SternMed Marcom 0.35T Leaflet

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Marcom 0.

Permanent magnet MRI scanner
Marcom 0.35T
Permanent magnet MRI scanner

Marcom 0.35T is an open 0.35T permanent • Main field strength 0.35T

magnet MRI scanner which supplies fast ima-
ging and high-quality images and provides • 4 receiving channels
rich preset scan protocols as well as advan-
ced applications. • Full digital spectrometer

• Phase array receiving coils

• Advanced imaging techniques and clinical


• Comprehensive scanning sequences

2 © SternMed
Eddy zero technology
The shimming algorithm technology (ensure The eddy current because of the high gradient
field strength with high uniformity and stabili- and high slew rate come from ultra-fast sequen-
ty), ensure the MRI system operating stably with ce was resolved completely, which guarantee to
high quality and high performance. get the best clinical image.

Eddy Zero Technology: Open wide design

Magnet design uses breakthrough anti-eddy More patient comfort and more space for sur-
current technology gery. Affinity C-shape magnets, creating a ma-
ximum of openness, offer a maximum vision for
The gradient coil using self-shielded active anti- patients, especially leave much space comfort
eddy current technology for obese patients, minimizing claustrophobia of
patients and providing more space for MR inter-
Implementation of precision eddy current com- vention surgery.
pensation algorithm, completely eliminate the
impact of eddy current.

© SternMed 3

Advance gradient system a car chassis, stability is essential, the magnetic

Gradient system helps to provide higher reso- field uniformity is maintained at < 2.5 ppm in 40
lution pictures, Marcom 0.35T gradient system cm the DSV Vrms, the system can complete a
X Y Z gradient intensity is 25 mT/m, higher the wide range of scanning (40 cm).
gradient intensity, faster imaging speed, shor-
ter scanning time; Higher the gradient intensity, Advanced RF system
thinner image slice, higher image resolution. The Marcom 0.35T is equipped with Fast 4 chan-
nels RF system and all phased array coils provide
The new technology of 4D shimming best SNR pictures.
Use of advanced active shimming algorithm
for real-time automatic shimming on each ex-
amination to ensure the magnetic field always
maintain the highest uniformity. Magnetic field
homogeneity and stability of the MRI images al-
ways are the most important guarantee of the
high-resolution, high SNR and high contrast.
They are the important indicators of the level of
magnet design, the better the smaller value, di-
rectly determines the SNR of the image, like


• Fully open Magnet Marcom 0.35T has a variety of different phased array
coils and all of them provide best SNR pictures.
• Nd-Fe-B magnet
• 4D shimming • Head coil
• Neck coil
• Eddy Zero Technology • Small body coil
• Large body coil
• self-regulating constant temperature • Knee coil

• Fully Digital 4 Channels Receiving Spectrometer Optional

• Shoulder coil
• Automatic coil tuning • Sport joint coil
• Wrist Coil
• Accurate positioning assist • Breast Coil
• Flexible coil
• Comprehensive scanning sequences • Flexible body coil
• Flat spine coil
• Advanced imaging techniques

4 © SternMed

© SternMed 5
Marcom 0.35T | SternMed Permanent magnet MRI

Operating Field Strength 0.35 Tesla 3500 Gauss
Magnet Type Full open C-shaped, 2-column
Magnetic material Permanent Nd-Fe-B magnet
Dimension 1970 mm × 1320 mm × 1820 mm
Magnet net weight 17,500 Kg
Homogeneity (400 mm DSV) ≤ 2.5 ppm (Vrms)
Shimming Active/Passive/Dynamic
Patient aperture 400 mm
Accessibility (Horizontal opening angle) > 270°
5 Gauss fringe field 2.5 m*2.5 m*2.5 m
Gradient strength max. 25 mT/m (Gx/Gy/Gz)
Slew rate 75 mT/M/ms (Gx/Gy/Gz)
Gradient cooling system Air
(Gradient coils and power electronics)
Rise time 0.3 ms
Gradient linearity < 5% (400 mm × 400 mm × 380mm)
Spectrometer Digital (4 Channels)
Noise factor 0.3 dB
Coil type Phase array
Dynamic range ≥ 80 dB
RF bandwidth of receiver Each 400 KHz
Power of transmitter amplifier 6 KW
Receiving coil type Standard: Neck coil, Head coil, Large body coil, Small body coil
Optional: Knee, shoulder, Wrist, breast coil, ankle coil, etc.
Operating system WINDOWS 7
CPU 2.8 GHz (Dual Core Processor), extendable
RAM ≥ 2 GB, extendable
Hard disk ≥ 250 GB, extendable
The main screen displays 24” LCD
Network components DICOM 3.0 standard interface, through the local Ethernet network
easily to link camera, diagnosis and treatment workstations, medical
information systems, remote diagnostics system.
Spin-Echo sequence SE 2D/3D
Fast spin echo (FSE)
Fast double echo (FDE)
Fast recover fast spin echo (FRFSE)
Single shot fast spin echo (SSFSE)
Multi shot fast spin echo (MSFSE)
Inversion recovery fast spin echo (IRFSE)
Multi-slice multi-echo(MSME)
GRE sequence GRE 2D/3D
Steady state process gradient echo (SSPGRE)
IR sequence Inversion recovery (IR)
Short time inversion recovery (STIR)
Fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)

6 © SternMed
Marcom 0.35T | SternMed Permanent magnet MRI

Advanced imaging technology Body Imaging MR cholangiopahcreatography (MRCP)
MR urography (MRU) -- MR myelography (MRM)
MR Angiography 2D/3D TOF technology
(MRA) Magnetization transfer (MTC)
Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI)
Flow compensation
Gating technology
Pre-saturation technology (PS)
Pre-saturation adjustment technology
Part metal implant scan technology
Automatic coil tuning
Multi-layer and multi-angle scanning technology
Optimize bandwidth acquisition technology
Parallel acquisition technology
Section acquisition technology
Scan parameter preset
Oversampling technology
MIP --- MinIP
Image fusion technology
Artifact suppression technology
Thin imaging technology
Online image filtration
Optimal algorithm of active shimming
Scan sequence queuing
Online post procession
Movie playback technology
Post processing package
FOV 20 ~ 400 mm
Maximum display matrix 1024 x 1024
Slide thickness (2D) Min. = 1 mm (1 mm increment), (3D)Min. = 0.1 mm
Slide Orientation Sagittal, coronal, transversal, any angle any oblique, T1 weighted imaging,
Image type T2 weighted imaging, T2*weighted imaging, proton density imaging, Water
suppressed imaging, Fat Suppressed imagine, MRM, MRU, MRCP, Magnetic
Resonance angiography (MRA), Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI)
Patient Table Available with laser light localizer for patient positioning, Equipped with
intercommunication between patient and operator.
Longitudinal travel range ≥ 1650 mm
Max. Patient Load 200 kg
Positioning Accessories mattress, pillow, head pillow, various parts of the fixed pad
Voltage and frequency 3N~ 380 V / 50 Hz
Input Power 15 kVA

© SternMed 7
SternMed GmbH © SternMed GmbH – All rights reserved.
Schubertstrasse 31
88214 Ravensburg - Germany SternMed GmbH reserves the right to make
changes in specifications and features shown
Tel: +49 751 35 978 0 herein, or discontinue the product described
Fax: +49 751 35 978 105 at any time without notice or obligation. Con-
tact your SternMed Representative for the
[email protected] most current information.

Rev. V. 0.0

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