) Once to roll against their campaign objective before this session?
complete, they go to the PCs’ important locations and That’s fine. It’s their game too.
homes to light them up as well. If they succeed, then the GM will have to create a reason
As the city struggles with a sudden rash of structure fires, for Hovat’s side to give up. A likely choice is that the PCs
police violently enforce a curfew. Feel free to throw just about weakened Hovat and his allies enough to get taken down
anything in the mix at this point, but here’s some guidelines: by Boyle, TNI, the Sleepers, or the Blue Line. The Young
Practicals are safe.
• Any blowback from early sessions shows up to make If they fail, then the Young Practicals spiral into civil war.
life hell for the PCs. For example, if they disrespected The House goes up in flames (or worse), and it’s as deadly as
Det. Mohammed back in the Mid-Game, she leads a a gang war. Many innocent people are caught in the cross-
Blue Line team to take down the PCs. fire, and the PCs will likely have to lay low to avoid FBI and
• Conversely, any allies or people they helped along SWAT teams. Hovat emerges victorious over what’s left of
the way come to return the favor. If they treated the the Young Practicals.
Hyena well, she tips the PCs off before police show up.

This campaign starter kit includes references to adept traditions and archetypes included in Book Five: Mine, a digital-only
supplement to Unknown Armies. For your convenience we’ve provided a summary of the most important information about
these new magickal rules here.

Both the MVP and the Two-Faced Man are archetypes intro- Once set, the avatar can change her home or enemy
duced in Book Three: Reveal (and they’ve appeared in older group designation. Doing so lowers her current Avatar
editions of Unknown Armies). They’ve been updated for the rating by –20% and brings any relationships she might have
new edition. in the old group to 5%. She can never return to a group she
left either, so don’t be too hasty to skip town.
THE MVP Having an avatar of the Two-Faced Man in your cabal is
The MVP is much more than good at their sport. They abso-
both a blessing and a curse. If she defines the cabal as her
lutely excel at it, and they do so consistently for their team
home group, she can really come in handy. However, she
or country. Their presence is vital. Without them, the team
can use her powers even if she defined your cabal as the
and maybe even the sport itself will wither. However, they
enemy group. Which is it? Is she friend or foe? You don’t
must also continue to be the guiding moral compass of their
team, else they lose their way and stop being the inspira-
tional center they worked so hard to become. TABOO
Avatars of the Two-Faced Man can never be caught helping
TABOO or supporting their home group by someone in the enemy
The MVP must attain their status through hard work and
group (or the other way around).
training. If they’re ever caught cheating, or acquire a losing
record, they step out of line with the archetype. Note that CHANNELS
if they’re not caught, they’re fine — and one or two losses Here is the first channel of the Two-Faced Man, suitable for
is acceptable, so long as it doesn’t start to create a pattern use with this kit. For more, see the full entry in Book Five:
of failure. Mine.
1%–50%: The Two-Faced Man’s nature is to infiltrate and
CHANNELS join people that hardly know her. To be able to do that, she
Here is the first channel of the MVP, suitable for use with
needs to know what people want to hear. Angry opposition
this kit. For more, see the full entry in Book Five: Mine.
or even polite criticism doesn’t get her half as far as coyly
1%–50%: Success is its own reward. Every time the MVP saying what they wanted her to say all along.
succeeds at a roll, his next roll is at +10%. This is not cumu- When someone talks to the Two-Faced Man specifically,
lative, so don’t expect four good rolls to give you +40%. she makes an avatar identity roll. If successful, she can see
Each success only brings an additional +10% to the next one. a single sentence in her mind of what that person wants to
Matched successes, criticals, and failures are unaffected. hear her say right there, right then. Speaking that sentence
to them will grant a bonus of +10% to +30% to any roll with
THE TWO-FACED MAN Connect, Status, Lie, depending on which the GM thinks is
This is the archetype of selfish betrayal and noble sacrifice,
most sensible.
a path made for tension and conflict. An avatar of the
The phrase in the Two-Faced Man’s mind will never have
Two-Faced Man must pick two groups. One is designated
secrets, pass­words, or locations of the bodies. Instead, she
her home group, while the other is her enemy group.
gets a sentence born from the crucible of exigent circum­
For this purpose, “group” can mean an organization, an
stances and a person’s passions.
ideology, or anything that brings people together under a
If she wants to push her luck, she can use this with a
label. However, these groups must be in conflict, at least
group of people. She’ll still need to make a successful avatar
potentially. Also, the avatar must create two separate iden-
identity roll first, but then her mind zeroes in on a state­ment
tities, a home one and an enemy one, complete with names
that appeals to the crowd as a whole. If she fails, she needs
and looks. (Ther’s only one obsession and set of passions.)
to make a Self stress check with the rank equal to the ones
digit of the failed roll.

Book Five: Mine introduces the adept schools of katharo- some part of their natures or drawing upon this information
mancy and plutomancy. The former is the magickal tradition to aid the katharomancer. Examples might be forcing others
of this kit’s primary antagonist, Frank Hovat; the latter is a to confront their filth and take a –20% penalty, or using your
tradition practiced by Jaylen Harris, one of the player char- own fear of dirt to gain a +20% bonus to Dodge.
acters. In both cases, we’ve provided enough information
for you to play these characters (as GM or player) but full PLUTOMANCY
details including spell write-ups and other info can be found For plutomancers, the key to gaining magickal power comes
in their Book Five: Mine entries. not from earning or spending. It comes from having. Money
is the most important thing to have because it’s the most
KATHAROMANCY versatile. Bank accounts and credit cards are Schrödinger’s
It’s not just about being clean for katharomancers. It’s about boxes for finance; it’s definitely something, you just don’t
being in control of your environment’s toxic, infectious dirt know what until it’s used. Everything has a price, and people
and clutter. A katharomancer gains power from obsessively are no exception. With enough money, you could even buy
sterilizing himself and his workspace, staying hygenic as your way into heaven. That’s why money has magick to
much as possible. plutomancers; it’s potentially everything.
Plutomancers gain power by having or acquiring money,
STATS not by spending it. Their central paradox is that they
Generate a Minor Charge: Thoroughly clean yourself or a must make as much money as they can but live as poorly
room you are in. This is much more than taking a shower, as possible.
pony. You have to make things sanitary, hygienic, and pure.
This process must take at least one hour. Longer is fine, but STATS
if you only need twenty minutes to clean yourself that well, Generate a Minor Charge: Acquire between $100.00-
you obviously missed something. $999.99 from a single transaction. If your biweekly paycheck
Any cleaning done for or by a spell cannot be used to is $758.23, you generate one minor charge every two weeks.
generate charges. You must tell the GM which is which
before breaking out the disinfectants. Generate a Significant Charge: Acquire between $1,000.00
and $999,999.99 from a single transaction. If you sell your
Generate a Significant Charge: Cleanliness is a way to stay car for $9000.00, you generate one significant charge. If
in control. If you face a Helplessness stress check related to you sell a vintage guitar for $650.00 and earn $758.23 from
getting dirty and you succeed, you gain a significant charge. that paycheck, you don’t get any significant charges because
It must be a die roll, so hardened notches actually block this those are two transactions.
from happening.
You can also generate a significant charge by turning any Generate a Major Charge: Acquire $1,000,000.00 or more
home into a clean room. We’re talking positive air pressure, from a single transaction.
disinfected everything, and using UV lights to find any invis- Taboos: Plutomancers lose all of their banked charges
ible stains to remove. And for Pete’s sake, no carpets. if they spend $1,000.00 or more on a single transaction.
Generate a Major Charge: Katharomancers can generate Financial products (mutual funds, bonds, currency trading)
a major charge by adding something significant to the war are exempted, since you are really just changing the way
on contamination. Inventing a new and better formula for your money looks. Watch out for those broker fees, though.
an antibacterial cleaner would work, as would passing a law Random Magick Domain: The reason plutomancers are
mandating HEPA filters in all homes and businesses. obsessed with money is that it provides leverage. You
Taboos: A katharomancer cannot willingly get dirty. This can acquire almost anything with a big enough wallet.
includes wearing only clean clothes, not holding plants Plutomancers have power over getting and giving things.
or animals, wearing gloves, and so on. However, this only They’re also about real stuff, not illusions. Dreams are
applies to willful acts that will obviously contaminate you. worthless; cold, hard cash is king.
Getting knocked into a mud puddle does nothing. You can Plutomancy spells: Plutomancers spend charges to acquire
go into dirty locations (a park, a nightclub, the mall) because information about others’ finances, influence powerful
setting yourself up for failure is not the same thing as failing. figures through financial means, and extend their own
Just bring along some wipes. senses into the world through banks, lending institutions,
Also, you can never never ever handle cash or coins. and Wall Street. Sometimes they have to spend a little
Those are just disgusting. money to do this, which normally doesn’t count as breaking
Random Magick Domain: Staying obsessively clean is the taboo, so long as they keep under their spending limits.
irrational response to losing control. (Was that pork chop Minor spells typically grant bonuses to rolls to coerce or
cooked to temperature? Will it give me trichinosis? How provide the plutomancer with useful information they
do I know what to do???) That’s why katharomancers have couldn’t otherwise get.
power over fear and helplessness. What you don’t know can
kill you. At the least, it can make you freak out and panic.
Katharomancy Spells: Most Katharomancy spells involve
controlling an aspect of somebody or something through
the invocation of their state of cleanliness, either revealing

Rachel is an average-looking woman in her late twenties. Wound Threshold: 50.
Her auburn hair is usually in a ponytail, and she wears Possessions: In her apartment, Rachel has several cardboard
neutral shirts and skirts. Her pale skin has many freckles and boxes full of VHS tapes and DVDs, mostly romantic come-
moles. Overall, Rachel is the kind of person who enters a dies. She always has the latest and biggest iPhone and owns
room and no one notices. Her one unusual trait is being very two laptops: an old one riddled with viruses from down-
tall; without heels, she stands at 5’ 11”. loading too many risky torrents, and a powerful one that she
Obsession: Rachel is obsessed with romantic comedies. mostly uses for work. When out and about, Rachel usually
Netflix Addict 55%: Evaluates Isolation, Resists Challenges has a white cloth napkin crammed in her purse.
to Isolation, Substitutes for Knowledge. Important Locations: Yuan More Cup.
Daytrader 25%: Coerces Helplessness, Provides Initiative, Rachel grew up very poor with parents who hated each
Substitutes for Notice. other. She might have been extroverted early on, but years
Cinemancer 30%*: See “Cinemancy” on page 150 of of neglect and being alone (besides her baby brother Aden)
Book One: Play (* obsession identity). She begins with 8 left her withdrawn and comfortable with the predictable
minor charges. life of solitude. She still yearns for company; it’s more a lack
PASSIONS of experience and social skills than anything else. Her life is
so empty that she can easily tune people out — until they
Fear: (Helplessness) Not being able to pay the bills.
bother her for no good reason.
Noble: Bends over backwards to encourage loving,
supportive relationships. Rachel stays in her house for days at a time, either day
Rage: Easily riled when people interrupt her work for trivial trading or binging on Netflix from one of three rooms in
reasons. her small, run-down apartment. That’s why she’s passionate
about romcoms. If her obsession and introverted nature
RELATIONSHIPS prevent her from having a fairytale romance, she can live
One is provided; choose two more. vicariously through some half-developed characters.
Favorite __%
Guru __% She became aware of magick after her brother intro-
Mentor __% duced her to it. Instead of freaking out, she stayed in her
Protégé __% tiny one-bedroom apartment for a full week researching
Responsibility Aden Applebaum 50% on the deep web. When she felt ready, she “came out” to
some cinemancers in town. Since then, she joined up with
the Young Practicals to see if she could use magick to get
wealthier and maybe even some friends.
At the House one night, Rachel was complaining about a
rival day trader getting a big bonus she needed to pay her
bills. Hovat suggested (read: bullied her into) using magick
to fake evidence that her rival’s husband was cheating on
her. A few days later, the day trader emailed Rachel and
blamed her for being the other woman. Then the rival
committed suicide.

Shock Meter Hardened Failed Abilities

Helplessness 2 1 Fitness 55% Dodge 25%
Isolation 4 2 Status 45% Pursuit 35%
Self 3 0 Knowledge 50% Lie 30%
Unnatural 3 0 Notice 50% Secrecy 30%
Violence 1 2 Connect 60% Struggle 20%

Aden is rail-thin, sickly pale, and already starting to go bald Wound Threshold: 55.
despite being barely out of high school. He has the most Possessions: Aden has a lucky black hoodie that he wears
beautiful green eyes you could ever find. His fashion sense way too often. He’s also never caught without a sleek, black
is somewhere between street thug and thrift store, and he folding knife. Chances are, he has a few small plastic bags of
wears the same damn black hoodie no matter how warm weed or heroin on him and a fat roll of $1 bills (with a $50 on
or cold. He doesn’t have a beard so much as he forgets to top). His phone is a burner, and he has a silver-plated Zippo
shave for days at a time. Aden can be very friendly and even lighter with a nude woman engraved on the side.
charismatic when he’s not high. Important Locations: Alley near the corner of Mullis
Obsession: Aden is obsessed with making illegal deals. Avenue and Vermont Street.
Awkward Dealer 55%: Provides Firearm Attacks, Provides Aden grew up with his older sister Rachel taking care
Wound Threshold, Substitutes for Secrecy. of him. His parents emotionally abused Aden for most of
Failed “Entrepreneur” 45%: Protects Helplessness, his childhood. To survive, he developed a knack for being
Substitutes for Knowledge, Substitutes for Lie. whatever people wanted to see. At home, Aden was a
Black Sheep 20%: Evaluates Self, Provides Initiative, This archetype
quiet failure who apologized for everything. On the streets,
Substitutes for Status. is mentioned in
he was a loud, pushy kid who would steal things and sell
Avatar of The Two-Faced Man 15%*: His two groups are Book Three:
them for candy money. Eventually, he experimented with
the YPs and the drug dealers. ( * obsession identity). Reveal but
drugs and found selling them earned some real green (hence
described in
PASSIONS his nickname). Unfortunately, he was never motivated (or
full in Book
Fear: (Self) Worried that his family is right and he’s really sober) enough to make any of his business ventures succeed.
Five: Mine.
a failure. Even his drug dealing game is weak.
There’s a
Noble: Wants to help others who get screwed by bad luck That’s how he became involved in the occult underground. summary on
and stupid accidents. A narco-alchemist traded him some “special pills” for heroin. page 12.
Rage: Is pissed off when people suggest he’s too stupid or After the trip ended, Aden started hearing voices of his
incompetent to handle simple shit. customers when they really wanted him to say something.
Today, he’s still the black sheep of his family. But instead
RELATIONSHIPS of hating his sister Rachel for growing up “normal,” he has
One is provided; choose two more.
nothing but love for her. That’s why he showed her magick
Favorite __%
exists. When she joined the Young Practicals, Aden was
Guru __%
right behind her.
Mentor Rachel Applebaum 45%
Protégé __% Hovat discreetly asked Greenie to get some pain pills
Responsibility __% a few weeks ago. He couldn’t find any, so Hovat teased
him hard for being the “most incompetent drug dealer in
town.” To prove Hovat wrong, he broke into the home of
his supplier and stole a bunch of fentanyl. It was earmarked
for the Four Corner Lords, who beat the supplier into brain
damage and a respirator.

Shock Meter Hardened Failed Abilities

Helplessness 3 0 Fitness 50% Dodge 30%
Isolation 4 2 Status 45% Pursuit 35%
Self 2 2 Knowledge 55% Lie 25%
Unnatural 2 0 Notice 55% Secrecy 25%
Violence 4 1 Connect 45% Struggle 35%

Matt is a short, out-of-shape twenty-something male. Wound Threshold: 50.
He dresses in business casual clothes everywhere, even to Possessions: The only time Matt doesn’t have a well-
a pool party. His jet-black hair is slicked back and hard as a thumbed copy of the US Constitution or his Ruger SR1911
rock. As an open-carry advocate, Matt carries a pistol on his pistol on him is when he showers or sleeps. He often wears
belt everywhere. (Yes, even pool parties.) People have called a gold chain with a corno. Since he’s online a lot, he can
him a cross between a mafia movie extra and a federal usually be found with a high-end laptop.
agent, and that’s being kind. Important Locations: Mattison’s Shooters Supply & Indoor
Obsession: Matt is obsessed with hardline constitutional
gun rights. Matt grew up in a far-right, middle-class household.
Compulsive Gambler 45%: Evaluates Violence, Substitutes His neighborhood once was exclusively Italian, but by
for Notice, Substitutes for Secrecy. the time he went through school, his classmates were
Online Constitutional “Scholar” 55%: Coerces Self, Mexican, Haitian, and Arab. Despite his family growing
Provides Firearm Attacks, Substitutes for Status. racist in response, Matt never did. He got into his share of
Fulminaturge 30%*: See “Fulminaturgy” on page 154 of fights with the newcomers, and he often felt alone, but he
Book One: Play (* obsession identity). He begins with 8 escaped without becoming racist or sexist. That’s because
minor charges. he firmly believed in the American Dream and his country. If
America welcomed the huddled masses, so would he. These
PASSIONS people had the same constitutional rights as him.
Fear: (Violence) Becoming a victim of violent crime.
His one escape was gambling. His father ran a local poker
Noble: Helps abuse survivors whenever he meets one.
night for the “right kind” of people, so Matt quickly learned
Rage: Clear, unhindered hypocrisy.
to love poker, horses, and more. That love morphed into a
RELATIONSHIPS full-blown addiction during college. He dropped out after
One is provided; choose two more. losing his tuition money in Atlantic City. These days, he
Favorite __% spends his days working in a factory and his nights online
Guru __% as “RightReason,” a libertarian troll who actually knows what
Mentor __% he’s talking about. After pissing off the wrong guy, he found
Protégé Emilia Campos 55% himself on the wrong side of some magick. That opened his
Responsibility __% eyes, and his gun became his totem. Matt soon joined the
Young Practicals to see if magick can help people protect
their rights.
Matt listened to Hovat’s ideas at first, appreciating how
they emphasized the power of individual action. After a
heated argument online with a liberal in town, he went to
that guy’s work and used a Fulminaturgy spell to frighten
him. The hope was to show him guns are welcomed by
liberals when scared. Instead, the guy ran into the street in
terror and was run down by a truck. He survived but will
never walk again.

Shock Meter Hardened Failed Abilities

Helplessness 2 1 Fitness 55% Dodge 25%
Isolation 3 1 Status 50% Pursuit 30%
Self 1 1 Knowledge 60% Lie 20%
Unnatural 2 0 Notice 55% Secrecy 25%
Violence 3 1 Connect 50% Struggle 30%

Standing just over six feet tall with dark skin and high cheek- Wound Threshold: 50.
bones, Jaylen could almost be confused with a model. It’s Possessions: Jaylen doesn’t carry much. He sometimes has a
his horrible acne and oddly large muscles that destroy the backpack filled with some protein bars, a few condoms, and
image. He’s barely twenty-one but looks much older. In in a dark box, needles and a small vial of anabolic steroids.
terms of his mood, he’s the kind to go from perfectly happy Important Locations: Pri/Sec, a gay nightclub friendly to
to nearly violent and back again in a single conversation. polyamorous bisexuals like Jaylen.
Obsession: Jaylen is obsessed with his credit score. Jaylen’s mother died early and left him a large trust fund.
Poor Trust Fund Baby 45%: Estimates others’ financial Even with his dad sponging off cash, Jaylen grew up decid-
situations (unique), Resists Challenges to Self, Substitutes edly upper class. The day before his eighteenth birthday, his
for Connect. dad emptied out the trust fund, sold everything he could,
‘Roided Gym Rat 35%: Coerces Violence, Substitutes for and ran off to Barbados. Jaylen suddenly found himself dirt
Pursuit, Substitutes for Struggle. poor and homeless. He survived by opening credit cards and
Ethical Slut 30%: Evaluates Self, Resists Challenges to doing a few things he doesn’t want to talk about, including This new
Isolation, Substitutes for Lie. helping a plutomancer. That introduced him to the occult magickal
Plutomancer 25%*: Magick of hoarding money. (* obsession underground. tradition is
identity). He starts with 8 minor charges. Jaylen feared living on the streets, so he turned to steroids described in
and gyms to bulk up and look more threatening. He also full in Book
PASSIONS Five: Mine.
Fear: (Isolation) Fears growing old and dying all alone with began exploring his sexuality, finding refuge in the arms of
just about anyone that would have him. Jaylen calls himself There’s a
no one to take care of him. summary on
Noble: Shares his wealth and good fortune with those who an “ethical slut,” meaning he sleeps around but only with
people who are safe and stable. He wants to be loved, not page 13.
truly need it.
Rage: Pissed off real quick when someone ignores him. abused.
At the House a few weeks ago, Jaylen was complaining
RELATIONSHIPS about this woman he met at Pri/Sec who freaked out over
One is provided; choose two more.
his bisexuality. Hovat kept feeding him whiskey until even-
Favorite __%
tually suggesting that woman needed to be taught a lesson.
Guru __%
Jaylen agreed, and egged on by Hovat, he cast a Plutomancy
Mentor Matt Salvatore 55%
spell that bankrupted her. Turns out she was diabetic, and
Protégé __%
her blood sugar crashed while she was talking to Jaylen
Responsibility __%
because she couldn’t afford insulin. She disappeared a few
days later.

Shock Meter Hardened Failed Abilities

Helplessness 3 2 Fitness 50% Dodge 30%
Isolation 3 1 Status 50% Pursuit 20%
Self 2 0 Knowledge 55% Lie 25%
Unnatural 1 0 Notice 60% Secrecy 20%
Violence 2 1 Connect 55% Struggle 25%

Emilia is a short, curvy Latina in her mid-twenties with dark Wound Threshold: 50.
hair streaked with greens and blues. There seems to be two Possessions: Emilia never goes anywhere without a large
versions of her. One has facial piercings, revealing dresses, purse filled with expensive makeup, a stun gun, a small
and dangerously high heels. The other wears green scrubs mirror, and moisturizing lotion. Given her love of animals,
covering her tattoos, sensible shoes, and no makeup. In there’s usually a few treats in there as well.
conversations, she’ll often stop in mid-sentence to answer Important Locations: Pink Rhino Lounge, a strip club where
a text or take a photo. Emilia used to work (and still does on rare occasions for
extra cash). She still has lots of friends there.
Obsession: Emilia is obsessed with being unattainable.
Cam Girl 65%: Substitutes for Fitness, Substitutes for Emilia grew up comfortably with a healthy home life and
Struggle, Therapeutic. good schooling — all of which she found impossibly boring.
Vet Tech 55%: Medical, Resists Challenges to Violence, If she felt someone was pressuring her to become some-
Substitutes for Notice. thing, she loudly went the other way. That’s why she went
Avatar of the Naked Goddess 15%*: See “The Naked into adult entertainment. There was no abuse, addiction,
Goddess” on page 111 of Book One: Play (* obses- or even a strong libido; Emilia just wanted to do the unex-
sion identity). pected. That’s also why she went to veterinary school during
the day. No one expected Petite Sparxxx to be assisting in
PASSIONS surgery on a horse.
Fear: (Unnatural) Has serious anxiety about who could have
magickal power over her. After partying with a pornomancer one night, she discov-
Noble: Drawn to help innocent people, especially young ered the Naked Goddess and that was that. She did not
women. want to become a part of the Sect — that would be too
Rage: Does not abide slut shaming or sexism towards typical — so she shopped around for a newer cabal. She
any gender. found the Young Practicals and readily joined. Not only did
their purpose fit hers, the cabal was full of people she had
RELATIONSHIPS never flirted with before.
One is provided; choose two more.
Favorite Jaylen Harris 55% A cam show regular showed up at her doorstep a month
Guru __% ago asking for a date. Emilia freaked because the guy was
Mentor __% covered in rashes and sores. She shoved him over the railing
Protégé __% of her third-story apartment, and he died. A few days later,
Responsibility __% Hovat’s protégé Connor Tracy admitted that Hovat not only
sent him, but that he used a Katharomancy spell to make
the healthy guy look diseased.

Shock Meter Hardened Failed Abilities

Helplessness 3 2 Fitness 50% Dodge 30%
Isolation 2 0 Status 5% Pursuit 25%
Self 2 0 Knowledge 55% Lie 25%
Unnatural 1 2 Notice 50% Secrecy 30%
Violence 1 0 Connect 60% Struggle 20%

RACHEL APPLEBAUM Interrupting her work for trivial reasons.
Young Practicals
Prevent Frank Hovat from turning the Young Prac- Encourages loving, supportive relationships.
ticals into something truly evil.

Rachel is an average-looking woman in her late twenties, the kind of person (Helplessness) Not being able to pay the bills.
who enters a room and no one notices. Her auburn hair is usually in a ponytail;
she dresses in neutral colors. She’s pale, with many freckles and moles. Her one
unusual trait is being very tall; without heels, she stands at 5’ 11”.







25 OBS
Stock Wardrobe
Coerces Helplessness
Provides Initiative Can’t see the begin- Dress in traditional garb for a profession
and pass as a
ning of a cliché and member of that profession to others in that
NETFLIX ADDICT not fill whatever role
What Could Go Wrong
necessary to ensure 1–7
55 the cliché finishes.
When someone says X won’t happen,
spend charges to
Knowledge make X happen; +2 charges if that
person knows how
this spell works
Evaluates Isolation Movie magick — Does this smell like
illusions based on chloroform
Resists Challenges to Self popular tropes, Cover somebody’s mouth with a white cloth 2
genres by
surprise and drop them into deep sleep for
minutes, even without any actual chloroform

When you get somebody else to describe or act out

an over-used cin-
ematic cliché, including a memorable line from a
movie that is acted
out by the person who quotes it.

When you act like a stock character from film or

TV for five hours or
more, down to every stereotype and cliché; if you
drop the mask you
have to start over.
Get somebody to act out a cliché from cinema or
TV without realizing
they’re doing it. You have to plan it, you can’t benefit
from somebody
doing it accidentally or without your involvement
When people suggest he’s too stupid or in-
ADEN “GREENIE” APPLEBAUM compentent to handle simple shit.
Young Practicals
Prevent Frank Hovat from turning the Young Prac- Helps those who get screwed by bad luck and
ticals into something truly evil. stupid accidents.

Rail-thin, sickly pale, and already starting to go bald despite being bare- (Self) That his family is right and he’s really
ly out of high school. The most beautiful green eyes you could ever find. a failure.
Fashion sense is somewhere between street thug and thrift store. Wears
the same damn black hoodie no matter how warm or cold.





55 IDE
Provides Firearm Attacks OB
Can’t be caught
Provides Wound Threshold helping your Make an avatar identity roll to know
what a person wants you to say:
home group by +10%–30% bonus, depending on GM
FAILED “ENTREPRENEUR” somebody in the

45 enemy group or
vice versa.
Protects Helplessness
Substitutes for Knowledge Theatrical drama
and comedy
BLACK SHEEP masks, wigs, hid-

20 den microphones,
broken mirrors
Evaluates Self
Provides Initiative
You must be a member of two groups, one
is “home” and one is your
enemy group. A group can be any organizatio
n, ideology, or com-
mon label. The two groups must be in confli
ct, at least potentially.
Aden has the Young Practicals as his defau
lt “home” group and
drug dealers as his enemy. If he changes,
identity drops by –20%..
MATT “RIGHTREASON” SALVATORE Clear, unhindered hypocrisy.
Young Practicals
Prevent Frank Hovat from turning the Young Prac- Helps abuse survivors whenever he meets
ticals into something truly evil. one.

A short, out-of-shape twenty-something male. He dresses in business (Violence) Becoming a victim of violent
casual clothes everywhere, even to a pool party. His jet-black hair crime.
is slicked back and hard as a rock. As an open-carry advocate, Matt
carries a pistol on his belt everywhere.






Notice Stand Alone
Evaluates Violence
You seem distinct, worthy of attention, impor
Substitutes for Secrecy Lose your charges tant, or
significant even when you’re in a big crowd
if you are ever .
ONLINE CONSTITUTIONAL “SCHOLAR” disarmed or if you Steady Hand, Steady
55 leave home without
your gun.
When you fail a stress check, spend
and your hand goes to your firearm
and you have a
Status clear mind (don’t need to fight, flee,
or freeze).
All about the
Coerces Self relationship of the Gimlet Eye 1
Provides Firearm Attacks individual to soci-
ety, perceptions of Make a threat, meet the gaze of your targe
social position
t, and
force a Violence (3-4) stress check.

Move around in public, open carrying, for two hours.

Get a minor
charge every two hours of this.

Carry your totem gun around in public secretly for

ten hours or more.
Must be hidden from common view.

Design a new firearm that gets adopted by others

, or scratch-build
your own totem gun from nothing — mine all the
ore yourself, make
your own forge, make your own bullets, etc etc.
JAYLEN HARRIS When somebody ignores him.
Young Practicals
Prevent Frank Hovat from turning the Young Prac- Shares wealth and fortune with those who
ticals into something truly evil. need it.

Standing just over six feet tall with dark skin and high cheekbones, (Isolation) Growing old and dying alone.
Jaylen could almost be confused with a model. It’s his horrible acne
and oddly large muscles that destroy the image. Barely twenty-one but
looks much older.





30 ION
Bank Error in Your
Evaluates Self 1
Resists Challenges to Isolation Cive yourself or another $1000 after you
make a
Don’t spend more cash, credit, or online transaction.
than $1000 in a
Account Summary
single transaction.
Hold somebody’s credit card, walle 1
t, or check-
book for 30 minutes. Gain knowledge
of their address,
Connect phone number, full name, email accou
Estimates others’ financial situations (unique) Tax-Deductible Charity
Money provides
leverage, insight, Case
Resists Challenges to Self
control over
Donate money before you make a roll and
others. gain
+2% on roll for every $100 spent, up to $999
Acquire between $100 to $999 from a single transa
Struggle ction without
Coerces Violence
Substitutes for Pursuit Acquire between $1000 and $999,999,999 from
a single transaction
without magick.

Acquire $1,000,000 or more in a single transaction

without magick.
EMILIA CAMPOS Slut shaming or sexism toward any gender.
Young Practicals
Prevent Frank Hovat from turning the Young Prac-
Drawn to inncoent people, esp. young women.
ticals into something truly evil.

(Unnatural) Serious anxiety over who has

Short, curvy Latina in her mid-twenties, dark hair streaked with magickal power over her.
greens and blues. Two main looks: Facial piercings, revealing dress-
es, and dangerously high heels; or green scrubs covering her tattoos,
sensible shoes, and no makeup.




Substitutes for Struggle
Can’t let herself Roll avatar identity to make somebody come closer
Therapeutic to you (Self check rank = tens digit of your roll
be known or
pinned down — to resist). Or, make someone want to know more
change names, about you.
55 hair, look, avoid
being defined.
Resists Challenges to Violence
Paparazzi, red
dresses, headless
goddess statues,
veils, concealer,
dark sunglasses
Unknown Armies created by Greg Stolze and John Tynes
Writing and design: WJ MacGuffin
Editing: Colleen Riley

Unknown Armies graphic design: Thomas Deeny

Layout: Cam Banks

Art: Shutterstock

AG6038 | Digital Edition 1.0

© 2017 Trident, Inc., d/b/a Atlas Games. All rights reserved.
Unknown Armies is a trademark of Greg Stolze and John Tynes, used under license by Trident, Inc., d/b/a Atlas Games.
This work is protected by international copyright law and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of
the publisher.

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