Lesson Plan w2

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Lesson Plan Template

Name(s): Ali Özdemir
Abdelrahman Abdalla


Unit Title
Toys and Games

Grade Level
3rd Grade

40 minutes

Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
Based on the concept map, students are expected to accurately rewrite the number of toys presented with
an 80% accuracy rate. Following the listening exercise, students will identify the quantity of toys mentioned
within their groups in a 4-minute timeframe.

As the lecture concludes, students will demonstrate their understanding by using the quantifier "Many" to
formulate questions in pairs, focusing on the toys covered during the class. This interactive activity is
designed to enhance their comprehension and ability to engage in conversations related to the topic, and it
should be completed within a 2-minute period.
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Concept map.
Coursebook provided by MEB.
Audio file provided by the MEB workbook.

Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]

Initially Teacher-centered (concept map presentation)
Student-centered (discussions, group work)
Mostly influenced by a combination of the direct method and task-based language learning

Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
1) Concept Map Presentation:
- Start the class with a concept map presentation to introduce the topic. Illustrate the connections between
toys, quantities, and the use of "many" to set the foundation for the lesson.

2) Writing Activity:
- Engage students in a writing activity where they jot down the quantities of each type of toy discussed in
the concept map presentation. This activity encourages individual reflection and reinforces comprehension.

3) Listening Activity with "Many":

- Conduct a listening activity incorporating the word "many" to help students understand its usage in
context. Provide examples related to toys and quantities, allowing students to grasp the concept through
auditory input.

4) Discussion Between Students:

- Facilitate group discussions among students, encouraging them to utilize the word "many" in describing
their own toys. This interactive exchange promotes communication skills and reinforces the application of
the lesson content.

5) Summary and Q&A:

- Conclude the lesson with a summary, recapping the key points discussed in the concept map,
writing activity, listening exercise, and group discussions. Engage the class in a Q&A session to
ensure understanding and address any lingering questions. This approach reinforces the main
takeaways and encourages active participation in the review process.
Individual Learning Activities Writing activity in which students write down how
many of which toys there were.

Group Learning Activities Discussions held between the students with the use of
“many” to describe their toys.

The primary objective of the lesson is to provide students with a practical understanding of how to use the
word "many" when asking and responding to questions, specifically related to their toys. The lesson design
follows a progression from a teacher-centered approach during the concept map introduction to a student-
centered approach as various tasks are implemented.

The initial phase involves a concept map presentation, where the teacher takes the lead in introducing the
topic. However, as the lesson unfolds, it transitions into a student-centered format with the implementation
of diverse activities such as writing, listening, and speaking exercises. Each of these activities serves as a
significant step forward in reinforcing the students' grasp of the concept.

The inclusion of writing activities allows individual reflection and consolidation of knowledge, while the
listening activity enhances auditory comprehension of the term "many" in context. The speaking exercises,
involving discussions among students, encourage active participation and application of the newly acquired

Ultimately, the class wraps up with a student-centered question-and-answer session. This approach ensures
that students not only receive insights from the teacher but also actively engage in the learning process,
reinforcing their understanding and allowing for clarification of any remaining queries. The combination of
teacher guidance and student involvement creates a well-rounded and effective learning experience.
Measurement & Evaluation
The evaluation of the lesson includes assessing three key aspects:

1) Accuracy in Writing Section:

- Gauge the students' accuracy in expressing the quantities of various toys in the writing section. This will
provide insight into how well they absorbed and retained information from the concept map presentation
and related activities.

2) Discussion Using "Many" and Toys:

- Evaluate the effectiveness of the discussion activity where students engage with each other using the
term "many" in describing their toys. This assesses their ability to apply the concept in a communicative
context and demonstrates practical understanding.

3) Q&A for General Evaluation:

- Conclude the lesson with a question-and-answer session aimed at obtaining a more comprehensive
evaluation of what the students have retained. Encourage them to share their understanding of the lesson
content, clarify any uncertainties, and reinforce key points through collective discussion.
Measurement & Assessment Activities for The accuracy of the number of toys they wrote in the
Individual Performance writing section. A Q&A at the end for a more general
evaluation of what has been retained.
Measurement & Assessment Activities for Their discussion amongst each other while using “many”
Group Performance and the included toys
Homework (optional) None

Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
The teacher commences the lesson by entering the classroom with a few toys, aiming to capture the
students' interest from the start. Following this engaging introduction, the teacher proceeds with a concept
map presentation, urging students to pay close attention as they will be tasked with writing down the
quantity of each toy present. This initial exercise, along with the introduction, is anticipated to take
approximately 10 minutes.

Upon completion of the first exercise, the teacher collects the students' answers for subsequent feedback.
Transitioning to the listening activity, students listen to the Ministry of National Education's (MEB) recording
twice. Subsequently, they form groups of 3-4 to identify the number of toys and compare their answers
within a 4-minute timeframe. This collaborative approach allows for group discussions and consensus-
building before presenting their findings to the entire class. The teacher then provides the correct responses.

Following this, the teacher briefly revisits the use of "many" in forming questions and answers. The students,
working in pairs, actively implement this quantifier while engaging with the covered toys, practicing dialogue
such as "How many toys do you have? I have seven marbles."

The lesson concludes with a comprehensive summary in a Q&A format. This final segment serves to reinforce
key aspects and evaluate the students' retention of the lesson content.

Additionally, contingency plans (Plan B) are in place, allowing for flexibility if technical issues arise. In the
event of recording malfunctions, the teacher will read the transcript aloud, and if the concept map fails to
load, printed handouts will be distributed. If time permits, the teacher can incorporate additional tasks from
the coursebook to optimize the lesson duration.

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