Exploring Cucumber Extract For Skin Rejuvenation

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Exploring cucumber extract for skin rejuvenation


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Akhtar Naveed Arshad Mahmood

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Barkat Ali Khan Tariq Mahmood

Gomal University University of Central Punjab


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African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 10(7), pp. 1206-1216, 14 February, 2011
Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/AJB
ISSN 1684–5315 © 2011 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Exploring cucumber extract for skin rejuvenation

Naveed Akhtar1, Arshad Mehmood2, Barkat Ali Khan1*, Tariq Mahmood1, Haji Muhammad
Shoaib Khan1 and Tariq Saeed3
1Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy and Alternative Medicine, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur,
2Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad, Pakistan.
3Department of Pharmacy, Punjab University Lahore, Pakistan.
Accepted 28 January, 2011

This study was designed to develop a topical skin-care cream water in oil (w/o) emulsion of 3%
cucumber extracts versus its vehicle (Base) as control and evaluates its effects on skin-melanin, skin
erythema, skin moisture, skin sebum and transepidermal water loss (TEWL). Hydroalcoholıc cucumber
(Cucumis sativus) fruit extract was entrapped in the inner aqueous phase of w/o emulsion. Base
containing no extract and a formulation containing 3% concentrated extract of C. sativus was
formulated. The odour was adjusted with few drops of lemon oil. Both the base and formulation were
stored at different storage conditions for a period of 4 weeks to predict their stability. Different stability
parameters that is: Physical stability, centrifugation and pH were monitored at different time intervals.
Both the base and formulation were applied to the cheeks of 21 healthy human volunteers for a period
of 4 weeks. The expected pharmaceutical stability of creams was achieved from 4 weeks in vitro study
period. Odour disappeared with passage of time due to volatilization of lemon oil. The base showed
insignificant (p > 0.05) effects on all skin parameters except sebum that was not significant, whereas the
formulation showed statistically significant (p 0.05) effects on skin sebum secretion. TEWL and
erythema was increased while skin melanin and skin hydration level was decreased by formulation.
However these effects were statistically insignificant (p > 0.05). The results showed a good stability over
4 weeks of observation period of both base and formulation and the formulation has anti sebum
secretion, bleaching and moisturizing effects.

Key words: Cucumber extract, melanin, skin moisture, skin sebum, transepidermal water loss (TEWL).


Emulsions can offer promising applications in pharma- availability of the drugs (Herbert et al., 1988). Water in oil
ceutical and cosmetic industries. There has been rene- (w/o) emulsions are employed more widely for the
wed interest in the emulsion as a vehicle for delivering treatment of dry skin and emollient applications (Magdy,
drugs to the body as they frequently enhance the bio- 2004). Additional value can be given to these formula-
tions by including active ingredients with specific
cosmetic effects. Particularly, advantageous cosmetic
emulsion preparations are obtained when antioxidants
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. are used as active ingredients (Bleckmann et al., 2006).
Fax: 0092629255243. Tel: 0092-333-9732578. There is a growing interest in natural antioxidants found
in plants. Many antioxidatively acting compounds are iso-
Abbreviations: TEWL, Transepidermal water loss; w/o, water lated from natural herbs and extracts and used as
in oil; RH, relative humidity. potential antioxidants in cosmetics (Naveed, 2001).
Akhtar et al. 1207

Cucumber extract can be obtained by macerating the aqueous phase to the oily phase with continuous agitation (Akhtar
crushed fruit in hydro-alcoholic mixture, then filtering and et al, 2010). Oily phase consisted of paraffin oil (16%) and
concentrating it on rotary evaporator. Extract so obtained surfactant ABIL-EM 90 (4%) was heated up to 75±1°C. At the same
time, aqueous phase consisting of water (q.s) was heated to the
is rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C and A (Claudia, same temperature and then the cucumber extract (3%) was added
1992; George, 2001), which have some cosmetic benefits to it. After that, aqueous phase was added to the oil phase drop by
for the skin. In cosmetics, cucumber has an excellent drop. Stirring was continued at 2000 rpm by the mechanical mixer
potential for cooling, healing and soothing to an irritated for about 15 min until complete aqueous phase was added; 2 to 3
skin, whether caused by sun, or the effects of a cuta- drops of lemon oil were added during this stirring time to give good
fragrance to the formulation. After the complete addition of the
neous eruption (Griere, 1992). Cucumber extract is often
aqueous phase, the speed of the mixer was reduced to 1000 rpm
used for skin problems, wrinkles, sunburn (James, 1997) for homogenization, for a period of 5 min, and then the speed of the
and as an antioxidant. The commercial aldehyde, trans- mixer was further reduced to 500 rpm for 5 min for complete
cis-2, 6-nonadienal, described as a major volatile com- homogenization; until the emulsion cooled to room temperature.
pound of cucumber, was characterized as a non- Base was also prepared by the same above method and with same
competitive inhibitor against 4-tert-butylcatechol oxidation ingredients but without cucumber extracts.
by mushroom tyrosinase (Fernando et al., 2003).
Cucurbitacin D and 23, 24-dihydrocucurbitacin D found in
Pharmaceutical stability tests
cucumber extract are also responsible for the inhibition of
tyrosinase and melanin synthesis (Jian et al., 2005). Stability tests were performed at 8 ± 0.1°C (in refrigerator),
The purpose of this study is to develop w/o emulsion
25 ± 0.1°C, 40 ± 0.1°C and 40 ± 0.1°C (in incubator) with 75%
(cream) containing the extract of cucumber and measure relative humidity (RH). Physical characteristic of emulsions, that is,
its effects on different physiologic functions of skin like color, creaming and liquefaction, were noted at various intervals for
melanin, erythema, skin moisture, skin sebum, pH of skin 28 days.
and transepidermal water loss (TEWL).
Study design for product evaluation on skin
MATERIALS AND METHODS One-sided blind study was designed with placebo control in the
month of August. 21 healthy human volunteers who signed the
Identification of plant informed consent, with age range 20-35 years were selected. All
the readings were performed at 21±01°C and 40±2% relative
The identification of cucumber (Cucumis Sativus) was performed at humidity conditions.
Cholistan Institute of Desert Studies, The Islamia University of The experiments were carried out on the cheeks of volunteers.
Bahawalpur, Pakistan. The specimen was deposited in the Patch test was performed on the forearms of each volunteer to
herbarium of Pakistan agricultural research council (PARC), the determine any possible reactions to the emulsions. Each volunteer
voucher number is: pharm.3986/Feb 2001. was provided with two creams. One cream was base and the other
was formulation. Each cream was marked with “right” or “left”
indicating application of that cream to the respective cheek. The
Materials creams were applied twice a day by the volunteers themselves as
instructed for 60 days. Every individual was instructed to come on
Cucumber was purchased locally. Paraffin oil (density 0.85) was 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th week for the skin sebum measurements.
obtained from Merck (Germany). Abil-EM 90 (Cetyl Dimethicone
copolyol with HLB 5) was purchased from Franken Chemical
(Germany); Lemon oil was obtained from Chemoflor Manufacturing Ethical standards
Corporation Pakistan.
This study was approved by the Board of Advance Study and
Research (BASR), The Islamia University of Bahawalpur and
Apparatus institutional ethical committee in compliance with NIH Principles of
Laboratory Animal Care 1985. The Reference No is 1457/07.
The apparatus used include: Centrifuge machine ( Hettich EBA 20,
Germany), cold incubator (Sanyo MIR-153, Japan), conductivity-
meter (WTW COND-197i, Germany), corneometer MPA 5, mexa- Burchard tests (Patch tests)
meter MPA 5, sebumeter MPA 5, TEWA meter MPA 5 (Courage +
Khazaka, Germany), digital humidity meter (TES Electronic Corp, Patch tests were performed on the forearms of each volunteer. The
Taiwan), electrical balance (Precisa BJ-210, Switzerland), homo- patch (Bandage disc) for the right forearm was saturated with 1.0 g
genizer (Euro-Star, IKA D 230, Germany), hot incubator (Sanyo of base while the patch for left forearm was saturated with 1.0 g of
MIR-162, Japan), pH-meter (WTW pH-197i, Germany), refrigerator formulation. Each was applied to the 5 cm X 4 cm marked regions
(Dawlance, Pakistan ) and rotary evaporator (Eyela, Co. Ltd. separately on each forearm. The regions were covered with the
Japan). surgical dressing after application. The patches were removed after
48 hours and the forearms were washed with physiological saline.
After 48 hours, scores were recorded for the presence of erythema
Preparation of emulsions (skin redness) using a scale with 4 points from 0 to 3, where 0
stands for absence of erythema, 1 for mild erythema, 2 for mode-
In this study, w/o emulsions were prepared by the addition of rate erythema while 3 stands for severe erythema. Each volunteer
1208 Afr. J. Biotechnol.

Table 1. Score given by volunteers to base and formulation on the basis of itching/irritation.

Skin-care cream
0 1 2 3
Base 14 5 2 0
Formulation 16 3 2 0

was asked to note their irritation/itching towards the patches and RESULTS
then assign a score from the same scale. Average score with
respect to volunteers is given in Table 1.
Pharmaceutical stability tests

Panel test Organoleptic tests (color, liquefaction and phase

Every individual was provided with a Performa preparedpreviously
to test the sensory values of cream. This form consisted of seven
parameters to be evaluated and every parameter was assigned 11
In this study, base and formulation were divided in to four
values from −5 to +5 indicating very bad to very good, respectively. samples separately and these samples were kept at 8°C
This form was asked to be completed independently by each in refrigerator, at 25, 40 and 40°C + 75% RH (relative
individual on day 28. Average points were calculated from the humidity) in stability chambers. They were observed
points assigned by each volunteer for each question for both of the organoleptically with respect to change in color, lique-
creams, base and formulation (Figure 6). faction and phase separation for a period of 28 days at
Average points for the first question, that is, ease of application of
creams were found to be 4.00 and 4.20 for the base and
definite time intervals.
formulation, respectively. This indicated that base and
formulationcan easily be applied on the skin. Average points
regarding spread-ability were 4.40 for base and 4.10 for formulation Centrifugation
which meant that the formulation spread on skin better than the
base. Average points for feel on application were 3.70 for the base
Centrifugation tests for base and formulation kept at
and 3.30 for formulation. This indicated that base was felt well on
the skin than formulation. Average points for the sense in long-term different storage conditions were performed at 5000 rpm
application of creams were 3.50 and 3.60 for the base and for 10 min and phase separation was observed for 28
formulation, respectively. This showed that formulation produced days at different time intervals. No phase separation after
more pleasant feeling on application to skin than base. There was centrifugation was found in any of the samples of base
no irritation on the skin in both cases, that is, base and formulation, and formulation.
as these were assigned 0.00 point for irritation by all the volunteers.
Shine on skin was 3.30 for the base and 3.20 for formulation. This
was expected since the base and formulation contained same
quantity of paraffin oil. Similarly, the formulation led to more Electrical conductivity
softness of the skin than base as the average point was 4.30 for
base and 4.60 for formulation. Electrical conductivity values for base and formulation
It was found from paired sample t-test that there was a non- kept at different storage conditions for 28 days were
significant difference between the average points of sensitivity for
base and formulation. It was concluded that there was no variation
determined. No change in electrical conductivity was
between base and formulation regarding the sensory evaluation. found in any sample of base and formulation. The value
Both creams behaved similarly from the sensory point of view. of electrical conductivity always remained zero.
The percentage changes for the individual values of different
parameters, taken every week, of volunteers were calculated by the
following formula: pH tests
Percentage Change = [(A – B) / B]*100
pH values of the base and formulation kept at different
Where, A, Individual value of any parameter of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th storage conditions for 28 days have been determined and
week; B, zero hour value of that parameter. reported in Table 2.

Statistical analysis
Dermatological tests
The measured values obtained for different parameters (skin mois-
ture, sebum, melanin, erythema, elasticity and pH) were analyzed The percentage of changes in the measured skin-mela-
using SPSS 12.0 on computer (paired samples t-test for variation nin, skin erythema, skin moisture, skin sebum, TEWL
between the two preparations; two-way ANOVA for variation
between different time intervals). 5% level of significant was
following the application of the base and the formulation
applied. on the cheeks of human volunteers is demonstrated in
Akhtar et al. 1209

Table 2. pH values of base and formulation kept at 8, 25, 40 and 40°C + 75% RH.

° ° ° °
8C 25 C 40 C 40 C+75% RH
0h 5.38 5.89 5.38 5.89 5.38 5.89 5.38 5.89
12 h 5.27 5.78 5.53 5.93 5.41 5.72 5.17 5.69
24 h 5.89 5.81 5.64 5.86 5.66 5.64 5.36 5.72
36 h 5.96 5.84 5.47 5.61 5.83 5.80 5.51 5.79
48 h 5.67 5.74 5.81 5.71 5.43 5.42 5.24 5.61
72 h 5.77 5.69 5.62 5.76 5.48 5.29 5.38 5.62
7 days 5.28 5.90 5.83 5.86 5.21 5.67 4.86 5.55
14 days 5.55 5.81 5.80 5.72 4.94 5.65 4.90 5.34
21 days 5.34 5.80 5.22 5.71 4.66 5.72 4.26 5.57
28 days 5.20 5.24 4.60 5.70 4.31 5.10 4.03 5.26
Where, B, Base; F, formulation; RH, relative humidity.

Base Formulation

%age change

-2 1 2 3 4
Week period
Figure 1. Percentage of change in skin melanin content after application of base and
formulation. Where, 1, 1st week; 2, 2nd week; 3, 3rd week; 4, 4th week.

Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, respectively. is, 8, 25, 40 and 40°C + 75% RH throughout the 28 days
study period.The observed no change in the color of base
and formulation may be attributed to different factors
DISCUSSION contributing to emulsion stability, such as, the
components of oil phase that is, paraffin oil which is a
Color colorless, transparent, tasteless, non-fluorescent liquid
and is mix-ture of hydrocarbons (Henriette, 1995), Abil-
The freshly prepared base and the formulation were ele- EM90 which is a clear, colorless and nontoxic liquid
gant white in color. No change occurred in color up to the emulsifier (Raymond et al., 2003). As cucumber extract
observation period of 28 days. This showed that the contains poly amine spermidine, which has bacterial
emulsions were stable at different storage conditions, that growth inhibitory effect (Khawola and Khuther, 1987), it
1210 Afr. J. Biotechnol.

Base Formulation

%age Change
-1 1 2 3 4

Week Periods
Figure 2. Percentage of change in skin erythema content after application of base
and formulation. Where, 1, 1st week; 2, 2nd week; 3, 3rd week; 4, 4th week.

Base Formulation


%age Change

1 2 3 4

Week Period
Figure 3. Percentage of change in skin moisture content after application of base
and formulation. Where, 1, 1st week; 2, 2nd week; 3, 3rd week; 4, 4th week.

may protect the formulation from microbial growth which and temperature-dependent processes occur to affect its
might produce such substances which are able to change separation leading to the decreased viscosity which
the color of the formulation during the storage time. results in increased liquefaction (Herbert et al., 1988).
No liquefaction was observed in any of the sample of
base and formulation kept at 8 and 25°C during whole
Liquefaction observation period of 28 days. Slight liquefaction was
observed in the sample of base kept at 40°C on the
The viscosity of emulsions plays an important role in their 28thday. Liquefaction was also observed in sample of
flow properties and is a useful process indicator of emul- base kept at 40°C + 75% RH from 21st day of
sion quality (Nasirideen et al., 1998; Ronald and Thomas, observation but there was no further increase in
1994). As soon as an emulsion has been prepared, time liquefaction till the end of the study period. On the other
Akhtar et al. 1211

Base Formulation


%age Change
-10 1 2 3 4
Week Periods

Figure 4. Percentage of change in skin sebum after application of base

and formulation. Where, 1, 1st week; 2, 2nd week; 3, 3rd week; 4, 4th

Base Formulation

%age Change

-20 1 2 3 4
Week pe riods
Figure 5. Percentage of change in values of trans epidermal water loss
(TEWL) after application of base and formulation. Where, 1, 1st week; 2,
2nd week; 3, 3rd week; 4, 4th week.

hand, a slight liquefaction was observed in formulation two phases under the influence of gravity which leads to
samples kept at 40°C + 75% RH on the 28th day of phase separation (Derrick, 2000). Coalescence is one of
observation. In w/o emulsion, the cream results from the possible mechanisms of destruction of emulsions,
sedimentation of water droplets and forms the lower which occur when the energy of adhesion between
layer. According to the Stokes’ law, the rate of creaming twodroplets is larger than the turbulent energy causing
is inversely proportional to the viscosity of the dispersion dis-persion (Abdurahman and Rosli, 2006).
medium. So as creaming increases, the viscosity of the The samples of base were stable at 8 and 25°C but
base and formulation gradually decreases with increasing slight separation was observed visually at 40 and 40°C+
temperature resulting in liquefaction (James and James, 75% RH on the 28th day of observation. In the case of
2004). formulation, no phase separation was observed in any of
the samples kept at 8, 25, 40 and 40°C+ 75% RH up to
observation period of 28 days. This indicated that the
Phase separation formulation was relatively more stable than base at
higher temperatures considering phase separation as a
Creaming is due to differences in density between the parameter of stability. Slight phase separation in case of
1212 Afr. J. Biotechnol.

Base Formulation

Average Points 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 6. Average values for panel test. Where, 1, Ease of application; 2, spreadability; 3,
sense just after application; 4, sense in long term; 5, irritation; 6, shine on skin; 7, sense of

base at higher temperatures may be attributed to the base and the formulation kept at different storage
movement of small number of surfactant molecules from conditions up to a period of 28 days at definite time
interface to the surface (Onuki, 1993) which is much intervals. No electrical conductivity was seen in any of the
easier when the emulsion has a lower viscosity. Depen- samples.
ding on conditions, emulsions may be more stable at
lower temperature due to increased phase viscosity
(Derrick, 2000). pH tests

The pH is a significant parameter as far as the effective-

Centrifugation test ness of the cream is concerned. The pH of human skin
typically ranges from 4.5 to 6.0 (Jennifer et al., 2003) and
Centrifugation is based on the principle of using 5.5 is considered to be average pH of the skin. Therefore,
centrifugal force to separate two or more substances the formulations intended for application to skin should
ofdifferent density, for example, two liquids or a liquid and have pH closer to this range.
a solid. In addition, it is an extremely useful tool for In this study, the pH of freshly prepared base and for-
evalua-ting and predicting the shelf life of emulsions mulation was 5.38 and 5.89, respectively, which is within
(Herbert et al, 1988). the range of skin pH. The pH values of the samples of
In this study, centrifugation test was performed for the base kept at different storage conditions that is, 8, 25, 40
samples of the base and formulation kept at different and 40°C+ 75% RH was found to be increase gradually in
storage conditions up to a period of 28 days at definite the 1st week and then it started to decline continuously till
time intervals. No phase separation on centrifugation was the 28th day with some variations. At the end of the
seen in any of the samples up to the 28th day. This study, pH of the samples of base at 8, 25, 40 and 40°C+
indicated that the emulsions were stable at all the storage 75% RH was 5.20, 4.60, 4.31 and 4.03, respectively,
conditions for 28 days. It may be said that proper homo- whereas pH of the samples of formulation kept at 8, 25,
genization speed during emulsion formulation prevented 40 and 40 C + 75% RH showed gradual reduction in pH
the base and the formulation breakage during stress values with slight variations with time. The pH values of
testing (Abdurahman and Rosli, 2006). samples of formulation kept at 8, 25, 40 and 40 C+ 75%
RH were 5.24, 5.70, 5.10 and 5.26 at 28th day, respect-
Electrical conductivity By using two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
technique at 5% level of significance, it was found that
Conductivity differences arises when an emulsion creams the change in pH of different samples of base was not
and the proportion of oil increases in the upper part of significant at different levels of time and temperature but
emulsion and the proportion of water increases in the there was significant difference in change of pH of
lower part of emulsion (James et al., 2000). In this study, different samples of formulation at different levels of time
conductivity test was performed for all the samples of and temperature. When least significant difference (LSD)
Akhtar et al. 1213

test was applied to check the individual average effects of significant differences were observed between the
the pH of the samples of base at different temperatures melanin effects of base and the formulation throughout
with the passage of time by taking average pH values of the study period.
Zero hour at different temperatures as standard, it gave This showed that the two creams, that is, the formu-
non-significant changes except 3rd and 4th week where lation and the base, have different effects on melanin but
differences were significant. Again, when LSD test was these differences are statistically non-significant for 28
applied to check the individual average effect of the pH of days. It was concluded that the decreased skin melanin
the samples of formulation at different temperatures with content after application of formulation may be attributed
the passage of time by taking average pH values of zero to the antioxidant activity of cucumber extract which is
hour at different temperatures as standard, it gave rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C (Claudia, 1992) and
significant changes from 48th hour till the study period aldehyde, trans, cis-2,6-nonadienal, a volatile component
except the 7th day. From LSD test it was concluded that that causes inhibition of tyrosinase activity (Fernando et
there was a non-significant change in pH of the samples al., 2003) and cucurbitacin D and 23, 24-dihydro-
of base at different storage conditions but significant cucurbitacin D found in cucumber which cause inhibition
changes were observed in pH of the samples of formu- of tyrosinase and melanin synthesis (Jian et al., 2005)
lation at different storage conditions with the passage of thus inhibiting melanogenesis.
time. The decrease in pH of the formulation at different
storage conditions might be due to the oxidation of
paraffin oil which produces aldehydes and organic acids Skin erythema
(Raymond et al., 2003).
For confirming the safety of cosmetics, the important
point is that cosmetics must not cause any contact
Dermatological tests dermatitis when applied to the skin. The cause of contact
dermatitis is not always due to cosmetic ingredients.
Skin melanin Even if the safety of cosmetics is verified, it is known that
environmental conditions such as temperature and
The major source of color in human skin derives from the humidity, misuse by the consumer and the physical con-
presence within the epidermis of specialized melanin ditions may all cause contact dermatitis. Skin irritation is
bearing organelles, the melanosomes. Melanosomes caused by the direct toxicity of chemicals on cells or
synthesized by melanocytes are acquired by keratino- blood vessels in the skin and is different from contact
cytes and transported within them to the epidermal allergy which is caused by immune response (Naveed,
surface. Tanning of the human skin on exposure to 2001).
ultraviolet light results from increased amount of melanin In this study, irritation was constantly monitored every
within the epidermis (Quevedo et al., 1975). week for the base and the formulation throughout the
Polyphenol oxidase, also known as tyrosinase is widely period of application. It was found that erythema contents
distributed in microorganisms, animals, and plants and is decreased in an irregular pattern after the application of
responsible not only for browning in plants but also for base throughout the study period. Whereas, after the
melanization in animals. The commercial aldehyde, trans, application of formulation, erythema contents were
cis-2, 6-nonadienal, described as a major volatile slightly increased as the study progressed. With the help
compound of cucumber, was characterized as a non- of ANOVA test, it was found that the base and
competitive inhibitor against 4- tert-butylcatechol oxide- formulation produced non-significant effects on skin
tion by mushroom tyrosinase (Fernando et al., 2003). erythema at different time intervals and with the help of
Cucurbitacin D and 23, 24-dihydrocucurbitacin D found in paired sample t-test, it was evident that there was no
cucumber extract are also responsible for the inhibition of significant variation in irritation with respect to base and
tyrosinase and melanin synthesis (Jian et al., 2005). formulation throughout the study period.
In this study, the effect of the base and the formulation It was concluded that the base decreased while formu-
on the production of skin melanin was examined. The lation slightly increased the erythema contents of skin at
amount of melanin was measured for 4 weeks at different the end of study period and overall effect of formulation
time intervals in each individual after application of base on skin erythema was non-significant, so it can be used
and formulation and it was found that the base increased safely without any significant skin irritation. As cucumber
the melanin contents in the skin irregularly till the end of extract is rich in vitamins (Claudia, 1992), it contains
the 28th day while the formulation increased the melanin vitamin A too. So the increase in the erythema contents
contents in the 1st week but then decreased it gradually in case of formulation may be attributed to irritation cau-
throughout the study period. With the help of ANOVA sed by isotretinoin (Hughes et al., 1992) which is an
test, it was found that the base and formulation produced important metabolite of vitamin A (Kathryn, 1998). The
a non-significant effects on skin melanin content in assumption for presence of isotretinoin is further streng-
volunteers. With the help of paired sample t-test, no thened by the reduction in sebum contents.
1214 Afr. J. Biotechnol.

Skin moisture content film, which becomes transparent when it is in contact with
sebum lipids. The device relies on a probe which presses
The moisturizing treatment involves repairing the skin a piece of special film on the skin for a measured length
barrier, retaining or increasing water content, reducing of time. The sebum is adsorbed on this film like ink on the
TEWL, restoring the lipid barriers' ability to attract, hold blotting paper and the film becomes transparent. The
and redistribute water, and maintaining skin integrity and probe is then placed into the device which radiates a light
appearance. Formulation of this study contained cucum- beam onto the film. A metal mirror behind the film reflects
ber extract as an active ingredient which is rich in the beam back again through the film and then into an
vitamins, especially vitamin C (Claudia, 1992). Vitamin C instrument called a photomultiplier, which measures the
is known to increase the collagen fibers in the dermis. amount of light in the beam. The more sebum on the
With the increase in collagen, the hydration conditions in skin, the more transparent is the film and the greater the
the dermis are improved (Padayatty and Levine, 2001). In amount of light reflected.
addition to this, extract also contains cucurbitacins, the In this study, the effects of the base and formulation on
bitter principles of the cucurbitaceae (Gaofeng et al., the sebum contents of human cheeks were investigated.
2006) which are known for their non-specific cytotoxicity, Sebum was measured every week in all the individuals. It
and very little is known about the mechanism of the effect was found that the base increased sebum contents in the
of cucurbitacins at the cellular and molecular level (Jian 1st and 4th week of study period but decreased in the
et al., 2005). These may disrupt the super facial layer of 2nd and 3rd week, while the formulation showed a
skin. That is, stratum corneum, thus reducing the gradual reduction in sebum contents in a regular manner
moisture contents. as the study continued from the 1st to 4th week. With the
In this study, it was found that there was a slight in- help of ANOVA test, it was evident that there was a signi-
crease in moisture values at the 1st and 2nd week after ficant effect of base and formulation on skin sebum
the application of the base and a very slight decrease throughout the study period. By applying LSD test, it was
was observed at the 3rd and 4th week; however after the evident that non-significant changes in sebum contents
application of formulation, the increase in skin moisture were observed at different time intervals after application
content was limited to the 1st week only, after this, it of base while significant changes were observed after
decreased at the 2nd week and then remains almost application of formulation except the 1st week of study.
same throughout the study period. With the help of With paired sample t-test, it was found that the base and
ANOVA test, it was found that the base showed a non- formulation showed insignificant variations regarding the
significant change with respect to the basic values skin sebum content after the 1st, 2nd and 3rd week while
whereas the formulation showed a significant variation significant variations were shown after the 4th week of
throughout the study period of 28 days. By LSD test for study.
both base and formulation, it was found that significant It is concluded that increase in sebum contents after
change in moisture content was observed only after the the application of base may be attributed to the oily
1st week of application. Using paired sample t-test, it was nature of w/o emulsion having a thick viscous oily liquid,
evident that insignificant differences in the moisture that is, the paraffin oil (Henriette, 1995) while significant
values were observed after application of base and reduction in sebum after application may be because of
formulation throughout the study period. The significant isotretinoin, a natural metabolite of vitamin A (Kathryn,
reduction in moisture after application of formulation may 1998), which is most effective in reducing sebaceous
be due to cucurbitacin components of the cucumber, as gland size by decreasing proliferation of basal sebocytes
cytotoxicity of cucurbitacins is known before 1800 AD, but and in suppressing sebum production up to 90% by
very little is known about the mechanism of the effect of inhibiting sebaceous lipid synthesis (Christos, 2006). The
cucurbitacins at the cellular and molecular level (Jian et assumption for presence of isotretinoin was further
al., 2005). They may have disrupted the stratum corneum strengthened by irritation observed in this study.
so that water evaporated from the skin at higher rates
causing reduction in skin moisture. This argument is
further strengthened by the fact that TEWL also in- Trans epidermal water loss (TEWL)
creased significantly after application of formulation in
this study. TEWL is the outward diffusion of water through skin
(Jackie and Howard, 2005). TEWL is a measure of cuta-
neous barrier function and also reflects skin water
Skin sebum content content (Ostlere et al., 1994). An increase in TEWL
reflects an impairment of the water barrier. TEWL mea-
Sebum, the product of sebaceous glands, is a complex of surements allow parametric evaluation of the effect of
various lipids that are thought to act as an epidermal barrier creams against irritants and characterization of
and/or follicular lubricant (Robert et al., 2000). Sebum skin functionality in clinical dermatitis and in irritant and
production is measured using a special opalescent plastic allergic patch test reactions. TEWL measurements can
Akhtar et al. 1215

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