FL ML 101 WelcomeToTheCourse en

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Hello, and welcome to an introduction

to Machine Learning and AI.

Over the next four weeks, you'll learn
the differences between artificial intelligence
and machine learning.
You'll explore common machine learning problems,
and the algorithms you can use to solve them.
You are going to start by exploring
some technologies involving AI and machine learning,
that I hope will inspire you, and help you to understand
the impact AI and machine learning will
have on our futures.
The first is autonomous vehicles.
Lots of companies are in the process of developing
self-driving cars.
These cars use a combination of sensors and cameras
to identify all of the important features and events
that the AI needs to drive a car safely.
Like pedestrians, road signs, traffic lights,
and other vehicles.
Whether or not you feel comfortable with the thought
of putting your trust in an autonomous vehicle,
this technology will be coming to a road near you soon.
The second example is spam filtering.
The aim of which is to get rid of all the unsolicited email
cluttering up your inbox.
Millions of emails are collected by service providers,
and fed into machine learning algorithms.
These algorithms learn to identify patterns
within the emails, that reveal what is and is not spam.
Occasionally, you might find emails
that have been incorrectly identified as spam.
You can help your service provider improve their filters
by telling them when they got it wrong.
Finally, what happens when AI makes decisions for us.
For example, using AI to shortlist job applications,
or to decide whether or not to approve a loan.
In many countries, companies that process personal data
in order to make decisions are required by law
to make people aware that an algorithm was involved.
And they must honour requests for the decision to be
reconsidered by a human being.
This course contains a number of practical tasks
to help you embed your new knowledge.
We'll also discuss several teaching activities,
and you can download the videos, text, and PDFs from this course
to use in your own lessons.
In this first week, you'll explore the history
and definitions of AI and machine learning,
and you will train your first machine learning model
to recognise hand gestures.
You'll be learning alongside people from all over the world.
Be sure to join in regular discussions,
ask questions, and help each other out.
In the next step, you'll be meeting
the rest of the Raspberry Pi team,
and introducing yourself to your fellow learners.

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