PMU Optimal Placement Using Sensitivity Analysis For Power Systems Fault Location
PMU Optimal Placement Using Sensitivity Analysis For Power Systems Fault Location
PMU Optimal Placement Using Sensitivity Analysis For Power Systems Fault Location
PMU Optimal Placement using sensitivity analysis for power systems fault
4 351
2 authors, including:
Pooria Mohammadi
Louisiana State University
All content following this page was uploaded by Pooria Mohammadi on 16 July 2018.
Abstract—This paper presents challenges and potential impacts problems if not treated properly, both the government and utility
of photovoltaic (PV) integration in the low-voltage downtown sec- customers have a great desire for PV integration.
ondary networks (downtown networks). In the conventional sec- Conventional urban lateral distribution networks are designed
ondary networks, substation feeders are the sole source of electric
power and establish unidirectional power to the downtown net- to accommodate unidirectional power flow from generation
work. The network protectors prevent the flow of power from plants to the customers. This assumption is prone to violation
inside the network to the upstream feeder by disconnecting the by PV units causing reverse power flow in the case of excess
circuit to protect the feeder transformer against upstream faults. power generation. The bidirectional flow of power can poten-
The assumption of unidirectional power flow can be violated by PV tially interfere with the protective equipment. Other network
generation due to the possibility of excess power inside the network.
It is shown in this paper that a large number of network protector operational conditions such as voltage profile, flicker, etc., can
trips can occur and, thus, voltage collapse may follow even in low also be affected by the presence of PV power [1], [2]. Cloud
PV penetration levels. In addition, it is demonstrated that the re- effect, weather unpredictability, sun irradiance hourly changes,
close action of the network protector relays is adversely affected by uncertainties in PV operational conditions, losses due to im-
the PV power. Other adverse effects of such distributed-generation
proper integration, etc., can add additional challenges to the
units, such as voltage profile, line overloads, and flicker, are also
briefly discussed. Finally, a solution is proposed, based on differ- operation of the distribution networks [4], [5].
ential currents, to upgrade the network protector relays in order PV integration is more challenging in downtown underground
to avoid false trips due to excessive PV power. Part of the New networks than radial distribution networks due to the highly
Orleans downtown network is modeled and the study is performed meshed circuit configuration and unidirectional power flow re-
through simulations. quirements. There exists very little research on PV power in-
Index Terms—Distributed generation (DG), downtown network, tegration in low-voltage (LV) secondary networks especially
low-voltage secondary network, microprocessor network protector when it comes to network protection [4]. Since integrated PV
relay (MNPR), photovoltaic (PV). power generation was not considered in network designs, if
costumers install PV generators with capacity higher than their
consumption, the networks safety and reliability can be com-
promised resulting in frequent outages, excessive overloading,
LECTRIC power systems have been experiencing fast and
E fundamental changes in recent years due to the introduc-
tion of distributed generation (DG). The smart grid, utilizing
and inability in fault current termination [1]–[6].
One of the impacts of PV power on the secondary network
is the network protection malfunction. Excess PV power can
renewable energy-based distributed generation, attracts great lead to loss of coordination, changes in fault ratings and source
attention due to environmental and reliability concerns [1], [2]. contributions [8]–[11]. In addition, solar irradiance is not fully
Government incentives, technological advances, and many other predictable resulting in intermittent power generation on cloudy
factors have resulted in a dramatic growth in photovoltaic (PV) days. This may affect the network voltage profile [4] and cause
power utilization and integration by both customers and utility voltage flicker. Also, excessive PV power generation can cause
companies [1]–[3]. Approximately 1.3 gigawatts of PV power overvoltage [7]. However, the most critical effect of the in-
were installed in the United States in the first quarter of 2015 tegration of PV power in downtown networks is the network
resulting in a total of 21.3 GW of installed capacity [3]. The protector false trip and reclose issues that can lead to reactive
residential share of this installed capacity is 400 megawatts, power shortage and voltage instability which are the main focus
which is a 76% rise compared to the same period in 2014 [3]. of this research.
While this rapid pace of PV integration can potentially cause In [4] the effects of inverter-based, induction, and syn-
chronous DGs on the secondary network’s voltage profiles are
investigated and the possibility of over and under voltage are
Manuscript received August 7, 2015; revised January 1, 2016; accepted March explored by using probabilistic DG power distribution. It is also
29, 2016. Date of publication April 20, 2016; date of current version January mentioned in [4] that with DG penetration in the network there
20, 2017. Paper no. TPWRD-01069-2015.
The authors are with the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer is a chance of network protector tripping. However, the unde-
Science, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 USA (e-mail: sirable network protector false tripping is not elaborated on in
[email protected]; [email protected]). [4]. Indeed, incidents such as cascaded network protector trips,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at transformer overloads, and reclose issues are very likely in the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2016.2556692 presence of DG due to reverse power flow.
0885-8977 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
In this paper, the terms secondary network and downtown net- FN GN SN FN GN SN FN GN SN vaults
work are interchangeably used and are the same. The remainder
of this paper is organized in the following order: Section II 409 648 152 408 717 118 00 20.48 7.18 13.21 4.62 169
presents the secondary network under study and its modeling 1209 1243 P= 33.69 MW Q= 11.79 MVAr 163 in service
details. Microprocessor Network Protector Relay (MNPR) op-
eration and modes are also discussed in this section along with
the proposed solution to upgrade network protectors. In Sec- TABLE II
tion III, different PV arrangements and allocation methods are
provided for simulation purposes. Simulation results regarding
Number of loads per network
trip statistics, cascaded tripping, line overloading, and reclose
issues are also discussed here using MNPR. The impacts of us- Group Power Range GN SN Total
ing the proposed Smart Network Protector Relay (SNPR) are Very Large Load Larger than 1 MVA 1 2 3
discussed in Section IV along with simulation results for cloud Large Load 0.2-1 MVA 31 22 53
Medium Load 50-200 KVA 80 1 81
effects and network voltage profile in the presence of PV power. Small Load 10-50 KVA 57 1 58
Finally, concluding remarks are made in Section V. Very Small Load 0-10 KVA 33 0 33
A. PV Arrangements
PV power allocation varies by costumers’ locations and inter-
est. It is reasonable to assume that with higher PV penetration
the chances of reverse power flow is increased. The PV power
Fig. 6. Smart Network Protector Relay (SNPR) sensitive trip logic. penetration can be either high-generation sites, such as large
buildings or large utility-owned solar generators, or distributed
PV power generation. In the latter form, one can reasonably
while being simple as a feasible upgrade for available MNPRs. assume that the amount of power generation at each node is
Communication between the cut-set current measurements are proportional to the nominal load at that node. Consequently,
to be performed and the results are transmitted to all the cut-set three PV arrangements are considered in this study and are re-
SNPRs in six cycles for effective operation. Since the proposed ferred to as Arrangements 1, 2, and 3.
mechanism is only applied to the upstream network, a smaller Arrangement 1 (Distributed): This arrangement is com-
network is targeted, and thus the communications infrastructure prised of distributed PV units across all the downtown network
is not large and can be as small as a feeder or a part of a feeder. loads. In this arrangement PV units are at 228 loaded nodes.
Many studies have proposed communications infrastructure Power of the PV unit at each node in Arrangement 1 is varied
for control and monitoring of DG units and the distribution from 15% to 150% of the full load of the node. That is, all the
network containing them [11]–[15]. However, in the proposed PV generators experience 5%, 15%, 30%, 45%,. . ., and 150%
SNPR, communicating with a large number of PV units is not of their corresponding node’s full load, simultaneously.
required. Rather, the communications system transmits a small Arrangement 2 (Lump): This arrangement consists of 56
amount of data which is the value of the measured cut-set cur- large PV units installed on 56 Large and Very Large Loads
rents to and from the cut-set control center, that can be one (see Table II) in grid and spot networks. Total power of PV
of the SNPRs. Alternatively, the current transformers can be in Arrangement 2 is varied from 5% to 150% of the full load
connected in parallel such that the current summation can be of the entire downtown network similar to the previous case.
physically obtained. For instance, at 150% penetration, PV Arrangement 2 has a to-
It should also be mentioned that changing the setting of the tal capacity of 1.5 times the total downtown network full load
existing network protectors to allow higher reverse power flow (33.6 MW); that is, 50.4 MW is distributed among 56 PV units
is challenging since high-impedance and single-phase faults, proportional to their corresponding node’s load size.
which are low power faults in nature, may be missed and cause Arrangement 3 (Residential): This arrangement contains
damage to the critical downtown underground network. In ad- PV generation on the loads less than 200 KW in the grid net-
dition, hourly and intermittent changes of solar power make the work, which are 172 loads in this study with a total of 10.12 MW
relay setting a difficult task. power consumption. In this arrangement, each installed PV unit
generates power varying from 5% to 150% of its corresponding
III. MNPR OPERATION node’s full load similar to Arrangement 1.
In this section, detailed studies of MNPR operation are dis-
cussed. The solar power generated by the PV panels inside the B. MNPR Trip Statistics
downtown network cause changes in the feeder and line cur- The network protector’s primary task is to protect the up-
rents that can lead to network protector false trips and/or line stream network and transformers. The transformers connect the
and transformer overloads. In the following discussion different upstream feeders to the secondary network and are protected
cases of solar and load powers are considered; then, voltage against reverse power flow and overload. As the PV penetra-
profile and stability as well as line and transformer overloads tion level rises, the chances of transformer disconnects due to
are studied. reverse flow increase. Also, transformer overload can occur if
One of the major consequences of the network protector trips a large share of disconnected transformers is burdened on the
is the change in the feeders’ injected reactive and active power connected ones. If all connections to a load are disconnected,
patterns that may lead to reactive power shortage, in the pres- the load and its PV generator are removed from the analysis.
ence of unity-power factor solar power, followed by voltage This is usually the case when a spot network sends power to
instability. As the number of disconnected network protectors all of its connected upstream feeders, and thus all its network
increases, network connectivity to the upstream feeder network protectors trip.
decreases leading to a less stable downtown network. The effect The MNPRs are first simulated under hourly load and solar
of the downtown network connectivity on the voltage stability power for different seasons of the year. The solar power mea-
is studied through the lowest eigenvalue of the network Ja- sured by the authors, as well as the load profiles provided by
cobian matrix. Here, all PV units are considered as constant the utility company, for the full year of 2015 are utilized here.
power generations, and thus bus voltages are not controlled. As Figs. 7(a) and (c) illustrate load patterns of days with typical and
the minimum eigenvalue approaches zero, the Jacobian matrix minimum load profile in the summer and winter. Fig. 7(b) and
Fig. 8. Number of tripped MNPRs with typical hourly load and typical solar power for different seasons and PV arrangements. (a) Summer-PV arrangement 1,
(b) Summer-PV arrangement 2, (c) Winter-PV arrangement 1, (d) Winter-PV arrangement 2.
Fig. 9. Number of tripped MNPRs with minimum hourly load and maximum solar power for different seasons and PV arrangements. (a) Summer-PV arrangement
1, (b) Summer-PV arrangement 2, (c) Winter-PV arrangement 1, (d) Winter-PV arrangement 2.
C. Distribution Line Overload Statistics condition when no PV generation exists in the network. This
result is conservative in the sense that the actual overload ca-
The PV generation inside the downtown network may affect pability of the distribution lines may be higher in the actual
the distribution lines’ loading and cause them to overload. The network. However, this data was not available. Also, no line
number of overloaded lines in the network increases with the disconnect is assumed due to overload since the loadability of
PV power. Table VII summarizes the distribution line overload individual lines were not known.
incidents as a function of PV power level for Arrangements 1,
2, and 3 at full and minimum loads. As predicted, with dis-
D. MNPR Reclose Operation
tributed PV power generation the likelihood of line overload is
lower. Here, the overload level is considered as 105% of the The default reclose voltage setting of the relay simulated in
underground line current at the downtown network full load this study is 1.4 V (VD = 1.4 V) [24]. The relay reclose voltage
Fig. 12. Network’s voltage profile during full load.
P. Mohammadi (S’15) received the B.S. degree in S. Mehraeen (S’08–M’10) received the B.S. degree
electrical engineering from Iran University of Sci- in electrical engineering from Iran University of Sci-
ence and Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2010, the M.S. ence and Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 1995, the M.S.
degree in power system and protection from the Uni- degree in electrical engineering from Esfahan Uni-
versity of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, TX, USA, in 2013, and versity of Technology, Esfahan, Iran, in 2001, and
the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineer- the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Mis-
ing from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, souri University of Science and Technology, Rolla,
LA, USA. MO, USA, in 2009.
He has conducted several projects for utility com- He joined the Louisiana State University, Baton
panies during his education and holds three patents. Rouge, LA, USA, as an Assistant Professor in 2010.
His research interests also include smart grids, re- His current research interests include microgrids, re-
newable energies, phasor measurement unit (PMU) applications, intelligent and newable energies, power systems dynamics, protection, and smart grids. In
adaptive methods in power systems, and storage devices. His current research addition, he conducts research on decentralized, adaptive, and optimal control
includes power system protection, optimal PMU placement (OPP), observabil- of dynamical systems.
ity and state estimation, and distributed-generation integration. Prof. Mehraeen is a National Science Foundation CAREER awardee and
holds a U.S. patent on energy harvesting.