Coma Neuro

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J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2001;71(suppl I):i13–i17

David E Bateman

he neurologist is often required to evaluate the unconscious patient from both the
diagnostic and prognostic perspective. Knowledge of the anatomical basis of coma is
essential for competent evaluation but must be combined with an understanding of the
many, often multi-factorial, medical conditions that result in impaired consciousness.
Consciousness is a state of awareness of self and the environment. This state is determined by
two separate functions:
c awareness (content of consciousness)
c arousal (level of consciousness ).
These are dependant upon separate physiological and anatomical systems. Coma is caused by
disordered arousal rather than impairment of the content of consciousness, this being the sum of
cognitive and aVective mental function, dependent on an intact cerebral cortex. The absence of all
content of consciousness is the basis for the vegetative state.
Arousal depends on an intact ascending reticular activating system and connections with dien-
cephalic structures. Like awareness, arousal is not an all or nothing concept and gradations in
awareness have been described in the past as inattentiveness, stupor, and obtundation. Such terms
lack precision and coma can be more objectively assessed using measures such as the Glasgow
coma scale (GCS) (table 1). This analyses three markers of consciousness—eye opening, and
motor and verbal responses—bringing a degree of accuracy to evaluation.
The GCS arbitrarily defines coma as a failure to open eyes in response to verbal command (E2),
perform no better than weak flexion (M4), and utter only unrecognisable sounds in response to
pain (V2). The GCS is of no diagnostic value, but is a reliable way of objectively monitoring the
clinical course of the patient with an acute cranial insult without elucidating cause.


Clinicopathological correlation and neurophysiological experimentation has shown that coma is

caused by diVuse bilateral hemisphere damage, failure of the ascending reticular activating
system, or both. The reticular activating system is a core of grey matter continuous caudally with
the reticular intermediate grey lamina of the spinal cord and rostrally with the subthalamus,
hypothalamus, and thalamic nuclei. It runs in the dorsal part of the brain stem in the paramedian
tegmental zone.
A unilateral hemisphere lesion will not result in coma unless there is secondary brain stem
compression, caused by herniation, compromising the ascending reticular activating system.
Extensive bilateral damage or disturbance of the hemisphere function is required to produce coma.
Bilateral thalamic and hypothalamic lesions also cause coma by interrupting activation of the cortex
mediated through these structures. In hypothalamic lesions, phenomena associated with sleep, such
as yawning, stretching, and sighing, are prominent. The speed of onset, site, and size of a brainstem
lesion determine whether it results in coma, so brain stem infarction or haemorrhage often causes
coma while other brain stem conditions such as multiple sclerosis or tumour rarely do so. Lesions
below the level of the pons do not normally result in coma. Drugs and metabolic disease produce
coma by a depression of both cortex and ascending reticular activating system function.


The causes of coma by anatomical site are summarised in fig 1, and can be simply divided into:
c diVuse or extensive processes aVecting the whole brain
Correspondence to: Dr David E
c supratentorial mass lesions causing tentorial herniation with brain stem compression
Bateman, Consultant
Neurologist, Royal United (associated with other neurological signs such as third nerve palsy and crossed hemiparesis)
Hospital, Bath BA1 3NG, UK c brain stem lesions—for example, compression from posterior fossa mass lesions such as
[email protected]. cerebellar haemorrhage/infarction and disorders primarily aVecting the brain stem (for
example, basilar artery thrombosis).
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Neurology in Practice

Table 1 Glasgow coma scale. Adapted from Teasdale et al 1 Table 2 Clinical assessment of coma

Eye opening (E) General examination

Nil 1 Skin (for example, rash, anaemia, cyanosis, jaundice)
Pain 2 Temperature (fever-infection /hypothermia-drugs/circulatory failure)
Verbal 3 Blood pressure (for example, septicaemia/Addison’s disease)
Spontaneous 4 Breath (for example, fetor hepaticus)

Cardiovascular (for example, arrhythmia)
Motor response (M) Verbal response (V) Abdomen (for example, organomegaly)
i14 Nil 1 Nil 1
Abnormal extension 2 Incomprehensible 2 Neurological (general)
Abnormal flexion 3 Inappropriate 3 Head, neck and eardrum (trauma)
Weak flexion 4 Confused 4 Meningism (SAH/meningitis)
Localising 5 Oriented fully 5 Fundoscopy
Obeys commands 6
Level of conciousness Brain stem function
When assessing record best motor and verbal response Glasgow coma scale Pupillary responses
Record as E4; M6; V5 =15 (top line) Verbal response Spontaneous eye movements
Tracheostomy/ET tube/facial injuries invalidate V Eye opening Oculocephalic responses
Patients are considered in coma with a GCS of E2; M4; V2 or less Motor response Caloric responses
Corneal responses
ET, endotracheal tube; GCS, Glasgow coma score.
Motor function Respiratory pattern
Motor response Cheyne Stokes: hemisphere
When evaluating patients with medical causes for coma the Deep tendon reflexes Central neurogenic hyperventillation:
neurologist should be aware of its many causes and various Muscle tone rapid/midbrain
Plantars Apneustic: Rapid with pauses/lower
outcomes. In a large study of patients presenting with pontine
“medical coma” cerebrovascular disease accounted for 50%,
SAH, subarachnoid haemorrhage.
hypoxic ischaemic injury 20%, and various metabolic and
infective encephalopathies the remainder.2 hypoglycaemic coma where urgent correction of the
metabolic disorder is paramount and any delay—for
example, waiting for a scan—is unacceptable.
Assessment of coma Understanding the pathophysiological basis for coma
directs the neurological examination and properly
Coma is an acute, life threatening situation. Evaluation must determines the selection of neurological investigations. The
be swift, comprehensive, and undertaken while urgent steps approach to clinical evaluation is used to categorise coma
are taken to minimise further neurological damage.3 into:
Emergency management should include: resuscitation with c Coma without focal signs or meningism. This is the most
support of cardiovascular and respiratory system; correction common form of coma and results from anoxic-ischaemic,
of immediate metabolic upset, notably control of blood metabolic, toxic, and drug induced insults, infections, and
glucose and thiamine if indicated; control of seizures and post ictal states.
body temperature; any specific treatments—for example, c Coma without focal signs with meningism. This results
naloxone for opiate overdose. from subarachnoid haemorrhage, meningitis, and
Assessment now should comprise: meningoencephalitis.
c history—through friend, family or emergency medical
c Coma with focal signs. This results from intracranial
personnel haemorrhage, infarction, tumour or abscess.
c general physical examination
Monitoring the subsequent course of coma with serial
c neurological assessment—to define the nature of coma
GCS assessment and formal neurological examination is
(table 2). essential, especially in the case of mass lesions where
This article will address the approach to neurological management of raised intracranial pressure either
assessment alone, though the trainee must remember that pharmacologically or by surgery may be necessary.
this should not be done in isolation from general evaluation. Multifocal structural pathology, such as venous sinus
The neurologist has to determine: thrombosis, bilateral subdural haematomas, vasculitis or
c where is the lesion responsible for coma?
meningitis, can present with coma without focal signs or
c what is its nature?
meningism and so mimic toxic or metabolic pathologies.
c what is it doing?
Conversely, any toxic/metabolic cause for coma may be
Neurological diagnosis is based on history, thoughtful associated with focal findings—for example, hypoglycaemic
examination, and the appropriate choice of investigations. or hepatic encephalopathy. Also focal signs may be the
This is essential, as there is little point in performing a consequence of pre-existing structural disease; in the
cranial computed tomographic (CT) scan in a patient in septicaemic patient with a previous lacunar infarct, for
example, the focal neurology may be mistakenly accepted as
Diffuse hemisphere e.g. trauma signs of the current illness.
ischaemia The adjacent box summarises the salient relevant signs in
hypoglycaemia/other metabolic disorders
infection relation to localisation and diagnosis.

Neurological examination: specific features

Bilateral thalamic e.g. haemorrhage The stimulus and response used in examination should be
infarction specified in the notes. Voice, visual menace, and painful
Brain stem e.g. supra or infra
compresssion tentorial mass lesions
stimuli are used to arouse the patient. All patients should be
Brain stem e.g. ischaemia asked to open their eyes and look up, down, and from side to
haemorrhage side. Patients with a “locked-in” syndrome will be able to
drugs open their eyes and look up and down, but are unable to
Figure 1 Sites and causes of coma make any other purposeful response. Painful stimuli should
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Neurology in Practice

Oculocephalic (Doll’s eye) A

Head to left Central Head to right

Hemisphere lesion

Eyes to right A normal Eyes to left B

Subcortical lesion

Caloric responses

A normal tonic An asymmetrical A negative

response response response

0˚C 0˚C 0˚C


Midbrain /
upper pontine lesion
Figure 2 Oculocephalic and caloric response. Oculocephalic
(doll’s eyes) response: move head passively and observe motion
of the eyes. The eyes should move conjugately in the direction
opposite to the movement. An abnormal response (absent or
asymmetric) implies brain stem disease. Do not perform when
neck instability is suspected. Caloric response: if doll’s eye D
movements are absent proceed to calorics. Ice cold water applied
to the tympanic membrane normally elicits a slow conjugate Lower pontine /
medullary lesion
deviation to the irrigated side. Absence indicates brain stem
disease. Caloric testing is more sensitive than the oculocephalic
response. Check the tympanic membrane is intact before testing.

be administered without injury. This is done by pressure over Figure 3 Motor response to pain. The symmetry or asymmetry of
the notch of the supraorbital nerve to induce a facial the motor response can assist localisation. (A) Left hemisphere
grimace, which will be present in the absence of limb lesion. The two figures illustrate localisation of pain with the left
responses with aVerent peripheral lesions aVecting the pain hand and flexion (left hand figure) or extension (right hand figure)
pathways. Limb response can also be assessed by pressing on the right. (B) Subcortical: unilateral left sided lesion exerting a
down on the nail bed with a tendon hammer or pinching the variable contralateral effect. The figures illustrate flexion to pain
Achilles tendon. Asymmetry of response should be looked with the left hand with either extension (right hand figure) or
flexion with the right and hyperextension in both lower limbs.
for as should the nature of the response, since this helps
(C) Midbrain upper pontine: a bilateral upper and lower limb
localise the site of structural damage (fig 3). extension response. (D) Lower pontine/medullary: a bilateral
extensor upper limb posture with either flaccidity or minimal
diminished flexor response in lower limbs.
Clinico-anatomical correlation in coma
c Bilateral hemisphere damage/dysfunction Pupillary responses
–symmetrical signs (tone and flexor or extensor response Assuming the visual pathways to the lateral geniculate body
to pain) are intact, assessment of the pupillary responses is important
–may have fits or myoclonus in localising the site of coma and separating structural from
–normal brain stem reflexes toxic/metabolic causes, as pupillary responses in the latter are
–normal oculocephalic response (OCR): normal calorics generally intact (fig 4). Lesions above the thalamus and
(fig 2) below the pons preserve pupillary reactions. A third nerve
–normal pupils lesion can be diVerentiated from a Horner’s syndrome on the
c Supratentorial mass lesion with secondary brain stem contralateral side, by the position of the eye and the degree
compression of ptosis.
–ipsilateral third nerve palsy Proper assessment of the pupillary responses requires a
–contralateral hemiplegia bright light and if needed magnification that can be provided
c Brain stem lesion by using an otoscope. Preceding ocular injury impairs
–early eye movement disorder: abnormal OCR or calorics responses and relatives should be asked about this. Use of
–asymmetrical motor responses mydriatics can confuse matters by causing an asymmetrical
c Toxic/metabolic
response as the eVect may wear oV asymmetrically. Drugs
–normal pupils: single most important criterion (except
such as atropine or dopamine that can be used in
opiate poisoning)
resuscitation from cardiac arrest have eVects on pupillary
–ocular motility: rove randomly in mild coma and come to
reactions that may be misleading.4
rest in primary position with deepening coma
–absent OCR and calorics Ocular motility
–decorticate and decerebrate rigidity or flaccidity Centres for eye movement control are adjacent to the brain
–multifocal myoclonus stem areas responsible for arousal; thus, evaluation is a
valuable guide to the presence and level of brain stem disease
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Neurology in Practice

Mid position/fixed = MIDBRAIN

Case history 2
You are called to the HDU to see a 78 year old patient in a
coma 24 hours after undergoing knee replacement surgery.
Small/reactive = DIENCEPHALIC Large/fixed = TECTAL There is a history of progressive memory failure and deterio-
ration in other cognitive function over the past few years.

i16 Fixed/dilated = III NERVE Pin point = PONTINE
Preoperatively the patient was taking digoxin and a diuretic.
During the operation the patient’s blood pressure dropped a
little, but not substantially. She woke up after the operation,
but her oxygen saturation was slightly reduced and she
remained hypotensive. Her conscious level then deteriorated
Patients with non-structural (metabolic) coma have small reactive pupils together with a rise in her pulse rate and a further fall in her
Figure 4 Pupillary findings in comatose patients blood pressure. The patient had a transfusion and may have
had mild left ventricular failure. Since then her oxygen satu-
causing coma. Ocular pathways run from the mid brain to ration has remained a little poor and she has been hypoten-
the pons, thus normal reflex eye movements imply that the sive. There has been no improvement in her conscious level.
pontomedullary junction to the level of the ocular motor Examination now shows that the patient is apyrexial. There
nucleus in the mid brain is intact. In addition the oculomotor is no neck stiffness. The pupils and discs are normal. The
nerve is susceptible to compression in tentorial herniation. doll’s eye movements are normal in the vertical plain. On lat-
The following observations should be made: eral gaze there is failure of abduction bilaterally. There is no
facial grimace or corneal. She has a gag and is breathing
c resting position
normally. She has a flaccid triplegia. Her right leg is in plas-
c spontaneous eye movements
ter. The tendon reflexes are present, but not exaggerated.
c on lifting the lids and releasing them, observe tone and
The left plantar is probably extensor. A CT scan is normal.
The anaesthetist suggests that she has had a postoperative
c if blinking is present, either spontaneously or to bright
light, sound or menace, this implies an intact pontine c What is the problem with the patient?
reticular formation c What further tests would you do?
c when carrying out corneal reflexes, observe the movement
Please email answers to: [email protected].
of the eyelid and globe of the eye; with an intact pons eye
closure will occur and with integrity of both pons and
mid-brain, Bell’s phenomenon will be present.
c reflex eye movements should be performed (fig 2).
Spontaneous eye movements
Eye deviation If purposeful eye movements are present in an otherwise
This can be conjugate or disconjugate. Lateral deviation of unresponsive patient, states confused with coma such as
the eyes is commonly caused by a lesion in the ipsilateral locked-in syndrome, catatonia, and pseudo coma should be
frontal eye fields, but can result from lesions anywhere in the considered.
pathway from frontal eye fields to the parapontine reticular Roving eye movements are slow, conjugate, lateral, to and
formation (PPRF). Disconjugate eye movements imply sixth fro excursions. These occur when third nerve nuclei and
or third nerve or intrinsic brainstem lesions. Downward connections are intact and often indicate a toxic, metabolic
deviation of the eyes below the horizontal meridian is a sign or alternatively bilateral hemisphere cause for coma.
of poor localising value, occurring in brain stem, bilateral Irritative or epileptic foci cause contralateral conjugate eye
thalamic, and subthalamic lesions and can occur in some deviation. This can occur with or without other obvious
metabolic encephalopathies. Upward deviation is also a poor manifestations of seizures, though sometimes these are
localising sign being described both in sleep and seizures as simply subtle movements of eyelids, tongue, jaw or face. The
well as with brain stem lesions. Skew deviation occurs with presence of such an eye movement disorder should raise the
posterior fossa lesions. possibility of some form of complex partial status that should
be confirmed by EEG.
Ocular bobbing describes a rapid downward jerk of both
Case history 1 eyes with slow return to the mid-position. This eye
A 63 year old man is admitted for carcinoma of the colon. He movement disorder is specific for acute pontine lesions.
has a history of high alcohol intake. The day after admission
he has a tonic-clonic seizure and is treated with thiamine and
chlordiazepoxide. Surgery is performed the next day. Motor examination
Because of poor conditions post surgery, he is admitted to Resting position and spontaneous movements should be
the intensive therapy unit and put on a ventilator for two documented. If the eyes and head are deviated to the side
days. As he is weaned and sedation reduced, he is thought opposite hemiparesis, this implies a hemisphere lesion
to be in a coma and there is no limb response to pain. How- whereas deviation to the side of hemiparesis is indicative of a
ever, when you assess him there is a brief eye opening to pontine lesion.
verbal response. The eye movements are difficult to assess c Decerebrate rigidity—This refers to bilateral upper and
because of blepharospasm. He appears to have lateral but lower limb extensor posture, usually the consequence of
not vertical doll’s eyes and normal pupils. The facial grimace bilateral mid-brain or pontine lesions.
is symmetrical. There is no voluntary jaw opening and a poor c Decorticate posture—This refers to bilateral flexion of the
gag. Limb tone is normal with minimal response to painful upper limbs and extension of the lower limbs, usually the
stimuli, normal reflexes and flexor plantars. consequence of an upper brain stem lesion.
c What is the cause of the patient’s neurological condition?
Unilateral decerebrate or decorticate postures can be seen
c What investigations would you perform?
and are an indication of a unilateral lesion. This asymmetry
has some localising value (fig 3).
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Neurology in Practice

Movement disorders such as myoclonus, epilepsia partialis cisterns. Magnetic resonance imaging provides better
continua, and tonic-clonic seizures may all occur in coma. visualisation of the brain stem and cerebellar structures,
They are important to identify since seizures require urgent venous sinuses, compartment shifts and diVuse disorders—
treatment. Myoclonic jerking is seen commonly in patients for example, laminar necrosis of hypoxic encephalopathy—
with anoxic/ischaemic encephalopathy and other toxic or but in the acutely unwell or those who are ventilator
metabolic disorders. Patients with brain stem herniation can dependent it is logistically diYcult. Neurologists should be
have flexor or extensor posturing triggered by respiration or
external stimuli. These should not be confused with seizures.
Asymmetry of the plantar response, tendon jerks, and
aware of conditions where the CT brain scan is normal—for
example, metabolic encephalopathies but also disorders such
as fat embolism. The electroencephalogram (EEG) is helpful

muscle tone may all be valuable in localisation of structural in the diagnosis of acute toxic or metabolic encephalopathies
lesions and diVerentiation from metabolic conditions. Acute showing diVuse slow wave change (4–6 Hz). Rapid
structural damage above the brain stem results in a flaccidity (> 12 Hz) activity occurs with sedative overdose and slow
of muscle tone and is asymmetric in comparison to wave changes of a focal nature are found in herpes simplex
metabolic disorders where such findings are usually encephalitis. á Coma—where the normal cortically generated
symmetrical. á rhythm is retained—occurs in hypoxic ischaemic or drug
induced states. The á activity is uninfluenced by stimulation
Fundal examination or eye opening (in alert awake patients á rhythm disappears
Subhyaloid haemorrhages, hypertensive retinopathy, and
with eye opening) and this suggests a better prognosis. Apart
papilloedema should be looked for. Subhyaloid
from this the EEG is not as good a predictor of clinical
haemorrhages occur in conditions that cause a sudden
outcome when compared with clinical assessment. However,
increase in intracranial pressure. Papilloedema can occur
the EEG is of particular value in confirming complex partial
when raised intracranial pressure is established for some
status, a condition that should always be considered in the
time, but its absence does not exclude raised intracranial
intensive care setting in patients with an ischaemic hypoxic
insult and low coma score.
Respiratory pattern
Respiration can be aVected in coma. This can be a
generalised eVect relating to the level of consciousness, be References and further reading
preferentially aVected by certain drugs or metabolic states, 1 Teasdale G, Jennet B. Assessment of coma and impaired
and it may have some limited localising value (table 2). consciousness - a practical scale. Lancet 1974;ii:81–4.
2 Levy DE, Bates D, Corona JJ, et al. Prognosis in non traumatic coma.
Ann Intern Med 1981;94:293–301.
Role of neurological investigations 3 Plum F, Posner JB. The diagnosis of stupor and coma, 3rd ed.
Philadelphia: Davis, 1980.
CT imaging is the most readily available investigation that 4 Beck RW, Smith CH. Neuro-ophthalmology. Littlebrown, 1988:242.
gives immediate information on the presence of gross 5 Bates D. The management of medical coma. J Neurol Neurosurg
structural intracranial disease. This will confirm the presence Psychiatry 1993;56:589–98.
of mass lesions showing displacement or shift of intracranial 6 Ropper AH. Lateral displacement of the brain and level of
consciousness in patients with acute hemispherical mass. N Engl J Med
compartments—for example, subfalcine or uncal herniation. 1986;314:953.
Raised intracranial pressure is suggested by narrowing of the 7 Schmutzhard E, Ropper AH, Hacke W. The comatose patient in
third ventricle and loss of the quadrigeminal and suprasellar neuro-critical care. Bleck HE, ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1994.

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David E Bateman

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2001 71: i13-i17

doi: 10.1136/jnnp.71.suppl_1.i13

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