CCUS G20 Report 1702179946

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Carbon Capture,

Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

Technology Gaps and
International Collaboration
February 2023
Copyright: Dastur Energy and NTPC Ltd.

The content of this report is the sole responsibility of the Dastur Energy Inc. and Dastur Energy Private Limited,
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ministry of Power, Government of India.
Authors and Acknowledgements

Authors Acknowledgment

Atanu Mukherjee, We are also thankful for the inputs and contributions
Author, Dastur Energy received from:
Saurav Chatterjee,
Co-Author, Dastur Energy 1) Knowledge Partner - NTPC NETRA

Other Contributors from Dastur Energy Sh. Shaswattam

Sh. Subrata Sarkar
Sh. Neeraj Goswami
Dr. Suprotim Ganguly
Sh. Sudarshan K. Singh
Arunava Maity
Saptarshi Bhattacharya 2) Knowledge Partner - IIT Bombay,
Arnab Adak DST-sponsored National Centre of Excellence in
Soukarsa Das Carbon Capture and Utilization
Debarka Chakraborty
Anindya Majumdar Dr. Vikram Vishal, Convenor
Pratyush Kumar
3) Enabling Partners
Santanu Basak
Sh. Anil Kumar Jha, Ex-CMD – NTPC
NSB – NTPC School of Business

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 05


The G20 leadership has endorsed the Circular Carbon Economy (CCE) as one of the key approaches to control
GHG emissions, mitigate climate change and promote economic development & growth. One of the key
components of the CCE framework is Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration (CCUS). While presently
CCUS projects worldwide account for only about 40 mtpa of carbon abatement, the critical and integral role of
CCUS in achieving decarbonization of hard-to-abate industrial sectors and reaching net zero is universally

CCUS consists of many sub-systems which are tightly linked together, and the success of the overall chain
depends on the strength and resilience of the weakest link. Hence it is imperative to adopt a holistic approach
toward the development of technologies, projects, and enablers across the CCUS value chain.

This study seeks to identify the technology gaps and solutions for the large-scale and cost-effective
implementation of CCUS projects across the world and identifies the key areas of international collaboration.
This study draws upon the expertise and experience of CCUS technology development & projects across the
world and seeks to provide project proponents, policymakers, institutions, investors, and industries across the
world with a holistic understanding of the technology gaps that need to be closed for accelerated deployment of
CCUS to reach the GigaTonne (GT) scale.

We thank the G20 for giving Dastur Energy the opportunity to undertake this study, which would hopefully
shape the trajectory of CCUS technology development and international collaboration going forward. Let me
also take this opportunity to place on record our appreciation for the guidance and direction provided by the
Ministry of Power, Government of India, NTPC Ltd. and IIT Bombay in shaping this study.

Atanu Mukherjee
Chief Executive Officer
Dastur Energy

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 06


Executive Summary 17

1. Introduction 23

2. Analysis of Sector-wise CO₂ Emissions 33

3. CCUS in G20 Countries 62

4. Carbon Capture Technology Landscape 66

5. CO₂ Utilization Technologies 102

6. CO₂ Storage Potential 123

7. CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 151

8. Conclusions 174

9. Annexure 181

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 07

List of Figures

Figure E-1 The CCUS Value Chain Figure 2-15 Process Route Wise Production and
Contribution across G20 Countries
Figure 1-1 The 60% Decarbonization Challenge
Figure 2-16 Various Iron and Steel Making Routes
Figure 2-1 Global CO₂ Emissions in 2021 & CO₂
Emissions from Power and Industries Figure 2-17 Distribution of CO₂ Emissions per tonne
Sectors in 2021 of Steel in a Typical BF-BOF Route
based Integrated Steel Plant
Figure 2-2 Illustration of Emission Types and
Boundary Consideration Figure 2-18 Direct CO₂ Emissions from Iron and
Steel Across G20 Countries in 2021 and
Figure 2.3 Break-up of Generation in 2021 Projected Emissions in 2030
Figure 2-4 Break-up of Installed Generation Figure 2-19 Global Cement Capacity and Production
Capacity in 2021
Figure 2-20 Country-wise Cement Production in G20
Figure 2-5 Break-up of Thermal Power Plants by Countries in 2021
Figure 2-21 Typical Process Flow Diagram for
Figure 2-6 PFD of Coal-fired TPP Cement Making
Figure 2-7 Schematic Representation of Gas Figure 2-22 Typical CO₂ Cascade for Cement
Figure 2-23 Country-wise CO₂ Emissions from
Figure 2-8 NGCC Power Plant Schematic Diagram Cement Production
Figure 2-9 Share of Total CO₂ Emissions by Each Figure 2-24 Simplified Block Flow Diagram of
Fuel Hydrogen Generation Units (HGUs)
Figure 2-10 G20 Country-wise Analysis of CO₂ Figure 3-1 Anthropogenic CO₂ Emissions of G20
Emissions Countries
Figure 2-11 Total Power Generation vs Power Figure 3-2 CO2 Capture Plant at NTPC Vindhyachal
Generation from RE in 2021
Figure 3-3 CO2 Capture Plant at Tutikorin Alkali &
Figure 2-12 Energy & CO₂ Emission Projections for Chemicals
Figure 4-1 CCUS Value Chain
Figure 2-13 Crude Steel Capacity & Production in
the Last 5 Years Figure 4-2 Scheme of Post-combustion,
Pre-combustion & Oxy-fuel combustion
Figure 2-14 Crude Steel Production + Direct CO₂
Emissions from Iron & Steel across G20
Countries in 2020

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 08

Figure 4-3 Schematic Representation of Working Figure 4-16 Schematic of Calcium Looping Capture
Principal of Solvent-Based CO₂ Capture for both CCS & TCES

Figure 4-4 Schematic Representation of CO₂ Figure 4-17 Phase Diagram of CO2 Showing the
Absorption Capacity of Chemical and Various Phase Stability Regions
Physical Solvents as a Function of the
Partial Pressure of CO₂ Figure 4-18 Different Dehydration Techniques for
Treating Wet CO₂ Stream
Figure 4-5 Operating Regimes of Various Solutions
for CO₂ Capture Figure 4-19 Pressure Drop in the CO₂ Pipeline with
Volume Flow Rates and Pipeline
Figure 4-6 Typical Flow Diagram of Chemical Diameter
Solvent Based CO₂ Capture
Figure 4-20 Typical Scheme of Compression and
Figure 4-7 Basic Process Flow Diagram of the Dehydration Facility
Physical Solvent Based Absorption
Process Figure 4-21 Variation in Transportation Costs of CO₂
as a Function of Distance and Mode
Figure 4-8 Five-step Pressure-swing Cycle of
UOP’s PolybedTM PSA System Figure 5-1 Maturity of Different CO₂ Utilization
Figure 4-9 Process Flow Diagram of the Cryogenic
Separation by Air Liquide Figure 5-2 Present & Future Market & Potential of
BCM and Other CO₂ Utilization
Figure 4-10 Cost Curve for CO₂ Capture Across Technologies
Figure 5-3 Rate of Conventional Carbonation
Figure 4-11 Various Carbon Capture Routes Process and Accelerated Carbonation
Process with Captured CO₂
Figure 4-12 Basic Technical Schematic of Direct Air
Capture Technology Figure 5-4 Different Forms of Utilization of CO₂ in
Building Construction Materials
Figure 4-13 Technology & Developmental Pathway
for DAC Figure 5-5 Different Types of Mineralization
Figure 4-14 Basic Schematic of Calcination and
Carbonation Reaction in Calcium Figure 5-6 Carbonation Curing Processes in
Looping Hydraulic and Non-Hydraulic Cement

Figure 4-15 Equilibrium of CO2 Partial Pressure vs. Figure 5-7 Large Scale Utilization of CO2 for
Temperature in Calcium Looping Conventional Chemicals and Fuels
Reaction Production

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 09

Figure 5-8 Different State of Oxidation and Figure A-6 France’s GHG Emissions
Reduction of CO₂ with 1 Mole of
Hydrogen Requirement Figure A-7 Germany’s GHG Emissions

Figure 5-9 A Sustainable Value Chain of Carbon Figure A-8 Germany’s Decarbonization Pathway
Utilization for Renewable Chemicals &
Figure A-9 India – GHG Emissions of 3.4 Gtpa
CO₂-eq (2021)
Figure 5-10 Important Characteristics for
Figure A-10 Italy – GHG Emissions of 410 Mtpa
Development of a Catalyst Ecosystem
CO₂-eq (2019)
Figure 5-11 Market Potential of CNTs
Figure A-11 Japan – GHG Emissions of 1200 Mtpa
Figure 5-12 Manufacturing Methods, Technology, CO₂-eq (2019)
Types, Structure and Various
Figure A-12 Mexico – GHG Emissions of 669 Mtpa
Applications of Carbon Nanotubes
CO₂-eq (2019)
Figure 6-1 Structural CO₂ Trapping Mechanisms
Figure A-13 Russia – GHG Emissions of 2529 Mtpa
Figure 6-2 Working of CO₂ EOR CO₂-eq (2019)

Figure 6-3 Working of CO₂ ECBMR Figure A-14 Saudi Arabia – GHG Emissions of 745
mtpa CO₂-eq (2019)
Figure 6-4 CO₂ Storage Resource Classification
Flowchart based on SRMS guidelines Figure A-15 South Africa – GHG Emissions of 567
mtpa CO₂-eq (2019)
Figure 7-1 Estimated Economic Trajectory of
Solvent Based CO₂ Capture Figure A-16 South Korea – GHG Emissions of 742
Technologies mtpa CO₂-eq (2019)

Figure 7-2 TRL of CO₂ Compression and Transport Figure A-17 Turkey – GHG Emissions of 505 mtpa
Infrastructure CO₂-eq - 2019

Figure 7-3 Incentive Required for Feasibility of

Low Carbon Products

Figure A-1 Argentina’s GHG Emissions

Figure A-2 Australia’s GHG Emissions

Figure A-3 Brazil’s GHG Emissions

Figure A-4 CCUS Roadmap for China

Figure A-5 CCUS Projects in China

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 10

List of Tables

Table E-1: Summary of Technology Gaps Across Table 3-3 CCUS Initiatives by the Steel Sector in
the CCUS Value Chain India

Table 1-1 CCUS Facilities in Operation in 2022 Table 3-4 CCUS Initiatives by the Chemical Sector
in India
Table 2-1 Flue Gas Characteristics of Coal-Fired
Thermal Power Plants Table 3-5 CCUS Initiatives by the Cement Sector
in India
Table 2-2 Typical Flue Gas Characteristics of
NGCC Power Plants Table 4-1 Commercially Proven Chemical Solvent
Based Capture Technologies
Table 2-3 Overall Analysis of CO₂ Emissions from
the Global Power Sector Table 4-2 Comparative Analysis of Various
Commercial Scale CO₂ Capture
Table 2-4 Country-wise Electricity Generation in Technologies
Table 4-3 Key Assumptions for the Relative Cost
Table 2-5 Energy & CO₂ Volume Projections for Curve of Different Carbon Capture
2030 Technologies

Table 2-6 Steel Production and CO₂ Emissions for Table 4-4 Various Types of Approaches for DAC
Various Steel Making Routes
Table 4-5 Design & Operational Issues of DAC
Table 2-7 CO₂ Concentration at Different Refinery Plants
Table 4-6 DAC Plants Worldwide
Table 2-8 Gas Composition at Different CO₂
Emitting Sections in the HGU Table 4-7 Various Pilot Installations for
Experimentation on Calcium Looping
Table 2-9 Total CO₂ Emissions from Refineries
Table 4-8 Comparative Analysis of Molecular
Table 2-10 Cracker Furnace Flue Gas Composition Sieve and Triethylene Glycol (TEG)
based Dehydration Techniques.
Table 2-11 G20 CO2 Emissions from High Value
Chemical Sector Table 4-9 Various Modes of Transport of CO₂

Table 2-12 Sector-wise CO₂ Volumes Amenable for Table 4-10 CO₂ Pipelines
Table 4-11 Representative Cost Metrics of CO₂
Table 3-1 R&D Project for CO2 Capture in Power Pipeline Based on Terrain
Sector in India
Table 5-1 Mapping of Mineral Carbonation
Table 3-2 CCUS Initiatives by the Oil & Gas Technologies Worldwide
Sector in India
Table 5-2 Areas of Challenges & Technology Gaps
in Carbonated BCM

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 11

Table 5-3 Various Routes of CO₂ Conversion to Table A-2 CCS Projects in Australia
Synthetic Fuels & Chemicals
Table A-3 CCUS Projects in Brazil
Table 5-4 Areas of Challenges & Technology Gaps
in CO₂ to Fuels & Chemicals Table A-4 Carbon Pricing System Adopted by
Different Provinces of Canada
Table 5-5 Leading Carbon Nanotubes &
Nano-Materials Manufacturers & their Table A-5 CCUS Projects in Canada
Table A-6 CCUS Projects in China
Table 5-6 Technology Gaps in CO₂ to Carbon
Table A-7 CCUS Projects in France
Table A-8 CCUS Projects in Germany
Table 6-1 Properties for Preliminary Screening of
CO₂ Storage Sites Table A-9 Proposed CCUS Policy Framework for
Table 6-2 Comparison of Different Storage
Options Table A-10 Key CCUS Projects & Initiatives in
Table 6-3 CO₂ EOR Storage Capacity Estimates
Table A-11 CO₂ Storage in Indonesia
Table 6-4 List of European CO₂ Storage
Assessment Projects Table A-12 CCUS Projects at Different Stages of
Operationalization in Japan
Table 7-1 Description of Technology Readiness
Levels (TRL) Table A-13 EU Funding Schemes for CCUS
Table 7-2 CO₂ Utilization - Technology Gaps

Table 8-1 Summary of Technology Gaps Across

the CCUS Value Chain

Table A-1 Australia – Permits for CCS Projects

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 12


APCRC Australian Petroleum Cooperative CDU Crude Distillation Unit

Research Centre
CEFC Clean Energy Finance Worldwide
ARENA Australia Renewable Energy Agency
CFB Circulating Fluidized Bed
ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act CNT Carbon Nano-Tubes

ASU Air Separation Unit CSP Concentrated Solar Power

ATR Auto Thermal Refining CSRC CO₂ Storage Resource Catalogue

BF Blast Furnace CVD Chemical Vapor Decomposition

BFC Bio-Fuel Cells DAC Direct Air Capture

BGH British Geological Survey DEPG Dimethyl Ether of Polyethylene Glycols

BIL Bipartisan Infrastructure Law DGH Directorate General of Hydrocarbons,

Government of India
BOF Basic Oxygen Furnace
DOH Degree of Hydration
BRGM Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et
Minières DRI Direct Reduced Iron

BTX Benzene, Toluene, Xylene EAF Electric Arc Furnaces

CAGR Compounded Annual Growth Rate ECBMR Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Recovery

CaL Calcium Looping ECR Effective Carbon Rate

CBAM Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism EGR Enhanced Gas Recovery

CBM Coal Bed Methane EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery

CCE Circular Carbon Economy EPBC Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act
CCFC Carbon Capture Finance Corporation
ETI Energy Technologies Institute
CCT Carbon Capture Technology
ETS Emissions Trading System
CCUS Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
EU European Union
CDR Carbon Dioxide Removal

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 13

EU ETS European Union Emissions Trading L/S Liquid-to-Solid
LCA Life Cycle Analysis
FCC Fluid Catalytic Cracking
LCFS Low Carbon Fuel Standard
FGD Flue Gas Desulphurization
LNG Liquified Natural Gas
FO Forward Osmosis
MCFCs Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells
FT Fischer-Tropsch
METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and
GCCSI Global Carbon Capture and Storage Industry
MF Micro Filtration
GHG Greenhouse Gas
MOF Metal Organic Framework
GIS Geographic Information System
MSW Municipal Solid Waste
HCUs Hydro Cracking Units
MTR Membrane Technology and Research
HGU Hydrogen Generation Unit
MVA Monitoring, Verification & Accounting
HP High-Pressure
MVR Monitoring, Verification & Reporting
HSE Health, Safety & Environment
NCCAP National Climate Change Action Plan
IEA International Energy Agency
NCCRP National Climate Change Response
IETF Industrial Energy Transformation Fund Policy

IF Induction Furnace NCIP National CO₂ Infrastructure Plan

IGCC Integrated Coal Gasification Combined NCMIP National Carbon Mapping and
Cycle Infrastructure Plan

IGV Inlet Guide Vane NDCs Nationally Determined Contributions

IP Intermediate Pressure NF Nano Filtration

IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate NGCC Natural Gas Combined Cycle

NGEU Next Generation EU
JCM Japan’s Joint Crediting Mechanism
NLECI National Low Emissions Coal Initiative
JCOP Japan CO₂ Geo Sequestration in Coal
Seams Project O&M Operation and Maintenance

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 14

OGCI Oil and Gas Climate Initiative STP Standard Temperature and Pressure

OPC Ordinary Portland Cement TCES Thermochemical Energy Storage

OPGGSA Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas TDS Total Dissolved Solid
Storage Act
TEG Triethylene Glycol
PCOR Plains CO₂ Reduction Partnership
TRL Technology Readiness Levels
PCSP Pilot Carbon Storage Project
TSA Temperature Swing Adsorption
PLI Production-Linked Incentives
TUBITAK Turkish Scientific and Technical
PNNL Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Research Institute

PP/CGP Power Plant/ Co-Gen Plant UF Ultra Filtration

PPC Portland Pozzolana Cement UKSAP UK Storage Appraisal Project

PPMV Parts Per Million by Volume UNECE United Nations Economic Commission
for Europe
PSA Pressure Swing Adsorption
US DOE US Department of Energy
PSC Portland Slag Cement
VDU Vacuum Distillation
PTP Point-To-Point
VRE Variable Renewable Energy
RCSPs Regional Carbon Sequestration

RITE Research Institute of Innovative

Technology for the Earth

RO Reverse Osmosis

RWGS Reverse Water Gas Shift

SCCS Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage

SMR Steam Methane Reformer

SNBC Stratégie Nationale Bas Carbone

SPBA South Permian Basin

SRMS Society of Petroleum Engineers

STEP Solar Thermal Electrochemical Process

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 15

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

India, during its presidency of the G20, has anthropogenic CO₂ emissions of 36 gtpa. A further
commissioned this study titled ‘Carbon Capture, 10 mtpa of CCUS capacity is under construction
Utilization and Storage (CCUS) – Technology and another 98 mtpa capacity is under advanced
Gaps and International Collaborations’. CCUS has development. Given the scale of global CO2
a critical role in achieving climate sustainability emissions, CCUS needs to significantly scale up in
and the transition to net zero for limiting global an accelerated time frame to make a meaningful
temperature rise between 1.5 to 2 oC from contribution to global decarbonization.
pre-industrial levels. CCUS is especially important
for decarbonizing the hard to abate industrial sector, CCUS is at a nascent stage in most G20 countries,
as well as large parts of the power generation with the notable exceptions of the US and Canada.
sector, that will continue to use fossil fuels for at This is followed by other G20 countries such as
least the next few decades. Leading independent Australia, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, the UK
organizations in the energy space, such as the and the EU. To accelerate the rate & scale of
International Energy Agency (IEA) and the adoption and CCUS deployment across the G20, it
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is critical to address technology gaps across the
(IPCC) have also concluded that reaching net zero CCUS value chain through international
and stabilizing atmospheric CO2 concentration collaboration across various cross-cutting areas and
between 450 – 750 ppmv (parts per million by themes. The CCUS value chain consists of CO2
volume) for limiting global temperature rise capture, processing, transport and
between 1.5 to 2 oC is not possible without CCUS. disposition/conversion of CO2 to value-added
products. The overall system consists of tightly
The global decarbonization challenge is at the linked sub-systems and the strength & resilience of
gigatonne or GT scale. According to the IEA, the the overall CCUS value chain is determined by the
world needs to implement about 6.2 gigatons of weakest link. The level & state of technology
CCUS by 2050. However, even 50 years after the readiness, development and deployment widely
first CCUS projects started operating, there are only vary across the CCUS value chain. Hence it is
about 30 CCUS projects around the world capturing imperative to address technology gaps across the
only 42 mtpa of CO₂, i.e. about 0.1% of global entire value chain.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 18

Executive Summary

Figure E-1: The CCUS Value Chain

i. CO₂ capture: Many capture technologies are the realms of economic viability. R&D is also
reasonably well developed, with several required in new solvent technologies that can
commercial-scale projects operating across the yield order-of-magnitude differences in
world. Further developments in mature capture reaction rates and energy use.
technologies should hence focus on efficiency
and cost reduction through innovation in iii. CO₂ transportation: CO2 transportation at
systems engineering, better heat & power scale is generally done in the supercritical form
integration, development of complements like (at pressures of 120-150 bar) through pipelines
advanced solvents and solid absorbents, scaling and is essential to connect CO2 sources to CO2
of membranes & cryo-capture technology, and storage or utilization and conversion sites.
accelerating deployments of industrial scale Pipeline CO2 transport is commercially proven
carbon capture projects across the G20 but requires integration with other forms of CO2
countries based on these technologies. transport, such as ships and tankers in
multi-modal scalable architecture of hubs and
ii. Evolving carbon capture technologies: New clusters, to support CO2 utilization and
technologies such as Direct Air Capture (DAC) disposition at scale. The other key research
and calcium looping provide the option of being areas in CO2 transport include developing
integrated with commercially established improved CO2 flow modelling for phase
capture technologies for creating hybrid and transitions & offshore CO2 transport and
highly scalable capture systems. However, developing larger CO2 vessel designs based on
further R&D is required to improve the material lower pressures and temperatures.
chemistry, reaction rates, energy & water usage
and bring the costs of these technologies within iv. CO₂ utilization: CO₂ utilization is a critical

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 19

Executive Summary

component of the CCUS value chain and Hence, it is critical for G20 countries to invest
provides a pathway for converting CO2 into in the assessment and mapping of CO2 storage
value-added products, creating economic value availability within their boundaries. Better pore
from waste products and contributing to the space mapping also needs to be accompanied
circular carbon economy. The most promising by efforts to increase the current understanding
areas of CO2 utilization are building and research in the areas of sub-surface
construction materials, fuels & chemicals and geo-mechanical analysis, simulation &
carbon nano-materials. The key challenge is modelling of cap-rock integrity, smart well
that CO2 is a very low-energy molecule and monitoring, well integrity through seismic
requires significant energy (either as thermal, imaging & machine learning and increasing
chemical or electrical energy) for conversion to industry-academia collaboration.
other products, leading to high production costs
vis-à-vis commercially established routes. It is critical to understand and address the
Other challenges include low yields, product “Technology Gaps” across the CCUS value chain
quality & standards, catalyst quality & i.e capture, transport, utilization, storage, as
degeneration, availability of feedstock and provided in Table E-1.
toxicity & biological impact. Hence these
challenges need to be addressed through Given the scale of the net-zero energy transition
catalyst development, reactor engineering, and decarbonization challenge, scaling up CCUS
establishing feedstock quality standards and requires close collaboration between
scaling to commercial scale, as well as creating Governments, institutions and industry across the
markets for low-carbon products through G20 countries to address the identified technology
supportive policy actions. gaps. CCUS also requires large and sustained
investments across the value chain, which are only
v. Underground CO₂ storage: Undeground possible through Government support & funding
storage of CO2 is required to complement CO2 and public policy tools such as carbon incentives
utilization, for the disposition of CO2 at the GT and/or carbon pricing mechanisms. International
scale. CO2 storage options are of two types: collaboration is also required in the areas of
enhanced oil recovery & enhanced coal bed coordinated policy mechanisms to support CCUS,
methane recovery (which offer certain availability of funding & financing for CCUS,
economic benefits) and sequestration in deep technology transfer & deployment, availability &
saline aquifers & basalt rock formations along flexibility of options for CO2 disposition at scale
with geomineralization (which offer no through hub & cluster frameworks, cross-border
apparent direct benefits). However, the CCUS value chains, technology support to low per
suitability assessment and pore space mapping capita emitters, and setting up institutional
of geo-structures for CO2 injection are very mechanisms for promoting, facilitating &
limited outside the US and the absence of an fast-tracking CCUS-enabled projects.
effective CO2 sequestration atlas is a key
strategic gap for CCUS.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 20

Executive Summary

Table E-1: Summary of Technology Gaps Across the CCUS Value Chain

Technology Technology Technology Gaps Potential Solutions


CO2 Capture Technologies

Solid Temperature Poor efficacy with lean Novel adsorbent architecture can accelerate the
Adsorbent Swing Adsorption CO2 concentration process by 40-100 times

Pressure Swing Slow process – cycle time Advanced MOF (Metal Organic Framework) –
Adsorption in minutes /hours exponentially high surface area

Chemical - • Moderate energy Development of new molecules & chemistry

Solvent intensity
• Solvent life
• Tolerance level with
industrial SOx &
other gaseous effluent

Membrane - Poor ‘selectivity’ & • New polymeric membranes & electro-chemical

‘purity’ membrane
• Enhancing ‘countercurrent sweep’ in polymeric

Direct Air - High energy & water Development of new ‘Chemical Loop’ and
Capture intensity, large land reagents
requirement and poor
life of chemical media

CO2 Transport Technologies

Pipework - • Two phase flow of Development of ‘Flow Model’ for CO2 –

CO2 including trans-critical, super-critical and
• Precipitation of dry sub-critical phase – for on/off shore application
ice or hydrate

CO2 Utilization Technologies

CO2 to Building - Limited knowledge of Development of ‘Design Mix’ and ‘Process’

Construction ‘process’ and quality of
Materials product

CO2 to Chemical Low ‘Selectivity’ and • Development of new mechanically and

Hydrocarbon Process ‘Conversion Efficiency’ chemically stable catalysts with desired rate of
(Chemicals & reaction kinetics
Fuels) • Design of efficient reactors

Electro-chemi Limited knowledge on • Development of co-electrlyzer for direct

cal Process electro-chemistry synthesis of chemicals and liquid/gaseous fuel
• Development of electrolyzer for sea water and
high TDS wastewater

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 21

Executive Summary

Biological Limited knowledge on • Development of bio-catalyst for efficient

Process bio-species & synthesis of CO2 & lean syngas
bio-chemical process • Development of innovative photo-bio-reactor
for synthesis of human grade compounds

CO2 to Carbon - Shape & structural Non-conventional & odd geometrical-shaped CNT
Morphology compatibility membranes require more advanced nano scale
(Carbon Black, fabrication techniques at the atomic level.
Carbon Nano - Toxicity & Raw CNTs are more toxic than functionalized CNTs
Tubes etc) environmental impact because of the existence of metal catalysts.
Thorough investigations are required on this subject.

- Mechanical resilience & Mechanical robustness need to be maintained in

biofouling dynamic biological environments without triggering
any biological growth or degradation.

CO2 Storage Technologies

CO2 Injection - Limited understanding Development of modelling tools for understanding
Well of CO2 flow multi-phase CO2 flow in injection wells and
characteristics geological formations

CO2 Storage Basalt and Assessment of • Advanced geological modeling alongside

Ultra-Mafic long-term CO2 storage specials conditions viz seimic, rock fracture etc
Rocks potential • Smart well monitoring techniques
Coal Fields

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 22


1.1 Study Background

The G20 brings together the 20 leading economies operating worldwide, contributing to 42 mtpa of
of the world, accounting for over 80% of the world CO₂ abatement or about 0.10% of the global annual
GDP, 75% of global trade and 60% of the world’s GHG emissions. While a further 10 mtpa of CCUS
population. Given the leading role of the G20 capacity is in construction and another 98 mtpa
countries in world affairs and the effects of global capacity is under advanced development (source:
warming, climate change and climate events Global CCS Institute 2022 Status Report), it is
experienced around the world, and the criticality of widely recognized that there is a need to
limiting global temperature increase within 1.5 to 2 significantly scale up CCUS to gigatonne levels, for
C, the G20 has recognized “Climate Sustainability CCUS to make a meaningful contribution to global
and Energy” and energy transition towards net zero decarbonization.
as one of its key focus areas.
In this context, the G20, under the leadership of
The G20 Energy Transition and Climate India in 2023, has commissioned this study to
Sustainability Working Group, in its Joint G20 identify the technology gaps and propose solutions
Energy-Climate Ministerial Communiqué of July for the large-scale and viable implementation of
2021, has recognized CCUS as a key component in CCUS. As outlined in this study, the present status
the energy transition journey to a net-zero future. In of CCUS varies widely across the G20 countries,
particular, the communique has stressed “the use of especially in the area of carbon capture
innovative technologies that will help to abate technologies, CO₂ transportation infrastructure and
and remove GHG emissions while also developmental work undertaken to support the
recognizing the efforts made into reducing, permanent disposition & storage of CO₂.
reusing, recycling and removing as outlined by
the Circular Carbon Economy (CCE) Given the universal application of CCUS
framework” and also recognized “the need for technologies and the global nature of the problem it
investment and financing for advanced and seeks to solve, i.e. unabated CO₂ emissions and its
clean technologies, including CCUS/Carbon adverse effects on global climate systems, there is a
Recycling” and “use the best available need to promote international collaboration for
technologies and practices in order to address addressing technology gaps across the entire CCUS
the environmental impacts, including GHG value chain. There should be a collaboration
emissions, of their production, transport and framework for G20 members to assimilate & adopt
consumption.” already commercially proven CCUS technologies
rather than reinvent the wheel; collectively address
The role of CCUS, i.e. Carbon Capture, Utilization the challenges associated with CCUS; and focus
and Storage, is pivotal in decarbonizing the R&D efforts and resources on the most promising
hard-to-abate industrial sector, where fossil fuels & impactful technologies from a time, scale and
play an integral role both as a source of energy and economic viability point of view.
in the process, and hence are hard to substitute or
electrify. While there is significant interest in
CCUS, as of 2022, there are only 30 CCUS projects

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 24


1.2 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study, titled “CCUS e. Identifying the gaps in CCUS technologies and
Technology Gaps and International Collaboration”, their likely future development trajectory in
are as follows: terms of scale, time and economic viability

a. Profiling emissions in G20 countries, in terms f. Analyze the role of CO₂ storage for carbon
of the sectoral break-up, emission intensity & abatement and disposition at scale and future
per capita emissions, the extent of emissions developments needed in this area – understand
amenable for capture and interventions required the current status of geological mapping and
to enable CCUS at scale location of long-term CO₂ storage options

b. Provide an overview of the current status of g. Identify the enablers for CCUS to be
CCUS in G20 countries and the role of CCUS in implemented at scale and contribute to the
the energy transition journey towards net zero circular economy – technology development,
international cooperation, infrastructure
c. Profiling global CO₂ emissions by source/sector creation, markets, policy frameworks etc.
and the scope for CCUS in CO₂ capture and
disposition h. Recommending the technology collaboration
framework amongst G20 countries for
d. Overview of the present technology landscape accelerating CCUS by addressing technology
across the CCUS value chain of capture, gaps and risks associated with CCUS
transportation, utilization and storage, as well as
evolving nascent technologies across the CCUS
value chain

1.3 What is CCUS?

The International Energy Agency (IEA) defines CO₂ (typically by pipeline and also through
Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) as shipping, rail or trucks) to permanent storage sites
a group of technologies for capturing CO₂ from such as geological formations, depleted oil & gas
large and stationary CO₂ emitting sources, such as fields and facilities for the conversion and
fossil fuel-based power plants and other industries. utilization of CO₂ for producing value-added
CCUS also involves the transport of the captured products such as chemicals or aggregates.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 25


The sectoral break-up of global CO₂ emissions In their September 2020 report, the International
reveals that even with global renewable capacity Energy Agency points out that reaching net zero
crossing 3000 GW in 2021, the replacement of without CCUS is virtually impossible. The
fossil fuel-based power generation by renewables Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
can at most target about 40% of total anthropogenic (IPCC) has also concluded that without CCUS, it
CO₂ emissions. It is expected that fossil fuels will would not be possible to stabilize the CO₂
continue to play a significant role in the global concentration in the atmosphere between 450 – 750
energy mix, both for the hard-to-decarbonize ppmv (parts per million by volume) and limit global
industrial sector and for ensuring affordable & temperature rise between 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius
reliable baseload power supply, given the above pre-industrial levels, as per the targets of the
intermittency of renewable sources of power and Paris Climate Agreement.
high costs associated with energy storage. Given
this backdrop, CCUS has a critical role to play in
the global energy transition journey towards net

Figure 1-1: The 60% Decarbonization Challenge



Source: Dastur analysis; Breakthrough Energy

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 26


1.4 Decarbonization Role of CCUS

CCUS can contribute to decarbonization and readiness level for implementation at a

transition to clean energy systems in various ways: commercial scale with viable economics. With
technological innovation and focused policy
a. Hard-to-abate sectors: CCUS offers the only interventions, DAC can contribute materially to
known technology for the decarbonization of the net zero transition.
the hard-to-electrify and CO₂-intensive sectors
such as steel, cement, oil & gas, petrochemicals d. Sustenance of existing emitters: G20
& chemicals, and fertilizers. These sectors are countries such as China and India have seen
very important pillars of the global economy significant investments in the last 15-20 years in
and fundamental to ensuring energy, materials the expansion of power, steel, cement and oil &
and food security. The nascency of alternative gas refining capacities. These capacities are of
technologies in these sectors indicates that the recent vintage and cannot be just wished away;
use of fossil fuels and concomitant CO₂ they need to be made sustainable through the
emissions from these sectors will continue in application of CCUS, thus avoiding billions of
the foreseeable future, thus making CCUS dollars of economic costs and damages from
critical for decarbonizing these sectors. stranded assets.

b. Low carbon hydrogen economy: CCUS is e. Permanent sequestration/utilization of CO₂ :

expected to play a major role in enabling the CCUS can contribute to the permanent
future hydrogen economy by enabling the sequestration and utilization of CO₂, whether
production of blue hydrogen from fossil fuels captured from anthropogenic sources or from
such as natural gas & coal. Given the current the CO₂ stock of the atmosphere through DAC.
cost structure of green hydrogen of US$ 5-6/kg, The carbon from fossil fuels extracted from the
cost-competitive blue hydrogen production (i.e. earth can thus be permanently stored in the earth
natural gas based or coal gasification based or be utilized in the form of other products, thus
hydrogen production coupled with CCUS) at contributing to the circular economy.
around US$ 2-3/kg can provide a viable
alternative for the hydrogen economy.

c. Removal of CO₂ stock from the atmosphere:

Achieving the goals of net zero and containing
the global temperature to within 1.5 - 2 oC from
pre-industrial levels is not possible without the
removal of excess CO₂ stock from the
atmosphere through technologies such as Direct
Air Capture (DAC). DAC plants are in
operation at a small scale today. However, they
need to mature significantly on the technology

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 27


1.5 Challenges Associated with CCUS

The key challenges to the growth of CCUS are as routes. However, it is expected that as CO₂
follows: utilization technologies develop and learning
curve effects set in, costs can come down
a. Economics of CCUS: The cost of carbon significantly and new industries around carbon
capture is high, especially in the case of utilization will also develop. In particular, for
post-combustion CO₂ capture from CO₂ lean the conversion and utilization of CO₂ to new
flue gases. Due to the high cost of capture, the building materials, there is a requirement for
overall CO₂ abatement cost on a per tonne or process standardization and defining new
per unit of the saleable product basis is standards & specifications.
significant for commodities such as steel,
cement, power and oil & gas, which have very d. Lack of pore space and natural resources
competitive end-use markets. Whilst costs are mapping: Whilst various CO₂ utilization
expected to fall with the increasing scale of technologies are in development, CCUS at scale
deployment and technology development, is only possible through the geological storage
enabling policies in terms of CCUS credits or of CO₂. There is a need to focus and invest in
preferential procurement for carbon-abated pore space mapping to characterize promising
products are needed to incentivize investments CO₂ storage regions and basins.
in CCUS.
e. Risk management: There is a need to define
b. Absence of downstream CO2 infrastructure: robust monitoring, verification & accounting
Downstream infrastructure for transportation (MVA) and risk management frameworks so
and storage is very nascent, thus requiring that risks and liabilities across the CCUS value
emitters to invest not only in capture chain & project life cycle are managed and
technologies but also across the entire CCUS limited for participants.
value chain. There is a need for policy measures
to drive the formation of CCUS clusters with
large-scale CO₂ storage sites, with emitters and
storage sites being connected through
adequately provisioned and shared transport
infrastructure. The upfront creation of such
downstream infrastructure reduces the risk and
costs for new emitters joining the cluster.

c. CO₂ utilization technologies: CO₂ utilization

technologies are relatively less developed
compared to capture technologies and require
significant subsidy/market premium to compete
with established fossil fuel based production

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 28


1.6 Global CCUS Landscape

Globally there are 30 operational CCUS facilities, with a capacity of capturing about 42.6 mtpa CO₂ or
only 0.1% of the annual global CO₂ emissions. The first CCUS projects started in the 1970s and 1980s
in Texas, USA, for capturing CO₂ from natural gas processing plants and supplying it to local oil
producers for utilizing the CO₂ for Enhanced Oil Recovery. Since then, CCUS has spread to other
regions and countries, viz. Norway, Canada, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Saudi Arabia and the
United Arab Emirates. A list of the operating CCUS facilities as of 2022 is tabulated in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1: CCUS Facilities in Operation in 2022

Sl. Country Project Start CO₂ Capacity CO₂ Capture TRL CO₂
No. Year Source (mtpa) Technology Disposition

1. USA Terrell natural 1972 Natural gas 0.5 Solvent-based 9 EOR

gas plants (earlier processing physical absorption
Val Verde) (Selexol)

2. USA Enid Fertilizer 1982 Fertilizer 0.7 Solvent-based 9 EOR

production chemical absorption
- Benfield process

3. USA Shute Creek 1986 Natural gas 7.0 Solvent-based 9 EOR

gas processing processing physical absorption,
facility Selexol

4. Hungary MOL SZANK 1992 Natural gas 0.16 Amine 9 EOR

FIELD CO₂ EOR processing

5. Norway Sleipner CO₂ 1996 Natural gas 1.0 Solvent-based 9 Storage

storage project processing physical absorption,

6. USA/ Great Plains 2000 Synthetic 3.0 Amine 9 EOR

Canada Synfuels natural gas

7. USA Core Energy 2003 Natural gas 0.35 Amine 9 EOR

CO₂ -EOR processing

8. Norway Snohvit CO₂ 2008 Natural gas 0.7 Collection from 9 Storage
storage project processing fermentation

9. USA Arkalan CO₂ 2009 Ethanol 0.29 Solvent-based 9 EOR

Compression production physical absorption-
Facility Selexol

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 29


Sl. Country Project Start CO₂ Capacity CO₂ Capture TRL CO₂
No. Year Source (mtpa) Technology Disposition

10. USA Century plant 2010 Natural gas 8.4 Membrane process 7 to 8 EOR

11. Brazil Petrobras Santos 2011 Natural gas 7.0 Compression 9 EOR
Basin pre-salt processing of concentrated
oilfield CCS fermentation

12. USA Bonanza 2012 Ethanol 0.1 Vacuum Swing 9 EOR

Bioenergy CCUS Production Adsorbers (VSA)

13. USA Air Products 2013 Hydrogen 1.0 Solvent-based 9 EOR

steam methane production phycical absorption,
reformer Selexol

14. USA Lost Cabin Gas 2013 Natural gas 0.9 Solvent-based 9 EOR
Plant processing physical absorption,
15. USA Coffeyville 2013 Fertilizer 1.0 Amine scrubbing 9 EOR
Gasification production

16. USA PCS Nitrogen 2013 Fertilizer 0.3 Amine 9 EOR


17. Canada Boundary Dam 2014 Power 1.0 Post-combustion: N/A Various
CCS generation AEA Adsorption
(coal) based capture
18. China Karamay Dunhua 2015 Methanol 0.1 Solvent-based 9 EOR
Oil Technology production chemical absorption,
19. Saudi Uthmaniyah CO₂ 2015 Natural gas 0.8 Solvent-based 9 EOR
Arabia - EOR processing chemical absorption
demonstration - Amine
20. Canada Quest 2015 Hydrogen 1.3 Amine 9 Storage

21. UAE Abu Dhabi CCS 2016 Iron and 0.8 Amine 9 EOR
22. USA Petra Nova* 2017 Power 1.4 Compression 9 EOR
generation of concentrated
(coal) fermentation

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 30


Sl. Country Project Start CO₂ Capacity CO₂ Capture TRL CO₂
No. Year Source (mtpa) Technology Disposition

23. USA Illinois Industrial 2017 Ethanol 1.0 Solvent-based 9 Storage

production chemical absorption,

24. China Jilin Oilfield CO₂ 2018 Natural gas 0.6 Amine (MDEA 9 EOR
- EOR processing solvent)

25. Australia Gorgon Carbon 2019 Natural gas 3.4 - 4.0 Solvent-based 9 Storage
Dioxide Injection processing chemical absorption,
inorganic, Benfield
26. Canada Alberta Carbon 2020 Fertilizer 0.3 - 0.6 Rectisol process 9 EOR
TrunkLine (ACTL) production
with Agrium CO₂
27. Canada ACTL with North 2020 Hydrogen 1.2 - 1.4 DAC 6 to 7 EOR
West Sturgeon production
Refinery CO₂
28. Iceland ORCA 2021 Direct Air 0.004 Chemical solvent 9 Storage
Capture based absorption

29. Canada Glacier Gas Plant 2022 Natural gas 0.2 Rectisol - solvent 9 Storage
MCCS processing based physical

30. China SINOPEC Qilu- 2022 Chemical 1 Compression 9 EOR

Shengli CCUS production of concentrated
fermentation emission

31. USA Red Trail Energy 2022 Ethanol 0.18 Solvent-based 9 Storage
CCS production physical absorption

Source: International Energy Agency, MIT database, Global CCS Institute and Dastur analysis

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 31


1.7 The CCUS Value Chain

For CCUS to be implemented at scale, it is important to focus on the entire CCUS value chain, consisting of the
three basic components:

The capture of carbon dioxide (CO₂) from fuel combustion or industrial gas streams,
and compression, dehydration & purification of CO₂ to the desired specifications;

Transport of the CO₂ (generally via pipeline) to the CO₂ sink

Disposition of the CO₂ , either through utilization in applications such as Enhanced Oil
Recovery (EOR), food and beverage applications, or the production of value added prod-
ucts (viz. urea, green methanol, cured concrete) or through sequestration of CO₂ in perma-
nent geological storages

The success of the CCUS value chain depends on the coordination between participants in each part of the
CCUS value chain and appropriate policy-enabled business models & market mechanisms which incentivize
and enable participants to participate and transact seamlessly across the CCUS value chain.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 32

Analysis of Sector-wise
CO₂ Emissions
Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

2.1 Suitability of CCUS for Various Sectors

CCUS is suitable for large and stationary emission sions of 36.6 Gtpa (2021 figures) – see Figure 2-1.
sources, with emissions above a certain threshold Significant anthropogenic CO₂ emissions (35%)
level (say 100 ktpa). Hence the target sectors for also emanate from sectors such as agriculture,
CCUS projects which meet these criteria are typi- transportation and buildings, but these emissions
cally coal & gas-based power plants, and industrial are distributed and are at smaller scales and hence
facilities such as steel plants, cement plants, chemi- do not merit investment in CCUS projects. The
cal & petrochemical plants, fertilizer plants, oil decarbonization initiatives for these sectors include
refineries, gasification plants etc. These target biofuels, electrification & mechanization of
sectors contribute around 23.6 Gtpa of CO₂ emis- processes and increasing thermal & electrical
sions (around 65%) out of the overall global emis- efficiencies.

Figure 2-1: Global CO₂ Emissions in 2021 (36.6 Gt) & CO₂ Emissions from Power and
Industrial Sectors in 2021 (23.6 Gt)

5% 3.1 Others, 2, 8%
8% 8 Chemical,
0.9, 4%
22% 9.3 Refinery,
1.3, 5%

100% 25%
14.3 Cement, 23.6
2.5, 11% GtCO2
14.3, 61%
Iron & Steel,
2.6, 11%

Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2022

For any typical reference plant in the above CCUS b. In-direct or scope 2 emissions: Emissions
target sectors, the total CO₂ emissions can be cate- associated with the purchase of utilities. These
gorized into three types (Figure 2-2) are generally emissions outside the plant
a. Direct or scope 1 emissions: Emissions from
the production process from the combustion of c. In-direct or scope 3 emissions: Indirect
fuel. This typically occurs within the emissions associated with the entire value
plant/facility premises. chain, starting from equipment purchase,
construction works, raw material sourcing, and
product dispatch.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 34

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

Figure 2-: Illustration of Emission Types and Boundary Consideration

Scope 2
Scope 3
Scope 1

The objective of this chapter is to estimate the Based on the aggregate Scope 1 emissions, the
aggregate Scope 1 CO₂ emissions from the target extent of CO₂ emissions which are amenable for
sectors, both at the global level and the G20 level. carbon capture in each sector is also estimated. This
Emissions under Scope 2 and Scope 3 are not estimation is based on a typical reference plant in
assessed, as this chapter gives an aggregate estimate each sector, and characteristics of the different CO₂
of emissions and considering Scope 2 or Scope 3 emission sources, in terms of CO₂ concentration in
emissions would lead to double counting. For the flue gas stream, and aggregation/distribution of
example, for a steel plant drawing power from the the emissions across different units/facilities and
grid, the CO₂ emissions associated with generating emission sources within the plant. The total
the quantum of power drawn (Scope 2 emissions sector-wise CO₂ emissions amenable for CCUS is
for the steel plant) is considered when estimating in the Giga-tonne scale; in comparison, the present
the CO₂ emissions associated with the power total volume of CO₂ captured by the operational
sector, i.e. Scope 1 emissions for the power plant. CCUS plants across the world is less than 50 mtpa.
Similarly, for the cement consumed for construct- This comparison shows the extent and magnitude of
ing the steel plant, the CO₂ emitted for producing the challenge for CCUS technologies and projects
the cement consumed (Scope 3 emissions for the to scale up to make a meaningful contribution
steel plant) is considered when estimating CO₂ towards the decarbonization of the target sectors
emissions from the cement sector, i.e. Scope 1 and the progress towards net zero.
emissions for the cement plant.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 35

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

From a CO₂ emissions point of view, the key flaring and captive power generation required to
sectors are fossil fuel-based power generation, iron operate drills and other necessary equipment. Meth-
& steel, cement, oil refineries, high-value chemi- ane emissions also have a significant greenhouse
cals (ammonia, methanol, petrochemicals) and warming effect and must be considered along with
other sectors like upstream oil & gas exploration, the CO₂ emissions and are represented in terms of
paper, aluminium, textile, glass etc. In certain CO2eq. Thus, to estimate the emissions from the
industries like upstream oil & gas exploration & upstream oil & gas operations, an emission intensi-
production, the majority of the emissions consist of ty factor has been estimated.
methane, with some CO₂ also being released during

2.2 Analysis of CO₂ Emissions from Sectors (viz. Power, Steel, Cement, Refineries,
Chemicals & Fertilizers) Amenable for Carbon Capture

2.2.1 CO₂ Emissions: Global Power Sector cantly from the present levels, i.e., ~30% by 2030
Global power generation has grown at a CAGR of and ~60% by 2040 (IEA World Energy Outlook
2.3% in the period of 2005-2021 to meet the grow- 2022) and the major share of the power demand will
ing power demand from rising populations, improv- continue to be met from fossil fuels in the foresee-
ing incomes & lifestyles, globalization, and rapid able future (Figure 2-3), for ensuring the world’s
urbanization. Fossil fuel-based power plants are the energy security and reliable electricity for every
primary source of power generation to meet the household. Thus, the power sector will continue to
base load demand in developed as well as develop- be a major source of emissions, and hence CCUS is
ing nations. Globally, 28,273 TWh of electricity of prime importance for the abatement of CO₂ from
was generated in 2021 with fossil fuel-based plants the power sector.
having a 62% share in the generation mix, followed
by hydropower with a 15% share, renewable energy
sources a 13% share, and the rest 10% accounted by
nuclear power generation plants. The overall share
of fossil fuel-based power plants in the global
power generation mix has decreased only marginal-
ly from 66% in 2005 to 62% in 2021 as a result of
the increase in the share of renewable electricity.

The last 16 years (2005-2021) have seen consider-

able additions of renewable energy generation
capacity to the global energy mix. Renewable
sources-based electricity generation has seen a
growth of 5.5% CAGR in the period of 2005 to
2021 and the share is expected to grow going
forward. However, at the same time, the aggregate
energy demand is also expected to increase signifi-

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 36

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

Figure 2-3: Break-up of Generation in 2021 – 28,273 TWh

2,776, 10%
Hydro 21,613
4,327, 15%

Fossil fuel
17,437, 62%
3,733, 13%

2005 2010 2015 2021 2030e

Fossil fuels RES Hydro Nuclear

Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2022

Installed Capacity and Power Generation still have an important role to play in the power mix
The global installed electricity generation capacity of the world.
for the year 2021 stood at 8.15 TW. The majority of Brief Description of Thermal Power Plants
the installed capacity is fossil fuel-based power
The basic principle behind the working of a thermal
plants having a share of 55%, followed by RE at
power plant is the generation of electricity using
23%, hydropower 17% and the remaining 5% of the
thermal energy from the combustion of fuels. Based
capacity being accounted for by nuclear (Figure
on the type of fuel used, thermal power plants can
2-4). Though renewables contribute to around 23%
be further divided into three categories, coal, natu-
of the 2021 capacity mix, due to their intermittent
ral gas, and diesel oil. The share of diesel-based
and non-dispatchable nature, their share in power
power capacity across the globe is minimal; the
generation was only 13%. Going forward also, even
major share of power capacity is coal-powered ther-
as global renewable energy capacity increases by
mal power plants, followed by natural gas.
the year 2030, fossil-based power generation will
Figure 2-5: Break-up of Thermal Power
Figure 2-4: Break-up of Installed Generation
Plants by Fuel – 4462 GW
Capacity in 2021 – 8155 GW

427, 10%
414, 5%
1358, 17%

2,184, 49%

Fossil fuel,
1,850, 41%
4462, 55%

1921, 23%

Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2022

Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2022

The process flow of power generation from coal
and natural gas is described below.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 37

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

Coal-fired thermal power plant electricity by passing through a steam turbine

Coal-fired thermal power plants generate electricity generator. The various unit operations involved in
by burning coal as a fuel and use the heat to produce this process are illustrated in Figure 2-6.
steam from water. The steam is used to generate

Figure 2-6: PFD of Coal-fired TPP

Selective Catalytic Electrostatic SO2

Reduction Reactor Precipitator Scrubber

Fly ash Slurry Stack

Coal Generator

Coal Boiler
Pulverizer Warm water
Cold water
Air Condenser

Ash disposal

Source: Breeze 2019

Coal is received at the material handling yard and bustion chamber and boiler are efficiently integrat-
thereafter undergoes crushing and beneficiation to ed to minimize heat loss. The boiler has tubes pres-
reduce the size/moisture/ash content, depending on ent in it to carry water. The heat energy released
the quality and size of the coal. The coal is then from combustion is absorbed by this water to turn
pulverized to coal fines that can be efficiently com- into steam. This steam is passed through steam
busted in the boiler. This pulverized coal is mixed turbines. A series of high-pressure (HP), intermedi-
with air in the combustion chamber and controlled ate pressure (IP), and low-pressure turbines are
combustion is performed to produce heat energy. present to extract the maximum heat energy from
After the completion of the combustion process, the the steam. These steam turbines drive the genera-
ash residue is collected at the bottom of the com- tors to produce electricity.
bustion chamber and is ejected as slag. The com-

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 38

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

The flue gas is subjected to cleaning operations fuel (natural gas). This mixture is ignited and the
such as a selective catalytic reduction reactor (for combustion of natural gas results in hot flue gases.
NOx), electrostatic precipitator (for fly ash), and This flue gas stream then drives the turbine which is
sulfur dioxide scrubber. After the flue gas meets the connected to the generator that uses the kinetic
emission norms, it is emitted through flue gas stacks energy to generate electricity. The turbine and com-
into the atmosphere. The only source of Scope 1 pressor are on the same shaft; thus, the compressor
emissions are the flue gas stacks. The rest of the energy requirement also decreases.
operations have associated Scope 2 emissions only.
Figure 2-7: Schematic Representation of Gas Turbine
Typical flue gas characteristics of a coal-fired ther-
mal power plant are given in Table 2-1. The flue gas Fuel
characteristics are considering the installation of a Air inlet

Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) unit, which is Combustion

essential to remove SOx from the flue gas before
carbon capture, as the presence of SOx will affect
the extent of CO₂ absorption by amine based Generator
solvents suitable for carbon capture from flue gas. Compressor Turbine

Flue gas
Table 2-1: Flue Gas Characteristics of Coal-Fired
Thermal Power Plants Source: Breeze 2019
Component Unit Value
The flue gases released are still at a very high
Temperature °C 110-120 temperature, indicating that more heat energy can
be extracted from this stream. The flue gases are
Pressure atm 1
further fed to a heat recovery steam generator,
Composition where the heat energy of the flue gases is used to
generate steam from water which drives the steam
CO₂ vol% 11
turbine to generate additional power. This increases
H2O vol% 6 the energy conversion efficiency of plants. This
type of plant is termed a “combined cycle power
O2 vol% 6
plant”. Figure 2-8 illustrates a schematic of a natu-
N2 vol% 76 ral gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plant.
SO2 ppmv -

NOx ppmv 150-250 Figure 2-8: NGCC Power Plant Schematic Diagram

Source: To
gas Heat
Natural Gas-fired Thermal Power Plant Air
Combustion generator Generator
Natural gas is a relatively cleaner fuel compared to chamber Turbine
coal and has very few impurities. The gas turbine
technology is used to generate power from natural Generator
gas (Figure 2-7). Air is sent to the compressor,
Flue gas
where it gets pressurized. This high-pressure air is
sent to the combustion chamber and mixed with the Source: Breeze 2019

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 39

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

The Scope 1 emissions originate from the flue gas Table 2-3: Overall Analysis of CO₂ Emissions
emitted into the atmosphere at the end of the from the Global Power Sector
process. The rest of the processes involve Scope 2 Component Value
emissions. Typical flue gas characteristics of natu-
ral gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plants are Total installed generation capacity 8,155
[Non-renewable + Renewable] (GW)
provided in Table 2-2.
Total generation (TWh) 28,273

Table 2-2: Typical Flue Gas Characteristics Total emissions (mtpa) 14,378
of NGCC Power Plants Total emissions by G20 Countries 10,735
Component Unit Value (mtpa)

Global weighted average CO₂ 509

Temperature °C 120-130
emission intensity (t CO₂ / GWh)
(greater than 2 mtpa CO₂ emissions)
Pressure atm 1

Composition Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2022, Climate

Transparency Reports 2022
CO₂ vol% 4-10 vol%

H2O vol% 10-12 vol% CO₂ Emissions by Fuel Source

O2 vol% 8-10 vol% The CO₂ emission has been analyzed based on the
N2 vol% 70-75 vol%
type of fuel used for power generation. The type of
fuel used can be of 3 types: coal, natural gas, and
SO2 ppmv Low oil. Coal has the largest installed generation capaci-
NOx ppmv Low
ty, followed by natural gas, oil, and a small share of
bioenergy and waste. The contribution of each fuel
Source: Colin, Minh & Dianne 2016 to the total global CO₂ emissions from the power
sector is illustrated in Figure 2-9.
CO₂ Emissions from the Power Sector
Globally the power sector accounts for the largest Figure 2-9: Share of Total CO₂ Emissions by
share of GHG emissions, emitting about 14.3 Gt of Each Fuel, mtpa
CO₂ in 2021, or about 40% of the total anthropo-
genic CO₂ emissions of the world. Thus, decarbon- CO2 Conc.:

ization of the power sector is critical to lowering 12-14% 4-10% 12-15% 20-25%

global anthropogenic CO₂ emissions.

The analysis of CO₂ emissions from the power

sector has been done for the year 2021 based on the 100%

reported electricity generation for the year and 73%

suitable grid emission factors (source: IEA,

IRENA). An overall analysis is provided in Table
Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2022
Note: Bioenergy & waste CO₂ concentration is based
on biomass gasification

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 40

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

Coal based power plants have the highest emis- CO₂ Emission by Country
sions; thus, CCUS projects need to be focused on The analysis of emission distribution by fuel type
these plants. Emissions from natural gas based gives us an insight into the types of technology to
power plants will grow as North American and be prioritized for CCUS development. It is also
European countries are phasing out coal-based essential to perform a regional analysis to plan the
power plants and shifting toward natural gas-based CCUS development, investment and deployment
CCGT plants. Thus, these countries should make mechanisms to abate CO₂ emissions and simultane-
early-stage CCUS investments for CO₂ abatement ously ensure energy security. While each country
of gas-based CCGT plants to achieve the goal of a may have different metrics to calculate their grid
carbon-abated power grid and eventual climate emission intensity, for the sake of uniformity, all
neutrality. the emission intensity factor data has been consid-
ered from a common source in this analysis.

Table 2-4: Country-wise Electricity Generation (TWh) in 2021

Sl. Country Total Emission Total Per Capita

No. Generation Intensity Factor Emissions Power Sector CO₂
(TWh) (tCO2 / GWh) (mtpa) Emissions (tonne)
1. Argentina 130 288 37.5 0.82

2. Australia 260 626 162.7 6.33

3. Brazil 670 130 86.8 0.41

4. Canada 630 120 75.4 1.97

5. China 8400 557 4680.5 3.31

6. France 540 60 32.3 0.48

7. Germany 580 329 190.7 2.29

8. India 1610 713 1148.3 0.82

9. Indonesia 305 785 239.4 0.87

10. Italy 290 255 73.9 1.25

11. Japan 1000 462 461.5 3.67

12. Republic of 600 411 246.8 4.77

13. Mexico 335 300 100.5 0.77

14. Russia 1120 322 360.4 2.51

15. Saudi Arabia 400 614 245.7 6.96

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 41

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

Sl. Country Total Emission Total Per Capita

No. Generation Intensity Factor Emissions Power Sector CO₂
(TWh) (tCO2 / GWh) (mtpa) Emissions (tonne)
16. South Africa 245 867 212.3 3.54

17. Turkey 325 426 138.5 1.63

18. UK 310 203 63.0 0.94

19. USA 4252 358 1522.2 4.59

20. EU 2900 226 656.6 1.47

Total G20 countries 24,902 431 10,735 2.11

Rest of the
World (Non-G20 3,370 1,081 3,643.3 1.31

Total 28,272 508.6 14,378 1.83

Source: Climate Transparency Reports 2022

Out of the total power generation in 2021, the G20 countries account for about 88% of the total power genera-
tion. The power sector CO₂ emissions for each country have been estimated using the generation values and
emission intensity factor. The country-wise analysis (Figure 2-10) indicates the countries to be prioritized for
CCUS implementation.

Figure 2-10: G20 Country-Wise Analysis of CO₂ Emissions – 10,735 mtpa



462 360
247 246 239 212 191 163 138 101 87 75 74 63 37 32

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 42

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

The largest 3 emitters, China, USA and India are CO₂ Emission Projections for the Power sector
investing significantly in renewables as part of their According to IEA projections (World Energy
energy transition strategy and goals. From 2016 Outlook 2022), the global installed capacity is
(i.e. since the COP 21 in Paris) to 2021, the total expected to increase by 43% in the next decade and
installed capacity of renewable energy facilities in reach 11,673 GW by 2030 from the existing capaci-
the world has increased from 2000 GW to over ty of 8,155 GW. The projection of the power gener-
3200 GW, an increase of about 60%. More than ation capacity by type is given in Table 2-5. Ther-
60% of the incremental capacity has been contribut- mal power (coal, gas & oil) capacity of the world is
ed by China (45%), USA (10%) and India (5%). expected to reach 4,495 GW by 2030. Although the
The trend is expected to continue in the next share of thermal capacity is expected to drop from
decade, with China targeting to meet 33% of its the present 55% to 39% in 2030, thermal power
electricity consumption from renewables by 2025, generation is still expected to account for 47% of
USA targeting a net zero electricity sector by 2035 the total electricity generation globally. The drop in
and India looking to almost triple its renewable the share of installed generation capacity of thermal
capacity to 450 GW by 2030. Even with these power plants is an outcome of the increased focus
ambitious RE targets, fossil fuel (coal for China & on renewable energy capacity additions across the
India and natural gas for USA) based power genera- globe.
tion will still have a major role to play during the
transition period and to support baseload power, However, anthropogenic CO₂ emissions from the
given the intermittent and nondispatchable nature power sector will still contribute to the majority of
of renewable power and the high costs associated CO₂ emissions in 2030. For estimation purposes,
with storage. Thus carbon capture, utilization and the share of G20 countries in power sector CO₂
storage will have an important role to play in the emissions in 2021 has also been considered for
decarbonization of the fossil fuel based thermal estimating the power sector CO₂ emissions of
power sector in these countries. 2030.

The CO₂ intensity is expected to drop in the future

Figure 2-11: Total Power Generation vs Power with improved plant performance and more RE in
Generation from RE in 2021 the generation mix. Based on these estimations, the
total CO₂ emissions for the power sector is estimat-
ed to drop by 11% from the 2021 figure of 14,378
mtpa to 12,759 mtpa in 2030 (Table 2-5). This
would still account for the majority 35% share of
the total global anthropogenic emissions of CO₂ in




China USA India

Total Generation (TWh) Generation from RES (TWh)

Source: Climate Transparency Reports 2022

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 43

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

Table 2-5: Energy & CO₂ Volume Projections for 2030

Component 2021 2030 % Change

Installed Capacity, GW

Thermal 4,462 4,495 1%

Nuclear 413 471 14%

RES 1921 5144 168%

Hydro 1,358 1563 15%

Total 8,155 11,673 43%

Gross Generation, BU
Thermal 17,436 16,324 -6%

Nuclear 2,776 3,351 21%

RES 3733 9995 168%

Hydro 4,327 5,078 17%

Total 28,272 34,748 23%

Wtd. avg. CO₂ emission intensity, kg/kWh 0.508 0.367 -28%

Total CO₂ emissions from thermal power plants (mtpa) 14,378 12,759 -11%

G20 countries CO₂ emissions from thermal 10,735 9,526 -11%

power plants (mtpa)
Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2022

Figure 2-12: Energy & CO₂ Emission Projections for 2030

Installed Capacity (GW) Gross Generation (TWh) Power Generation-related CO2 Emissions
11,673 34,748 (mtpa)
23% 11.3%
43% 1563 5,078
28,272 14,378
12,759 11.3%
8,153 4,327
9995 10,735
1,358 5144 3733 9,526
2,776 3,351
413 471
17,436 16,324
4,462 4,495

2021 2030e 2021 2030e Global Emissions G-20 Emissions

Thermal Nuclear RES Hydro Thermal Nuclear RES Hydro 2021 2030e

Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2022

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 44

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

2.2.2 CO₂ Emissions: Global Steel Industry

Globally, the iron and steel industry is primarily based on the processing of virgin materials like iron ore, coal,
etc. Steel making is an energy-intensive sector and is responsible for about 7% of global anthropogenic CO₂
emissions. The production of iron is largely through the blast furnace and coal-based DRI route and makes the
global steel industry a coal-and CO₂ emission intensive sector, with an estimated 2.6 Gtpa of direct CO₂ emis-
sions for supporting crude steel production of 1860 mtpa in 2020 and 1951 mtpa in 2021. The global crude steel
capacity and crude steel production for the last five years are shown in Figure 2-13.

Figure 2-13: Year-wise Crude Steel Capacity & Production in the Last 5 Years (in mtpa)

2452.7 2500
2280.7 2362.5
2240.1 2233.7
1875 1879 1951
1735 1827

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Capacity (MT) Production (MT)

Source: OECD, World Steel Association

Crude steel production has grown at a compounded The share of different steelmaking routes and
annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 3.6% from dominance of the BF-BOF route (accounting for
2016 to 2021, stagnating in 2020 due to the 70% of global steel production) is unlikely to
COVID-19 pandemic. The production of 1951 change significantly till 2030. At the same time,
mtpa of crude steel corresponds to about 1834 mtpa there are likely to be improvements in the efficiency
of finished steel production, with the remaining and CO₂ footprint of the steel making process.
crude steel being consumed as intermediates or Based on the above two factors, it is expected that
accounting for losses. Future steel demand growth CO₂ emissions from the steel sector will reach 2.8
is likely to be around 1.5% per year up to the year Gtpa by the year 2030. The top 3 steel producing
2030, taking the finished steel demand to 2.1 Gtpa countries in the world, i.e. China, India and Japan,
by the year 2030. The trajectory of future demand are part of the G20 – thus, the G20 countries
will be driven by factors such as rising demand in account for a significant share of the CO₂ emissions
India, technology process & material efficiency from the steel sector. The crude steel production
improvements leading to reduced specific and the direct CO₂ emissions from the iron & steel
consumption of steel in end-products and the industry of the G20 countries in 2020 are shown in
stagnation/decline of demand in the US and the Figure 2-14.
European region.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 45

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

Figure 2-14: Crude Steel Production + Direct CO₂ Emissions from Iron &
Steel across G20 Countries in 2020 (in mtpa)



135 121
118 96 106 101 99
40 57 40 56
36 51
86 70
24 34 19 26 14 20 14 20 13 18 9 12 7 11 6 8 5 7 5 7

China India Japan USA Russia Other EU Rep. of Turkey Germany Brazil Italy Mexico Indonesia France Canada Saudi UK Australia South Argentina
Korea Arabia Africa
Crude Steel Production (MT) Direct CO2 emissions from Steel Industry (MT)

Source: World Steel Association

Routes of Iron and Steelmaking

There are two main steelmaking routes prevalent across the world: the Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF)
route and the Electric Route; the Electric Route consists of steel produced from both Electric Arc
Furnaces (EAF) and Induction Furnaces (IF). The contribution of the two routes across G20 nations is
shown in Figure 2-15.

Figure 2-15: Process Route Wise Production and Contribution across G20 countries (in mtpa)

25 25 26
31 30 33
43 45 45

70 70 72
84 82

75 75 74
69 70 68
57 55 55

30 30 28
16 18

BOF (%) Electric Route (%)

Source: World Steel Association

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 46

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

The majority of large integrated steel plants have the world and, particularly in India, use a certain
adopted the BOF route production because of its percentage of hot metal (obtained from BF) in their
robustness, scale, and reliability. The BOF route charge mix.
uses 85-95% hot metal (i.e. iron in molten form) in
the charge mix, produced from Blast In the BF route, iron is produced as a liquid hot
Furnace/COREX/FINEX iron making facilities. At metal using sinter, pellet and iron ore lumps, with
the other end of the spectrum is the induction coke and pulverized coal being used as reductants.
furnace route, which is 100% solid-charge based In the smelting reduction iron making processes
and primarily uses Direct Reduced Iron (DRI or like FINEX & COREX, iron ore fines and coal are
DR), pig iron, and scrap. IF-based production is used to produce hot metal. The alternative iron
electric-energy intensive and suitable for making routes consist of the coal-based and
small-scale production with typical plant sizes of gas-based DR processes that produce solid iron
less than 0.5 mtpa. The EAF route is flexible and known as DRI or sponge iron, which is
ideal for mid-sized plants (0.5 to 1 mtpa) and can be subsequently melted and refined in the EAF/IF
designed to take more than 80% hot metal, whereas process. The unit processes are described below,
the conventional EAF design is based on 100% including the direct CO₂ emissions from each
solid charge. Due to the operational robustness & process. An illustration of the various process
flexibility and superior techno-economics of routes is given in Figure 2-16.
upstream Blast Furnaces (BFs), many EAFs across

Figure 2-16: Various Iron and Steel Making Routes

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 47

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

Brief Description of Unit Processes The direct CO₂ emissions from the BF stove flue
Coke making stack account for 0.4 tonne of CO₂ emissions per
Metallurgical coke is produced at scale tonne of finished steel; other units which consume
(typically 0.5 mtpa and higher capacities) BF gas also emit additional CO₂ .
by heating coking coal at a high temperature in the
absence of air to expel its volatile matter and obtain Basic Oxygen Steelmaking (BOF)
a strong porous coke. CO₂ emissions from the coke The BOF process produces liquid steel by
oven flue stack is estimated at 0.3 tonne of CO₂ per blowing oxygen through the hot metal to
tonne of finished steel. remove impurities like carbon, silicon and phos-
phorous and produce liquid steel. The oxidation of
Sintering carbon releases CO and CO₂. Due to the high CO
Sintering is a process of agglomeration of concentration, the cooled and cleaned BOF off-gas
iron ore fines along with fluxes to improve is used in other units/facilities in an integrated steel
the reducibility of the iron ore and decrease coke plant. The BOF process in itself produces only 0.03
consumption in the BF. It also has a scavenging tonne of CO₂ per tonne of finished steel.
function as a unit which consumes different in-plant
waste materials like fines and scales. The off-gas Calcining Plant
from a sinter plant is released into the atmosphere Limestone and dolomite are calcined in
after recovery of the sensible heat. The combustion kilns at 1000 °C to produce calcined lime
of coke breeze and fuel gases in the sintering and dolo. The use of in-plant fuel gases and decom-
process contributes to about 0.43 tonne of CO₂ per position of carbonates (CaCO3 and MgCO3) in the
tonne of finished steel. calcining process results in CO₂ emissions of 0.23
tonne of CO₂ per tonne of finished steel.
Pelletization is the process of agglomerat- Rolling Mills
ing very fine particles of iron ore with Semis (slabs, billets, blooms) from the
fluxes, without any incipient melting. The pelletiza- steel melt shop are processed/rolled in
tion process consumes significantly less energy and rolling mills to produce final products like rebars,
emits significantly lower CO₂ (0.15 tonne of CO₂ wire rods, structural sections and hot rolled coils.
per tonne of finished steel) vis-à-vis sintering. Rolling mills typically have re-heating furnaces for
re-heating the cooled semis before they are rolled.
Ironmaking Depending on the plant fuel balance, re-heating
The ironmaking process produces hot me furnaces use other steel plant gases (BF gas, CO
-tal through the Blast Furnace (BF) route; gas), natural gas and light diesel oil; about 0.17
additionally, there are also a few operational tonne of CO₂ per tonne of finished steel is emitted
COREX plants across the globe. In a BF, iron ore by the rolling mill.
lumps, sinter or pellets are charged from the top of
the furnace along with coke, limestone and dolo-
mite along with a hot blast of preheated air (900 ⁰C)
blown from the BF bottom. Coke reduces the iron
oxide to metallic iron or hot metal while producing
BF gas. BF gas is a low calorific value high volume
gas, which is used in other units of the steel plant as
a fuel gas and to produce captive power.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 48

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

The total CO₂ emissions in a typical BF-BOF based integrated steel plant is estimated to be about 2.15 tonne of
CO₂ per tonne of finished steel (Figure 2-17). The CO₂ concentration at each unit depends on the fuel consump-
tion and fuel blend.

Figure 2-17: Distribution of CO₂ Emissions per tonne of Steel in a Typical BF-BOF Route based
Integrated Steel Plant (tonne of CO₂ per tonne of finished steel)

CO2 conc. 8% 23% 23% 7% 35% 25% 18%

0.17 2.15

0.39 0.03


Sinter Plant Coke Oven Blast Furnace BOF Calcining Captive Mills Total
Plant Power Plant

Source: Dastur reasearch

CCUS is an imperative for the long-term sustain- v. CCUS can also enable the scalable and
ability of the BF-BOF route of steel making due to profitable conversion of waste gases from Blast
the following reasons: Furnace, Coke Oven and Basic Oxygen
Furnaces to blue hydrogen at a cash cost of less
i. High CO₂ intensity of the BF-BOF route than US$ 2 per kg. Blue hydrogen can be used
within the steel plant as a source of clean energy
ii. Use of fossil fuels not only as a source but also or for producing clean DRI or be sold to
as a reducing agent in the steel making process external consumers, thus propelling the nascent
clean hydrogen economy.
iii. Nascency of technology developments for
fueling the BF-BOF route with cleaner alternate vi. Worldwide there are no operating CCUS
energy sources like natural gas or hydrogen or facilities associated with BF-BOF based steel
electrifying the process plants and hence CCUS technology
development & demonstration for BF-BOF
iv. The primacy of the BF-BOF route in the top 3 steel plants should be one of the key focus areas
steel producing countries in the world, all of for the sector
which are a part of the G20

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 49

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

Coal Based DRI Processes (Coal DRI): In a DRI making process, and production data for 2021, the
kiln, non-coking/thermal coal is used to reduce iron global volume of direct CO₂ emissions from the
ore to the solid product of Direct Reduced Iron steel sector is estimated to be 2.6 Gtpa. Based on
(DRI) or sponge iron. DRI is a major input raw the current momentum and future outlook of steel
material to EAFs and IFs for producing steel. Sized demand, it is reasonable to consider that finished
lump iron ore or pellets, coal, limestone and dolo- steel production will reach around 2.1 Gt per annum
mite react in the presence of air to produce DRI and by 2030. DRI based production is expected to
release CO₂. The CO₂ emission by the process is increase by 25% by 2030 to 150 mtpa, merely by
about 3.2 tonne of CO₂ per tonne of finished steel. increasing the present low levels of capacity utiliza-
The coal-based DRI process involves solid-solid tion of 70%. The share of gas DR versus coal DR is
reactions; it is less efficient and hence requires not expected to change too much, i.e., 20% gas
higher coal quantity (and hence produces higher based DR and 80% coal based DR. Scrap usage is
emissions) compared to the BF route. expected to rise to 600 mtpa in 2030 from around
70 mtpa in 2020, as many steel plants in Europe and
Gas Based DR Processes (Gas DR): Natural gas USA look to shift to EAF based steelmaking.
(primarily methane) is reformed using steam to
produce hydrogen and carbon monoxide, which is Combining these estimates with the respective CO₂
used to produce DRI from lump ore or pellet emission intensities, it is estimated that the total
charge. The reforming of natural gas and reduction CO₂ emission shall increase to about 2.8 Gtpa by
of iron ore to DRI produces CO₂ emissions of 1.6 2030 from the present level of 2.6 Gtpa. Given the
tonne of CO₂ per tonne of DRI. uncertainty in the geographical distribution of
future capacity additions, it is reasonable to assume
CO₂ Emissions from the Steel Industry: Based that the route-wise distribution of production will
on the emission intensities of the different steel not change significantly.
Table 2-6: Steel Production and CO₂ Emissions for Various Steel Making Routes (in Gtpa)

Route Crude steel Direct CO₂ Crude steel Direct CO₂

production - 2021 emission - 2021 production - 2030 emission - 2030
BF-BOF 1.302 1.85 1.49 2.00

Electric Route 0.53 0.75 0.61 0.80

Total 1.83 2.60 2.10 2.80

Source: World Steel Association & Dastur reasearch

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 50

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

Figure 2-18: Direct CO₂ Emissions from Iron & Steel Across G20 Countries in 2021 and Projected
Emissions in 2030 (in mtpa) – 2.56 Gtpa in 2021 and 2.74 Gtpa in 2030


145 129
219 114 108 106 61
135 121 106 101 99 60
57 56 51 54 34 36 26 28 20 22 20 21 18 20 12 13 11 12 8 9 7 8 7 7

Direct CO2 emissions from Steel Industry (MT) in 2020 Direct CO2 emissions forecast from Steel Industry (MT) in 2030

2.2.3 CO₂ Emissions: Global Cement Industry Currently, cement production across the globe is
The cement sector plays a vital role in the overall around 4300 mtpa, implying an average capacity
economic growth of all countries and provides a utilization of 60%. The present global per capita
critical raw material for the construction and infra- cement consumption is around 500 kg. In line with
structure sectors. Over the last five years, global the trend in the last four years, it is expected that the
cement production has remained flat, growing from global cement demand will remain largely flat in
4153 mtpa (2016) to 4300 mtpa (2021) at a CAGR the next decade, with demand & production likely
of around 1% (Figure 2-19). Global cement demand to decline in China and being offset by increases in
and production, which were affected in 2020 due to India and parts of Asia & Africa, as they embark on
the COVID-19 pandemic, have recovered in 2021. their infrastructure growth path.

Figure 2-19: Global Cement Capacity and Production - in mtpa

6902 6977 7052 7100


4153 4083 4282 4294 4190 4300

FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21

Produc�on (MT) Capacity (MT)

Source: Global Cement Report

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 51

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

Cement Plant Production and Capacity ash-based cement plants expanding in countries
Limestone is the major feedstock in cement produc- where steelmaking is mostly based on the BF-BOF
tion. Hence most cement plants are built either route. Figure 2-20 shows the cement production
close to captive limestone quarries or are well across G20 countries, which account for 90% of the
connected with limestone quarries. The market for global cement production.
slag and fly ash-based cement has also evolved in
the last few years, with blast furnace slag and fly

Figure 2-20: Country-wise Cement Production in G20 Countries in 2021 – 3864 mtpa

China 2500
India 330
Germany 186
Canada 135
USA 92
Turkey 76
Rep. of Korea 73
Indonesia 66
Brazil 65
Russia 56
Saudi Arabia 55
Japan 52
Mexico 50
Italy 40
South Africa 26.5
France 19
Argentina 12
Australia 12
Other EU 10
UK 8.5

Cement Production in 2021 (MTPA)

Source: Dastur research

Typical Cement Manufacturing Process Clinkerization: Cement clinker is made by

Based on the clinker factor and usage of other pyro-processing the kiln feed in the preheater kiln
ingredients like fly ash or slag, cement can be system. The preheater-kiln system is a multi-stage
primarily categorized into three types: Ordinary (typically more than five), consisting of a cyclone
Portland Cement (OPC), Portland Pozzolana preheater, combustion chamber, riser duct, rotary
Cement (PPC) & Portland Slag Cement (PSC). The kiln, and grate cooler.
process route for each type of cement production is
almost similar, except for the final blending and In the preheater section, heat transfer depends on
grinding process steps. The dry-type technology the number of stages of the preheater. Additionally,
predominant in the cement industry is depicted in coal is also used to provide additional heat. The
Figure 2-21. Clinkerization is the major source of preheater helps in removing moisture from the feed,
CO₂ generation in cement making. Complete as well as raises the temperature of the feed through
clinkerization is achieved in two stages: preheater countercurrent heat transfer with hot flue gas.
and kilns.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 52

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

c. Emission from power usage for grinding,

Figure 2-21: Typical Process Flow Diagram for process fans, etc. accounts for the remaining
Cement Making 10%.
Raw material incl. additives
(High grade limestone, sand A typical CO₂ cascade is shown in Figure 2-22.
iron ore fines, red mud, clay)
Figure 2-22: Typical CO₂ Cascade
Screening & Crushing
(in kg of CO₂ per tonne of cement)
Pre-blending & (Coal/Pet coke/Biomass)
Proportioning CO2 Conc.: 13-22%

Grinding Grinding

Homogenising 27%


Clinkerisation Additives
(Gypsum/Fly ash)
Cooling & Storage Final Grinding
of Clinker Source: Dastur Research
Storage & Dispatch

CO₂ Emissions from Cement Manufacturing

In 2021, global cement production contributed
about 7% or 2.5 Gtpa anthropogenic CO₂ emissions
The preheated kiln feed is partially calcined in a
across the globe (source: IEA). CO₂ emissions vary
combustion chamber and riser duct and then
widely from plant to plant depending on factors
completely calcined in a rotary kiln, where it is
such as product type, plant efficiency, fuel usage,
heated to approximately 1400-1500 °C to form the
plant capacity etc. Hence an average CO₂ emission
clinker components. Coal is fed through a burner
per tonne of cement has been used to calculate the
which is the primary source of heat for the
total CO₂ emissions at the current and projected
calcination. However, alternative fuels like
level of cement demand and production. CO₂ emis-
petcoke, biomass, and other solid waste are also
sions from cement production within the G20
used. Hot clinker is discharged to the grate cooler
nations in 2021 are shown in Figure 2-23 below.
for cooling from 1350-1450 °C to around 1200 °C
with atmospheric air. The cooled clinker is then
conveyed to hoppers for clinker storage. Figure 2-23: Country-wise CO₂ Emissions
from Cement Production, 2277 mtpa
The global average CO₂ emission intensity per
tonne of cement was around 576 kg in 2021. The
China 1473
India 194
Germany 110
emissions are primarily from three sources: Canada 80
USA 54
Turkey 45

a. Emission from the calcination (CaCO3 to CaO) Rep. of Korea


process accounts for about 60% of the total Brazil


emissions Saudi Arabia

Mexico 29
Italy 24
b. Emission from process heating contributes South Africa 16

around 30%
France 11
Argentina 7
Australia 7
Other EU 6
UK 5

Source: Global Cement Report, Dastur Research

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 53

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

The CO₂ emission intensity is expected to reduce to any conversion units and consist of facilities such
500-520 kg of CO₂ per tonne of cement by 2030, as tanks, distillation units, recovery facilities,
with further improvements in the cement hydro-treating units, and other necessary utility
production process, higher production of blended systems. Complex refineries contain a large variety
cement, use of vertical roller mills, WHRB of units, such as catalytic cracking units and hydro-
installation etc. Thus, with cement production cracking units (HCUs), for enabling, treating, and
remaining stagnant, total CO₂ emissions from the converting heavy crude oil fractions into lighter
cement sector is expected to be around 2.24 Gtpa. products. Complex refineries have large capacities,
The share of emissions from the G20 countries is longer service lives and higher CO₂ emissions
not expected to change from the present 90%; thus, (about 4X times) than simple refineries; they
emissions from G20 countries is estimated to be 2 account for a vast majority of CO₂ emissions
Gtpa. vis-à-vis simple refineries, a trend that is expected
to continue in the near future.
2.2.4 CO₂ Emissions: Oil & Gas Refineries
The continuous expansion of the fossil fuel-based Process Description of Various CO₂ Sources
energy industry is one of the key obstacles to realiz- A complex refinery has multiple CO₂ emission
ing the climate goals of the Paris Climate Agree- points such as the Hydrogen Generation Unit
ment. Oil & gas refineries contribute about 14% of (HGU), Power Plant/ Co-Gen Plant (PP/CGP),
overall industrial CO₂ emissions and act as both a Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC), Crude Distillation
consumer and provider of energy. CO₂ emissions Unit (CDU) / Vacuum Distillation Unit (VDU) as
from the refinery sector were about 1.3 Gtpa in well as heaters and boilers. Amongst these, the
2021 and thus, potential CO₂ emissions reductions HGUs generate the highest CO₂ concentration gas
by the sector will have an important role in meeting streams with CO₂ concentrations of 18-22 vol%,
future net zero goals. followed by CDU/VDU (8.5-11 vol.%) and FCC
(8-10 vol.%) – see Table 2-7. The majority of CO₂
Refineries can be broadly classified as shallow emissions from a typical refinery is contributed by
processing or simple refineries and deep processing hydrogen generation units, FCC, boilers, and
or complex refineries. Simple refineries do not have process heaters.

Table 2-7: CO₂ Concentration at Different Refinery Units

Unit Section CO₂ vol% (db)

SMR Reformer Flue 18-22

FCC FCCU Regenerator 8.5

CDU Crude Distillation Unit 11

DCU Coke Heater 8.5

Reformer heater Reformer Heater 4

VDU Vacuum Unit 11

Naphtha splitter Reformer-Naphtha Splitter 8.5

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 54

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

Unit Section CO₂ vol% (db)

HC Hydrocracker 8.5

HC-Heater Hydrocracker Heater 8.5

HDS Hydrodesulfurization 8.5

DCU Coke Heater 8.5

HDS-Heater HDS- Charge Heater 4

SRU Sulfur Removal & Tail Gas Treatment 4

FCCU Heater FCCU Heater 4

Source: Dastur Research

In a complex refinery, the most opportune carbon hydrogen and carbon monoxide. The SMR output
capture points are the HGU or the SMR and the gas stream is passed through a water gas shift reac-
FCC. Both processes/units are described below. tor to convert the CO to CO₂ and maximize the H2
Hydrogen Generation Unit (HGU): Hydrogen is recovery. The possible CO₂ capture points and their
indispensable in complex refinery operations for gas compositions are provided in Figure 2-24 and
handling sour crudes as well as for meeting strin- Table 2-8. While carbon capture from tail gas or
gent fuel norms. Globally, almost all refineries syngas (stream 1 & stream 2) ensures the lowest
produce hydrogen from natural gas (as well as cost of capture because of higher concentration and
naphtha) through the steam methane reforming partial pressure of CO₂, it can capture only 60% of
(SMR) process. In an SMR, natural gas reacts with the total direct CO₂ emissions, whereas flue gas
steam in the presence of a catalyst to produce capture ensures over 95% direct CO₂ capture.

Figure 2-24: Simplified Block Flow Diagram of Hydrogen Generation Units (HGUs)


Gas 3
Feed (NG)

PSA Tail Gas

Fuel (NG) 2

NG: Natural Gas; SMR: Steam Methane Reforming;

WGS: Water Gas Shift; PSA: Pressure Swing Adsorption

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 55

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

Table 2-8: Gas Composition at Different CO₂ Emitting Sections in the HGU

Parameter Shifted syngas PSA tail gas Flue gas,

(vol.%, db) (vol.%, db) (vol. %, db)
Gas stream 1 2 3

Carbon Dioxide 20 64 18-20

Hydrogen 77 26

Carbon Monoxide 0.7 7

Nitrogen 58

Source: Dastur Research

Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC): The FCC unit process units in a refinery, the direct process emis-
helps in improving the recovery from crude oil by sions may be considered for CO₂ capture and
cracking higher hydrocarbons. Crude reacts with further utilization or sequestration. In a refinery, the
steam in a fluidized bed (or fluid-bed) of catalyst major sources of CO₂ emissions are the hydrogen
particles - cracking begins as the gas oil vapours production unit and emissions from the production
and the heated catalyst particles migrate upward in of mid-distillate products from the FCC. Apart from
the reactor. The catalyst gets coked during the these emissions, CO₂ emissions from utility CPP
process and is transferred to the regeneration unit, and boilers associated with a refinery account for
where the deposited coke layer is burnt at around the CO₂ volumes that can be captured, due to the
700-800°C; this is a primary source of CO₂ emis- possibility of integration with CCU facilities. The
sion. country-wise distribution of CO₂ emissions from
CO₂ Emissions from Oil & Gas Refineries oil & gas refineries is provided in Table 2-9
Based on the CO₂ emission intensities for various

Table 2-9: Total CO₂ Emissions from Refineries

Sl. No. Country Capacity in million CO₂ emissions,

barrels per day 2021 mtpa
1 Argentina 0.6 7.5

2 Australia 0.46 5.75

3 Brazil 2.1 26.25

4 Canada 1.98 24.75

5 China 16.7 208.75

6 France 1.14 14.25

7 Germany 2.1 26.25

8 India 5.2 65

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 56

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

Sl. No. Country Capacity in million CO₂ emissions,

barrels per day 2021 mtpa
9 Indonesia 1.1 13.75

10 Italy 1.9 23.75

11 Japan 3.5 43.75

12 Korea 3.5 43.75

13 Mexico 1.64 20.5

14 Russia 6.8 85

15 Saudi Arabia 2.8 35

16 South Africa 2.58 32.25

17 Turkey 0.6 7.5

18 UK 1.2 15

19 USA 18 225

20 EU 3 37.5

Total for G20 countries 76.90 961.25

Rest of World 24.3 303.75

Total 101.2 1,265

Source: Dastur Research

Global refining capacity is expected to reach 105.2 refineries worldwide is expected to be around 1.32
million barrels per day by 2030, with global Gtpa by 2030. About three quarters of these emis-
demand for transportation fuels likely to peak sions, i.e., about 1 Gtpa of CO₂ , is expected to be
between 2030 to 2035. Considering similar CO₂ emitted from the G20 countries.
intensity factors, the total emissions from oil & gas

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 57

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

2.2.5 CO₂ Emissions: High-value Chemicals ammonia are as a chemical in making refrigerants
Industry (driven by growth in urbanization and improving
Type of Primary Chemicals lifestyles) and as a building block for various com-
pounds used in producing household products,
Methanol: Methanol is an essential chemical build- cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and metal treatment.
ing block for hundreds of everyday products and Ammonia can also play a role in future energy tran-
applications, including plastics, paints, fibres and sitions as a hydrogen carrier for storing and trans-
construction materials. Methanol is also an alterna- porting the chemical energy of hydrogen and can be
tive clean energy carrier that can be blended in used as a transport fuel, particularly in the shipping
existing fuels and used in cars, trucks, buses, ships, industry.
fuel cells, boilers and cooking stoves. The global
methanol demand was about 88 mtpa in 2021;
The major end-use of ammonia is in the production
global demand is expected to grow strongly at 3%+
of urea, where it is generally produced in situ as part
per annum to about 111 mtpa by 2030, an increase
of the urea plant. A typical urea plant uses natural
of 23 mtpa.
gas as the main feed/raw materials and consists of
units for H2 production, ammonia production and
Methanol is primarily produced using natural gas urea production. The H2 unit is similar to the SMR
(using the SMR process similar to hydrogen of refineries and contributes to the majority of the
production), except in China, where methanol is CO₂ emissions. The produced hydrogen and nitro-
produced through the gasification of coal. Both gen (supplied from an air separation unit) combine
processes produce syngas (a mixture of CO₂ , CO through the Haber process in the presence of an iron
and H2) which is conditioned to get the desired catalyst to produce ammonia, which is pressurized
H2/CO ratio of 2.2; the CO₂ is removed from the and reacted with CO₂ (captured from the SMR) to
syngas and the remaining gas (primarily H2 and produce urea. After taking into account the CO₂
CO) is passed through a methanol reactor to consumed in converting ammonia to urea, the net
produce methanol in the presence of necessary cata- CO₂ emission is about 1.2 tonne of CO₂ per tonne
lysts. The emissions are about 0.4 – 0.5 tonne of of ammonia.
CO₂ per tonne of methanol for NG based produc-
tion and between 5 - 6 tonne of CO₂ per tonne of Petrochemicals: Petrochemicals are primarily of
methanol for the coal gasification-based process two types (olefins and aromatics) and provide the
used in China. basic raw materials for many products of daily use.
The source feedstock, i.e., light or heavy hydrocar-
Ammonia: Ammonia is used as a raw material for bons, is used to produce a variety of components
the production of different chemical fertilizers, such as ethylene, propylene, butadiene, and pyroly-
such as urea. The global capacity and supply capa- sis gasoline through non-catalytic thermal decom-
bility (based on actual utilization) of ammonia position reaction with steam (thermal cracking).
production have grown at 0.92% and 1.01% CAGR, Pyrolysis of hydrocarbons is the most critical
respectively, from 2016 to 2021. The installed process of petrochemical production and presents
capacity in 2021 was 189 mtpa, with a supply capa- the main source for most basic organic industrial
bility of 162 mtpa. The total production of ammonia raw materials: α-olefins (ethylene, propylene,
in 2021 was 146.5 mtpa. With a growing population isobutane, butene), butadiene, and aromatic hydro-
and food demand, the demand for urea and ammo- carbons (BTX = benzene, toluene, xylene).
nia is also expected to grow. The other end uses of

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 58

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

The most CO₂ emission-intensive process is the severity produces relatively more elevated amounts
production of ethylene through steam cracking. In of propylene, C4 cuts, and liquid products. The
steam cracking, a gaseous or liquid hydrocarbon exhaust flue gas is a CO₂ rich product, and depend-
feed-like ethane, propane, butane, naphtha, gas or ing upon the type of fuel, and is combusted in
oil is diluted with steam and then heated in a modern low SOx-NOx burners. Normally the meth-
furnace without oxygen at a temperature of 850 °C. ane content varies from 60-70 vol% in the gaseous
The higher cracking temperature favours the fuel. The typical flue gas composition with 10-15
production of ethylene and benzene, whereas lower vol% excess air is given in Table 2-10

Table 2-10: Cracker Furnace Flue Gas Composition

Parameter vol% (db)

CO₂ 11-13

H₂ 3-4

N₂ 85-87

CO 100-200 ppm

Source: Dastur Research

CO₂ Emissions from High-Value Chemicals estimating the CO₂ volumes amenable to carbon
Industry capture. Based on the production data from various
industries and the sector-wise production of differ-
Based on the CO₂ emission intensities for various ent chemicals through various routes, the associated
process units in the chemical industry, direct CO₂ emission volumes have been estimated and are
process emissions have been considered for tabulated in Table 2-11.

Table 2-11: G20 Country Emissions from High Value Chemical Sector

Products Production in Expected production CO₂ emissions in Expected CO₂

2021 (mtpa) in 2030 (mtpa) 2021 (mtpa) emission in 2030 (mtpa)
Methanol* 88 110 319 399

Ammonia 117 142 351 427

Ethylene 182 256 200 282

Propylene 77 113 200 282

BTX 105 140 25 35

Total 895 1143

Note: About 1/3rd of global capacity is based on the coal gasification route
Source: Dastur Research

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 59

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

2.3 Sector-wise CO₂ Emissions Amenable for Carbon Capture

Based on the sectoral analysis of the total CO₂ as well as the availability of suitable technologies
emissions across the world and the G20 countries, it for carbon capture. The sector-wise total CO₂ emis-
is imperative to assess the quantity of CO₂ amena- sion quantities across the world, as well as the share
ble for capture in different sectors. The extent of of CO₂ emissions amenable for capture, is indicat-
CO₂ amenable for capture as a share of total emis- ed in Table 2-12.
sions in different sectors depends on the number of
sources of CO₂ generation and their concentrations,

Table 2-12: Sector-wise CO₂ Volumes Amenable for Capture

Sector Total CO₂ Total CO₂ Share of CO₂ Emission CO₂ Emission
Emissions Emissions Emissions Amenable for Amenable for
in 2021 (Gt) in 2030 (Gt) Amenable for Capture in Capture in
Capture (1) 2021 (Gt) 2030 (Gt)
Power 14.3 12.8 90% 12.9 11.5

Iron & Steel 2.6 2.8 60% 1.6 1.7

Cement 2.5 2.2 90% 2.3 2.0

Refineries 1.3 1.3 30% 0.4 0.4

Chemicals 0.9 1.2 90% 0.8 1.1
& Fertilizers
Others (2) 2.0 2.5 20% 0.4 0.5

Total (World) 23.6 22.7 75 – 77% 18.30 17.2

Total (G20 countries) 14.70 13.85

Note: (1) Based on Dastur’s analysis

(2) Includes oil & gas upstream, paper & pulp, other chemicals, aluminium, glass etc.

The share of CO₂ emissions amenable for carbon steel plants have a large number of distributed
capture provided above is derived based on the CO₂ emission sources; however, all of them do
following factors: not have sufficient CO₂ volume or
concentration to justify a carbon capture unit
i. The lower the number of CO₂ generation installation. Hence the extent of CO₂ emissions
sources within a single plant, the greater the amenable for carbon capture for both refineries
possibility of capturing CO₂ . Hence substantial and steel is lower compared to carbon capture
capturing of CO₂ is feasible from power plant from power plant flue gases or the calcination
flue gases or from cement kilns. Refineries and process in a cement plant.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 60

Analysis of Sector-wise CO2 Emissions

ii. The extent of CO₂ amenable for capture also percentag of the overall cost of production of
depends on other factors, such as the quality of the final product has a significant bearing on
the flue gas. For example, while both the flue the extent of CO₂ emissions captured.
gas from coal-based thermal power plants and
the calcination unit of cement plants have Table 2-12 shows that the aggregate carbon capture
similar CO₂ concentrations, the quality of the opportunity in different sectors is at the giga-tonne
flue gas in the former (due to the installation of scale. In stark contrast, the total volume of CO₂
pollution control equipment such as Flue Gas captured by the 30 CCUS projects operating world-
Desulphurization unit in many power plants) wide is only around 42 mtpa, or less than 1%.
makes the power plant flue gas more suitable Hence there is an urgent need to scale up technolo-
for carbon capture, as SOx presence is likely to gy development and project deployment across the
affect the extent of CO₂ absorption by amine entire CCUS value chain, while also addressing the
based solvents suitable for flue gas carbon challenges and opportunities listed above. The
capture installation. subsequent chapters of this report provide an over-
view of the current CCUS technology landscape
iii. The actual extent of CO₂ captured would also and the key actions required to address the technol-
depend on the CO₂ disposition opportunities ogy gaps and scale up CCUS.
available, either in the form of sequestration,
EOR or utilization opportunities and the
economic viability of the same. In certain cases,
carbon capture can also lead to the production
of synergetic value-added products, as below:

a. CO₂ utilization for producing aggregates

and building materials – offers synergies
for cement plants (common end markets)
and steel plants (slag availability)

b. CO₂ utilization for producing chemicals

such as methanol – offers synergies for
refineries and petrochemical plants

c. Steel plants – for integrated steel plants,

the post-carbon capture hydrogen rich
fuel gas can be purified to produce
hydrogen, which can be used to produce
DRI with reduced CO₂ emissions. The
DRI can be used in both BF and BOF to
reduce the coke rate and hot metal
requirements, respectively, thus leading
to lower CO₂ emissions from the steel

iv. The financial viability of carbon capture and

the extent of the “green premium” as a

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 61

G20 Countries
CCUS in G20 Countries

3.1 CO2 Emissions Across the G20 Countries

The amount of anthropogenic CO₂ emissions varies significantly across the G20 countries, as shown in Figure

Figure 3-1: Anthropogenic CO₂ Emissions of G20 Countries (in mtpa)









Source: Climate Action Tracker and Climate Transparency Report

Similarly, there is significant variation in the Annexure of this report. The analysis reveals that in
national policy, regulatory environment and keeping with the theme of international collabora-
long-term strategies for carbon emission abatement tion for addressing the CCUS technology gaps,
among the G20 countries. Analysis and study of the enabling CCUS at scale across the G20 also
CCUS policy frameworks and project financing requires collaboration in the following areas:
mechanisms of the G20 countries reveals that apart
from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Saudi i) Coordinated policy frameworks and
Arabia, the UK, the USA and the EU, CCUS is mechanisms
relatively undeveloped in the other G20 countries. ii) Global financing of CCUS projects
The Government of India policy think tank, the
NITI Aayog, has recently released a comprehensive iii) Cross-border CCUS value chains
policy report on the likely CCUS policy framework iv) Accelerating CCUS through new energy
and deployment mechanism for India. carriers like blue hydrogen

The country-wise analysis of the present status of These themes are explored in Chapter 7 of this
CCUS in the G20 countries is provided in the report.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 63

CCUS in G20 Countries

3.2 CCUS Initiatives in India II. R&D Projects for CO2 Capture
Table 3-1: R&D Projects for CO2 Capture in Power Sector
in India
CCUS is considered critical for transition to a low
carbon economy. In India, various academia, R&D R&D Project Technology Organization
instititions and industries are working towards Development of zeolite Physical NTPC (collabor-
development and demonstration of different type of and ‘Pressure Swing Process ation with
CCUS technologies, particularly in the area of CO2 Adsorption’ process for CSMCRI, NEERI,
capture and utilization. A brief overview on some CO2 capture CSIR-IIP, IITB)
of these key initiatives is provided below:
Development of Chemical NTPC
amine and process for Process (collaboration
1. Power Sector: CO2 capture with IITG, IITB)
A. CO2 capture initiatives
Demonstration of Biological NTPC
I. 20 tpd CO2 Capture Plant at NTPC micro algae based Process (collaboration
Vindhyachal CO2 capture with IOCL)

In the power sector, NTPC has setup and commis-

B. CO2 utilization initiatives
sioned the first CO2 capture plant in India. This CO2
capture plant is connected to a 500 MW fossil fuel I. 10 tpd CO2 to Green Methanol Plant at
fired unit located at Vindhyachal. The Captured NTPC Vindhyachal
CO₂ is regenerated for reuse. Thereafter the
CO₂-rich stream is purified, dehydrated, and com- NTPC is setting up this plant wherein high purity
pressed to raise the pressure to the required level, CO2 shall be captured from waste flue gas from a
depending on the end-use or disposition pathway fossil fired power plant and thereafter catalytically
for the captured CO₂. hydrogenated to produce green methanol. Green
hydrogen required for the process shall be produced
using a ‘Proton Exchange Membrane’ electrolyzer.

Figure 3-2: CO2 Capture Plant at NTPC Vindhyachal

II. 10 tpd CO2 to Generation 4 Ethanol Plant
at NTPC’s Fossil Fired Power Plant

In this plant, a “chemical process” is used to capture

CO2 from power plant flue gas which is converted
to Generation 4 ethanol using a combination of
“reverse water gas shift” and bio-catalytic process-

III. Development of CO2 Based Carbonated

Aggregates by NTPC

NTPC, along with CSIR-CBRI Roorke, is develop-

ing a “CO2 based Carbonated Aggregate”, using fly
ash and CO2 captured from power plant flue gases.
In the domain of CCU technologies, this is perhaps
the only technology which is “Carbon Negative”.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 64

CCUS in G20 Countries

C. CO2 Storage Initiatives: Mapping of Geological 4. Chemical Sector

Storage Potential of CO2 in Category 1 Field in
Table 3-4: CCUS Initiatives by the Chemical Sector in India
Company Details
NTPC and the National COE-CCUS of IIT Bombay
are working on this project, which is the first of its Tuticorin Commissioned a 200 tpd carbon capture
kind in India. Alkali & plant. Captured CO2 is utilized for the
Chemicals production of baking soda.

2. Oil & Gas Sector BHEL & Coal to methanol: pilot scale plants for
CSIRCIM carbon capture and conversion to methanol
Table 3-2: CCUS Initiatives by the Oil & Gas Sector in India FR

Company Details
Figure 3-3: CO2 Capture Plant at
ONGC & Feasibility study for the capture of 0.7 Tuticorin Alkali & Chemicals
IOCL mtpa of CO2 from HGU at IOCL Koyali
refinery and utilizing the CO2 for EOR at
ONGC’s Gandhar oilfields and F&B grade

ONGC MoU with Shell for cooperation on

exploring CO2 storage and EOR in key
basins in India and with Equinor for
developing CCUS hubs and projects

BPCL Feasibility study for gasification of 1.2

mtpa petcoke and conversion to carbon
abated chemicals, hydrogen and power

3. Steel Sector

Table 3-3: CCUS Initiatives by the Steel Sector in India 5. Cement Sector

Company Details Table 3-4: CCUS Initiatives by the Chemical Sector in India
Tata Steel Commissioned a plant for capture of 5 tpd
Company Details
CO2 capture from Blast Furnace gases at
TSL Jamshedpur, with future plans to Dalmia 0.5 mtpa carbon capture plant planned at
re-use the CO2 within the steel value chain Cements their Tamil Nadu plant – MOU with
technology provider
JSPL Capture of 2000 tpd concentrated CO2
from commercial scale coal gasification
operations at Angul for enabling carbon
abated steel producing using blue hydrogen
(as part of syngas). Also exploring CO2
utilization to bio-ethanol, methanol and
soda ash

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 65

Carbon Capture
Technology Landscape
Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

4.1 CCUS Value Chain

CO₂ capture is the first step in the CCUS value steelmaking as shown in Figure 4-1. This chapter
chain of CO₂ capture, processing, transport, dispo- focuses on carbon capture technologies and also
sition and conversion of CO₂. Carbon capture tech- covers the related areas of CO₂ compression (and
nologies separate carbon dioxide from gas streams dehydration) and CO₂ transportation. Subsequent
released from industrial processes such as power chapters of this report deal with CO₂ utilization and
plants, chemical production, cement production or storage respectively.

Figure 4-1: CCUS Value Chain

4.2 Categorization of Carbon Capture Technologies Based on Operating Principle

Based on their combustion operating principle, carbon capture technologies can be broadly classified into three
categories: post-combustion capture, pre-combustion and oxyfuel combustion. The operating principles of each
category are depicted in Figure 4-2.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 67

Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

(i) Pre-combustion technologies: Pre-combustion technologies are favoured in

Pre-combustion carbon capture technologies cases where the gas stream has a higher partial
focus on extracting carbon dioxide from fossil pressure of CO₂ , such as in the gasification of
fuel or biomass fuel before the combustion fossil fuels, NG based H2 production or sour gas
processes generate energy. Pre-combustion processing. Since no chemical bonds need to be
carbon capture technologies typically extract broken for solvent regeneration, the thermal
the CO₂ from the energy rich gas stream of a energy penalty is much lower vis-à-vis
gasification process, natural gas processing post-combustion technologies. The regeneration
systems, or energy rich waste gas stream of the physical solvent is achieved mainly by
operating at high pressure with a high reducing pressure. Pre-combustion capture
concentration of CO₂ (typically between 30% – technologies are scaleable for large-scale CO₂
90%). The elevated partial pressure of the CO₂ capture, and are economically & operationally
stream enables the selective absorption of the efficient for high pressure and high CO₂
CO₂ in a physical solvent, rather than through concentration gas streams.
chemical binding, which is used in
post-combustion carbon capture technologies.

Figure 4-2: Scheme of Post-combustion, Pre-combustion & Oxy-fuel Combustion

1 Pre-Combustion
Partial Oxidation CO2 capture
SynGas for
Removing Fuel DR Plant
CO2 prior to Methanol,
their Air
Air O2 Syn Gas Power, etc.
combustion Separation
Plant (CO2 >25%)

2 Post-Combustion
Combustion CO2 capture

Removing Fuel
CO2 after N2/
combustion Impurities
Air Flue Gas
(CO2 3-15%)

3 Oxy-Combustion
Combustion CO2 capture

Removing Fuel
H2O &
CO2 after
Air Impurities
combustion in Air O2 Flue Gas
controlled (CO2 >90%)

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 68

Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

(ii) Post-combustion technologies: -culation is required for CO₂ capture. Further,

Post-combustion capture is useful for the enthalpy of binding of post-capture amine
separating CO₂ from exhaust gases produced by bases solvents is high, and hence the energy
burning fossil fuels. The exhaust gases, a requirements for stripping the CO₂ is relatively
mixture of CO₂, nitrogen and some oxygenated high. This makes post-combustion technologies
compounds, are first treated to remove energy and cost-intensive. However,
particulate matter and the oxides of nitrogen amine-based carbon capture solvents scale very
and sulphur. The treated exhaust gases are then well to millions of tonne of CO₂ capture and
contacted with a liquid solvent, typically an can be typically retro-fitted into existing
aqueous amine solution. The amine selectively industrial plants and power stations without
absorbs the CO₂ in an absorber column, significant modifications to the original plant.
capturing more than 85% of the CO₂ and
enabling the nitrogen rich flue gas to be released (iii)Oxyfuel combustion technologies:
into the atmosphere. The CO₂-rich amine While post-combustion and pre-combustion
solution is then regenerated by stripping the carbon capture technologies have been
CO₂ out of the liquid with steam, allowing the commercially established, oxyfuel combustion
lean amine to be recycled to the absorber while technologies are still in the developmental
producing a concentrated CO₂ stream. The CO₂ stage. Oxyfuel combustion represents an
is compressed and cooled in liquid form for emerging novel approach to achieving near zero
further processing and disposition. emissions. Oxyfuel combustion involves
burning the fuel in pure oxygen (O2) instead of
Fossil fuels like coal, oil, natural gas (NG) are air (N2 and O2). The flue gas stream is thus
burnt in the presence of air, hence the flue gas is composed mainly of water and CO₂ , rather than
rich in N2, and the CO₂ percentage typically N2. High purity CO₂ can be recovered by the
varies between 3% to 15%. Since the partial condensation of water.
pressure of CO₂ in the flue gas is quite low,
very high-volume chemical solvent (amine) cir-

4.3 Categorization of Commercially These carbon capture technologies can be applied to

Proven CO₂ Capture pre-combustion, post-combustion or oxyfuel com-
bustion capture. However, for carbon capture at the
Technologies Based on Process pre-combustion stage, the most suitable carbon
capture technologies are physical solvent based
Mature and commercially proven CO₂ capture absorption, adsorption or cryogenic separation - this
technologies (i.e. Technology Readiness Levels or is due to the high concentration and high partial
TRL 8 and 9) can be broadly classified into three pressure of CO₂ at the pre-combustion stage. The
categories based on the process of CO₂ capture. precombustion stage involves partial combustion in
a controlled flow of air, resulting in higher concen-
i) Solvent-based absorption tration and partial pressure of CO₂ in the resultant
gas stream. Typical scenarios include gasifier oper-
a) Physical solvent based absorption
ations and steam methane reformer (SMR) opera-
b) Chemical solvent based absorption tions for producing hydrogen.
ii) Adsorption
iii) Cryogenic separation

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 69

Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

On the other hand, most post-combustion capture adsorption or cryogenic separation-based technolo-
scenarios adopt chemical solvent based absorption. gies and vice-versa. This choice is governed by the
Post-combustion gas streams (viz. flue gas streams availability and cost of utilities required for gas
from coal or natural gas based power plants) typi- conditioning (steam) & pressure boosting (power)
cally have low concentration and low partial pres- as well as the pressure, temperature and purity
sure of CO₂ due to the high amount of nitrogen in requirements of the product CO₂ obtained through
the flue gas because of complete combustion. Such the capture process. Prima facie, the application of
gas streams are most suited for chemical solvents physical solvents, adsorbents or cryogenic technol-
which can achieve high absorption capacity at low ogies in a post-combustion capture setting or the
partial pressures of CO₂ due to the high chemical application of chemical based solvents for pre-com-
affinity of CO₂ to amine-/carbonate-based chemical bustion carbon capture may adversely affect the
solvents as well as the faster rate kinetics. carbon capture economics. However, the same can
be offset through the appropriate scale of operations
However, with a change in CO₂ concentration and the low-cost availability of utilities required for
through appropriate gas conditioning as well as gas conditioning & compression.
pressure boosting, post-combustion capture scenar-
ios can also adopt physical solvent absorption or

4.4 Commercially Proven CO₂ Capture Technologies

Brief descriptions of the commercially proven and matured carbon capture technologies are provided below.

4.4.1 Solvent-Based Absorption Process The CO₂ present in the feed/process gas is first
Solvent-based CO₂ capture processes have been selectively absorbed in an absorber using a solvent
used for over half a century for processing natural (physical or chemical); the CO₂ lean gas exits the
(sour) gas, combustion flue gas and Fisch- absorber. Next, the CO₂-rich solvent is sent to a
er-Tropsch (FT) synthesis products. The fundamen- stripper-type configuration where the CO₂ is
tal principle on which solvent-based CO₂ capture released from the solvent and the lean solvent is
technologies work is the “selective absorption” of regenerated for reuse. Thereafter the CO₂-rich
CO₂ over the other gaseous constituents. The work- stream is purified, dehydrated, and compressed to
ing principle of solvent-based CO₂ capture is raise the pressure to the required level, depending
depicted in Figure 4-3. on the end-use or disposition pathway for the
captured CO₂ .

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 70

Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

Figure 4-3: Schematic Representation of Working Principle of Solvent-Based CO₂ Capture


CO2 lean gas EOR / F&B / Storage

CO2 lean solvent



Feed gas

CO2 rich solvent

Solvent-based CO₂ capture technologies are further depiction of the relationship between the CO₂
categorized based on whether the CO₂ reacts with absorption capacities of chemical and physical
the solvent chemically (chemical solvents and solvents (known as “solvent loading”) and the
chemical absorption) or dissolved physically (phys- partial pressure of CO₂ in the gas stream is provid-
ical solvents and physical absorption). A schematic ed in Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4: Schematic Representation of CO₂ Absorption Capacity of Chemical and

Physical Solvents as a Function of the Partial Pressure of CO₂

Physical solvent
CO2 Absorption Capacity /
Solvent Loading

Chemical solvent

Favors Chemical solvent Favors Physical solvent

Partial pressure of CO2

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 71

Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

Chemical absorption based CO₂ capture is better Figure 4-5 depicts the operating ranges of various
suited for gas streams having a low concentration solvents for CO₂ capture and forms the basis for
and partial pressure of CO₂ due to the high chemi- selecting suitable CO₂ solvents. The low CO₂ par-
cal affinity of CO₂ to amine-/carbonate-based tial pressures in the flue gas of coal-fired power
chemical solvents as well as faster rate kinetics. plants make amine-based chemical absorption the
While chemical solvents can achieve high absorp- preferred technology/solvent. However, for
tion capacity at low partial pressures of CO₂, a relatively higher gas stream pressure and CO₂ con-
non-reactive or physical solvent performs well at centration, such as in the syngas of gasifiers and
higher partial pressures of CO₂. As shown in Figure SMRs, physical absorption-based capture is more
4-4, the solubility curve for a physical solvent typi- suitable.
cally follows Henry’s law, i.e., a linear relationship
with the partial pressure of CO₂.

Figure 4-5: Operating Regimes of Various Solvents for CO₂ Capture


Physical solvent,
hybrid, or hot
Hybrid potassium Physical solvent
Partial pressure of acid gas in feed, psia


Physical solvent or activated hot potassium carbonate

Activated hot potassium carbonate s

or inhibited concentrated amine su
Activated hot potassium carbonate or amine out
101 d
l inl
Amine e of

10-1 100 101 102
Partial pressure of acid gas in product, psia

Chemical Solvent-Based Absorption Process is an exothermic reaction and hence favoured at

A basic flow diagram for a chemical solvent-based lower temperatures. Hence it is necessary to
CO₂ capture is depicted in Figure 4-6. The chemi- pre-cool the feed gas. During the cooling of the feed
cal reaction between CO₂ and the chemical solvent gas, water condenses out of the wet gas.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 72

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Figure 4-6: Typical Flow Diagram of Chemical Solvent Based CO₂ Capture

>95% pure CO2 to compression (2 bar)

90% captured
Flue gas to stack

Reflux drum
Water wash

Absorber tower (400C)

Wash water
cooler Lean solvent 23 bar

Stripper tower
Lean solvent LP steam ~1300C
cooler Solvent saturated
Flue gas Condensate
Flue gas

2.1 bar
Water make-up Rich solvent

The cooled gas stream reacts with the amine-based in the regeneration of the solvent by breaking the
solvent at 40-60°C via a countercurrent flow reac- chemical bonds between CO₂ and the chemical
tion within the absorber column, resulting in: solvent. The heat required for the regeneration of
(a) CO₂ free gas stream; and the solvent is provided by a reboiler, supplied with
steam extracted from captive CHPs/CGPs. Such a
(b) Solvent with chemically bound CO₂
heat and strip operation for the regeneration of the
solvent leads to a high thermal energy penalty.
The major process units include: Depending on the solvent used and system configu-
ration, the steam consumption for solvent regenera-
Absorber: Multiple stages of structured packing in tion can range from 1.1 to 1.5 tonne of steam/tonne
the absorber columns maximizes the contacting of CO₂ .
surface area and mass transfer rate of CO₂ in the
solvent during the countercurrent flow. While the While the dense CO₂ stream exits the stripper from
CO₂ -depleted gas stream leaves the absorber from its top stage, the CO₂ -lean solution is cooled and
its top stage, the CO₂ -rich solvent stream exits the recirculated to the absorber. Typically, the absorber
absorber column from its bottom stage and is and stripper’s operating pressures for chemical
pumped to the stripper/regenerator. solvent-based capture are low, ranging from 1 – 4
bar(a). The primary characteristics of a solvent
Stripper /Regenerator: At the stripper, the appli- which determine its efficacy are as follows:
cation of higher temperatures (100-140°C) results

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Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

a. Rate kinetics: Faster rates of reaction between Low CO₂ equilibrium backpressures at
the solvent and CO₂ ensure better mass transfer absorption conditions
performance at the gas-liquid interface, thus Easy reversible reactions at regeneration
facilitating a smaller absorber volume and a temperatures
lower cost of capture.
Low volatility of the solvent
b. CO₂ carrying capacity: A higher CO₂ High resistance of solvent to oxidative and
carrying capacity of the solvent reduces the thermal degradation
regeneration load, auxiliary unit costs and
energy requirements. A multitude of chemical solvents have shown vary-
ing degrees of success, including amine based
c. Reaction enthalpy: A lower enthalpy for the (primary/secondary/tertiary/hindered), non-aque-
reaction between the solvent and CO₂ ous (NASS), carbonate-based and phase change
transpires into lower energy requirements to based solvents. While primary and secondary
break the solvent-CO₂ bond during desorption. amines (such as MEA, DGA, AEE, DEA) have
higher reaction rates and lower CO₂ carrying
d. Water content: A decrease in water content in capacities, tertiary amines and polyamines (such as
the solvent (aqueous solution) decreases the MDEA and piperazine) have lower reaction kinet-
energy loss associated with vaporizing water ics and higher CO₂ carrying capacities. Due to
(during CO₂ stripping at high temperatures) and competing characteristics, often blends of varying
increases the CO₂ carrying capacity of the solvent compositions are used to exploit high reac-
solvent. tion rates and CO₂ carrying capacity along with
lower regeneration loads. Specifically, for MEA
e. Other desirable characteristics of the based systems, the steam (LP steam at ~3 bar(a))
energy requirement for solvent regeneration can
solvent: range from 3.6 to 7 GJ/t CO₂ , depending on the
system configuration and heat integration. A few of
the proven and emerging solvent-based technolo-
gies are tabulated below:

Table 4-1: Commercially Proven Chemical Solvent Based Capture Technologies

Sl. Technology Solvent Special Features TRL

No. Supplier
1 Air Liquide Proprietary blends of amines Low energy 9
(primary/secondary/tertiary/hindered) and requirement of 2.5 to
activators (heterocycles, primary or secondary 2.6 GJ/t CO₂
alkanolamines, alkylenediamines or
polyamines) having higher stability than MEA

2 ION Clean Proprietary ICE-21 solvent which is an amine Low energy 6

Energy with an organic solvent; low water content requirement of 2.5 to
2.6 GJ/t CO₂

3 Kansai KM CDR KS-21TM solvent having Capture with 99.9% 5–6

Mitsubishi proprietary composition: sterically purity
hindered amine, low volatility,

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Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

Sl. Technology Solvent Special Features TRL

No. Supplier
4 Carbon Proprietary solvent CDRMax® Lowers solvent 8
Clean degradation and
Solutions solvent emissions

5 Honeywell Several types of proprietary solvents viz. High thermal and 9

UOP Amine GuardTM FS, BenfieldTM and chemical stability
SeparALLTM. Amine Guard is the most popular.

6 Baker An ammonia-based solvent; ammonium High pressure 7

Hughes carbonate solution stripping possible

Physical Solvent-Based Absorption Process be broken for solvent regeneration, the thermal
The major difference between chemical energy penalty is much lower. The regeneration of
solvent-based capture and physical solvent-based the physical solvent is achieved mainly by reducing
capture is that the latter is favoured in cases where pressure. However, the operating temperatures of
the gas stream has a high partial pressure of CO₂ , physical solvent-based capture processes are much
such as in gasification, sour gas processing or lower (ranging from -70 °C to +20°C) compared to
syngas from SMRs. There is no chemical reaction chemisorption based capture, thus necessitating
involved, and the capture process is guided purely high power consumption. The typical process flow
by physisorption. Since no chemical bonds need to diagram is depicted in Figure 4-7 below.

Figure 4-7: Basic Process Flow Diagram of the Physical Solvent Based Absorption Process


CO shift
CO, H2 ,CO2 conversion





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The two major commercially available physical tion is chilled methanol (at sub-zero temperatures),
absorption-based technologies are Rectisol® whereas the SelexolTM process uses a mixture of
(offered by Linde and Air Liquide) and SelexolTM dimethyl ether of polyethylene glycols (DEPG).
(offered by Honeywell UOP). In the Rectisol® The regenerated solvent is recycled and reused in
process, the physical solvent used for CO₂ absorp- the absorption unit.

4.4.2 Adsorption Process

In the adsorption-based CO₂ capture process, the TSA operations involve high temperatures, which
CO₂ molecules selectively adhere to the surface of may lead to the degradation of the desired products
the adsorbent material and form a film. This is and reduce the life of the adsorbent material. In the
possible because of the difference in diffusivities PSA route, there is no need for heating/cooling and
and heat of adsorption values for the feed gas hence the cycle time is significantly reduced to the
stream components. The working principle of order of a few minutes. Hence, adsorption through
adsorption-based CO₂ capture can be described in the PSA route is the preferred choice, allowing the
three primary steps: economical removal of a large number of impuri-
CO₂ adsorption on the surface of the adsorbent ties. The typical process flow of the PSA technolo-
gy is depicted in Figure 4-8.
Diffusion of other gaseous molecules through the The PSA route comprises timed cycles of adsorp-
adsorbent material and exit from the system tion, pressure equalization, depressurization, blow-
CO₂ desorption by either decreasing pressure or down, purge and re-pressurization across multiple
increasing temperature. While the former is fixed beds. These beds consist of different types of
known as Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA), the adsorbent materials, such as activated alumina,
latter is called Temperature Swing Adsorption silica gel, activated carbon or molecular sieves. Air
Products and Honeywell UOP both offer the PSA
carbon capture technology.

Figure 4-8: Five-step Pressure-swing Cycle of UOP’s PolybedTM PSA System

Product To Next From Other

Vessel Vessel

Purge Product

Feed Tail Gas Tail Gas

Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5:

Adsorption Co-current Counter current Purge Re-pressurization
depressurization depressurization

Red: impurity | Blue: product

Source: UOP

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4.4.3 Cryogenic Separation Process difference in their boiling points. A simple sche-
Cryogenic separation for CO₂ capture is similar to matic illustration (based on the cryogenic capture
the conventional distillation process, except that it technology offered by Air Liquide) is provided in
involves the separation of components from a Figure 4-9.
gaseous mixture (instead of liquid) based on the

Figure 4-9: Process Flow Diagram of the Cryogenic Separation by Air Liquide (CryocapTM H2 Technology)

H2 Product

gas SMR Shift H2-PSA



Cold Product CO2
Tail gas Condenser

to fuel gas Heater

Source: Air Liquide Technology Handbook 2018

The first step of the process is to compress and The cold box section aims to separate CO₂ from the
dehydrate the feed gas. The feed gas is compressed remaining components. The gas is cooled down in
to about 10 bar(a) and cooled with chilled water the main heat exchanger to perform the first separa-
before drying to reduce the size of the dehydration tion after partial condensation. The vapor phase of
unit. There are two parallelly placed dryers – one the 1st separator is then sent back to the main heat
operates in an adsorption mode and the other in a exchanger and then to the membrane skid for
regeneration mode. The dry gas from the regenera- further processing. The liquid phase from the first
tion gas separator is rich in CO and CH4 and is separator containing the majority of CO₂ is sent to
transferred back to the SMR. After drying and puri- a distillation column to purify the CO₂ from the
fication, the gas is again compressed to about 40 remaining CH4 and CO. The first membrane system
bar(a) pressure before entering the cold box. aims at separating the bulk of the hydrogen from the
rest of the components.

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The hydrogen-rich stream is recycled back to the Due to the extreme operating conditions of high
SMR. The second membrane system will allow the pressure and low temperature, it is an energy-inten-
recovery of a rich CO₂ stream. This stream is recy- sive process. The energy consumption can range
cled to the feed compressor. The remaining stream, from 600-660 kWh/tonne of CO₂ recovered in
rich in CO and CH4, is regenerated in the dryers liquid form. Both Air Liquide and Honeywell UOP
before sending to the SMR. The final CO₂ com- offer the cryogenic carbon capture technology with
pression aims to achieve the required pressure for different names.
CO₂ based on the downstream product CO₂
requirements and specifications.

4.5 Comparative Analysis of Various Commercial Scale CO₂ Capture Technologies

Table 4-2: Comparative Analysis of Various Commercial Scale CO₂ Capture Technologies

Process Working Principle Advantages Limitations Examples

Chemical Chemical reaction between High absorption at a low High energy (steam) BASF / OASE®
Solvent CO₂ and solvent partial pressure of CO₂ required for ICE-21, ICE- 31
Governed by rate kinetics & Selective capture and solvent regeneration KS-1TM, KS-
thermodynamics high purity CO₂ product 21TM

Physical Absorption due to CO₂ Suitable for gas streams Low energy RectisolTM
Solvent solubility in the solvent with a high partial pressure efficiency for low SelexolTM
Governed by of CO₂ partial pressure of
Henry’s Law Regeneration through CO₂
low temperature flashing High compression
or pressure reduction requirement for low
High absorption pressure feed gas
capacity & lower solvent H2S is often
recirculation rates absorbed more
effectively than

Adsorption Selective adsorption due Selective capture Batch process PSA

to difference in diffusivity Can be performed at Complex pressure VSA
& heat of adsorption normal temperatures balancing TSA
Governed by pressure management
change system
High electrical

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 78

Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

Process Working Principle Advantages Limitations Examples

Cryogenic Low-temperature Selective capture High energy CryocapTM

Separation separation Generates high requirement Ortloff Dual
through liquefaction purity CO₂ High operating Refrigerant
Governed by Liquefied CO₂ product pressure CO₂
temperature change can be used for F&B Fractionation
grade CO₂ (DRCF)
Almost no steam
Low area footprint

Summary of the CO₂ capture technology types iv) Cryogenic CO₂ capture: preferred in cases
and applicability where the cost of power is low. This technology
also provides a unique advantage by generating
i) Chemical solvent-based CO₂ capture additional hydrogen without increasing the
technologies: preferred when dealing with gas amount of feedstock (natural gas)/ producing
streams that are lean in CO₂ and have relatively the same quantity of hydrogen with lower
lower pressures, such as flue gases. The cost natural gas consumption.
and availability of steam are key factors, as
regenerating the solvent requires large The applicability of the various CO₂ capture tech-
quantities of steam. nologies viz., physical solvent, chemical solvent,
adsorption and cryogenic, also depends on the proj-
ii) Physical solvent-based CO₂ capture ect objectives and gas stream characteristics,
technologies: these work well on gas streams including:
with relatively higher CO₂ concentration and
pressure. CO₂ capture volumes targeted/desired
iii) Adsorption-based CO₂ capture: they are CO₂ end usages and CO₂ purity required
suitable for pre-combustion capture, where the Source gas characteristics (CO₂ concentration,
gas stream has high pressure and a high CO₂ pressure and volumes)
concentration. Availability and cost of utilities such as steam,
power, water, fuel, etc.
Plot availability and space constraints

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Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

4.6 Relative Cost Economics of Commercially Proven Carbon Capture Technologies

The capital costs and cash costs of different carbon relative cost curve for carbon capture projects in the
capture technologies depend on the CO₂ source different target sectors, considering a typical refer-
characteristics, i.e. pressure & CO₂ concentration, ence plant size in each sector. CO₂ delivery from
which mainly determine the carbon capture tech- the plant gate has been assumed at 100 bar (a). The
nology choice. Other key factors are the power & key assumptions are provided in Table 4-3.
steam sourcing costs. Figure 4-10 provides a

Table 4-3: Key Assumptions for the Relative Cost Curve of Different Carbon Capture Technologies

Target Sector CO₂ Stream CO₂ stream Envisaged Capture Ref. CCU
Source specifications Technology capacity (mtpa)
Gasification Gasification/Water 25-40% CO₂ conc. Physical solvent 1 mtpa
of solid fuels gas shift reactor outlet & 20-50 bar (a)

SMR based Tail gas from PSA/ ~66%/20% CO₂ Cryogenic/ PSA + 0.7 - 1.0 mtpa
H2 production Flue gas conc. & near atm. Cryogenic hybrid

Refinery and Water-gas shift ~35%+ CO₂ conc. Physical solvent 2 mtpa
chemicals reactor outlet & 20-30 bar (a)

Cement Flue gas 15-20% CO₂ conc. Amine/ PSA & 2 mtpa
& near atm. pressure Cryogenic hybrid

Iron and BF gas + flue gas ~20% CO₂ conc. & Amine/ 1 mtpa
steel from sinter plant/BF near atm. pressure PSA & Cryogenic
stoves + CPP hybrid + Amine

Coal-based Flue gas 7-20% CO₂ conc. & Amine 5 mtpa

power near atm. pressure

Natural Flue gas 3-5% CO₂ conc. & Amine 0.7 mtpa
gas-based power near atm. pressure

CO₂ capture cost is the lowest for the gasification capture will be lower where steam can be sourced
process, as carbon capture is already integrated from a coal-based boiler. But, the cost of capture for
within the plant design. So, only an incremental “refinery & chemical” and “NG based power” is
additional cost is required for the purification and significantly higher due to NG based steam produc-
compression of the CO₂ stream. The capture costs tion. Additionally, CO₂ concentration is the lowest
for other production processes like SMR-based H2 for natural gas-based power plants, which makes
production, iron & steel, cement, power etc., the capture cost the highest out of all major indus-
include the costs for gas processing, carbon capture, tries.
and compression and are hence higher. The cost of

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Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

Figure 4-10: Cost Curve for CO₂ Capture Across Processes/Industries

Source: Dastur Analysis

4.7 Evolving CO₂ Capture Technologies

Carbon capture technologies and projects have been CO₂ capture technologies differ widely; apart from
operating commercially since the 1970s. The com- pre-combustion and post-combustion based tech-
mercially established capture technologies have nologies, there exists the potential to use ionic
significant steam and power duties, leading to liquids for carbon capture from power plants and
significant regeneration energy requirements and industrial facilities while enhancing the CO₂ cap-
secondary emissions. Thus there is ample opportu- ture ability and reducing the carbon capture costs &
nity for further research and development of newer energy requirements. The various types/routes of
carbon capture technologies and even deploying a CO₂ capture are provided in Figure 4-10 and
hybrid of traditional and emerging methods of discussed below. The most promising newer/evolv-
carbon capture. The evolving carbon capture tech- ing carbon capture technologies are DAC and calci-
nologies have challenges with respect to selectivity, um looping.
absorbing capacity, energy, new material develop-
ment, demonstrability and scalability, but they still
offer significant potential with respect to their
decarbonization impact.

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Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

Figure 4-11: Various Carbon Capture Routes

4.7.1 Direct Air Capture of approaches for the removal of CO₂ from the
Over 175 nations of the world are signatories of the atmosphere using biological, engineered or hybrid
Paris Climate Agreement, which calls for formulat- approaches. CDR can play an important role in
ing strategies for deep decarbonization and climate change mitigation and thus supplement
long-term net zero targets. Against this backdrop, existing carbon capture technologies, which reduce
Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) from the atmo- and prevent emissions of carbon dioxide from
sphere is likely to play a major role as a component source points.
of global climate strategies. CDR refers to a range

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Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

CO₂ removal from the atmosphere can be done units for capturing low-concentration CO₂ from the
using chemicals, refrigeration or membranes. These atmosphere. DAC needs a large flow of air and
approaches are similar to industrial applications hence requires significant mechanical and thermal
such as air separation units for producing oxygen energy for the air to pass through the capture system
and CO₂ as a by-product for the food & beverage and the separation of CO₂ from the capture
industry or atmospheric CO₂ scrubbers which are medium, making the DAC process very energy and
used in submarines and spaceships. cost intensive. Figure 4-11 shows two technological
approaches: (a) passing air through solutions
Direct Air Capture (DAC) can play a vital role in (hydroxide solution /amine /amino acid) and (b) use
emission reduction using decentralized mobile of solid sorbent filters to reduce the cost.

Figure 4-12: Basic Technical Schematic of Direct Air Capture Technology

Approach 1

Approach 2

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Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

The minimum energy required for capturing CO₂ carbon capture technologies because it removes
from the atmospheric air at 400 ppm has been report- CO₂ from ambient air, not from the flue gases,
ed as 19-22 kJ/mol CO2, which is almost 4 times through physical or chemical separation processes.
than the energy requirements of the post combustion There are three categories of approaches towards
process containing 10-15% CO₂ concentration in the separation of CO₂ from the air.
the flue gas of a coal-fired power plant (4.6-5.6
kJ/molCO2). DAC is distinct from “point-source”

Table 4-4: Various DAC Approaches

Sl. No. Approach of Description


1 Chemical In this category of separation, CO₂ in the air reacts with liquid solvents or solid
sorbents, temporarily binding to them. The solvent or sorbent is then heated or
subjected to a vacuum, releasing the CO₂ for further concentration. This approach
is similar to point-source carbon capture systems that remove CO₂ from flue gas.
The solvents/sorbents used are aqueous hydroxides, solid-supported amines and
solid alkali carbonates etc.

2 Membranes CO₂ can be separated from air and seawater using membranes, including ionic
exchange and reverse osmosis membranes. This mimics the way plants and animals
separate CO₂ .

3 Cryogenic CO₂ has a relatively high freezing temperature among gases, and can be frozen out
of the air. Currently, CO₂ is recovered from the air by freezing it as a by-product of
cryogenic oxygen separation.

Most companies developing DAC projects prefer There is also ongoing research in the development
the chemical approach, using either liquid solvents of various physio-sorbent materials, such as
or solid sorbents, as the heat and power required to zeolites and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs),
regenerate the key chemical reagents are easier to which typically bind CO₂ much more weakly than
handle and manage. Hence mainstream DAC tech- chemical sorbents. So far, the experimental results
nologies are based on reversible chemical sorbents are not very encouraging as they perform ineffi-
that can be recycled multiple times to capture and ciently at the very low CO₂ concentrations of ambi-
release CO₂. This process tends to degrade the ent air and are also inhibited by the presence of
material, reducing CO₂ capture capacity and atmospheric moisture. Therefore, no company or
making its replacement necessary from time to developmental group has yet used these physio-sor-
time. The choice of the appropriate chemical mate- bent materials as primary capture materials for any
rials is an important part of DAC system design DAC project. The major design challenges for the
since it determines the overall system design. efficient and economical operation of DAC plants
and possible suggested mechanisms to address the
same are summarized in Table 4-5.

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Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

Table 4-5: Design & Operational Issues of DAC Plants

Sl. No. Design and Operational Possible Suggested Solutions


1 Minimize exhaustion of Use of a combinational process of Temperature-Swing Adsorption

sorbent-liquid/solid materials (TSA) [heating the sorbent material, whether solid or liquid],
while being regenerated, Moisture-Swing Adsorption (MSA) [by changing the amount of
releasing the adsorbed CO₂ . ambient moisture/humidity] and Pressure-Swing Adsorption (PSA)
[changing the ambient pressure of the air], depending on the
properties of the sorbent material.

2 Maximization of the area & Better design of the air contactor to handle both large volumes of
contact timing of air with the air throughput and also the flow of a liquid sorbent or the structural
sorbent support of a solid sorbent, considering the structural materials,
geometric design, pressure drop and other features.

3 Minimization of the thermal and Usage of waste heat and renewable energy to compensate for the
electrical energy requirement for thermal and electrical energy load. Use blended sorbents to achieve
regeneration of sorbent and the desired level of thermal performance.
pushing air through the system

There are presently 19 DAC plants operating US$ 100 per tonne of CO₂ are improvement in
worldwide, cumulatively capturing about 0.01 mtpa contactor, sorbent and regeneration. The current
CO₂. DAC plants are still in their infancy and are DAC costs are about 2X to 6X times the desired
very expensive. The key improvement areas for levels, and depends largely on the source of energy
DAC technologies to drive down costs to below being used.

Table 4-6: DAC Plants Worldwide

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Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

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Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

The key strengths and advantages of DAC technol- energy needed to separate CO₂ from air is
ogies vis-à-vis other CDR approaches are as approximately three times higher than flue gas
follows: from industrial sources. This is one of the
strongest challenges for DAC to be competitive
a) The cumulative removal potential of DAC is vis-à-vis industrial scale carbon capture from
very large in relation to other CDR pathways. sources such as flue gases.
The CO₂ removal can be permanent when
coupled with geological storage or b) Other CDR pathways provide concomitant
mineralization. benefits such as improving biodiversity and
agricultural practices. DAC does not provide
b) Water requirements for DAC are far lower than any such co-benefits, although DAC could be
other pathways that harness bioenergy crops for incorporated into a system where DAC provides
carbon removal. CO₂ as a feedstock for downstream CO₂
c) High annual rates of CO₂ removal by DAC
could be sustained for centuries at the global c) DAC requires a large quantum of energy per
level, based on the CO₂ storage capacity of tonne of CO₂ removed and hence requires
geological reservoirs that can serve as sinks for cheaper and larger waste-based or renewable
the captured CO₂ . sources of energy to make it competitive or at
par with the other CDR approaches.
d) DAC has no direct impacts on nutrient cycling
and requires no application of additional
nutrients (such as nitrogen or phosphorous DAC technology needs to simultaneously achieve
fertilizers) in contrast to biomass crop based much lower total costs (both capital and operating
pathways, ocean fertilization and enhanced costs) and higher net (lifecycle) CO₂ removal. It is
weathering. important to understand, explore and therefore
formulate the possible “Technology & Develop-
The key challenges of DAC are as follows: mental Pathway for DAC” (Figure 4-13) to achieve
these goals and make DAC a mainstream and scal-
a) DAC is more expensive than other CDR able CDR solution.
options. The reported cost of DAC ranges from
US$ 300-600/tonne of CO₂, with a predictive
estimation that the costs will go down to US$
100/tonne of CO₂ in the future, which is higher
than the average carbon market prices. Thus
DAC needs strong policy support for the
developmental roadmap towards deployment
and scaling up. The high costs of DAC are due
to CO₂ being much more dilute in the
atmosphere (0.04%) vis-à-vis industrial sources
such as power plant flue gases (5% in NG based
power plants and 12% in coal based power
plants). As a result, the theoretical minimum

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Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

Figure 4-13: Technology & Developmental Pathway for DAC

4.7.2 Calcium Looping The CaL process was first introduced in the 19th
Calcium Looping (CaL) capture can either be clas- century in the context of sorption-enhanced hydro-
sified as a pre-combustion method or as an alterna- gen production. However, the first instance of using
tive to the emerging early-stage oxyfuel combus- the CaL process as a carbon capture scheme in
tion technology. The CaL process is based on the power generation systems was introduced by
multicyclic calcination–carbonation of CaCO3, Shimizu, who proposed two interconnected circu-
which can be obtained from limestone, a cheap and lating fluidized bed (CFB) reactors for the carbon-
abundantly available material. The key reactions ation and calcination reactions (Figure 4-14).

Calciner Reaction:
CaCO3 → CaO + CO₂ Delta H = 182.1 kJ/mol (1)

Carbonator Reaction:
CaO + CO₂ → CaCO3 Delta H = -182.1 kJ/mol (2)

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Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

Figure 4-14: Basic Schematic of Calcination and Carbonation Reaction in Calcium Looping

The CaL process is based on the reversible gas-sol- restrictions, thermodynamic limitations require the
id reaction between calcium oxide and carbon diox- calciner reactor to be operated above 900 oC, which
ide to form calcium carbonate. The carbonation is the equilibrium temperature of equation (2) at a
reaction involves the reaction of sorbents with CO₂ CO₂ partial pressure of about 1 bar. Calcination can
in the flue gas. be achieved at a temperature lower than 900 oC,
provided that the purge gas is diluted with steam.
The typical CO₂ concentration varies in the range
of 3–30 vol.% depending on the flue gas source. Figure 4-15 shows the carbonation and calcination
The forward reaction occurs in the carbonator operating conditions regions according to the ther-
exothermically at a temperature range of 600 - 700 modynamic equilibrium of the reaction (1) and (2).
C, at which the equilibrium CO₂ partial pressure is The high-operating temperature of the calciner
below 0.001 bar, such that most of the CO₂ in the usually requires oxyfuel combustion in the calciner,
gas stream can be captured by the sorbent. Then, the which necessitates an air separation unit (ASU).
sorbent is regenerated by the reverse endothermic However, the size of the ASU for this process is
reaction, which includes the decomposition of estimated to be one-third of the size of the ASU
calcium carbonate. Noting that the goal of the CaL required for an oxyfuel fired power plant. More-
process is to produce a pure stream of CO₂ , the over, the energy penalty of the ASU is partially
calciner must be purged with either pure CO₂ or the recuperated by the recovery of the high-grade heat
CO₂ has to be diluted with steam, which can be available in the CaL process.
readily separated by condensation. With these

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Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

Unlike amine scrubbing systems, the flue gas is not be used to generate additional steam, owing to their
required to be pre-cooled since the CaL operates at high temperature. As a result, the efficiency penalty
high temperatures. The high-grade heat available of the CaL process (6%–8%) is lower than that of
from the hot CaO and CO₂ streams, as well as the traditional amine scrubbing systems (9.5%–12.5%).
heat from the exothermic carbonation reaction can

Figure 4-15: Equilibrium of CO₂ Partial Pressure vs. Temperature in Calcium Looping Reaction

The techno-economic aspects of the CaL process The kinetics of the carbonation reaction and the
have been reviewed by several researchers, and it is non-catalytic gas–solid heterogeneous reactions
reported that CaL offers significant advantages over play a significant role in various industrial applica-
conventional amine processes with respect to the tions, including lime sulphation, desulphurization
cost per tonne of CO₂ captured - less than US$ 20 of waste gas, and chemical-looping combustion.
per tonne CO₂ for CaL, compared with approxi- Moreover, the CaO + CO₂ carbonation reaction has
mately US$ 30 per tonne CO₂ for amine-based pro- gained attention for the CaL process. It is well-ac-
cesses. The CO₂ capture process accounts for cepted that the carbonation reaction is initially rapid
2%–3% of the efficiency penalty, which is compa- and kinetically controlled, followed by a consider-
rable to the penalty of a desulphurization unit ably slower diffusion-controlled stage.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 90

Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

During the two stages of the carbonation reaction, bined with capture of the CO₂ from a nearby emit-
the kinetically controlled stage, which prevails ter (i.e., not accounting for the transportation and
during the first minute of the reaction, the free storage of CO₂ ) as depicted in Figure 4-17. Thus
surface of CaO is available with which the CO₂ can the CaL process can actually be deployed to make a
react. In this initial stage, the reaction rate is fast profit from the sale of dispatchable renewable elec-
since there is no diffusion resistance and the reac- tricity and from the CO₂ capture services provided
tion is only limited by the reaction kinetics. As the to a nearby emitting plant.
reaction evolves, diffusion takes over as the limit-
ing factor due to the formation of a product layer of
CaCO3 on the surface of CaO. The product layer Figure 4-16: Schematic of Calcium Looping
restricts access of CO₂ to the surface of CaO, inhib- Capture for both CCS & TCES
iting the complete conversion of the CaO sorbent.

The cyclic carbonation-calcination of CaCO3 in

fluidized bed reactors not only offers a possibility
for CO₂ capture but can at the same time, be imple-
mented for Thermochemical Energy Storage
(TCES), a feature which will play an important role
in the future, due to the increasing share of non-dis-
patchable variable electricity generation (e.g., from
wind and solar power). The CaL process is consid-
ered both a Carbon Capture Technology (CCT) and
a Thermo-chemical Energy Storage (TCES) tech-
nology, as well as an integrated dual use system in
energy transitions.

For CO₂ capture, it has been industrially experi-

mented and established that the CaL process
represents a competitive capture technology in
terms of both efficiency and costs. If implemented
as TCES, it increases the dispatchability of renew- A comparison between pre-combustion capture
able energy facilities that are able to provide technologies and CaL technologies employed to
high-temperature streams, such as Concentrated capture CO₂ in gas fired plants reveals that a plant
Solar Power (CSP) plants or be used in any industry integrated with CaL technology has 2.8% higher
where surplus waste heat can be made available. efficiency than the pre-combustion technology. The
Integrating both applications, the CaL process can CaL process has been found to be promising, simi-
turn Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) into lar to oxyfuel combustion and more cost effective
dispatchable electricity while at the same time miti- due to the elimination of the air separation unit, but
gating atmospheric CO₂ emissions from a nearby not suited to high CO₂ concentrations. The oxygen
emitting plant. In summary, it is important to carriers should have high oxygen capacity, thermo-
consider the economic feasibility of the CaL dynamic and kinetic stability, be environmentally
process at different scales when it is deployed for friendly, have high mechanical strength, and be cost
TCES in a concentrated solar plant (CSP) as a effective.
renewable non-dispatchable energy source com-

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 91

Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

Solid sorbents have been investigated as promising optimize and enhance the materials and process
materials for CO₂ mitigation. Solid sorbents of conditions of the calcium looping process.
different types with a wide range of operating
conditions have been developed and tested for The high potential of the process for decarboniza-
carbon capture. Among various solid oxide tion of fossil fuel-intensive industries has led to
sorbents, CaO based materials have emerged as significant investments in scaling-up up this tech-
promising sorbents owing to the abundance and low nology and industrial deployment through numer-
price of calcium sources, fast sorption kinetics, ous pilot-scale demonstration projects around the
high-temperature operation, and synergy with vari- world. Salient details of a few prominent projects
ous industrial processes such as cement. Various are provided in Table 4-7.
methods have been employed by researchers to

Table 4-7: Various Pilot Installations for Experimentation on Calcium Looping

Sl. Name of the Capacity Operational Possible

No. Facility Hours (without stopping) Suggested Solutions
1 Industrial 1.9 MWth 600 The flow rate of flue gas from the cement
Technology plant was 3400 Nm3/h with a CO₂ concentration
Research exceeding 15 vol. %. About 15 tonne of sorbent
Institute, was circulated within the system. A CO₂
Taiwan capture efficiency of 85% was achieved with a
capture rate of more than 1 tph.

2 Institute 1.7 MWth 1800 La Pereda is a 50 MWe power plant, and the
Nacional del CaL plant was designed to treat about 1% of the
Carbon, flue gas from the power plant (1400 kg/hr of flue
Spain gas), corresponding to 1 MWth in the La Pereda
power plant. The flue gas composition includes
12.6 vol.% CO₂ , 7.0 vol.% H2O, 5.5 vol.% O2,
and 700 ppmv SO2.

3 Darmstadt 1 MWth 3900 A flue gas stream from the combustion of lignite
University of or natural gas containing approximately 9.5
Technology, vol.% of CO₂ was supplied to the CaL system
Germany for decarbonization. Experimental campaigns
adding up to 230 hours of operation in the
interconnected CFB mode with firing SRF in
the calciner were carried out.

4 University of 200 KWth 600 The CFB calciner operated in a fast fluidization
Stuttgart, regime, while the CFB carbonator was able to
Germany operate under both turbulent and
fast-fluidization regimes. The calciner can
operate in both air-blown and oxyfuel modes.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 92

Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

Calcium looping offers significant advantages over operations. Use of the most efficient techniques
conventional post-combustion capture technologies eg., flame spray pyrolysis and combustion
such as amine scrubbing processes. Due to high synthesis for the production of fine particles
temperature cyclical operations, the stability and with high-surface area and porosity, resulting in
uptake capacity of the CaO-based sorbents decreas- improved sorbent performance.
es, leading to a major hurdle for the large-scale
deployment of this technology. In order to over- b) Incorporation of inert metals in the structure of
come these inherent challenges, a two pronged the CaO-based sorbent to inhibit the sintering at
industrial research & developmental strategies may high-temperature operations, resulting in
be adopted: improved stability over successive cycles of
carbonation & calcination, and making these
a) Production of synthetic sorbents with enhanced sorbents suitable for decarbonization of
stability and CO₂ uptake capacity for better carbon-intensive industries e.g., the cement,
performance of the materials for cyclical steel, and power sectors.

4.8 CO₂ Dispatch Requirements

Figure 4-17: Phase Diagram of CO₂ Showing the
Various Phase Stability Regions
Once CO₂ is captured, it needs to be made ready for
transportation for disposition or utilization. The
quality and pressure of CO₂ requied for different
disposition and utilization applications vary. For
example, for utilization in the food and beverage
industry, the CO₂ needs to be 99.90% pure and
hence a CO₂ purification unit needs to be included
in the plant configuration.

For CO₂ sequestration applications, the transporta-

tion of CO₂ over long distances is done in its super-
critical form as it is the most efficient CO₂ transport
mechanism. In its supercritical state, CO₂ has the
density of a liquid but the viscosity of a gas. This
substantially reduces the required CO₂ volume in
comparison to the volume at standard temperature
and pressure (STP). The supercritical point of CO₂
is achieved at temperatures greater than 31°C and
pressures greater than 74 bar, as shown in Figure

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 93

Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

However, there is a substantial risk involved if the sure at which it will be transported. Under super-
operations are carried out at pressures close to the critical conditions, dense phase CO₂ stream exhib-
critical point. Under these circumstances, a small its retrograde water condensation behaviour, i.e.,
change in the operating temperature and pressure carrying more water instead of less with increasing
can lead to a very large change in the density and pressure. Worldwide CO₂ transportation operations
viscosity of CO₂ due to the formation of a strictly practice the dehydration of the CO₂ stream
two-phase (liquid/gas, supercritical fluid/gas or to minimize its moisture content. Removal of water
supercritical fluid/liquid) stream. Additionally, the is necessary to prevent pipeline corrosion and
fluid velocity changes, resulting in a slug flow – higher injection costs in case of storage of CO₂.
this negatively impacts the operational aspects as Figure 4-19 shows the different dehydration tech-
well as increases the chances of pipeline failure. niques for treating a wet CO₂ stream.

Thus, it is necessary to maintain a single-phase flow

of the CO₂ stream by keeping a wide margin of Figure 4-18: Different Dehydration Techniques for
safety above the rated critical pressure of 74 bar. Treating Wet CO₂ Stream
Sometimes, the reservoir requirements necessitate
keeping the CO₂ stream at pressures above 240 bar
during the injection. However, accommodating for
the volume flow, distance and pressure drops in
trunk pipelines, usually 120-150 bar pressure at the
carbon capture plant gate boundary is optimal from
a design perspective.

From a flexibility and scaling perspective, super-

critical CO₂ is usually distributed through feeder
pipelines at 120-150 bar, and the pressure is elevat-
ed to the required injection pressure at the seques-
tration site. The captured CO₂ gas stream needs to
be compressed suitably for this purpose at the
carbon capture plant end.

Before compression, dehydration of the stream is

necessary for the removal of water. Water can form A comparative analysis between the molecular
corrosive products such as carbonic acid and sieve and desiccant based dehydration (TEG) is
sulphuric acid in the presence of CO₂ and sulphur. presented in Table 4-8. A lot of variances exist in
These acids can corrode the pipeline and result in the available CAPEX and OPEX data mainly
cracks and leaks. Also, the formation of hydrates because of differences in the use of regeneration
(solid ice-like crystals) in the presence of water can techniques, construction materials, number and size
cause severe blockages in the compression & dehy- of adsorption beds, the number of dehydration
dration units and transportation pipelines. trains and compression equipment. While TEG
requires relatively lesser absorbent and footprint
4.5.1 CO₂ Dehydration & Compression area, a molecular sieve unit can reduce the moisture
content to as low as 1 ppmv and result in no CO₂
Dehydration: Once the CO₂ is captured, it needs to loss, unlike TEG.
be dehydrated and compressed to the desired pres-

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 94

Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

Table 4-8: Comparative Analysis of Molecular Sieve and Triethylene Glycol (TEG) based Dehydration Techniques.

Parameter Molecular Sieve TEG (Triethylene glycol)

Type of desiccant Solid Liquid

Life, years 2-4 3-10

150 ppmv
Achievable moisture content 1 ppmv
30 ppmv (by increasing TEG conc.)

300-600 (for 30 bar-a & 30 °C)

Train size, tph of CO₂ rich gas Up to 3500
100-120 (for 5 bar-a & 30 °C)

Absorbent required for a 265 Higher (48-102 t) Lower (30 t)

tph unit

Footprint area High (big bed size for Low (no beds)
moisture adsorption)

CAPEX1, USD / yr. / t CO₂ Variable -

OPEX1, USD / yr. / t CO₂ 5-15 8

CAPEX2, USD / yr. / t NG 3.5 5

OPEX2, USD / yr. / t NG 0.6 0.8

Source: Kemper et al., 2014; EPA

1 For 265 tph unit processing CO₂ gas stream
2 For processing 1 MMCFD Natural Gas (NG) at 31 bar and 8 °C

Compression: The captured CO₂ stream needs to Major trunk pipelines are generally envisaged to
be compressed to facilitate its transportation in the carry the dense CO₂ stream to a location close to
supercritical state to the envisaged disposition loca- the disposition sink. Pressure drop calculations
tion. The pressure to which the CO₂ stream has to based on the Darcy-Weisbach equation show a vari-
be compressed is determined based on: (a) pipeline ation in pipeline pressure drop with varying CO₂
dimensions; (b) volume of the CO₂ stream; and (c) volume flow rate and pipeline diameter (Figure
pressure drops due to frictional losses and the 4-20). The pressure drops increase with increasing
difference in elevation levels throughout the pipe- CO₂ volume flow rates and decrease with increas-
line run. Thus, the design/sizing of the compressors ing pipe diameters.
and pipelines is performed based on the phase-wise
progression of CO₂ volumes.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 95

Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

While a designer may want to opt for a large diame- Axial inflow to each stage
ter pipeline to decrease the pressure drops and
reduce the compressor load, it would raise the costs Low hub/tip ratio
of pipeline material and installation. Thus, the pipe-
line diameter needs to be decided considering an Can be direct-driven by a 4-pole electric motor on
economic trade-off between the costs of the pipe- the bull-gear, or a steam turbine on one of the
line and compression. pinions

Shrouded or un-shrouded impellers can be used

Figure 4-19: Pressure Drop in the CO₂ Pipeline with
Volume Flow Rates (5 to 18 mtpa) and Pipeline Inlet Guide Vane (IGV) for flow control
Diameter (20 to 30 inches). Pipeline Length: 100 km.
Inter-cooling is possible after each stage

Figure 4-21 shows a typical scheme of compression

and dehydration facilities of a compressor train.
Each train consists of the following major compo-

1 LP (Low Pressure) compressor: multi-stage

integrally geared
Source: Dastur Analysis
Out of the various types of compressors available 1 dehydration unit
for CO₂ compression, the traditional approach has
been to use high-speed reciprocating compressors. Intercoolers
They can handle very high pressures and are a natu-
ral choice for high-pressure applications. However, 1 HP (High Pressure) compressor: multi-stage
centrifugal-type compressors are also widely used reciprocating
as they can handle high CO₂ volume flows.
Multi-stage centrifugal compressors are of two The LP compressor can handle high volumes of
types: (a) Between-bearing designs and (b) Inte- CO₂ and is used to raise the pressure to moderate
grally geared designs. The latter has emerged as the levels (about 30-40 barg). The dehydrating unit has
more favourable option for CO₂ compression due a lower capex when operated at moderate pressures
to the following advantages: and hence it is placed after the LP compressor. Next
in the train comes the centrifugal/reciprocating
The number of stages in one machine has no compressor, followed by a pump, for raising the
limit: a pressure ratio of even 200 is possible on pressure to higher levels (about 125-250 barg).
a single frame Both the compressors in the train are envisaged to
be multi-staged, instead of single-staged, as the
External connection after each stage results in former results in higher compression efficiency due
more flexibility in selecting the pressure level for to inter-cooling.
the dehydration system

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 96

Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

Figure 4-20: Typical Scheme of Compression and Dehydration Facility

Source: Dastur Research

4.9 CO₂ Transportation

Ships, tanker trucks, rail and pipelines are the possi- On the other hand, pipeline transportation can
ble options for the transportation of dense CO₂ deliver a constant and steady supply of CO₂ with-
streams from the point of capture to the disposition out the need for intermediate storage and is the most
point. In general, truck and rail transport are feasi- cost-effective and reliable for onshore transporta-
ble options while transporting small volumes, tion of large quantities of CO₂ (Svensson 2004).
whereas ship transportation only becomes econom- There exists more than 8000 km of pipelines for
ically feasible when the transportation distance and CO₂ transportation, mainly in the USA. The choice
CO₂ volumes transported are large. These modes of of mode of transportation depends on the quantity
transportation are mainly used in the food and of CO₂ to be transported and the transportation
beverage industries. distance, as given in Table 4-9.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 97

Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

Table 4-9: Various Modes of Transport of CO₂

Mode of CO₂ volumes Distance Land / Water Suitable CO₂

CO₂ transport utilization pathway
Tanker trucks / Small Short Land Food & Beverage industry

On-shore Large Short Land EOR / Storage


Off-shore Large Short Water EOR / Storage


Ship Small to Medium Long Water EOR / Storage

Source: Dastur research

For the transport of small volumes of CO₂ , typical- along with onshore and offshore pipelines is depict-
ly associated with utilization opportunities such as ed in Figure 4-20. As seen from the figure, ship
food and beverage grade applications, the transpor- transportation becomes economically attractive
tation of purified and liquified CO₂ is done through when the transportation distance is about 2000 km.
cryogenic bullet tankers. The transportation regula- Moreover, marine transport leads to additional CO₂
tions and safety norms are the same as those for emissions, arising from energy usage for CO₂
liquid nitrogen, argon or liquified natural gas liquefaction as well as the combustion of fuel.
(LNG). The road tankers are double-walled vacuum
insulated cryogenic vessels suitable for transport
while maintaining the cryogenic conditions. Apart Figure 4-21: Variation in Transportation Costs of CO₂
from road transport, these tankers also have the as a Function of Distance and Mode (Ship / Pipeline).
flexibility of being useable for ship and rail trans-
portation. The inner vessels and pipework are made
of stainless steel and hence the tankers can be used
for the multipurpose transportation of various
industrial gases such as CO₂, N2, O2 and Ar.

In general, ships are better suited for small to

medium volumes transportation over long distanc-
es, while pipeline transportation is better suited for
larger quantities and relatively shorter distances.
The variation in the transportation costs via ships
Source: IPCC

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Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

4.9.1 CO₂ Pipeline Transportation v. Trunk pipelines: These are pipelines of large
The key factors to consider for CO₂ pipeline trans- diameters carrying high volumes of CO₂ at high
portation are as follows: flow rates for long distances. These pipelines
terminate at strategically located “landing
i. CO₂ flow rate: It is cheaper to develop points”.
“appropriately-sized” CO₂ transportation
pipelines without any provisions to handle any vi. Feeder pipelines: These pipelines branch out
additional capacity in the future. However, in from the larger trunk pipelines. The feeder lines
case of an increased CO₂ supply in the future, a are usually narrower and carry lower volumes
completely new pipeline architecture and of CO₂ for shorter distances into specific
distribution network will be required to disposition sinks. Since each disposition
transport the additional CO₂. On the contrary, sink/application has a different P&T
“oversized” pipelines are those that have requirement, the CO₂ stream must be raised to
provisions for transporting additional CO₂ an appropriate pressure by using a booster
volumes in the future. pump at a booster station.

ii. Operating pressure and temperature: Since vii. Pressure drop: The variation in frictional
the CO₂ stream needs to be in its supercritical pressure drop as a function of CO₂ flow rate
state, the operating temperature and pressure and pipe diameter is calculated based on the
should be more than 31 °C and 74 bar (critical Darcy-Weisbach equation (Figure 4-18). While
point). the pressure drop is found to be directly
proportional to CO₂ flow rates, it decreases
iii. CO₂ stream composition: The presence of with an increase in pipe diameter. The
impurities can cause significant operational maximum calculated pressure drop is about
issues during transportation. Generally it is 15-20 bar for a pipe with an external diameter of
recommended to limit the impurity levels to: 30 inch, carrying 18 mtpa CO₂ . This pressure
5-50 ppmv H2O, 10-100 ppmv O2, 10 ppmv H2S drop must be accounted for by compressing the
and 1 vol% N2. CO₂ stream before entering the pipe. Although
using a pipe diameter of more than 30 inch can
iv. Length of pipeline and route selection: The reduce the pressure drop further, it would mean
pipeline architecture and network distribution incurring significantly higher pipeline costs.
are planned to maximize operational flexibility
and economical viability while minimizing viii.Pipeline diameter and thickness: While a
safety concerns. The initial plans for CO₂ pipeline with a smaller diameter results in
disposition may change over time and hence a higher flow velocities, pressure drops and wall
CO₂ pipeline network also needs to develop erosion, a pipeline with a larger diameter results
over time to cater to different types of CO₂ in very high costs. Thus, the selection of the
disposition projects at different locations. Given right pipeline diameter depends on a trade-off
the scarcity and difficulty in developing between these two factors. The design should
multiple CO₂ sinks, a combination of trunk and also limit the CO₂ stream velocity below the
feeder pipelines, forming a “hub and spoke” erosional velocity. The pipeline wall should be
configuration may be appropriate for some thick enough to withstand the high-pressure
projects vis-a-vis “tree and branch” or flow and the generated hoop stress (stress
“point-to-point (PTP)” pipeline configurations. generated in a direction perpendicular both to
the axis and to the radius of the cylindrical
pipe). The maximum operating pressure defines
the selection of the pipeline wall thickness.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 99

Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

ix. Pipeline material: The presence of water in (a) Pipe joints with greater wall thickness and
the CO₂ stream results in increased improved hoop-stress properties
susceptibility to corrosion, necessitating the
requirement of anti-corrosive materials for the (b) Non-metallic material wrappings
pipeline. Since the allowable water levels are
considerably low (<50 ppmv), API 5L GR The auxiliary equipment list consists of booster
X52(1500#) carbon steel is recommended as the compressors/pumps, control systems, crack arres-
pipeline material. Although the internal tors, venting equipment, valves (block valves,
corrosion is taken care of due to low moisture check valves and emergency shutdown valves) and
levels, external corrosion needs to be prevented flowmeters. Lower inlet and ambient temperatures
by utilizing the principle of “cathodic result in increased CO₂ densities and decreased
protection”, in combination with a protective pressure losses. Burying the pipelines below the
coating. surface minimizes temperature variation and
prevents temperature rise, thereby aiding efficient
x. Other considerations: High pressure CO₂ transportation.
pipelines require crack arrestors as they cannot
self-arrest longitudinal failures. These arrestors Examples of operating CO₂ pipelines across the
should be installed in intervals of 0.5 to 1 km. world are given in Table 4-10.
Crack arrestors can be of two types:
Table 4-10: CO₂ Pipelines

Country Project Name Length, km Capacity, mtpa Onshore/Offshore Sink

Canada Weyburn 330 2 Onshore EOR

Beaver Creek 76 Not known Onshore EOR

Monell 52.6 1.6 Onshore EOR

Bairoil 258 23 Onshore Not known

Salt Creek 201 4.3 Onshore EOR

Sheep Mountain 656 11 Onshore CO₂ hub
Slaughter 56 2.6 Onshore EOR
Cortez 808 24 Onshore CO₂ hub
Central Basin 231.75 27 Onshore CO₂ hub
Canyon Reef Carriers 354 Not known Onshore Not known
Choctaw (NEJD) 294 7 Onshore EOR
Decatur 1.9 1.1 Onshore Saline aquifer

Norway Snøhvit 153 0.7 Both Porous sandstone


Netherlands OCAP 97 0.4 Onshore Greenhouses

Source: Noothout, Paul, et al. “CO2 Pipeline infrastructure–lessons learnt.” Energy Procedia 63 (2014): 2481-2492.

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Carbon Capture Technology Landscape

Pipeline costs: The three major cost components of The cost of CO₂ transportation pipelines varies
pipelines are: according to the geometry of the pipeline (diameter,
thickness), the volume of CO₂ to be transferred and
Construction costs: include the costs of materi the transportation distance. Depending on the pres-
al/ equipment (pipe, pipe coating, cathodic sure of the CO₂ stream to be transported, the mate-
protection, telecommunication equipment and rial grade used for pipeline manufacture may vary.
required booster stations). These vary with the
pipeline length, diameter, CO₂ flow rate and A pipe with a higher yield stress rating would be
stream quality. less thick and light but would be more expensive.
CO₂ transportation may also cause mesa corrosion
Operation and maintenance (O&M) costs: in the pipeline. Thus, the pipeline needs to be
include the costs of maintenance and monitoring suitably coated with protection measures (3 LPE
coating and impressed current cathodic protection).
Other costs: includes the costs of design, proj- The cost of coating will increase with the length of
ect management, regulatory filing fees, insur- the pipeline. Special care must be taken to ensure
ance, right-of-way and contingencies. that the transportation temperature is maintained
above the dew point temperature of CO₂ (at least
The variation in capital cost of pipelines with the 10°C more). Thus, suitable thermal insulation
type of terrain is shown in Table 4-11. needs to be provided to the pipeline to minimize the
temperature drop per unit length for CO₂ transpor-
tation in the pipeline, thus increasing the cost of
Table 4-11: Representative Cost Metrics of CO₂
Pipeline Based on Terrain
CO₂ pipeline.

Terrain Capital Cost


Flat and Dry 50,000

Mountainous 85,000

Marsh, Wetland 100,000

River 300,000

High Population 100,000

Offshore (45-60 m deep) 700,000

Source: NETL, Kinder-Morgan

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 101

CO₂ Utilization
CO₂ Utilization Technologies

5.1 Types of CO₂ Utilization Technologies

CO₂ utilization technologies present the opportuni- However, the decarbonization opportunity lies in
ties for converting CO₂ into value-added products; the fact that CO₂ can be converted into a vast
these exclude the storage of CO₂ in geological swathe of value-added products, such as fuels,
formations or the injection of CO₂ in depleted oil construction materials, new materials, chemicals,
wells for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). The chal- plastics, agri & industrial products (Figure 5-1).
lenge with utilizing and converting CO₂ to other The conversion of CO₂ into products such as urea
products is due to the fact that CO₂ is a very is well established at a commercial scale and is not
low-energy molecule and needs significant energy covered in this chapter. Instead, the focus is on the
(either as thermal, chemical or electrical energy) to emerging CO₂ utilization technologies, which have
convert to other products, which contributes to been grouped into the following three categories:
significant Scope 2 emissions when viewed from a
CO₂ Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) point of view and i) CO₂ utilization in building construction
also lead to higher costs of production, vis-à-vis the materials
established manufacturing pathways for the same
products. ii) CO₂ utilization in fuels and chemicals

Unlike carbon capture technologies, CO₂ utiliza- ii) CO₂ utilization in the form of carbon
tion technologies are relatively lesser developed. nanomaterials

Figure 5-1: Maturity of Different CO₂ Utilization Technologies

Source: Dastur analysis

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 103

CO₂ Utilization Technologies

5.2 CO₂ Utilization in Building Construction Materials

Cement is one of the pillars of modern life; howev- The global market for concrete is around 30 billion
er, the production of cement is an energy-intensive tonnes per annum and is estimated to grow to about
and CO₂ -emitting process that accounts for about 40 billion tonnes by 2030. This creates a theoretical
7% of global CO₂ emissions. Thus, the production CO₂ utilization potential of 1.4 billion tonnes.
of low-carbon alternative cement is very important Likewise, the global aggregates market is about 25
from the point of view of developing sustainable billion to 30 billion tonnes annually and is estimat-
construction materials. Other building construction ed to grow to about 50 billion tonnes by 2030,
materials, like pre-casted blocks, aggregates, and providing a CO₂ storage potential of 3.6 billion
concrete, also offer significant potential for CO₂ tonnes (Figure 5-2).
utilization. In fact, building construction materials
present the largest opportunity for CO₂ utilization, However, the key challenges are the construction
leaving aside CO₂ for Enhanced Oil Recovery standards for products like concrete in different
(EOR), and is projected to grow as a preferred countries and regions and the higher cost of produc-
market for low carbon materials. tion, thus requiring specific policy and financial
support for low carbon materials. The development
In these applications, CO₂ is utilized via carbon- of CO₂ utilization processes to develop novel build-
ation curing technology, providing a pathway for ing materials should not disturb existing supply
integrating the economic, permanent, and safe chain logistics or impose additional costs due to an
sequestration of CO₂ and producing low-carbon increase or changes in existing logistics. New quali-
construction materials. Construction materials ty tests and standards also need to be defined for the
represent a potentially large and a low-hanging fruit new building materials. Nevertheless, given the
for CO₂ utilization in the form of various materials large volume of the end markets, low-carbon build-
such cement, sand and aggregate, which together ing construction materials offer the highest CO₂
provide the key raw materials for concrete. utilization prospects, both in terms of market value
and CO₂ reduction potential.
Figure 5-2: Present & Future Market & Potential of BCM and Other CO₂ Utilization Technologies


Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 104

CO₂ Utilization Technologies

Mineral aggregates are the main ingredients in any ated with a large carbon footprint of nearly 0.58
typical concrete composition and comprise 60 to tonne of CO₂ per tonne of cement produced. The
80% of concrete; the rest is a binding phase or a sources of CO₂ emissions in the cement-making
matrix. Mineral aggregates are granular in nature, process are the thermal decomposition of limestone
and their size ranges from millimetres to centime- (CaCO3) to lime (CaO) and also from the use of
tres. The different types of aggregates used globally fossil fuels in the clinkerisation phase of the cement
are derived from natural sources, viz. sand, gravel, manufacturing process. The cement industry has
crushed rock and materials mined from quarries, taken several steps to reduce the CO₂ intensity of
gravel pits, seabeds, and riverbeds. However, the cement production, viz., improving kiln thermal
restrictions and regulations on these natural sources efficiencies, installation of waste heat boilers and
of aggregates are growing due to their depletion, use of waste materials such as fly ash and slags as
contribution to erosion and degradation of various binding materials. However, the growing demand
types and concerns about mining activities in prox- for construction materials and cement has meant
imity to urban areas. that the aggregate CO₂ emissions from the sector
have grown/remained steady even with decreasing
This has led to demand and focus on secondary and CO₂ intensities.
manufactured sources of aggregates, like recycled
concrete and by-products of industrial processes, During the concrete production process, calcium
like blast furnace slag. Although secondary and oxide present in cement exothermically reacts with
manufactured aggregates are still a small portion of water to form calcium hydroxide.
the overall mineral aggregates market, they repre-
sent an important and growing segment. CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2

Against this backdrop, mineral carbonation is a During the concrete hardening process, calcium
prospective CO₂ utilization pathway for aggregate hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) reacts with CO₂ to form the
production, provided the costs can be competitive calcium carbonate (CaCO3), as per the equation
within a certain range and the required quality & below – this process is called “carbonation”. Calci-
performance standards are achieved. um carbonate has the lowest solubility among all
salts in the H2O – CO₂ – Ca system.
Concrete is the key material in the construction
industry and consists of a mixture of aggregates Ca(OH)2 + CO₂ → CaCO3 + H2O
(sand and stone), water, chemical additives, and
cement. Cement is the binding agent and reacts with The process of natural “carbonation” is a surface
water to form the matrix for holding together the phenomenon for hardened concrete components
solid components of concrete, so that concrete can and is a very slow process which occurs over a
form a synthetic rock on hardening and can be lifetime of 80 years. The natural mineral carbon-
shaped as per the construction requirements. Ordi- ation reaction involves alkaline silicate minerals
nary Portland cement (OPC) is the most popular and atmospheric CO₂ , wherein Ca and/or Mg ions
cement type and is produced from limestone and from silicate react with dissolved atmospheric CO₂
other materials like silica, clay, and iron com- (HCO3 −) to form solid carbonates.
pounds and additives.
(Ca,Mg)x Siy O(x+2y) + xCO2 + H2O → (Ca,Mg)CO3
However, the production process of OPC is associ-
+ ySiO2+ H2O

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 105

CO₂ Utilization Technologies

In CO₂ utilization applications involving mineral Mineral carbonation involves the reaction of CO₂
carbonation, the carbonation process is accelerated (in the fluid state or as a solution) with alkaline
to a few hours or by optimizing and improving the mineral solids rich in Ca or Mg materials. The
reaction parameters, such as concentrated & pres- carbonation reactions proceed readily, even at
surized CO₂ source, high P&T, liquid-to-solid ambient conditions of pressure and temperature.
(L/S) ratio, particle size and other operating condi- Carbonation usually involves dissolution and
tions. The carbonation process can also reduce precipitation reactions, i.e. the dissolution of the
cement consumption in the concreting process, elemental species from the reactant solid(s) and the
leading to a lower CO₂ intensity per tonne of solubilization of CO₂ into the liquid phase (e.g.,
concrete produced. water) followed by the precipitation of carbonate
mineral solids from a supersaturated solution. The
Figure 5-3: Rate of Conventional Carbonation Process and reaction of CO₂ to form the cementing can follow
Accelerated Carbonation Process with Captured CO₂ two alternative routes:

i) Injecting fresh concrete with CO₂ over a short

time period; or

ii) Exposing pre-formed structural components to

vapour-phase CO₂ (either dilute or concentrat
ed) for hours within reactors

The rate and extent of CO₂ utilization in each path-

way are also different. In the first case of injection
of fresh concrete with CO₂ , the CO₂ utilization is
limited by the rate kinetics of the reaction of CO₂
Source: L. Czarnecki and P. Woyciechowski – with calcium & magnesium and the CO₂ solubility
“Modelling of concrete carbonation; is it a process in the alkaline aqueous solution – the typical CO₂
unlimited in time and restricted in space?” utilization uptake is ≤ 0.01 g CO₂ per gram of the
cementitious components.
CO₂ utilization in building construction materials
can be threefold - carbonated aggregates, pre-casted In the second pathway, the rate of CO₂ uptake
& pre-formed sections and the curation of concrete depends on the type of reactant and the shape &
(mineral carbonation); the same is depicted in geometry of the structural members. However, the
Figure 5-4. CO₂ uptake is higher and ranges between 5 and 50
g CO₂ per 100 gram of the carbonated aggregate.
The maximum CO₂ uptake demonstrated till date is
Figure 5-4: Different Forms of Utilization of CO₂ in
Building Construction Materials
44g CO₂ per 100 gram of carbonated aggregate.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 106

CO₂ Utilization Technologies

Mineral carbonation technologies can also be divid- Figure 5-5: Different Types of Mineralization Processes
ed into two categories: “In-situ” and “Ex-situ”.
Many research groups at commercial companies
and institutions have developed various processes
to achieve “ex-situ” mineral carbonation with
acceptable kinetics through two different categories
of approaches (Figure 5-5)
• Direct carbonation
• Indirect carbonation

Direct carbonation can be accomplished in a single

stage via direct gas–solid reactions or mineraliza-
tion in aqueous solutions. The aqueous route is
more efficient and effective than dry processing.
CO₂ is sequestered in a recycled product, i.e.
concrete aggregates. The concrete aggregates are
Carbonation hardening involves more complex
exposed directly to a gas stream with a high CO₂
reactions compared to hydration. The specific reac-
concentration in a reactor system at controlled pres-
tivity of the phases and CO₂ availability determine
sure. Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) and C-S-H
the reactions between the hydration and carbon-
present in the concrete react with CO₂ to form a
ation process. Figure 5-6 shows the reactions and
chemically stable calcium carbonate, which is a
products involved in the carbonation hardening of
type of carbonated aggregate (Figure 5-5).
hydraulic cement and non-hydraulic cement, the
Degree of Hydration (DOH) of the cement/clinker,
Indirect carbonation involves a multi-stage aqueous
and the phases (C3S, C2S, C3S2, CS, C3A) of
process. Concrete aggregates are suspended in a
building cement clinker.
solvent in the dissolution reactor, wherein the
solvent selectively extracts the calcium contained in
the hydrated cement. In the next step, the inert
Figure 5-6: Carbonation Curing Processes in Hydraulic
materials (regenerated sand) are filtered out of the
and Non- Hydraulic Cement
slurry and the calcium-enriched solution is fed to
the mineralization reactor. The solution is brought
into contact with CO₂, which results in the crystalli-
zation of stable calcium carbonate. Indirect carbon-
ation can be through different technologies and
process routes, viz. indirect multi-stage gas–solid
mineral carbonation, pH swing process, HCl
extraction, molten salt process, other acid
extractions, bioleaching, ammonia extraction and
caustic extraction.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 107

CO₂ Utilization Technologies

Considering the present success of various com- their different TRLs (Technology Readiness Level)
mercial and R&D initiatives worldwide in the min- are captured in Table 5-1. CO₂ utilization in the
eral carbonation process for manufacturing build- form of building construction materials is thus not
ing construction materials, this process is regarded only a good business proposition but also provides
as an achievable and sustainable avenue for CO₂ a safe route for CO₂ disposition for decades to
utilization. A few of the successful ventures and come.

Table 5-1: Mapping of Mineral Carbonation Technologies Worldwide

Sl. No Company Technology TRL Prime Product

1 Alcoa Corporation, USA Treatment of bauxite waste 6 Construction fill, soil

with CO₂ (from an ammonia plant) amendment

2 Carbicrete Technologies, Carbonation activation of steel 6-7 Carbonated “concrete”

Canada slag

3 Carbon8 Systems, Accelerated carbonation 9 Aggregates/fill, e.g., for

UK technology blocks and concrete

4 Orbix, Belgium Carbonation of steel slag 9 Construction materials,

including roofing tiles

5 Blue Planet, USA Carbonate coating over an 6-7 Aggregate

alkaline substrate

6 Carboclave, Canada Nano-CaCO3 crystals produce 7 Concrete blocks

a densification effect

7 Green Minerals, Norway Carbonation of olivine 3 Building materials

8 Solidia Concrete & pre-casted curing 9 Concrete and re-casted

Technologies, US with liquid CO₂ stream cement blocks

9 CarbonCure, Canada Concrete & pre-casted curing 9 Concrete and re-casted

with liquid CO₂ stream cement blocks

Construction materials provide a large market ing their research in this area and have reported
opportunity for utilizing waste CO₂ for mineral lower comprehensive strengths for concrete, aggre-
carbonation. Mineral carbonation can be utilized to gate, pre-casted bricks/blocks cured under moist
produce both aggregates and binding agents for curing conditions. Also, the efficiency of carbon-
displacing currently used natural and existing ation and the extent of CO₂ uptake depends on vari-
synthetic sources of these commonly used and vital ous operational conditions like P&T, CO₂ concen-
construction materials. As mentioned in Table 5-1, tration, gas stream composition, particle size and
different organizations across the world are focus- mineralogy of the ingredients.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 108

CO₂ Utilization Technologies

The carbonation of CaO-MgO rich raw materials to son with the matrix cured through the carbonation
produce calcium and magnesium carbonate results process, owing to the formation of calcite as a result
in improved mechanical strength. Steel slag of carbonation. Similarly, the hydration curing of
contains high levels of CaO and MgO and hence its concrete, even at elevated temperatures of 60 oC
commercial use in carbonation for producing creates a “volume deformation” due to the expan-
construction materials (supplementary cementitious sion of the internal matrix (for inclusion of the
materials and aggregates) is increasing. However, water of hydration), which is significantly lower in
steel slag has poor hydraulic properties due to a lack the case of carbonation curing. However, sources of
of tri-calcium silicates & amorphous SiO2 content. calcium and magnesium ions are not easily avail-
Hence the replacement of a high proportion of Port- able. The possible sources are seawater, volcanic
land cement with steel slag derived carbonated rocks, slags and alkaline industrial wastes; the key
materials results in concretes of decreased mechani- challenge is that there should be a nearby source of
cal strength. Also, steel slag containing high levels CO₂ so that the CO₂ utilization process is economi-
of free-MgO & CaO can cause excessive expan- cally feasible. The key future research and develop-
sion, resulting in volume instability in the long ment areas include making available reliable,
term. sustainable, and low-cost sources of calcium and
magnesium for reacting with CO₂ . The key chal-
Research has also claimed that under moist or lenges and technology gaps with respect to CO₂
hydration curing conditions, the “microstructure” utilization through building construction materials
matrix in concrete is generally porous in compari- are tabulated below.

Table 5-2: Areas of Challenges & Technology Gap in Carbonated BCM

Sl. No Areas of Challenge Technology Gap

1 Poor compressive Compressive strength of various carbonation cured products e.g., concrete,
strength pre-casted bricks/blocks, and aggregates need to meet the desired values as per the
regular comparative testing standards of similar categories of products available in
the market.

2 Passivation of Optimization of various parameters affecting the CO₂ uptake during mineral
carbonation curing carbonation i.e., operational conditions (temperature, pressure, and CO₂
leading to lesser concentration), composition of contaminants in the CO₂ stream, particle
uptake of CO₂ size and mineralogy of the ingredients.

3 Availability The oxides of alkaline earth metals, essentially CaO, MgO and also silicates, are
of abundant and the prime materials in this mineral carbonation technology and responsible for the
sustainable CO₂ uptake; unfortunately, the availability of these are finite in nature. Therefore
feedstock R&D should focus on developing sustainable and cost effective synthetic and/or
natural alternatives with optimum performance of CO₂ uptake.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 109

CO₂ Utilization Technologies

Building Constructional Materials (BCMs) as men- that of the non-carbonated one (without any ther-
tioned in the above paragraphs e.g., concrete, mal, chemical or any type of degradations), so as to
pre-casted blocks or bricks and coarse or fine aggre- be treated at par by the customers in the respective
gates, are all critical construction materials and markets. However, considering the large carbon
meet the respective recommended manufacturing utilization benefits of carbonated BCMs, and
or testing standards of national and international depending on the specificity and criticality of the
levels. The carbonated version of all these BCMs applications, respective standards, whether interna-
therefore, must fulfill the same quality standards as tional or specific to the country, may be redefined.

5.3 CO₂ Utilization in Fuels and Chemicals

Fuels and chemicals represent a significant oppor- biomass or MSW (through gasification) requires
tunity for CO₂ utilization technologies (Figure the geo-sequestration of the CO₂ produced through
5-1). While fuels and chemicals have different the process, and there are only a handful of such
end-use markets, the carbon utilization processes projects across the world. Green hydrogen
have certain similarities, and hence both opportuni- produced through the electrolysis of water using
ties are considered together. As per the Global CO₂ entirely renewable sources of energy is still very
Initiative Roadmap, the estimated market size of the expensive compared to hydrogen produced using
two product categories ranges from US$ 1 BB to the traditional method of SMR. Research in the area
more than US$ 2500 BB per year, which corre- of green hydrogen is expected to also benefit CO₂
sponds to a CO₂ abatement opportunity of 0.1 mtpa utilization in fuels and chemicals through the avail-
to 2.1 Gtpa of CO₂ (Figure 5-2). ability of green hydrogen at lower cost points.

The conversion of CO₂ to fuels and chemicals often Industrial emissions and waste gases containing CO
involves the addition of hydrogen to the carbon and CO₂ are already being converted to low-carbon
atom in CO₂ . Accordingly, current research in this fuels at the commercial scale, resulting in fuels
area is focused on developing catalytic, elec- which have more than 70% carbon abatement
tro-chemical and photolytic processes to facilitate vis-à-vis fossil fuels. Various commercial-scale
the reaction for producing useful value-added prod- industrial processes use CO₂ as one of the key raw
ucts in a techno-economically feasible manner and materials to produce various different high chemi-
for scaling up the processes to the commercial cals or fuels (Figure 5-7). However, these processes
scale. typically involve significant energy requirements
for the conversion process as CO₂ is a very stable
One key challenge in this respect in the availability compound, requiring significant activation energy
of clean hydrogen at a low cost. Producing low for the reaction process. Nevertheless, CO₂ is still
carbon hydrogen (blue hydrogen) from natural gas being utilized as a carbon source for producing
(through steam methane reforming) or coal, many fuels and chemicals.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 110

CO₂ Utilization Technologies

The conversion of CO₂ to fuels and chemicals to carbon monoxide (CO), and thereafter synthesis
involves adding hydrogen (either in molecular form and conversion of the CO to the desired value-add-
or from other compounds) to the carbon atom in the ed products. Table 5-3 provides the various produc-
CO₂ . This is achieved either through the direct tion routes for converting CO₂ to different chemi-
hydrogenation of CO₂ or through indirect produc- cals and fuels.
tion methods, which involve the conversion of CO₂

Figure 5-7: Large Scale Utilization of CO₂ for Conventional Chemicals & Fuels Production

Table 5-3: Various Routes CO₂ Conversion to Synthetic Fuels & Chemicals

Sl. Routes of Basic Description & Focus Leading Technology TRL

No Conversion of CO₂ Areas Companies

1 Thermocatalytic Energy is provided in the form of heat Emission to Liquid Technology 7-8
and pressure. Reaction is driven by a (ETLTM ) of Carbon Recycling
catalyst to activate the CO₂ reacting International (CRI) of Iceland
with hydrogen. UOP Honeywell of USA

2 Electrochemical Energy is provided as INEOS Electro-chemical 7-8

electricity; reactions happen in Solution – UK
an electrochemical cell. Helmholtz Zenturm – Germany
Avantium – The Netherlands

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 111

CO₂ Utilization Technologies

Sl. Routes of Basic Description & Focus Leading Technology TRL

No Conversation of CO₂ Areas Companies

3 Biochemical Living organisms or bioproducts Gas Fermentation 7-8

(e.g., enzymes) convert CO₂ or Technology – LanzaTech
CO to products. VITO – Belgium

4 Photochemical Solar energy provides the heat or MAN Energy Solution 7-8
electricity for the catalytic conversion (MES) –Germany

5 Hybrid The above approaches are combined Johnson Matthey – UK 7-8

approaches (e.g., electrolysis, thermo-catalytic
approaches, electrochemical reactions
driven by microbes, etc.).

All the CO₂ conversion routes mentioned in Table municipal solid waste (MSW) etc., coupled
5-3 are presently operating at a commercial/ with water gas shift reaction and hydrogen
sub-commercial scale. Thus, a TRL of 7-8 may be separation & purification
considered for these process routes. The availability
of captured CO₂ in a pure form and the availability iii. Electrolysis of water using cost-effective
of clean and cost-effective sources of hydrogen are renewable energy.
key factors in the success of utilizing large quanti-
ties of CO₂ in the production of value-added chemi- From the point of thermodynamics, the high energy
cals and fuels, and making them comparable in requirements for converting CO₂ to other products
terms of specifications and performance criteria are due to the fact that CO₂ has the highest level of
with the hitherto established and fossil fuel-based oxidized state of carbon, compared to methane,
production process. Presently the three methods of which has the highest level of reduced state of
producing hydrogen are: carbon (Figure 5-8). Each step of reduction requires
significant energy, which should ideally be provid-
i. Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) or Auto ed from low-cost renewable energy sources to
Thermal Refining (ATR) of natural gas reduce/minimize Scope 2 emissions and make the
CO₂ utilization process techno-economically feasi-
ii. Gasification of coal, petcoke or biomass and ble.

Figure 5-8: Different State of Oxidation and Reduction of CO2 with 1 Mole of Hydrogen Requirement

Source: Dastur Research

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 112

CO₂ Utilization Technologies

It is expected that with the increasing greening of As shown in Figure 5-9, CO₂ can be captured from
the grid using renewables, the production of hydro- different types of sources, with varying concentra-
gen from the electrolysis of seawater or industrial tions, such as lean sources like the atmosphere or
effluents (highly impure water with very high Total rich sources such as industrial waste gases. Similar-
Dissolved Solid or TDS) would have a sustainable ly, hydrogen can be produced from fossil fuels (viz.
future. Similarly, the development of low-cost and steam methane or auto reforming of natural gas or
higher-efficiency electrodes and catalysts for facili- the gasification of coal, petcoke, MSW or biomass),
tating higher rates of hydrogen generation will also electrolysis of water using renewable power or the
have an important role to play in improving the CO₂ low-cost recovery of hydrogen from industrial
utilization proposition. Present electrolysis-based waste gases such as Blast Furnace gas or Coke
hydrogen production processes use high cost noble Oven gas.
metal electrodes and deionized water, which makes
the production of green hydrogen an expensive and
resource intensive proposition.

Figure 5-9: A Sustainable Value Chain of Carbon Utilization for Renewable Chemicals & Fuels

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 113

CO₂ Utilization Technologies

Post the mixing of hydrogen with CO₂ at elevated The principal challenge for this approach is the CO₂
temperature and pressure, the reaction takes place - to-CO conversion step, where the options include
in the presence of the catalyst or combination of catalytically driven processes such as Reverse
catalysts required for the production of the synthet- Water Gas Shift (RWGS) to generate CO from CO₂,
ic fuels and chemicals. Here, the selection or devel- various forms of other reforming processes, which
opment of a low-cost & highly efficient use methane (or other light hydrocarbons) to
metal-based catalyst (Figure 5-10) with better reac- convert CO₂ to CO, and electro-chemical approach-
tion kinetics, recharge frequency and more efficient es such as polymer electrolyte membranes or solid
separation processes are essential to drive down the oxide electro-chemical cells. Fundamental advanc-
costs and should be considered as important areas es, such as catalysts that operate at lower tempera-
of further technological interventions. tures and advanced gas separations techniques are
required to commercialize these processes. A
Figure 5-10: Important Characteristics for near-term opportunity exists to advance CO₂ con-
Development of a Catalyst Ecosystem version technology, that can potentially be over-
come through low-pressure and low temperature
dry reforming of methane to hydrogen and CO₂ to
produce methanol, but only in natural gas produc-
ing regions. There are also other technologies under
development/ commercialization that appear prom-

One of the important indirect conversion pathways

is the “Gas Fermentation” technology developed by
LanzaTech; the company has created a process
through which engineered microbes convert CO
into ethanol and other higher order chemicals. This
technology has been demonstrated at a commercial
scale using waste gas from steel production, which
is high in CO content. The inexpensive and wide-
spread availability of more chemically active CO
generated from CO₂ through low cost catalytically
assisted processes can actually result in the
There should also be focus on indirect fuels and advancement of multiple technologies to generate
chemicals production pathways involving the fuels and chemicals from CO₂ .
conversion of CO₂ to CO prior to processing, simi-
lar to direct conversion but with a defined CO inter- The following are important to make CO₂ to Fuels
mediate product. It is attractive because CO is much and Chemicals a sustainable means of CO₂ utiliza-
more chemically active than CO₂ . The process of tion (Table 5-4)
converting CO and hydrogen (i.e., syngas) into
methanol and into hydrocarbons via Fisch-
er-Tropsch (F-T) synthesis is very well-known,
although it also does require hydrogen at an afford-
able price through a sustainable process.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 114

CO₂ Utilization Technologies

Table 5-4: Areas of Challenges & Technology Gap in CO₂ to Fuels & Chemicals

Sl. No Areas of Challenge Technology Gap

1 Catalysts Develop low-cost and mechanically-chemically stable catalysts for meeting

the desired rate of reaction kinetics, which can facilitate the reaction at a lower
temperature for converting CO₂ to a CO & H2 mixture, for conversion to
chemicals and fuels
Lower temperature and corrosion inhibition for electrolysis of very high TDS

2 Electrode Economically affordable metal based mechanically robust and electro-chemically

Development suitable electrodes for seawater and high TDS industrial wastewater
Electrolysis for green hydrogen generation while withstanding higher current
density and corrosion resistance.

3 Reactor Develop reactor technologies tailored to demands of carbon dioxide (to CO or

Development mixture of CO₂ /CO/H2 etc.) conversion processes
Systems that integrate capture with conversion.

5.4 CO₂ Utilization in the Form of Carbon Nanomaterials

The two key challenges for capturing and convert- eighs the cost of carbon capture and conversion.
ing atmospheric CO₂ into value-added products are One such emerging area for CO₂ utilization is the
the cost of production and the perceived economic production of Carbon Nano-tubes (CNT) and
value. These challenges can be addressed by devel- Carbon Nano-materials.
oping technologies for capturing atmospheric CO₂
and synergistically converting them into high-value The total size of the carbon nano-tubes market has
products in a manner which are been estimated at US$ 34 BB in the year 2021. The
market is expected to reach US$ 105 BB by the year
i. sustainable 2030 (Figure 5-11), growing at a staggering com-
pounded annual rate of 13% plus during this period.
ii. functional
Carbon nanotubes are attracting significant and
iii. produce a desired product with lower carbon continuous R&D efforts focused on bridging the
emission on a Life Cycle Analysis basis existing technology gaps, driven by demand from
vis-à-vis the established processes multiple applications and sectors such as electrical
and electronics, energy, consumer goods, aero-
The product should be stable, have minimal possi- space, automobile, defense sectors, and healthcare.
bility of re-emission (ideally, the product’s func- The demand is also driven by the rising application
tionality should be a shield for collecting the of polymers in the construction and automotive
captured carbon) and be sufficiently high value so industries.
that the economic benefit from the product outw-

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 115

CO₂ Utilization Technologies

Figure 5-11: Market Potential of CNTs (in USD billions) sheets. Carbon nanotubes have several valuable
properties, such as high electrical capabilities, high
conductivity, versatility, maximum charge storage
capabilities and reactivity. The advanced physical
and chemical performance drives the demand for
carbon nanotubes, especially those produced by
utilizing CO₂ , thus enabling effective CO₂ abate-
ment and decarbonization. Carbo nanotubes use
molten carbonate electro-chemical reactants and
provide a pathway for capturing atmospheric CO₂
to produce valuable products with multiple end-use
nanotubes-market The key factor driving the adoption and demand for
carbon nanotubes is cost-effective production. As
The demand for carbon nanotubes is driven by their shown in Figure 5-12, the key routes for producing
simplicity, ease of synthesis and novel properties both single-walled andmulti-walled carbon nano-
such as high surface area, good stiffness, and resil- tubes are the following:
ience. These reasons are driving the demand for i. Laser vaporization of metal-doped carbon
carbon nanotubes in many engineering applica- targets
tions. The commercial application of carbon nano-
tubes requires large quantities of high-purity carbon ii. Arc-discharge of metal-doped carbon elec
carbon nanotubes, which can be synthesized in vari- trodes
ous ways. The common methods/practices are: arc iii. Catalytic decomposition of hydrocarbons – also
discharge, laser ablation, and chemical vapor depo- referred to as chemical vapor decomposition or
sition and flame synthesis etc. (Figure 5-12). The CVD method
subsequent purification is done using oxidation,
iv. The catalytic reduction of carbon monoxide has
acid treatment, annealing, sonication, and filtering
also been reported as a recent production
chemical functionalization.
Concentric multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs)
are produced by interconnecting spherical graphene

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 116

Figure 5-12: Manufacturing Methods, Technology, Types, Structure and Various Applications of Carbon Nanotubes

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration

CO₂ Utilization Technologies
CO₂ Utilization Technologies

The arc discharge method involves producing a nitric acid and hydrochloric acid. The carbon
vapour using an arc discharge plasma between two nanotubes thus produced have higher purity &
carbon electrodes, with or without a catalyst. In the stabillity and lower residual catalysts than
laser ablation method, laser irradiation is used to carbon nanotubes from other processes.
vaporize a graphite target in an inert atmosphere.
CVD involves the pyrolysis of gas-phase ii) Liquid phase purification: This consists of a
carbon-rich molecules (e.g., C2H2, CH4) at high series of steps such as preliminary filtration (for
temperatures (800–1000 °C) and in the presence of the removal of bulk graphite particles),
transition metal catalysts and then converting the dissolution in organic solvents & concentrated
carbon-fragments into nanotubes. acids (for the removal of fullerenes and
catalyst), and centrifugal separation of solid
The CVD method is the most widely used method carbon nanotubes from the solutions to remove
due to its high product yield and the ability to scale impurities. The other steps are microfiltration
up. However, there are also some disadvantages and chromatography to separate multi-walled
associated with the pyrolysis of hydrocarbons used and single-walled carbon nanotubes.
in this method. Hydrocarbons used in these meth-
ods are generally hazardous and pyrolysis at high iii) Intercalation purification: Nanoparticle
temperatures of 1000 °C makes commercial impurities are oxidized by metallic copper.
deployment and industrial-scale production imprac- Copper is the oxidation catalyst formed by the
tical. One way to approach this problem is to use reduction of copper chloride added during the
CO₂ , which is non-toxic, low energy and abundant- process. However, this process results in
ly available in the atmosphere at low ppm level intercalated residues and may damage the
concentrations. Also, since CO₂ can be captured carbon nanotubes during the oxidation process.
from both natural emitters (reservoirs) and industri-
al processes, there is no need to separately produce The demand and production of carbon nanotubes
CO₂ and thus add to the stock of greenhouse gases. have been limited due to the high production cost.
However, the main problem is that the CO₂ mole- Generally, CNTs are produced using the wet chemi-
cule is kinetically and thermodynamically very cal vapour deposition (CVD) process. The decade
stable and difficult to reduce to elementary carbon. old technology of the Solar Thermal Electrochemi-
cal Process (STEP) of water splitting has also been
During the process of synthesizing carbon nano- extended to carbon dioxide splitting, leading to CO₂
tubes, the carbon nanotubes can be separated from splitting at over 50% solar energy efficiency. This
other materials and impurities in the process, such process provides a pathway for converting carbon
as amorphous carbon, carbon nanoparticles and dioxide into useful carbon commodities such as
residual catalyst. The separation requires methods inexpensive electrode materials, varieties of
such as gas phase purification, liquid phase purifi- elemental carbon, plastics intermediates, and
cation and intercalation methods. synthetic methane. However, the market value/pric-
es of such products range from US$ 40 to $400 per
i) Gas phase purification: This is a tonne, and hence offer limited financial incentives
high-temperature oxidation process in which for the capture and conversion of CO₂ .
carbon nanotubes are repeatedly extracted using

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 118

CO₂ Utilization Technologies

Carbon nanotubes can also be produced by the reduce the opex and CO₂ emissions of existing Gas
direct molten carbonate electrolysis of CO₂ , and to Liquid processes by 40% and 45% respectively.
thus provide a significant economic value-addition
for the entire value-chain of carbon dioxide utiliza- There are various qualities and grades of carbon
tion. In the C2CNT process, the carbonate electro- nanotubes, with different properties and market
lyte is not consumed, and the net reaction is CO₂ prices. At the lowest range are carbon nanotubes
splitting into carbon and O2, as presented below, with large diameters and poorer properties, with a
using pure Li2CO3 as the carbonate electrolyte: price range of US$100 to $ 500 per kg. At the top
end are single walled carbon nanotubes with diame-
Dissolution: ters less than 5 nm and prices of up to US$ 100,000
CO₂ (gas) + Li2O® (soluble)→ Li2CO3 (molten) per kg and above.

Electrolysis: The utilization and conversion of CO₂ into carbon

Li2CO3® (molten)→ C(CNT) + Li2O (soluble) + O2 nanotubes provide a unique opportunity of captur-
(gas) ing CO₂ and abating climate change by turning the
CO₂ into hollow nanofiber products with remark-
Net: able performance characteristics in terms of
CO₂ (gas)→ C(CNT) + O2 (gas) (1) conductivity, nanoelectronics, and flexibility,
which open up opportunities to use them for
In the above net equation 1, the CO₂ gas is entirely making higher capacity batteries or carbon compos-
transformed into carbon nanotubes (CNTs); 1 tonne ite materials, with strengths higher than steel.
of CNT is formed per 3.7 tonne of CO₂ consumed. Carbon composite materials in particular, are light-
er alternatives to metals and can be used in highend
The CARGEN™ technology is one of the and value-added applications across multiple
cutting-edge technologies for converting green- sectors, such as electronics, agriculture, biotechnol-
house gases such as CO₂ and CH4 for producing ogy, tools, water, and energy (Figure 5-12). The
CNTs and syngas (H2 + CO mixture). The technolo- development of carbon composite applications is
gy provides potential economic value and cost seeing explosive growth, which can be compared to
reduction opportunities for converting waste CO₂ the initial years of the plastics industry. The growth
emissions to solid products with economic value is also fueled by the emergence of more competitive
and potential, thus paving the way for the future ways of producing carbon nanotubes (viz. from
production of carbon nanotubes at a commercial CO₂ ) vis-à-vis the previously used, more expensive
scale. Apart from carbon nanotubes, the technology processes of chemical vapour deposition or poly-
also produces syngas which can be used in down- mer pulling for producing carbon nanofibers. Table
stream processes such as Fischer-Tropsch synthesis 5-5 summarizes the key developments and innova-
and the production of methanol and hydrogen. The tions in this area of converting CO₂ to carbon nano-
proof of concept, scale-up results, and LCA results tubes using low-cost materials and new chemistry.
of the CARGEN™ technology has been demon-
strated by various scientific and technical studies,
and it is also reported that the technology can

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 119

CO₂ Utilization Technologies

Table 5-5: Leading Carbon Nanotubes & Nano-Materials Manufacturers & their Specialties

Sl. No Leaders in CNT Specialties in CNT Activities

1 Nanocyl, Belgium High-quality multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and formulated products.

2 Arkema, France Carbon based coating solutions.

3 Cabot Corporation, US Carbon nano-structure pallets

Graphene based specialty materials
Carbon black for reinforcement etc.

4 CHASM Advanced Electronic & battery materials based on carbon, carbon nano hybrid materials etc.
Materials, US

5 Showa Denko, Japan CNT in composite coating, graphite electrodes etc.

6 Nanoshell, UK Functional nanomaterials, nanotechnology coatings and impregnators etc.

7 Carbon solutions, US Single-walled carbon nanotubes for specialty chemical solutions etc.

8 Hyperion Catalysis Conductive, vapor grown and multi-walled carbon nanotube for special purpose
International, US usage in automotive, electronics and other sectors

It is important to develop the sustainable use of Typically membranes are made from inorganics
carbon nanotubes across various sectors, so that the and polymeric materials; however, they have
demand for carbon nanotubes can reach scale, thus disadvantages in terms of high fouling tendency
creating demand for the conversion of CO₂ to and trade-offs between permeability and
carbon nanotubes. Some of the emerging areas for selectivity. These problems reduce the
the deployment of carbon nanotubes is given permeability and lifespan of membranes due to
below: the increased build-up of trans-membrane
pressure. These challenges of desalination can
i) Water desalination: Water scarcities have led be addressed by developing filtration
to the development of desalination technologies based on nanotechnology
technologies, and particularly membrane-based materials such as carbon nanotubes. The
methods, due to advantages such as high-water advantages offered by carbon nanotubes in such
quality, easy maintenance, compact modular applications include large surface area, ease of
construction, low chemical sludge effluent and functioning, better anti-fouling behaviour,
excellent separation efficiency. Membranes are superb mechanical strength, excellent sieving
of different categories such as microfiltration capabilities and exceptional water transport
(MF), ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF), properties. Hence carbon nanotubes can
reverse osmosis (RO), forward osmosis (FO), enhance the performance of desalination plants
pervaporation and membrane distillation. by being applied either as a direct filter or as a

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 120

CO₂ Utilization Technologies

ii) Electronics-energy market: This is a growing Another area of development is Bio-Fuel Cells
market where carbon nanotubes and (BFC), which are bio-harvesting energy
nanomaterials can be used to design and devices; these enhance energy conversion
manufacture energy devices on miniaturized efficiency by incorporating metal nanoparticles
platforms. This can result in personalized with high catalytic activity and synthesizing
electronic devices supporting different redox mediators onto carbon surfaces. Carbon
applications, such as wearable devices, based electrodes are comprised of carbon
implantable devices, biosensors, bioelectronics, nanomaterials and nanocomposites, with either
and personalized biomedical devices. In these conductive polymers or nanometal oxides and
devices, carbon nanotubes will act as are most suited to these applications due to
energy-storage devices for delivering optimal additional retention of high power and energy
power to various biomedical systems for densities for use in energy-storage devices.
integration with energy-harvesting and Furthermore, these are hybrid systems with
energy-converting devices. Additionally, various multiple functionalities and capable of
carbon-based energy devices can also power incorporating highly flexible BFCs and
various other biomedical devices such as supercapacitors with other energy devices, such
pacemakers, implantable radio transmitters, as nano-generators.
gastric stimulators, smart gesture gloves, fitness
and motion trackers, and wearable biosensors. Based on the above discussion, it may be concluded
that the remarkable properties, performance charac-
iii) Energy storage: Electro-chemical capacitors teristics and diverse array of applications of carbon
which use carbon nanotubes can be fully nanotubes make these an immensely valuable and
charged in minutes and in some cases, seconds. worthful pathway to utilize CO₂ as a part of a larger
This ensures fast energy storage, although the strategy for decarbonization through CO₂ utiliza-
quantum of energy stored is lower than tion. However, there are a few technology gaps (see
conventional batteries. In this regard, new Table 5-6) which need strong developmental atten-
personalized carbon-based supercapacitor tion and international cooperation for CO₂ to carbon
systems are being developed, using electrolytes nanotubes to develop as a technologically superior
integrated with compliant carbon electrodes. and economically sustainable solution.
This will lead to better performance in terms of
energy storage through the development of new
electrolytes which are highly compatible with
carbon electrodes.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 121

CO₂ Utilization Technologies

Table 5-6: Technology Gaps in CO₂ to Carbon Nano-Tubes

Sl. No Areas of Challenges Technology Gap

1 Stability & Challenges in controlling CNT size and creating CNT arrays of high
Reproducibility pore density while maintaining requisite mechanical properties.

2 Affordability & The cost has to significantly reduce with more focused development on material
Sustainability synthesis for high-quality, purity and efficient CNTs through an energy-efficient
conversion process from sustainable sources e.g., CO₂ .

3 Shape & Structural Non-conventional & odd geometrical-shaped CNT membranes require more
Compatibility advanced nanoscale fabrication techniques at the atomic level

4 Toxicity & Raw CNTs are more toxic than functionalized CNTs because of the existence of
Environmental Impact metal catalysts. Thorough investigations are required on this subject.

5 Bio-suitability Stability of enzymes in carbon-based electrodes and related wiring in the internal
structure of nanomaterial walls.

6 Mechanical Resilience & Mechanical robustness to be maintained in dynamic biological environments

Biofouling without triggering any biological growth or degradation

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 122

Storage Potential
CO₂ Storage Potential

6.1 Necessity of CO2 Storage

CCUS contributes to the permanent utilization and nol, ethanol (including bioethanol) and downstream
sequestration of CO₂, irrespective of whether the chemicals such as ethylene & propylene was about
CO₂ is captured from anthropogenic sources or the 530 mtpa. Even in the unlikely scenario that the
CO₂ stock of the atmosphere. Though CO₂ utiliza- entire urea and chemicals industry shifted to the
tion is relatively more nascent compared to the CO₂-based route of production, the maximum
capture and geological storage of CO₂, CO₂ utiliza- volume of CO₂ that can be utilized would be about
tion has multiple facets and applications, such as 850 mtpa of CO₂. This would, at best, account for
CO₂ to urea, conversion of CO₂ to chemicals such only 5% of the global CO₂ emissions amenable for
as methanol & ethanol and utilization of CO₂ in capture, as estimated in Chapter 2. The projected
producing aggregates and building materials. In scenario for 2030 is also similar, even as many
terms of technology maturity and commercializa- industries become more energy efficient and reduce
tion, the production of urea and chemicals using their CO₂ intensity and emissions.
CO₂ is more advanced and offers a pathway to
convert CO₂ to value-added products with econom- Thus for enabling CCUS at the giga-tonne scale
ic value. In comparison, the use of CO₂ in making (the estimated volume of CO₂ amenable for CCUS
cement and building materials is relatively more is 14-15 Gtpa), it is imperative to seriously look at
nascent. the options for the permanent storage of CO₂ in
deep underground geological formations & reser-
However, only pursuing the utilization of CO₂ is voirs like depleted oil & gas reservoirs (for
not sufficient to handle the anthropogenic CO₂ vol- enhanced oil recovery or EOR), deep saline aqui-
umes from the different target sectors which are fers, and basalt rock formations, even if some of
amenable to capture. In 2021, the cumulative global these options provide no or lower economic value
demand for urea and the chemicals such as metha- vis-à-vis CO₂ utilization applications.

6.2 CO₂ Storage Mechanisms, Site Screening Parameters & Site Options

Given the scale of anthropogenic CO₂ emissions storage of CO₂ and also consists of two options:
and the comparatively limited CO₂ volumes that storage in onshore & offshore saline aquifers and
can be utilized to make value-added products, iden- storage in basaltic formations.
tifying, exploring and quantifying options for the
permanent storage of CO₂ is critical to support CO₂ Other evolving CO₂ storage-cum-utilization
disposition at the giga-tonne scale. options include the CO₂ battery made by Energy
Dome in Italy, for storing CO₂ in large domes and
The different CO₂ storage options can be catego- using it in a cyclic manner between a compressor &
rized based on the purpose of the CO₂ disposition. a turbine set up to generate power. The technology
The first category consists of two options that also provides a potential option for on-surface CO₂ stor-
offer an opportunity for CO₂ utilization: Enhanced age option with an added advantage of power
Oil Recovery (EOR) in depleted oil & gas fields generation – however, the footprint and land
and Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Recovery requirement of such a project required to store large
(ECBMR) in hard-to-mine coal seams. The second volumes of CO₂ would be quite high.
category involves only the underground injection &

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 124

CO₂ Storage Potential

6.2.1 CO₂ Storage Mechanisms dissolution, and mineralization. The injected CO₂
When CO₂ is injected into any underground is trapped as a result of all the mechanisms, though
geological formation, it interacts with the formation the rate at which CO₂ trapping is affected by each
and elements present in the formation, resulting in 4 mechanism varies.
types of trapping mechanisms: physical, residual,

Figure 6-1: Structural CO₂ Trapping Mechanisms

Source: 2022 Status Report, GCCSI

i) Physical Trapping: This is the simplest form pores make up about 10-30% volume of the
of trapping mechanism. The injected CO₂ is formation structure (bulk rock). Residual
trapped in the formation due to the absence of trapping takes place due to the capillary forces
any pathways to escape/leave the formation. It of the pore structure acting on the injected CO₂.
is crucial to have a low permeability capping A substantial volume of CO₂ is trapped by this
structure above the formation to act as a seal for mechanism even though the phenomenon takes
the formation and trap the injected CO₂ . This is place at a micro-scale; the CO₂ trapped due to
considered the predominant storage mechanism the capillary forces in these pores is held
in the initial stages of a CO₂ injection operation. strongly against the surface of mineral grains.
The storage of CO₂ is affected by this trapping
ii) Residual Trapping: Geological formations mechanism in the initial phase (decades) from
have small pore structures throughout their the time of injection.
structure. These pores are connected and
generally have an average size of <1mm. These

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 125

CO₂ Storage Potential

iii) Dissolution Trapping: Brine solutions present iv) Mineral Trapping: The geological formations
in the geological formations also contribute to selected for CO₂ sequestrations have the
CO₂ storage due to the dissolution of CO₂ in presence of minerals in their structure. As the
the brine solution. The solubility of CO₂ in the CO₂ enters the structure, it interacts with the
brine solution is determined by various factors, surroundings. A portion of this CO₂ volume
such as the salinity of the brine solution and comes in contact with the mineral elements and
temperature & pressure at the reservoir. Upon chemically reacts with the minerals to form
the dissolution of CO₂ in the brine solution, the carbonate minerals. These carbonate minerals
resulting saturated solution will have a higher are then deposited and permanently stored in
density than the unsaturated brine solution. This the rock formation. The reaction is slow to
results in the displacement of CO₂-saturated progress, so this mechanism traps very small
brine solution to a deeper level below the volumes of the injected CO₂ . Basaltic rocks
unsaturated brine solution, thus guaranteeing have higher reaction rates for mineral carbonate
the permanence of CO₂ storage. The process is formation and thus can be considered a viable
relatively slow and may affect CO₂ storage at a storage option for mineral trapping
much later period from the time of injection mechanisms.
(decades to centuries).

6.2.2 Physical Properties to be Considered for done based on the properties given in Table 6-1. A
CO₂ Storage Site Selection comparison of options based on these properties
For the screening of feasible CO2 storage sites, vari- would help in finalizing the site for undertaking
ous physical and geological properties have to be detailed studies for the proposed CO₂ injection
considered. A preliminary screening of sites can be project.

Table 6-1: Properties for Preliminary Screening of CO₂ Storage Sites

Property Details

Unit depth The selected site must be at a depth much lower than the underground safe drinking water (saline
water to 10,000 ppm TDS) to avoid contamination.
Ideal depth of injection zone: > 800 m
Ideal depth of confining system: > 800 m
Closer to the basement increases the risk of microseismic activity

Unit Larger thickness of geological formation boundary results in lower chances of CO₂ leakage from the
thickness formation. The area of review (AOR) or the area surrounding the injection well for such a site would
be less.
Larger thickness can enable higher acceptable CO₂ column height.
Larger thickness may result in lower seismic response on injection

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 126

CO₂ Storage Potential

Property Details

Porosity It is the share of void volume in a formation.

Larger porosity is desired for higher storage capacity.
The area under AOR decreases if porosity is high.
Large porosity causes lower pressure increase, therefore lowers the risk of seismic activity

Pressure Critical to assess the pressure elevation and state of stress of all impacted zones to predict the likely
magnitude seismic response

Permeability It is the measure of the ability of the structure of the formation to transmit fluids (dense phase CO₂ in
this case)
Large permeability within the formation is desired for the CO₂ to occupy pore spaces with ease.
Larger value means lower pressure increase, therefore lowers the risk of seismic activity

Boundary Boundary of the formation may be open or closed.

conditions Closed boundary results in a smaller storage capacity and increased chances of high pressure in the
formation, leading to an increased probability of seismic activity.

Mineralogy Information required to understand the interaction of injected CO₂.

Fault, fracture and state of stress information is needed to assess the effect of mineralogy on seismic
response to CO₂ injection.
It may impact the CO₂ plume area.

6.2.3 Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) in The injection of CO₂ for EOR has been studied and
Depleted Oil & Gas Fields applied for years, especially in North America. CO₂
Oil recovery techniques can be categorized as is miscible with crude oil, which helps in recover-
primary, secondary and tertiary recovery tech- ing oil not possible by secondary methods. This
niques. Primary techniques rely on natural reservoir also helps in permanently storing CO₂ in oil reser-
pressure and the use of pumps to bring oil to the voirs, thus making CO₂ EOR a sustainable option
surface, but the recovery is only about 10%. for abating CO₂. In CO₂ EOR, compressed CO₂ is
Secondary techniques involve the injection of water injected into the reservoir. At high densities, CO₂ is
or gas in the reservoir to drive the oil to the produc- readily miscible with oil. It swells the oil and reduc-
tion wellbores. This helps in the recovery of es its viscosity, thereby driving it away from rock
20-40% of the original oil in place. To further formations and toward the production wells. A min-
improve the production performance of wells, imum pressure is required for CO₂ and oil to be
tertiary techniques are used. Tertiary techniques of miscible. To prevent the lower viscosity CO₂ from
recovery include thermal recovery (steam injec- escaping the reservoir, water and CO₂ are injected
tion), gas injection (CO₂ injection), and chemical alternatively.
injection (use of polymers or surfactants). These
help in the production of 30- 60% of the original oil
in place.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 127

CO₂ Storage Potential

The fitness of any oil reservoir to store CO₂ is must be sufficiently high for ease of CO₂ pumping
validated by evaluating various geological parame- and storage. A detailed geological survey of the
ters. The reservoir under consideration must have reservoir needs to be undertaken to evaluate the
suitable sealing mechanisms to prevent any fugitive storage capacity and risks associated with storing
emissions of CO₂ that will be sequestered in it. It CO₂ in the reservoir.
must also have high porosity to store sizable
volumes of CO₂. The permeability of the reservoir

Figure 6-2: Working of CO₂ EOR

Source: CO₂ EOR primer, NETL

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 128

CO₂ Storage Potential

6.2.4 Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Recovery Similar to CO₂ EOR, ECBMR can help in perma-
(ECBMR) in Deep Coal Seams nently storing CO₂ and the recovered methane can
Coal bed methane (CBM) can be produced from also help offset the cost of carbon capture. As noted
coal seams and can contribute to the energy security in the case of sequestration in oil fields, CO₂ stor-
of countries with rich coal resources. In ECBMR, age in coal seams is also affected by several geolog-
CO₂ is injected into unmineable coal seams under ical parameters and other properties of the coal
supercritical conditions. The coal seams present at a formation. The permeability of the coal seams must
certain depth (more than the mining depth) can be be sufficiently high to allow the injected CO₂ to
considered a suitable option for the storage of CO₂. spread across the maximum part of the coal matrix,
The injected CO₂ is accumulated in the coal cleats which is generally not the case with deep-lying coal
in a dense gas phase. This CO₂ is adsorbed on and seams as they are more compact. It has also been
absorbed in the coal. Since CO₂ has a higher affini- observed that the coal seams tend to swell up upon
ty for coal than CBM, it pushes the coal bed meth- injecting CO₂, which further reduces the permeabil-
ane towards the production wells, thus enhancing ity of the coal seam. ECBMR can be a viable option
its primary recovery. for coal based thermal power plants located near
coalfields. Figure 6-3 gives a pictorial representa-
tion of the ECBMR process.

Figure 6-3: Working of CO₂ ECBMR

Several pilot tests for ECBMR have been performed Thus, further R&D is required before commercial
across the world, but there is no commercial-scale deployment.
ECBMR plant (Mazzotti, Pini, & Storti, 2009).

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 129

CO₂ Storage Potential

6.2.5 Storage in Deep Saline Aquifers of basaltic rocks with CO₂ is high, which makes
Captured CO₂ can be permanently stored in deep them an area of interest for research related to
saline aquifers. Unlike EOR and ECBMR, injection CCUS.
of CO₂ in deep saline aquifers has no economic
benefit. Deep saline aquifers are spread across very Compared to mineralization in saline aquifers,
large areas and, thus, have the potential to store basalt rocks offer faster reaction kinetics due to the
very high quantities of CO₂. abundance of iron, calcium, and magnesium oxides.
The abundance of basalts on the earth’s surface is
Deep saline aquifers consist of porous rock forma- also a reason for the rising interest in CO₂ storage
tions that contain high quantities of unusable salt research and development programs in basalts.
water. The salt/mineral content is very high in this According to previous calculations done by
water, rendering it unusable for human use. The researchers, the global CO₂ storage capacity of
brine water is called formation liquid, and it is basaltic formations is estimated to be around
trapped by an impermeable rock called the caprock. 8,000-41,000 Gt of CO₂ (Vikram, Yashvardhan,
Debanjan, & Dhananjayan, 2021).
Supercritical CO₂ can be injected into saline aqui-
fers. Brine water has a higher density compared to 6.2.7 CO₂ Injection Rates in Different Types of
the injected CO₂; thus, CO₂ rises towards the Formations
caprock and is trapped in the saline aquifer. This is The CO₂ injection rate is dependent on the site-spe-
also termed physical/ structural/ stratigraphic trap- cific parameters described in Table 6- 1. Broadly,
ping. While injecting, some CO₂ might occupy the the injectivity of CO₂ can be understood from the
pore spaces by displacing the previously present thickness of the selected site or formation and the
fluid (residual trapping). Some of the injected CO₂ permeability of the formation to the injected super-
also dissolves into the brine. This mixture is denser critical CO₂ . The rate of injection for each site also
than the surrounding brine and settles down (disso- varies depending on the acceptable number of
lution trapping). CO₂ dissolves into water to form a injection wells such that the reservoir/formation
weak carbonic acid that can react with minerals pressure does not exceed the fracture pressure (per-
over time to form solid carbonate minerals. This missible pressure up to which CO₂ may be inject-
leads to the storage of some portion of CO₂ through ed). Thus, generalizing the rate of injection on the
the mineral trapping mechanism. basis of storage site options (oil & gas fields,
unminable coal seams, saline aquifers, basaltic
6.2.6 CO₂ Storage in Basalts rocks) is difficult.
Lately, studies have been carried out to explore the
i) Saline aquifers: In the US, where CO₂
CO₂ storage potential of basaltic rocks. Basaltic
injection has been studied extensively, the most
rocks are formed from the rapid cooling of basaltic
favourable sedimentary basin formations (sites
lava from the interior of the earth’s crust and are at
with high thickness and permeability) are
a depth closer to the surface of the earth. These
expected to have an injection rate of 0.75 to 1.5
rocks exhibit high porosity and permeability. Basal-
mtpa per injection well; for sites with
tic rocks contain divalent cations of Ca, Mg, and Fe,
unfavourable physical properties, the CO₂
which react with the CO₂ dissolved in water to
injection rate may drop to 75 – 150 ktpa per
form stable carbonate minerals (mineral trapping
injection well (a 90% drop in injection rate).
mechanism) and thus can offer a safe CO₂ seques-
tration method for an extended period. As a result
of the high porosity and permeability, the reactivity

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 130

CO₂ Storage Potential

ii) CO₂ EOR: In case of EOR, the rate of injection largely depends on the varying mineral
is mainly constrained because the thickness of composition. The injection rates in basaltic rock
oil reservoirs is lesser than that of the saline are kept low to avoid excessive pressure
aquifers. In the case of EOR, the injection rate is build-up in the formation.
also lower, as CO₂ and water are often injected
in an alternating manner to reduce the cost of iv) ECBMR: Unminable coal seams are present at
purchasing CO₂ for EOR. An injection rate of deeper levels resulting in a highly compacted
0.2 mtpa per injection well is assumed as a rule coal bed that offers very low permeability to the
of thumb for reservoirs with suitable injected CO₂. More research needs to be
characteristics. conducted to understand the favourable
injection rate for ECBMR.
iii) Basaltic formations: The CO₂ disposition in
basaltic formations is primarily governed by A comparison between the different storage
mineral trapping mechanisms. Even though options is provided in Table 6-2.
basaltic rocks exhibit faster reaction kinetics, it

Table 6-2: Comparison of different storage options

Storage Rate of Economic benefit Storage potential Maturity of

option injection to storage technique

EOR Low Commercial

ECBMR Site Very low Pilot scale

Saline Aquifer dependent Very high (Theoretical) Pilot scale

Basaltic Rocks High (Speculated) R&D

6.3 Capacity Assessment for CO₂ Storage – Global and G20 Countries

The efforts to survey and quantify the CO₂ storage required to acquire real-time storage data for the
potential of various categories of storage sites (as different CO₂ geo-sequestration options.
discussed in the previous sections) have increased
due to the CCUS policy focus and programs by Based on secondary research (literature and
several countries. This has led to the creation of published reports), the global geological CO₂
global storage databases and cyclic assessment of sequestration capacity considered in the global
the national reports and research work for updating resource base is about 13,954 Gt of CO₂ (2022
the global resource base. Geological sequestration Status Report, GCCSI). The potential and appropri-
mechanisms will be critical to the success of both ateness for CO₂ sequestration have to be validated
operational and future carbon capture projects. with subsequent geological surveys, seismic stud-
Further work (discussed in subsequent sections) is ies, and pore space mapping.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 131

CO₂ Storage Potential

The resources validated with data from such Almost 70% of the estimated capacity is present in
detailed studies are said to be the discovered the form of onshore sedimentary basins. Saline
resources. According to the GCCSI report, the aquifers account for a large chunk of this storage
discovered CO₂ storage resources amount to only capacity. The model also predicts the storage capac-
577 Gt out of the total potential resource. The chal- ity of various nations and regions. With increased
lenge of declaring these as commercial resources hydrocarbon exploration activities in developing
requires the formulation of an appropriate legal and nations, the quality of data related to different sedi-
regulatory framework around CO₂ sequestration, mentary basins has also substantially improved.
in-depth techno-commercial analysis of the storage This data can be utilized in standard formulae and
site, and ensuring that there are no obstacles in the other successful estimation methodologies to
process of project development. Currently, the estimate the theoretical capacity for the region, as
majority of the discovered resources cannot be clas- done in the research work of V. Vishal et al. (2021),
sified as commercial resources due to a lack of wherein their team has performed CO₂ capacity
supporting evidence in the form of geotechnical estimation for India.
data and the absence of supporting policies and (
regulations for CO₂ storage. Only 253 mt CO₂ stor- cle/abs/pii/S0921344921004389)
age resources can be classified as commercial
resources. The GCCSI status reports update the global geolog-
ical storage capacity in collaboration with the Oil
A theoretical estimation based on validated models and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), which main-
needs to be made to quantify the potential of tains the CO₂ Storage Resource Catalogue (CSRC)
geological sequestration of CO₂ . This kind of based on the work of STOREGGA. They maintain
estimation will help in forming the basis for more a conservative approach towards storage capacity
focused studies where the actual capacity can be identification as they report only based on the data
assessed and validated. This preliminary assess- available in national reports, atlases, or published
ment may also aid in identifying and prioritizing the by international institutions such as the IEA. A
regions that have generous storage potential com- comparison of the reported data and data estimated
pared to others. Published research in this area has in various research works will help create a road-
utilized established models and base principles map for CO₂ storage capacity assessment by dedi-
(using standard formulae) to estimate the theoreti- cated geological, geo-mechanical, or seismic stud-
cal storage capacity. ies ‘focused’ on region-wise CO₂ storage. For this
purpose, the theoretical estimations from the litera-
In Jordan Kearns’ work, the country-wise and ture and reported data from GCCSI Status Report
global estimation has been made based on the 2022 for the G-20 countries and globally have been
EPPA 6 model - the global storage capacity is tabulated in Table 6-3.
estimated to be in the range of 7,910– 55,581 Gt.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 132

CO₂ Storage Potential

Table 6-3: CO₂ EOR Storage Capacity Estimates

Jordan Kearns et al. (2017)b GCCSI Report (2022)

Country Sources
Min. Max. Total EOR Saline (Gt)
Potential Potential (Gt) (Gt) Aquifer (Gt)
(Gt CO₂ ) (Gt CO₂ )

Argentina - - - - - 5.1d

Australia 595 4,184 502.40 15.07 487.33 -

Brazil 297 2,087 2.47 2.47 - -

Canada 318 2,236 404.00 12.12 391.88 -

China 403 2,830 3,077.00 - 3,077.00 -

France - - - - - 0.415e - 29.04f

Germany - - 0.11 - 0.11 -

India 99 697 64.00 0.64 63.36 395-614a

Indonesia 163 1,184 15.86 1.74 14.12 -

Italy - - - - - 5.134f

Japan 8 59 152.27 3.05 149.22 -

Republic of 3 24 203.40 0.02 203.38 -

Mexico 138 967 100.80 - 100.8 -

Russia 1,234 8,673 - - - -

Saudi Arabia - - 0.74 0.74 - -

South Africa - - 342.93 185.18 157.75 -

Turkey - - - - - 0.108g

UK - - 77.60 7.76 69.84 -

USA 812 5,708 8,061.81 241.85 7,819.96 -

European 302 2,120 - - - 547.00f

G-20 Total 4,668 30,686 13,005 471 12,535 -

Global Total 7,910 55,581 13,954 - - -

a) Vishal, Vikram, et al. “Understanding initial opportunities and key challenges for CCUS deployment in India at scale.”
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 175 (2021): 105829.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 133

CO₂ Storage Potential

b) Kearns, Jordan, et al. “Developing a consistent database for regional geologic CO₂ storage capacity worldwide.” Energy
Procedia 114 (2017): 4697-4709.
c) GCCSI Status Report 2022 (CSRC)
d) Pique, Teresa Maria, et al. "Atlas Ar-Co₂. An Argentinean Atlas for Underground Co₂ Storage Potential.” An Argentinean
Atlas for Underground Co₂ Storage Potential (November 18, 2022) (2022).
f) “EU Geological CO₂ storage summary (2021)” prepared by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland for
Clean Air Task Force
g) “Geologic CO₂ storage in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia: An initial analysis of potential and policy”, United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

These are the broad storage potential estimates of the caprock of the geological formation; injection
the respective countries and do not take into operations are terminated when the reservoir pres-
account the CO₂ already injected to date. However, sure approaches the caprock fracture pressure. Pres-
given the order of magnitude difference between sure modelling for future injection may give infor-
the scale of the storage opportunity and the volume mation about the volume of CO₂ that can be further
of CO₂ globally captured and sequestered every stored in the future in that particular formation/
year, the extent of the storage opportunity already reservoir. Zhang, Kai et al. (2022) have published
used up is minuscule. their work on reservoir simulation to investigate
CO₂ storage in the saline aquifer in Sleipner (Nor-
Nevertheless, at the site level, monitoring the CO₂ way) through reservoir pressure management. Their
plume and the storage space available post-injec- simulation predicts possible CO₂ storage until
tion is a necessary practice. A general principle 2032, when the reservoir pressure will match the
followed for determining the maximum limit of caprock fracture pressure limit. They predict a
CO₂ injection is based on the fracture pressure of cumulative storage of 32.6 mt of CO₂ by 2032.

6.4 CO₂ Storage Potential Assessment in G20 Countries

The G20 countries cover a large share of the total i) Argentina:

estimated geological CO₂ sequestration potential. Argentina has hydrocarbon-rich basins and
Although efforts have been put in by several coun- hence the CO₂ storage potential is expected to
tries to analyze their territorial CO₂ storage, a very be good. However, no in-depth storage
small share of this estimated capacity has been assessment has been undertaken. The recent
characterized and classified as commercial storage work of Pique, Teresa Maria, et al. (2022) has
resources. Thus, it is important to assess the status attempted to generate a high level storage
of storage potential analysis in different countries to potential estimate by applying the US
identify the gaps and current barriers or shortcom- Department of Energy’s (US DOE) volumetric
ings in the CO₂ storage analysis. This section method for estimation for the Neuquén (2.1 Gt),
focuses on reviewing the current assessment stage Golfo San Jorge (2.3 Gt), and Claromecó
of the G20 countries. Basins (0.7 Gt) in Argentina.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 134

CO₂ Storage Potential

ii) Australia: The results and proceedings have been made

The Australian Government has been actively available by Geoscience Australia. The
studying and assessing geological CO₂ program was focused on a detailed assessment
sequestration potential for the past 20 years of selective regions and the acquisition of new
through various assessment projects. The geological data.
project GEODISC was carried out from 1999 to
2003 for the Australian Petroleum Cooperative iii) Brazil:
Research Centre (APCRC). The project was The assessment of the CO₂ geological
aimed at assessing the national CO₂ storage and sequestration potential of Brazil was performed
the related infrastructure. During the project, all as part of the Brazilian Carbon Geological
the sedimentary basins were assessed along Sequestration Map (CARBMAP project),
with characterizing the basins on the basis of initiated in 2006 by the Brazilian Carbon
several geological parameters and the project Storage Research Center. The purpose of this
concluded with a risk and economic analysis for project was to generate and maintain a
CO₂ storage along with source-sink mapping. Geographic Information System (GIS) that
This was followed by the formation of the would store data on CCS and aid in the
Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse evaluation of the sequestration potential of
Gas Control Technologies (CO2CRC), which Brazil.
was tasked with the research and demonstration
of CCS. Geoscience Australia, a part of this The project was executed in 2 phases. The first
collaboration, was involved in activities like phase was executed in 2006-2007. A
CO₂ geological storage, greenhouse gas preliminary source-sink mapping was
monitoring and verification, and the completed in this phase, where stationary CO₂
development of a CO₂ injection demonstration emission sources were mapped with the
site in Australia. sedimentary basins in the country for geological
sequestration evaluation. A preliminary
A National Carbon Mapping and Infrastructure theoretical evaluation of CO₂ storage potential
Plan (NCMIP) was launched and completed in was also carried out for the oil & gas fields,
2009 under the National Low Emissions Coal saline aquifers, and coal beds. The assessment
Initiative (NLECI). A high-level assessment of pointed out the high potential of aquifers to
Australia’s potential and capacity to transport store CO₂ (2035 Gt) compared to the
and store CO₂ was carried out. The sedimentary hydrocarbon fields (4 Gt) and the very low
basins were ranked according to their potential storage potential in the coal bed.
& capacity and optimized; feasible pipeline
routes for CO₂ transportation from emission Phase 2 of the CARBMAP project commenced
sources to the sink were mapped using the CO₂ in 2008 and was completed in 2010. During this
pipeline route planning tool. A program named period, the GIS database from phase 1 was
National CO₂ Infrastructure Plan (NCIP) was updated with more accurate estimations based
launched in 2012 under the NLECI to accelerate on the availability of more geological data.
the identification and development of CO₂ Simultaneously the CO₂ sources and the
storage sites close to major emission sources. source-sink mapping were also updated in
phase 2.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 135

CO₂ Storage Potential

In 2015, as a result of the collaboration of the v) China:

Centre of Excellence in Research and China’s potential to store CO₂ in geological
Innovation in Petroleum, Mineral Resources formations was assessed in a report published
and Carbon Storage (CEPAC) and the Global by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Carbon Capture and Storage Institute (GCCSI), (PNNL) in 2009. This work evaluated depleted
a Brazilian Atlas of Carbon Capture and oil & gas basins, saline aquifers and deep
Storage was published and updated in 2016. unmineable coal seams as potential candidates
This atlas evaluated the storage perspective in for long-term CO₂ sequestration. The study
oil and gas fields, aquifers, coal beds and basalts prioritized the evaluation of onshore basins but
with a focus on the quantitative evaluation of also gathered and reported preliminary data for
the Campos basin. offshore basins. This report provided a
high-level estimation of the storage potential
iv) Canada: and was intended to be a starting point for more
The assessment of Canada’s geological detailed characterization studies.
sequestration potential has progressed because
of various collaborative projects such as the A more recent geological study is based on the
Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships seismic profiling done as part of the CCS
(RCSPs). The North American Carbon Storage demonstration projects in the Shenhua
Atlas (2008-2012) was developed with the province, where CO₂ is being injected in a
participation of Canada, USA, and Mexico. The saline aquifer and also in cooperation with the
atlas evaluates the list of stationary emission Carbon Capture and Storage China-EU
sources and the potential geological CO₂ (COACH) project, where the geological storage
storage reservoirs. This generated high-level opportunities were investigated in the Bohai
data for initial storage potential assessment and basin in China. The focus of the latter was
a data-based source-sink mapping for CO₂. evaluating the storage potential of the Dagang
oilfield complex (Tianjin Municipality), deep
The Carbon Storage Atlas V published and saline aquifers in the Jiyang depression
maintained by NETL also lists the data on the (Shandong province) and the Kailuan coalfield
storage potential of Canadian provinces (Hebei Province).
involved in various RCSPs like the Western
Coast Regional Carbon Storage Partnership Wen, Dongguang, et al. (2018) have also
(WESTCARB) and the Plains CO₂ Reduction evaluated the storage potential in Junggar
Partnership (PCOR). The storage assessment in Basin, located in northern Xinjiang, using static
the province of British Columbia was included reservoir modelling and dynamic simulations to
in the WESTCARB program, while the PCOR understand the storage potential and the storage
program characterized and evaluated the mechanism (residual trapping and CO₂
storage potential of sedimentary basins in the dissolution into formation water) of CO₂ over a
provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and prolonged period. More such work has been
Manitoba. These programs have not only carried out as a result of demonstration projects
characterized the geological formations but also yielding quality data to be applied in static and
demonstrated the storage of CO₂. The dynamic modelling.
NATCARB atlas maintains information about
the various RCSPs and the active projects in the
regions and is available for public access.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 136

CO₂ Storage Potential

vi) European Union: and Greenland for the Clean Air Task Force.
The assessment of CO₂ storage potential for the The assessment across European countries has
European countries is drawn from the report progressed through various projects and
“EU Geological CO₂ storage summary (2021)” programs, as listed in Table 6-4.
prepared by the Geological Survey of Denmark

Table 6-4: List of European CO₂ storage assessment projects

Project Name Year Remarks

Joule II 1996 Theoretical CO₂ storage capacity estimated for 13 European countries.

Geological Storage of 2004 Conducted for 7 north-western European countries and Greece.
CO₂ from Combustion Mapped storage options such as regional saline aquifers, storage
of Fossil Fuel (GESTCO) reservoirs (geological structures), oil/gas fields and coal beds.
The efficient storage capacity was calculated and updated in the GIS

CO₂ from Capture to 2006 Mapped and integrated storage capacity data for 8 additional Eastern
Storage (Castor WP 1.2) Europe countries in the GESTCO GIS.

EU GeoCapacity 2009 GESTCO database updated for 25 European countries and 2 provinces
of China
Results provide an efficient CO₂ storage capacity

Nordic CO₂ storage 2014 Focus countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden
Atlas Evaluated storage capacity in saline aquifers, storage reservoirs
(geological structures), hydrocarbon fields, porous basalts and
ultramafic rocks.

CO2StoP 2015 Harmonized the GIS-database from EU GeoCapacity.

Includes publicly available data from 27 European countries.
A revised approach towards categorizing potential geological storage
formation was introduced.

Source: EU Geological CO₂ storage summary (2021)

Other regional studies have also contributed to the dynamic modelling for CO₂ injection, Individual
storage capacity estimations. The high-level levels of storage assessment have not been explored
estimate is available for all the countries, while in this report. The assessment data available for the
some research bodies are also involved in demon- EU countries are as follows:
stration projects, 2D & 3D static modelling and

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 137

CO₂ Storage Potential

a) Austria: A total of 6 saline aquifers have been CO₂ storage sites beneath the Mediterranean
mapped within Austria. The theoretical storage Sea, to the south of Cyprus.
potential is estimated at about 20 Gt (Poulsen et
al. 2014), but the estimate is tentative. The f) Czech Republic: A few saline aquifers and
Austrian Government’s Federal ministry, in basins located in the eastern parts of the country
their long term strategy for 2050 has stated a offer potential storage opportunities for the
storage capacity of only 400-510 mt of CO₂ . emission sources located in the northeastern
part of the Czech Republic. The estimated
b) Belgium: A total of 6 saline aquifers and 2 storage capacity is quite moderate: 400 mt in
storage reservoirs have been identified as saline aquifers, 190 mt in storage reservoirs and
suitable for CO₂ injection and storage. The 18 mt in hydrocarbon fields.
cumulative capacity for these formations
amounts to 260 - 282 mt. Due to the lower g) Denmark: Based on the most recent evaluation
coverage of sedimentary basins suitable for CO₂ of the Danish storage capacity in 2020, it was
storage, the estimations for Belgium are on the determined that the capacity in storage
lower side. reservoirs and hydrocarbon fields ranges from
12 to 25 Gt (as per an unpublished internal
c) Bulgaria: Potential CO₂ storage sites have memorandum). This capacity is consistent with
been identified in the eastern parts of Bulgaria. earlier European evaluations.
The theoretical storage capacity is estimated to
be 2-3 Gt in 11 saline aquifers and 4-6 Gt in the h) Estonia: According to the available
hydrocarbon fields. sedimentary basin mapping, no storage options
are available in Estonia.
d) Croatia: The EU Geological Storage Summary
considers storage opportunities in the Adriatic i) Finland: Finland lacks any potential for
Sea and the eastern part of Croatia. The geological CO₂ storage; any CO₂ captured in
estimated total capacity is 4 Gt in 14 saline Finland would need to be transported and stored
aquifers and 175 mt in 17 hydrocarbon fields. outside Finland’s borders. The Baltic Sea has
The STRATEGY CCUS group estimates a total some theoretical capacities, but as per studies
storage capacity of 2.7 Gt; 2.6 Gt is from five done so far, the formations have poor
different deep saline aquifers and 14 exhausted injectivity.
oil & gas fields account for the remaining
storage (144 mt). However, it’s possible that the j) France: The estimates for the CO₂ storage
exhausted hydrocarbon resources will be the potential in France are provided by the Bureau
first to be used for the storage of CO₂ through de Recherches Géologiques et Minières
EOR. (BRGM) in the European Horizon 2020
STRATEGY CCUS project. The study
e) Cyprus: No information or estimate is focussed on the Paris basin and the Rhone
available on the potential CO₂ storage capacity Valley, which have sedimentary basins
in Cyrus. A study was planned to be conducted consisting of depleted oil fields. The Paris basin
by the University of Nicosia’s Centre for Green had a better collection of data on the geological
Development and Energy Policy (CGD) and profiling due to geothermal activity and former
Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS) to oil & gas exploitation.
understand and evaluate the likely geological

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 138

CO₂ Storage Potential

A lack of data availability was noted for the northern part of Greece. Three saline aquifers
Rhone Valley basin due to fewer studies being have a total storage capacity of 1 – 2 Gt and 5
carried out in the region. The study assessed the storage reservoirs have a mean capacity of 2 Gt.
storage capacity to be 0.085 Gt for the Rhone The storage capacity in 3 hydrocarbon fields is
Valley and 0.33 Gt for the Paris Basin and also estimated to be around 37 mt.
identified the lack of maturity of these sources.
m) Hungary: Storage regions are located in
According to the GIS database in EU western and south-eastern Hungary. The
GeoCapacity and the CO2StoP project, France storage capacity estimated for 16 mapped saline
has three major basins with five mapped saline aquifers is 311 mt. A further 450 mt of storage
aquifers and a total estimated storage capacity capacity is reported in 5 storage reservoirs and
of 29 Gt. Although the capacity of storage 100 mt in 14 hydrocarbon fields.
reservoirs is not specified, the Paris Basin’s
hydrocarbon fields have been estimated to have n) Ireland: Nine saline aquifers are mapped in
a storage capacity of only 39 mt. Ireland with a total capacity of 500 mt (Poulsen
et al. 2014). One hydrocarbon field has a
k) Germany: Underground CO₂ storage has reported storage capacity of 332 mt, while one
gained public attention in Germany as the storage reservoir has a 40 mt storage capacity.
country is pursuing ambitious CO₂ reduction
targets of minus 40 per cent until 2030 and at o) Italy: The storage area extends southward from
least minus 80 to 95 per cent until 2050. A Italy’s mid-north region along the country’s
methodology was applied to gain an eastern coast. There are 26 identified saline
understanding of the effective storage capacity aquifers with a combined capacity of 5 Gt.
of onshore aquifers in Germany. The estimate is Although storage reservoirs are not mentioned,
based on the averaged values from site-specific it is estimated that hydrocarbon fields have
investigations. around 134 mt of storage capacity.

The South Permian Basin (SPBA) covering p) Latvia: Latvia has storage options in storage
most of northern Germany offers CO₂ storage reservoirs and the total capacity is estimated to
options and together with basins south of be 340 – 930 mt in 18 reservoirs; however, for
SPBA, Germany has several storage saline aquifers, the capacity is estimated to be
possibilities, but only a few close to the regions between 1 and 46 Gt.
with the highest emissions. Storage capacities
for saline aquifers are not included in the p) Lithuania: Lithuania has storage options in
CO2StoP, but for Germany as a whole, 24 both storage reservoirs (80 mt) and hydrocarbon
storage reservoirs are reported in CO2StoP, fields (7 mt).
with a total capacity of 1 – 3 Gt and an
additional 2 Gt storage capacity in hydrocarbon r) Netherlands: The entire storage capacity of the
fields. A conservative estimate from EU Netherlands’s hydrocarbon fields is estimated
GeoCapacity mapped almost 15 Gt storage to be 10 Gt, while storage capacity is 1.4 Gt for
capacity in saline aquifers. the 18 saline aquifers that are included in the
assessment for potential CO₂ storage sites. The
i) Greece: Theoretical storage capacity coastal regions have the highest concentration
estimation has been undertaken for the of emission sources, making offshore depleted
geological formations in Greece. The hydrocarbon fields an excellent option for
prospective storage sites are situated in the storage.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 139

CO₂ Storage Potential

s) Poland: The majority of Poland’s geology is Two suitable sites in the Sarmatian reservoirs
dominated by the South Permian Basin, which (tertiary deposits) of the Getica Depression and
is also present in the northern parts of Germany. the sedimentary basin between the South
The basin presents a good opportunity for CO₂ Carpathians and the Moesian Platform were
sequestration in Poland, with 4 saline aquifers found to have a storage capacity of about 100
mapped with a theoretical storage potential of mt each in a feasibility study for the Getica CCS
about 200 Gt; within the basin, 33 storage Demonstration Project (2011), which is the only
reservoirs (geological structures) are mapped existing CCS proposal in Romania. There is no
and can accommodate an estimated 4 to 7 Gt of potential to store CO₂ in unmineable coal
CO₂ . seams in Romania.

t) Portugal: The STRATEGY CCUS has stated v) Slovakia: The potential CO₂ storage sites are
that the Lusitanian basin in Portugal has the distributed in the western and eastern parts of
potential to store CO₂ in its geological the country. The majority of the CO₂ storage
formations, both onshore and offshore. The capacity is offered by 37 saline aquifers and the
onshore formations offer low storage potential capacity is expected to be in the range of 2 to 13
with an estimated theoretical CO₂ storage Gt, while the hydrocarbon fields offer a very
capacity of 340 mt compared to 1.6 Gt of small storage capacity of only 1 mt.
offshore storage capacity (theoretical). There is
limited characterization data on the geological w) Slovenia: The country has a number of storage
formations, but some data is available due to the possibilities that have been mapped. 37 saline
3D seismic survey carried out as a part of oil aquifers are mapped and estimated to have a
exploration activities in 2012, which can be combined CO₂ storage capacity of 154 mt.
used for estimations and preliminary
simulations. x) Spain: A total of 45 saline aquifers with a
combined capacity of about 6 Gt CO₂ have
u) Romania: Numerous studies and stakeholder been mapped in Spain. These storage facilities
involvement in the CCS4CEE project have are distributed across the northern and eastern
underlined Romania’s substantial theoretical regions of the country.
capacity for CO₂ storage. Deep saline aquifers
form the majority of the storage capacity, with y) Sweden: The potential CO₂ storage capacity in
depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs (mainly Sweden has been published in the CO₂ storage
onshore) making up the remaining portion. atlas of Sweden based on a study carried out by
Based on the assumption that the majority of the Nordic Competence Centre for CCS
Romania’s remaining hydrocarbons will be (NORDICCS). The south-east Baltic Sea and
extracted in 20 to 30 years and the resulting southwest Scania in southern Sweden have been
depleted fields will be available for CO₂ identified as two regions with potential for
storage, the most thorough estimate (EU geological storage of CO₂ , based on screening
GeoCapacity) of Romania’s storage capacity the data on deep well logs and seismic data.
found a total theoretical capacity of 22.6 Gt, There are a total of eight storage formations and
with 18.6 Gt in deep saline aquifers and 4.0 Gt one geological trap identified for CO₂ storage.
in depleted hydrocarbon fields, considering The combined theoretical capacity for these
both enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and formations is estimated to be around 3.4 Gt.
enhanced gas recovery (EGR).

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 140

CO₂ Storage Potential

vii) India: One known pilot project in Indonesia is the

The Directorate General of Hydrocarbons Gundih CCS Pilot. This project aims to be the
(DGH) in India is the authority for managing first in Southeast Asia to research and develop
the survey of sedimentary basins. Their current technology for CCS along with management
work focuses on generating geo-scientific data and leakage monitoring.
related to the 26 sedimentary basins in India to
support hydrocarbon E&P activities. While no ix) Japan:
country-level mapping of sedimentary basins The Japanese Government has stated its
has been done for CO₂ sequestration, the objective to develop commercially viable CCS
geological profiling of these basins has technology by around 2020 and introduce CCS
generated good quality data to form preliminary in the coal-fired power sector by 2030. In
estimates of the CO₂ storage potential. February 2012, Japan CCS Co, a collaboration
created in 2008 of about thirty Japanese
A report published by the British Geological companies specializing in CCS technologies,
Survey (BGS) and IEAGHG for the Indian was chosen to oversee the CCS Project. It has
subcontinent evaluated a high-level storage been conducting R&D and feasibility studies to
potential for the oilfields, unmineable coal beds enable large-scale testing of CCS technology.
and deep saline aquifers. The improvement in
the availability of geo-scientific data has been Japan is also conducting a thorough seismic
instrumental in updating this high-level storage survey of subsea storage potential. It has set a
potential assessment. In this regard, the work of target for storing 100 mtpa of CO₂ . The
Vishal, Vikram, et al. (2021) evaluates the Research Institute of Innovative Technology for
storage potential for oil and gas reservoirs, coal the Earth (RITE) has been subsidized by the
formations, deep saline aquifers and basalt Energy Ministry to test CO₂ injection and
formations using the data available for each of storage in Iwanohara, Nagaoka city, in
the basins provided by DGH based on the cooperation with Inpex Corporation. The Japan
current exploration assessment. CO₂ Geo sequestration in Coal Seams Project
(JCOP) at the Ishikari coalfield of Hokkaido is
viii)Indonesia: funded by the government and is Japan’s first
Indonesia has initiated research on Carbon CO₂ storage field trial in coal seams. Also, a
Capture and Sequestration technologies as part CO₂ storage demonstration project was
of efforts to reduce increasing atmospheric CO₂ conducted in the south-west of Nagaoka City to
concentrations. There are 33 sites with storage obtain data on the behaviour of CO₂ in an
resource potential in both saline aquifers and oil onshore aquifer. The project was carried out by
& gas fields, with saline aquifers accounting for the Japanese research agency, RITE.
89% of Indonesia’s storage resource. Indonesia
has several high CO₂ gas fields, many of which x) Republic of Korea:
were studied in the CO2CRC (2010) report, Published literature by Huh, Dae-Gee, et al.
with their associated saline aquifers proposed (2011) and others consider the onshore basins in
for CO₂ injection sites. Indonesia has evaluated Korea to be unfit for CO₂ storage as the
11 sedimentary basins, which have been geological parameters (porosity, permeability)
identified as having storage potential and are of the formations in onshore basins are unlikely
included in the CSRC. to support a successful injection project.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 141

CO₂ Storage Potential

The seismic activity in onshore basins is also a xii) Russia:

major concern - in 2017, a 5.4 magnitude A report by Shogenova et al. (2011) included
earthquake (induced by water injection in an north-western Russia in aquifer storage
enhanced geothermal system) in Pohang City capacity estimates. The data availability was a
(in the largest onshore basin) caused cessation critical barrier in forming preliminary
of all fluid injection activities (both CO₂ and estimates; consequently, the storage capacity
geothermal). for the entire country could not be estimated.
According to the study, the Tiskre Formation’s
Three offshore basins have been identified as Middle Cambrian sandstones are the most
potential candidates for CO₂ storage; the promising aquifer in the European part of
Ulleung basin is the most feasible due to the Russia, despite the fact that many of its sites are
presence of gas-bearing structures. A better too shallow. Only in the south-east of the
quality of geo-scientific data may be rendered Novgorod Region, within the Moscow
from the recent exploration activities in the Syneclise, a site with a depth of more than 800
Ulleung Basin in 2019 by KNOC and Woodside m is observed.
and a new drilling contract awarded in February
2021. xiii) Saudi Arabia:
Saudi Arabia is expected to have a very high
xi) Mexico: potential of CO₂ storage due to the large
In 2012, the Federal government included volume of proven crude oil reserves. Even so,
Carbon Capture, Use, and Storage as a topic in the subsurface data is highly restricted. A large
the National Energy Strategy 2012-2026, with share of work published on CO₂ storage
specific tasks and goals for the next 5 years, potential is based on high-level estimates, while
which include the development of a national some 3D modelling has been carried out to
atlas, a GIS on CCS, and a national strategy to acquire a better understanding of the storage
be developed by the end of 2012. 13 geological potential of the basins.
provinces were identified with CO₂ storage
potential in saline formations deeper than 800 Corrales Guerrero, M. A. (2021) have assessed
meters. Nine of these geological formations the CO₂ storage potential in the Unayzah
were assessed, and an estimate was generated formation. This was done by creating a dynamic
for their CO₂ storage resource. These simulation for the identified storage site using
evaluations were conducted in two phases: In publicly available data and dominant
the first phase, the basins were separated into mechanisms influencing storage efficiency. The
exclusion or inclusion zones, where excluded simulation was also used to study continuous
basins exhibited high seismicity, geothermal or injection of CO₂ in the formation for 40 years,
volcanic activity and thus were not followed by another 20 years of monitoring.
recommended for geological storage. In the Mantilla Salas, Sofia, et al. (2021) have also
second phase, a theoretical storage resource was investigated the storage potential for the
calculated for prospective sectors within basins Unayzah formation using geological data to
in the inclusion zone. generate probabilistic models and 3D static and
dynamic simulation to understand the storage
mechanisms as well.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 142

CO₂ Storage Potential

xiv) South Africa: Project (UKSAP) and is maintained by the

South Africa does not have any CO₂ storage British Geological Survey and the Crown Estate
specific regulatory or legal framework. The and under license from the Energy
evaluation of potential storage sites began in Technologies Institute (ETI). The database
2010. An atlas and a detailed report on the provides insights on 500 potential CO₂ storage
geological storage of CO₂ in South Africa was sites. The database reports an estimated 78 Gt of
published. The atlas indicated a theoretical CO₂ storage potential for sedimentary basins,
geological storage capacity of 150 Gt. The oil & gas fields present in the UK territory, with
majority of the work undertaken for evaluating the majority of the storage potential (68 Gt) in
the storage potential in South Africa has saline aquifers.
focused on saline aquifers as it has the highest
potential as a storage resource. A pilot project xvii) United States of America:
named “South Africa Pilot Carbon Storage The USA has rich experience in terms of
Project (PCSP)” was established to carry out operating EOR projects (the first being in 1972)
10,000-50,000 tonne of CO₂ injection over a and has been assessing the storage potential of
two-year period. The potential storage sites in geological formations for years. Through
South Africa are located in the Onshore Algoa various programs and RCSPs, the US DOE has
basin, Onshore Gamtoos basin, Onshore studied the potential storage sites and has
Zululand basin, Offshore Orange basin, generated high-level estimates for CO₂ storage
Offshore East Coast basin and the Offshore potential. The data from different programs,
Outeniqua Basin. DOE’s carbon storage activities and field
projects is represented in the Carbon Storage
xv) Turkey: Atlas – Fifth Edition (Atlas V). The data from
The assessment of storage potential in Turkey large-scale field projects executed under
has focussed mainly on depleting oil and gas various RSCPs, small-scale field projects and
fields. The deep saline aquifers in the Thrace American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
region, Central Anatolia and Southeastern (ARRA) site characterization projects is
Turkey and the salt caverns of soda mines have included in this atlas. The GIS created under
also been identified as potential candidates for NATCARB is the basis for the atlas. The US
CO₂ storage. In 2013, the Turkish Ministry of DOE has classified types of waste storage wells
Environment and Urbanization Capacity into 6 classes and also follows a standard of
undertook estimation work for the potential permitting for Class VI wells (for CO₂ storage)
CO₂ -EOR projects and the associated storage in permits. The regulatory framework for CO₂
the fields in Batman, Adıyaman and Thrace sequestration is well established.
regions. The study reported the storage
potential in these fields to be 108 mt, but to date
no nation-wide survey for CO₂ storage
potential has been carried out.

xvi) United Kingdom:

The CO2Stored (CO₂ storage evaluation
database) is the official database on the CO₂
storage potential of the United Kingdom. This
was developed under the UK Storage Appraisal

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 143

CO₂ Storage Potential

6.5 Storage Resource Management System (SRMS)

Estimated theoretical capacities represent the of storage resource maturity, and provide a
potential for CO₂ storage, but they do not give the common resource terminology for better communi-
actual storage capacity. In order to provide a robust cations within international bodies and divulge
database for CO₂ storage capacity and to accelerate reliable data pertaining to storage capacities for
commercial deployment of CCUS at scale, it is different stakeholders and facilitate data driven
imperative to categorize the CO₂ storage capacity business decisions.
as theoretical (prospective) or commercial. The
GCCSI, in collaboration with OGCI and Storegga, There were various stages involved in the classifi-
has created a system for the classification of CO₂ cation of the CO₂ storage resource to get better
storage sites into three categories: prospective, clarity on the types of storage resources (undiscov-
sub-commercial and commercial categories. ered/ discovered) and further analyze their commer-
cial readiness (sub-commercial/ commercial). The
Similarly, the CO₂ Storage Resource Catalogue flowchart followed to build the CSRC has been
(CSRC), published by OGCI and developed by illustrated in Figure 6-4. The flowschart takes the
GCCSI and Storegga identifies storage resources in user through a set of questions that would enable
various categories following the SRMS guidelines the user to categorize their storage resource and also
of the Society of Petroleum Engineers SRMS. The create a plan of action for upgrading the status of
CSRC aims to aid countries track the progression the storage resource.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 144

CO₂ Storage Potential

Figure 6-4: CO₂ Storage Resource Classification Flowchart based on SRMS guidelines

Source: 2022 Status Report, GCCSI

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 145

CO₂ Storage Potential

6.6 Gaps in Characterization of CO₂ Storage Potential

Sequestration of CO₂ in geological formations iii) Sedimentary basins or saline aquifers: These
dates back to 1972 when the first EOR project com- form a large share of the estimated global CO₂
menced operations in North America. This was storage capacity. But due to the very low
possible due to the availability of good quality data possibility of hydrocarbon production and no
for the selected storage site (oil field) because of the economic benefit or returns, these formations
operational expertise of oil & gas exploration and have not seen focused geological studies and
production (E&P) activities. This explains why a characterization. This has resulted in poor
large share of existing CO₂ capture projects has quality of the database with tentative results.
developed with EOR as the preferred mode of CO₂ The lack of site-specific data makes it difficult
disposition. Although the knowledge and technolo- to even generate a theoretical estimation. In
gy have matured a lot over the years, assessing CO₂ cases where data is available, there exists a risk
storage potential and setting up a CO₂ storage proj- of double counting the capacity, as the storage
ect is still quite challenging. The broader challenges capacities are considered both in the national
encountered in a CO₂ storage project are site selec- atlas/ publication as well as studies that estimate
tion, development of the storage resource, and iden- the theoretical capacity based on the injection
tification of technical risk factors associated with into structures in the aquifers.
CO₂ injection & storage. The gaps in the site
specific characterization and potential assessment Based on high-level estimations, potential sites
are listed below: need to be explored and studied for CO₂
injection and storage. A profiling of potential
i) EOR: The primary gap in the assessment and sites needs to be completed by generating
characterization of the CO₂ storage potential well-log study data, seismic study data,
exists at the database creation stage and dynamic modelling, pore space mapping, and
updating of existing databases. Due to efforts other relevant techniques. These will help in
made by E&P activities, oil well characteristics understanding the geophysical properties of the
data is available for hydrocarbon-producing site. The data and methodologies for such tests
fields, but most of these formations are not and studies need to be shared in the public
explored with CO₂ storage as the primary domain to enhance the database and resources,
target. Thus, keeping this in mind, the which may benefit other nations that may be at
geological formations need to be studied and an initial stage of site characterization. This is a
required data needs to be generated from a CO₂ key area for promoting international
storage perspective. collaboration and would make permit
generation for storage an easier task. Finally,
ii) ECBMR: ECBMR is still in its nascent stages, field experimentation and testing data of pilot
with only operational pilot plants. Significant sequestration projects need to be made available
R&D work is needed for the maturity of the in the public domain to support further research
concept. This technique does not offer a sizable and development of concepts and technologies
share of sequestration capacity and thus, there is and risk assessment related to CO₂
very little data available for it. Thus, keeping sequestration and to make CO₂ storage a more
this in mind, the geological formations need to economically viable solution.
be studied and required data needs to be
generated from a CO₂ storage perspective.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 146

CO₂ Storage Potential

iv) Basaltic formations: Carbon mineralization is & environment (HSE) related issues for the
in its development phase, with an operational project site. Injection of CO₂ leads to seismic
pilot plant in Iceland sequestering 4,000 tpa of response (maybe at a microscale), which must
CO₂ in basalt formations. Since it presents a be addressed before commencing injection
huge potential for permanent CO₂ sequestration operations. The absence of policy and
with little or no identified risks of fugitive CO₂ regulatory frameworks related to CO₂ storage
leakage, there is a lot of scope for process in many countries also poses a barrier to
improvement. Thus it is crucial to understand progressing and developing storage resources at
and eliminate any research gaps related to the the commercial level. Sealing the geological
technology or the process to scale up the formation at the end of the injection project is
capacity. Other than research, the main gap is necessary to prevent the CO₂ from migrating
the characterization of the basalt formations, as out of the storage site. The required action for
different types of minerals are present in closure of the site may vary with the geological
different basalt formations. This would impact characteristics of the site. Thus, site specific
the mineralization process of CO₂ and hence is studies need to be carried out to formulate a
crucial for project site selection. The CO₂ sealing strategy for the selected storage site.
dissolution in pore water also needs to be
researched thoroughly for the possibility of vi) Data & information sharing: Generating and
contamination of nearby aquifers. publishing pilot data for reference (like CO₂
DataShare) is a necessity to support the global
v) Reservoir quality: It is also important to assess research community and other stakeholders
the site/reservoir quality, uncertainties arising (governments and industries) to work together
from structural faults, site performance under and create a Gigaton scale infrastructure for
varying injection conditions and health, safety CO₂ disposition.

6.7 Risk Monitoring Framework for CO₂ Storage

The geological formations discussed in the previous Since a very high concentration of supercritical CO₂
sections have the potential to store CO₂ at the (typically > 98-99 wt%) is transported for seques-
giga-tonne scale. This comes with its own set of tration projects, CO₂ leakage poses a high probabil-
risks, thus mandating standardization of suitable ity of hazardous impact on humans as well as
risk monitoring frameworks. In this context, it is animals and plants.
also important to understand the risks associated
with geological sequestration. Based on the risk Another possible risk associated with the CO₂ stor-
assessment for each site, risk monitoring guidelines age site boundary is CO₂ leakage from the geologi-
need to be followed. cal formation. The hazard due to leakage from
geological formations can be classified based on the
All gas transportation systems (whether pipeline or rate of leakage. When the rate is slow, the hazard
shipping based) have the inevitable risk of a fugi- will be localized but may still lead to loss of life.
tive emission or leakage due to structural failure or For leakage at rapid rates, the hazard could be fatal
accidental events (e.g., corrosion for pipes and and can cause loss of lives.
collision, foundering, stranding, and fire for ships).

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The leaked CO₂ from the geological formations can it is important to have a monitoring system to
also rise and get dissolved in potable water bodies predict the possibility of any future hazard due to
(shallow groundwater). This will lead to the forma- continued operations at the selected site. Thus, all
tion of carbonic acid, thereby altering the pH of the these reasons necessitate a risk monitoring frame
water and rendering it unfit for consumption, agri- work for the geological sequestration of CO₂ .
cultural, and industrial use. There is also a chance
of leaked storage entering a hydrocarbon reservoir MVA (Monitoring Verification and Account-
and reducing the economic value of fuel by contam- ing): One of the key risk management frameworks
inating it. used for CO₂ geo-sequestration projects is the
MVA framework. The MVA framework provides
CO₂ storage in geological formations is being the tools, techniques and frameworks to monitor
explored as a long-term solution for CO₂ disposi- and manage risks across the lifecycle of geoseques-
tion. Leakage of CO₂ in any of the above cases may tration projects. MVA activities are typically
lead to CO₂ escaping back to the atmosphere and carried out in four phases:
thus negating all the efforts to capture and store it.
Pilot tests in certain sedimentary basins have i) Pre-Operation Phase: Project design, estab-
revealed that CO₂ injection can also cause -lishing baseline conditions, characterization of
micro-seismic activity. This may lead to the fractur- the site geology and identification of risks.
ing of the proposed formation. Rapid CO₂ leakage
can also cause fault activation, which may result in ii) Operation Phase: Period of CO₂ injection in
earthquakes on a large scale. the storage site.

A well-defined monitoring framework is very iii) Closure Phase: Period of closing and plugging
crucial for the safe and successful operation of CO₂ the sites, removal of equipment and facilities
sequestration. A monitoring framework would help and undertaking site restoration. However,
the creation and maintenance of CO₂ injection data necessary monitoring equipment is retained at
in a particular geological formation. A better under- the site.
standing of different CO₂ storage mechanisms can
be developed with the aid of the required monitor- iv) Post-Closure Phase: Ongoing monitoring is
ing setup. It would also help in studying the storage undertaken before making a decision that
status of CO₂ i.e., whether it is present in the same further monitoring is not required, except in
formation where it was intended to be stored, or has case of any incidents like leakage, or legal
migrated to a different site (maybe to a neighbour- cases, for which new information is required
ing field, other rock formation, or underground about the storage project/site.
potable water reserves). Injection monitoring
subsystems are needed to supervise injection activi- CO₂ storage in geological formations (both seques-
ties to ensure the injection pressures are in the tration and EOR to a limited extent) is imperative
required range and to assess the need to drill new for the disposition of CO₂ at scale, and hence criti-
wells. Specific monitoring systems are required for cal to the implementation of CCUS at Gt scale,
monitoring the integrity of the well as well as the especially for the decarbonization of large industri-
possibility of any leakage from it. The monitoring al scale emitters of CO₂. Given the safety concerns
systems would also add a set of operational data about underground CO₂ storage as well as for
which can support the R&D behind 3D simulations accounting CO₂ volumes eligible for credits/incen-
for performance modelling of the CO₂ injection. As tives, it is necessary to develop CO₂ storage
CO₂ injection may cause micro-seismic activities,

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 148

CO₂ Storage Potential

demonstration projects and develop robust MVA ble for EOR. The MVA programs and best practices
programs for them. In order to develop a holistic developed by the US DOE provide a good starting
perspective, it is also important to implement proj- point based on which site-specific MVA programs
ects at different types of CO₂ storage sites, such as can be developed and implemented.
saline aquifers, basaltic traps, and oilfields amena-

6.8 CO₂ Storage - Key Areas of Research & Development

With respect to CO₂ storage, the key focus areas for and block the leak path (source: Wasch, Laura,
future research & development are as follows: and Mariëlle Koenen. “Injection of a CO₂
-reactive solution for wellbore annulus leakage
i) Cap rock fracture remediation.: Minerals 9.10 (2019): 645). The
Sequestration sites should have a sealing development of such techniques would further
structure called cap rock, to limit the injected eliminate the risk of leakage.
CO₂ within the reservoir boundary. A pressure
differential between the inside and outside of ii) Smart well monitoring techniques
the cap rock is formed. This differential keeps The development of well monitoring
on increasing, and on reaching a certain technologies has enabled researchers to access
pressure drop, the cap rock may fracture, and real-time data sets to study the behaviour of the
the injected CO₂ may escape the reservoir. This injected CO₂ and to carry out further research
phenomenon needs to be accounted for while towards the enhancement/ development of well
considering a site for CO₂ sequestration. monitoring technologies. Different types of logs
Presently research is being carried out to assess and profiles can be generated: leak detection
the long-term cap rock integrity for the ongoing log, cement bound logs, tubular inspection,
CO₂ sequestration projects with the help of production (injection) profile, beutron, and
scenario-based simulations and modelling cap spectral. These can be used to validate the well
rock fracture scenarios to develop fugitive integrity, pressure isolation, corrosion, and
emission prevention/remediation strategies. injection profile.
Research work has also been carried out for the
development of remediation measures in case of Pressure Down-hole Gauges (PDG) can be
CO₂ leakage. employed to understand the flow behaviour of
CO₂ in the subsurface and generate real-time
Few recent investigations have focussed on the data for different parameters. To visualize fluid
sealing of fractures in a representative CO₂ movement in the reservoir and detect signs of
reservoir caprock by migration of fines (source: CO₂ migration, real-time pressure data
Rod, Kenton A., et al. “Sealing of fractures in a obtained from PDGs can be used.
representative CO₂ reservoir caprock by
migration offines.” Greenhouse Gases: Science Research undertaken to develop seismic
and Technology 11.3 (2021): 483-492), use of imaging technology has assisted the
chemical sealants (source: Moneke, development of time-lapse seismic imaging or
Kenechukwu. Gel reaction and permeability 4-D seismic models for monitoring injected
modification for CO₂ leakage remediation and CO₂ movements in the subsurface at different
flood conformance. Diss. 2020), and injection intervals during injection projects. The database
of solution reactive with CO₂ in the micro generated from these real-time monitoring data
annulus of well to induce calcite precipitation can be used to train a machine learning algo-

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 149

CO₂ Storage Potential

-rithm which can be used as an Intelligent monitoring and detection of CO₂ leakage from
Leakage Detection System (ILDS) to identify the formation. A time-lapse seismic imaging or
potential leakage hazards prior to the 4 D seismic that captures the area occupied by
occurrence of the event (source: Haghighat, S. the injected CO₂ at different intervals reveals
A. (2014). Monitoring the Integrity of CO₂ the movement of CO₂ in the subsurface over
Storage Sites Using Smart Field Technology. time. The CO₂ migration path coupled with a
West Virginia University). The application of machine learning algorithm could help in
artificial intelligence in smart well systems is predicting the future size of the CO₂ plume and
still also being developed for smart well possible leakage points.
monitoring systems. A few areas of research
include proxy model development, artificial v) Role of academia and industry in further
intelligence assisted history matching, project development of CO₂ sequestration
design, and optimization. These have an To further develop CO₂ sequestration,
immense potential towards enabling intelligent preliminary basis must be set based on the
well monitoring and eliminating the risks geophysical properties and seismic data for the
associated with CO₂ sequestration by assisting selected storage site. Academic institutions with
in the formulation of mitigation strategies in state-of-the-art simulation tools and labs can
case of CO₂ leakage from the reservoir. help in generating the basis for sequestration
projects by forming a group dedicated to these
iii) Well integrity types of projects. They can also develop lab
Well integrity of an injection well is the ability scale solutions for the mitigation of risks related
to inject the CO₂ in the reservoir without any to the CO₂ sequestration. This work can then be
leakage throughout the project life. The oil & supported by the industry participants in the
gas industry has been developing well integrity field of CO₂ sequestration.
monitoring techniques as it is crucial to their
operations. Similar techniques can be employed The basis for the projects developed by
to monitor the well integrity of CO₂ academic institutions can be used to generate
sequestration wells. Recent research has also more detailed project designs required for
focussed on monitoring the integrity of plugged clearances and project execution & completion.
and abandoned wells for CO₂ storage purposes. The industry can aid academic institutions by
Some research works have also employed collaborating to provide operational expertise to
artificial intelligence-based approaches to further improve the research work carried out at
detect anomalies or defects when monitoring lab scale. The stakeholders from the industry
permanently plugged wells (source: Hosseini, can also support the research and development
Seyed Ehsan, et al. "Artificial Intelligence for of nascent technologies and monitoring
Well Integrity Monitoring Based on EM Data." techniques by undertaking pilot plants/
TCCS–11. CO₂ Capture, Transport and demonstration projects to validate the
Storage. Trondheim 22nd–23rd June 2021. applicability of technology and demonstrate the
Short Papers from the 11th International viability of leakage mitigation technology/well
Trondheim CCS Conference. SINTEF monitoring technique, thereby enhancing its
Academic Press, 2021). TRL. The data generated from the operation of
sequestration projects and pilot demonstration
iv) Seismic studies projects need to be published in the public
Seismic survey techniques are applied for the domain to provide real-time data for the
characterization and imaging of the reservoir research community to further develop
area. These studies can also be used for concepts.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 150

CCUS Technology
Gaps and International
CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration

7.1 Closing the Technology Gap in CCUS

Implementing CCUS for giga-tonne scale deploy- involve the advancement of science, the attractive-
ment in G20 countries requires that technology ness of the economics, and the deployability (avail-
gaps across the various technologies in the CCUS ability, scale, reliability and learning curve) of
value chain are closed in a reasonable time horizon relevant technologies across the value chain. The
from the perspective of progressive commer- general description of TRL levels in the attached
cial-scale deployment across all the G20 nations. A Table 7-1 helps to characterize the level of maturity
broad indicator of such gaps is the Technology of the relevant technology and the trajectory that the
Readiness Level (TRL) of various technologies in relevant technology has to take to move it from
the CCUS value chain. The key levers of the TRL TRL 5/6 to TRL 7/8/9 from the perspective of
level that needs to be addressed to close the gaps achievability of scalable commercial deployment.

Table 7-1: Description of Technology Readiness Levels (TRL)

Category TRL Description

Demonstration 9 Operations of the technology in its final form, under the full range of

8 Commercial demonstration, full-scale deployment in final form

7 Sub-scale demonstration, fully functional prototype

Development 6 Fully integrated pilot tested in a relevant environment

5 Sub-system validation in a relevant environment

4 System validation in a laboratory environment

Research 3 Proof-of-concept tests, component level

2 Formulation of the application

1 Basic principles, observed, initial concept

7.2 Technology Readiness of Carbon Capture Technologies

A major part of the carbon emissions in the industri- technologies in this area are chemical
al and power sector are stack or post-combustion solvent-based, sorbent-based, adsorption-based,
emissions with relatively dilute CO₂ concentrations membrane or cryogenic separation-based technolo-
ranging from 4% to 15%. Most applicable capture gies and are at different TRL levels of maturity.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 152

CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration

Post Combustion and ii) Collaborative research to develop and deploy

Chemical/Liquid Solvent-based Capture low-cost, non-corrosive, low-viscosity liquid
Technology Gaps solutions with lower heat capacity than water
and which selectively bind CO₂ with the above
Most amine-based chemical solvent capture tech- characteristics. Furthermore, new materials and
nologies that are applied towards post-combustion processes to separate miscible liquid mixtures
and lean CO₂ stack capture have reached commer- are also needed.
cial scale operations, exhibiting TRL 8/9 levels of
operation and should be applied at scale for deploy- Several liquid solvents that share some of the above
ability. However, the advancement of the science of characteristics, like sterically hindered amines (eg.
alternative chemical solvents offers significant from MHI, Toshiba, CSIRO at TRL 6-8), chilled
opportunities for superior economics and scale of ammonia process (eg. Baker Hughes at TRL 6-7),
liquid solvent-based capture, which can supplant water-lean solvents (eg. Ion Clean Energy at TRL
and complement existing amine-based chemical 6), phase change solvents (eg. IFPEN/Axens 5-6
solvents for lean CO₂ capture at a deployable scale. DMX™ at TRL 6) can be quickly taken through the
Many such transformational technologies are development and deployment trajectory in the G20
targeted to reduce costs by up to 30 percent (i.e. less countries to close the technology gap in liquid
than US$ 30/tonne of CO₂ captured) from the solvents for complementing amine based solvents.
first-of-a-kind technology (TRL 5/6) and be avail-
able for demonstration in the 2030 timeframe by Similarly, conventional potassium carbonate
reaching TRL 7/8/9. solvents, used for decades in chemicals and natural
gas processing, are effective carbon capture
To close the technology gaps in such additional solvents. However, they have the disadvantage of
liquid solvent types for achieving superior econom- slow rates of absorption of CO₂ , which has made
ics at scale, there are two key levers in the them suitable only for high CO₂ partial pressures.
liquid/chemical solvent space that need to be
actively addressed through enhanced and shared A novel absorption technology based on mature
R&D, G20 inter-country collaboration and progres- potassium carbonate solvents, CO₂ Solutions, has
sive scaled pilots, demonstration and deployment: added a proprietary biologically derived enzyme,
known as 1T1, to the potassium carbonate solution.
i) Further reduction in the cost of CO₂ separation This enzyme acts as a catalyst, speeding up the
from gas mixtures, which can be highly energy conversion of dissolved CO₂ in the solvent. This
intensive. Current CO₂ solvents either have enzyme transforms a relatively slow absorption
high rate constants and high binding enthalpy, technology into a much faster one. This increased
and thereby high energy costs; or low rate capture rate means a given CO₂ capture duty can be
constants and low enthalpy, and thereby high achieved with a much smaller absorber and stripper,
capital costs. Collaborative research and making potassium carbonate solvents more cost-ef-
deployment are needed to develop low-cost fective for post-combustion and other low partial
CO₂ solvents that have sufficiently low binding pressure applications. The process is also competi-
enthalpy (<70 kJ/mol) and high binding rate tive from an energy perspective – using hot water
constant (>12,000 M-1 S-1 ). rather than steam as a heat source, with a claimed
reboiler heat rate of 2.4 GJ/tonne of CO₂ captured
(Saipem CO₂ Solutions).

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 153

CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration

Hot water offers a distinct advantage – it means Finally, it is important to leverage the science of
lower temperature waste heat can be used to partial- CO₂ liquid solvents to design, build, and demon-
ly or fully supply the process with energy for the strate reactors that can cost-effectively capture CO₂
reboiler. Most absorption-based technologies at the giga-tonne scale for G20 deployability. An
require higher temperature steam, which requires estimated economic trajectory of the solvent based
additional heat. Enzyme enhanced potassium technology is given in Figure 7-1.
carbonate based solvents (TRL 5/6) can be an addi-
tional solvent type that can be taken to TRL 8/9 for
complementing existing and mature chemical
solvents for closing the technology portfolio gap.

Figure 7-1: Estimated Economic Trajectory of Solvent Based CO₂ Capture Technologies

Source: Zapantis A, Townsend A, Rassool D (2019) Policy Priorities to Incentivize Large Scale Deployment of CCUS

Physical Solvent Based technologies, and cryogenic technologies are most

Capture Technology Gaps applicable for these carbon capture applications.
The most widely used physical solvent-based tech-
Many industrial processes like gasification, ammo- nologies are the glycol-based Selexol™ and metha-
nia production, ethanol production, gas processing nol-based Rectisol® systems. The Selexol process
etc. have high partial pressure CO₂ -rich pre-com- operates at ambient temperature, whereas the Recti-
bustion gas streams available for CO₂ capture. sol process operates at a temperature as low as
Physical solvent-based technologies, membrane -60°C.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 154

CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration

These solvents are operating at large-scale facilities in the process and is claimed to be 40 to 100 times
in synthetic gas (syngas) purification and natural faster than conventional TSA processes due to its
gas processing and operate at TRL 8/9. Physical use of innovative adsorbent materials that enable
solvent based technologies are mature, and further rapid temperature swings from 40 to 110°C (NETL
reductions in cost will be through learning curves 2018a). This is currently at TRL 6 and opportunities
and scale multipliers. This can be achieved through for closing the gap exist through larger-scale
accelerated large-scale deployments of pre-com- deployments and FEED engineering to take it to
bustion capture-based applications, typically for TRL 8/9.
gasification, ammonia and natural gas processing
plants. While PSA systems have achieved maturity at scale
and provide attractive economics, TSA has signifi-
Solid Adsorbent Based Technology Gaps cant potential for techno-economic evolution and
learning curve multiplier effects. Newer solid
Different molecules have different affinities to the sorbents have a high storage capacity for carbon
surface of a solid sorbent, which allows for the dioxide. A sugar-cube sized quantity of advanced
separation of a specific gas component from a mix- MOF (Metal Organic Framework) sorbent materi-
ture. Based on the interaction between gas mole- als has the surface area of a football field.
cules and the sorbent surface, adsorption can be Advanced structured adsorbent beds (filters) can
characterized as chemical adsorption or physical capture and release CO₂ in less than 60 seconds,
adsorption. Chemical adsorption via chemical compared to hours for previous-generation solid
bonding results in a strong interaction between the sorbent technologies. MOF sorbent material can be
gas molecule and the sorbent, and is an appropriate effective at separating CO₂ from nitrogen
choice for CO₂ separation from low-concentration contained in diluted flue gas from cement, lime,
gas streams. Regeneration is typically accom- steel, aluminum, fertilizer, pulp & paper, oil & gas,
plished using a thermal/Temperature Swing and hydrogen plants, as well as future Direct Air
Adsorption (TSA) process, where the adsorbent is Capture systems.
regenerated by raising its temperature to liberate the
CO₂. On the other hand, physical adsorption, via Membrane Based Technology Gaps
van der Waals forces, has a weaker interaction
between the gas molecule and sorbent and is typi- A membrane is a barrier or medium that can sepa-
cally applied to high CO₂ concentration feed rate chemical constituents of a gas mixture based on
streams. For physical adsorbents, sorbent regenera- the permeation of the constituents through the
tion is generally based on a Pressure Swing Adsorp- membrane at different rates, i.e. particular compo-
tion (PSA) mechanism with TRL 8/9. nents of a mixture pass through the barrier faster
than the other components. Generally, gas separa-
An emerging adsorption technology for low-con- tion is accomplished by physical or chemical inter-
centration CO₂ sources is based on a rapid-cycle action between the membrane and the gas being
Temperature Swing Adsorption (TSA) process. separated. Membrane separation uses partial pres-
This technology uses an adsorbent architecture sure as the driving force and is usually more favour-
arranged in a circular structure to simultaneously able when the feed gas stream is at high pressure.
expose different sectors of the structure to each step

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 155

CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration

Process innovations such as the incorporation of -oyment. Unlike chemical solvent-based capture,
countercurrent sweep in polymeric membranes cryogenic capture requires little steam or water and
from Membrane Technology and Research’s is based primarily on meeting the energy require-
(MTR) Polaris™ process and the integration of ments from electrical power. Reducing energy
molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs) in capture requirements through optimization and improve-
systems have enabled the use of membranes in ment of the distillation column can help minimize
low-concentration CO₂ applications also. Polymer- overall project costs. More advanced cryogenic
ic membranes consist of banks of pressure vessels technology for process separation through cryogen-
that are combined to form a single “mega-module”. ic packed beds, anti-sublimation, controlled freeze
For a 240 MWe coal-fired power plant (eg. the flue zones, and cryocells will help reduce energy
gas stream from Petra Nova Unit 8), around 60 requirements, improve scale and move the technol-
mega-modules with a membrane area of approxi- ogy from TRL 6/7 to higher TRL levels.
mately 0.2 to 0.4 million m2 would be required to
capture 1.4 mtpa of CO₂ . Direct Air Capture (DAC) Technology Gaps

Polymeric membranes and electrochemical mem- DAC processes that are presently deployed at pilot
branes for low-concentration CO₂ capture are and demonstration scales commonly start with fans
currently at TRL 6, and further engineering and to move the ambient air through contactors. The
deployments can take them to the TRL 7/8/9 levels contactors apply a chemical or physical process to
in a reasonable period of time. separate CO₂ from other molecules in the air.
Chemical processes, which are currently the most
Cryogenic Capture Technology Gaps developed DAC approaches, fall into two main
classes of technologies: solid sorbents and aque-
Cryogenic CO₂ capture is considered a novel ous-based solvents. Sorbents usually contain
capture technology in which CO₂ is separated from amines that react with CO₂ molecules to form
water and other incondensable components based carbamate (including carbamic acid) and/or bicar-
on differences in their dew and freezing points, and bonate bonds, while solvents commonly contain
gaseous CO₂ is transformed into its solid phase. hydroxide groups that react with CO₂ to form
Cryogenic CO₂ capture is advantageous as the carbonates and/or bicarbonates. After the CO₂ from
captured CO₂ product can simultaneously poten- the air has been chemically captured in the contac-
tially reach high purity (~99.9%) along with high tors, the CO₂ -laden material undergoes tempera-
CO₂ capture efficiency. Cryogenic CO₂ capture ture, pressure, moisture, power supply, and/or
minimizes further purification, compression, and chemical swings to release the CO₂ in a concentrat-
transport costs and also lowers the additional ed stream, and the sorbent/solvent is regenerated for
energy consumption required for downstream CO₂ re-use. The released CO₂ is then compressed and
processing, which is advantageous for the whole geologically sequestered or converted into
CCUS value chain. value-added products.

However, the energy/power requirement for cryo-

genic conditions to realize CO₂ capture is the major
obstacle to its expansion for commercial-scale depl-

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The deployment of large-scale DAC technologies iii) Land Use: The land area footprints for
has the potential to capture CO₂ from the atmo- sorbent-based DAC plants (not considering
sphere at rates of one to tens of Gtpa CO₂ (CDR energy source or compression equipment)
Primer 2021, IEAGHG 2021, IPCC 2022). Howev- capturing 1 mtpa of CO₂ are estimated to range
er, presently there are only 19 demonstration or from 0.1 to 2 km2 (Baker 2020, Beuttler 2019,
small-scale DAC plants in the world (IEA 2021), Lebling 2022a, Ozkan 2022b). For
with a total capture capacity of about 11,000 tonnes solvent-based DAC, the land area required for a
of CO₂ per year. DAC has several challenges to 1 mtpa CO₂ capture facility is estimated to be
overcome for it to scale to giga-tonne levels at cost about 0.5 km2 (Lebling 2022a, Ozkan 2022b).
structures that are competitive. The total land area, including land use for
energy generation outside the facility fence line,
i) Cost: The levelized cost of DAC projects varies depends largely on the source of heat and
significantly (Realmonte 2019, Young 2022) power. Natural gas energy source requires
and is currently reported in the range of 1,400 m2/MW, nuclear energy requires 2,500
US$350-$700+ per net tonne of CO₂ removed m2/MW, solar PV requires 120,000 m2/MW and
(Evans 2017, Gertner 2019, IEAGHG 2021, wind energy requires 240,000 m2/MW. With
McQueen 2021, Ozkan 2022b). The estimates today’s technology, a DAC plant capturing 1
are highly dependent on factors such as the mtpa of CO₂ would require up to about 20 km2
scale of the project, location, purity of CO₂ of additional land area if powered entirely by
captured, financial assumptions, the type of PV. These estimates highlight that regardless of
capture technology employed, the type of the DAC process, the size of the overall plant
energy used in the process, local conditions like could become limited by the land area required
climate, and other factors. for the energy source.

ii) Energy Use: DAC systems typically need a iv) Water Use: Operating a DAC process can
large amount of energy, roughly 5–10 GJ/tonne consume a significant amount of water, or
CO₂ removed (Baker 2020, Mulligan 2020, conversely, it could produce water, depending
NASEM 2019), with an energy mix of 60-80% on the process. In solid sorbent processes, water
heat (for CO₂ release and sorbent/solvent usage is highly variable. Processes that
regeneration) and 20-40% electricity (for fans, incorporate the use of steam condensation for
vacuum pumps, and process units) - IEAGHG the regeneration of solid sorbents may
2021, NASEM 2019. Assuming an energy contribute to water being lost to the
requirement of 10 GJ/t CO₂, DAC would environment at a ratio of 1.6 tonne of H2O per
require about 10% of the total annual US energy tonne of CO₂ captured. Significant amounts of
consumption to scale to a capture rate of 1 Gtpa. water (1 to 7 tonnes of H2O per tonne of CO₂
Sorbent-based and solvent-based approaches captured) are typically lost to the environment
require about 180 GW and 310 GW of power, in the form of evaporation during the
respectively, to capture 1 Gtpa of CO₂ . air-contacting step in liquid solvent-based DAC

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v) Material Performance: CO₂ loading capacity The local temperature and humidity of the DAC
and sorbent/solvent lifetime are important plant site affect the reaction rates and
parameters driving operating costs. These costs complicate efforts to optimize the absorption
can be reduced with sorbent/solvent materials and desorption rates. Therefore the location of a
that have higher CO₂ capture capacities and DAC plant becomes an important determining
longer-term stability in the air. factor of the performance.

vi) CO₂ Capture and Desorption Kinetics: The DAC systems are currently at about TRL 6 and can
rate of CO₂ capture affects the capture and be accelerated to scale to higher TRLs through
regeneration cycle time and, therefore, the improvement, deployment and research around the
overall operating efficiency of a DAC plant. key levers mentioned above.

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Calcium Looping Technology Gaps tures. Solid-solid heat exchangers would be useful
for improving the integration, albeit they are not yet
The Calcium Looping (CaL) process is based on the available at the commercial scale.
abundant availability of natural materials like lime-
stone, which is also non-toxic and non-reactive. The efficiency of integration greatly conditions the
The CaL process can be a cost-effective technology energy consumption per kilogram of CO₂ avoided
for CO₂ capture from post-combustion lean sourc- (SPECCA), whose value for mature amines based
es. Lean flue gases typically contain a CO₂ mole carbon capture technology is around 2-3 GJ/t CO₂ .
fraction in the range of 10–15% - this requires an The CaL process has the potential to reduce the
optimal carbonation temperature of around 650 °C energy requirement to around 2–3 GJ/t CO₂ . Other
to achieve a high capture efficiency of 90% in the challenges for commercial-scale CaL are related to
necessarily short residence time of a few minutes. achieving efficient solid handling through the
different components of the plant. This involves
Several issues need to be addressed for the success- high-temperature particle conveying, reactors, and
ful deployment of the CaL technology at a larger storage tank feeders to counteract the negative
scale. CaO multicyclic activity needs to be effect of the cohesiveness on the powder flowabili-
increased to achieve an efficient CO₂ capture ty if fine particles are used.
energy integration and ensure adequate handling of
the solids; CaO reactivity towards carbonation CaL systems are at TRL 6/7 at this point and have
decays progressively with the number of cycles the potential to reach TRL 8/9 in a decade’s time.
before reaching a low residual. Under CO₂ capture
conditions, the loss of multicycle activity is mainly
due to the sintering of CaO grains at high tempera-
tures, which reduces the surface area available for
fast carbonation. Conditions that would optimize
the integration of the CaL process involve calcina-
tion at lower temperatures, whereas carbonation
could be carried out at higher temperatures with
pure CO₂. CaO deactivation would be mitigated
under these conditions if particles are small enough
to avoid pore plugging.

Proper energy integration is crucial for the feasibili-

ty of the CaL integration on a commercial scale.
Due to the high enthalpy of the reaction and the
high turning temperature (~896 °C at atmospheric
pressure), a large amount of thermal power is
required and released during the calcination and
carbonation reactions, respectively. An adequate
integration between both reactors is essential to
reduce both the energy penalty and the equipment
size, which critically determines capital expendi-

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7.3 Technology Readiness of CO₂ Transport Technologies

The transport of CO₂ is an essential part of the portation of CO₂ at a very large scale associated
CCUS value chain, for connecting CO₂ source(s) to with CCUS requires that pipelines and ships be
CO₂ storage or utilization and conversion sites. CO₂ organized in a multi-modal and scalable architec-
is compressed and transported primarily through ture through hubs and clusters, both within land and
pipelines and, to some degree, by ships. CO₂ is also offshore, so that eventually they can work at
transported by truck and rail. Fundamentally, the giga-tonne or GT scale. While pipeline TRLs are at
transportation of gases and liquids via any of these 9, the TRL level of the multi-modal transport
methods is mature, with TRL 9. However, the trans- system at scale is still evolving.

Figure 7-2: TRL of CO₂ Compression and Transport Infrastructure

Source: Global CCS Institute, 2021

While hub and cluster architectures need to be an opportunity to further enhance the economics
developed to enhance scale and economics, there is and safety of pipelines and ship transport.

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i) Pipelines: The CLIMIT-sponsored CO2FACT project is

Of all CO₂ transport modes, only pipelines are developing and validating software to simulate
transporting CO₂ at a significant scale. Over the flow of CO₂ through the pipeline and
8,000 kilometres (5,000 miles) of pipelines injection well for this type of system.
stretch across the United States. The United
States comprises 85% of all CO₂ pipelines, with ii) Ships:
a capacity of moving approximately 70 mtpa of CO₂ is presently transported by small-scale
anthropogenic and natural CO₂ (National ships of 800 - 1,800 m3 size from production
Petroleum Council 2019). Therefore, sites to distribution terminals and distributed via
technological development should focus on cost train or truck to end-users. According to the
reduction and reducing health, safety and IEAGHG (IEAGHG 2020a), the maximum load
environmental risks. Efforts to close the gap, size in terms of techno-economic value would
among others things, should be directed at be 10,000 tons of CO₂. To increase the
developing models and tools for sizing efficiency of transporting larger quantities of
pipelines without expensive margins while still CO₂ by ships, development to close the
avoiding longitudinal breaks (i.e. damage to the technology gaps should focus on developing
pipe causing it to rupture lengthwise). ship designs based on lower pressures and
temperatures than are used in today’s tankers. It
Improved flow models are also key to further may be possible in theory to approach the triple
development as optimal pipeline design and point of CO₂, which is 4.5 bar and -56.4°C, but
operations require the CO₂ flow to be in the in practice, 5 to 10 bar and -55°C to -40°C will
right phase in the right place at all times. be used to ensure that dry ice is not formed
Precipitation of dry ice or hydrate can have when the CO₂ is handled in the systems for
serious adverse consequences, and two-phase liquefaction, intermediate storage, and loading.
flow can present challenges in maintaining the The main advantage of transport at lower
necessary capacity in the pipe system. pressure is that the cargo tanks can be built with
a larger diameter/cross-section, which generally
There is less experience with pipeline systems means that the ships themselves can be bigger.
for offshore CO₂ transport than with onshore, in The TRL for CO₂ shipping ranges from 3 to 9.
terms of the number of km and pipe systems in The lowest TRL 3 relates to offshore injection
use. One of the main differences is that into a geological storage site from a ship. The
components are placed on land at the start of the TRL 9 rating refers to conventional onshore
pipeline, which ends at the injection well on the CO₂ injection from onshore facilities.
seabed. The pressure is higher in the offshore
pipe system than in onshore systems, as the The primary improvement areas to close the
injection pressure comes from the onshore economic gaps in multi-modal integrated CO₂
pumping station at the start of the pipeline. In a transport systems at scale are:
land-based system, this will usually be done at
the injection well itself. Among other things, Analyzing how different impurities and combi-
this makes it hard to produce good flow nations of impurities in CO₂ affect phase behav
modelling tools to design the system for phase ior and how corrosive compounds/conditions
transitions and possible multi-phase flows to may arise.
maintain control of the flow rate to the injection

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Improvement of simulation models and tools, Development and optimization of hub and
related to flow modelling, sizing of pipelines, cluster pipeline-ship integrated models for
and dispersion of CO₂ in case of leaks, for optimizing economics, scale and reach. This
example. requires extensive modelling and optimization
of multi-commodity flow type of networks and
Development of more efficient ship designs. dynamic routings of flow based on the value
/cost of CO₂ .
Development of new polymer materials that can
withstand direct contact with liquid / These areas cut across the transport methods and
supercritical CO₂ (for gaskets and seals in pipe raise fundamental choices underlying the structure
and process systems). of all value chains within CO₂ handling.

7.4 Technology Gaps for CO₂ Utilization

The technology gaps with respect to CO₂ utilization, as described in Chapter 5, are summarized in Table 7-2
Table 7-2: CO₂ Utilization - Technology Gaps

Sl. No Type of Area of Challenge Technology Gaps

CO₂ Utilization

1 CO₂ to Poor compressive Compressive strength of various carbonation cured

Building strength products eg., concrete, pre-casted bricks/blocks, and
Construction aggregates, need to meet the desired values as per the
Materials regular comparative testing standards of
similar categories of products in the market.

Passivation of Optimization of various parameters affecting the CO₂

carbonation curing uptake during mineral carbonation i.e., operational
leads to lesser uptake conditions (temperature, pressure, and CO₂ concentration),
of CO₂ composition of the contaminant in the CO₂ stream, particle
size and mineralogy of the ingredients.

Availability of The oxides of alkaline earth metals, essentially CaO, MgO

abundant and also silicates, are the prime materials in this mineral
and sustainable carbonation technology and responsible for the CO₂
feedstock uptake; unfortunately, the availability of these is finite in
nature. Therefore R&D should focus on developing
sustainable and cost-effective synthetic and/or natural
alternatives with optimum performance of CO₂ uptake.

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Sl. No Type of Area of Challenge Technology Gaps

CO₂ Utilization

2 CO₂ to Catalysts Develop low-cost and mechanically-chemically stable

Chemicals & catalysts for meeting the desired rate of reaction
Fuels kinetics, which can facilitate the reaction at a lower
temperature for converting CO₂ to a CO & H2 mixture
for conversion to chemicals and fuels
Lower temperature and corrosion inhibition for
electrolysis of very high TDS water.

Electrode development Economically affordable metal based mechanically

robust and electro-chemically suitable electrodes for
seawater and high TDS industrial wastewater
Electrolysis for green hydrogen generation while
withstanding higher current density and corrosion

Reactor development Develop reactor technologies tailored to the demands of

carbon dioxide (to CO or mixture of CO₂ /CO/H2 etc.)
conversion processes
Systems that integrate capture with conversion.

3 CO₂ to Carbon Stability & Challenges in controlling CNT size and creating CNT
Nano-Tubes reproducibility arrays of high pore density while maintaining requisite
mechanical properties.

Shape & structural Non-conventional & odd geometrical-shaped CNT

compatibility membranes require more advanced nano-scale
fabrication techniques at the atomic level.

Toxicity & Raw CNTs are more toxic than functionalized CNTs
environmental because of the existence of metal catalysts. Thorough
impact investigations are required on this subject.

Bio-suitability Stability of enzymes in carbon-based electrodes and

related wiring in the internal structure of nanomaterial

Mechanical resilience & Mechanical robustness to be maintained in dynamic

biofouling biological environments without triggering any
biological growth or degradation.

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7.5 Technology Readiness of CO₂ Storage

CO₂ storage is the final step in the disposition of -ously held hydrocarbons. Additional CO₂
CO₂ in the CCUS value chain. Storage requires specific monitoring to verify the permanent
CO₂ to be compressed to very high pressures (the storage of the injected CO₂ is required if CO₂
absolute minimum is above 74 bar, which is the -EOR is to be used as an emissions reduction
critical pressure of CO₂ and typically 100 bar or option.
more to provide a suitable safety margin and
account for pressure drop in pipelines). The storage ii) Storage in Saline Formations:
formation must be at a depth of at least 800 m to The rapid advancement of the technology and
ensure that this pressure is maintained. At these knowledge developed from the initial projects
high pressures, CO₂ is in its dense phase, i.e. it has in the US and Norway (Sleipner) is significant
a density similar to water but the properties are for developing saline formation storage. CO₂ is
somewhere between a liquid and a gas. stored in different geographies, terrains, and
geological conditions. Geological storage
CO₂ storage or sequestration has been practised in always requires site-specific analysis,
the form of EOR for over 50 years. However, there modelling and monitoring. This includes
are several opportunities for enhancing the avail- storage capacity prediction, injection
able volumes of storage space across various optimization and CO₂ verification and
geo-structures for CO₂ injection that are economi- quantification through monitoring. The
cal and monitorable. While some G20 countries, technology and tools required to identify,
particularly the US, have developed extensive and appraise, utilize, monitor and close a geological
verifiable storage infrastructure over the past two storage resource are all well-established and
decades and created an effective CO₂ sequestration mature. Storage of CO₂ in saline formations has
Atlas, that is not the case with most of the G20 a TRL of 9. However, there is a need to close
countries. This is a significant strategic gap (not the gap in many G20 countries by taking
related to the TRL level) for CCUS to move advantage of the available international
forward at scale. It is imperative for G20 countries knowledge and experience and using the same
with significant storage potential to rigorously to explore, ascertain, and map cost-effective
assess and map the storage availability within their storage options across the G20 countries.
boundaries so that CCUS can be deployed at scale
over a reasonable time horizon. iii) Storage in Basalt and Ultra-Mafic Rocks:
Storage of CO₂ in basalts and ultramafics
i) CO₂ Storage through EOR: depends on mineral carbonation. The
Storage through CO₂ -EOR has been in mineralogy of those rock types enables CO₂ to
operation for nearly 50 years and is at TRL 9 react very rapidly and form carbonate minerals.
(National Petroleum Council 2019). Currently, 90% of the injected CO₂ is predicted to be
there are over 40 CO₂ -EOR operations, with the mineralized in these rock formations within a
vast majority of the projects being in the US. period of a few months to decades. Basalts are a
The primary aim of CO₂ -EOR is to maximize common rock type, particularly in India, and in
oil recovery and not store CO₂ . However, CO₂ nearshore oceanic crusts worldwide. The
is permanently stored in the course of EOR, estimated storage potential of mineral
becoming trapped in the pore space that previ- carbonation is in thousands of giga-tonnes of

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Basaltic rock has very low permeability and The San Juan ECBM project in the USA was
hence hydrologically fractured basalt or the largest pilot, injecting 18,000 tonne of CO₂ .
permeable zones between basalt flows are Presently there are no active ECBM projects
targeted for CO₂ injection. Overall, basalt is not (Global CCS Institute 2021b). ECBM is a
a naturally permeable rock and permeability is viable technology and can increase methane
difficult to predict. Even within permeable production (compared to standard coal
zones, the injection rates are low. The majority drainage) by 90%. The produced methane
of tools for conventional CCUS cannot be provides revenue to the operations while also
applied to monitor a CO₂ plume in a basalt. storing the CO₂ . The major difficulty
Monitoring tools for CO₂ plume verification associated with ECBM is that the injection of
and quantification in basaltic formations are CO₂ significantly reduces the permeability of
still in the research phase. TRL levels of coal due to ‘plasterisation’ and swelling of the
injection in these formations range from 2-6. coal (reducing the size and connectivity of the
fractures). Reduced permeability requires
iv) Enhanced Coal Bed Methane: additional wells leading to additional costs and
Coal seams naturally incorporate fractures increasing operational complexity. Moreover,
known as cleats, which allow gases to permeate ECBM can only be applied to coal seams which
through the coal and are essential to the will never be mined; otherwise, the CO₂ stored
operation of an ECBM storage system. Between in them would be released into the atmosphere.
these fractures, the coal has abundant For this reason, deep un-mineable coal seams
micropores that can hold many gases, are potential targets for ECBM operations.
predominantly methane. Coal has a higher ECBM is currently at TRL 2-3.
affinity to gaseous CO₂ than methane. For
ECBM, CO₂ is injected into the coal seam, With respect to CO₂ storage, the other key focus
where it diffuses into these micropores and is areas for future research & development are cap
adsorbed, displacing the methane. The methane rock fracture, smart well monitoring techniques,
is then produced for sale. well integrity, seismic studies and enhancing the
role of collaboration between academia and indus-
Four pilot ECBM operations have been try in developing CO₂ sequestration projects.
completed: one in China and three in the USA.

7.6 International Collaboration in CCUS Technologies

Given the scale of today’s net-zero energy transi- investments across the industrial value chain. Some
tion challenge, no single organization or industrial of the needed technologies go beyond any single
sector can alone tackle decarbonization through industrial sector and form societal endeavors that
CCUS. Close collaboration is needed between Gov- require public support and acceptance. Public
ernment and industry as well as participants policy tools such as carbon incentives and/or
through the entire CCUS value chain and CCUS carbon pricing mechanisms will play a central role
ecosystem, to work as partners and make sure that in shaping the carbon-neutral economy and must be
the business case of short and long-term invest- designed in a way that embeds carbon costs across
ments in industrial decarbonization and CCUS is whole value chains and gives low-carbon solutions
sound. CCUS will require largescale and sustained a competitive edge.

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Importantly, the deployment of CCUS technologies ings on how CCUS technologies can help achieve
in both the power and industrial sectors is supported their goals with respect to climate change.
by the multiple benefits: carbon emissions reduc-
tion that mitigates climate change, the opportunity Integrated Collaboration
to increase economic growth, and, in many G20
nations, enhancing energy security. For example, The G20 coordination mechanisms offer opportuni-
since many G20 nations, like China, India, and the ties to make progress on shared commitments to
United States have large coal reserves, policymak- advance CCUS technologies and specifically
ers are often interested in finding ways to sustain- advance CCUS through international shared com-
ably develop and utilize domestic coal resources mitments and collaborations:
and CCUS offers a low-carbon pathway for that
goal. Many of the opportunities and challenges i) Expand Funding: A G20 commitment to
related to CCUS deployment vary on a regional expand and better fund the International Test
basis, so it is necessary to consider these regions on Centre Network and the CO₂ Storage Data
the basis of their emissions profile, re-use and Consortium can accelerate pilot and
storage opportunities for captured carbon, and the demonstration projects.
readiness of their legal and regulatory frameworks.
ii) Facilitating Large-Scale Cross-Border
Coordinated Policy CCUS Value Chains: There is an urgent need
for nations to ratify and allow CO₂ to be
G20 nations could agree or be encouraged to exported for offshore and onshore
prepare national readiness assessments or action sequestration. In addition, focusing on
plans for clean energy technologies. In CCUS, cross-border CCUS projects is especially
these initiatives could include a legal analysis of important because the subsurface often crosses
measures needed to facilitate commercial deploy- national boundaries. The G20 can facilitate
ment of large-scale CO₂ storage, internal analysis large-scale CCUS chains, including
of other domestic policies that could incentivize cross-border geo-mapping of storage space and
CCUS to create a level playing field with other CCUS projects.
clean energy technologies, and business model
analysis to determine what types of partnerships iii) Maximizing CO₂ Conversion & Utilization:
and arrangements would best facilitate deployment. A new carbon recycling initiative by G20
nations could be to create a task force with
Global Finance representatives from major businesses to
explore options expand markets, gauge
Given the ongoing need to build technical and consumer interest and consider how to create
financial capacity for pilot-scale and eventually markets and supply chains for building
commercial-scale CCUS projects, there is an materials, products and fuels made from
opportunity for G20 nations to increase funding for captured carbon.
the CCUS Trust Funds of the World Bank and the
Asian Development Bank. Private sector banks can iv) Restriction on non-carbon abated products:
partner with these CCUS Trust Funds through Voluntary quotas/limits on the consumption of
risk-sharing agreements and amplify the impact of non-carbon abated and high carbon footprint
the investments. Multilateral Development Banks products and tagging & monitoring their
can also frequently provide updates at G20 meet- consumption using innovative technologies.

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v) Accelerating CCUS through Hydrogen: technology development of the CCUS value chain
A G20 commitment to partner and focus on and providing support to low per capita emitters
capacity building or demonstration projects in within the G20.
priority areas, such as hydrogen production
from fossil fuels with CCUS could encourage vii) Institutional mechanisms: Creating and
investor participation in CCUS deployment. funding a CCUS body headquartered in New
Integrating shared initiatives on gasification Delhi and with co-headquarters in other G20
with CCUS for hydrogen across Japan, India, countries like Australia and Canada. The focus
Australia, and Indonesia might open the of the body will be tracking and promoting the
pathway for accelerated CCUS deployment research, development and implementation of
with concomitant economic and energy security CCUS projects across the G20 and ensuring the
benefits. utlization of grant funds for implementing
various CCUS initiatives across the G20
vi) Technology support: Enabling new R&D and nations.

7.7 Key Enablers for CCUS at Scale

The key enablers for CCUS at scale are summarized Along with policy support, Governments also
below: need to create a positive signalling effect by
committing investments and risk capital to early
i) Policy framework and Government support: stage or demonstration CCUS projects, as well
The review of CCUS projects in the G20 as the creation of shared CO2 transport
countries reveals that enabling policies and infrastructure, which will subsequently attract
Government support & funding are essential for and de-risk private sector investments, thus
CCUS projects to achieve scale and to manage enabling CCUS to reach scale.
project costs & risks across the value chain.
Policies need to channel private sector ii) Development of CO₂ utilization technologies:
investments in CCUS by either creating Carbon utilization technologies are relatively
sufficient incentives for CCUS projects (US less mature and at a more nascent stage of
approach) or conversely by penalizing inaction development compared to carbon capture
(EU approach). The policy framework may be technologies. The traditional CO₂ disposition
either credit/incentives based or based on pathway for carbon capture projects has been
taxation of emissions – the choice is very CO₂ EOR and, to a limited extent, CO₂ storage.
country-specific and depends on the nature, Given the limitations of CO₂ EOR in terms of
maturity and development of the country’s the dependence on geology and availability of
economy, key sectors which need carbon ageing oil fields amenable for CO₂ EOR in all
abatement, the current state of CCUS in the regions or countries and the absence of financial
country, energy mix & emission targets, returns from CO₂ storage projects, carbon
viability of alternate decarbonization routes, per utilization technologies have an important role
capita income & ability to absorb the cost of to play in providing a pathway for the
carbon abatement/green premium. disposition of CO₂ by converting captured CO₂
emissions to marketable value-added products.

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In the present scenario, most products and understood. Hence R&D efforts should
manufactured through the CO₂ utilization route focus on addressing the specific technology
require significant subsidy/green premium to gaps to improve scale & costs, and meeting the
compete with the conventional fossil fuel based low-grade steam and electricity duty
production routes. However, as CO₂ utilization requirements of CO₂ capture technologies more
technologies develop, production costs are efficiently, at lower costs and with lower
likely to decrease with economies of scale and secondary emissions.
learning curve effects. As markets become
more carbon conscious and ascribe a carbon Evolving CO₂ capture technologies such as
price to CO₂ unabated products, CO₂ DAC or calcium looping and CO₂ utilization
utilization products will eventually become technologies are the other relatively less
competitive compared to the hitherto developed areas which can benefit immensely
conventional fossil fuel based production from international technology collaboration.
routes. This will lead to expanding markets for These technologies provide the option to
CO₂ utilization based products and a circular remove the CO₂ stock from the atmosphere or
carbon economy, thus creating sufficient convert the captured CO₂ to useful value-added
demand pull and enabling the entire CCUS products; hence scaling up and
value chain to attain scale. commercializing these technologies is vital to a
net-zero future. Technology development is
iii) Addressing technology gaps through multi-faceted and it is difficult to predict the
international collaboration: The development development trajectory and timelines of
of CCUS technologies and projects widely individual technologies. In this regard,
varies not only across the G20 countries, but international collaboration can have a critical
also across the spectrum of the CCUS value role to play by supporting and funding an
chain. The technologies for carbon capture from ecosystem for fostering R&D and innovation in
power plant and industrial flue streams, CO₂ such nascent technologies. International
sequestration and EOR have been operating at a collaboration will also create cross learning
commercial scale for decades now, especially in opportunities for the academia and industry in
North America. This makes a strong case for different countries and will lead to lower risks
international collaboration so that the entire and costs for individual countries, while also
G20 can benefit from the technology transfer of providing access to the latest technology
commercially proven TRL 8 and TRL 9 developments across the G20 member states.
technologies. International collaboration and
technology transfer will avoid reinvention of iv) Availability and flexibility of options for CO₂
the wheel and reduce the costs & risks of CCUS disposition at scale: CCUS at scale requires
projects in G20 countries where CCUS is still not only the development, demonstration and
nascent and relatively unexplored. commercial implementation of carbon capture
and utilization technologies but also the
CO₂ capture technologies have already seen creation of infrastructure and options for the
significant R&D and investments in developing transportation and disposition of CO₂ at scale.
efficient and cost-effective solutions; the cost
range for most commercial-scale carbon
capture technologies is also well established

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The CCUS value chain consists of multiple depending on the geology and geographic
tightly linked sub-systems and hence the location of the hub. Just like emitters, a CO₂
weakest link/part in the chain can create risks disposition cluster can connect to the CO₂
for the entire CCUS value chain. To avoid being transportation hub for the required
held hostage by the failure of individual supply/off-take of CO₂ without needing to
sub-systems/counterparties and to reduce invest in carbon capture projects or entering into
systemic risks, CCUS value chains should have bilateral agreements.
optionality for the disposition of CO₂ at scale,
viz. both CO₂ sequestration and EOR, and the The development of CCUS hubs and clusters
flexibility to switch between different options can drive CO₂ capture, transport and disposition
depending on market dynamics. The at scale by enabling emitters and disposition
availability and flexibility of options also sites to seamlessly connect through shared
de-risks upstream CCUS investments, enabling transportation hubs/ infrastructure, similar to
it to attain scale. natural gas hubs for the collection and
distribution of natural gas across different
v) Hub and cluster frameworks: Given the costs producers and consumers.
and risks associated with CCUS projects,
CCUS hubs and clusters are necessary to spread vi) Development of markets: CCUS projects
the costs and risks across multiple parties across involve significant cost build-up across the
the value chain. Hub and cluster frameworks value chain from capture, compression &
make it easier for participants across the CCUS dehydration, transportation, utilization and
value chain to participate in a CCUS project disposition; the high costs are one of the key
without needing to have a presence or make impediments to the development and
investments across the entire value chain or implementation of CCUS projects. In this
enter into bilateral agreements with multiple context, markets provide an avenue for lowering
counterparties. At the heart of any CCUS hub & costs and prices by encouraging scale and
cluster is the creation of adequately sized & innovation by participants across the CCUS
provisioned CO₂ transportation infrastructure value chain. The innovations could be in the
for seamlessly connecting multiple CO₂ form of rapid commercialization of CO₂
sources and sinks. Creating such infrastructure utilization technologies for value-added
is challenging due to the high costs & lower products such as chemicals, construction
CO₂ volumes in the initial years and typically materials or high-end carbon-bearing materials.
requires significant Government support and These innovations would drive demand and
funding. prices for CO₂ by creating new opportunities for
using and considering CO₂ as a feedstock and
Multiple emitters can form a capture cluster and not as an undesirable waste product.
connect to the shared transport infrastructure
without needing to invest in CO₂ transport, The presence of a market structure will enable
utilization or disposition infrastructure or participation and competition on both the CO₂
needing to enter into bilateral agreements with demand and supply side, and participants need
counterparties. Similarly, there can be CO2 not enter into bespoke and higher risk bilateral
disposition clusters consisting of CO₂ agreements.
utilization, CO₂ EOR and storage projects,

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 169

CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration

Markets also enable the pricing of CO₂ based vii) Facilitating CCUS enabled projects:
on future demand-supply expectations and Streamlined processes and rules for fast
incentivize new entrants both on the demand tracking the permitting and clearance for
and supply sides. Like hubs and clusters, CCUS CCUS enabled projects.
market mechanisms also need Government Providing subsequent market support by
support in the form of grants or subsidies, tax sensitizing and incentivizing customers
credits and carbon taxes during the initial period regarding low carbon products, thereby driving
to encourage market participation till the market demand.
reaches scale and efficiency. Creating differentiation for low-carbon
products from conventional products with
appropriate tagging mechanisms.

7.8 Feasibility of CCUS Enabled Low Carbon Products

CO₂ utilization technologies cannot compete with preferential public procurement policies, minimum
conventional fossil fuel-based production routes in price guarantees, production incentives or CO₂
the absence of supportive markets for low-carbon abatement tax & cash credits. The initial support is
products, Hence adequate Government support for essential for enabling CO₂ utilization to scale up
low-carbon products is needed to create a level over time, reduce costs and eventually be competi-
playing field. The support could be in the form of tive in the market.

Figure 7-3: Incentive Required for Feasibility of Low Carbon Products

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 170

CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration

The extent of support needed depends on the decar- ii) Cost structure of the CO₂ utilization-based
bonization costs for each industry and the incre- production route for producing the low carbon
mental carbon abatement cost on the per unit products
production cost, like per tonne of steel or cement or
per kWh of electricity generated. So, any scheme iii) CO₂ emission intensity in the traditional fossil
for supporting/promoting low carbon products fuel-based and polluting conventional process
needs to take care of the following factors:
iv) Criticality of the product in the economy and
i) Carbon capture and abatement cost in the likely inflationary ripple effect in the economy
particular industry by switching to the green but more expensive

7.9 Key Risks Associated with CCUS

CCUS projects integrate various sub-systems such ii) Product CO₂ quality and specifications: CO₂
as carbon capture, transportation, utilization, EOR quality specifications in terms of moisture and
and sequestration. They involve complex interfaces impurity tolerances are generally very strict,
between the subsystems, which leads to risks asso- especially in the case of CO₂ utilization in
ciated with CCUS projects. Some of the key risks downstream chemicals or food-grade
are described below: applications. Maintaining the CO₂ quality may
be difficult if multiple and different types of
Technical Risks CO₂ sources are combined and may necessitate
additional purification facilities. In the case of
i) CO₂ volumes available for capture: This risk CO₂ storage, the presence of non-condensable
emanates from changes in the process of the and inert impurities like nitrogen and argon in
emitting plants, viz., the use of electricity or the product CO₂ may affect the pipeline and
new clean energy carriers like hydrogen to reservoir capacity.
replace/reduce fossil fuel consumption in steel
plants or cement plants. This will reduce the iii) Alternate modes of CO₂ transport: Alternate
quantity of CO₂ emissions available for capture (i.e. alternate to CO₂ transport by pipelines)
and subsequent disposition, thus potentially modes of CO₂ transport, such as road or ships
stranding the CCUS infrastructure and making require pressurized tanks and liquefaction of the
it financially unviable. Macro-economic and CO₂ to very low temperatures of about -50 °C.
policy-related factors may also reduce the Maintaining the temperature during transport
quantity of CO₂ emissions, viz. base-load and increasing the temperature to make the CO₂
power plants shifting to peaking operations, suitable for injection requires significant
higher taxes of fossil fuel consumption, and electric and heat energy, leading to additional
electric vehicles (EVs) reaching scale leading to costs and emissions, thus lowering the net
reduced demand for clean transportation fuels. carbon abatement, when viewed from a systems
Therefore it is important to understand the perspective.
future trajectory of sectoral, technology and
demand-supply trends and the potential impact
on CO₂ volumes available for capture.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 171

CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration

iv) Competition for CO2 EOR: The attractiveness Financial Risks

and viability of CO₂ EOR depend on various
factors such as the comparative performance i) Cost of capture: CO₂ capture is the largest cost
and cost effectiveness with respect to other component in the CCUS value chain, especially
tertiary recovery methods, which use nitrogen, for large emitters like thermal power plants and
polymers, steam, natural gas and foaming cement plants with dilute flue gas streams. This
agents, and the complexity of the depleting oil leads to financial risks for the entire CCUS
field where EOR is planned. This affects the value chain, which need to be addressed
volume of CO₂ that can be disposed of through appropriate commercial arrangements.
optimally through EOR operations.
ii) Financing risks: CCUS value chains consist of
v) Inadequate pore space mapping and site multiple sub-systems, which require investment
characterization: Within the G20, only few and financing at different stages of the
countries have undertaken extensive pore space evolution of the project. For example, the initial
mapping and site characterization programmes or “anchor” stages of a CCUS project requires
for developing an extensive CO₂ storage Atlas. the creation of adequately sized and shared CO₂
Given the order of magnitude difference of transport and disposition infrastructure to
scale in the volume of CO₂ emitted from the attract other CO₂ emitters for joining the
thermal power sector and hard to abate project in a low-cost manner. Unavailability or
industries and the volume of CO₂ that can be delays in securing adequate financing during
utilized for value-added products over a the initial period may lead to both time and cost
reasonable time horizon, the lack of escalations. These risks need to be addressed
characterized sites and regions ready for CO₂ through bridge financing and provisions for
storage can seriously derail efforts to scale up contingency & additional funding.
iii) Price competitiveness: Carbon-abated and
vi) Storage site risks: For CO₂ storage projects, it green products are likely to face price
is important to maintain an inventory of competition from their non-abated counterparts.
alternate storage sites ready for injection to While the difference may be initially covered
mitigate the technical risks and uncertainties in through Government subsidies or grants,
accurately estimating the total sub-surface eventually, the cost of carbon abatement has to
storage capacities of individual wells. However, be passed onto the end consumers.
fully characterizing multiple wells is an
expensive proposition. Instead, quick access to iv) Attracting long-term investments: CCUS
rigs and well supplies may be ensured so that projects are capex intensive and require
additional wells can be drilled quickly based on long-term financing; hence there is a need to
the evolving requirements. attract long-term investments and link the
investment returns/payoffs to the level of
carbon abatement achieved.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 172

CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration

To attract investors seeking carbon reductions, iii) Pipeline traversing through populated areas:
investing directly in CCUS projects should Large diameter pipelines generally have a lower
involve lower risks and costs vis-à-vis buying frequency of accidents. However, large
carbon abatement certificates. There should diameter pipelines carrying dense phase or
also be options for trading the investment supercritical CO₂ through populated areas pose
exposure in secondary markets by routing the a safety risk as CO₂ , while not dangerous in
investments into the CCUS projects through lower concentrations/quantities, becomes
appropriately designed financial instruments. lifethreatening above certain thresholds. Hence
pipelines should have automatic isolation
v) Counterparty risk and impact on project valves at short intervals and leak monitoring
cost & timelines: The CCUS value chain systems to isolate and localize any leakages and
consisting of capture, CO₂ processing, accidents, as well as adequate safety & failsafe
transportation, utilization and disposition systems and well defined & communicated
consists of multiple partners forming a tightly emergency response protocols.
linked system. Weakness/loss of any
part/partner of the value chain may jeopardize
the entire value chain and hence contractual
arrangements should be designed to de-risk the
project from individual counterparty risks.

Safety Risks

i) CO₂ leakage from storage sites: Generally,

storage sites have very low leakage rates.
However, any large leakage could lead to safety
incidents. Hence there should be reliable
systems to monitor the injected CO₂ plume and
any potential leakages.

ii) Pipeline accidents: Pipeline related accidents

pose serious safety risks and would not only
impact CO₂ transportation for a particular
CCUS project, but would also have a spillover
effect on other CCUS projects, both
commissioned and under development, due to
the requirement of upgrading safety protocols.
Hence it is necessary to adopt best in class
international safety standards (similar to those
followed in the LNG industry) to prevent any

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 173


8.1 CCUS is imperative for reaching net zero and needs to scale significantly for
meaningful decarbonization
Reaching net zero and limiting global temperature based generation for at least the next decade and
rise within 1.5 to 2 oC from pre-industrial levels is beyond, to ensure affordable & reliable baseload
not possible without CCUS. 30% of global anthro- power supply. However, presently operating CCUS
pogenic CO2 emissions originate from the hard to projects account for only 42 mtpa of CO2 abate-
abate and hard to electrify industrial sector – CCUS ment, against global anthropogenic CO2 emissions
is the only scaleable solution to decarbonize these of 36 Gtpa, i.e. a share of only 0.1%. Hence CCUS
sectors as well as vast parts of the power sector, needs to scale up significantly to make a meaning-
which will continue to be dominated by fossil fuel ful contribution to global decarbonization.

8.2 Understanding and addressing “Technology Gaps” across the CCUS value chain is
critical in the decarbonization pathway
The “Technology Gaps” across the complete CCUS storage, are described earlier in this report and are
value chain i.e., capture, transport, utilization and summarized in Table 8-1 overleaf.

8.3 The sustainability of key sectors of the economy depends on CCUS

Sectors such as fossil fuel based power generation, gies & production routes and reduction of carbon
steel, cement, oil & gas, chemicals & petrochemi- intensities across industries, the CO₂ footprint of
cals are key pillars of the global economy and criti- these sectors is unlikely to decrease significantly in
cal for ensuring food security, energy security and the next decade and beyond. In an increasingly
materials security. These sectors account for 60% carbon constrained world, CCUS offers the only
of global anthropogenic CO₂ emissions – even with scaleable and viable solution of ensuring the
the growth of renewables, process & energy sustainability of these sectors.
efficiency gains, the emergence of new technolo-

8.4 CCUS is nascent in most G20 nations and international collaboration is a must
to scale and spread CCUS across the G20
In terms of key enablers and actual operating proj- CCUS to the required levels. Close collaboration
ects, CCUS is most developed in the US and between Government, institutions and industry
Canada, followed by other G20 countries such as across the G20 countries is required to ensure coor-
Australia, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, the UK dinated policy mechanisms, technology support &
and the EU. In other countries, the concept of development, enhanced funding & financing, facili-
CCUS is relatively new. Hence to spread and accel- tating cross border CCUS value chains, maximizing
erate the rate & scale of CCUS adoption and CO₂ conversion & utilization to value-added prod-
deployment, international collaboration across the ucts, restricting non-carbon abated products, accel-
G20 countries is critical. Also, the scale of the net erating CCUS through blue hydrogen and setting up
zero and decarbonization challenge is such that no institutional mechanisms to support & monitor
single country or organization can alone scale up international collaboration in CCUS.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 175


Table 8-1: Summary of Technology Gaps Across the CCUS Value Chain

Technology Technology Technology Gaps Potential Solutions


CO2 Capture Technologies

Solid Temperature Poor efficacy with lean Novel adsorbent architecture can accelerate the
Adsorbent Swing Adsorption CO2 concentration process by 40-100 times

Pressure Swing Slow process – cycle time Advanced MOF (Metal Organic Framework) –
Adsorption in minutes /hours exponentially high surface area

Chemical - • Moderate energy Development of new molecules & chemistry

Solvent intensity
• Solvent life
• Tolerance level with
industrial SOx &
other gaseous effluent

Membrane - Poor ‘selectivity’ & • New polymeric membranes & electro-chemical

‘purity’ membrane
• Enhancing ‘countercurrent sweep’ in polymeric

Direct Air - High energy & water Development of new ‘Chemical Loop’ and
Capture intensity, large land reagents
requirement and poor
life of chemical media

CO2 Transport Technologies

Pipework - • Two phase flow of Development of ‘Flow Model’ for CO2 –

CO2 including trans-critical, super-critical and
• Precipitation of dry sub-critical phase – for on/off shore application
ice or hydrate

CO2 Utilization Technologies

CO2 to Building - Limited knowledge of Development of ‘Design Mix’ and ‘Process’

Construction ‘process’ and quality of
Materials product

CO2 to Chemical Low ‘Selectivity’ and • Development of new mechanically and

Hydrocarbon Process ‘Conversion Efficiency’ chemically stable catalysts with desired rate of
(Chemicals & reaction kinetics
Fuels) • Design of efficient reactors

Electro-chemi Limited knowledge on • Development of co-electrlyzer for direct

cal Process electro-chemistry synthesis of chemicals and liquid/gaseous fuel
• Development of electrolyzer for sea water and
high TDS wastewater

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 176


Technology Technology Technology Gaps Potential Solutions


Biological Limited knowledge on • Development of bio-catalyst for efficient

Process bio-species & synthesis of CO2 & lean syngas
bio-chemical process • Development of innovative photo-bio-reactor
for synthesis of human grade compounds

CO2 to Carbon - Shape & structural Non-conventional & odd geometrical-shaped CNT
Morphology compatibility membranes require more advanced nano-scale
(Carbon Black, fabrication techniques at the atomic level.
Carbon Nano - Toxicity & Raw CNTs are more toxic than functionalized CNTs
Tubes etc) environmental impact because of the existence of metal catalysts.
Thorough investigations are required on this subject.

- Mechanical resilience & Mechanical robustness need to be maintained in

biofouling dynamic biological environments without triggering
any biological growth or degradation.

CO2 Storage Technologies

CO2 Injection - Limited understanding Development of modelling tools for understanding
Well of CO2 flow multi-phase CO2 flow in injection wells and
characteristics geological formations

CO2 Storage Basalt and Assessment of • Advanced geological modeling alongside

Ultra-Mafic long-term CO2 storage specials conditions viz seimic, rock fracture etc
Rocks potential • Smart well monitoring techniques
Coal Fields

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 177


8.5 The CCUS value chain consists of multiple sub-systems and technologies, with
varying levels of development & maturity – the key enabler for CCUS to scale
is addressing technology gaps across the entire CCUS value chain
The CCUS value chain consists of multiple tightly DAC: DAC involves CO₂ removal from the
linked sub-systems: CO₂ capture, processing, atmosphere using chemicals, refrigeration or
transport and disposition/conversion of CO₂ . The membranes and is presently at about TRL 6.
strength & resilience of the overall CCUS value The key improvement areas to target for DAC
chain is contingent upon the weakest link and hence are reducing capture cost from US$ 350 to 700
its imperative to address technology gaps across the per tonne of CO₂ to below US$ 100 by reducing
entire CCUS value chain. Technologies in the areas energy, land & water use, better material
of CO₂ capture, processing, pipeline transportation performance and improving process efficiency
and certain types of storage are fairly mature and & kinetics.
operating at the commercial scale, whereas certain
emerging CO₂ capture technologies, CO₂ utiliza- CaL: It is a CO₂ capture method and an
tion and multi-modal CO₂ transportation are more alternative to emerging & cost-cutting
nascent. Accordingly, a differentiated approach early-stage oxyfuel combustion technologies.
should be adopted for addressing the technology The CaL process captures CO₂ based on the
gaps in each part of the CCUS value chain. multicyclic calcination-carbonation of CaCO3
or limestone, a cheap and abundantly available
a) Established carbon capture technologies: material. CaL systems are at TRL 6/7 and need
The different types of carbon capture to address issues around increasing CaO
technologies (physical solvents, chemical multicyclic activity to ensure efficient CO₂
solvents, adsorption and cryogenic separation) capture, proper energy & heat integration and
are mostly mature and operating at a efficient high temperature solid handling.
commercial scale, with Technology Readiness
Levels (TRL) of 8 and 9. Hence technology c) CO₂ compression, dehydration and
development should focus on cost reduction transportation: CO₂ compression and
through levers such as learning curves & dehydration are required to make the captured
knowledge sharing, increasing scale, CO₂ ready for transportation – large scale CO₂
developing improved solvents, sorbents & transportation is generally done through
membranes, and optimization & improvement pipelines in the supercritical state at a pressure
of design for achieving cost reduction. of 125 – 150 bar, thus requiring significant
compression at the capture end. Dehydration is
b) Emerging carbon capture technologies also important to prevent the formation of
(Direct Air Capture and Calcium Looping): corrosive products such as carbonic acid and
Direct Air Capture (DAC) and Calcium sulphuric acid in the presence of CO₂ and
Looping (CaL) are emerging novel carbon sulphur. CO₂ compression and dehydration
capture technologies and provide an technologies are at TRL 9.
opportunity to complement the established
carbon capture technologies, which are CO₂ transportation by pipelines is at
associated with significant steam & power commercial scale, with more than 8000 km of
duties and high regeneration energy CO₂ pipelines, primarily in the US.
requirements & secondary emissions.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 178


Thus technological developments should focus e) CO₂ storage: Underground geological storage
on reducing costs and HSE risks, as well as of CO₂ is critical for CCUS to reach the GT
developing offshore pipelines for offshore CO₂ (giga-tonne) scale. While CO₂ utilization
storage. One other mode of CO₂ transport is technologies are fast evolving and provide
using small scale ships; ship designs need to multiple pathways for the conversion of CO₂ to
scale up, based on lower operating pressure and different value-added products, they cannot
temperatures. The TRL for CO₂ shipping match the scale of global anthorpogenic CO₂
ranges from 3 to 9. The lowest TRL 3 relates to emissions. Thus identifying, exploring and
offshore injection into a geological storage site quantifying options for the permanent
from a ship. The TRL 9 rating refers to geological storage of CO₂ (across CO₂ EOR,
conventional onshore CO₂ injection from ECBMR, saline aquifers and basaltic rocks) is
onshore facilities. CO₂ transport at giga-tonne critical to support CCUS and CO₂ disposition at
scale will require the multi-modal transport of the GT scale. Theoretically derived estimates
CO₂ – this is another area which needs to suggest that the underground CO₂ storage space
develop through the modeling and optimization across the world can store global CO₂
of integrated multimodal hub and cluster emissions for centuries, but precious little has
models. been done (except for a few countries) for
detailed analysis, characterization and mapping
d) CO₂ utilization: CO₂ can be converted to of the pore space available for CO₂ storage.
value-added products creating economic value
from waste products and contributing to the The technology and tools required to identify,
circular economy. Other than the conversion of appraise, utilize, monitor and close a geological
CO₂ to urea which is commercially established, storage resource are all well-established and
CO₂ utilization is a relatively evolving area mature with TRL 9. It is imperative for G20
compared to carbon capture; the key challenge countries with significant storage potential to
with utilizing CO₂ is that it is a very low-energy collaborate and adopt these technologies and
molecule and requires significant energy for tools for rigorously assessing and mapping the
conversion, leading to high production costs storage availability within their boundaries.
and secondary emissions. The most promising This is perhaps the most significant risk and
areas for CO₂ utilization are: building strategic gap for CCUS to move forward at
construction materials, fuels & chemicals and scale.
carbon nano-materials. All these applications
have technology gaps in terms of high energy
requirements, scalability, conformity to
standards, which have to be addressed so that
they can reach commercial scale in the next
decade or so. Nevertheless, CO₂ utilization
technologies should be supported through both
R&D support and policy support for low-carbon
products as they provide a pathway for deriving
economic value from CO₂ , reduce wastes to
drive the circular economy and provide a
complement for CO₂ sequestration.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 179


8.6 CCUS also requires other enablers

Apart from addressing technology gaps across the b) Development of CO₂ utilization technologies
CCUS value chain and promoting international through support for low-carbon products
collaboration across the G20 nations, there are
several other key enablers needed at the national c) Development of markets for low-carbon
lavel for ensuring CCUS at scale: products

a) Policy framework and Government support for d) Hub and cluster frameworks and the availability
facilitating CCUS enabled projects. & flexibility of options for CO₂ disposition at

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 180

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.1 Argentina A.1.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Framework

Given the backdrop where industrial processes
A.1.1 Background do not contribute significantly (only 6%) to
Argentina is the 2nd largest country in South GHG emissions, the Argentine Government’s
America, with a population of over 45 million focus has primarily been on:
people, largely concentrated in its urban
i) Diversification of the energy matrix and the
centres. The country has significant biodiversity
promotion of rational and efficient use of
with a large range of latitudes, altitudes and 18
eco-regions. The country is quite vulnerable to
larger participation of non-conventional
climate change and has recently seen a growing
renewable sources, hydroelectricity, nuclear
frequency of extreme climate events, as well as
power, and the replacement of fossil fuels by
changing climate patterns. During 1960-2010,
biofuels. In July 2022, the Argentine
the average temperature in Argentina increased
Government announced that household
by 0.5 °C and by 1 °C in parts of Patagonia. The
electricity subsidy shall be capped at 400 kWh
GHG emissions of Argentina are estimated at
per household per month; this measure is aimed
351 mtpa of CO₂-eq. The majority of these
at increasing the efficient use of energy.
emissions arise from the energy (57%) and the
agriculture & animal husbandry (32%) sectors.
ii) Institutional mechanisms for better land
management –
Figure A-1: Argentina’s GHG Emissions – this includes enrichment, restoration,
351 mtpa CO₂ -eq (2021) conservation, harvesting and sustainable
management of native forests. Some of the
measures include no-till agriculture with
Waste; 18 ;
5% adequate fertilization and crop rotation, soil
Energy moisture retention and improved soil structure
and fertility, precision agriculture, development
of biomass energy, promotion of organic
agriculture, as well as the sustainable
112 ; 32%
management of forest plantations.

Energy; 200
; 57% A.1.3 Status of CCUS Projects
processes; There are no existing or in-pipeline CCUS
21 ; 6%
projects in Argentina.
Climate Action Tracker and Climate Transparency Report
Note: Excludes Land Use, Land Use Change and
Forestry (LULUCF) emissions

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 182

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.1.4 CCUS Project Financing Mechanism consumption in international aviation &

Argentina has implemented a carbon tax on shipping, and fuel exports are exempted from
liquid and solid fuels; the tax came into being in this tax.
2018 and proposed a price of US$ 10/tonne CO₂
-eq, which was then reduced to US$ 5/tonne Though there are no specific financing and/ or
CO₂ -eq. The tax was also extended to other incentive framework for the GHG emission
fuels in 2019, i.e. fuel oil, mineral coal, and abatement or CCUS, the existing carbon tax
petroleum coke. The tax rate has been kept at may be considered as the first step in this
10% of the full tax rate, with a 10% step direction. However, significantly higher carbon
increase every year, thus reaching 100% in prices of US$ 50–100/tonne CO₂ -eq by 2030
2028. The tax will cover only 20% of the are required to meet the 2016 Paris accord
country’s GHG emissions and is aimed at the targets.
energy sector emissions. Natural gas, CNG, fuel

A.2 Australia
Figure A-2: Australia’s GHG Emissions –
514 mtpa CO₂ -eq (2021)
A.2.1 Background
Combating climate change is a focus area for Waste; 10 ;
the Australian Government given the severe Agriculture;
67 ; 13%
challenges posed to its diverse natural Energy
ecosystems, especially the iconic natural Industrial
features such as the Great Barrier Reef, processes;
31 ; 6%
south-western Western Australia, the Australian Agriculture
Alps, the Queensland Wet Tropics and the
Kakadu wetlands.
Energy; 406
As per the Australian national GHG inventory, ; 79%
the annual GHG emissions in Australia was 514
million tonnes of CO₂ -eq in 2021. The primary
source of emissions is the energy sector (79%). Source: Climate Action Tracker and Climate
Transparency Report
Note: Excludes LULUCF emissions

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 183

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.2.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Framework complied. The applicability is for storage
Australia has significant potential for projects located within 3 to 200 nautical miles
developing CCUS projects. In this regard, states (270 km) from the coast. The Environment
like Victoria and Queensland enacted Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
legislation more than 10 years ago, apart from of 1999 (EPBC Act) is also applicable for
Federal legislations. CCUS projects, irrespective of their location
and jurisdiction, as approvals are required under
A.2.2.1 Federal Legislation: The Offshore the EPBC Act from an environmental point of
Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act of view.
2006 (OPGGSA) provides the framework for
CCUS projects in the Commonwealth waters of A.2.2.2 Permits: The required permits for
Australia, including aspects of licensing, CCUS projects are given in Table A-1.
regulatory monitoring & reporting and
environmental standards to be maintained and

Table A-1: Australia – Permits for CCS Projects

Permit Purpose

GHG Assessment Permits Required for exploring geologic formations for storing GHGs. Permits
granted for 6-year terms through competitive tendering

Declaration of Identified GHG Ministerial/Governmental declaration indicating that a particular

Storage Formation geologic formation is eligible for GHG storage.
Required for transitioning from GHG Assessment Permit to GHG
Holding Lease or GHG Injection Licence.

GHG Holding Leases Allows exploration activities and injection for testing purposes in
storage formations and injection sites
Issued to persons not eligible for GHG Injection Licenses but may
become so after 15 years
The term is of 5 years and is extendable

GHG Injection Licence The licensee can inject and permanently store GHGs in identified
Termination of licence if no injection is done within 5 years from the
grant of a license

A.2.2.3 State Legislations: The states of risks which can last an indefinite period and are
Victoria, Queensland, and South Australia have difficult to insure. It is likely that legislation
CCS legislation with similar permitting would also be introduced for the other states (in
requirements to the OPGGSA. However, the drafting stage for Western Australia) to
project developers do not have indemnity from promote CCUS projects.
post-closure leakage, thus exposing them to

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 184

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.2.3 Status of CCUS Projects

The status of various CCS projects in Australia is tabulated below:
Table A-2: CCS Projects in Australia

Sl. Project CCS Owner(s) Status

No. Capacity

1. Bayu Undan CCS Project 10 mtpa Santos, Timor Leste, Inpex, Eni, FEED commenced.
(Northern Territory) SK E&S and Tokyo Timor Resources

2. CTSCo Project 110,000 Glencore FID yet to be taken.

(Queensland) tpa Awaiting environmental

3. CO2CR Otway Project Research CO2CR Research phase

(Victoria) facility

4. Gorgon CCS Project 4 mtpa Chevron Developed and

(Western Australia) operational.

5. Karratha CCS Project TBC Woodside, BHP, BP, Research phase

(Western Australia) Chevron, Shell, MIMI

6. Moomba CCS Project 1.7 mtpa Santos FID taken.

(South Australia) Beach Energy

7. NT Hub (Northern TBC NT Gov, CSIRO, Santos, INPEX, Research phase

Territory) Woodside, Eni, Origin Energy and

8. South West Hub 800,000 TBC Research phase

(Western Australia) tpa

9. The CarbonNet Project 5 mtpa Victorian Government FID aimed for 2024.

A.2.4 CCUS Project Financing Mechanisms i) AU$ 50 million Carbon Capture, Use and
A.2.4.1 Special Purpose Grants from the Storage (CCUS) Development Fund – for
Federal Government: CCUS projects providing grants in the range of AU$ 500,000 to
traditionally require government funding and AU$ 25 million. Notable grants include AU$ 15
support to be viable investment propositions. In million to the Moomba CCS Project.
this regard, the Federal Government of
Australia has set up two funds for CCUS ii) AU$ 250 million CCUS Hubs and
projects: Technologies Program - for providing grants in
the range of AU$ 500,000 to AU$ 30 million,
focused to deploy CCUS at scale.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 185

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

Both the above funds are closed, but the Govern- A.2.4.3 Carbon Credits: CCUS projects in Australia
ment of Australia has announced funding of AU$ can also earn Australian Carbon Credit Units or
300 million for the NT Hub “to support low emis- ACCUs. Industrial facilities with emissions above
sions LNG and clean hydrogen production at 100,000 tpa of CO₂ per year need to report their
Darwin, together with associated carbon capture emissions and energy consumption and also contain
and storage infrastructure”. Two other current the same within the baselines defined by the regula-
avenues of federal government funding for CCUS tor. Facilities which exceed the baselines need to
projects are: purchase ACCUs to offset the same. The legislative
framework for ACCUs is provided by the Carbon
i) Finance from the Low Emissions Technology Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act of 2011.
Commercialisation Fund, administered by the CCS projects generate ACCUs, which can be sold
Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC); to other entities which need them to offset their
and emissions.

ii) Grants from the Australia Renewable Energy A.2.4.4 Carbon Tax: There is presently no carbon
Agency (ARENA). tax in Australia. However, the Federal Government
is planning an AU$ 25/tonne of CO₂ voluntary
incentive as part of its strategy to achieve net zero
A.2.4.2 State Government Funding: States have by 2050. Such an incentive is likely to incentivize
provided direct support to CCUS projects such as CCS projects in Australia. Additionally, exporters
CarbonNet, NT Hub and South West Hub projects. to Europe will have to face the EU’s Carbon Border
Although there is no established fund, it is likely Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM); this is also likely
that state government funding may also be available to incentivize major emitters to take up CCUS proj-
for CCUS projects on a case-to-case basis, depend- ects.
ing on the merits and viability of the project and
support to local industries.

A.3 Brazil sector of its economy. Brazil’s annual GHG

emissions are about 1093 mtpa of CO₂-eq.
A.3.1 Background However, the break-up is very dissimilar to
other countries, as the largest contributor is not
Brazil has committed to ambitious GHG energy consumption but rather the agricultural
emission reduction targets of 50% reduction by sector, with a 45% share. This is because of
2030 (compared to 2005 emissions) and Brazil’s dependence and skew towards
achieving climate neutrality by 2050, based on hydroelectricity rather than fossil fuelbased
the condition of receiving external financial power and absence of many CO₂ -emitting
support. Brazil’s NDCs also cover almost every industries.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 186

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

other major economies of the world. Given this

Figure A-3: Brazil’s GHG Emissions –
backdrop, strong policy action is required to
1093 mtpa CO₂ -eq (2020)
promote CCUS for abating emissions from fossil
fuel based energy generation and consumption.
Waste; 87 ;

A.3.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Framework

The focus of Brazil’s NDC are on biofuels,
processes reduced deforestation, renewable energy,
Agriculture energy efficiency and sustainable agriculture.
There is no focus on CCUS for abating
Agriculture; Waste
492 ; 45%
emissions from the fossil fuels based energy
Energy; 415 sector or other industrial emitters. However,
; 38%
CCUS has significant potential for
processes; decarbonization of different sectors, such as the
98 ; 9%
production of biofuels, natural gas based power
Source: Climate Action Tracker and Climate generation, oil & gas exploration and
Transparency Report. production with CO₂ -EOR.
Note: Excludes LULUCF emissions
A.3.3 Status of CCUS Projects
The share of fossil fuels in Brazil’s energy mix is Brazil has significant CO₂ storage potential,
likely to increase given the economic and sectoral particularly in the area of CO₂ EOR. However,
economic outlook and recent drought conditions, given the lack of focus on CCUS, there have
which have led to an increased focus on natural gas been only a handful of CCUS projects in the
based power. This will lead to a higher carbon inten- country, as tabulated below.
sity energy grid, contrary to the pathway adopted by

Table A-3: CCUS Projects in Brazil

Sl. Project CO₂ Company Status Fuel Capture Storage

No. Injection

1. Charqueadas - Petrobras, Pilot Unknown Unknown Coal

ECBM Pilot, CEPAC, Seam
Porto Batista, COPELMI
Porto Alegre Mining Corp

2. CCP Project - - CO₂ Pilot Oil Oxyfuel No

Oxy-firing FCC Capture storage
Demonstration, Project
Sao Mateus do (CCP)
Sul, Parana State

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 187

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

Sl. Project CO₂ Company Status Fuel Capture Storage

No. Injection

3. Lula Oil field, 1 mtpa Petrobras, with Operational Gas Other EOR
300 km offshore CO₂ BG E&P Brasil
from Rio de and Petrogal
Janeiro Brasil

4. Buracica Field - Petrobras, Operational Gas Other EOR

EOR Project, FAFEN, with
Eastern Bahia Oxiteno MVR

5. Miranga Field - Petrobras Pilot Unknown Post combustion EOR

EOR Pilot,
Pojuca, Bahaia

A.3.4 CCUS Project Financing Mechanism Petrobas (oil & gas), Vale (mining) and
There is no CCUS project financing mechanism Votorantim Cimentos (cement) have committed
available from the Brazilian Government. Some to reduce their carbon intensity and emissions
of the largest private sector players, such as but have not yet taken up any CCUS projects.

A.4 Canada ions and promoting clean economic growth.

Before the adoption of the PCF, it was projected
A.4.1 Background that GHG emissions in Canada would grow to
815 mtpa CO₂ -eq by 2030, i.e. 10% higher than
Canada has committed to achieving a GHG the 2005 base levels of 741 mtpa CO₂ -eq. The
emission reduction of 40-45% by 2030, adoption of the PCF and related clean energy
compared to its 2005 emissions and reaching measures are expected to lower 2030 emissions
net-zero emissions by 2050. Greenhouse gas to 468 mtpa CO₂ -eq., about 37% lower than the
emissions in Canada in 2020 were 672 mtpa 2005 baseline.
CO₂ -eq in 2020, down by 9% from 738 mtpa
CO₂ -eq in 2019 due to the impact of the A.4.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Framework
COVID-19 pandemic. The principal source of Canada has enacted several legislations and
CO₂ emissions is the energy sector, accounting policies, such as carbon taxes and clean fuel
for about 80% of emissions. standards (both at the State and the Federal
government level), to enable the transition to a
In 2016, Canada adopted the Pan-Canadian low-carbon economy. The immediate CCUS
Framework on Clean Growth and Climate target is capturing and storing 15 mtpa CO₂ by
Change (PCF), aimed at reducing GHG emiss- 2030.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 188

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

It is very likely that the carbon tax and clean carbon tax or fuel charge on the production and
fuel standard will play a significant role in distribution of gasoline and natural gas; there is
incentivizing CCUS, especially for the also a cap & trade system wherein industrial
hard-to-abate energy sector and industrial emitters are allocated certain emission limits,
emitters. Every state in Canada has its carbon with the option of trading any unused/ excess
pricing system or is covered by the Federal allowances.
government system. The latter consists of a

Table A-4: Carbon Pricing System Adopted by Different Provinces of Canada

States Federal Federal cum Provincial

system provincial system system

Prince Edward Island
British Columbia
Northwest Territories
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick

The Federal Government has fixed the minimum increased carbon constrained Canadian economy
CO₂ price at CA$ 40 per tonne, which will increase are forcing hard-to-abate emitters like steel plants,
to CA$ 170 per tonne by 2030. The Clean Fuel oil & gas refineries, and power generators to
Standard (to be implemented in 2023) will focus on seriously look at CCUS for reducing their
reducing the lifecycle carbon intensity of fossil emissions. The focus of CCUS related activities is
fuels sold in Canada. For example, refineries need concentrated in the states of Alberta and
to reduce emissions by 2.4 grams of CO₂ Saskatchewan, given the availability of oil fields for
-equivalent per megajoule (gCO2e/MJ) in the first enabling CO₂ EOR. Even geological storage is
year; this target will accelerate and reach 12 being explored, with Shell’s Quest Carbon and
gCO2e/MJ by 2030. These two regulations and the Storage project being the first attempt to store CO₂
in geological formations in Canada.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 189

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.4.3 Provincial Policies and utilization and exploring & promoting

A.4.3.1 Alberta: Alberta passed the Carbon CCUS hubs.
Capture and Storage Funding Act in 2013 to
provide funding up to CA$ 2 billion to CCUS A.4.3.3 Prince Edward Island: Prince Edward
projects. About CA$ 1.2 billion has been Island has targeted reaching net zero by the year
committed to two commercial scale projects 2040, and one of the identified focus areas is
capturing over 2 mtpa, including a CO₂ investing in CCUS projects by adopting both
transport trunkline with a capacity of 14 mtpa. technological and biological approaches.

A.4.3.2 Saskatchewan: The measures include a A.4.4 Status of CCUS Projects

20% investment tax credit for CO₂ pipeline
A summary of Canada’s major known CCS
infrastructure, lower royalties for CO₂ EOR
projects is provided in Table A-5.
projects, updated regulations for CO₂ storage

Table A-5: CCUS Projects in Canada

Sl. Project CO₂ Company Status Fuel Capture Storage

No. Injection Provincial
1. Weyburn- Midale 3 mtpa EnCana, Operational Coal Precombustion EOR with
CO₂ Project, Dakota MVR
Weyburn, Gasification
Saskatchewan Comp

2. Boundary Dam, 1 mtpa Saskpower Operational Coal Postcombustion EOR with

Estevan, MVR

3. Quest, Fort 1 mtpa Shell Operational Gas Other Saline

Saskatchewan, Canada formation

4. Alberta Carbon 1 mtpa Wolf Carbon Under Other Other EOR

Trunk Line, Solutions, construction
Redwater, Alberta Enhance Energy

5. Nutrien - Nutrien Ag, Under Gas Other EOR with

Redwater Enhance Energy, construction MVR
Nitrogen Plant, Wolf Carbon
Redwater, Alberta Solutions

6. North West 1 mtpa North West Under Other Precombustion EOR with
Redwater, Upgrading, construction MVR
Redwater, Alberta Canadian Natural

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 190

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

Sl. Project CO₂ Company Status Fuel Capture Storage

No. Injection Provincial
7. Zama, Zama - Apache Pilot Gas Other EOR
city, Alberta Canada

8. CO2MENT Pilot, - Svante, Pilot Other Postcombustion No

Richmond, BC LafargeHolci storage
m, Total

9. Miranga Field - Petrobras Pilot Unknown Postcombustion EOR

EOR Pilot,
Miranga, Pojuca,
Bahaia province

10. CO₂ Solutions - CO₂ Pilot Gas Postcombustion No

Capture Pilot - Solutions Inc storage
Test Site,
Montreal East

11. GTI/CanmetEN - Gas Pilot Unknown Oxyfuel No

ERGY Pilot Technology storage
Plant, Kanata, Institute
near Ottawa (lead)

A.4.5 CCUS Project Financing Mechanism and Clean Energy for undertaking R&D
The key project financing mechanisms projects, including CCUS.
available in Canada are:
iii) Future investment tax credit for CCUS project
i) Strategic Innovation Fund’s CA$ 8 billion investments for incentivizing private
Net-Zero Accelerator Fund for decarbonization investment for meeting the goal of 15 mtpa of
projects for large emitters carbon capture and storage by 2030. However,
this tax credit will exclude CCUS projects
ii) In 2021, the Federal Government granted CA$ involving CO₂ EOR, which traditionally has
35 million to fund the Centre for Innovation been the disposition pathway of choice for
carbon capture projects in Canada.

A.5 China by 2060, as part of its Nationally Determined

Contributions with respect to combating
A.4.1 Background climate change. China’s primarily coal based
energy sector accounts for 76% of its GHG
China is the largest emitter in the world, emissions, with industrial processes
accounting for 14.4 Gt of CO₂ eq. of GHG contributing another 15%.
emissions in 2021. China has committed to peak
its CO₂ emissions by 2030 and reach net zero

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 191

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.5.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Frameworks 2030, with commercial deployment after 2040.
China’s CCUS policy framework is guided by The roadmap targets CCUS contributing to
the country’s dependence on coal for reaching decarbonization in the following phased
its economic and developmental goals. China manner: 10 – 20 mtpa by 2020; 40 mtpa by
had proposed a CCUS roadmap in 2015 wherein 2030; and 440 mtpa by 2040.
significant investments were only planned after

Figure A-4: CCUS Roadmap for China

The key phases of the roadmap are as follows: ii) 2021 to 2030: Market creating incentives such
as carbon tax, and emission ceilings to be
i) 2015 to 2020: CCUS and CO₂ – EOR of 10 – 20 announced to incentivize CCUS. CCUS to
mtpa, contributing to 30 mn barrels of reach commercial scale in coal to chemicals and
incremental oil production. CCUS coal to power sector and implemented at demo
demonstration projects are to be set up for 5 to scale in other sectors. A CCUS regulatory
10 coal to chemicals plants and 1 to 3 coal fired framework shall be implemented.
power plants. The main aim of these projects
would be to address the technical challenges iii) Beyond 2031: It is anticipated that CCUS will
and concerns of CCUS. achieve significant scale and cost reductions to
merit economy-wide commercial application.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 192

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.5.3 A.5.3 Status of CCUS Projects

A large number of CCUS pilot and demonstration projects are underway in different provinces of China
(Figure A-6); the total capture capacity is about 3 mtpa and the total storage capacity is about 2 mtpa.

Figure A-5: CCUS Projects in China

A few key CCUS projects in China are tabulated below.

Table A-6: CCUS Projects in China

Project Location Scale of Capture Capture/ End use Timeline

Research and Demonstration Jilin Oilfield 0.3 mtpa CCUS-EOR Operational
of CO₂ -EOR in PetroChina since 2008
Jilin Oilfield

Shanghai Shidongkou CO₂ Shidongkou, 0.12 mtpa Post-combustion Operational

Capture and Storage Shanghai capture since 2009
Demonstration Project of
Huaneng Group

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 193

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

Project Location Scale of Capture Capture/ End use Timeline

Coal-to-Liquids CO₂ Capture Ordos, Inner 0.1 mtpa Coal liquefaction Operational
and Storage Demonstration of Mongolia plant + saline since 2011
Shenhua Group aquifer

CO₂ Capture from Coal Yulin, 0.3 mtpa CO₂ CCUSEOR Operational
Chemical Industry and CO₂ Shaanxi from the since 2016
Flooding Demonstration of coal chemical
Yanchang Petroleum Group industry

EOR Demonstration in Dongtai, 0.156 mtpa EOR Operational

Sinopec East China Oilfield Jiangsu since 2005

A.6 France
Figure A-6: France’s GHG Emissions –
446 mtpa CO₂ -eq (2019)
A.6.1 Background
The European Union (EU) has committed to Waste; 18 ;
reducing GHG emissions by 55% within 2030,
as compared to 2005 levels. As a member Energy
country of the EU, France is a signatory to these 76 ; 17%
targets and also has set specific domestic targets processes
of 75% GHG reductions by 2050. France’s Agriculture
GHG emissions in 2019 were 446 mtpa CO₂ eq.
– there has been a gradual decrease in emissions Industrial
of 19% since 1990, given the French economy’s 49 ; 11% Energy; 303
; 68%
transition towards the services sector and the
shifting of carbon-intensive industries outside
France. The sectoral break-up is provided in
Figure A-7. Source: Climate Action Tracker and Climate
Transparency Report
Note: Excludes LULUCF emissions

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 194

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.6.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Frameworks fuels. CCUS is primarily envisaged for industri-
France’s National Low Carbon Strategy (Straté- al decarbonization. One specific area for CCUS
gie Nationale Bas Carbone or SNBC) incorpo- is enabling the production of low-carbon trans-
rates CCUS as an important lever for decarbon- port fuels, given the fact that out of different
izing the hard to abate industrial sector: steel energy uses, energy consumption in the trans-
and chemicals by 2030 and cement by 2035. port sector accounts for 30% of emissions.
However, the role of CCUS is not envisaged to
be integral to the decarbonization of the energy A.6.3 Status of CCUS Projects
sector, where the focus is on renewables,
The CCUS projects in France are at various
biomass and other forms of low-carbon power
stages of operation.
and heat generation to replace the use of fossil

Table A-7: CCUS Projects in France

Project Type of carbon Participants Status Start CCUS Capacity

capture Timeline Provincial
Demonstration Industrial ArcelorMittal, Axens, Advanced 2025 0.1
in Dunkirk capture - steel TotalEnergies, ACP, development
mill Brevik Engineering,
CMI, DTU, Gassco,
RWTH and Uetikon

Pycasso – Pyreanean Industrial Avenia, CAPBP, In planning 2030 1

Carbon Abolition capture (multiple Teréga, Schlumberger,
through Sustainable industrial Lafarge, Repsol, UPPA,
Sequestration sources) BRGM, IFPEN, Sofresid,
Geostock, SNAM

K6 Industrial Air Liquide, EQIOM, Early Data NA 0.8

capture from VDZ development
cement plant

CalCC Industrial Air Liquide, Lhoist In planning 2028 0.6

capture from
cement plant

Cryocap Blue H2 Air Liquide In operation 2015 0.1

D’Artagnan In transport - In planning 2025 12


Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 195

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

Additionally, there are multiple R&D and demon- A.6.4 CCUS Project Financing Mechanism
stration CCUS projects involving both CO₂ capture There are no specific funding mechanisms for
and utilization in diverse applications such as utili- CCUS; however, France has pledged to double
zation in steel & chemicals plants, mineralization of funding for clean energy innovations (which
concrete, production of algae from CO₂ emitters included CCUS) by 2020, compared to the
and biological methanation. Apart from CO₂ utili- baseline of 2015. The private sector has an
zation, France also has the potential for the perma- important role to play in CCUS R&D and
nent geo-sequestration or storage of CO₂ ; the Paris demonstrations, given the presence of strong
and Aquitaine basins have an estimated CO₂ stor- French companies in this sector, viz.: Air
age capacity of 27 Gt CO₂ -eq. However, the poten- Liquide, Total, IFPEN, Axens, BRGM. For
tial needs to be better characterized before being example, Total is involved in major CO₂
considered for commercial applications. transport and storage projects in the North Sea,
which is expected to drive CCUS investments
in France.

A.7 Germany
Figure A-7: Germany’s GHG Emissions –
762 mtpa CO₂ -eq (2021)
A.7.1 Background
Similar to France, Germany is also a signatory Agriculture; 61;
Waste & others;
10; 1%
Energy; 247;
to EU’s commitment of reducing 55% 8%
emissions by 2030, compared to 2005 levels.
Additionally, Germany has set a target of Buildings; 115;
Industrial Processes
reaching net zero by 2045. Transport

Germany’s overall GHG emissions in 2021 Agriculture

were 762 mtpa CO₂ -eq, down from the

Waste & others
Transport; 148;

prepandemic levels of 800 mtpa CO₂ -eq. in

Processes; 181;
2019. The energy industry is the largest 24%
contributor, accounting for a 32% share of the
Source: Climate Action Tracker and Climate
Transparency Report
Note: Excludes LULUCF emissions

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 196

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.7.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Frameworks electrification, energy & resource efficiency,
From 2011 to 2021, Germany’s GHG emissions circular economy and new energy carriers such
have reduced by 150 mt, i.e. by about 15 mt per as hydrogen in the industrial sectors. The
year. However, this decrease in emissions needs program also identifies the direct capture,
to accelerate to 35 – 40 mt per year up to 2030 storage and utilization of CO₂ as an important
for Germany to meet its long-term climate and element for capturing unavoidable emissions
decarbonization goals. The 2030 Climate and enabling the energy transition of the
Action Program of the German Government industrial sector. Funding directives have also
includes mandatory decarbonization and been issued by the Government for scoping
emission reduction targets across various CCUS projects, with second stage funding also
sectors. One of the key areas from a CCUS envisaged for demonstration projects across
point of view is promoting decarbonization, capture, storage, utilization and transport.

Figure A-8: Germany’s Decarbonization Pathway


Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 197

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.7.3 Status of CCUS Projects

The CCUS projects in Germany at various stages of operationalization are tabulated below.
Table A-8: CCUS Projects in Germany

Project Type of carbon Participants Status Start CCUS Capacity

capture Timeline Provincial
H2morrow Blue H2 Equinor, OGE, Steel In planning 2030 1.9

Leilac 2 Industrial Capture Calix (Europe) Limited - Advanced 2023 0.1

(cement plant) Engie Laborelec - development
HeidelbergCement AG -
Geological Survey of
Belgium - Lhoist
Recherche et
Developpement SA -
BGR - Calix Limited -
Politecnico Milano - Port
of Rotterdam - Centre for
Research & Technology
Hellas - CEMEX -

BlueHyNow Blue H2 Wintershall Dea, In planning Data not Data not

Nord-West Oelleitung available available

Oxyfuel 100 Methanol EDF Germany, Holcim In planning Data not Data not
synthesis Germany, Ørsted available available
Germany, Raffinerie
Heide, Stadtwerke Heide,
Thügaans thyssenkrupp
Industrial Solutions,
Heide development
agency, Westküste
University of Applied

H2GE Rostock Blue H2 Equinor, VNG AG In planning 2029 2

A.7.4 CCUS Project Financing Mechanism include CO₂ storage in the North Sea, DAC
In 2021, a funding directive was issued to combined with CO₂ disposition and BECCS.
support CCUS technologies and projects The initial budget was set at €105 million for
towards market maturity. The areas of support 2021 and thereafter €120 million per year until

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 198

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.8 India However, with rapid economic growth,

infrastructure and industrial development, as
A.8.1 Background well as a growing population (expected to cross
1.50 billion by 2036), the total emissions are
India is the 4th largest emitter of CO2 in the expected to reach 4 to 4.4 Gtpa by the year
world among G20 economies after China, the 2030. The sectoral break-up of emissions
US and the EU, with estimated GHG emissions reveals that while renewable energy is making
of 3.4 Gtpa of CO2 eq. in 2021. The emissions great strides in India, it can theoretically
had reduced to 3.1 Gtpa in 2020 due to the contribute at most 30% of the desired
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. India’s per decarbonization by replacing fossil fuel-based
capita emissions are less than 40% of the global power generation.
average and about one-fourth of that of China.

Figure A-9: India – GHG Emissions of 3.4 Gtpa CO₂ eq (2021)


Industrial Industry
31 ; 6%

780;30% 806;31% Transport



520;20% 260;10% 130;5%

Climate Action Tracker and Climate Transparency Report
Note: Excludes Land Use, Land Use Change and
Forestry (LULUCF) emissions

A.8.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Frameworks projects in India. The report proposes a
The apex policy think tank of the Government supportive cash & tax incentive-based policy
of India, the NITI Aayog, has recently framework for promoting CCUS in India. The
published a report on the policy framework and key elements of the proposed policy framework
enabling mechanism required for CCUS are provided below.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 199

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

Table A-9: Proposed CCUS Policy Framework for India

Element Details

Policy path In the near term, CCUS policy should be carbon credits or incentives based, to seed
and promote the CCUS sector in India through tax and cash credits
Over time (probably beyond 2050), the policy should transition to carbon taxes, to
enable reaching India’s netzero goals by 2070
The policy should establish early-stage financing and funding mechanisms for CCUS

Hub & Regional hub & cluster models need to be established to drive economies of scale
Cluster The role of emitters, aggregators, hub operators, disposers and conversion agents
model needs to be defined

Low carbon Preferential procurement in Government tenders for lowcarbon or carbon-abated

products products
Incentives to foster innovation for low-carbon products through schemes like PLI

Environmental Distribution of benefits of economic value added created to communities most

and social affected by environmental and climate change
justice Protection of communities and jobs, especially in sectors affected by clean energy

Accounting Regulated emission levels and allowances for different sector

and regulatory Adoption of a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) framework to take into account Scope 2
framework and Scope 3 emissions and drive effective carbon abatement

Risk Limiting the CO₂ liability and ownership of participants across the CCUS value
mitigation chain
Monitoring, Verification and Accounting (MVA) framework and monitoring for risk

Source: Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage Policy Framework and its Deployment Mechanism in India, 2022

A.8.3 Status of CCUS Projects several companies are pursuing different CCUS
projects and initiatives, particularly in the area
Apart from the CCUS policy framework and of CO2 conversion and utilization. Some of
agenda, that is likely to be driven and these key initiatives are tabulated below.
implemented by the Government of India,

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 200

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

Table A-10: Key CCUS Projects and Initiatives in India

Company Sector Details

Power CO2 utilization pilot project at NTPC’s Vindhyachal thermal power plant: for
capturing 20 tpd of CO2, with future plan of utilizing the same for producing 10 tpd

Power Development of zeolite and ‘Pressure Swing Adsorption’ process for CO2 capture

Power Development of amine and process for CO2 capture

NTPC Power Demonstration of micro algae based CO2 capture

Power CO2 utilization pilot project: 10 tpd CO2 to generation 4 ethanol plant at NTPC
power plant

Power CO2 utilization pilot project: Production of carbonated aggregates using fly ash and
CO2 from power plant flue gas

Power CO2 storage: mapping of geological storage potential of CO2 in category 1 field in
India, in association with the National COE-CCUS of IIT Bombay

ONGC & Oil & Feasibility study for capture of 0.7 mtpa of CO2 from HGU at IOCL Koyali refinery
IOCL Gas and utilizing the CO2 for EOR at ONGC’s Gandhar oilfields and F&B grade usage

ONGC Oil & MoU with Shell for cooperation on exploring CO2 storage study and EOR in key
Gas basins in India and with Equinor for developing CCUS hubs and projects

BPCL Petrochem Feasibility study for gasification of 1.2 mtpa petcoke and conversion to carbon
abated chemicals, hydrogen and power

Tuticorin Alkali Chemicals Commissioned a 200 tpd plant. Captured CO2 is utilized for the production of baking
& Chemicals soda.

BHEL & Chemicals Coal to methanol: pilot scale plants for carbon capture and conversion to methanol

Tata Steel Steel Commissioned a plant for capture of 5 tpd CO2 capture from Blast Furnace gases at
TSL Jamshedpur, with future plans to re-use the CO2 within the steel value chain

JSPL Steel Capture of 2000 tpd concentrated CO2 from commercial scale coal gasification
operations at Angul for enabling carbon abated steel producing using blue hydrogen
(as part of syngas). Also exploring CO2 utilization to bio-ethanol, methanol and soda

Dalmia Cement 500,000 tpa carbon capture plant planned at their Tamil Nadu plant – MOU with
Cements technology provider

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 201

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.8.4 CCUS Project Financing Mechanism ii) Production-linked incentives (PLI) for
The report by the NITI Aayog proposes different low-carbon products
pathways and mechanisms for supporting and
financing CCUS projects in India. iii) Subsidizing CO₂ abatement projects through
cash credits (for operating costs) and tax credits
i) Set up a “Carbon Capture Finance Corporation (for capital costs).
(CCFC)” for India. The CCFC will be a
financial institution for funding CCUS projects iv) Fund demonstration projects to identify the most
through debt and equity. The seed capital for the appropriate CCUS technologies for different
CCFC will either be provided through direct sectors and applications in the Indian context.
budget support by the Government of India or
by diverting the clean energy cess levied by the
Government on the consumption of coal in India.

A.9 Indonesia A.9.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Frameworks

The Indonesian Government is targeting a
A.9.1 Background progressive emissions reduction program to
In 2015, the Government of Indonesia enhanced control carbon trade, including incentives based
its climate pledge by raising the earlier emission on success in lowering greenhouse gas
reduction target set in 2010. Indonesia has emissions and also imposing a carbon tax. It
committed that it would reduce its GHG was slated to implement a carbon price of US
emissions during the 2020-2030 period by 32% $2.1/ tonne of emitted CO₂ on coal-fired power
(in the unconditional scenario) and up to 43% plants in 2022; however, the same has been put
(in the conditional scenario, i.e. with on hold. At present, there are no existing laws
international financial support) as compared to and regulations governing CCUS in Indonesia.
2030 business-as-usual GHG emissions.
Indonesia has also committed to achieve carbon A.9.3 Status of CCUS Projects
neutrality by 2060.
There are no operational CCUS projects in
Indonesia as of 2022. However, there are recent
Currently ranked 8th in the world in terms of
developments in terms of project studies and
emissions, Indonesia’s GHG was at 1543 mtpa
investment plans:
CO₂ -eq in 2021, which is 5% lower than 2020
emissions of 1625 mtpa CO₂-eq. Studies note
i) Mitsubishi with JOGMEC, PT Panca Amara
that Indonesia needs to reduce its emissions to
Utama (PAU) and Bandung Institute of
below 662 mtpa tonne CO₂ -eq by 2030 and
Technology commenced a study on a project to
below 51 mtpa CO₂ -eq by 2050 to contribute to
produce low-emission ammonia in Central
its “fair-share” of global decarbonization
Sulawesi Indonesia (March 2021)
required for limiting global temperature rises to
1.5°C above preindustrial levels. However,
ii) J-POWER and Japan NUS Co, in co-operation
Indonesia’s 2030 NDC would limit its
with PT Pertamina are exploring a project to
emissions to 1,817 mtpa CO₂ -eq and hence
demonstrate CO₂ storage of up to 300,000 tpa
there is clearly a need for deeper emissions cuts.
of CO₂ at the Gundih gas field in Central Java,
In this regard, CCUS may be considered as a
Indonesia (September 2020). The project builds
key tool in furthering GHG emissions reduction
on detailed studies conducted between 2012 and
by capturing and utilizing or storing CO₂
emissions in Indonesia.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 202

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

iii) Repsol SA indicated in its 2020 Sustainability Table A-11: CO₂ Storage in Indonesia
Plan for Indonesia that they will carry out a
study for a large-scale CCUS project in their Type of Estimated
Storage volume (Gt CO₂ )
Sakakemang Block natural gas development in
South Sumatra
South Sumatra 7.650
iv) Studies are underway for two projects in
Indonesia related to enhanced gas recovery Java Basin (deep saline 0.386
(EGR) at Sukowati and Tangguh. BP also has layers)
plans for a CCUS scheme in the next phase of Tarakan Basin 0.130
its Tangguh liquefied natural gas project in the
West Papua province of Indonesia. Central Sumatra Basin 0.229

However, with regard to storage, it is to be noted Total 8.4

that limited information on depleted oil fields, lack
of exploitation data and unidentified potential
storage are impediments for estimating the potential Crediting Mechanism (JCM) scheme and ADB
CO₂ storage space available in Indonesia. Prelimi- CCS Fund supported feasibility studies for the
nary estimates indicate 8.4 Gt CO₂ as the storage Gundih pilot CCUS Project, including risk
potential for CCUS in Indonesia (Table A-11). assessments and project management plans.
Sukowati Field in Indonesia has received
support from Japan’s JCM.
A.9.4 CCUS Project Financing Mechanism
Indonesia leads the planned CCUS investments
in the South-east Asia region – IEA estimates
that Indonesia accounts for 80% of Southeast
Asia’s planned CCUS investment by 2030.
Various entities are working on project-specific
funding mechanisms to support the CCUS
ecosystem in Indonesia. For eg., Japan’s Joint

A.10 Italy 2019 indicate that the electricity, heat and

transport industries contribute to over 51% of
A.10.1 Background the total emissions.

Italy is a signatory to the EU’s commitment to Thus, the thrust of CCUS on the industrial
reducing 55% of emissions by 2030 compared sector is less relevant compared to other G20
to 2005 levels; Italy has also set a target of economies. However, the relevance of CCUS
reducing emissions by 60% by 2030. Italy’s for decarbonizing the power sector is important,
overall GHG emissions in 2020 were 381 mtpa as the sector accounts for a quarter of Italy’s
CO₂ -eq. Sector-wise GHG emissions data of total GHG emissions.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 203

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

Figure A-10: Italy– GHG Emissions of 410 mtpa CO₂eq (2019)

Waste; 17; 4% Others; 12; 3%

Avia�on &
shipping; 21; 5%

Industry; 21; 5% Electricity &

heat; 109; 26%
Manufacturing &
construc�on; 31;

Agriculture; 32;

Transport; 103;
Buildings; 64;

Climate Action Tracker and Climate Transparency Report
Note: Excludes Land Use, Land Use Change and
Forestry (LULUCF) emissions

A.10.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Frameworks addressing its emissions covered by the EU
The National Energy and Climate Plan of Italy ETS and non-ETS-related emissions, a 2030
is focused on the country’s transformation to a target of 29% below 1990 levels can be derived.
low-emission economy and consists of two In 2021, explicit carbon prices in Italy consisted
pillars: of emissions trading system (ETS) permit
prices, which cover 36.2% of the GHG
• increase renewable energy consumption to emissions. In total, 82% of GHG emissions in
30% of gross final energy consumption Italy are subject to a positive Net Effective
Carbon Rate (ECR) in 2021, which is
• improve energy efficiency by reducing unchanged since 2018. Fuel excise taxes, an
energy consumption by 43% and 40% of implicit form of carbon pricing, cover 71.1% of
primary and final energy consumption emissions in 2021, unchanged since 2018.
respectively by 2030. Apart from the above Carbon Pricing
mechanism, Italy does not have any other
Italy has no explicit economy-wide GHG specific CCUS policy or a regulatory
reduction target, but by combining its targets framework.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 204

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.10.3 Status of CCUS Projects Federico II coal-fired power plant at Brindisi,

There are no operational CCUS projects in Italy South Italy. The pilot project has successfully
as of 2022. There are few pilot / feasibility completed its first test and was planned to
projects undertaken by different industries. This capture 2.5 tonnes of CO₂ per hour up to a
includes a 30 tonne/day CCUS project at a maximum of 8000 tpa of CO₂ using amine
thermal power plant in Northern Italy by a based solvent technologies. However, the
tripartite arrangement between Tenaris (steel project was later shelved.
products manufacturer), Siad (energy services
company) and Saipem (the technology A.10.4 CCUS Project Financing Mechanism
supplier). The utilization of the captured CO₂ is
There is no project funding or financing
planned in the food and beverage industry, for
mechanism specifically available in Italy.
crops, in water treatment, in metal processing
However, private players may seek support
and as a refrigerant gas.
from the EU Innovation Fund. Eni, an Italian oil
& gas major, is utilizing the Next Generation
Another demonstration project called
EU (NGEU) fund for the Adriatic CCUS
CLEANKER, plans to capture CO₂ at a cement
project, consisting of a CCUS hub and storage
plant in Vernasca (in Piacenza) and is based on
site at depleted oil fields. The CLEANKER
the calcium looping technology.
project is funded by HORIZON2020, EU’s
research and innovation funding programme.
In 2011, Enel has inaugurated Italy’s first
carbon capture pilot project at its 2640 MW

A.11 Japan
Figure A-11: Japan – GHG Emissions of 1200
mtpa CO₂eq (2019)
A.11.1 Background
Japan is the 6th highest GHG emitter, with Manufacturing and
Construc�on, 190.2, 16%
emissions of 1150 mtpa CO₂ -eq in 2021. GHG Transport,
206.4, 17%
emissions in Japan have reduced for 7 Industry, 65.3, 5%
consecutive years, due to reduced energy Agriculture, 22, 2%
consumption (the result of improved energy Waste, 6.69, 1%
Others, 20.6, 2%
conservation efforts and effects of COVID-19 Avia�on and
in the last 2 years) and lower CO₂ emissions shipping, 33.5, 3%
Electricity and
from the power generation sector due to an heat, 545.2, 45% Buildings, 110.1,
increasing share of low-carbon electricity, with
a wider adoption of renewables and resumption
of nuclear power. Japan’s emissions are
concentrated in electricity & heat, transport, Source:
Climate Action Tracker and Climate Transparency Report
manufacturing and construction sectors.
Note: Excludes Land Use, Land Use Change and
Forestry (LULUCF) emissions

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 205

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

Japan aims to reduce its greenhouse gas In the power sector, a major carbon capture
emissions by 46% in 2030 from its 2013 levels, demonstration project began operations in
setting an ambitious target aligned with the November 2020 at the biomass-powered
long-term goal of achieving net zero by 2050. Mikawa plant in Fukuoka (Kyushu). The
project is expected to capture up to 500 tonnes
A.11.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Frameworks per day (tpd) of CO₂ , corresponding to about
half of the plant’s daily emissions. Carbon
Japan published its “Green Growth Strategy in capture has also been deployed at the Saga
line with Carbon Neutrality in 2050” in incineration plant in Kyushu since 2016 for
December 2020, where 14 sectors with high capturing 10 tpd CO₂ , and using the captured
growth potential were identified to meet the CO₂ to stimulate the growth of crops and algae
2050 climate neutrality target - thermal plants cultures. Both projects use a post-combustion
with CCUS was identified as one of the focus carbon capture process based on chemical
sectors. However, there is no explicit CCUS absorption. Additionally, tests have started for
policy or regulatory framework in Japan. The CO₂ at an integrated coal gasification combined
industry ministry plans to create a legal cycle (IGCC) power plant in Hiroshima
framework for CCUS to enable companies to (Chugoku) under the Osaki CoolGen Project. It
start storing carbon dioxide underground or is expected that the system will capture more
under the seabed by 2030 to help the nation than 90% of the CO₂ emitted in the coal
achieve its 2050 carbon-neutral goal. It is gasification power generation plant, using a
estimated that Japan can store 120-240 mtpa of physical absorption technology. The project
CO₂ by 2050. also seeks to demonstrate the potential for
recycling captured CO₂ and, eventually, for
A.11.3 Status of CCUS Projects incorporating the coal-sourced syngas (mixture
of H2 and CO) into fuel cells. Some of the other
There are no large-scale or commercial CCUS known CCUS projects at different stages of
applications in Japan so far, but there are operationalization in Japan are listed below.
several Government funded and supported
operational CCUS pilot projects in Japan.

Table A-12: CCUS Projects at Different Stages of Operationalization in Japan

Type of project Companies involved Project details

Capture and Kansai Power, Kawasaki Heavy Industry Demonstration project at the Maizaru thermal
Storage and the Research Institute of Innovative power plant using solid absorbent
Technology for the Earth

Storage Japan CCS KK. The project has been running since 2012 in
Tomakomai, Hokkaido. It has stored 300,000 tons
of CO₂ under high pressure in the harbor seabed.
Construction was completed in 2015, and storage
started in 2019.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 206

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

Type of project Companies involved Project details

Utilization Hitachi Zosen Methanation project using green hydrogen and CO₂
captured from a waste incinerator

Utilization Sekisui Chemical Producing syngas from green hydrogen and CO₂
captured from a waste incinerator. CO₂ utilization
for producing ethanol using a microbial catalyst.

Capture Kawasaki Heavy Industry Solid absorbent based low energy capture process to
capture CO₂ from gas mixtures with low CO₂

A.11.4 CCUS Project Financing Mechanism In particular, Japan is increasingly focusing on

METI (i.e., Ministry of Economy, Trade and CO₂ utilization and using CO₂ as a raw
Industry) of the Government of Japan has material to produce value-added products, like
decided to develop a Green Innovation Fund. fuels, chemicals and building materials. It
The fund size will be JPY 2 trillion and the fund established a Carbon Recycling Promotion
will be under the New Energy and Industrial Office within METI in February 2019 and
Technology Development Organization launched a long-term Roadmap for Carbon
(NEDO) of the Government of Japan. CCUS Recycling Technologies. A carbon recycling
projects can also receive funding support from budget of JPY 35 billion (USD 318 million) for
this fund. 2019 was also created. In addition, CO₂ use and
recycling are also a part of the Moonshot R&D
programme, launched in 2019.

A.12 Mexico
Figure A-12: Mexico – GHG Emissions of 669
mtpa CO₂eq (2019)
A.11.1 Background
Mexico is the 11th largest GHG emitter
globally, accounting for 669 mtpa CO₂ -eq of
GHG emissions. Mexico’s emissions largely
emanate from the electricity & heat generation
(28%) and transport (23%) sector. Agriculture
comes 3rd with a 15% share.

Climate Action Tracker and Climate Transparency Report
Note: Excludes Land Use, Land Use Change and
Forestry (LULUCF) emissions

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 207

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

Mexico, in its updated 2030 NDC target, has iii) Study of the development of a CCUS
stated that it aims to reduce GHG emissions by regulatory framework for Mexico. This study
35% within 2030 in the “unconditional” case undertook a comprehensive and in-depth
(30% with its own resources and an additional assessment of the current regulatory framework
5% from international support) and by 40% in for CCUS in Mexico and identified critical gaps
the “conditional case” (i.e., dependent on & barriers.
receiving international financial, technical and
capacity building support), as compared to the
A.12.4 CCUS Project Financing Mechanism
expected emissions in the 2030 Business As
Usual scenario. In the absence of a national CCUS policy,
project financing is driven by specific-project
funding measures, such as the World Bank
A.12.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Frameworks
CCUS Trust Fund, amongst others. At the same
Mexico has a General Law on Climate Change, time, there are several activities in Mexico that
created in 2012 and amended in 2018; this law are incentivized by the Government and CCUS
establishes Mexico’s NDCs and commitment can be categorized as such activiities – viz. 35%
towards the goals and objectives of the Paris deduction of the price of new machinery for
Climate Agreement, in terms of mitigation and reducing pollutant emissions and the trading of
adaptation to climate change. In 2014, the energy certificates for mitigating costs in the
Government of Mexico also developed a CCUS generation of clean energy. However, there is
roadmap till 2025. The most important no specific incentive for other activities in the
activities in this roadmap are: CCUS value chain, such as the transport and
storage of CO₂ .
i) Pre-feasibility study of a proposed
post-combustion capture (PCC) pilot plant at a With respect to carbon credits, there are
natural gas-fired combined-cycle (NGCC) regulations for creating national carbon
power plant in Mexico. markets. However, the market is not well
defined and is not presently operational.
ii) A review of state-of-the-art practices for Finally, Mexico also does not have any
combining carbon dioxide enhanced oil mandatory emission reduction targets or
recovery (CO₂ -EOR) with geological storage mandatory emission limitations for
of CO₂ in Mexico. high-emitting sectors. As long as there is no cap
on emissions for these sectors, the incentive to
implement CCUS activities is likely to be low.

A.13 Russia Thus, these carbon sinks, largely consisting of

forests in Russia , offset about 20% of Russia’s
A.13.1 Background GHG emissions. Russia’s emissions largely
emanate from electricity & heat generation
Russia is the 4th largest GHG emitting country, (34%) and fugitive emissions (22%) from
accounting for 2529 mtpa CO₂ -eq of GHG different sectors. Manufacturing and
emissions. This excludes 552 mtpa of CO₂ -eq construction is 3rd and accounts for 11% of
of negative emissions from the land use, land total national emissions.
use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 208

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

sector, Russia has taken steps to promote EVs

Figure A-13: Russia – GHG Emissions of 2529 and also proposed measures on low-carbon
Mtpa CO₂ eq (2019)
alternative fuels. However, there is no specific
CCUS-focused policy or regulatory framework
in Russia. Russia primarily aims to achieve a
Aviation and shipping, 51.8, 2%
Industry, 53.9, 2%
Agriculture, 96, 4% others, 14, 1%
Waste, 117.9, low-carbon economy through

Buildings, i) increasing the production and export of

222.5, 9%
Electricity and
heat, 871.7, 34%
natural gas, hydrogen and ammonia
262.4, 10% ii) increasing amount of GHG absorbed by
Manufacturing and
Construction, 281.5, 11% Fugitive emissions,
556.9, 22%
A.13.3 Status of CCUS Projects
Source: Climate Action Tracker and Climate Transparency There are no operational CCUS projects in
Report Note: Excludes Land Use, Land Use Change and Russia as of 2022. Also, there are no known
Forestry (LULUCF) emissions pilot or demonstration projects.
Russia has pledged to keep its 2030 emissions
to 30% below 1990 levels. Ahead of COP26, A.13.4 CCUS Project Financing Mechanism
the Russian Government approved a strategy There are no clear CCUS project financing
for “low-carbon development” with a goal of mechanisms in Russia. However, the EU’s
achieving carbon neutrality no later than 2060. CBAM can drive decarbonization in Russian
exports to the EU, across sectors such as
A.13.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Frameworks cement, iron & steel, aluminium, fertilizer, and
power generation. Russian exports worth US$
Since the dissolution of the USSR in early
7.6 billion per year are likely to be exposed to
1990s, Russia’s GHG emissions have fallen by
CBAM measures from 2026.
17% from 3048 mtpa in 1990 to 2529 mtpa in
2019; hence the incremental policy goal of 30%
Given the likely impact of CBAM, some
decarbonization by 2030 from 1900 levels is
Russian companies such as steelmakers TMK
neither challenging nor adequate for Russia to
and aluminium majors RUSAL are already
meaningfully contribute its “fair share” to the
planning different decarbonization projects
global efforts for decarbonization and tackling
(though not CCUS) in their manufacturing
climate change.
facilities. Russia has an export dependent
economy; the share of exports as a % of the
In June 2021, Russia adopted a heavily
Russian economy has ranged from 25% to 30%
watered-down climate bill which does not
in the last 15 years (source: World Bank). Given
enforce emissions quotas or impose penalties on
the impact of CBAM on Russian exports, it is
large GHG emitters, who are only required to
expected that Russian corporations will
report emissions from 2024. The renewable
increasingly look at decarbonization efforts and
energy sector is also very small in Russia, with
also seek to shape Russia’s climate policy in
a 2024 electricity generation target of only
this direction to support CCUS and other
4.5%, excluding hydropower – however, this
decarbonization projects, in addition to funding
target is likely to be missed. In the transport
using their own internal accruals and debt.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 209

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.14 Saudi Arabia planting (18 million trees planted since 2020) is
not sufficient to meet the desired target.
A.14.1 Background Overall, the decarbonization pathway in Saudi
Arabia is not sufficient for meeting the goals of
GHG emissions per capita in Saudi Arabia are the Paris Climate Agreement. The country
the second highest in the G20, only behind would need to reduce its emissions to below 389
Australia. Driven by the oil & gas industry, mtpa CO₂ -eq by 2030 and to 263 mtpa CO₂ -eq
Saudi Arabia’s GHG emissions have tripled in by 2050 to be within its emissions allowances
the past 3 decades, rising from 252 mtpa CO₂ under a ‘fair-share’ range compatible with
-eq in 1990 to 745 mtpa CO2-eq in 2019. Saudi limiting global temperature rises within 1.5°C.
Arabia’s emissions largely emanate from the The country’s 2030 NDC target of 861 - 1,105
electricity & heat production (35%) and the mtpa of CO₂ -eq emissions by 2030 is thus
transport (19%) sectors. Industry (14%) and widely considered to be insufficient.
manufacturing & construction (12%) are the
next top emitting sectors.
A.14.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Frameworks
Saudi Arabia is focusing on the Circular Carbon
Figure A-14: Saudi Arabia – GHG Emissions of 745 Economy (CCE) Framework of reduce, reuse,
mtpa CO₂ eq (2019) recycle and removal, to meet its long-term
climate goals. The motivation behind the CCE
Others, 11.6; 2% Aviation and
shipping, 21.6; 3% approach is the approach of the oil & gas sector,
Fugitive emissions,
82.5; 11% where from the 1970s onwards, waste gases
Waste, 28.8; 4% produced during oil production were used to
make petrochemicals instead of being flared.
Electricity and This approach reduced GHG emissions,
heat, 263.1; 35%
Industry, 105.8; 14% diversified the Saudi economy and also created
employment opportunities. However, this
approach only addresses a fraction of the oil &
gas sector emissions, as most emissions
Manufacturing and emanate from fuel combustion rather than oil
Construction, 91.6; 12%
and gas extraction and processing.
140; 19%

Saudi Arabia’s present National Circular

Source: Climate Action Tracker and Climate Transparency
Carbon Economy Programme is focused on
Report Note: Excludes Land Use, Land Use Change and
CO₂ -based EOR as a key utilization lever for
Forestry (LULUCF) emissions
driving large-scale CO₂ capture. Some of the
Saudi Arabia aims to reduce and avoid GHG key measures are:
emissions by 278 mtpa CO₂ -eq by 2030,
compared to the emissions in 2019. However, i) CCUS Hubs: The Saudi Government plans
based on the present trajectory of policies, it is to transform Jubail and Yanbu into global
more likely that GHG emissions will increase to CCUS hubs, by leveraging the concentration of
1.1 to 1.2 Gtpa of CO₂ -eq by 2030. the various manufacturing industries
(petrochemicals, steel and other heavy
Saudi Arabia has also announced plans to 450 industries) and proximity to CO₂ sinks &
million trees by 2030; the long-term target is 10 transport infrastructures.
billion trees. However, the current pace of tree

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 210

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

ii) Blue Hydrogen: Apart from the focus on A.14.4 CCUS Project Financing Mechanism
large-scale and cost-effective production of The Government of Saudi Arabia has made
green hydrogen (NEOM project), Saudi Arabia multiple announcements which could
is also drafting a National Hydrogen Strategy, potentially fund CCUS projects in the kingdom:
which would also include the production of blue
hydrogen as a focus area, taking advantage of i) In 2021, Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth
the natural resources of the country. In fact, blue fund PIF and the Saudi Stock Exchange
hydrogen is a key lever for Saudi Arabia to Tadawul announced they would set up a
reduce its dependency on crude oil exports. voluntary carbon market in the Middle East and
North Africa.
A.14.3 Status of CCUS Projects
ii) In 2021, Saudi Arabia also committed to
Saudi Arabia has one CCUS demonstration
establish a fund to improve carbon
project, i.e. the Uthmaniyah CO₂ -EOR
sequestration and back a plan to produce clean
demonstration project in eastern Saudi Arabia
cooking fuels.
in the natural gas sector. The project has been
capturing 800 ktpa of CO₂ since 2015 for CO₂
iii) At COP27, Saudi Arabia announced a
-EOR at the Ghawar oil fields.
greenhouse gas credit scheme (to be launched in
2023) for enhancing the Kingdom’s action on
The Petro Rabigh CCUS project on the Red Sea
climate change.
Coast is a key upcoming project – the project
has an offtake agreement with Gulf Cryo
iv) Multiple announcements regarding
Company for supplying 300 tpd of food grade
supporting CCUS based blue hydrogen
quality CO₂ . The remaining captured CO₂ will
be liquified and supplied to other industrial
consumers. The project is expected to become
operational in 2023.

A.15 South Africa

Figure A-15: South Africa – GHG Emissions of 567
mtpa CO₂ eq (2019)
A.15.1 Background
Others, 21, 4%
Industry, 24, 4%
South Africa is a coal dependent economy and Waste, 25, 4%

the 14th largest GHG emitter in the world, with Agriculture,

29, 5%
estimated GHG emissions of 567 mtpa CO₂ -eq
in 2019. The main source of emissions is the Fugi�ve emissions,
37, 7% Electricity and
electricity & heat (51%) sector – over 75% of heat, 290, 51%

Buildings, 37, 7%
domestic electricity production is coal based.
Apart from ensuring the country’s energy
Manufacturing and
security, coal is also an important export item Construc�on, 45, 8%

for South Africa - exports account for over 25% Transport,

59, 10%
of the domestic coal production.
Source: Climate Action Tracker and Climate Transparency
Report Note: Excludes Land Use, Land Use Change and
Forestry (LULUCF) emissions

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 211

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

South Africa’s NDC entails GHG emissions South Africa’s National Development Plan
peaking from 2020 to 2025, remaining flat till 2030 also takes into consideration the impact of
2035 and then starting to fall. The GHG climate change and the steps required to
emission targets are 398-510 mtpa CO₂ -eq by mitigate the impacts. The plan targets include
2025, and 350-420 mtpa CO₂ -eq by 2030. The 20 GW of renewable electricity, reducing the
targets are quite ambitious, given the coal power sector CO₂ intensity from 0.9 kg/kWh to
dependency and requires actions to develop 0.6 kg/kWh and an economy-wide carbon
CCUS technologies and projects in the country. pricing mechanism by 2030. Thus, the National
Climate Change Bill and the National
A.15.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Frameworks Development Plan 2030 have created sufficient
enablers for CCUS projects in South Africa.
In 2011 South Africa formulated a National
Climate Change Response Policy (NCCRP) to
provide a policy framework for mitigating A.15.3 Status of CCUS Projects
climate change. The NCCRP formulated 8 As per publicly available information, South
“Near-term Priority Flagship Programmes”, Africa has one operational industrial-scale CO₂
one of which is “carbon capture and capture and on-site usage project. The project is
sequestration”. The National Climate Bill was operational since 2013 and is located in the
enacted in 2022, the salient features of which KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa. The
are as follows: project is called the Lanxes Newcastle CO₂
Concentration Unit, and involves carbon
i) A national greenhouse gas emissions capture from the flue gas of NG based steam
trajectory to be defined to quantitively specify boilers using the Shell Cansolv CO₂
the national GHG reduction targets post-combustion amine based solution. About
60,000 tpa of 99% purity CO₂ is produced and
ii) Establish sectoral emission targets, which consumed on-site for producing sodium
shall be reviewed periodically reviewed based dichromate.
on socio-economic impacts and the latest
scientific evidence The first carbon capture and storage (CCS)
project in South Africa is expected to be
iii) Listing the most impactful greenhouse commissioned in 2023 in the Mpumalanga
gases and defining threshold levels for initiating province of South Africa. The project, titled the
corrective actions Pilot Carbon Storage Project (PCSP), will
source CO₂ from various coal based power
iv) Define carbon budgets or limits for large plants and Sasol’s coal-to-liquids fuel plant in
GHG emitting sectors and sub-sectors Secunda. The CO₂ would be compressed and
transported to an injection site with an
v) Create a market mechanism to enable the impermeable rock cap. The targeted injection
emissions reduction targets through measures rate is 10,000 to 50,000 tpa of CO₂ for storage
such as carbon pricing, emissions offsets and at a depth of 1 km. The World Bank has
emission reduction trading mechanisms provided a US$ 23 million grant for the project.

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 212

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.15.4 CCUS Project Financing Mechanism iii) Development of a national and local public
The World Bank CCS Trust Fund has supported engagement plan for the Pilot Carbon Storage
CCUS in South Africa, including US$ 1.35 Project (PCSP)
million funds supporting the following studies
by the Government of South Africa: The international community (US, UK, France,
Germany, and the EU) has also committed to
i) Development of a regulatory framework for supporting South Africa’s clean energy
CCUS in South Africa transition and reducing dependency on coal for
power generation; these countries announced a
ii) Techno-economic review of CCUS US$ 8.5 billion fund for South Africa during the
implementation in South Africa COP26 in Glasgow in 2021, under the Just
Energy Transition Partnership (JETP)

A.16 South Korea As part of its NDCs, South Korea has targeted
to reduce GHG emissions by 40% by 2030,
A.16.1 Background compared to 2018 levels and reach carbon
neutrality by 2050. South Korea has also joined
South Korea’s GHG emissions have grown 2.5 the Global Methane Pledge to reduce methane
times in the past 3 decades, from 287 mtpa CO₂ emissions 30% by 2030. However, as per
-eq in 1990 to 742 mtpa CO₂ -eq in 2019. This independent studies, the targeted 40% cut in
increase in emissions is primarily from GHG emissions by 2030 will be insufficient to
electricity and heat generation, where emissions meet the 2050 carbon neutrality goal – instead,
increased nearly 6-fold from 65 mtpa CO₂ -eq in almost 60% cut in GHG emissions is required to
1990 to 360 mtpa CO₂ -eq in 2019. The sector be achieved by 2030.
accounts for nearly half of South Korea’s GHG
emissions; this is consistent with South Korea’s
overall fossil fuel dependence with coal, oil & A.16.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Frameworks
gas accounting for 70% of the country’s South Korea has adopted a Framework Act on
primary energy supply. Low Carbon, Green Growth in 2013 to focus on
low carbon, green growth and by utilizing green
Figure A-16: South Korea – GHG Emissions of 742 technology. The key CCUS specific measures
mtpa CO₂ eq (2019) include establishing a carbon market, focus on
Others, 11; 1% increasing carbon sinks by preserving &
Agriculture, 14; 2%
Waste, 9; 1%
developing farmland and sea groves, and
Aviation and shipping,
44; 6% utilization of biomass from forests.
Buildings, 48; 6%

Manufacturing and Electricity and

Recently the Carbon Neutrality Bill (“Carbon
Construction, 66; 9% heat, 360; 49% Neutrality and Green Growth Act for Climate
Change”) was passed and South Korea became
Industry, 81; 11% the 14th nation to commit to achieving carbon
neutrality by 2050. A key feature is a trading
Transport, 109; 15% system for GHG emissions; allowable GHG
emissions are capped and the rights are
Source: Climate Action Tracker and Climate Transparency tradeable in the market, thus creating incentives
Report Note: Excludes Land Use, Land Use Change and for industries to invest in CCUS.
Forestry (LULUCF) emissions

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 213

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.16.3 Status of CCUS Projects develop technology and demonstrate small

There are no operational CCUS projects in scale offshore CO₂ injection and storage in the
South Korea as of 2022. However, at least three Youngil Bay. The project cost of US$ 16.7
projects are in the pilot stage: million was 50% funded by the state.

i) Hadong Pilot Carbon Capture (PCC) plant: A.16.4 CCUS Project Financing Mechanism
10 MW post-combustion capture pilot unit at
South Korea’s Framework Act on Low Carbon,
Hadong power station - completed in August
Green Growth provides the basis for carbon
2013. The unit uses dry regenerable sorbent
markets in South Korea, thus providing an
technology scaled up from a 0.5 MW
incentive to fund & finance CCUS projects.
experimental unit which was scaled up. The
South Korea has an emissions trading scheme
project cost of US$ 40 million was met with
covering nearly 70% of GHG emissions in
50% state funding.
different sectors such as power, industries,
buildings, transport, aviation and waste
ii) Boryeong Pilot Carbon Capture (PCC)
management. The emissions were priced at US$
plant: 10 MW post-combustion capture pilot
21 per tonne of CO₂ . In 2021, this scheme
unit with 200 tpd capture capacity - operational
generated revenues of US$ 258 million, which
since May 2013. The project cost of US$ 42
were contributed to a Climate Response Fund
million was met with 50% state funding. In
for supporting climate mitigation, low-carbon
2016, the plant operator signed an agreement
innovation, and technology development of
with Hankook Special Gases to supply the
ETS-covered entities.
captured CO₂ for industrial and greenhouse
CCUS pilot projects in South Korea have
received 50% state funding; hence it is likely
iii) Youngil Bay CO₂ Injection Demonstration
that Government funding will also be available
project: The project was launched in 2013 to
for larger scale CCUS projects, especially for
CCUS from fossil-fuel based power generation.

A.17 Turkey sectors has grown from 40 mtpa CO₂ -eq in

1990 to 150 mtpa CO₂ -eq in 2019 and from 29
A.17.1 Background mtpa CO₂ -eq in 1990 to 85 mtpa CO₂ -eq in
2019, respectively. These two sectors account
Like South Korea, Turkey’s GHG emissions for nearly half of Turkey’s overall GHG
have also grown 2.5 times in the past 3 decades, emissions, as the country is largely dependent
from 206 mtpa CO₂ -eq in 1990 to 505 mtpa (over 80%) on fossil fuels (coal, natural gas and
CO₂ -eq in 2019. The growth in emissions is oil) for meeting its primary energy needs.
primarily from the electricity & heat generation
and the transport sector; emissions in these two

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 214

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

ii) increasing the share of renewable energy

Figure A-17: Turkey – GHG Emissions of 505 sources in electricity generation from 32% to
mtpa CO₂ eq - 2019

Waste; 17; 3%
Others; 35; 7% Turkey’s domestic CO₂ reduction strategy is
outlined in the 2010 National Climate Change
Industry; 40; 8% Strategy for 2010-2023 and the 2011 National
Electricity &
heat; 150; 30%
Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) for
Agriculture; 53; 2011-2023. There is no focus on CCUS - the
plan is primarily based on GHG mitigation
through higher energy efficiency and expansion
Buildings; 58; of renewable power.
Transport; 85;
Manufacturing & 17%
construc�on; 67;
13% A.17.3 Status of CCUS Projects
There are no commercial scale operational
Source: Climate Action Tracker and Climate Transparency CCUS projects in Turkey as of early 2023.
Report Note: Excludes Land Use, Land Use Change and However, as per publicly available information,
Forestry (LULUCF) emissions there are two pilot/lab CO₂ capture projects:

In 2021, Turkey became the last G20 economy i) TKI - Coal gasification pilot plants in
to join the Paris Climate Agreement. As part its Tunçbilek area, with CO₂ capture and methanol
NDC, Turkey aims to reduce its 2030 GHG production
emissions by 41% compared to the normal
business as usual GHG emission trajectory and ii) TRIGEN lab scale project – The project
reach carbon neutrality by 2053. However, uses coal and biomass as feed to produce liquid
Turkey does not currently have any specific products. This project is financed by the
plan or trajectory which specified the time Turkish Scientific and Technical Research
periods when emissions would peak, stagnate Institute (TUBITAK)
and thereafter reduce. Also, Turkey is largely
dependent on coal and lignite for power
generation and has 32 GW of thermal power A.17.4 CCUS Project Financing Mechanism
projects in the construction pipeline. The focus of the energy transition funding from
the Turkish Government is on renewable energy
A.17.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Frameworks and increasing energy efficiency. There has also
been some funding for fossil fuel (coal, oil &
The Eleventh Development Plan (2019-23) of gas) conversion – however, there is no funding
Turkey provides a broad framework for for CCUS projects, except the pilot/lab scale
emissions reductions in the energy sector. Some project funded by the TUBITAK, which is a
of the key features of the plan are: Government entity. However, the
demonstration scale or commercial scale would
i) reducing share of natural gas in electricity have significantly larger funding requirements.
production from 30% to 21%

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 215

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.18 United Kingdom (UK) Pathway Action Plan has been published
outlining the targets for addressing policy
A.18.1 Background impediments and establishing market
mechanisms for CCUS.
The United Kingdom has GHG emissions of
about 421 mtpa of CO₂ eq., with 80% of the
emissions coming from the energy and power A.18.3 Status of CCUS Projects
sectors. The UK’s GHG emissions have almost The UK is planning four CCUS hub and clusters
halved from 800 mtpa CO₂ eq. in 1990. As per to come up by 2030, and two of them by 2025,
the Nationally Determined Contributions, the to support the goal of capturing and
UK has committed to reducing its GHG sequestration of 10 mtpa of CO₂ by 2030.
emissions by 68% by 2030 (i.e. 256 mtpa), These hub and clusters are based on the
compared to the 1990 levels. The UK has also co-location of coast-based industries and,
committed to reaching net zero by 2050. Other power generating facilities and CO₂ storage
commitments include ending the sale of new facilities; the four hub & clusters are planned in
petrol and diesel vehicles by 2030, and all new the North East (Teesside), Humberside,
cars and vans achieving net zero emissions by Scotland and Wales. The Teesside and
2035. The UK Government views CCUS as a Humberside CCUS clusters will come first in
critical element in achieving its climate sequence and are located near the North Sea,
leadership goals and plans to develop four which is the UK’s oil & gas production hub.
CCUS hubs in the UK by 2030 to capture and The UK government has planned to invest up to
utilize/sequester at least 10 mtpa of CO₂ , to be GBP 1 billion to support these CCUS hub and
expanded to 20–30 mtpa, subsequently. cluster projects, at least one of which will be a
CCUS retrofit on a gas based power plant.
A.18.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Frameworks
UK’s first industrial-scale carbon capture
A new element of the UK decarbonization demonstration plant is being built by Tata
policy is the carbon price. In 2021, a new UK Chemicals Europe at its sodium bicarbonate
Emissions Trading Scheme covering plant in Northwich. The project aims to capture
energy-intensive industries, power generation, about 40,000 tpa of CO₂ , or about 11% of the
and certain parts of aviation was implemented. plant’s emissions. The UK government has
By 2023, an emissions cap will be implemented supported the project through a GBP 4.2 million
for a net-zero trajectory and strategy. grant from the Energy Innovation Program.
Additionally, the UK Government is
considering economic support for projects in
different parts of the CCUS value chain, A.18.4 CCUS Project Financing Mechanism
including CO₂ transit & storage and industrial The UK Government has created a Carbon
& power projects with CCUS. Capture and Storage Infrastructure Fund (CIF)
with a funding of GBP 1 billion to support
The Climate Change Act of 2008 has mandated CCUS projects by covering part of the capital
the creation of “carbon budgets,” which set expenses. There is also a GBP 315 million
emissions-reduction objectives in five-year Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF)
intervals. According to the most recent carbon for supporting CCUS projects and also de-risk
budget, the UK will need to capture and store 47 such projects by providing funding for
mtpa of CO₂ to achieve the 2050 net-zero feasibility and engineering studies.
targets. Accordingly, a CCUS Deployment

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 216

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.19 United States of America (USA) capture through Direct Air Capture. The
Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 has also
A.19.1 Background introduced an option of direct pay, where cash
payments would be made in place of the carbon
The US is the second largest emitter in the credits.
world, with GHG emissions of 6.3 Gtpa of CO₂
eq. in 2021. The emissions have come down ii) California Low Carbon Fuel Standard
about 15% from the 2005 levels of 7.43 Gtpa of (LCFS): LCFS is specific to California and
CO₂ eq.; as part of its Nationally Determined aims to reduce the CO₂ intensity of the fuel mix
Contributions, the US has committed to consumed in the state. CCUS projects (whether
reducing its net GHG emissions by 50-52% storage or EOR) qualify for credits which can
below 2005 levels by 2030. The US has be traded under the LCFS, thus creating a strong
committed to reach net zero emissions by 2050 incentive for CCUS projects in the state for
and a net zero & pollution free electricity sector supplying clean fuel in the state.
by 2035. One of the pathways to achieve these
targets is to promote CCUS projects for both iii) State Primacy for CO₂ Storage: The
existing power plants and industrial emitters. permanent underground sequestration of CO₂
This will reinforce the US’s position as the requires obtaining Class VI well permits. In
leader in CCUS projects. order to ease the permitting process, the states
of Wyoming and North Dakota have been
A.19.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Frameworks authorized to grant Class VI well permits for
dedicated geological storage of CO₂ . Other
The key policy enablers for CCUS in the US are states like Texas and Louisiana are also
the 45Q tax credits, California’s LCFS attempting to attain this authority/approval,
standards, State Primacy for CO₂ injection and given the significant carbon capture and storage
the SCALE Act. opportunities in these two states.
i) 45Q tax credits: The 45Q provides tax iv) US Department of Energy (US DOE): One
credits for CCUS, starting from US$ 12.83 for of the key focus areas of the US DOE is to
each tonne of CO₂ utilized for EOR in 2017, promote R&D and demonstration projects in
linearly increasing to US$ 35/tonne in 2026. carbon capture technology as well as pore space
The credits for geologically stored CO₂ were mapping for geological storage and EOR of the
US$ 22.66/tonne in 2017, linearly increasing to captured CO₂ . The recently enacted Bipartisan
US$ 50/tonne of CO₂ in 2026. The recently Infrastructure Law (BIL) provides US$ 62
enacted Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 has billion of funding for the US DOE to build an
substantially increased the maximum level of equitable clean energy future in the USA, out of
credits available from US$ 50 to US$60/tonne which more than US$ 10 billion is earmarked
of CO₂ utilized and US$ 50 to US$85/tonne of for carbon capture, direct air capture and
CO₂ sequestered. Tax credits of up to US$ industrial emission reduction projects.
180/tonne have also been introduced for CO₂

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 217

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

A.19.3 Status of CCUS Projects A.19.4 CCUS Project Financing Mechanism

The US is the world leader in CCUS projects, The US DOE has heavily invested in CCUS
with 14 operating facilities with a CO₂ capture R&D, funding various CCUS studies and since
capacity of 25 mtpa, with the first CCUS 1997 as part of its Fossil Energy and Carbon
projects in the world being commissioned in the Management Research, Development,
US in the 1970s. The US also leads in terms of Demonstration, and Deployment program
pore space mapping and characterization of (FECM) portfolio. The US DOE has also
potential CO₂ storage basins and reserves funded CCUS demonstration projects such as
through the US DOE funded Regional Carbon NRG Energy’s Petra Nova project. The recently
Sequestration Partnerships (RCSPs) program, enacted Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)
which has developed the regional infrastructure will further fund up to 6 carbon capture
for CO₂ storage across seven identified regions demonstration projects with total funding limit
of the US. The US is also the leader in CO₂ of US$ 2.5 billion.
transportation, with over 5000 miles of
dedicated CO₂ pipelines, delivering CO₂ for
EOR projects.

A.20 European Union (EU) i) EU ETS: The European Union Emissions

Trading System is the world’s first GHG
A.20.1 Background emissions trading scheme, covering the EU
countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
The European Union accounts for 3.5 Gtpa of The EU ETS covers about 40% of the GHG
CO₂ eq. GHG emissions and is the 3rd largest emissions of the participating countries and
emitting region or economy after China and the seeks to limit the emissions of about 10,000
US. The EU has been at the forefront of climate GHG emitters under a cap & trade scheme, with
action with the European Union Emissions caps reducing over time, forcing the emitters to
Trading System (EU ETS) as the world’s first decarbonize the plants and facilities. The price
GHG trading scheme (introduced in 2005) and of CO₂ is market determined and imposes a cost
the recently approved European Green Deal, of carbon on emitters who are not able to
which seeks to reduce GHG emissions to 55% contain their emissions within the capped
below 1990 levels by the year 2030 and limits. As of 2019, facilities under the EU ETS
eventually reach net-zero by 2050. have reduced their emissions by 35% from 2005
to 2019.
A.20.2 CCUS Policy & Regulatory Frameworks
The key policies and legislations with respect to
CCUS are the EU ETS and the European Green

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 218

Annexure: CCUS in G20 Countries

ii) European Green Deal: The European Green A.20.3 Status of CCUS Projects
Deal targets 55% decarbonization (vis-à-vis Some of the key CCUS projects in EU (and
1990 levels) by 2030 and net-zero by 2050 Europe) are the Sleipner CO₂ storage project
across the entire EU. The focus is on curbing and Snohvit CO₂ storage project in Norway.
emissions across sectors, and particularly the These projects are associated with natural gas
energy sector, which accounts for 75% of GHG processing plants and capture 1 mtpa and 0.7
emissions. The European Green Deal proposes mtpa of CO₂ , respectively for storage in the
gradual withdrawal of the free emission North Sea. Apart from the above, CCUS hub
allowances allowed under the EU ETS, thus and cluster projects are in various stages of
aligning it with the “Fit for 55” target of 55% development in Le Havre and Marseille
decarbonization by 2030. The European Green (France), Rotterdam (the Netherlands) and
Deal also imposes a Cross Border Adjustment Skagerrak/Kattegat (Denmark).
Mechanism (CBAM) to prevent countries with
no carbon price, or abatement compulsions
from gaining an unfair advantage over A.20.4 CCUS Project Financing Mechanism
European producers while exporting goods to The EU has several funding schemes for CCUS
the EU, thus preventing carbon leakage. projects, as tabulated below in Table A-13.

Table A-13: EU Funding Schemes for CCUS

Funding scheme Objectives Fund size

EU Innovation Fund Fund for demonstration of low-carbon EUR 38 billion support for
technologies 2020-2030, depending on the carbon
Part of the fund allocated to CCUS price

Connecting Europe Facility Supports cross-border CO₂ EUR 25.8 billion CEF transport
(CEF) transportation budget
EUR 11 billion budget for cohesion

Recovery and Resilience Mitigate the economic and social Funds raised by issuing bonds on
Facility (RRF) impact of COVID behalf of the EU
Investment in flagship areas (including EUR 723.8 billion funds available
CCUS & renewable energy) EUR 385.8 billion in loans and EUR
338 billion in grants

Just Transition Fund (JTF) Support provided to territories EUR 19.2 billion fund
facing socio-economic challenges due
to climate neutrality transitions

Horizon Europe Program supports the R&D and EUR 95.5 billion budget for the
demonstration of CCUS related projects period of 2021-2027

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 219



1. Breakthrough Energy

2. International Energy Agency (IEA) World Energy Outlook 2022

3. Global CCS Institute, 2021


5. Vishal, Vikram, et al. “Understanding initial opportunities and key challenges for CCUS deployment in India at
scale.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 175 (2021): 105829.

6. Kearns, Jordan, et al. “Developing a consistent database for regional geologic CO₂ storage capacity worldwide.”
Energy Procedia 114 (2017): 4697-4709.

7. GCCSI Status Report 2022 (CSRC)

8. Pique, Teresa Maria, et al. "Atlas Ar-Co₂. An Argentinean Atlas for Underground Co₂ Storage Potential.” An
Argentinean Atlas for Underground Co₂ Storage Potential (November 18, 2022) (2022).


10. “EU Geological CO₂ storage summary (2021)” prepared by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland for
Clean Air Task Force

11. “Geologic CO₂ storage in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia: An initial analysis of potential and policy”,
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

12. Medlock, III, Kenneth B. and Keily Miller, “Expanding Carbon Capture in Texas”, Baker Institute Center for
Energy Studies, January 2021

13. Breeze 2019


15. Colin, Minh & Dianne 2016

16. IEA World Energy Outlook 2022

17. Climate Transparency Reports 2022

18. OECD

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 220


19. World Steel Association

20. Global Cement Report

21. Climate Action Tracker and Climate Transparency Report

22. NETL, US Department of Energy (DOE)

23. Air Liquide Technology Handbook 2018

24. Kemper et al., 2014; EPA
25. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
26. Noothout, Paul, et al. “CO2 Pipeline infrastructure–lessons learnt.” Energy Procedia 63 (2014): 2481-2492.
27. L.Czarnecki and P. Woyciechowski – “Modelling of concrete carbonation; is it a process unlimited in time and
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29. 2022 Status Report, GCCSI
30. CO₂ EOR primer, NETL
31. Zapantis A, Townsend A, Rassool D (2019) Policy Priorities to Incentivize Large Scale Deployment of CCUS
32. Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage Policy Framework and its Deployment Mechanism in India, 2022 - NITI

Study on CCUS Technology Gaps and International Collaboration 221

The content of this report is the sole responsibility of Dastur Energy Inc. and Dastur Energy Private Limited, and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ministry of Power, Government of India.

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