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Diagnosis and management of pulmonary hypertension related

to chronic respiratory disease
Anastasia Krompa and Philip Marino

Lane Fox Respiratory Service, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.

Corresponding author: Philip Marino ( [email protected])

Shareable abstract (@ERSpublications)

Pulmonary hypertension is a recognised complication of chronic respiratory disease that is
associated with significant mortality and morbidity. Treatment of the underlying lung disease and
associated comorbidities is essential. https://bit.ly/3O4eoFh

Cite this article as: Krompa A, Marino P. Diagnosis and management of pulmonary hypertension
related to chronic respiratory disease. Breathe 2022; 18: 220205 [DOI: 10.1183/20734735.0205-2022].

Copyright ©ERS 2023 Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a recognised and significant complication of chronic lung disease (CLD)
and hypoxia (referred to as group 3 PH) that is associated with increased morbidity, decreased quality of
Breathe articles are open access
and distributed under the terms of life and worse survival. The prevalence and severity of group 3 PH varies within the current literature,
the Creative Commons Attribution with the majority of CLD-PH patients tending to have non-severe disease. The aetiology of this condition
Non-Commercial Licence 4.0. is multifactorial and complex, while the prevailing pathogenetic mechanisms include hypoxic
vasoconstriction, parenchymal lung (and vascular bed) destruction, vascular remodelling and inflammation.
Received: 9 Aug 2022
Comorbidities such as left heart dysfunction and thromboembolic disease can further confound the clinical
Accepted: 3 Nov 2022
picture. Noninvasive assessment is initially undertaken in suspected cases (e.g. cardiac biomarkers, lung
function, echocardiogram), while haemodynamic evaluation with right heart catheterisation remains the
diagnostic gold standard. For patients with suspected severe PH, those with a pulmonary vascular
phenotype or when there is uncertainty regarding further management, referral to specialist PH centres for
further investigation and definitive management is mandated. No disease-specific therapy is currently
available for group 3 PH and the focus of management remains optimisation of the underlying lung
therapy, along with treating hypoventilation syndromes as indicated.

The development of pulmonary hypertension (PH) as a complication of chronic lung disease (CLD) and
hypoxia is well documented, leading to significant morbidity (e.g. impaired quality of life (QoL), reduced
exercise tolerance) and poor outcomes. The pathophysiology is complex, reflecting changes arising from
the underlying lung disease as well as vascular remodelling and, on occasion, the presence of other
important comorbidities (e.g. left heart disease (LHD), pulmonary emboli). Further characterisation of the
prevalence, mechanisms and phenotypes is required to aid diagnosis and treatment.

Diagnostic assessment can be difficult when trying to differentiate those patients with PH in keeping with
the underlying CLD versus those with relatively mild lung disease and a possible “idiopathic pulmonary
arterial hypertension (PAH)” phenotype, in whom the role of PAH-specific therapies is still under
evaluation. Expert guidance from specialist PH centres is invaluable to ensure these patients receive the
most appropriate management.

The aim of this review, therefore, is to provide the clinician with an understanding of the current nature,
investigation, and treatment of PH in CLD and hypoxia.

Classification and definition

PH associated with hypoxia and CLD is classified within group 3 PH by the World Health Organization
(WHO), reflecting its distinct pathophysiology (table 1). It is associated with increased morbidity,
increased oxygen requirements, impaired QoL, decreased exercise tolerance and a worse prognosis [2].

https://doi.org/10.1183/20734735.0205-2022 Breathe 2022; 18: 220205


TABLE 1 Pulmonary hypertension related to chronic lung disease and/or hypoxia

SObstructive lung disease or emphysema
Restrictive lung disease
Lung disease with mixed restrictive/obstructive pattern
Hypoventilation syndromes
Hypoxia without lung syndromes (e.g. high altitude)
Developmental lung disorders
Information from [1].

These outcomes may be worse compared with idiopathic PAH (group 1 PH), while patients with a
phenotype of group 1 PH complicated by relatively minor coexisting lung disease also experience
significantly reduced survival [3]. The development of PH in CLD and hypoxia is both complex and
varied, whilst its role in disease burden or as a marker of lung disease severity is often debated. Group 3
PH is predominantly comprised of patients with COPD and interstitial lung disease (ILD), as well as other
conditions such as combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE), hypoventilation syndromes,
bronchiectasis (including cystic fibrosis), chronic high-altitude exposure (>2500 m) and developmental
lung diseases (table 1). As highlighted in the 2022 European Society of Cardiology (ESC)/European
Respiratory Society (ERS) guidelines [1], isolated obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is an uncommon cause
of PH, unless there is coexisting hypoventilation with daytime hypercapnia. Diffuse parenchymal lung
diseases, including sarcoidosis and Langerhans cell granulomatosis, currently lie within group 5 WHO PH
due to either unclear or multifactorial mechanisms [1].

The haemodynamic definition of PH was revised by the 2022 ESC/ERS guidelines to a resting mean
pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) of >20 mmHg. In these new PH guidelines, the definition of pre-
capillary PH was also modified to reflect the presence of pulmonary vascular dysfunction by revising the
pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) threshold. The new haemodynamic definition of pre-capillary PH
therefore includes: mPAP >20 mmHg, pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP) ⩽15 mmHg and PVR
>2 Wood units (WU) [1].

The severity of group 3 PH is now further characterised by the PVR [1]. The majority of CLD patients
have either no PH ( prevalence 70%) or non-severe PH (PVR ⩽5 WU, prevalence 20%), with severe PH
(PVR >5 WU, prevalence 5–10%) being relatively uncommon. Patients with severe PH tend to have more
profound circulatory than ventilatory exercise limitation [1].

The prevalence of group 3 PH does not always correlate with the extent of the underlying lung disease, yet
even the presence of non-severe PH has a negative impact on QoL and survival [1]. Epidemiology is
highly dependent upon the definition of PH, the method of investigation (echocardiogram versus right
heart catheterisation (RHC)), disease severity at the time of assessment and selection bias (i.e. tertiary
centres versus general hospitals). Most studies report that patients with CLD have non-severe PH with only
∼3–4% having a mPAP >40 mmHg [4].

An accurate determination of PH prevalence in COPD is very challenging with considerable variation
amongst the existing data. Subgroup analyses have shown that the prevalence of PH is related to COPD
severity, with the majority (30.2%) having non-severe PH and the minority severe PH (7.2%). However,
stratification according to age, sex, time of assessment and diagnostic method used showed no significant
differences in prevalence ( p>0.05) [5]. Studies in severe COPD have found that up to 90% of patients have
a mPAP of >20 mmHg, with most ranging between 20 and 35 mmHg [6, 7].

PH in COPD is invariably related with worse outcomes, particularly survival, with a 5-year survival rate of
37% in COPD patients with PH versus 63% in COPD patients without PH [6]. Overall, while PH is a well-
recognised complication in COPD, severe PH is relatively rare.

PH prevalence estimates in ILD are mainly derived from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) cohorts and
encounter similar difficulties as described for COPD. Most patients have non-severe PH, with prevalence

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increasing with disease severity. PH is again a harbinger of a worse prognosis. A mPAP ⩾25 mmHg has
been reported in 14.9% of ILD patients, while prevalence was again higher in more advanced disease [8].

SHORR et al. [9] studied 2525 patients with pulmonary fibrosis who underwent RHC as part of lung
transplant assessment. In this population, representative of more severe lung disease burden, 46.1% of
patients had PH, with only 9% having severe PH. Ethnicity was found to be significantly correlated with
the presence of severe PH, with African Americans being twice as likely to develop severe PH compared
with Caucasians [9]. Other studies have not identified a strong correlation between PH and forced vital
capacity (FVC) or radiographic fibrosis on high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT), implying that
parenchymal destruction is not the single aetiology for PH progression [10]. Adverse outcomes have been
observed in IPF patients with mPAP ⩾25 mmHg, including increased risk for acute exacerbations [11, 12].

More rapid progression of PH in the late stage of diffuse parenchymal lung disease has also been
described. Serial mPAP measurements in patients with severe IPF awaiting transplant during initial
evaluation and at the time of transplant identified an incidence of PH development of 77.8% [13].

The few studies in CPFE, defined by distinct upper lobe emphysema and lower lobe predominant fibrotic
changes, have provided an estimated PH prevalence of 47% at the time of diagnosis, indicating that it is a
common complication. PH is again associated with an increased risk of death in CPFE, with a 5-year
survival of 25% in patients with coexistent PH on echocardiography compared with 75% in those
without [14].

Sarcoidosis-associated PH (SAPH) currently lies in group 5 due to its multisystem presentation. A recent
large meta-analysis by ZHANG et al. [15] with 632 368 sarcoidosis patients showed a pooled prevalence by
transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) of 16.4%, compared with 6.4% on RHC. Increased oxygen
requirements, worse functional status and increased mortality have also been observed in SAPH patients
[16]. As the disease progresses with extensive lung fibrosis, prevalence may rise to over 60% [16],
although PH can still develop in patients with near normal lung function tests, reflecting the different
manifestations of this condition [17].

The pathophysiology of group 3 PH is multifactorial and complex, with different disease-specific
mechanisms implicated (figure 1). The pulmonary circulation is a low pressure and resistance circuit that
accommodates almost the entire cardiac output (CO), maintaining high blood flow. Pulmonary vessels
have thinner walls without a predominant muscular layer compared with the systemic circulation, and a
limited basal vascular tone. An increased CO is accommodated by vessel dilation and recruitment of
previously under-perfused pulmonary vasculature. PVR is determined by several parameters including
hypoxia, hypercapnia, lung volume (lower near functional residual capacity, higher in residual volume and

lung damage

Vascular Endothelial
remodelling dysfunction



Airflow limitation Left heart

and hyperinflation disease


FIGURE 1 Processes involved in the pathophysiology of pulmonary hypertension in chronic lung disease and
hypoxia. RA: right atrium; RV: right ventricle; LA: left atrium; LV: left ventricle.

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total lung capacity), gravity, CO, and local mediators, such as hormonal and endothelium-derived
factors [18, 19].

Hypoxic vasoconstriction is the homeostatic response that aims to divert perfusion to better ventilated areas
during acute lung insult (e.g. infection, embolism) or chronic injury. Over-activation of this response has
been classically related to the pathophysiology of PH in CLD and may be further precipitated by
hypercapnia and acidaemia [20]. Hypoxic vasoconstriction is thought to be reversible by oxygen
supplementation in the early stages of PH. Chronic hypoxia, however, leads to remodelling of pulmonary
vasculature with poor response to oxygen supplementation. Vascular remodelling is mediated by an
endothelium-derived vasoconstrictor–vasodilator imbalance, pathologically translating to media hyperplasia
with muscularisation of the pulmonary arterioles, involving growth factors, vasoconstrictors (e.g.
endothelin, serotonin) and transcription factors like hypoxia-inducible factor-1. Intimal hyperplasia is
particularly common in COPD, which can notably share morphological changes very similar to those seen
in idiopathic PAH [12, 21].

Parenchyma destruction with loss or obliteration of the pulmonary vascular bed is another important
contributing factor, especially during increased CO states (e.g. exercise), as recruitment of under-perfused
vessels is rendered impossible. Additionally, dynamic hyperinflation caused by expiratory flow limitation
and air trapping in airway diseases, such as COPD, further increases PVR by stretching the intra-alveolar
pulmonary capillaries, whilst over-inflation may directly compress the capillaries [19].

Increased blood viscosity from secondary polycythaemia, genetic factors (e.g. serotonin transporter gene
polymorphism, microRNA-150 protective effect on remodelling), inflammatory mediators and direct
cigarette smoking toxicity have also been implicated in the pathogenesis of group 3 PH [22–24].

Chronic high-altitude PH, usually arising above 2500 m [1], is also characterised by hypoxic vasoconstriction
with resultant vascular remodelling and altered endothelial cell activity. Interestingly, genetic factors may
be related to the susceptibility to high-altitude PH (e.g. polymorphisms in nitric oxide (NO) synthetase and
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)), as not all high-altitude inhabitants develop PH [25].

The following two noteworthy and clinically relevant phenotypes have also been identified.

1) The pulmonary vascular phenotype has been mainly described in COPD patients (1–4%) with severe
pre-capillary PH, mild airway obstruction (forced expiratory volume in 1 s >60%), mild parenchymal
impairment on HRCT, severe reduction in diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) and profound
cardiopulmonary limitation. These patients tend to develop progressive right ventricle (RV) failure and
notably, share similar features with PAH. In addition, PAH may also be complicated by airway
obstruction and have clinical overlap with this described phenotype. Referral to expert PH centres is
recommended for further management of these patients.
2) The cardiopulmonary PAH phenotype distinguishes hypoxaemic, mainly male, elderly patients with
compromised DLCO (<45% of predicted value), smoking history and risk factors for LHD. This
phenotype is associated with a poor response to PAH medications resulting in worsening oxygenation,
along with a worse prognosis [1]. Recent studies have also described a PAH phenotype characterised
by DLCO impairment and diffuse parenchymal disease in older patients in conjunction with a
heterozygous loss-of-function mutation in the kinase insert domain receptor (KDR) gene [26, 27].

When assessing CLD-PH patients, especially with severe PH, it is essential to keep in mind that the
underlying lung disease may be complicated by coexistent conditions such as left heart dysfunction,
thromboembolic disease, hypoventilation syndromes or rarely idiopathic PAH.

Investigation and diagnosis

Identification of group 3 PH can be challenging due to a lack of specific clinical signs and confounding
symptomatology related to the underlying CLD. A high clinical index of suspicion is imperative for early
diagnosis and management.

A thorough history is an essential first screening step (figure 2). Exertional limitation and dyspnoea not
anticipated by the extent of the primary lung disease and/or pulmonary function tests should alert the
clinician to investigate for PH. Symptomatology is initially nonspecific in PH (e.g. dyspnoea, chest
tightness, functional limitation) and subsequently reflects RV dysfunction with chest pain, palpitations, pre-
syncope, peripheral oedema, abdominal distention and haemoptysis. Indicative physical signs again

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Clinical examination

Blood tests:
BNP, troponin, TFTs, AI, virology
V'/Q' scan
Cardiac MRI
Sleep study
Lung function
USS liver


No High probability
of PH

Manage underlying CLD Yes

and/or comorbidities

Refer to expert
PH centre


No PH Non-severe PH Severe PH
mPAP ≤20 mmHg mPAP >20 mmHg mPAP >20 mmHg
PAWP ≤15 mmHg PAWP ≤15 mmHg PAWP ≤15 mmHg

FIGURE 2 Diagnostic algorithm for the investigation of pulmonary hypertension (PH) in patients with chronic
lung disease (CLD). BNP: brain natriuretic peptide; TFT: thyroid-function tests; AI: autoimmune screen; CXR:
chest radiography; HRCT: high-resolution computed tomography; CTPA: computed tomography pulmonary
angiogram; Vʹ/Qʹ scan: ventilation/perfusion scan; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; USS: ultrasound scan;
RHC: right heart catheterisation; mPAP: mean pulmonary artery pressure; PAWP: pulmonary artery wedge
pressure; PVR: pulmonary vascular resistance; WU: Wood units.

reflect underlying RV dysfunction, including jugular venous pressure, left parasternal heave, accentuated
pulmonary component of the second heart sound, a pansystolic murmur of tricuspid regurgitation,
functional diastolic murmur of pulmonary regurgitation, hepatomegaly, ascites, peripheral oedema, and
cool extremities [1].

Baseline investigations include pulmonary functions tests, which can show a disproportionately low DLCO.
Cardiac biomarkers such as brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) and N-terminal pro-BNP (NT-proBNP) can
help identify potential cases and monitor progress but should be interpreted with caution in the presence of
coexistent LHD (e.g. heart failure with preserved/reduced ejection fraction, atrial fibrillation) and
significant chronic renal disease. Blood tests should also include autoimmune and viral serology (i.e. HIV)
to identify other significant causes [28].

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An electrocardiograph (ECG) may be normal in the early stages but can show signs of RV strain such as
right bundle branch block and right axis deviation with the development of RV dysfunction.

TTE remains the most widely used modality for initial screening and follow up, although it can be
technically challenging (e.g. body habitus, lung hyperinflation). As a consequence, TTE may both over-
and under-estimate pulmonary pressures, yet it remains a very important tool in the investigation of PH, as
well as allowing concomitant assessment of LHD and structural abnormalities [29]. Great emphasis is
placed on the peak tricuspid regurgitation velocity (TRV) for determining the echocardiographic
probability of PH, with a peak TRV >2.8 m·s−1 suggestive of PH. In advanced lung disease, TRV
frequently gives a false estimate of the pressure gradient, thus the 2022 ESC/ERS task force suggest
combining TRV along with other variables such as RV size, right ventricular outflow tract diameter and
RV systolic function using tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) for increased accuracy [1, 22].

Radiographic imaging may also raise the index of suspicion with respect to PH. Chest radiographs may
show RV enlargement, pruning of pulmonary vessels and increased diameter of the main pulmonary
arteries. Chest CT can be indicative of PH, identifying a ratio of the pulmonary artery to ascending aorta
diameter >1, as well as right heart enlargement and RV outflow hypertrophy [1, 23].

Combining the above modalities has the highest diagnostic yield [1].

Functional assessment with cardiopulmonary exercise testing may help to discriminate the presence of
pulmonary vascular disease and other potential causes (e.g. LHD), as well as guiding further investigation.

RHC remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of group 3 PH. It is an invasive procedure that requires
great expertise, especially with the variable changes in intrathoracic pressure that can be encountered due
to the underlying lung disease. Potential indications for RHC are [1]:
1) clinical deterioration (i.e. worsening dyspnoea, exercise capacity and gas exchange) and/or symptoms
out of keeping with the underlying lung disease;
2) to determine suitability for surgical treatment, such as lung transplantation and lung volume reduction,
and clinical trials enrolment;
3) suspected severe PH on TTE;
4) to diagnose suspected concomitant idiopathic PAH or chronic thromboembolic PH (CTEPH);
5) to unmask suspected LHD; and
6) cases where further haemodynamic information will aid phenotyping of disease and consideration of
therapeutic interventions.
It is important to note that a diagnosis of PH should not be made during an exacerbation but only when a
patient’s condition is stable, to avoid potential confounding from the transient elevation in pulmonary
pressure and PVR that can occur [24].

All patients with clinical or echocardiographic signs of severe PH and/or RV dysfunction should be
referred to an expert PH centre for further management and individualised care. Additionally, fast-track
referral to a PH centre is suggested at any point of recognising warning signs (e.g. malignancy, history of
pulmonary embolism, essential thrombocythaemia) with an increased suspicion of PAH or CTEPH [1].

The main axiom in the management of group 3 PH has been optimisation of the treatment of the
underlying CLD according to current guidance [1]. PAH-specific therapies have not been advocated
previously, though the identification of a “pulmonary vascular” phenotype may provide scope for such
therapies in the future.

Optimising the underlying lung disease

The current ERS/ESC guidelines highlight this as the mainstay in the management of group 3 PH by
trying to mitigate bronchospasm, improve ventilation/perfusion (Vʹ/Qʹ) mismatch and gas exchange, as well
as addressing other comorbidities (i.e. LHD, pulmonary embolism, sleep disordered breathing).

Long-term oxygen therapy

Long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) is a cornerstone of managing hypoxaemic patients with CLD-PH.
Evidence arises mainly from COPD patients, showing improved pulmonary haemodynamics and a partial
delay in PH progression, yet pulmonary artery pressures are rarely normalised once vascular remodelling is

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established [30]. Evidence in ILD-PH is less well established due to the paucity of randomised controlled
trials (RCTs). The current recommendation for LTOT in COPD-PH patients is an arterial oxygen tension
<60 mmHg or peripheral oxygen saturation <91% at rest, and for it to be used at least 15 h a day [30, 31].

Oxygen therapy is also recommended for high-altitude PH, although the ideal course of action is relocation
to low-altitude areas [32].

Management of RV dysfunction
Although right heart failure (RHF) shares some common neuro-humoral pathophysiology with left heart
failure, there is no evidence to support analogous treatment (ACE inhibitors, β-blockade, aldosterone
antagonists) or the use of systemic vasodilators (e.g. amlodipine, diltiazem) [33].

Diuretics are recommended for managing fluid overload and symptomatic relief in decompensated RHF,
whilst closely monitoring renal function.

Digoxin has been classically used in RHF as an RV inotrope. Early studies with digoxin identified an
acute increase in RV ejection fraction [34], but a recent meta-analysis did not find a significant clinical and
haemodynamic improvement [35]. Despite this paucity of data, digoxin is still sometimes used long term
in patients with RHF [35]. Digoxin may also be used for rate-control in atrial arrhythmias [1].

Pulmonary rehabilitation
Pulmonary rehabilitation has been shown to be safe, particularly in COPD patients, with potential
beneficial effects in exercise capacity, respiratory training, and QoL [28]. This has led to it being
recommended in CLD-PH patients.

Continuous positive airway pressure/noninvasive ventilation

PH in the context of OSA/obesity hypoventilation syndrome may be potentially reversible with treatment
of the underlying sleep disordered breathing by using continuous positive airway pressure/noninvasive
ventilation, resulting in decreased pulmonary vasoconstriction and vascular resistance through correction of
chronic hypoxaemia, hypercapnia and acidaemia [36].

Pulmonary vasodilator therapies

Drugs used in PAH management have not been advocated in CLD-PH patients based on previously
conflicting data and the relatively few large RCTs [1].

Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors
Cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) is the second messenger of NO that stimulates pulmonary
arterial smooth muscle relaxation. It is normally inactivated by the phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5)
isoenzyme that is most commonly expressed in the lung. Sildenafil and tadalafil are selective PDE-5
inhibitors and their use in trials with CLD-PH has elicited contradictory data.

Only a single RCT by VITULO et al. [37], in COPD patients with severe PH who received sildenafil,
observed improved pulmonary haemodynamics, BODE index (body mass index, airflow obstruction,
dyspnoea, exercise capacity), airflow obstruction, dyspnoea and QoL, with no significant effect on arterial
oxygenation. No benefit in exercise tolerance or QoL was seen in COPD-PH patients enrolled on
pulmonary rehabilitation and receiving sildenafil [38]. Similarly, no significant effect on exercise capacity
was seen in COPD-PH patients receiving tadalafil [39].

An early study in ILD-PH patients showed improved pulmonary haemodynamics and gas exchange in a
small cohort of patients with severe lung fibrosis receiving sildenafil [40]. The STEP-IPF study (180 IPF
patients that received either sildenafil or placebo) then found no significant improvement in 6-min walking
distance (6MWD), gas exchange, symptoms or QoL. Co-administration of sildenafil with antifibrotic
agents was investigated in the INSTAGE study. This double-blind RCT randomised IPF patients (some
with RV dysfunction) to receive nintedanib with either sildenafil or placebo. A subgroup analysis showed
no significant differences in QoL or FVC in the dual therapy group, although BNP did stabilise implying a
potential haemodynamic effect in IPF patients with RV stress [40–42].

Endothelin receptor antagonists

Endothelin (ET)-1 is a very potent pulmonary vasoconstrictor with mitogenic properties. The endothelial
vasoconstrictive effect is driven by two receptors, ETa and ETb.

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In a RCT in severe COPD patients, those given bosentan showed no improvement in 6MWD or pulmonary
haemodynamics, whilst gas exchange and functional status worsened compared with patients on placebo [43].

With respect to ILD-PH, the B-PHIT study, a double-blind RCT that compared bosentan to placebo in
patients with fibrotic idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (IIP) and PH, found no difference in invasive
pulmonary haemodynamics, functional status or symptom burden after 16 weeks [44].

The ARIES-3 trial in COPD and ILD patients showed no benefit in patients with PH of mixed aetiologies,
whilst the ARTEMIS-IPF trial was halted after an interim analysis revealed that ambrisentan-treated
patients were more likely to meet the trial’s primary end-point criteria for disease progression, clinical
worsening with increased hospitalisations due to respiratory infections. Consequently, ambrisentan is
contraindicated in IPF-PH [1, 45, 46].

Prostacyclin analogues
Prostacyclin is produced by endothelial cells. It is a potent pulmonary and systemic vasodilator, as well as
inhibiting platelet aggregation and the release of growth factor from the endothelium.

Few studies have examined the effect of prostacyclin derivatives in treating PH associated with COPD. A
pilot study, in 15 patients with advanced IPF and PH associated with RV dysfunction, showed that
treatment with treprostinil could improve right heart haemodynamics and echocardiographic function
without affecting systemic oxygen saturation [47].

The use of inhaled agents may improve Vʹ/Qʹ mismatch and oxygenation, circumventing the problem of
indiscriminate pulmonary vasodilation associated with other therapies. Promising data have come from a
recent phase 3 RCT (the INCREASE study) in 326 patients with ILD-PH trialling inhaled treprostinil. The
drug was well tolerated, with improvements in 6MWD and FVC, while the NT-proBNP level was
decreased 15% from baseline, compared with those receiving placebo [48]. As further long-term data are
required, inhaled treprostinil was mentioned in the 2022 ESC/ERS PH Guidelines as a class III
recommendation with level B of evidence for ILD-PH patients [1]. Conversely, a study using inhaled
iloprost in COPD patients showed no benefit in terms of exercise tolerance or dynamic hyperinflation,
although a reduction in alveolar dead space fraction was noted [48, 49].

Soluble guanylate cyclase activators

This most recent class of PAH therapy acts directly on the enzyme soluble guanylate cyclase to increase
the production of cGMP thereby promoting pulmonary vasodilation. Riociguat, the first drug in this class
approved for use clinically in CTEPH and idiopathic PAH, was trialled in IIP patients with PH in the RISE-
IIP study [50]. The study was however stopped early after an interim analysis showed increased mortality
and hospitalisations in those receiving riociguat. It is therefore contraindicated in IIP-PH [1].

Treatment: conclusions
Overall, despite some favourable data on PAH-targeted therapies on specific CLD-PH patients, robust
evidence is lacking as most studies are limited by small sample sizes, lack of randomisation and controls.
Larger, well-designed multicentre RCTs are required before these therapies can be recommended.

Optimisation of the underlying disease and treatment of RV dysfunction and hypoventilation syndromes
remain the key steps in management. Patients with PH disproportionate to their lung parenchymal
impairment should be referred to specialist PH centres with expertise in both conditions for further
assessment [12].

Future development
Further studies will help address three key issues with respect to our understanding and management of
group 3 PH:
• Continued investigation of the underlying mechanisms involved to better characterise the clinical
phenotypes present, as well as potentially identify new targets for future therapies.
• Identification of new disease-specific biomarkers that will help in screening, diagnosis, and surveillance.
• Large RCTs to determine the effectiveness of existing and new PH-specific therapies in the individual
CLDs (i.e. ILD, COPD, sarcoidosis).

https://doi.org/10.1183/20734735.0205-2022 8

PH is a recognised complication of chronic respiratory disease that is associated with significant mortality
and morbidity. Treatment of the underlying lung disease and associated comorbidities is essential. Further
research is required to characterise the underlying mechanisms and clinical phenotypes, as well as
determine the effectiveness of PAH-specific therapies.

Key points
• Group 3 PH is a common complication of CLD with significant morbidity and mortality, constituting a
considerable socioeconomic healthcare burden.
• It is a heterogeneous condition (e.g. hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, lung destruction, hyperinflation,
vascular remodelling), often complicated by other causes such as LHD, pulmonary emboli and sleep
disordered breathing.
• No specific treatments are currently available and management at present should focus on optimising
treatment of the underlying lung disorder.
• Patients with potential CLD-PH should be referred to specialist PH centres with expertise in both conditions
for further assessment to determine if group 1 or 3 PH is present.
• Further research is required to aid the characterisation of clinical phenotypes as well as the need for large,
double-blind RCTs to determine if PAH-specific therapies are clinically effective.

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