Digital Twinsand Blockchaintechnologiesforbuildinglifecyclemanagement
Digital Twinsand Blockchaintechnologiesforbuildinglifecyclemanagement
Digital Twinsand Blockchaintechnologiesforbuildinglifecyclemanagement
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4 authors, including:
Nashwan Dawood
Teesside University
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Automation in Construction
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Keywords: This paper reviews the potential applications of Digital Twins (DT) and Blockchain (BC) technologies throughout
Digital Twin the building lifecycle phases by conducting a double-stranded systematic review of papers on the possible use of
Blockchain DT and BC. The results revealed the increasing interest in DT and BC and their potential use in all building
Building lifecycle management
lifecycle phases; however, studies focused mainly on the construction phase. The findings also revealed unique
features of DT and BC, potentially supporting the proposal for their collaborative implementation to enhance
Digital adoption
Industry 4.0 building lifecycle management. This review’s findings positioned the argument for more research on integrating
DT and BC to augment building lifecycle management and the need to explore their relevance or role when
transitioning from construction to post-construction. This paper elucidates readers on the potential role of DT
and BC while developing a built asset and suggests directions for future research.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Pour Rahimian).
Received 18 April 2023; Received in revised form 3 July 2023; Accepted 17 August 2023
Available online 26 August 2023
0926-5805/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
N.A.N. Adu-Amankwa et al. Automation in Construction 155 (2023) 105064
solutions for issues like schedule delays and budget overruns, empow 2. Overview of building lifecycle management
ering stakeholders to make informed decisions proactively [66]. IoT
sensors coupled with DTs can also make BIM a living instrument, This study’s perspective is on a building’s lifecycle, which can be
automatically updating ‘as-built’ BIM [29]. Several studies have high divided into preconstruction, construction, and post-construction phases
lighted that creating and managing DT is a journey relevant to the entire [99], where stakeholders perform value-generating activities at each
project lifecycle [138]. Nonetheless, these studies have also underscored phase according to defined requirements. The preconstruction phase
the significance of ensuring security, reliability, and improved collabo includes project initiation, planning, design etc., executed before con
ration concerning the generated data [46]. struction. The construction phase includes works carried out to monitor
Consequently, BC provides potentially unified standards and pro and achieve project outputs, whilst the post-construction phase consists
tocols for information sharing with a decentralised peer-to-peer frame of activities undertaken after construction works are complete,
work and addresses information security and privacy based on the including monitoring building operations, maintenance activities etc.
cryptographic mechanism [32,123]. Hence, BC could be a suitable The management of each phase is generally done independently due
technology to overcome or manage the challenges of DT regarding its to the different activities and stakeholders involved; however, partici
security, reliability and enhancing trust and transparency throughout a pants are confronted with a lot of data across the different phases, which
built asset’s lifecycle [62]. BC can also be a channel to address failures in is crucial in understanding the performance of building systems and
communication among project participants and minimise information components and informing decision-making [82]. Therefore, effective
loss during a building’s lifecycle [33]. resource management is imperative for successful project management
With the AEC-FM industry’s increasing research focus on the po and critical for organising and exploiting relevant information to sup
tential of emerging technologies, significant literature reviews have port decision-making processes throughout the project lifecycle.
been carried out on DT or BC studies. Within DT literature, reviews have The AEC-FM industry still lacks a comprehensive way to manage,
focused on DT applications for building energy efficiency [7], DT ap capture, exchange, use, and control data and information throughout an
plications in the construction industry [95], the drivers for DT adoption asset’s lifecycle [50], especially during the transition from construction
[96], and DT fault detection in buildings [48]. Similarly, BC reviews to post-construction, which usually comprises building handover ac
have focused on BC’s potential and limitations [91], the risks and op tivities, considered critical and increasingly required for every building
portunities of BC applications in the construction industry [19], and the due to the recent incorporation of complex building systems [107].
anticipated benefits and challenges of applying BC in AEC [13]. Despite Building handover activities, including commissioning and post-
the growing number of reviews, little attention has been paid to high occupancy evaluation, are faced with the issues of manual data
lighting the complementary potential of DT and BC in the AEC-FM handling, inconsistencies in the representation, format and meaning of
literature. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, only one similar re the data generated [82], which can lead to errors and data loss, frag
view study has been conducted by Sadri et al. [111], who examined the mented and inaccurate information, and poor decision-making. This
potential of enabling technologies in integrating BC and DT in the smart results in critical issues during post-construction activities, which costs
built environment. Nevertheless, their study lacks a comprehensive re time and money [83]. Therefore, there is a need to focus on the efficient
view of the potential applicability of BC and DT during the different management and continuity of relevant information to enhance effective
stages of a building’s life cycle. Although increasing studies on DT and management and decision-making, especially when the building is in
BC indicate that their relevance encompasses all the phases of the life use.
cycle of a building, this study delves into the potential utilisation and the One possible way to ensure efficient decision-making and effective
rationale for the integration of DT and BC at the different phases of a management throughout a building’s lifecycle and contribute to
building’s lifecycle to help identify the trends and possible application addressing transition issues is to explore the relevance of BC and DT
areas. Hence this paper presents a systematic literature review to tackle throughout the different lifecycle phases. Consequently, effective ‘real-
the following: time’ monitoring, secured data management and enhanced collabora
tion are needed to improve the management of a built asset.
1. State-of-art DT applications within the context of preconstruction,
construction, and post-construction lifecycle phases. 3. Research methodology
2. State-of-art of BC applications within preconstruction, construction,
and post-construction lifecycle phases. A systematic literature review was selected as the most suitable
3. Identify the complementary features of DT and BC necessary for method to effectively determine the current state of research in a focal
enhanced building lifecycle management. field of study. This approach enables structured gathering, evaluation,
4. Highlight research gaps identified for both DT and BC applications and synthesis of relevant literature to provide valuable insights and
within the context of building lifecycle phases. identify potential areas for further research [38]. This study’s systematic
literature review focuses explicitly on works related to the potential use
The significance of this study lies in its contribution to the frontier of of DT and BC for the preconstruction, construction, and post-
knowledge on the relevance of emerging technologies in the Architec construction phases of a building. By focusing on a systematic litera
ture, Engineering, Construction and Facility Management (AEC-FM) ture review of DT and BC technologies for the AEC-FM industry, the
industry. It supports nudging further research directions for actualising study identifies relevant evidence within the extant literature [37]. Two
the desired state of digital construction, especially incorporating digital strands of the review were conducted, namely, DT and BC, ensuring both
technologies in building lifecycle management. The remainder of the strands adhered to systematic literature review techniques and princi
article is structured as follows: Section 2 gives a background overview of ples of conduct like replicability, retrievability, summarisation, syn
the core constructs of this study. Section 3 outlines the systematic thesis and transparency.
literature review process adopted for this study. Section 4 presents the To improve the process quality and mitigate against the risk of bias, a
results of the literature review. Section 5 discusses the literature find comprehensive search was performed across two databases, namely
ings, highlighting the gaps and the study’s limitations. Section 6 high Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection, based on recommendations
lights the recommendations emerging from this study, and Section 7 from the Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies (PRESS) [84].
finally summarises and concludes the study. These databases were chosen because they are the top two ranked da
tabases for trustworthy and peer-reviewed research, which indexes most
academic publications worldwide [54]. This search strategy of utilising
at least two literature sources was considered apt since not all
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N.A.N. Adu-Amankwa et al. Automation in Construction 155 (2023) 105064
Fig. 1. PRISMA Flow Diagram for Digital Twin and Blockchain Strands.
literature that threatens the implementation of DT in the built envi achieving net zero carbon emissions in a built environment, developed a
ronment include a lack of consensus on DT concepts in practice, diffi conceptual framework of DT to enable the capturing and monitoring of
culty in exhaustively evaluating DTs’ varied capabilities, and struggle real-time conditions of buildings for enhanced decision-making on car
experienced by practitioners in clear understanding of the required bon emissions and environmental issues throughout a built asset’s life
changes in an organisation’s processes to realise and sustain value cycle. Meschini et al. [85] further adopted an approach to integrate DT
generated from the DT [2]. See Table 3 for the classification summary of prototypes and artificial intelligence to automate and evaluate tendering
literature included in the DT strand according to constructed themes. procedures, optimise performance and contribute to sustainability.
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Table 3
Overview of Digital Twin Application Themes from AEC-FM Literature.
Building Lifecycle Phase No of Studies DT LITERATURE
For construction management, Sun and Liu [121] proposed a DT-BIM proposed method contributes to making risk-informed decisions and
hybrid model to aid in decision-making, progress updates, dispatching implementing proactive measures towards hurricane preparedness.
resources and identifying the shortage of resources. DTs can assist in
quality evaluation during construction by providing insights into geo 4.2.3. DT for post-construction phase
metric quality, checking completeness and accuracy, and helping guide DT literature retrieved for post-construction was mainly focused on
adjustments of building elements [130]. Jiang [56] applied DT tech the use of DT for real-time interactions, predictability, enhanced
nology to the simulation of the construction process and construction decision-making during operation and maintenance activities, facility,
management, featuring construction site management, safety during and asset management. According to Rao et al. [103], DT has the po
construction, and quality and operation management. The study tential to aid facility managers in testing and planning maintenance
explored the effectiveness of DT construction management via simula activities and monitoring and predicting building conditions. Y. Liu et al.
tion research, which proved that the efficiency of construction man [75] further posit that DT has the potential to provide owners and
agement could be enhanced via the timely formulation of a reliable property managers with real-time operational costs of green buildings,
construction management plan. Lin and Wu [136] introduced an inte providing a reasonable basis for effective decision-making.
grated framework for twinning and mining a construction project’s In work undertaken by Y. Zhao et al. [147], a framework involving
collaborative network, which entailed collecting collaborative data the integration of a machine learning algorithm with a DT for building
related to the construction project’s on-site inspection. The proposed operations was proposed. According to the studies, the distinct charac
framework allows managers to evaluate collaborators’ performance, teristics of DT’s virtual interaction and real-time response provide a
detect critical actors and understand how people work collaboratively to platform to achieve intelligent operation and maintenance management
complete construction tasks. via data-driven intelligent prediction and diagnosing the status of a
The emergence of DT platforms for construction safety has also building’s operation and maintenance. Using a data-driven approach,
become necessary for timely, intelligent safety decision-making via Vivi et al. [133] presented a system architecture for developing DTs at
deriving safety information from value-creating raw data [127]. Chro the building level to provide a platform for humans to relate to buildings
nopoulos et al. [16] proposed a safety framework which involved the via intelligent and sustainable channels. The research was further
interaction with a DT platform to aid in the reduction of potential haz examined using real-world development to establish the capability of DT
ards on construction sites. As part of the framework, sensory information in predicting, tracking, and improving asset maintenance. Wang et al.
was continuously integrated with the DT in a construction environment [134] focused on developing a DT-based built environment sensing and
to identify hazard areas, predict accidents and their impacts, and notify monitoring which incorporates data required to support real-time
the workers of these hazards. From a disaster preparedness perspective, environmental monitoring and communicates actionable insights for
Kamari and Ham [57] proposed a novel method based on DT and risk informed decisions while managing building facilities.
assessment to aid in hurricane preparedness by systematically identi Lin et al. [73] proposed a live DT model that included the develop
fying potential wind-borne debris based on job site characteristics. The ment of the dynamic behaviour of a building’s HVAC system via sensor
N.A.N. Adu-Amankwa et al. Automation in Construction 155 (2023) 105064
data to facilitate the efficient analysis of a constructed environment. The applications seem to be a rapidly growing focus.
authors posit that the use of DT for HVAC systems in the built envi
ronment aids in the significant reduction of cost of energy usage whilst
maintaining occupant comfort. Findings from the framework proposed 4.4. Blockchain for building lifecycle phases
by Hosamo et al. [49] demonstrated that the efficiency of an HVAC
system could be enhanced via automatic fault detection of air handling Although BC is regarded as the technology likely to have a significant
units. The proposed approach utilises a DT predictive maintenance impact [32], due to its potential to solve some problems experienced in
framework to diagnose and detect faults and predict the conditions of the industry, it is still relatively new to industry players. BC studies
building components. The research highlighted the possibility of retrieved were also clustered into their potential use for building life
formulating and implementing maintenance strategies to overcome the cycle phases. Research on BC in AEC-FM literature has indicated its
limitations in building facilities’ maintenance management systems. potential to enhance construction efficiency, reduce issues with frag
mentation and communication and lessen paper-based operational ac
tivities [59]. See Fig. 7 for a summary of BC application areas within a
4.3. Overview of studies on Blockchain for building lifecycle phases building’s lifecycle found in the literature.
BC’s development in the AEC-FM industry is still hampered by some
Results from the BC strand of the systematic literature review process challenges [59]. According to Kumar Singh et al. [65], some challenges
to answer this study’s aim on the state-of-the-art and potential gaps are can be deduced from stakeholders’ unawareness of BC, stakeholders’
presented hereafter. Sixty-four papers emerged from the BC strand and unwillingness to adopt and rely on new technology and the discomfort of
were utilised within this section to derive the presented results. Publi sharing business information in a distributed environment. On the other
cations included within the BC strand span over a timeline from 2018 to hand, Sharma and Kumar [115] suggest that adopting BC, like any new
2023 and are growing significantly, as revealed in their distribution: technology, may depend on stakeholders’ willingness to take a risk and
2018 (1 paper); 2019 (9 papers); 2020 (13 papers); 2021 (20 papers); their preparedness to invest in this unproven concept even though it has
2022 (18 papers); and 2023 (3 papers). Also, the main document types great potential. See Table 4 for the classification summary of literature
were Journal Articles (43 papers) and Conference Papers (21 papers). included in the BC strand according to constructed themes.
Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, respectively, present trends on papers grouped into
building lifecycle phases based on publication years and type. Addi 4.4.1. BC for preconstruction phase
tionally, a cumulative count of papers based on publication years and Research on BC for preconstruction activities mainly focused on
document types demonstrates the aggregated research growth patterns. using BC for the planning process, sustainable building design, design
The observed trends in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 suggest that within confer collaboration, optimisation of the design process, and tendering evalu
ence and journal papers, BC applications in the preconstruction phase ation. Studies of BC implementation are increasing, mainly due to its
were an initial focus; however, traction for construction phase applica potential to enhance transparency in a collaborative environment [28].
tions has dominated the research timeframe, whilst post-construction Berawi et al. [6] suggested a BIM-based BC model to support
N.A.N. Adu-Amankwa et al. Automation in Construction 155 (2023) 105064
information management to enhance collaboration during an intelligent accountability, and transparency of data. To overcome the problems of
building’s planning process. Findings from the study indicated that data tampering during preconstruction activities, Gong et al. [36]
employing decentralised ledgers can reinforce the quality and consis explored solutions to the e-tendering process by creating a secure
tency of data for effective planning and enhance the security, blockchain-based evaluation framework to secure data during e-
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N.A.N. Adu-Amankwa et al. Automation in Construction 155 (2023) 105064
(108 papers). Within that same period, the observed years of publica have rapidly grown, with most of the dominant studies focusing on
tions were 2020–2022 (98 papers), and they collectively represent about preconstruction and construction activities, whilst the attention on post-
90% of DT and BC studies within the AEC-FM context. Interestingly the construction activities seems to be emerging. BC’s integration was
proportion of document types favoured conference papers within 2020 considered suitable for any phase dealing with data management and
(59%), but this switched in favour of journal articles from 2021 (64%) smart contracts, thus invariably making it ideal for managing each phase
and 2022 (79%), which suggested an increasing pattern of research in a built asset’s lifecycle. Similarly, and extendedly over the snapshot
rigour for peer-reviewed journals on DT and BC studies. years (2018–2023), most discovered studies in this review were pub
lished after 2018, with a dominant focus shift from the preconstruction
5.1. State-of-art DT applications within the context of preconstruction, phase to the construction phase. There is rapidly emerging attention for
construction, and post-construction lifecycle phases post-construction applications, which may suggest an appreciation for
having accurate decentralised information throughout a building’s
Findings on DT functions for a building’s lifecycle have shown lifecycle. Similar BC review studies by Scott et al. [113] reinforce the
increasing research in the field of DT. Studies have indicated the po growing interest in BC studies. The study found that the publication of
tential benefits to be derived from the implementation of DT during each new literature on BC increased by a significant rate of 184% between
lifecycle phase. Studies retrieved predominantly focused on 2017 and 2020.
construction-related activities compared to the other lifecycle phases.
There is also emerging attention to preconstruction activities, which 5.3. Identify the complementary features of DT and BC necessary for
may suggest attention to the early incorporation of DT during the enhanced building lifecycle management
development of a built asset. The authors speculate that the discovered
pattern relating to the use of DT within both the construction and post- Studies on the various functional aspects of DT have revealed unique
construction phases could be related to the need for an existing physical characteristics that can enhance the value and outcome of integrating
artefact to twin as a digital equivalent. This may clarify the few studies DT in all stages of a building’s lifecycle (see Fig. 8). The identified fea
on DT within the preconstruction phase. However, these results tures of DT from these studies include its ability to analyse and visualise
contradict previous studies by some scholars like Opoku et al. [95], who data, capture real-time information, optimise processes, simulate sce
found that DT research primarily focused on preconstruction activities narios, and make predictions. These distinct features align with existing
such as design and engineering. literature and have the potential to improve collaboration, decision-
Furthermore, Opoku et al.’s (2021) research indicated a lack of making, and resource management, leading to efficient and effective
literature on DT applications in the construction phase. These disparities management of each phase of a building’s lifecycle [4,95,141].
may be due to the different time frames considered for literature Meanwhile, BC’s consensus mechanism, decentralised capability,
retrieval. Opoku et al. [95] analysed studies conducted between 2010 security, immutability, privacy, and data provenance are the distinct
and 2020, resulting in 22 relevant papers. In contrast, this study features that emerged from the studies analysed. These distinct features
reviewed DT studies conducted from 2018 to the end of 2022, resulting can enhance collaboration, enhance trust and transparency between
in 48 papers. Despite these differences in findings, both studies confirm project participants, enhance decision-making and contribute to
the growing interest in DT research. improved management throughout a building’s lifecycle. Findings on
BC’s distinct features are further reinforced by literature highlighting
5.2. State-of-art of BC applications within preconstruction, construction, the potential of BC to contribute to better resource management, elim
and post-construction lifecycle phases inate disputes and reduce costs [68,113].
An overview of the distinct characteristics of both DT and BC reveals
Studies on BC’s use for the different phases of a building’s lifecycle a perspective which reinforces the potential for DT and BC integration to
Fig. 8. Features of Digital Twin and Blockchain identified from AEC-FM Literature.
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N.A.N. Adu-Amankwa et al. Automation in Construction 155 (2023) 105064
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