State Feedback Controller Design Applied To Quadratic Boost Converter Used in Photovoltaic Array MPPT
State Feedback Controller Design Applied To Quadratic Boost Converter Used in Photovoltaic Array MPPT
State Feedback Controller Design Applied To Quadratic Boost Converter Used in Photovoltaic Array MPPT
Rafael Nielson
Enel Goiás
Goiânia, Brazil
Abstract — This paper presents the controller design that will VOUT 1
be used in the internal loop of the maximum power point tracking (1)
(MPPT) algorithm to control the output voltage of a PV VIN 1 D
(photovoltaic) array. The PV system is intended to be connected to
the single-phase power grid through the DC-DC Quadratic Boost D is the duty cycle of the converter switch, 0 < D < 1.
converter at the interface between the PV panels and the DC bus. However, the Boost converter has performance limitations when
The proposed controller uses the state feedback technique and, in scanned in regions close to D = 1 [2]. In this context, the
its design, it will be demonstrated the mathematical modeling of Quadratic Boost converter becomes an option to be able to raise
the DC-DC Quadratic Boost converter, the step-by-step voltages at higher values without considerable loss of efficiency,
determination of the discrete gains that feed the plant, and since the conversion factor of the input voltage, VIN, to the
computational simulation results that show the viability of the output voltage, VOUT, is greater than that of the Boost converter
control technique in question and corroborate its use. [3]. The static gain of the DC-DC Boost Quadratic converter is
shown in (2).
Keywords—Maximum Power Point Tracking, Photovoltaic
Generation, Quadratic Boost Converter, State Feedback Control. VOUT 1
The efficiency in the conversion of electrical energy in
Typically, this converter is used to obtain a stabilized output
distributed generation systems composed by photovoltaic panels
voltage, even with variations of the input voltage or load [4].
is limited to approximately 14 to 16% in the best conditions of
However, for maximum power extraction applications in
irradiance and temperature [1]. This efficiency depends on the
photovoltaic arrays, the input voltage is the variable to be
point of the IxV curve, characteristic of PV (photovoltaic)
controlled, and the output voltage is considered a constant value,
panels, in which the system is operating. This point of operation
since the output of the converter will be connected in parallel to
depends on the voltage and current at the output terminals of the
a fixed DC bus. Thus, the circuit is analyzed as shown in Figure
PV array, and since the load fed by the photo-generated energy
has an eminently changeable profile, it is necessary to interface
this load with the PV array through a DC-DC converter. It can be noted that the input of the converter is a resistor of
variable resistance, RPV, that models the variations of voltage
A DC-DC converter typically used in this application is the
and current provided by the photovoltaic array, depending on the
Boost converter in which the static gain is defined by:
local irradiance and temperature. The mathematical modeling of
this converter is necessary so that controllers can be designed for
the variables of the internal loop (voltage Vc1 or current iPV) of The chosen states are the currents in each inductor and the
the algorithms that aim to extract the maximum power of the PV voltages in each capacitor. Thus,
array. T
x iL1 iL2 vC1 vC2 (5)
The system input vector u(t) is the VDC voltage at the output
of the DC-DC Quadratic Boost converter.
A. Analysis of voltages and currents in the first stage of
E1 0
Since Quadratic Boost converter, in continuous conduction
mode (CCM) has two distinct operating stages - I, for switch B. Analysis of voltages and currents in the second stage of
SW1 conducting and II for switch SW1 blocked – it is needed to operation
find the state space mathematical model of each stage and
average them, considering the period in which each step is
active. The mathematical model by state space consists of
representing linear systems by two temporal equations, the
system and the output, namely:
x (t ) Ax (t ) Bu(t ) (3)
Fig. 3. Quadratic Boost Converter operation step 2
y(t ) Cx(t ) Eu(t ) (4)
In Step 2, shown in Figure 3, the switch SW1 and the diode
X med x1 x4
D2 are blocked, and the diodes D1 and D0 conduct. The linear
x2 x3 (24)
equations that describe this step are: Where
x A2 x B2u VDC (1 D )2
(12) x1 (25)
y C2 x E2u (13)
VDC (1 D )3
From the analysis of circuits via Kirchhoff's Laws: x2 (26)
1 1
0 0
L1 L1 x3 VDC (1 D ) 2 (27)
1 x4 VDC (1 D) (28)
0 0 0
A2 (14) Considering that the system will operate around the point of
1 1 equilibrium, it is necessary to model the small variation
C 0
0 dynamics of the system around this point, those variations in
1 the duty cycle and their effects on the input voltage. In this way,
1 1 the states, the input vector and the duty cycle are analyzed as
C 0 0 containing their average value, plus a small signal of time-
2 C2 varying perturbation. The model of small signals is applied to
the state and output equations, simplifications are made and the
1 Laplace transform is applied to obtain (29).
B2 0 0 0 (15)
X ( s ) ( sI Amed ) 1 Bmed U ( s ) Bd D( s ) (29)
L2 ~ ~ ~
C2 0 0 1 0 (16)
E2 0 (17) Bd [ A1 A2 ] X med [ B1 B2 ]VDC (30)
The converter can be represented by matrices obtained Considering that there is no variation of the input U(s) of
through the average between the matrices of each step, ~
considering the time within the conducting period in which each the system, U ( s ) 0 . Writing the transfer function of the
one is valid. So, variations of the states in relation to the variation of duty cycle,
Amed A1D A2 (1 D) (18) it is obtained (32):
Bmed B1D B2 (1 D) X ( s)
( sI Amed ) 1 Asub X med BsubVDC (31)
Cmed C1D C2 (1 D) (20) D( s )
Emed E1D E2 (1 D) (21)
Asub A1 A2 (32)
Since this system is nonlinear, it is necessary to perform its
linearization by choosing a point of operation in a steady state in Bsub B1 B2 (33)
which the derivatives of the state equations are zero. Hence, the
system represented in the form of equation (3) can be Being this system of fourth-order and one input, the
represented by equation (22). expression (31) is a 4x1 column matrix. Desiring to control the
disturbance of the input voltage of the converter, here
X med Amed X med BmedU med (22)
represented by v C 1 , in relation to the disturbance in the duty
. ~
After some algebra in (22), considering X med 0 in steady cycle d , the desired transfer function is
state, it is obtained (23): a2 s 2 a1s a0
G~ ( s) (34)
X med Amed 1BmedU med (23) v C1 b4 s 4 b3s 3 b2 s 2 b1s b0
Thus, the average state vector becomes (24):
A mathematical software allows to obtain the system
a1 VDC (1 D )3 L2 (36) response to the unitary step, shown in Figure 4, where one can
se a certain oscillation in high frequency, caused by two open-
a0 2VDC (1 D) RPV (37) loop complex conjugated poles that have a high imaginary part,
in addition to the inversion of the temporal response, caused by
b4 RPV C1L1C2 L2 (38) two zeros in the right half-plane. In addition, the settling time
(time required for the signal to enter the ± 2% of steady state
value for the last time) is around 1ms.
b3 L1L2C2 (39)
b1 L1 L2 (1 D ) 2 (41)
b0 RPV (42)
x(k 1) x
e(k 1) t e (50)
t (51)
K1,4 K1,4 G K e CG 1 K1,4 H K eCH
Fig. 6. Bessel Type Response for 1st to 5th order systems.
The eigenvalues of the matrix t shown in (51) are the poles
of the closed-loop system (CL). Knowing that K1x4 gains are z esT (53)
found for systems represented in the controller canonical form,
a similarity transformation is needed to find K2, which are the In this way, after the due calculations, the values of the array-
corresponding K1x4 values that bring the current system line K2 and the constant Ke are obtained: K2 = [0.06777; -
represented in any other form to have the CL poles given by the 0.07129; 0.002312; -0.001159] and Ke = -0.0001127.
eigenvalues of t. This is done through (52).
1 1
K 2 K1,4 tWc (52) The MPPT algorithm used was the Perturb and Observe
(P&O) algorithm. To validate the operation of the control, a
Where t is the controllability matrix of the open-loop plant time-varying irradiance profile was created in the range of 200
represented in its original form and WC is the controllability W/m² to 1000 W/m², with a temperature of 25 °C, to be
matrix of the open-loop plant represented in the controller implemented in PV panels. Figure 7 shows the output dynamics
canonical form. compared to the reference voltage, given by the MPPT
The great advantage of this controller is to allow the closed-
loop poles, as long as they lead to a stable system, to be allocated
arbitrarily. However, one does not have control over the
saturation of the control effort. Empirically, it is known that
when designing a control that requires controlled response with
dynamics not much faster than the open loop one, the control
action will not saturate. Computational simulations are
necessary at the designing stage of performance criteria to
ensure that the control effort is within acceptable limits.
The controller of this plant must be capable of stabilizing the Fig. 7. Comparison of the output signal with the reference.
input voltage of the Quadratic Boost DC-DC converter at an
It is possible to note certain voltage variations at times
multiple of 0.1 seconds, which is when steps of 200 W/m² in the
irradiance were chosen to be made in simulation. It is worth
mentioning that these abrupt variations of climatic conditions
were simulated only to ascertain the effectiveness of the control
and they are hardly repeated in practice.
Figure 8 shows an enlargement of Figure 7 in the range of
0.06 seconds to 0.14 seconds. In it, it can be seen that the input
voltage dynamics meets the design criteria determined in section
Fig. 10. Amplification of Figure 9 in the time range of 0.2 to 0.3 seconds.
Mathematical modeling using an average state space,
followed by linearization around an operating point, allowed one
to analyze the behavior of the system when subjected to
disturbances in the switch duty cycle. This model allowed to
identify the location of the poles and zeros in the open-loop of
the plant, evidencing that it has its own dynamics that cannot be
easily controlled by traditional techniques. From the
mathematical model, a discrete integral controller was designed
Fig. 8. Amplification of Figure 7 in the time range from 0.06 seconds to 0.14 by state feedback, which allowed to allocate the closed-loop
poles where they guarantee a desired transient response and
which made it possible to bring to zero the steady-state error
Figure 9 shows the comparison of the maximum power that
between the given reference voltage by the MPPT algorithm and
could be delivered by the photovoltaic arrangement to that
the input voltage of the Quadratic Boost converter. The desired
extracted by the DC-DC converter. From it, one can see the
closed-loop poles were chosen from the standard Bessel Type
efficiency of the control in extracting the maximum power
response, which presents little overshoot and adjustable settling
available by the array.
time, and the responses obtained in a computational simulation
attest the location of these poles, thus validating the suggested
technique of control.
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