Modeling Acceptance of Electric Vehicle Sharing-TPB

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Modeling Acceptance of Electric Vehicle Sharing
Based on Theory of Planned Behavior
Kai Zhang 1 , Hongwei Guo 2, *, Guangzheng Yao 3 , Chenggang Li 2 , Yujie Zhang 2 and
Wuhong Wang 2, *
1 School of Law and Economic, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088, China;
[email protected]
2 School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China;
[email protected] (C.L.); [email protected] (Y.Z.)
3 College of Metropolitan Transportation, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China;
[email protected] (G.Y.)
* Correspondence: [email protected] (H.G.); [email protected] (W.W.)

Received: 15 October 2018; Accepted: 21 November 2018; Published: 10 December 2018 

Abstract: The electric vehicle (EV) is a kind of innovation helping to address the issue of climate
change and conventional energy consumption, compared to internal combustion engine vehicles.
Electric vehicle sharing is a new way to promote the market penetration of electric vehicles due to
its convenience and economy. Aiming to provide a more profound understanding of the influential
factors in the acceptance of electric vehicle sharing, a structural equation model is proposed based on
the theory of planned behavior as the policy environment has been added as prepositive variable.
The data about the travelers’ perspective of electric vehicle sharing are acquired from questionnaires
in Beijing. The results indicate that the perceived behavioral control is the primary factor with
positive contributions to EV-sharing acceptance. Subjective norm, ranking second, is also proven to
exert a significant positive effect on EV-sharing acceptance. The results also reveal the insignificant
relationship between the attitude towards behavior and sharing acceptance, which is consistent
with relevant research. Moreover, the significant positive effects of policy support on attitude
and subjective norm are demonstrated. Finally, strategies to promote electric vehicle sharing are
proposed, including providing more accessible resources (charging facility, service station), improving
social pressure (free trial, sharing atmosphere), and strengthening policy support (financial support,
legal guarantee). This study can give a better understanding of the acceptance of EV sharing and the
strategy to promoting EV sharing in urban traffic.

Keywords: theory of planned behavior; electric vehicle; acceptance of sharing; structural

equation model

1. Introduction
The electric vehicle (EV) has the potential for reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs) and tailpipe
emissions that public road users are exposed to if its sources come from low-carbon electricity.
In consideration of its benefits, the use of EVs has been promoted on a large scale from the last
decade. Many countries enacted regulations to promote the market penetration of EVs, such as
American Clean Energy and Security Act in 2009, Germanic National Electromobility Development
Plan in 2011, and Japanese Next-Generation Plan in 2011 and Chinese Energy Saving and New Energy
Vehicle Industry Planning in 2012.
Meanwhile, car sharing with EVs as a new emerged travel mode provides travelers a flexible
alternative that not only meets diverse transportation needs, but also reduces the environmental

Sustainability 2018, 10, 4686; doi:10.3390/su10124686

Sustainability 2018, 10, 4686 2 of 14

negative impacts due to its zero emissions and reproducible energy source features. The existing
studies have discussed the incentives and hindrances related to car-sharing acceptance targeted at
conventional internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs). Those studies typically employ stated
preference questionnaires to analyze demographic statistics. Baum and Pesch [1] concluded that money
saving was not the primary cause for German consumers to attend car-sharing clubs, while short
distances between residential areas and sharing stations and sufficient shared vehicles ranked as the
top two prerequisites. After examining the samples from Portland, Katzev [2] argued that money
saving and demand for other types of automobiles were the principle purposes of participating in car
sharing. As for the obstacles for widespread car sharing, Lightfoot [3] attributed the immature service
quality, such as the higher charging fares, insufficient vehicle types, and long receiving distance to
some Europeans’ unwillingness to participate in car sharing. Through a comparison of car-sharing
operations among international countries, including similarities and differences, Shaheen et al. [4]
identified three main factors, namely, cost savings, convenient locations, and guaranteed parking,
as the most common motivations for ICEV sharing. It can be said that the development of car sharing
is affected by the Sustainable concept [5].
As car sharing presents advantages in economy and convenience, some researchers have proposed
the mutual development of car sharing and EVs [6,7]. Given that car-sharing organizations appeal to
environmentalists and innovators [8], the marriage of EV and car sharing attracts more participants
due to EVs’ environmental and cutting-edge technologies. Moreover, as most people get used to
driving conventional ICEVs, participating in EV sharing might shape a new perspective about EVs
and strengthen the desire for owning a private one. Indeed, EV-sharing programs have already been in
operation in many countries and areas, including profit-driven programs such as Autolib in Paris and
Bemobility in Berlin, and experimental items like Intellishare in America [9,10]. Kim [11] conducted
a questionnaire-based survey to investigate EV-sharing program participants and found their social
and economic perspectives significantly affect the attitude. The study focused on participants’
socioeconomic characteristics instead of external factors like policy support, subjective norm, and so
forth. A comprehensive study on both consumers’ characteristics and external factors is required [12].
Moreover, EV sharing is still at the primary stage in developing countries like China, while public
travelers unwillingly accept it due to a lack of experience. Today, Beijing (capital of China) is operating
three EV-sharing programs with similar pricings and operational rules. Travelers have a strong
willingness to join the EV program as a result of the demanding car purchasing rules and use
regulations in Beijing [13].
In order to better push forward EV sharing in Chinese cities, finding positive and negative
factors as well as constructing their influential mechanism play a fundamental role in the research of
consumers’ acceptance. Through the previous findings in ICEV sharing and EV purchasing, driving
range, charging time, and financial incentives are the main considerations for using or purchasing
electric vehicles. But the main obstacles and motivations are still unknown for EV sharing, particularly
for a new emerging market. So far, it is incapable of revealing the quantitative relationship between
contributors and consumers’ acceptance. To establish a more mature framework of the influential
mechanism of EV-sharing acceptance, this paper is one of the first combining the features of carsharing
and EV adoption to construct a structural equation modeling (SEM) based on theory of planned
behavior (TPB). SEM is proven to be a useful tool to understand the nature of the relationships among
consumers’ diverse motivations: instrumental, symbolic, and affective [14]. The TPB is applied to assist
survey design that links individual beliefs and behavior [15]. The developed method by combining
SEM and TPB for investigating EV-sharing acceptance is innovative and can be adopted in a wide
range of case studies.
The data about drivers’ attitudes towards and preference for EV sharing are collected from
questionnaires in Beijing. With the estimated model, drivers’ attitudes towards EV sharing and the
factors on the acceptance of EV sharing are analyzed quantitatively. The results are hoped to give
a better understanding of the acceptance of EV sharing and promote EV sharing in urban traffic.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 4686 3 of 14

The main contribution of the study is to address the key considerations of consumers in order to
effectively operate and expand EV-sharing programs. Particularly, the factor of policy support is for
the first time included in the TPB to analyze the acceptance of EV sharing. Its results also intend to
provide policy makers with some implications about the issues using a questionnaire-based survey.
The remaining part of the paper is organized as follows. First, the feasibility of the application of TPB
is confirmed and the questionnaire is designed accordingly. Then, the reliability and the validity tests
are carried out with the collected data samples from Beijing. Next, the acceptance mechanism of EV
sharing is revealed through the justified SEM. Finally, relevant suggestions are proposed to promote
EV sharing.

2. Methodology

2.1. Theory of Planned Behavior

The theory of planned behavior can be applied to assist in the understanding of residents’
EV-sharing acceptance owing to the fact that EV sharing is purchasing behavior. A purchasing
behavior is under the influence of multitudinous factors, such as customer value, service quality, and
customer participation [16]. Deriving from the theory of reasoned action [17], the theory of planned
behavior (TPB) is a well-validated model to interpret social behaviors [18–20]. The theory of planned
behavior maintains that intention is the most proximate determinant of behavior, characterizing the
willingness that a person wants to perform a behavior. The intention is under the influence of three
components, including the attitude towards the behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral
control [21]. Attitude towards the behavior characterizes how positively the behavioral consequences
are predicted. Subjective norm characterizes the influential effects of social pressure to perform or
not perform a behavior. Perceived behavioral control (PBC) characterizes how easy it is to perform
an action in a person’s perception. Relevant experiences and positive anticipation of difficulties help
to increase the perceived behavioral control. In general, having more favorable attitudes towards
behavioral consequence, greater pressures from important others, and greater behavioral control will
result in the strong intention to perform the behavior [18].
It is important to note that a meta-analysis of 185 tests of the TPB provides support for the
efficiency of the model, explaining 39% of the variance on average in intent, and 27% in behavior with
a further 2% attributable to the perceived behavioral control across a variety of contexts. A further
advantage of the TPB is the potential for the expansion of the standard construct with additional
context-relevant factors with the premise that these factors explain additional variance [22]. Therefore,
this paper employs an extended TPB construct to analyze the acceptance of EV sharing.

2.2. Model Construction and Hypothesis

According to the TPB, travelers’ acceptance of EV sharing could be affected by three dependent
variables: attitude towards the behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control (PBC).
Besides that, it is necessary to introduce policy support as the fourth dependent variable to characterize
the effect of policy instruments on the acceptance of EV sharing. As a new-emerging travel mode,
EV sharing is also susceptible to government’s policies. For instance, local road restrictions and traffic
control for normal ICEVs are not applied to EVs, which might directly stimulate travelers to participate
in EV sharing, especially for those who may not be able to own a car due to the car registration lottery.
The car registration lottery is a typical traffic demand management measure to restrict the fast-growing
number of vehicles in some Chinese cities, such as Beijing, Tianjin, and Shenzhen. Additionally,
environmental protection regulations might lead people to participate in EV sharing such as launching
stringent emission standards to make petrol vehicle users pay extra environmental tax, which might
guide consumers to purchase zero mission EVs or participate in EV sharing. Based on the possible
direct and indirect effects, government policy is another important factor which might influence the
acceptance of EV sharing.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 4686 4 of 14

With 2018,
Sustainability the 10,
combination of conventional
x FOR PEER REVIEW TPB model and the added policy support variable,
4 of 15
the model framework of travelers’ acceptance of EV sharing is shown in Figure 1.

ξ1 η1
Policy (+) Attitude


η2 η3
Subjective (+)



Figure 1.
Figure Theoreticalmodel
1. Theoretical modelof
consumers’ acceptance
acceptance of
of EV
EV sharing.

As policy
As policy support
support (ξ(ξ11)) could
could enhance
enhance consumers’
consumers’ positivepositive experience
experience in in participating
participating in in EVEV
sharing, we hypothesize policy support positively affects consumers’ attitude
sharing, we hypothesize policy support positively affects consumers’ attitude (η11) towards sharing (η ) towards sharing
behavior. EV-supporting
behavior. EV-supportingpolicies
policies might
attract moremore
attract travelers to entertoEV
travelers sharing
enter EV at the beginning
sharing at the
stage. Experienced consumers may introduce such a new travel
beginning stage. Experienced consumers may introduce such a new travel mode to their familymode to their family members or
friends according
members or friendstoaccording
their experience,
to their in which thein
experience, social
which pressure
the socialis formed.
pressureThus, we hypothesize
is formed. Thus, we
policy support
hypothesize positively
policy supportaffects subjective
positively affectsnorm (η 2 ). Although
subjective norm (η2).the relevantthe
Although experience or positive
relevant experience
or of difficulties
positive anticipations help to increase
of difficulties help toPBC (ξ 3 ), it PBC
increase is assumed to assumed
(ξ3), it is be determined by the total by
to be determined set
of accessible
the control
total set of beliefs
accessible [23]. Itbeliefs
control is hard to change
[23]. It is hard an individual’s
to change ancontrol beliefs control
individual’s although such
EV-supporting policies provided for EV sharing. The control belief
although such EV-supporting policies provided for EV sharing. The control belief is defined as an is defined as an individual’s
beliefs aboutbeliefs
individual’s the presence
about theof factors
presence thatofmay facilitate
factors that may or impede
or impede of the behavior
performance of [24].
Hence, we[24].
behavior hypothesize
Hence, we there is no link path
hypothesize therebetween
is no link policy
between and perceiving
policy support behavioral control.
and perceiving
Besides, Ajzen
behavioral [24] Besides,
control. argued that Ajzen the[24]
more favorable
argued that the
the attitude toward behavior
more favorable the attitude andtoward
subjective norm,
the greater
and the norm,
subjective perceivedthe behavioral
greater thecontrol,perceived andbehavioral
the stronger the person’s
control, and the intention
strongertothe perform
person’s the
behavior. to
intention Based on the
perform theAjzen’s
behavior. perspective,
Based onwe thehypothesize attitude (η
Ajzen’s perspective, 1 ), hypothesize
we subjective norm (η 2 ), (η
attitude and
perceived behavioral control
subjective norm (η2), and perceived (ξ 3 ) all positively contribute to improve the acceptance
behavioral control (ξ3) all positively contribute to improve the of EV sharing (η 3 ).
More specifically,
acceptance of EV sharing we(ηput
3). forward 5 hypotheses as follows:

More specifically, we put forward 5 hypotheses as follows:

1. Attitude towards the behavior has a significant positive effect (+) on the acceptance of EV sharing.
2. Attitude
Subjectivetowards thea behavior
norm has significanthas a significant
positive effect (+)positive effect (+) on
on the acceptance thesharing.
of EV acceptance of EV
3. sharing.
Perceived behavioral control has a significant positive effect (+) on the acceptance of EV sharing.
4. Subjective normhas
Policy support hasaasignificant
acceptance of EVthe
towards sharing.
5. Perceived behavioral control has a significant positive effect (+) on
Policy support has a significant positive effect (+) on the subjective norm.the acceptance of EV sharing.
4. Policy support has a significant positive effect (+) on the attitude towards the behavior.
2.3. Policy support
Structural hasModeling
Equation a significant positive
of EV Sharingeffect (+) on the subjective norm.
The Structural
2.3. Structural Equation
Equation ModelingModel (SEM) Acceptance
of EV Sharing includes a measured model and a structural model.
The measured model, shown as Equation (1) in the form of a matrix equation, is a linear function of
a setThe Structural
of observed EquationItModel
variables. (SEM)
describes the includes a measured
relationships of latentmodel and and
variables a structural model. The
their corresponding
measured model, shown as Equation (1) in the form of a matrix equation, is a linear function
observed variables. The structural model, shown as Equation (2) in the form of a matrix equation, of a set
of observed variables. It describes the relationships of
describes the causal relationships among the latent variables. latent variables and their corresponding
observed variables. The structural model, shown as Equation (2) in the form of a matrix equation,
= Ληvariables.
describes the causal relationships among the γlatent +ε (1)
     (1)

where Y is the observed variable; Λ is the factor loading of observed variable; η is the latent variable;
ε is measurement error; η has no relevance to ε.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 4686 5 of 14

where Y is the observed variable; Λ is the factor loading of observed variable; η is the latent variable;
ε is measurement error; η has no relevance to ε.

η = Bη + Γξ + ζ (2)

where η is the endogenous latent variable; B is the coefficient matrix among endogenous latent
variables; ξ is the exogenous latent variable; Γ is the coefficient matrix among exogenous latent
variables and endogenous latent variables; ζ is the residuals term; ξ has no relevance to ζ.
Based on the definition and the five hypotheses, the SEM of travelers’ acceptance of EV sharing
can be written in the form of a matrix equation as Equation (3).
        
η1 0 0 0 η1 γ11 0 " # ζ1
 ξ1
 η2  =  0 0 0  η2  +  γ21 0  +  ζ2  (3)
       
η3 β 31 β 32 0 η3 0 γ32 ζ3

3. Scale Development and Data Validation

3.1. Scale Development

The main purpose of the TPB-based survey is to characterize the relationships between influential
factors and the acceptance of EV sharing. Note that specific factors which have potential influence
on EV sharing, such as limited range of EV and limited accessibility to charging facilities, are only
observation items belonging to certain latent variables. Hence, not all specific factors are adapted as
observation items in TPB-based questionnaires. The observation items of standard TPB variables are
developed by taking reference of the testified scales while items of extended variables are developed
by the authors. In general, the testified scale is divided into three sections according to their different
purposes. The first section asks for the basic information of participants, including gender, age,
daily travel mode, and the number of household vehicles, and so on. The second section examines
the relevant knowledge of EV sharing, such as EVs’ performance characteristics, economic benefits,
environmental benefits, and government’s incentive measures. Respondents’ acceptance of EV sharing
is evaluated in the third section with five subscales. Within this section, respondents rated their
opinions by a five-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (referring to strongly disagree) to 5 (referring to
strongly agree). The specific items in the third section are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Items in the five subscales of EV-sharing acceptance.

Latent Variable Item Number Observation Item Reference

1. EV sharing can satisfy my travel demand by automobile
if I can’t afford a private one.
2. EV sharing can meet my need of temporary automobile
The Attitude towards usage.
Behavior 4 3. EV sharing contributes to environmental conservation. [14,15]
(AB) 4. EV sharing provides an available automobile usage
method under the policy of vehicle registration via lottery
system and the vehicle usage restriction according to the
license plate.
1. Family members and friends support my participation
in EV sharing.
Subjective Norm 2. Family members and friends encourage me to
3 [14,15]
(SN) participate in EV sharing.
3. Family members and friends expect me to choose EV
sharing to meet part of my travel demand.
Perceived Behavioral 1. I am confident that I could attend EV sharing.
Control 2 2. If I want to, it would be easy for me to attend EV [14,15]
(PBC) sharing.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 4686 6 of 14

Table 1. Cont.

Latent Variable Item Number Observation Item Reference

1. After the survey, I will try to participate in EV sharing.
2. After the survey, I will encourage my friends to
Sharing Intention
3 participate in EV sharing [14,15]
3. I plan to adopt EV sharing as an available travel mode
in the future.
1. Government’s vehicle restriction policies, such as
vehicle registration via lottery system and traffic
Policy Support restriction according to license number, lead me to
2 Authors designed
(PS) participate in EV sharing. *
2. Government’s stringent emission regulations lead me to
choose “zero emission” EV sharing.
* The vehicle restriction policies are implemented in some cities in China, e.g., Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin,
Hangzhou etc.

3.2. Sample Distribution

Samples were collected via a random sampling survey administered in the vicinity of the Beijing
Institute of Technology charging station and the Tsinghua Science Park charging station, both located in
Haidian District, Beijing. Before distributing the questionnaire, the study purpose and clear definition
of questions were explained to each interviewee. The whole survey was finished in the form of
street intercept. Given the goal of the study, the interviewee should have a driver’s license and half
a year’s driving experience at least. Besides, interviewees’ age was also a controlled factor for an
eligible driver. Respondents aging from 18 to 55 were selected. Considering the preset requirements
on age and driving license, and invalid questionnaires (not completed), this paper finally acquired
124 valid samples for the analysis. The mean of respondents’ age was 31.6, 45.3% of whom were
female respondents. Moreover, 22% of the respondents chose walking and riding bicycles as their
daily travel mode. The proportions of traveling by public transport and private vehicles were 44%
and 20%, respectively, and 14% of the interviewees were multimodal travelers, who usually used both
public transport and private cars. Surprisingly, the car ownership ratio was 63% while 12% of the
respondents had more than one car.

3.3. Data Validation

In this part, the proposed model will be verified and validated. The testified scale would be further
used in model estimation. Item analysis is adopted to validate the effectiveness of each observation
item. Unjustified items should modify the expression or be excluded from the scale to guarantee the
persuasiveness of the conclusion. The method of item–scale correlations is adopted to process the item
analysis among 14 items (in Table 1). The outcome shows that t values of all items are less than 0.05,
which verify the effectiveness of each item.
The principal component analysis (PCA) is used to testify the convergent validity. Using the
varimax orthogonal rotation (KMO = 0.647 > 0.6, KMO means Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin), the component
matrix is shown in Table 2 and the coefficients more than 0.6 are emphasized by boldface. As the items
merely fall a small weight (all less than 0.4) on the principle components they don’t belong to, it leads
to the conclusion that the scale has a good convergent validity.
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Table 2. The component matrix of items in proposed model.

Observed Variable
1 2 3 4 5
SI1 0.262 0.839 0.044 0.245 0.191
SI2 0.028 0.770 −0.018 0.108 0.097
SI3 0.250 0.844 0.181 0.069 0.039
AB1 0.076 0.102 0.701 −0.224 0.143
AB2 0.100 −0.093 0.704 0.272 0.380
AB3 −0.111 0.071 0.600 0.458 −0.076
AB4 0.215 0.106 0.866 0.096 −0.106
SN1 0.839 0.115 0.042 0.245 0.191
SN2 0.912 0.185 0.136 0.108 0.097
SN3 0.879 0.195 0.103 0.069 0.039
PBC1 0.294 0.336 0.072 −0.148 0.689
PBC2 0.055 0.183 0.097 0.254 0.816
PS1 0.179 0.159 −0.003 0.743 0.238
PS2 0.223 0.179 0.126 0.803 −0.026
Eigenvalue 2.685 2.333 2.193 1.769 1.610
Contribution of Variance (%) 19.178 16.663 15.666 12.638 11.498
Accumulated Contribution of Variance (%) 19.178 15.666 51.507 64.145 75.643

Then, the model of first-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is constructed to calculate the
construct reliability and discriminant validity. The Cronbach’s α of the entire scale is 0.849 > 0.8,
indicating the good internal consistency of the scale. The Goodness-of-Fit Indices of CFA model
are demonstrated as follows: RMSEA (the root-mean-square-error of approximation) = 0.023 < 0.08,
CFI (the comparative fit index) = 0.996 > 0.9, GFI (the goodness-of-fit index) = 0.908 > 0.9, which
indicates the model fits well the collected sample data. As shown in Table 3, the four latent variables’
construct reliability values are all higher than 0.6, meaning the scale has good construct reliability.

Table 3. Results of confirmatory factor analysis.

Factor Construct Variance

Variable t-Value
Loading Reliability Extraction
Attitude towards the Behavior — — 0.762 0.459
AB1 0.532 — — —
AB2 0.704 4.106 *** — —
AB3 0.491 3.121 ** — —
AB4 0.904 4.271 *** — —
Subjective Norm — — 0.914 0.781
SN1 0.870 — — —
SN2 0.943 10.736 *** — —
SN3 0.835 8.930 *** — —
Perceived Behavioral Control — — 0.634 0.469
PBC1 0.773 3.401 *** — —
PBC2 0.583 — — —
Sharing Intention — — 0.861 0.677
SI1 0.920 7.893 *** — —
SI2 0.715 6.251 *** — —
SI3 0.820 — — —
Policy Support — — 0.694 0.532
PS1 0.744 3.239 ** — —
PS2 0.714 — — —
*** The coefficient significant at p < 0.001 level; ** the coefficient significant at p < 0.01 level.
Policy Support — — 0.694 0.532
PS1 0.744 3.239 ** — —
PS2 0.714 — — —
Sustainability*** The10,
2018, 4686
coefficient significant at p < 0.001 level; ** the coefficient significant at p < 0.01 level. 8 of 14

The convergent validity of each latent variable is shown in Table 4. The significant level of
The convergent validity of each latent variable is shown in Table 4. The significant level of
correlation coefficients indicates that: (1) policy support (PS) is related to the attitude towards
correlation coefficients indicates that: (1) policy support (PS) is related to the attitude towards behavior
behavior (AB) and subjective norm (SN); (2) sharing intention (SI) is related to the attitude of
(AB) and subjective norm (SN); (2) sharing intention (SI) is related to the attitude of behavior, subjective
behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control (PBC). These correlations do not indicate
norm, and perceived behavioral control (PBC). These correlations do not indicate the mutual influence
the mutual influence of the variables [25], but justify the theoretical hypothesis (shown in Figure 1)
of the variables [25], but justify the theoretical hypothesis (shown in Figure 1) in which specific
in which specific relationships among series of concerned variables are established.
relationships among series of concerned variables are established.
Table 4. Convergent validity of latent variables.
Table 4. Convergent validity of latent variables.
Latent Variable AB SN PBC SI PS
Latent Variable AB SN PBC SI PS
AB 0.459 — — — —
SN AB 0.327 * 0.459 0.781 — —— — — — —
SN 0.327 * 0.781 — — —
PBC 0.234 0.402 * 0.469 — —
PBC 0.234 0.402 * 0.469 — —
SI SI 0.253 ** 0.253 **0.462 ** 0.462 ** 0.316
0.316** ** 0.677 0.677 — —
PS PS 0.267 ** 0.267 **0.471 ** 0.471 ** 0.215
0.215 0.4710.471
** ** 0.532 0.532
** The coefficient significant
** The coefficient at p at
significant < 0.01 level;
p < 0.01 level;**the coefficient
the coefficient significant
significant at p < at
0.05p level.
< 0.05 level.

4. Model
4. Model Verification andHypothesis
Verification and HypothesisTest

4.1. Model
4.1. Model Verification
The SEM of of travelers’
travelers’ EV-sharing
EV-sharing acceptance
acceptance isis shown
shown inin Figure
Figure 2.2. This
This paper
paper assesses
assesses the
goodness-of-fit of
goodness-of-fit the model
of the model using
using chi-square
chi-square test,
test, the
the root-mean-square-error
root-mean-square-error of of approximation
(RMSEA), the comparative fit index (CFI), the goodness-of-fit index (GFI), and the
(RMSEA), the comparative fit index (CFI), the goodness-of-fit index (GFI), and the Tacker–Lewis Tacker–Lewis
Index (TLI).
Index (TLI). The
The indices
indices are
are computed
computed using
using AMOS
AMOS 18.018.0 (IBM
AMOS: NewNew York,
York, NY,
USA; The The goodness-of-fit
indices of
indices of the
the model
model and
and the
the corresponding
corresponding recommended
recommended standards
standards [26,27]
[26,27] are
are shown
shown inin Table
Table 5.
The indices
The indices all
all reach
reach the
the recommended
recommended standards,
standards, indicating
indicating that
that the
the theoretical
theoretical model
model fits well the
fits well the
collected sample
collected sample data.

e10 e11 e12

1 1 1
SI e17

e15 e16
1 1
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9

1 1
e13 e14

Figure 2. Structural equation model of consumers’ EV-sharing acceptance *. * Notes: SI (sharing

intention); AB (attitude towards behavior); SN (subjective norm); PBC (perceived behavioral control).
Sustainability 2018, 10, 4686 9 of 14

Table 5. The goodness-of-fit indices of the model and recommended standards.

χ2 df χ2 /df RMSEA CFI GFI TLI

1~3, the hypothetical <0.05, good fit;
— — model can well fit the 0.05~0.08, reasonable >0.9 >0.9 >0.9
sample data. fit.
75.748 65 1.165 0.052 0.972 0.963 0.961

4.2. Path Analysis and Hypothesis Test

After performing the path analysis, the standardized regression weights among latent variables
and their corresponding observed variables can be obtained, as is shown in Table 6 below.

Table 6. Standardized regression weights and its significance level.

Path Standardized Path Coefficient t-Value

AB→SI 0.069 0.571
SN→SI 0.347 2.630 *
PBC→SI 0.530 2.823 *
PS→AB 0.375 2.023 **
PS→SN 0.559 3.138 *
AB1→AB 0.500 3.008 *
AB2→AB 0.711 3.799 ***
AB3→AB 0.496 —
AB4→AB 0.919 3.841 ***
SN1→SN 0.852 —
SN2→SN 0.955 10.2999 ***
SN3→SN 0.835 8.495 ***
PBC1→PBC 0.608 3.075 *
PBC2→PBC 0.665 —
SI1→SI 0.898 7.971 ***
SI2→SI 0.716 6.202 ***
SI3→SI 0.836 —
PS1→PS 0.674 3.576 ***
PS2→PS 0.738 —
* The coefficient significant at p < 0.01 level; ** the coefficient significant at p < 0.05 level; *** the coefficient significant
at p < 0.001 level.

The results show that the paths among latent variables and their corresponding observed variables
all achieve significant levels. Except for the “AB→SI” path, the other 4 paths between exogenous latent
variable and endogenous variable (SN→SI, PBC→SI, PS→AB, PS→SN) all satisfy the requirements
of statistically significant levels. Furthermore, the regression weights of these 4 paths are all positive,
which is consistent with the hypothesis in the theoretical model in Figure 1. Hence, the results of the
verification of the hypotheses are given as shown in Table 7.

Table 7. Verification of the hypotheses.

Path Direction Result

Hypothesis 1: AB→SI + Not supported
Hypothesis 2: SN→SI + Supported
Hypothesis 3: PBC→SI + Supported
Hypothesis 4: PS→AB + Supported
Hypothesis 5: PS→SN + Supported

The total effects among exogenous latent variables and endogenous variables are shown in
Table 8. The greater coefficient value indicates that the independent variables have a greater impact on
Sustainability 2018, 10, 4686 10 of 14

their corresponding dependent variables. Hence, the coefficients provide a quantitative criterion of
calculating the devotions of different contributors. The devotions of independent variables to sharing
intention are ranked by importance as follows: perceived behavioral control (0.530), subjective norm
(0.347), policy support (0.219), and the attitude towards behavior (0.069). The mediating effect of policy
support on the attitude toward behavior and subjective norm are 0.375 and 0.559, respectively.

Table 8. Standardized total effects among latent variables.

AB — — — 0.375
SN — — — 0.559
SI 0.069 0.347 0.530 0.219 *
Notes: exogenous variables and endogenous variables are arranged in row and column, respectively; * the value
here characterizes standardized indirect effect.

5. Discussion

5.1. Research Findings

5.1.1. The Acceptance of EV Sharing Varies on Different Demographic Features

Table 9 demonstrates the mean comparison among different people on the EV-sharing-related
knowledge and sharing intention. As shown in Table 2, in comparison with females, males acquire
significantly more EV-sharing-related knowledge, but are significantly less interested in EV sharing.
People who do not own household vehicles have significantly less EV-sharing knowledge compared
to people who own at least one private car, but there are no significant differences existing in sharing
intention between them. Likewise, although people who travel by public transit have more interest in
EV sharing than those who travel by private car, the result fails to achieve a significant level.

Table 9. The mean comparison on sharing knowledge and intention.

Familiar to the EV-Sharing Knowledge Intention to Participate in EV Sharing

Mean SD t-Test Mean SD t-Test
male 3.21 1.18 t(60) = 1.966, 3.33 0.64 t(60) = −0.454,
Gender p = 0.008 p = 0.014
female 2.84 1.21 3.42 0.66

Vehicle none 3.43 0.7 t(60) = −1.345, 3.27 0.48 t(60) = −0.807,
number at least 1 3.51 0.42 p = 0.039 3.42 0.51 p = 0.542

Travel public transit 3.05 0.52 t(60) = 0.045, 3.45 0.57 t(60) = −0961,
mode private car 3.04 0.56 p = 0.977 3.27 0.39 p = 0.354

5.1.2. The Attitude towards Behavior Insignificantly Influences Sharing Intention

It is found that consumers’ attitude does not affect them choosing EV sharing, which is consistent
with previous research findings in this field. A meta-analysis on psychological correlations of car
use highlights a general lack of evidence of effects of proenvironmental cognitions on behavior or
intentions [28]. A study on green consumer market segmentation in Portugal showed that Portuguese
consumers, despite their support for the policies designed to improve the environment, do not always
translate their concerns into environmentally friendly actions [29]. Similarly, a study on environmental
attitudes and behavior of consumers in China concluded that Chinese consumers demonstrate a
powerful environmental effect, but their actions in protecting the environment are still insignificant [30].
The reason for the insignificant relationship between attitude and sharing intention can be explained
as follows. EV sharing has a significant external character, which means that consumers have to pay
extra money for environment conservation while receiving little feedback. Moreover, EV’s market
immaturity in vehicle performance compared to ICEVs and the limitations of supporting infrastructure
Sustainability 2018, 10, 4686 11 of 14

intensify the externality of EV sharing. All negative factors act together to cause the uncertainty in
the relationship between attitude and EV-sharing intention, characterized by the low path weight
and its insignificance. The obscure relationship implies that even positive-attitude holders might not
participate in EV sharing in reality.

5.1.3. Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavior Control Both Have Significant Positive Effects on
Sharing Intention
The attitude shaped by consumers themselves is feeble in transforming into actual activity.
However, the social pressures, expressed by the recommendation from family members or friends,
can significantly affect sharing intention. Promoting EV sharing requires external encouragements
over than inner perceptions. Consumers with strong perceived behavioral control are more likely to
participate in EV sharing even with the knowledge of the limitation of EVs’ performance and their
supporting infrastructures.

5.1.4. Policy Support Affects Sharing Intention via Mediating Effect

Policies to restrict the use of ICEVs and increase emission standards can indirectly change the
intention of EV sharing. However, policy support affects EV-sharing intention mostly through other
people’s opinion, rather than perceptions from consumers themselves. Considering the relatively
small contribution made by the attitude towards behavior to sharing intention, the indirect effect of
policy support on sharing intention is measured mainly by the mediated variable subjective norm,
as shown in Equation (4). The route devotion made by mediated variable subjective norm is shown in
Equation (5).

Indirect E f f ect PS→SN →SI = Direct E f f ect PS→SN ∗ Direct E f f ectSN →SI
= 0.559 ∗ 0.347 = 0.194

Indirect E f f ect PS→SN →SI

Route Devotion PS→SN →SI =
Total E f f ect PS→SI (5)
= = 88.58%
The result of Equation (5) reveals the theoretical mechanism that policy support has an influence
on sharing intention. The policy support can widely affect the preference of EV sharing. However,
the consumers’ sharing intention is mostly affected by the evaluations from family members or friends,
rather than the perceptions by themselves. In other words, the consumers’ inner perceptions of EV
sharing act weakly in determining their sharing behavior. They need to search for confirmations
from people who are important to themselves, usually family members or friends. Their support for
participating in EV sharing will significantly increase the possibility of travelers’ EV-sharing behavior.

5.2. Recommedations to Promote EV Sharing

5.2.1. Providing More Accessible Resources of EV Sharing, Highlights on Improving the Perceived
Behavioral Control
As the perceived behavioral control has the greatest significant impact on sharing intention
(ξ = 0.530, p = 0.01), enhancing the PBC should enjoy the priority when it comes to adding sharing
intention. Based on the PBC’s definition, the more opportunities or resources that a person has access
to, the more likely he will feel at ease to perform the particular behavior. Hence, constructing more
charging piles on road networks or equipping more sharing vehicles at each service station will make
the travelers regard EV sharing and EV purchasing as a convenient and reliable travel mode. As the
accessible resources increase, the consumers’ perceived behavioral control improves as well, which
results in the adding of sharing intention.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 4686 12 of 14

5.2.2. Improving Social Pressure, Keeping Focus on Enhancing Subjective Norm

Enhancing the travelers’ subjective norm is an important means to promote EV sharing as the
significant path coefficient exists between subjective norm and sharing intention (η = 0.347, p < 0.01).
According to the definition of subjective norm, an individual’s perception about a particular behavior
is influenced by the judgment of significant others or, say, social pressure. By offering free use or
discounts, some travelers will take part in EV sharing and form the start nodes. Their sharing behaviors
will imperceptibly persuade other people who are close to them to participate in sharing too, which
could be characterized as silent social pressure. As more people take part in sharing, the subjective
norm accumulates with the increasing social pressure, leading to more sharing participants.

5.2.3. Under Current Condition, Propaganda Aiming to Promote Behavioral Attitude Is Not an
Effective Way
The attitude toward behavior is unable to effectively increase sharing intention as the path
coefficient is not significant (η = 0.069, p > 0.05). Based on the definition, the behavioral attitude is
related to the evaluation of behavioral outcomes. Recently, propaganda of promoting EV sharing has
been divided into two categories, one to promote a green travel mode, the other to demonstrate the
cost-saving effect compared to traveling by private petrol car. No matter which type the propaganda
belongs to, the essential is to increase travelers’ positive evaluations before actually participating in EV
sharing, further improving the attitude towards behavior. However, within current technology, facility,
and policy conditions, propaganda tends to be in vain as the correlation between the attitude towards
behavior and sharing intention doesn’t reach the significant level.

5.2.4. Policy Works Better When It Focuses on Improving Social Pressure

Policy support has two means to affect sharing intention, via the mediated variable attitude
towards behavior (indirect effect 0.026) or via the mediated variable subjective norm (indirect effect
0.194). Hence, one could draw the conclusion that policy focus on improving social pressure might
work in a more effective way. For instance, launching laws to guarantee a certain number of charging
piles in new residential areas, or implementing regulations that EV is free from in rush hour of
workdays will promote the development of EV sharing. As the number of people trying this new
type of travel mode is increasing, social pressure accumulates as well, which results in including more
people in the sharing activity.

6. Conclusions
The SEM of EV-sharing acceptance is established and justified to illustrate the influential
mechanism of the attitude towards behavior, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and
policy support on sharing acceptance. This study confirms the determinant roles of both subjective
norm and perceived behavioral control in promoting sharing intention and simultaneously proves
the mediating effect of policy support. From the results, the importance of policy support is revealed.
Launching laws to improve the development of EV application can be an efficient way, for example,
enhancing the convenience of charging stations, or financial subsidy for EV purchase and utilization
(including EV sharing). According to the result of improving social pressure, EV sharing is easily
spread in a sustainable atmosphere. Therefore, promoting energy conservation and environmental
protection are also important. There is no gainsaying the fact that the EV still has shortcomings, which
affect the popularization of EVs. The development of EV sharing needs more policy support.
The limitations of this study are interpreted as follows. First, as EV sharing is a totally
new innovative travel mode in Beijing, the lack of personal experiences causes the fluctuation of
questionnaire answers. As a result, we have to eliminate some irrelevant items. This leads to the fact
that we have two latent variables assessed with only two items, which might undermine the power
to capture the multidimensional nature of the latent variable. Second, this study merely draws an
Sustainability 2018, 10, 4686 13 of 14

illustration of how the SEM of EV-sharing acceptance works. For example, the study constructs the
SEM through taking the whole questionnaire samples into consideration. Hence, future studies should
be warranted to include more demographic information, such as gender, age, income, daily travel
mode, and number of household vehicles, in the SEM to process the simultaneous analysis of several
groups. An elaborate division of sample groups helps to provide a more effective solution to promote
EV sharing targeting specific travelers sharing the same demographic characters. Third, apart from
behavioral intention, the individual behavior is affected by opportunities and resources around them.
Considering the quick development of EV technology and the construction of charging piles in large
scale, the traveler’s perspective of EV sharing might have changed with time. Hence, the model should
acquire the latest stated preference survey data so as to give an accurate interpretation of travelers’
sharing behavior.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, K.Z.; methodology, Y.Z., H.G; data analysis, G.Y.; writing—original
draft preparation, H.G., Y.Z.; writing—review and editing, H.G., C.L.; supervision, H.G., W.W.
Funding: This research was supported in part by the National Nature Science Foundation of China under grant
51878045, 71871130, 71734004.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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