SYLLABUS Teaching Math in The Primary SPEC 108 BEED 2 2023 2024

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Date Enhanced: October 23, 2022

I. University VMGO, Institutional Outcome for Instruction:

Vision: Center of Academic Excellence Delivering Quality Service To all
Mission: Capiz State University is committed to provide advanced knowledge and innovation; develop skills, talents and values; undertake relevant research,
development and extension services; promote entrepreneurship and environmental consciousness; and enhance industry collaboration and linkages
with partner agencies.
• Globally competitive graduates
• Institutionalized research culture
• Responsive and sustainable extension services
• Maximized profit of viable agro-industrial business ventures
• Effective and efficient administration
Institutional Graduate Outcomes:
A CapSU graduate is a knowledgeable, innovator, researcher, master of change, a leader entrepreneur, environmentalist, and effective collaborator in
their fields of discipline.
Program Objectives
• Turn out PLET passer graduates.
• Produce socially, spiritually, morally and law abiding elementary grade teachers instrumental for progress in the community.
• Prepare elementary grades teachers who are capable of delivering quality instruction in the academic community.
II. Campus: Pilar
III. Program: BEED
IV. Program Degree Outcomes
A. Common to all programs in all type of schools
1. Discuss the latest developments in the specific filed of practice
2. Communicate effectively using both the Filipino and English, orally and in writing
3. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams
4. Exemplify professionals, social and ethical responsibility
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5. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage”.

B. Common to the Bachelor in Elementary Education Course
1. Articulate the relationship of education to larger historical, social, cultural and political processes.
2. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies in various types of environment.
3. Develop alternative teaching approaches for diverse learners.
4. Apply skills in curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, instructional delivery and educational assessment.
5. Demonstrate basic and higher levels of thinking skills in planning, assessing and reporting.
6. Practice professional and ethical thing standards to respond to the demands of the community.
7. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth..

VI. Prerequisite: None
VII. Semester/School Year Offered: SY 2023-2024. / First Semester
VIII. Course Description: This course equips prospective teachers with pedagogical content knowledge for teaching of basic contents in mathematics in the primary level.
Understanding of key concepts and skills of whole numbers up to 10,000, fractions, measurements, simple geometric figures, pre-algebra concepts
and data representation and analysis are applied using appropriate technology. Teaching strategies include problem solving, critical thinking,
differentiated instruction, inquiry-based learning with the use of manipulatives based on cultural context will be emphasized.

IX. Course Credit/ Unit: 3 units, 3 hours lecture per week

X. Course/ Subject Outcomes:
 To gain pedagogical knowledge and understanding for teaching of basic contents in mathematics in the primary level.
 To develop teaching strategies and desirable traits and attitudes towards mathematics.
 To be able to apply the knowledge, skills and attitude developed in teaching the subject.

X. Course Design Matrix

Topics Most Essential Learning Outcomes Learning Assessment References Time

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Activities Tasks Frame

Course Syllabus, Have the overview of the course, expectation and requirements. Discussion Student HandBook Week
requirements and Verification 1
grading system. and
of syllabus
Chapter I L1:
: Whole Numbers  Identify the place value and value of a digit in the numeral; Week
Lesson 1: Place Value  Read and write numbers through 9000 in symbols and in words; Practice Module in SPEC 108 2- 3
and  Solve word problems involving place value.
L2: Camarista, G. &
 Visualize the concept of addition;  Add one to three-digit Drill Olanio, I. (2019).
Lesson 2: Addition of
Whole Numbers numbers; and  Solve word problems involving addition. Chapter Test Teaching
L3: Mathematics in the
 Visualize the concept of subtraction; Primary Grades.
Lesson 3: Subtraction of  Relate subtraction with addition;  Subtract one t three-digit Lorimar Publishing
Whole Numbers numbers; and  Solve problems involving subtraction.
L4: De Leon, C. &
 Express multiplication as repeated addition; Bernabe, J. (2000)
 Identify the properties of multiplication; Integrated
Lesson 4: Multiplication  Master the basic multiplication facts; and Mathematics
of Whole numbers  Solve multi-step word problems involving addition, subtraction Iteachers Manual.
and multiplication. JTW Corporation
 Relate division as repeated subtraction;
Lesson 5: Division of  Express division as inverse operation of multiplication;
Whole Numbers  Find quotients of basic division facts; and
 Solve multi-step word problems involving division and the other
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Chapter II: Fractions L1: Week

Lesson 1: The Concept  Illustrate fraction as part of a whole, set, region and unit; Module in SPEC 108 4-6
of Fraction  Distinguish kind of fractions; and  Solve word problems
involving fractions L2: Camarista, G. &
Lesson 2: Equivalent  Visualize equivalent fractions; Olanio, I. (2019).
Fractions  Generate equivalent fractions from the given fraction; Teaching
 Find the missing part of the equivalent fractions; and Mathematics in the
 Solve word problems involving equivalent fractions and simplest Primary Grades.
form of fractions. Lorimar Publishing
Lesson 3: Comparing  Visualize similar and dissimilar fractions; De Leon, C. &
and Ordering Fractions  Compare fractions using relation symbols; Bernabe, J. (2000)
 Order fractions in increasing and decreasing order; and Integrated
 Solve word problems involving comparing and ordering fractions Mathematics
L4: Iteachers Manual.
 Illustrate addition of similar fractions; JTW Corporation
Lesson 4: Addition of  Add similar fractions and mixed numbers; and
Similar Fractions and  Solve word problems involving addition of similar fractions and
Mixed Numbers mixed numbers L5:
 Illustrate subtraction of similar fractions;
 Subtract similar fractions and mixed numbers; and
Lesson 5: Subtraction  Solve word problems involving subtraction of similar fractions and
of Similar Fractions mixed numbers.
and Mixed Numbers
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Chapter III: Geometry L1: Module in SPEC 108

Lesson 1: Simple  Visualize simple geometric figures; Week
Geometric Figures  Identify simple geometric figures; and Camarista, G. & 7-8
 Solve problems involving simple geometric figures. Olanio, I. (2019).
Lesson 2: L2: Teaching
Twodimensional Objects  Identify, name, and describe the four basic shapes (square, Mathematics in the
rectangle, triangle and circle) in 2-dimensional (flat/plane) and 3- Primary Grades.
dimensional (solid) objects; and Lorimar Publishing
 Construct squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, half-circles, and
quarter circles using cut-outs and square grids. De Leon, C. &
Lesson 3: L3: Bernabe, J. (2000)
Threedimensional  Identify and describe three-dimensional objects; Integrated
Objects  Differentiate two-dimensional objects from three-dimensional Mathematics
objects;  Construct three-dimensional objects using manipulatives; Iteachers Manual.
and  Solve problems involving three-dimensional objects. JTW Corporation
 Identify shapes/figures that show symmetry in a line;
Lesson 4: Symmetry  Draw the line of symmetry in a given figure; and
 Complete a symmetrical figure with respect to a given symmetry.
 Recognize shapes that can tessellate; and
 Tessellate the plane using triangles, squares and other shapes.
Lesson 5: Tessellation


Chapter IV: L1:
Measurement  Convert one time measure to another; Module in SPEC 108 Week
Lesson 1: Time Measure  Compute for the exact amount of time between two given times; 10-12
and  Solve word problems involving time measurement. Camarista, G. &
Lesson 2: Length, mass L2: Olanio, I. (2019).
and Volume  Convert units of measure of length, mass, and volume from smaller Teaching
to larger and vice versa; and Mathematics in the
 Solve word problems involving units of measure of length, mass Primary Grades.
and volume. Lorimar Publishing
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Lesson 3: Perimeter L3:

 Visualize the concept of perimeter;
 Find the perimeter of figures; and De Leon, C. &
 Solve word problems involving perimeter. Bernabe, J. (2000)
Lesson 4: Area L4: Integrated
 Visualize the concept of area; Mathematics
Find the area of two-dimensional figures; and  Solve word Iteachers Manual.
problems involving area. JTW Corporation

Chapter V: Introduction L1: Module in SPEC 108 Week

to Algebra  Determine the missing term/s in a given continuous pattern using one 13-15
Lesson 1: Continuous or two attributes; Camarista, G. &
and Repeating Pattern  Determine the missing term/s in a given repeating pattern using one Olanio, I. (2019).
attribute; and Teaching
 Determine the missing term/s in a given combination of continuous Mathematics in the
and repeating pattern. Primary Grades.
Lesson 2: Number L2: Lorimar Publishing
Sentences  Construct equivalent number expressions using addition and
subtraction: De Leon, C. &
 Identify and create patterns to compose and decompose using Bernabe, J. (2000)
addition; Integrated
 Find the missing value in a number sentence involving multiplication Mathematics
or division of whole numbers; and Iteachers Manual.
 Solve word problems involving number sentences. JTW Corporation
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Chapter VI: Statistics L1: Module in SPEC 108 Week

and Probability for  Collect and organize data in a table; 16-17
Primary learners  Read and interpret a table. Camarista, G. &
Lesson 1: Data L2: Olanio, I. (2019).
Collection and  Interpret pictographs; Teaching
Representation in Tables  Construct pictographs. Mathematics in the
Lesson 2: Pictographs L3: Primary Grades.
Lesson 3: Bar Graphs  Interpret bar graphs; Lorimar Publishing
Lesson 4: Simple  Construct bar graphs
Probability L4: De Leon, C. &
 Tell whether an event is “sure to happen”, “likely to happen”, Bernabe, J. (2000)
equally likely to happen”, “unlikely to happen”; “and impossible to Integrated
happen”. Mathematics
Iteachers Manual.
JTW Corporation



Midterm/Final Performance COMPUTATION OF FINAL GRADE

Midterm/Final Exam 40% Midterm Grade 30%
Quiz 20% Final Term Grade 70%
Chapter test 20% Total 100%
Demonstration Teaching 20%
Total 100 %
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Revision No. 01
Document Title: Effective Date October 17, 2021
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XII. OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Attendance, major exams,

*** This is a proposed syllabus. Course content and requirements indicated herein are to be negotiated with students for revision and adaptation.

Prepared by:
Course Facilitator

Noted : Recommending Approval


Quality Assurance Chair Program Chair

Approved :


Satellite College Director

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