Dispersing Agents For Water-Based DTM Coatings

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Dispersing agents for Lars Hoffmann Andrea Schamp/

water-based DTM Manfred Jorna Kerstin Schurig
Coatings Presenter Chat
Lars Hoffmann Manfred Jorna
Technical Sales Technical Sales
Formulation Additives Formulation Additives
EMEA region EMEA region
Dispersing agents for water-
based DTM Coatings
Formulation Additives improving corrosion
resistance properties

Ludwigshafen, 10. February 2021


1. Introduction
2. Corrosion protection: requirements and challenges
3. Case studies: Impact of dispersing agents
4. Summary
Our comprehensive portfolio enables solutions for
various industries

Dispersing Rheology Wetting Agents & Film-forming Light Stabilizers

Agents Modifiers Surface Agents & Anti-oxidants

BASF is the premiere provider of Performance & Formulation Additives

for the paints and coatings industry

Architectural Industrial Automotive Furniture & Printing &

Adhesives Construction Composites
Coatings Coatings Coatings Flooring Packaging
The use of coatings for corrosion protection

BASF source ?

1. Introduction
2. Corrosion protection: requirements and challenges
3. Case studies: Impact of dispersing agents
4. Summary
Ecological and social-economical aspects are key drivers to fulfill
environmental regulations

 Tin-free

 APEO-free

 Biocide free

 Solvent free or Low VOC

 Economical benefit: one

layer only

 Improved durability
(weathering and chemical
Water based systems progressively used to fulfill environmental
aspects ...

 VOC regulation
 Aquatic toxicity / water hazard class
 Occupational safety and health

…but for specific applications there is still a gap in performance.

 Longer drying time

 Storage stability (need for preservatives)
 Smaller application windows (sensitivity high / low temperature and humidity)
 Lower application robustness
BASF supports customers to develop environment friendly systems
for anti corrosion and DTM systems

 Formulation additives for water based products:

 Dispersing agents with low impact on corrosion resistance
 Defoamers to prevent micro foam
 Rheology modifiers to provide sag resistance for high film build
 Wetting and Surface modifiers desire substrate wetting for improved adhesion
 Film forming agents / coalescing agents to facilitate uniform film formation and early water

 Dispersions e.g. Joncryl® PRO 1522, Acronal® PRO 770 X

Corrosion classification according to DIN EN ISO 12944
Paint systems for carbon steel
Corrosivity Durability ISO 6270-1 ISO 9227 Total No. of coats Layer thickness Typical environment
category ranges (water (neutral salt NDFT [µm]
condensation) [h] spray) [h]

C1 - - Interior
Low 48 - 1-2 80

Medium 48 - 1-2 80
High 120 - 1-2 60-160

Very High 240 480 1-2 160-200

Low 48 120 1-2 100

Medium 120 240 1-2 60-160

High 240 480 2 160-200

Very High 480 720 2-4 200-260

Interior / Exterior
Low 120 240 1-2 60-160

Medium 240 480 2-3 180-200

High 480 720 2-4 200-260

Very High 720 1440 2-4 260-300

Low 240 480 2 180

Medium 480 720 2-3 200-240

High 720 1440 2-4 260-300

Very High - - 3-4 320-360

Reasons to use dispersing agents in waterbased paints and
Color acceptance
 Improved color strength Color strength
 Improved color acceptance
 Improved storage stability
 Constant rheology
 No settling / sedimentation
 Low mill base viscosity / high pigment load
 Newtonian rheology behavior
 Increased gloss Corrosion Flooding & floating

 On top on this: A dispersing agent should not

influence the final film properties, e.g. corrosion
resistance, salt spray test.

1. Introduction
2. Corrosion protection: requirements and challenges
3. Case studies: Impact of dispersing agents
4. Summary
Case study 1:

Impact of dispersing agents

on corrosion in a test system
based on Joncryl® PRO 1522

JJuneune20182018 || PPererfforormmancancee
andand FForormmululatationonAAddiddittiivveses
Dispex® Ultra PX 4575
HMW dispersing agent based on Controlled Free Radical Polymerization Technology (CFRP)

Performance highlights:
◼ Especially suited for the dispersion of pigments in wb coatings and
◼ Excellent performance with inorganic pigments
◼ High efficiency
◼ Broad compatibility with different water-based resins and pigments

Application: Sustainability Characteristic Values:

Dispex® Ultra PX 4575 offers high efficiency in highlights:
Appearance Clear, slightly yellowish liquid
stabilizing pigments and demonstrates wide
compatibility with many water-based resin ◼ VOC-free acc. to EU Active ingredients ~ 40%
systems. The new Dispex® Ultra PX 4575 is a 2004/42 method
Amine value ~ 32 mg KOH/g
universal dispersing agent with particular good
performance in inorganic pigments which
complements Dispex® Ultra PX 4585 which
has an excellent performance for organic
pigments. This makes Dispex® Ultra PX 4575
ideally suited for the use of the concept of
resin-free pigment concentrates.
15 12.02.2021
Test formulation water based DTM coating (Joncryl® PRO 1522)
Coating Formulation
Grind Add
Water 7.83 FoamStar® SI 2210 0.08 (1)
Dispersant See table Halox® 515 1.88 (3)
Hydropalat® WE 3650 0.07 (1) BenzoflexTM 9-88 1.33 (4)
FoamStar® SI 2210 0.12 (1) Ammonia 25 % 0.16
Ammonia 25 % 0.07
KRONOS® 2190 17.89 (2) Total app. 100
Grind 30 min at 3400 rpm to Hegman grind 7 (< 10 µm) pH app. 9
Density in g/cm3 1.21
Let-down, add while stirring PVC in % 14.1
Joncryl® PRO 1522 59.26 (1) Solids in % 47.8
VOC in g/l 200
Add mix of
Water 1.86 (2) KRONOS Worldwide. Inc.
Solvenon® PnB 4.01 (1) (3) ICL\Advanced Additives
(4) Eastman Chemical Company
Solvenon® DPnB 4.01 (1)
® = Registered trademark of the BASF Group
Influence of dispersing agents on corrosion resistance
Product name Composition content Test methods Norm

Acid phosphoric ester of a fatty alcohol Corrosion tests in artificial

Dispersant A 100 DIN EN ISO 9227
ethoxylate atmospheres – Salt spray tests

ammonium salt of a carboxylic acid Evaluation of degradation of

Dispersant B 30 coatings –
copolymer in water
Designation of quantity and size of DIN EN ISO 4628
defects, and of intensity of uniform
Dispex® Ultra PX 4575 acrylic block copolymer formulation in water 40 changes in appearance

Paints and varnishes –

Solution of a high molecular weight block Determination of resistance to DIN EN ISO 6270
Dispersant C copolymer with pigment affinic groups 40 humidity
Salt Spray Test according to DIN EN ISO 9227:
(on cold rolled steel (CRS); degree of blistering: ISO 4628-2, degree of rusting: ISO 4628-3)

Dispersant Dispersant A Dispersant B Dispex® Ultra PX 4575 Dispersant C

DFT in µm 65 66 63 66
SST 48h
Degree of blistering 0(S0) 2(S4)* 0(S0) 0(S0)
Degree of rusting Ri 0 Ri 0 Ri 0 Ri 0
SST 120h Dispex® Ultra
Degree of blistering 0(S0)* 5(S5)* 0(S0)* 2(S3)* PX 4575 provides by
Degree of rusting Ri 0 Ri 5 Ri 0 Ri 2 far best corrosion
SST 144h
Degree of blistering 2(S2)* 0(S0)* 2(S4)*
Degree of rusting Ri 3 Ri 0 Ri 3
SST 168h
Degree of blistering 0(S0)* 2(S4)*
Degree of rustting Ri 0 Ri 4
SST 216h
Degree of blistering 0(S0)*
Degree of rusting Ri 2
SST 288h
Degree of blistering 0(S0)*
Degree of rusting Ri 2
Photos of cold rolled steel panels (carbon steel)
after 120 h salt spray test
Dispersant A Dispersant B Dispex® Ultra PX 4575 Dispersant C

DFT = 65µm DFT = 66µm DFT = 63µm DFT = 66µm

Water Spot Test /
Condensation water test DIN EN ISO 6270-2

Dispex® Ultra
Dispersant Dispersant A Dispersant B
PX 4575 Dispersant C
Wasser Spot Test (drop of demin. water, 24 h)
Cross cut immediately GT5 GT 5 GT5 GT5
24 h after exposure GT5 GT 3 GT2 GT1

Comment - Small blisters - -

Gloss reduction
observed for most
of the dispersants.
Condensation Water Test according to DIN EN ISO 6270-2

Gloss @ 60° before exposure: 84-86 No defects after 336

24 h h condensation
Degree of blistering ISO 4628-2 0(S0) 0(S0) 0(S0) 0(S0) water test.
Degree of rusting ISO 4628-3 Ri 0 Ri 0 Ri 0 Ri 0
336 h
Degree of blistering ISO 4628-2 0(S0) 0(S0) 0(S0) 0(S0)
Degree of rusting ISO 4628-3 Ri 0 Ri 0 Ri 0 Ri 0

Gloss @ 60°, 24 h after exposure 75 23 36 51

Case study 2:

Impact of dispersing agents on

corrosion in a test system based
on Acronal® PRO 770X

JJuneune20182018 || PPererfforormmancancee
andand FForormmululatationonAAddiddittiivveses
Dispex® Ultra PX 4290
New high molecular weight dispersing agent for organic and inorganic pigments in aqueous coating systems,
printing inks and adhesives.

Performance highlights:
◼ Designed to stabilize inorganic and organic pigments in aqueous
◼ Improved color strength and transparency
◼ Improved gloss
◼ Anti-flooding behavior
◼ Excellent flocculation stability
◼ Solvent-free

Application: Sustainability Characteristic Values:

Dispex® Ultra PX 4290 is a dispersing highlights:
agent for organic and inorganic pigments Appearance Clear, yellowish liquid
in aqueous systems. ◼ Label-free
Solvent water
Due to the excellent stabilizing ◼ Food Contact Compliance
Suitable for a broad range Density ~ 1.06 g/cm3
characteristics, outstanding color strength ◼
and excellent viscosity reduction can be of applications Active content ~ 40%
This allows also higher pigment loadings
while excellent flow characteristics are
Test formulation water based DTM coating (Acronal® PRO 770X)
Coating formulation

Additive completion
Dispersant (40%) 0.6 (1) Add each position under low shear forces
Wasser 12.4 Butyl diglykol 4.2
FoamStar® ED 2522 0.3 Foamstar® ED 2522 0.2 (1)
DMEA 50% 0.1 Halox® 515 2.3 (3)
Kronos 2190 20.3 (2) DMEA 50% 0.2
Grinding time: 30 minute Skandex, Silibeads 1,2-1,4mm Rheovis PU 1191 0.2 (1)
Total 100

pH app. 8.5
Dispersion completion Density in g/cm3 1.2
PVC in % 14
Add under stirring
Acronal® PRO 770X 59.2 (1) Solid in % 51
VOC in g/l 115 (ASTM D-3960-1)
(1) BASF SE Dispersant-on-Pigment
(2) KRONOS Worldwide. Inc. Ratio % 1.2
(3) ICL Specialty Products Inc
Influence of dispersing agents on corrosion resistance
Product name Composition content Test method Norm
Solution of a high molecular weight Determination of gloss value at
DA1 copolymer with pigment affinic groups in 40 20° and 60°
water, nonionic Paints and varnishes -
Determination of viscosity using DIN EN ISO 2884
Dispex® Ultra PX 4290 High molecular weight dispersing agent 40
rotary viscometers
Solution of a high molecular weight block Corrosion tests in artificial
DA2 40 DIN EN ISO 9227
copolymer with pigment affinic groups atmospheres – Salt spray tests
aqueous solution of a copolymer with
DA3 40 Evaluation of degradation of
groups ofhigh pigment affinity
coatings –
aqueous solution of a copolymer with Designation of quantity and size of DIN EN ISO 4628
DA4 40
groups ofhigh pigment affinity defects, and of intensity of uniform
changes in appearance
Dispex® Ultra PX 4575 acrylic block copolymer formulation in water 40
DA5 polymeric dispersant in water 40
Solution of a copolymer with pigment-affinic
DA6 40
polymeric block co-polymer based
DA7 40
dispersing agent
DA8 Anionic, high-molecular weight polymer 40
Gloss development and rheology behavior of various
dispersing agents
Viscosity Gloss CRS
Test formulation with
Shear rate Shear rate Shear rate Shear rate
coresponding DA 20° 60°
1s-1 10s-1 100s-1 1000s-1
DA1 11883 4260 666 71 61 84
Dispex Ultra PX 4290 14686 4693 695 77 58 82
DA2 13267 4638 729 78 54 82
DA3 15514 5103 771 81 56 82
DA4 13109 4679 734 80 51 81
Dispex Ultra PX 4575 16036 5071 725 79 63 84
DA5 14308 4912 761 80 59 84
DA6 11561 4517 706 77 54 81
DA7 12292 4515 707 79 53 82
DA8 16630 5517 804 83 46 80

All formulations show strong pseudoplastic flow behavior.

Photos of cold rolled steel panels
after 240 h salt spray test
Dispex® Ultra
PX 4290

DFT = 58µm ± 2 DFT = 61µm ± 3 DFT = 57µm ± 4 DFT = 57µm ± 3 DFT = 51µm ± 3

Dispex Ultra PX 4290 with benchmark performance at lowest rust creepage.

Photos of cold rolled steel panels
after 240 h salt spray test
Dispex® Ultra
PX 4575

DFT = 60µm ± 5 DFT = 56µm ± 3 DFT = 48µm ± 1 DFT = 56µm ± 2 DFT = 52µm ± 4

Most tested dispersing agents showed blistering as descried.

Storage stability of dispersing agents with water based epoxy
dispersion Waterpoxy® 1455


Viscosity [mPas]




Solid, not
5000 measurable
Viscosity fresh Viscosity after 1 Viscosity fresh Viscosity after 1 Viscosity fresh Viscosity after 1
week/50°C week/50°C week/50°C
w/o additive Dispex Ultra PX 4575 Dispex Ultra PX 4290
1 s-1 10 s-1 100 s-1 1000 s-1

Dispex® Ultra PX 4290 shows excellent storage stability with Waterpoxy®!


1. Introduction
2. Corrosion protection: requirements and challenges
3. Case studies: Impact of dispersing agents
4. Summary

Dispex® Ultra PX 4575 and Dispex® Ultra PX 4290 are our first choice of water
based dispersing agents for anti corrosion and DTM systems:
 Dispex® Ultra PX 4575 is preferred for acrylic dispersions
 Dispex® Ultra PX 4290 is favored for wb epoxy dispersions

Acrylic 2pack PUR Alkyd Epoxy

Dispex® Ultra
PX 4575
Dispex® Ultra
PX 4290
Solution Finder Tool for Formulation Additives

The Solution Finder Tool offers you the best additive solution for your formulation
needs across all industries (www.basf.com/solution-finder)

Features & Benefits

 Formulation Additives guide for Paints and Coatings, Adhesives and Construction*
 Understand the benefits of our products (Dispersing Agents, Defoamers, Rheology Modifiers,
Wetting Agents and Surface Modifiers, and Film-Forming Agents) by application, and with
technical information
 Order samples or email us for detailed consultations
 Available on BASF web, Apple Store and Google Play Store**

*The product list and sample ordering for adhesives and construction are only applicable in Europe. It also comprises
Scan QR recommendations for Performance Additives
code for **To use this tool on your Windows device, please visit our website for details

Lab Assistant for Architectural Coatings

Lab Assistant is a web-based application that makes it easier for you to find BASF
dispersions and additives for Architectural Coatings in Europe

Features & Benefits

 Get product recommendations and formulation ideas according to the final properties of the
paint, technical data, complete recipes and ingredient calculator
 Access formulation expertise to gain new insights and ideas
 All relevant data (e.g. MSDS, TDS, Reach, sustainability aspects, brochures, value cards,
etc) available in one location
 Compare products or formulations

Scan QR  Individualize your own account and share content with your colleagues
code for
details  Order samples or get in touch with our experts
 Runs on your PC / laptop / tablet / smartphone
32 | Optionale Zusatzinformationen
Dr. Sascha Oestreich
Head of Technical Sales Formulation Additives
Phone: + 49 211 7940-9028
Mobile: +49 173 5396101
[email protected]
Lars Hoffmann
Technical Sales Formulation Additives
Phone: +49 621 60-92208
Mobile: +49 172 7470244
[email protected]

Manfred Jorna
Technical Sales Formulation Additives
Phone: +31 513 619723

Contacts Mobile: +31 653 358993

[email protected]
Rainer Erhardt
Technical Expert Resins
Automotive & Industrial Coatings
Phone: +49 621 60-72099
Mobile: +49 172 7465011
[email protected]
Andrea Schamp
Marketing Formulation Additives Europe
Phone: +49 211 7940-2605
Mobile: +49 173 5936561
[email protected]

internet: http://www.basf.com/additives

email: [email protected]
There is more to come…

Next series of Webinars starting Jan 20th

Label-free light stabilizers: Feb 24 & 25

Further digitalization in printing & packaging applications: March 3 & 4

Sustainable defoamer for solvent-based industrial and wood coatings: March 10 & 11

Don’t want to miss the next webinars? Register for our newsletters at:
https://paints-coatings.basf.com/global/en/newsletter-coatings/subscribe.html or https://packaging-print.basf.com/global/en/newsletter-printing-

Or visit us on our Website at:


34 12.02.2021

 Safety

When handling the mentioned products, please comply with the advice and information
given in the safety data sheets and observe protective and workplace hygiene measures
adequate for handling chemicals.

 Note

The data contained in this publication are based on our current knowledge and experience.
In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application of our products,
these data do not relieve processors from carrying out their own investigations and tests;
neither do these data imply any guarantee of certain properties, nor the suitability of the
product for a specific purpose. Any descriptions, drawings, photographs, data, proportions,
weights, etc. given herein may change without prior information and do not constitute the
agreed contractual quality of the product. The agreed contractual quality of the product
results exclusively from the statements made in the product specification. It is the
responsibility of the recipient of our product to ensure that any proprietary rights and
existing laws and legislation are observed.

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