Steri-Vac Sterilizer - Aerator GS Series

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Cool when

it counts
3M™ Steri-Vac™ Sterilizer/Aerator GS Series

For Health Care Facilities

Stay cool under pressure with state of the art temperature and
humidity monitoring and a touch screen cycle display in the
3M Steri-Vac Sterilizer/Aerator GS Series. Ethylene Oxide (EO) is
™ ™

known to be gentle on instruments and highly penetrating, making it

ideal for complex devices such as long lumen flexible endoscopes.
And it can save you money. Now that’s cool.
Cool, When It Counts State of the Art Control

Every day, your team is charged with ensuring that sterilized equipment is The Steri-Vac sterilizer GS series features
available, on time, for a wide range of procedures. It’s not often that you three-zone temperature control and a
find a solution that will help you manage the complexity of your facility’s state-of-the-art, proprietary, dynamic
reprocessing demands and give your budget a break at the same time. humidification process that adapts and
controls chamber relative humidity (RH) for
The 3M™ Steri-Vac™ Sterilizer/Aerator GS Series allows you to sterilize uniformity of key sterilization parameters.
heat- and moisture-sensitive equipment cost effectively, efficiently, and
safely—when it counts.

The 3M™ Steri-Vac™ Sterilizer/Aerator GS Series is designed with new

features that make it easy to train your staff—and easy for them to operate
the equipment and monitor the cycle.

Enhanced features,

Easy to Use.
Touch screen on the Two pre-programmed
front panel displays the cycles:
key information for the warm cycle (55˚C) and
operator: cycle stage, cycle cool cycle (38˚C).
temperature, status of door
(open or closed), time elapsed Aeration begins
for gas exposure and aeration automatically after
phases, and more. the sterilization cycle
is completed. The
Cartridge barcode scanner sterilization/aeration
allows the sterilizer to process can be
register the cartridge accomplished in one
catalog number, EO volume, chamber without moving
lot number and expiration the load.
date, streamlining
your recordkeeping. Sterilizer will retain
sterilization cycle
Software controlled door details for the last 100
allows operator to release cycles, and reports can
door using the touch be downloaded
screen panel—only when to a USB drive.
it is safe to do so.

Sterilization Strategy Check your IFUs
The Best Mix of EO and H2O2
Your department needs the right mix of sterilization equipment to deliver H202 sterilization isn’t always the right
instruments safely, on time, and at the lowest total cost. Steam is the answer. Audit your current practices
workhorse of your program, providing high efficacy at low cost. However, including required turnaround time and
to complete your big picture strategy, you still need to select the right validated sterilization methods and
sterilization process for heat- or moisture-sensitive instruments. For these cycles in the manufacturers’ IFUs. You
devices, you’ll need to determine the best mix of Ethylene Oxide (EO) and may be surprised.
Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) cycles.

How Do You Decide? Three enduring truths in sterilization:

There is not a comprehensive sterilant All low temperature sterilants are All sterilants must come in direct

1 or sterilization method; there will

always be a need for multiple types 2 toxic. After all, their function is to
kill or inactivate microorganisms. 3 contact with microorganisms
to kill or inactivate them.
of sterilization processes.

Consider the Characteristics of Each Method

Ethylene Oxide (e0) Hydrogen Peroxide (H202)
Cost • Lower cost per cycle than H202 • Higher cost per cycle than EO
1 1

Benefits • Highly efficacious—can penetrate complex medical devices • Primarily a surface sterilant, which means that little aeration
including long, narrow lumens is required, and cycle times are short
• No restrictions on the length or inner diameter of
endoscope channels
• Cleared for use with single- or dual-channel rigid and flexible
scopes. Examples include colonoscopes, duodenoscopes, and
ultrasound scopes.*
• Excellent materials compatibility

Limitations • Excellent penetrability requires longer aeration and • Very difficult to drive down long narrow lumens of
total cycle times medical devices
• One of the strongest oxidizers known, it can result in
damage to packaging and devices (e.g., cracking, crazing,
discoloring and malfunction)
• Instruments must be thoroughly dried before sterilization.
Any water may cause the cycle to abort and/or result in
residual liquid hydrogen peroxide on instruments, which
creates a risk of chemical burn.

Ideal Use* • Instruments that are sensitive to oxidizing agents • Instruments that are needed for multiple procedures
• Instruments that are used once per day per day

*Always refer to the instrument manufacturer’s Instructions for Use (IFU) for validated sterilization modalities and cycles.

The Solution for Count on the 3M Steri-Vac ™ ™

Low-Cost Low-Temperature Sterilization? Sterilizer/Aerator GS Series as a

critical component of your overall
Ethylene Oxide (EO) sterilization program.

Based on cost comparison of 3M Steri-Vac Sterilizer/Aerator GS series with ASP STERRAD 100NX System and Steris V-PRO 1 Low Temperature
1 TM TM ® ® ® TM

Sterilization System. Conducted 6/2014, verified 2/2015. 3M data on file.

The Low Cost of Cool
It’s a balancing act
Every day, you strive to control the total cost of sterilization while efficiently
and reliably providing sterile instruments that are safe for patient use. While
you may not be counting pennies (yet), your department is likely being
scrutinized for the impact it has on your organization’s bottom line.

Gentle on Instruments A cost-effective operation is easy with the 3M Steri-Vac Sterilizer/Aerator

™ ™

GS Series, which:
Check out your repair history. Each
time you send an instrument (like an • Provides an overall lower cost than leading vapourized hydrogen
endoscope) out for repair, it can cost peroxide (H202) systems. 1

you thousands of dollars. The Steri-Vac – Lower initial cost of capital

sterilizers are gentle on your instruments, – Lower cost per cycle
which can have a real impact on your – Lower annual cost to maintain
annual budget.
• Is gentle on device materials, helping to extend device life and reduce
the need for costly repairs or replacement.

Proven Effective Sterilization Methods Used

to Sterilize Single–Use
Medical Products

The Steri-Vac brand of sterilizers have provided safe, effective, and
economical sterilization for over 50 years.
There’s a peace of mind that comes from using time-tested, well understood
sterilization methods that have been relied upon by healthcare, medical
device, government and other industries for decades. The Steri-Vac GS Series
sterilizers use 100% ethylene oxide, recognized as an effective method for
low temperature sterilization because of its ability to penetrate even the
most challenging devices, to provide a reliable, compatible, cost-effective
solution. 41% 58%
You may be surprised to learn that over half of all sterilized single-use medical
products are sterilized with ethylene oxide. With so many manufacturers
counting on EO to sterilize their products, it’s clear that ethylene oxide will be
around long into the future, and healthcare facilities can continue to rely on
this traditional sterilant to reliably sterilize heat- and moisture-sensitive items.

Based on cost comparison of 3M Steri-Vac Sterilizer/Aerator GS series with ASP STERRAD

1 TM TM ® ®
Source: Global Industry Analysts. Sterilization
100NX System and Steris V-PRO 1 Low Temperature Sterilization System. Conducted 6/2014,
® TM
Equipment and Supplies. A Global Strategic
verified 2/2015. 3M data on file. Business Report. MCP-3362. October 2011.

Safety Times Three
You’re counted on to ensure the safety of instruments, your team, and the environment. All are possible when you sterilize
with Ethylene Oxide (EO), which is very well understood and proven to be safe when used properly.

The 3M Steri-Vac Sterilizer/Aerator GS Series, when properly installed and operated according to instructions, is
™ ™

designed to meet occupational safety requirements around the world, including OSHA exposure limits.

Safe on Instruments
The 100% EO sterilant used in the 3M Steri-Vac Sterilizer/Aerator GS Series penetrates
™ ™

to effectively to sterilize equipment and is gentle on materials, which may extend the life of your
instruments. This means that you can provide every patient with a terminally sterilized device.

• Because Ethylene Oxide (EO) is an alkylating agent, not an oxidizing agent (like hydrogen peroxide), it is compatible with
the materials used to make complex medical devices and may help extend device life and reduce the need for repairs.

• EO is highly efficacious, offers strong penetrability, and is a relatively stable gas that has the ability to penetrate the
complex geometries of medical devices (such as flexible endoscopes).

Safe for Your Staff Single-Use EO Cartridge

• The single-use, 3M Steri-Gas Cartridge (100% EO) is punctured only
™ ™
The EO gas cartridge punctures
when the chamber door is sealed and the proper vacuum has been drawn, inside the sterilizer only after the
ensuring that gas remains safely inside the chamber. door has been locked and a vacuum
is drawn.
• Internal sterilizer diagnostics monitor key parameters, with automatic
fault notification and safe state recovery processes that provide
additional protection for the operator. If a fault is detected, the sterilizer
automatically completes an error recovery process to bring the sterilizer
to a safe state prior to allowing further action.

• Minimum aeration time is pre-programmed Steri-Vac Sterilizer GS Series Cycle Profile

• In each cycle, aeration occurs in the

same chamber as sterilization—there’s
no need to move the load.

• The EO exhaust is connected to a

dedicated external vent line.

Safe for the Environment

The 3M Abator is a highly effective device that uses an exothermic (heat

producing) reaction to convert EO exhaust into CO2 and water vapour. It is

designed exclusively for use with Steri-Vac Sterilizers.

At normal operating temperatures and concentrations, conversion efficiency is

99.9+%* – virtually eliminating emissions of EO to the environment.
* When EO concentrations are greater than 100 ppm. When EO concentrations are less than 100 ppm, conversion efficacy is 99.0%.

With 3M, When You Call One Of Us–
You Get All Of Us
3M Service: Protecting Your Investment and Enhancing Your Productivity
Keeping your equipment functioning at an optimum level is critical to providing the highest quality care for patients.
3M service agreements can help you stay on budget and maximize system uptime year after year, helping ensure your
investment will provide maximum productivity and the longest possible useful life.

Look to us for service support with site planning and consulting, basic hook-up, preventative maintenance agreements, and
more. We care about your success! Our service experts are available to assess your needs and recommend the best course
of action possible, whether working with you to remotely diagnose problems or scheduling on-site technicians if a repair is
required. Contact our 3M Health Care Service team for more details.

• Cleared by Health Canada as a Class II Medical Device.

• Allows the user to meet the requirements of CAN/CSA Z314.23-14 and CSA/ISO 11135:2014.

• Meet applicable device safety, electrical and EMC standards, including (but not limited) to UL.

• Meet requirements for the European Union Medical Device Directive CE marking.

• Have independent Monitor and Control Sensors to meet EN1422.

• Comply with RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU and WEEE environmental and disposal Directive 2012/19/EU.

• 3M™ Steri-Gas™ EO Gas Cartridges are registered with Health Canada (DIN 02154900).

Software Enhancements
• User interface is now available in 15 languages.

• Software is designed with automated handling of errors; indications allow

error handling to be quickly addressed.

• Ethernet port and USB ports are available for connectivity and data transfer.
– Cycle data are stored on network accessible directory. The last 100
cycles are available for export via the USB drive or via Ethernet connection
to instrument tracking software.
– In addition, diagnostic data can be exported and used by service
technician or by a remote diagnostic module, if installed.

• When connected to the network, the sterilizer will monitor for software
updates. Updates can be made when the sterilizer is idle.

The 3M Advantage

For over 50 years, 3M has brought you

reliable, cost-effective 100% Ethylene
Oxide sterilization with 3M™ Steri-Vac™
Sterilizer/Aerators. You’ve come to
rely on us for our innovative products,
responsive professional support, depth
of technical expertise, and creative
approaches to solving your problems.
It’s a unique collaboration—because you
know that when you call one of us, you
get all of us.

At 3M, we’ve earned your trust with our

long history of innovation and a laser-like
focus on quality and the customer. With
over 50,000 products, operations in
65 countries, 75,000 employees, and
7,000 researchers in 34 laboratories
worldwide, we continue to invest
heavily in product improvement and
development. That’s one reason why 3M
is the leading supplier of small chamber
ethylene oxide sterilization systems.

3M Innovation 3M Technology 3M Products

Improving Advancing Enhancing

Every Life Every Company Every Home

For more information, contact your local 3M sales representative or call 3M Canada:

Cool, when it counts
Ordering Information - 3M™ Steri-Vac™ Sterilizer/Aerators GS Series and Related Products

Product Name Cat. No. Description Packaging Shipping

3M™ Steri-Vac™ Sterilizer/ GS5-1D, 4.8 cubic foot chamber EO sterilizer 1/Unit 1 unit/carton
Aerators GS Series GS5-2D,

GS8-1D, 7.9 cubic foot chamber EO sterilizer


3M™ Ethylene Oxide (EO) Abator 50 Converts EO exhaust into CO2 and 1/unit 1 unit/carton
water vapour

3M™ Steri-Gas™ EO Gas 4-100 100 gram (3.5 oz.) Cartridge for Models 12 each/box 4 boxes/case
Cartridges GS5-1D, GS5-2D , 5XL

8-170 170 gram (6 oz.) Cartridge for Models 12 each/box 4 boxes/case

GS8-1D, GS8-2D , 8XL

3M™ Printer Paper 1217 Printer Paper, 79 mm (3-1/8 in.) wide — 2 rolls/case

3M™ Attest™ Rapid Readout Test 1298* EO Test Pack (25 controls/box) 25 pack/box 2 boxes/case
Packs and Biological Indicators 1298F* EO Test Pack (5 controls/box) 25 pack/box 2 boxes/case
1294* EO Biological Indicator (Green cap) 50 each/box 4 boxes/case

*Must be used in conjunction with 3M™

Attest™ Auto-reader 390G or Auto-reader
3M™ Attest™ Auto-reader 390G 390G Auto-reader for use with 3M™ Attest™ 1 unit/box 1 box/case
Rapid Readout Biological Indicator 1294
for EO

3M™ Comply™ Ethylene Oxide 1251 EO Chemical Indicator Strip, 240 each/ 1 box/case
(EO) Chemical Indicator Strip 1,5 cm x 20 cm (5/8N x 8N) box

3M™ Comply™ Indicator 1224-0 1,25 cm x 55 m (1/2 in. x 60 yds.), green 1 unit/box 1 box/case
Tapes for Ethylene Oxide (EO) 1224-1 2,5 cm x 55 m (1 in. x 60 yds.), green 1 unit/box 1 box/case
Sterilization 1224-6 1,9 cm x 55 m (3/4 in. x 60 yds.), green 1 unit/box 1 box/case

Available in Canada from:

3M Infection Prevention
3M Canada Company
3M, 3M Science. Applied to Life., Attest, Comply, Steri-Gas and
P.O. Box 5757
Steri-Vac are trademarks of 3M. ASP and STERRAD 100NX System
London, Ontario N6A 4TI 3M Health Care 3M Canada Service Centre are trademarks of Advanced Sterilization Products (ASP). Steris
Canada 3M Center, Building 275-4E-01 1798 Oxford St E V-PRO is a trademark of Steris. Please recycle. Printed in Canada.
1-800-364-3577 Conway Avenue, St. Paul, MN London, Ontario N5V 3R6 Used under license in Canada. © 3M 2016. All rights reserved. 55144-1000 USA 1-800-268-6235 160204780 BA-16-21114

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