Brooks Et Al. (2020) - The Psychological Impact of Quarantine and How To Reduce It - Rapid Review of The Evidence
Brooks Et Al. (2020) - The Psychological Impact of Quarantine and How To Reduce It - Rapid Review of The Evidence
Brooks Et Al. (2020) - The Psychological Impact of Quarantine and How To Reduce It - Rapid Review of The Evidence
Lancet 2020; 395: 912–20 The December, 2019 coronavirus disease outbreak has seen many countries ask people who have potentially come
Published Online into contact with the infection to isolate themselves at home or in a dedicated quarantine facility. Decisions on how to
February 26, 2020 apply quarantine should be based on the best available evidence. We did a Review of the psychological impact of
quarantine using three electronic databases. Of 3166 papers found, 24 are included in this Review. Most reviewed
studies reported negative psychological effects including post-traumatic stress symptoms, confusion, and anger.
Department of Psychological
Medicine, King’s College Stressors included longer quarantine duration, infection fears, frustration, boredom, inadequate supplies, inadequate
London, London, UK information, financial loss, and stigma. Some researchers have suggested long-lasting effects. In situations where
(S K Brooks PhD, R K Webster PhD, quarantine is deemed necessary, officials should quarantine individuals for no longer than required, provide clear
L E Smith PhD, L Woodland MSc,
rationale for quarantine and information about protocols, and ensure sufficient supplies are provided. Appeals to
Prof S Wessely FMedSci,
Prof N Greenberg FRCPsych, altruism by reminding the public about the benefits of quarantine to wider society can be favourable.
G J Rubin PhD)
Correspondence to: Introduction Why is this Review needed?
Dr Samantha K Brooks, Quarantine is the separation and restriction of movement Quarantine is often an unpleasant experience for those
Department of Psychological of people who have potentially been exposed to a contagious who undergo it. Separation from loved ones, the loss of
Medicine, King’s College London,
London SE5 9RJ, UK
disease to ascertain if they become unwell, so reducing the freedom, uncertainty over disease status, and boredom
[email protected] risk of them infecting others.1 This definition differs from can, on occasion, create dramatic effects. Suicide has
isolation, which is the separation of people who have been been reported,5 substantial anger generated, and lawsuits
diagnosed with a contagious disease from people who brought6 following the imposition of quarantine in
are not sick; however, the two terms are often used previous outbreaks. The potential benefits of mandatory
interchangeably, especially in communication with the mass quarantine need to be weighed carefully against
public.2 The word quarantine was first used in Venice, Italy the possible psychological costs.7 Successful use of
in 1127 with regards to leprosy and was widely used in quarantine as a public health measure requires us to
response to the Black Death, although it was not until reduce, as far as possible, the negative effects associated
300 years later that the UK properly began to impose with it.
quarantine in response to plague.3 Most recently, quar- Given the developing situation with coronavirus, policy
antine has been used in the coronavirus disease 2019 makers urgently need evidence synthesis to produce
(COVID-19) outbreak. This outbreak has seen entire cities guidance for the public. In circumstances such as these,
in China effectively placed under mass quarantine, while
many thousands of foreign nationals returning home
from China have been asked to self-isolate at home or Search strategy and selection criteria
in state-run facilities.4 There are precedents for such Our search strategy was designed to inform this Review and
measures. Citywide quarantines were also imposed in a second review to be published elsewhere relating to
areas of China and Canada during the 2003 outbreak of adherence to quarantine. We searched MEDLINE, PsycINFO,
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), whereas entire and Web of Science. The full list of search terms can be found
See Online for appendix
villages in many west African countries were quarantined in the appendix. In brief, we used a combination of terms
during the 2014 Ebola outbreak. relating to quarantine (eg, “quarantine” and “patient
isolation”) and psychological outcomes (eg, “psych” and
“stigma”). For studies to be included in this Review, they had
Key messages
to report on primary research, be published in peer-reviewed
• Information is key; people who are quarantined need to journals, be written in English or Italian (as these are the
understand the situation languages spoken by the current authors), include
• Effective and rapid communication is essential participants asked to enter into quarantine outside of a
• Supplies (both general and medical) need to be provided hospital environment for at least 24 hours, and include data
• The quarantine period should be short and the duration on the prevalence of mental illness or psychological
should not be changed unless in extreme circumstances wellbeing, or on factors associated with mental illness or
• Most of the adverse effects come from the imposition of psychological wellbeing (ie, any predictors of psychological
a restriction of liberty; voluntary quarantine is associated wellbeing during or after quarantine). The initial search
with less distress and fewer long-term complications yielded 3166 papers, of which 24 included relevant data and
• Public health officials should emphasise the altruistic were included in this Review. The screening process is
choice of self-isolating illustrated in the figure.
rapid reviews are recommended by WHO.8 We undertook Event Scale–Revised35), anger,20 and emotional exhaus-
a Review of evidence on the psychological impact of quar- tion.21 Low mood (660 [73%] of 903) and irritability
antine to explore its likely effects on mental health and (512 [57%] of 903) stand out as having high prevalence.18
psychological wellbeing, and the factors that contribute People quarantined because of being in close contact
to, or mitigate, these effects. Of 3166 papers found, 24 are with those who potentially have SARS25 reported various
included in this Review (figure). The characteristics of negative responses during the quarantine period: over
studies that met our inclusion criteria are presented in 20% (230 of 1057) reported fear, 18% (187) reported
the table. These studies were done across ten countries nervousness, 18% (186) reported sadness, and 10% (101)
and included people with SARS (11 studies), Ebola (five), reported guilt. Few reported positive feelings: 5% (48)
the 2009 and 2010 H1N1 influenza pandemic (three), reported feelings of happiness and 4% (43) reported
Middle East respiratory syndrome (two), and equine feelings of relief. Qualitative studies also identified a range
influenza (one). One of these studies related to both of other psychological responses to quarantine, such as
H1N1 and SARS. confusion,11–13,23 fear,12–15,23,24 anger,12,13 grief,29 numbness,23 and
anxiety-induced insomnia.14,15
The psychological impact of quarantine One study compared undergraduates who had been
Five studies compared psychological outcomes for people quarantined with those not quarantined immediately
quarantined with those not quarantined.9,19,27,28,33 A study9 after the quarantine period and found no significant
of hospital staff who might have come into contact with difference between the groups in terms of post-traumatic
SARS found that immediately after the quarantine period stress symptoms or general mental health problems.29
(9 days) ended, having been quarantined was the factor However, the entire study population were undergraduate
most predictive of symptoms of acute stress disorder. In students (who are generally young, and perhaps have
the same study, quarantined staff were significantly more fewer responsibilities than adults who are employed
likely to report exhaustion, detachment from others, full-time) and thus it is possible that these conclusions
anxiety when dealing with febrile patients, irritability, cannot be generalised to the wider population.
insomnia, poor concentration and indecisiveness, deteri- Only one study17 compared psychological outcomes
orating work performance, and reluctance to work during quarantine with later outcomes and found that
or consideration of resignation. In another study,33 the during quarantine, 7% (126 of 1656) showed anxiety
effect of being quarantined was a predictor of post- symptoms and 17% (275) showed feelings of anger,
traumatic stress symptoms in hospital employees even whereas 4–6 months after quarantine these symptoms
3 years later. Approximately 34% (938 of 2760) of horse had reduced to 3% (anxiety) and 6% (anger).
owners quarantined for several weeks because of an Two studies reported on longer-term effects of quar-
equine influenza outbreak reported high psychological antine. 3 years after the SARS outbreak, alcohol abuse or
distress during the outbreak, compared with around
12% in the Australian general population.28 A study27
3163 records identified from database search
comparing post-traumatic stress symptoms in parents 3 from hand search
and children quarantined with those not quarantined
found that the mean post-traumatic stress scores were
four times higher in children who had been quarantined 266 duplicates
dependency symptoms were positively associated with After quarantine, many participants continued to
having been quarantined in health-care workers.32 In a engage in avoidance behaviours. For health-care workers,20
multivariate analysis,32 after controlling for demographic being quarantined was significantly and positively asso-
factors, having been quarantined and having worked in ciated with avoidance behaviours, such as minimising
a high-risk location were the two types of exposure signifi- direct contact with patients and not reporting to work. A
cantly associated with these outcomes (for quarantine: study25 of people quarantined because of potential SARS
unadjusted mean ratio 0·45; 95% CI 1·02–2·65). contact noted that 54% (524 of 1057) of people who had
been quarantined avoided people who were coughing or the psychological impact of quarantine. A study28 of
sneezing, 26% (255) avoided crowded enclosed places, horse owners quarantined because of equine influenza
and 21% (204) avoided all public spaces in the weeks identified several characteristics associated with negative
following the quarantine period. A qualitative study13 psychological impacts: younger age (16–24 years), lower
reported that several participants described long-term levels of formal educational qualifications, female gender,
behavioural changes after the quarantine period, such as and having one child as opposed to no children (although
vigilant handwashing and avoidance of crowds and, for having three or more children appeared somewhat
some, the return to normality was delayed by many protective). However, another study16 suggested that
months. demographic factors such as marital status, age, educa-
tion, living with other adults, and having children were
Prequarantine predictors of psychological impact not associated with psychological outcomes.
There was mixed evidence for whether participant Having a history of psychiatric illness was associated
characteristics and demographics were predictors of with experiencing anxiety and anger 4–6 months after
release from quarantine.17 Health-care workers25 who had frustration10,31 and continued to be associated with anxiety
been quarantined had more severe symptoms of post- and anger 4–6 months after release.17 Being unable to get
traumatic stress than members of the general public regular medical care and prescriptions also appeared to
who had been quarantined, scoring significantly higher be a problem for some participants.10
on all dimensions. Health-care workers also felt greater Four studies found that supplies from public health
stigmatisation than the general public, exhibited more authorities were insufficient. Participants reported
avoidance behaviours after quarantine, reported greater receiving their masks and thermometers late or not at
lost income, and were consistently more affected all;13 food, water, and other items were only intermittently
psychologically: they reported substantially more anger, distributed;24 and food supplies took a long time to
annoyance, fear, frustration, guilt, helplessness, isolation, arrive.12 Although those quarantined during the Toronto
loneliness, nervousness, sadness, worry, and were less SARS outbreak praised public health authorities for
happy. Health-care workers were also substantially more delivering kits of medical supplies at the beginning of
likely to think they had SARS and to be concerned about the quarantine period, they did not receive groceries or
infecting others. Conversely, one study16 suggested that other routine supplies needed for daily living.15
health-care worker status was not associated with
psychological outcomes. Inadequate information
Many participants cited poor information from public
Stressors during quarantine health authorities as a stressor, reporting insufficient clear
Duration of quarantine guidelines about actions to take and confusion about
Three studies showed that longer durations of quarantine the purpose of quarantine.11–13,15,24,26 After the Toronto SARS
were associated with poorer mental health specifically, epidemic, participants perceived that confusion stemmed
post-traumatic stress symptoms,16,25 avoidance behaviours, from the differences in style, approach, and content of
and anger.20 Although the duration of the quarantine was various public health messages because of poor coor-
not always clear, one study16 showed that those quar- dination between the multiple jurisdictions and levels of
antined for more than 10 days showed significantly higher government involved.15 Lack of clarity about the different
post-traumatic stress symptoms than those quarantined levels of risk, in particular, led to participants fearing the
for less than 10 days. worst.14 Participants also reported a perceived lack of
transparency from health and government officials about
Fears of infection the severity of the pandemic.11 Perhaps related to the lack
Participants in eight studies reported fears about their of clear guidelines or rationale, perceived difficulty with
own health or fears of infecting others9,13,14,16,17,21,25,26 and complying with quarantine protocols was a significant
were more likely to fear infecting family members than predictor of post-traumatic stress symptoms in one
those not quarantined.9 They also became particularly study.25
worried if they experienced any physical symptoms
potentially related to the infection14 and fear that the Stressors post quarantine
symptoms could reflect having the infection continued Finances
to be related to psychological outcomes several months Financial loss can be a problem during quarantine, with
later.17 Conversely, one study11 found that although very people unable to work and having to interrupt their
few participants were extremely concerned about professional activities with no advanced planning; the
becoming infected or transmitting the virus to others, effects appear to be long lasting. In the reviewed studies,
those who were concerned tended to be pregnant women the financial loss as a result of quarantine created serious
and those with young children. socioeconomic distress24 and was found to be a risk factor
for symptoms of psychological disorders22 and both anger
Frustration and boredom and anxiety several months after quarantine.17 One study28
Confinement, loss of usual routine, and reduced social found that respondents who were quarantined because
and physical contact with others were frequently shown of equine influenza, whose principal source of income
to cause boredom, frustration, and a sense of isolation was from a horse-related industry, were more than twice
from the rest of the world, which was distressing to as likely to have high distress than those whose income
participants.10,11,13–16,25,26,31 This frustration was exacerbated was not from the industry. This finding is probably
by not being able to take part in usual day-to-day linked to economic effects but could also be related to
activities, such as shopping for basic necessities16 or disruption of social networks and loss of leisure activities.
taking part in social networking activities via the Notably, this study is exceptional in that occupation and
telephone or internet.17 exposure are confounded.
A study14 of people quarantined because of potential
Inadequate supplies Ebola contact found that, although participants received
Having inadequate basic supplies (eg, food, water, clothes, financial assistance, some felt that the amount was
or accommodation) during quarantine was a source of insufficient and that it came too late; many felt wronged
as the assistance they received did not cover their ongoing dangerous because they were different.24 Perhaps because
professional expenses. Many became dependent on their of this stigma, being quarantined led participants in this
families to provide for them financially during quarantine study to keep easily treatable, non-Ebola illnesses a secret
which was often hard to accept and could cause conflicts. and avoided seeking help.
In one study,13 none of those quarantined in Toronto General education about the disease and the rationale
during SARS reported much financial hardship because for quarantine and public health information provided
employers or the government compensated them, but to the general public can be beneficial to reduce stigma-
where that reimbursement was slow to arrive it caused tisation, whereas more detailed information targeted at
those less financially well-off to struggle. schools and workplaces might also be useful. It might
Potentially related to financial loss, participants with also be that media reporting contributes to stigmatising
a combined annual household income of less than attitudes in the general public; the media is a powerful
CAN$40 000 showed significantly higher amounts of influence on public attitudes and dramatic headlines
post-traumatic stress and depressive symptoms.16 These and fear mongering have been shown to contribute to
symptoms are probably because those with lower incomes stigmatising attitudes in the past (eg, during the SARS
were more likely to be affected by the temporary loss of outbreak).36 This issue highlights the need for public
income than those with higher incomes. health officials to provide rapid, clear messages delivered
People who are quarantined and have lower household effectively for the entire affected population to promote
incomes might require additional levels of support, accurate understanding of the situation.
along with those who lose earnings while in quarantine
(ie, self-employed people who are unable to work or sala- What can be done to mitigate the consequences
ried staff who are unable to take paid leave). Financial of quarantine?
reimbursements should be provided where possible and During major infectious disease outbreaks, quarantine
programmes developed to provide financial support can be a necessary preventive measure. However, this
throughout the quarantine period. Where appropriate, Review suggests that quarantine is often associated
employers might also wish to consider proactive approaches with a negative psychological effect. During the period
that allow employees to work from home if they wish to, of quarantine this negative psychological effect is
both to avoid financial loss and to stave off boredom, while unsurprising, yet the evidence that a psychological effect
being mindful that staff in these situations might not be at of quarantine can still be detected months or years
their most productive and might benefit more from remote later—albeit from a small number of studies17,19— is more
social support from their colleagues.2 troubling and suggests the need to ensure that effective
mitigation measures are put in place as part of the
Stigma quarantine planning process.
Stigma from others was a major theme throughout In this regard, our results do not provide strong
the literature, often continuing for some time after evidence that any particular demographic factors are risk
quarantine, even after containment of the outbreak. In a factors of poor psychological outcomes after quarantine
comparison of health-care workers quarantined versus and therefore require specific attention. However, history
those not quarantined,9 quarantined participants were of mental illness was only examined as a risk factor by
significantly more likely to report stigmatisation and one study. Previous literature suggests that psychiatric
rejection from people in their local neighbourhoods, history is associated with psychological distress after
suggesting that there is stigma specifically surrounding experiencing any disaster-related trauma37,38 and it is
people who had been quarantined. Participants in several likely that people with pre-existing poor mental health
studies reported that others were treating them differ- would need extra support during quarantine. There also
ently: avoiding them, withdrawing social invitations, appeared to be a high prevalence of psychological distress
treating them with fear and suspicion, and making in quarantined health-care workers, although there was
critical comments.13–16,18,21,23–26,30,31 mixed evidence as to whether this group were at higher
Several health-care workers involved in the Ebola risk for distress than non-health-care workers who were
outbreak in Senegal reported that quarantine had led their quarantined. For health-care workers, support from
families to consider their jobs to be too risky, creating managers is essential in facilitating their return to work39
intra-household tension.14 In the same study, three partici- and managers should be aware of the potential risks for
pants reported being unable to resume their jobs after their staff who were quarantined so that they can prepare
surveillance ended because their employers expressed for early intervention.
fear of contagion.
Those quarantined during the Ebola epidemic in Liberia Keep it as short as possible
reported that stigma could lead to disenfranchisement of Longer quarantine is associated with poorer psychological
minority groups in the community as families under outcomes, perhaps unsurprisingly, as it stands to reason
quarantine were often said to belong to different ethnic that the stressors reported by participants could have
groups, tribes, or religions and were perceived as more of an effect the longer they were experienced for.
Restricting the length of quarantine to what is scientif- ones about their situation and reassure them that they are
ically reasonable given the known duration of incubation well. Therefore, providing those quarantined with mobile
periods, and not adopting an overly precautionary phones, cords and outlets for charging devices, and robust
approach to this, would minimise the effect on people. WiFi networks with internet access to allow them to com-
Evidence from elsewhere also emphasises the importance municate directly with loved ones could reduce feelings of
of authorities adhering to their own recommended isolation, stress, and panic.2 Although this is possible to
length of quarantine, and not extending it. For people achieve in enforced quarantine, it could be more difficult
already in quarantine, an extension, no matter how to do in the case of widespread home quarantine; countries
small, is likely to exacerbate any sense of frustration or imposing censors on social media and messaging appli-
demoralisation.40 Imposing a cordon indefinitely on cations could also present difficulties in ensuring lines
whole cities with no clear time limit (such as has been of communication between those quarantined and their
seen in Wuhan, China) might be more detrimental than loved ones.
strictly applied quarantine procedures limited to the It is also important that public health officials
period of incubation. maintain clear lines of communication with people
quarantined about what to do if they experience any
Give people as much information as possible symptoms. A phone line or online service specifically
People who are quarantined often feared being infected set up for those in quarantine and staffed by health-care
or infecting others. They also often have catastrophic workers who can provide instructions about what to do
appraisals of any physical symptoms experienced during in the event of developing illness symptoms, would
the quarantine period. This fear is a common occurrence help reassure people that they will be cared for if they
for people exposed to a worrying infectious disease,41 and become ill. This service would show those who are
might be exacerbated by the often inadequate information quarantined that they have not been forgotten and that
participants reported receiving from public health officials their health needs are just as important as those of the
leaving them unclear of the nature of the risks they faced wider public. The benefits of such a resource have not
and why they were being quarantined at all. Ensuring that been studied, but it is likely that reassurance could
those under quarantine have a good understanding of the subsequently decrease feelings such as fear, worry, and
disease in question, and the reasons for quarantine, anger.
should be a priority. There is evidence to suggest that support groups
specifically for people who were quarantined at home
Provide adequate supplies during disease outbreaks can be helpful. One study23
Officials also need to ensure that quarantined households found that having such a group and feeling connected to
have enough supplies for their basic needs and, impor- others who had been through the same situation could
tantly, these must be provided as rapidly as possible. be a validating, empowering experience and can provide
Coordination for provision of supplies should ideally people with the support they might find they are not
occur in advance, with conservation and reallocation receiving from other people.
plans established to ensure resources do not run out,
which unfortunately has been reported.2 Health-care workers deserve special attention
Health-care workers themselves are often quarantined
Reduce the boredom and improve the communication and this Review suggests they, like the general public,
Boredom and isolation will cause distress; people who are are negatively affected by stigmatising attitudes from
quarantined should be advised about what they can do to others. None of the studies included in this Review
stave off boredom and provided with practical advice on focused on the perceptions of their colleagues, but this
coping and stress management techniques. Having a would be an interesting aspect to explore. It is also
working mobile phone is now a necessity, not a luxury, possible that health-care workers who are quarantined
and those stepping off a long flight to enter quarantine might be concerned about causing their workplaces to
will probably welcome a charger or adaptor more than be understaffed and causing extra work for their col-
anything else.17 Activating your social network, albeit leagues21 and that their colleagues’ perceptions could be
remotely, is not just a key priority, but an inability to do particularly important. Being separated from a team
so is associated not just with immediate anxiety, but they are used to working in close contact with might
longer- term distress.2,42 One study21 suggested that having add to feelings of isolation for health-care workers who
a telephone support line, staffed by psychiatric nurses, set are quarantined. Therefore, it is essential that they
up specifically for those in quarantine could be effective feel supported by their immediate colleagues. During
in terms of providing them with a social network. The infectious disease outbreaks, organisational support has
ability to communicate with one’s family and friends is been found to be protective of mental health for health-
also essential. Particularly, social media could play an care staff in general39 and managers should take steps to
important part in communication with those far away, ensure their staff members are supportive of their
allowing people who are quarantined to update their loved colleagues who are quarantined.
Altruism is better than compulsion quarantined with those not quarantined, conclusions
Perhaps because of the difficulties of designing an based on certain study populations (eg, students) might
appropriate study, no research was found which tested not be generalisable to the wider public, and heterogeneity
whether mandatory versus voluntary quarantine has of outcome measures across studies make it difficult to
a differential effect on wellbeing. In other contexts, make direct comparisons between studies. It is also worth
however, feeling that others will benefit from one’s pointing out that a minority of studies assessed symptoms
situation can make stressful situations easier to bear of post-traumatic stress using measures designed to
and it seems likely that this is also true for home-based measure post-traumatic stress disorder, despite quarantine
quarantine. Reinforcing that quarantine is helping to not being qualified as a trauma in the diagnosis for post-
keep others safe, including those particularly vulnerable traumatic stress disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical
(such as those who are very young, old, or with pre- Manual of Mental Disorders 5.43
existing serious medical conditions), and that health Strengths of this Review include the hand-searching of
authorities are genuinely grateful to them, can only help reference lists to identify any papers not found in the
to reduce the mental health effect and adherence in initial search, contacting authors who sent full-texts of
those quarantined.19,33 Notably, altruism has its limits if papers which were not available in full online, and having
people are being asked to quarantine without adequate multiple researchers carry out the screening to improve
information on how to keep the people they live with the rigour of the Review.
safe. It is unacceptable to ask people to self-quarantine
for the benefit of the community’s health, when Conclusion
while doing so they might be putting their loved ones Overall, this Review suggests that the psychological
at risk. impact of quarantine is wide-ranging, substantial, and
can be long lasting. This is not to suggest that quarantine
What we do not know should not be used; the psychological effects of not using
Quarantine is one of several public health measures to quarantine and allowing disease to spread might be
prevent the spread of an infectious disease and as shown worse.44 However, depriving people of their liberty for the
in this Review, has a considerable psychological impact wider public good is often contentious and needs to be
for those affected. As such, there is a question as to handled carefully. If quarantine is essential, then our
whether other public health measures that prevent the results suggest that officials should take every measure
need to impose quarantine (such as social distancing, to ensure that this experience is as tolerable as possible
cancellation of mass gatherings, and school closures) for people. This can be achieved by: telling people what is
might be more favourable. Future research is needed to happening and why, explaining how long it will continue,
establish the effectiveness of such measures. providing meaningful activities for them to do while in
The strengths and limitations of this Review must be quarantine, providing clear communication, ensuring
considered. Because of the time constraints of this Review basic supplies (such as food, water, and medical supplies)
given the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, the reviewed are available, and reinforcing the sense of altruism that
literature did not undergo formal quality appraisal. people should, rightly, be feeling. Health officials charged
Additionally, the Review was limited to peer-reviewed with implementing quarantine, who by definition are in
publications and we did not explore potentially relevant employment and usually with reasonable job security,
grey literature. The recommendations we have made should also remember that not everyone is in the same
apply primarily to small groups of people in dedicated situation. If the quarantine experience is negative, the
facilities and to some extent in self-isolation. Although results of this Review suggest there can be long-term
we anticipate that many of the risk factors for poor consequences that affect not just the people quarantined
psychosocial outcomes would be the same for larger but also the health-care system that administered the
containment processes (such as entire towns or cities), quarantine and the politicians and public health officials
there are likely to be distinct differences in such situations who mandated it.
that mean that the information presented in this Review Contributors
should only be applied to such situations cautiously. GJR designed the search strategy with input from SKB, RKW, and LES.
Furthermore, potential cultural differences need to be SKB, RKW, LES, and LW carried out the literature searches and
screening, and any discrepancies were discussed with GJR and SW.
considered. Although this Review cannot predict exactly SKB carried out the data extraction. SKB wrote the first draft of the
what will happen or provide recommendations that will review with input from RKW, LES, LW, SW, NG, and GJR.
work for every future population that is quarantined, we Declaration of interests
have provided an overview of the key issues and how they We declare no competing interests.
could be rectified in the future. Acknowledgments
There are also several limitations of the reviewed The research was funded by the National Institute for Health Research
literature, which must be pointed out: only one study (NIHR) Health Protection Research Unit in Emergency Preparedness
followed up participants over time, sample sizes were and Response at King’s College London, in partnership with Public
Health England, and in collaboration with the University of East Anglia
generally small, few studies directly compared participants
and Newcastle University. The views expressed are those of the author(s) 23 Pan PJD, Chang S-H, Yu Y-Y. A support group for home-
and not necessarily those of the National Health Service, NIHR, quarantined college students exposed to SARS: learning from
Department of Health and Social Care, or Public Health England. practice. J Spec Group Work 2005; 30: 363–74.
24 Pellecchia U, Crestani R, Decroo T, Van den Bergh R, Al-Kourdi Y.
Editorial note: the Lancet Group takes a neutral position with respect to Social consequences of Ebola containment measures in Liberia.
territorial claims in the published table. PLoS One 2015; 10: e0143036.
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