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Tender ID No.

This Document will be part of the Contract Document.

The Consultants shall submit the



This Document will be part of the Contract Document.
Statement showing the amendments to the existing clause in tender volumes published online.

Reference of Tender Clause Original Bid Description

Sr Tender Reference Amended Description
. PageNo.
No Clause No.
1 Section 1, Tender Security Amount (EMD) INR 1.80 crores Please Refer Annexure “A”
NIT Clause no. - 1.2.2 Page no. - 3 (Rupees One Crore Eighty Lakh only)….
2 Section 2, 15.1 The Consultants shall submit their Bids 15.1 The Consultants shall submit their Bids
ITC & DATASHEET electronically. electronically.
Clause no. – C. 15.1 Page no. - 20 Four (4) copies (These copies shall be …. Bids shall be uploaded to Maharashtra Government
Tender Portal, Mahatenders Portal in the link given
In addition to the documents uploaded on the
MMRDA’s E-Tender portal, the number of printed

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Reference of Tender Clause Original Bid Description

Sr Tender Reference Amended Description
. PageNo.
No Clause No.
copies to be submitted with the Application is:
Two (2) copies (These copies shall be submitted
within 24 hrs after the deadline for submission of
3 Section 3, CHECKLIST OF REQUIRED FORMS Please Refer Annexure B
Technical Bid Power of Attorney
Clause no. – CHECKLIST OF ……, and a power of attorney for the representative
REQUIRED FORMS of the lead member to represent all JV ………
Page no. - 33
4 Section 3, FORM TECH-4 FINANCIAL DATA Please refer ANNEXURE “C” TECH-4
Page no. - 38

5 Section 5, 1. The Government of Maharashtra has approved Deleted and Replaced with
TERMS OF REFERENCE the………. The Government of Maharashtra has approved the
Chapter 1. Clause no. –1 ………. policies would be applied for the Project Management Consultant for construction of
Page no. - 51 project development activities. underground road connectivity from Orange gate
Eastern Freeway to Coastal Road at Marine Drive at
Mumbai Island city (hereinafter referred to as “the
Project”) which is to meet growing traffic demand and
eventually lead to balanced regional development and
improvement of metropolitan atmospheric
environmental condition in Mumbai Metropolitan
Area. The project is proposed to be financed

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This Document will be part of the Contract Document.

Reference of Tender Clause Original Bid Description

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No Clause No.
through funds available with MMRDA or from
borrowed funds. Suitable applicable policies would
be applied for the project development activities.

6 I. General Conditions of Contract, 31.1 If key expert is required to be replaced on the Deleted and Replaced by
D. CONSULTANT’S EXPERTS instructions of the Client, the proposed Clause no. 31
AND SUB-CONSULTANTS replacement expert shall score the marks a) Except as the MMRDA may otherwise
Clause no. 31 equivalent or more compared to the original agree, no changes shall be made in the Key
Page no. - 99 expert.
Personnel. If, for any reason beyond the
31.2 If key expert is required to be replaced on its reasonable control of the Consultant, such
own by the consultant, for the reasons other than as retirement, death, medical incapacity,
death, severe accidents, gross illness and among others it becomes necessary to
I. The marks scored by the proposed replacement
replace any of the Key Personnel, the
key expert for the above replacement is equivalent
or more to the original key expert, remuneration Consultant shall forthwith provide as a
for the proposed replacement key expert will be replacement a person of equivalent or
85% of the original key expert and subsequently better qualifications and Experience
10% reduction for each replacement
subject to prior approval from
ii.CV of key experts shall be provided within 30
days from the approval of Client. Failing which the MMRDA.
penalty shall be levied 50% of that expert rate per b) If the MMRDA
month until submission of the CV or otherwise

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Reference of Tender Clause Original Bid Description

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No Clause No.
Client may have right to engage the in-house or 1) finds that any of the Personnel has
from market at Consultant’s risk and cost. committed serious misconduct or has been
charged with having committed a criminal
action, or
2) has reasonable cause to be dissatisfied with
the performance of any of the Personnel,
then the Consultant shall, at the Client’s
written request specifying the grounds
therefor, forthwith provide as a
replacement a person with qualifications
and experience acceptable to the Client.
The removal and/or replacement under (a)
& (b) above shall have no cost implications
on MMRDA and the consultant shall be
vicariously responsible.

Replacement of Key and Non key personnel on

which the consultants qualify to award the bid shall
attract a penalty of Rs. 10,00,000/-per person per

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Reference of Tender Clause Original Bid Description

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No Clause No.
The bidder has to Replace the key/non-key
personnel with equivalent or better qualification
and experience.

7 I. General Conditions of Contract, 33.1 If the Client finds that any of the Experts or Deleted and replaced by -
D. CONSULTANT’S EXPERTS Sub-consultant has committed serious misconduct 33.1 If the Client finds that any of the Experts or
AND SUB-CONSULTANTS or has been charged with having committed a Sub-consultant has committed serious misconduct
Clause no. 33 criminal action, or if the Client determines that a or has been charged with having committed a
Page no. – 99-100 Consultant’s Expert or Sub-consultant has engaged criminal action, or if the Client determines that a
in Prohibited Practice while performing the Consultant’s Expert or Sub-consultant has engaged
Services, the Consultant shall, at the Client’s in Prohibited Practice while performing the
written request, provide a replacement. Services, the Consultant shall, at the Client’s
written request, provide a replacement.
33.2 In the event that any of Key Experts, Non-Key
Experts or Sub-consultants is found by the Client 33.2 In the event that any of Key Experts, Non-Key
to be incompetent or incapable in discharging Experts or Sub-consultants is found by the Client to
assigned duties, the Client, specifying the grounds be incompetent or incapable in discharging
therefore, may request the Consultant to provide a assigned duties, the Client, specifying the grounds
replacement. therefore, may request the Consultant to provide a

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Reference of Tender Clause Original Bid Description

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No Clause No.
33.3 Key Experts, Non-Key Experts or Sub replacement.
consultants who are found to be in breach of the 33.3 Key Experts, Non-Key Experts or Sub
Consultant’s Code of Conduct (e.g. spreading consultants who are found to be in breach of the
communicable diseases, sexual harassment, gender Consultant’s Code of Conduct (e.g. spreading
based violence, illicit activity or crime) communicable diseases, sexual harassment, gender
shall be replaced by the Consultant, or at the based violence, illicit activity or crime shall be
Client’s written request. replaced by the Consultant, or at the Client’s
written request.
33.4 Any replacement of the removed Experts or
Sub-consultants shall possess better qualifications 33.4 Any replacement of the removed Experts or
and experience and shall be acceptable to the Sub-consultants shall possess better qualifications
Client. and experience and shall be acceptable to the
33.5 If any expert is required to be replaced on the
instructions of the Client, the proposed replacement 33.5 Deleted
expert shall score the marks equivalent or more
compared to the original expert. 33.6 Deleted

33.6 If any expert is required to be replaced on its 33.7 Penalty for change in Key Staff on which the
own by the consultant, for the reasons other than consultant qualify on the basis of CV of Key staff
death, severe accidents, gross illness and i) the is Rs. 10 lakh per occurrence.
marks scored by the proposed replacement expert
for the above replacement is equivalent or more to 33.8 Deleted
the original expert, remuneration for the proposed

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Reference of Tender Clause Original Bid Description

Sr Tender Reference Amended Description
. PageNo.
No Clause No.
replacement expert will be 90% of the original
expert and subsequently 10% reduction for each
replacement. ii) CV of expert shall be provided
within 30 days from the approval of Client. Failing
which the penalty shall be levied 10% of the expert
rate per month until submission of the CV.

• 33.7 Penalty for change in Key Staff on which the

consultant qualify on the basis of CV of Key staff
is Rs. 10 lakh per occurrence.

33.8 Penalty equivalent to one monthly billing rate

of a personnel shall be recovered for the period of
non-deployment of the expert for first 4 months and
similar penalty for every 3 months block
8 III. Special Conditions of Contract In case of increase/extension in man-months beyond Deleted and Replaced with
Cl. No 16 the man-months specified in the Contract, the In case of increased/extension in man-months
Consultant shall be paid based on the man month beyond the man-months specified in the Contract,
Page No.113 rates quoted in the FORM-FIN-2 & 3. The same the Consultant shall be paid based on the man month
shall also be subject to price adjustment in rates and the Man Months Negotiated with
accordance with the conditions stated in Clause Employer.

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Reference of Tender Clause Original Bid Description

Sr Tender Reference Amended Description
. PageNo.
No Clause No.
9 TABLE: Key & non-Key TABLE: Key & non-Key Personnel, Deleted and Replaced by ANNEXURE “E’
Personnel, DATASHEET TABLE: Key & non-Key Personnel,
page no. 26

Chapter5. Key Experts

Table: Qualification of Key-Non
Key Experts
Page No.65
10 I. General Conditions of Contract, 23 (e ) Liability of the Consultant 23 (e ) Liability of the Consultant
Special Conditions of Contract –
GC ii. that the ceiling on Consultant’s liability shall be ii. Deleted
Clause reference 23 (e ) (ii) limited to the amount indicated in the SCC, except
Liability of the Consultant that such ceiling shall not apply to actions, claims,
Page no. – 96 losses or damages caused by Consultant’s gross
negligence or reckless conduct;
11 Appendix D : Fees and payment 2.0 The Consultants quotation: Deleted and Replaced by
schedule • The Consultants shall provide the services as
2.0 The Consultants quotation- per the contract at the rates quoted/agreed by the 2.0 The Consultants quotation:
Page 121 of 130 consultant’s quotation. Payment should in • The Consultants shall provide the services as
Indian Rupees (For Exceptional payments per the contract at the rates quoted/agreed by the
Hon MC approval is required) consultant’s quotation. Payment should in Indian
• The consultant should give the break of the Rupees.
• The consultant should give the break of the

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Reference of Tender Clause Original Bid Description

Sr Tender Reference Amended Description
. PageNo.
No Clause No.
remuneration as a support of the Bid. This being remuneration as a support of the Bid. This being
lump sum contract the breakup of remuneration lump sum contract the breakup of remuneration can
can be taken from the consultants after the be taken from the consultants after the award of the
award of the contract. contract.
• The sum of remuneration of Key staff should • The sum of remuneration of Key staff should
not be less than 60% of the total Cost quoted by not be less than 60% of the total Cost quoted by the
the bidder. bidder.
12 APPENDIX – D Fees and payment 3.0 Final Fee payable to the consultants: Delete and replace by
schedule The percentage fee of cost put tender plus service 3.0 Final Fee payable to the consultants:
Clause No.3 tax as applicable as quoted/ agreed/ negotiated. The Lumpsum fee of cost put tender plus GST as
Page 121 of 130 applicable as quoted/ agreed/ negotiated.

13 Chapter No 3, v. During the preparation of bidding documents, Deleted and replaced

Clause no 5. A. v, clearly include environmental responsibilities as v. During execution of the works, the scope of
Page no. 58 explained in the ETA Report and EMP as consultancy includes environmental
“Environmental Contract Specifications (ECS)”; responsibilities as explained in the ETA Report and
EMP as “Environmental Contract Specifications

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This Document will be part of the Contract Document.

Reference of Tender Clause Original Bid Description

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. PageNo.
No Clause No.
14 F. PAYMENTS TO THE 42. 1 An estimate of the cost of the Services is set Deleted and replaced
CONSULTANT forth in Form FIN-2.
Clause No. 42 Ceiling Amount 42.2 Payments under this Contract shall not exceed 42. 1 The lumpsum cost of the Services is set forth in
Page No. 102 the ceilings in specified in the SCC. Form FIN-2.
42.3 For any payments in excess of the ceilings 42.2 The Payments under this Contract shall not
specified in SCC 42.2, an amendment to the exceed the ceilings in specified in Form FIN-2.
Contract shall be signed by the Parties referring to 42.3 Deleted
the provision of this Contract that evokes such
15 Clause no. 43. Remuneration And 43.1 The Client shall pay to the Consultant (i) Deleted entire Clause 43.1 to 43.5
Reimbursable Expenses remuneration that shall be determined on the basis
GCC of time actually spent by each Expert in the
Page no. 103 performance of the Services after the date of
commencing of Services or such other date as the
Parties shall agree in writing; and (ii) reimbursable
expenses that are actually and reasonably incurred
by the Consultant in the performance of the

43.5 Any rates specified for Experts not yet

appointed shall be provisional and shall be subject
to revision, with the written approval of the Client,
once the applicable remuneration rates and

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Reference of Tender Clause Original Bid Description

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No Clause No.
allowances are known.

16 Clause No. 43.3 The Remuneration rates in INR set forth Deleted and Replaced by Annexure “G”
SCC in………..
Page No. 115 ……………….. Reimbursable Expenses are not
applicable for this assignment

17 III. Special Conditions of Contract; 9.0 Reimbursable expenditure towards 9.0 Reimbursable expenditure towards
APPENDIX – D Fees and payment additional copies of tender documents: additional copies of tender documents: The
schedule; The consultants shall submit additional copies of the consultants shall submit additional copies of the
Clause 9.0 Reimbursable report as and when required by the Employer. The report as and when required by the Employer at no
expenditure towards additional consultant will be paid a standard agreed rate for additional cost.
copies of tender documents each of the additional report. The additional charges
Page No. 124 payable shall be fixed on per document per copy rate
18 30.1 The title, agreed job description, minimum To be amended as
General Condition of Contract qualification and time-input estimates to carry out 30.1 The title, agreed job description, minimum
D. CONSULTANT’S EXPERTS the Services of each of the Consultant’s Key qualification and time-input estimates to carry out
AND SUB-CONSULTANTS Experts are described in ToR. the Services of each of the Consultant’s Key Experts
30. Description of Key Experts are described in ToR.
Page No. 98 30.2 If additional work is required beyond the scope
of the Services specified in ToR, the estimated time- 30.2 Deleted
input for the Key Experts may be increased by
agreement in writing between the Client and the 30.3 The Client and the Consultant shall review the

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Reference of Tender Clause Original Bid Description

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. PageNo.
No Clause No.
Consultant. In case where payments under this deployment schedule on timely basis (at least every
Contract exceed the ceilings set forth in Clause 3 months) based on the Project progress.
GCC 41.2, the Parties shall sign a Contract
amendment. 30.4 Deleted

30.3 The Client and the Consultant shall review the 30.5 30 days’ notice period for either side for any
deployment schedule on timely basis (at least every demobilization. The start date for demobilization is
3 months) based on the Project progress. from the date client sends its intent. Notice period is
applicable only to the personnel/positions
30.4 The Consultant shall seek prior approval for demobilized either by client or by the Consultant
deployment of all positions even though sufficient within the tenure.
man months are available.

30.5 8 weeks' notice period for either side for any

demobilization. The start date for demobilization is
from the date client sends its intent. Notice period is
applicable only to the personnel/positions
demobilized either by client or by the Consultant
within the tenure.
19 General Condition of Contract If during execution of the Contract, additional Key Deleted and replaced by –
D. CONSULTANT’S EXPERTS Experts are required to carry out the Services, the
AND SUB-CONSULTANTS Consultant shall submit to the Client for review and The man-months in the RFP are only indicative the
32. Approval of Additional Key approval a copy of their Curricula Vitae (CVs). If bidder should consider additional man-months if
Experts the Client does not object in writing (stating the required including back-office support in overall

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. PageNo.
No Clause No.
Page No.: 99 reasons for the objection) within twenty-two (22) cost to complete in the assignment as per TOR.
days from the date of receipt of such CVs, such
additional Key Experts shall be deemed to have
been approved by the Client. The rate of
remuneration payable to such new additional Key
Experts shall be based on the rates for other Key
Experts position which require similar
qualifications and experience.
20 Section 2- Data sheet T1 - Profitability: Profit before tax should be positive Deleted and replaced by-
19. Technical Proposal & in at least three (3) years, out of last Five audited T1 - Profitability: Profit before tax should be positive
eligibility criteria financial years. in any TWO (2) financial years, out of last Five
Page No.21 ii) T2 - Annual Turnover: The average annual audited financial years.
turnover from consultancy of last five financial years T2- Annual Turnover: The average annual turnover
should be >INR 100 Crore, certified by statutory from consultancy of last five financial years should be
auditor >INR 100 Crore, certified by Charted Accountant.

21 Section 5 – TOR, Chapter 5 – Key Scope of works for the respective personnel: Deleted-
Experts Notes Notes – Scope of works for the respective personnel:
Page No.69 4. Post qualification, consultancy experience will be Notes –
considered for working experience. 4. Deleted
22 19. Evaluation of Technical Bids Minimum Eligibility Criteria: - Deleted and replaced by
shall be as follows: Minimum Eligibility Criteria: -

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Reference of Tender Clause Original Bid Description

Sr Tender Reference Amended Description
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No Clause No.
Technical Proposal & eligibility I. The consulting firm/ firms should have been I. The consulting firm/ firms/ In case of JV
criteria registered (Registrar of Firm/ firms/Company both JV Partners (Registrar of Firm/
of Consulting Engineers /Govt. /Govt. firms/Company of Consulting Engineers /Govt.
Page No. 20-21 Undertaking) under same name & style for at /Govt. Undertaking) under same name & style
least 7 years in India (Authorized change in for at least 7 years in India (Authorized change
name & style shall be considered). in name & style shall be considered).
II. The Consultancy firm/ firms possessing the II. The Consultancy firm/ firms/ In case of JV
capability to deliver the assignment & in both JV Partners possessing the capability to
existence for at least 7 years (Authorized deliver the assignment & in existence for at
change in name & style shall be considered). least 7 years (Authorized change in name &
The eligible Consultancy firm/ firms(s) are using style shall be considered).
credentials of Parent/ Group companies, in such The eligible Consultancy firm/ firms(s) are using
cases, its Parent/Group shall submit “Parent credentials of Parent/ Group companies, in such
Company Guarantee” And the Parent/Group cases, its Parent/Group shall submit “Parent
and Indian counterpart shall give an affidavit Company Guarantee” And the Parent/Group
stating that there is no debarring or blacklisting and Indian counterpart shall give an affidavit
at present anywhere in India. stating that there is no debarring or blacklisting
at present anywhere in India.
23 19. Evaluation of Technical Bids Minimum Eligibility Criteria: - Minimum Eligibility Criteria: -
shall be as follows: A. Work Experience: The bidder (firm/JV) will A. Work Experience: The bidder (firm/JV) will be
Technical Proposal & be qualified only if they have completed qualified only if they have completed GC/PMC/AE
GC/PMC/AE assignment for a Road tunnel /

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This Document will be part of the Contract Document.

Reference of Tender Clause Original Bid Description

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No Clause No.
eligibility criteria Rail Tunnel / Metro Tunnel project with having assignment for a Road tunnel / Rail Tunnel / Metro
minimum dia 9 m with TBM during last Tunnel project with having minimum FINISHED
Page No.22 SEVEN years as on date of submission fo bid dia 9 M with TBM during last SEVEN years as on
with minimum lengths as belowi) 4.6 Km in a
date of submission fo bid with minimum lengths as
single stretch ONE project OR ii) 2.8 Km in a
single stretch each in TWO projects OR iii) 2.3 below i) 4.6 Km in a single stretch ONE project OR
Km each in a single stretch THREE projects ii) 2.8 Km in a single stretch each in TWO projects
OR iii) 2.3 Km each in a single stretch THREE
24 FORM TECH-3 FORM TECH-3 Delete and replace by-
Pg. 37 We do hereby undertake that we have not been BLACKLISTED
banned/ blacklisted or deregistered by MMRDA, We do hereby undertake that we including our
or Maharashtra State Govt. during last 03 years, parent companies/ sister companies have not
and/ or our contracts have not been terminated by been banned/ blacklisted or deregistered by any
MMRDA, or Maharashtra State Govt. during last Govt. /Semi govt. Authority, Funding Agencies
03 years and that currently no ban is not effective like World Bank/ADB/ JICA etc. during last 03
as on date of submission of bid. years, and/ or our contracts have not been
terminated by any Govt. /Semi govt. Authority,
Funding Agencies like World Bank/ADB/ JICA
on the date of submission of Bid.

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. PageNo.
No Clause No.
25 Special Conditions of Contract The insurance coverage against the risks shall be as Deleted and Replaced with Annexure “I”
SCC – 24. Insurance follows:
Page No.114

26 Table 3: Scope of Work for experts A31 Office Manager Deleted

A32 Secretary/Typist A31 Deleted
Page No.78 A33 Accountant A32 Deleted
A36 Office Assistant A33 Deleted
A37 IT Specialist Report A36 Deleted
A38 Civil Engineering Assistants A37 Deleted
A38 Deleted
27 DATA SHEET Clause No.19 Table C: Qualification and Experience of Key / Deleted and Replaced with Annexure G
(Marking) Non-Key Persons

Page No.25
28 SECTION 5. TERMS OF Chapter 2. Objectives of Consulting Services Chapter 2. Objectives of Consulting Services
2. Basic Design for system packages. 2. Deleted.
3. Deleted 3. Deleted
Chapter 2. Objectives of Consulting 4. Construction supervision: Construction supervision: Construction
A. Construction supervision of Civil & Systems supervision of complete works including
packages (Civil, E&M etc) including construction construction safety, installation, testing and
Page No.52 safety, installation, testing and commissioning commissioning

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No Clause No.
29 Table B: Financial capabilities and 3) Permanent Staff Deleted and replaced by
technical capabilities 3 Permanent Staff Marks Max
Page No.24 Marks
a More than Six Personnel 10 10
on Permanent Pay Roll
b Between Three to Six 5
Personnel on Permanent
Pay Roll
c Less than Three 0
personnel on Permanent
Pay Roll
30 SECTION 2. INSTRUCTIONS TO DATA SHEET Deleted and Replaced by Annexure “F”
CONSULTANTS AND DATA 2.1 Name of the Client: Engineer-In-Chief (EIC)
SHEET. Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development
Page No.18 Authority Method of Selection: Quality and Cost
Based Selection (QCBS) 80:20
31 B. Preparation of Bid Financial Bid: Financial Bid:
13& 14 FIN-1 Financial Bid Submission Form. FIN-1 Financial Bid Submission Form
Page No.19 FIN-2 Financial Proposal (as per amended
Annexure “B”
FIN-3 – Deleted
FIN-4 - Deleted

Page 17 of 32


1 Name of work “Appointment of Project Management Consultant for

construction of underground road connectivity from
Eastern Freeway – Orange gate to Coastal Road at
Marine Drive at Mumbai Island city”

2 Tender Security Amount (EMD) INR 1.80 crores (Rupees One Crore Eighty Lakh only).

Bidders are to provide their GST registration details.

3 Tender validity 180 Day from the date of submission of tender

4 Validity of Tender Security Amount (17/03/24)

28 Days beyond Tender validity period (208 days) i.e.,
valid up to14/04/2024
5 Cost of the Tender Documents INR 50,000 excluding GST
6 Duration of Contract 54 Months during Construction Period and
(Completion period of the work) 24 Months DLP
7 Tender Document Downloaded e-Tender Publication and Document download start date:
14/08 /2023
8 Pre-bid Meeting 29/08/2023 at 16:00 hrs at New MMRDA Building.
Last date for seeking clarifications (by email / letter in
post): 10/09/2023 at 18:00 hrs.
9 Last Date for issuing addendum XX/XX/XX Up to 18:00 hrs
and pre- bid replies
10 Last Date and Time of submission of 03/10/2023 Up to 18:00 hrs
11 Date and Time of 04/10/2023 at 12.00 hrs
opening of Tender
12 Bidders barred from Those bidder or JV partner, Who have abandoned any
bidding for this work contract executed for MMRDA, Maharashtra State Govt. or
any Other Govt. Authority / PSUs during last 03 years,
and/ or Whose contracts have been terminated, and/or
bidders who have been blacklisted and/or banned by
MMRDA, Maharashtra State Govt. or any Other Govt.
Authority / PSUs and currently if the ban is effective as on
date of submission of bid, are not eligible to participate in
this tender.
13 Web site from which Tender https://mahatenders.gov.in/

Documents and any additional

Information can be downloaded

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TECH-1 Technical Bid Submission Form.

TECH-1 If the Bid is submitted by a joint venture, attach a letter of intent or a copy of an
Attachment existing agreement.
Power of No pre-set format/form. In the case of a Joint Venture, several are required: a power
Attorney of attorney for the authorized representative of each JV member, and a power of
attorney for the representative of the lead member to represent all JV members.

TECH-2 Consultant’s Organization and Experience.

TECH-2A A. Consultant’s Organization
TECH-2B B. Consultant’s Experience
TECH-3 Undertaking for not being blacklisted
TECH-4 Financial data (financial standing)
TECH-5 Evaluation of Technical Bids
TECH-6 Description of Approach, Methodology and Work Plan for performing the assignment
TECH-7 Form of Bank Guarantee for Tender Security (EMD)
TECH-8 Format of CV for proposed Key professionals
TECH-9 Team Composition, Task Assignments and Summary of CV information
TECH-10 Expert Schedule
TECH-11 Work Schedule

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(All Amounts in Rupees in Crores):

Year Year Year Year Year

S.No. Description
2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 Total Assets
2 Current Assets
3 Total Liabilities
4 Current Liabilities
5 Net Profit
6 Profits After Taxes
7 Net Worth [= 1 -3]
8 Working Capital [=2 -4]
9 Annual Turnover
Average Annual
10 Turnover

Total value of
11 Consultancy work done
as per audited financial

1) Separate Performa shall be used for each member in case of JV/Consortium.
2) Attach copies of the audited balance sheets, including all related notes, income statements
for the last five audited financial years, as indicated above.
3) The financial data in above prescribed format shall be certified by Chartered Accountant
Under his signature & stamp.

Page 20 of 32

Form FIN-2: Financial Proposal

Sr. No. Item Description Total Lump sum Amount

quoted by Bidder
1. Consultancy work Appointment of Project
Management Consultant for Construction Of
Underground Road Connectivity From Orange
Gate - Eastern Freeway To Coastal Road At Marine
Drive At Mumbai Island City” and as per scope
mentioned in Terms of Reference (ToR) including detailed
scope of services mentioned therein.




1. Bidder has to upload Form FIN-1: Financial Proposal Submission Form along with Financial Proposal
in Packet “C”.
2. GST applicable would be payable at the applicable rates as may be in force from time to time on
production of documents to that effect. (i.e. GST reimbursable)

_________________ ________________________
Signature of Bidder
Date: Superintending Engineer
(Engineering Division)

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Page 22 of 32
TABLE: Key & non-Key Personnel

Key Personnel Educational Experience in Assignments Nos


DLP period

Total Man


54 24 78

Project Director Graduate in Total 25 years of professional experience 1 60

Civil / Mining 54 6
Engineering · 20 years’ experience for Highway /Road/
Tunnel Project/ METRO Tunnel /Railway
Tunnel Development Projects with TBM

Minimum 15 years of experience in similar

1 Should have Experience of at least 3 Projects
of project cost not less than INR 5000 Crores.
Out of 3 projects
a) experience of at least one project should
be in road construction with TBM
b) experience of at least one project should
be in road/ Railway/ Metro construction
with TBM with length of 2.5 Km in Single
Deputy Project Graduate in Total 20 years of professional experience 1 66
Director Civil / Mining 54 12
Engineering 15 years’ experience for Highway Road
Tunnel Project/ METRO Tunnel Project
/Railway Tunnel Development Projects with
2 Minimum 10 years of experience in similar
Should have Experience of at least 3 Projects
of project cost not less than INR 3000 Crores.
Out of 3 projects
a) experience of at least one project should
be in road construction with TBM
Chief Contract Graduate in Total 15 years of professional experience 2 66
Expert Civil Should have done 2 Bid Process Management/ 54 12
Engineering / Procurement for a project size not less than
3 Construction INR 1000 Crores
Management 5 years of Experience on projects based on
with degree in FIDIC Yellow/Silver/Gold books is necessary.
Chief Post Graduate Total 20 years of professional experience
Tunnel in Should have been Tunnel Engineer for
Expert Civil Highway road/ Metro/ Railway Projects for
Engineering at least 15 years
4 · Minimum 10 years of experience in similar 1 60
54 6
Should have experience of at least 2 Highway
Road/ Metro/ Railway Projects of tunnel
length not less than 2.5 km in a single project.
5 TBM Expert Total 20 years of professional experience 1 60

Page 23 of 32
Should have been worked as a TBM Expert
for Highway road/ Metro/ Railway Projects
Post Graduate for at least 15 years
in · Minimum 10 years of experience in similar
Civil capacity 54 6
Engineering Should have experience of at least 2 Highway
road/ Metro/ Railway Projects with tunnel
length not less than 2.5 km in each project.

Graduate in Total 15 years of professional experience 1 57

Chief 54 3
6 civil 10 years’ experience in Highway Road/
Engineering Metro/ Railway tunnel Development Projects

Post graduate in 10 years of professional experience 1 57

Highway Minimum of 5 years in Highway Designing 54 3
Transportation works/Execution of major Road Tunnel.
7 Engineering /
Transportation Should have experience of at least 2 road
Engineering Tunnels
Total 15 years of professional experience 1 57
Chief Graduate in 54 3
8 Electrical Electrical 10 years’ experience in Bridge/ Highway
Engineer Engineering Road/ Metro/ Railway tunnel Development
15 years of professional experience 2 57
Post Graduate 54 3
Sr. 10 years’ experience for Highway road/
9 Structural Metro/ Railway Development tunnel Projects.
Civil/ Structural
Engineering · Minimum 10 years of experience in similar
10 years of professional experience 1 57
54 3
Post Graduate Minimum of 5 years as Environmental
Environme in Engineer in
ntal Expert Environmental Highway road/ Metro/ Railway tunnel projects
Science Assessment studies for at least 2 Major
Highway road/ Metro/ Railway tunnel Projects
Health, Safety Graduate in Total 15 years of professional experience 3 60
& Engineering 10 years in safety & security of similar kind 54 6
Security with PG projects in Highway road/ Metro/ Railway
Specialist Diploma/ Tunnel projects
11 Certification in
Minimum 10 years of experience in similar
Health and
Should have experience of at least 2Highway
Metro/ Railway tunnel Projects
Tunnel Degree in Civil 10 years of professional experience. 2 - 54
Construction Engineering 54
Engineer Minimum construction supervision experience
of 5 years in Highway road/ Metro/ Railway
12 Construction Projects.
Should have experience of at least 2 projects
in Highway road/ Metro/ Railway / Water
Transport/ Sewerage/ Storm water Tunnel
Projects of tunnel length not less than 2.5 km
in each project
Chief Degree / Post 10 years of professional experience. 1 60
13 Tunnel Graduate in 7 years of relevant experience in Ventilation 54 6
Mechanical and MEP Engineer

Page 24 of 32
Ventilation /Electrical Experience at least 2 Major Highway road/
Expert Engineering Metro/ Railway tunnel projects of length 2.5
Chief Post Graduate Total 15 years of professional experience 1 - 54
Geotechnical in Geotechnical 10 years’ experience in Bridge/ Highway 54
Engineer Engineering road/ Metro/ Railway Development
Should have experience of at least 2 Highway
road/ Metro/ Railway Projects
Resident Graduate in Total 15 years of professional experience 4 57
Engineer Civil 54 3
Should have been Resident Engineer for
Highway road/ Metro/ Railway / Water
15 Transport/ Sewerage/ Storm water Tunnel
Projects for at least 10 years
Minimum 10 years of experience in similar
ITS Degree / Post Total 10 years of professional experience 1 57
Specialist Graduate in Minimum of 10 years relevant experience in 54 3
Electrical Road Tunnel projects involving Lighting
Engineering systems and
16 Emergency Response systems for Transport
Tunnel Projects
Experience at least ONE Major Highway
road/ Metro/ Railway tunnel projects of length
2.5 km
Fire and Safety Degree in 10 years of professional experience. 1 57
Engineer Engineering Minimum experience of 5 years as Fire and 54 3
with Post safety Engineer in Highway road/ Metro/
17 Graduate Railway Projects
Degree/diploma Should have experience of at least 2 Highway
/certification in road/ Metro/ Railway Projects
Fire and safety

MEP Graduate in 15 years of professional experience 1 33

Engineer Mech/ Should have been Resident Engineer for 30 3
Electrical projects for at
18 Engineering least 10 years
Should have experience of at least 2 Highway
road/ Metro/ Railway Tunnel Projects .

Bachelor 2 54 6 60
• Total work experience of 10 years
Degree in Civil
Billing • Minimum 5 years of experience in Project
19 Engineering/
Engineer Bill Verification, Cost Management and
Diploma in
Site Supervisor Degree/ Minimum experience of 5 years as Site 24 54 3 57
Civil Diploma in Supervisor in Highway road/ Metro/
Civil Railway Projects.
Site Supervisor Degree/ Minimum experience of 5 years as Site 4 30 3 33
MEP/Electrical Diploma Supervisor in Highway road/ Metro/ Railway
(4 nos) in Electrical/ Projects.
Mechanical or
CAD operator Diploma Minimum 5 years of working experience
Engineering/ as CAD operator.
Certification in
22 4 54 3 57

Page 25 of 32
Quality Degree in Civil 10 years of professional experience. 2 57
Assurance Engineering Minimum experience of 5 years as Quality 54 3
Assurance Engineer in Highway road/
Metro/ Railway Projects.
Sr. Electrical & Degree / Post 10 years of professional experience. 1 60
Tunnel Testing Graduate in Minimum of 10 years relevant experience in 54 6
Engineer Electrical Road projects involving Lighting systems and
Engineering Emergency Response systems for Transport
Tunnel Projects
Experience at least ONE Major Highway
road/ Metro/ Railway tunnel projects of
length 3 km
Planning Graduate 15 years of professional experience 2 57
Engineer / Degree in Should have done 2 Bid Process 54 3
Document Engineering Management/Procurement for a project size
25 Controller not less than INR 800 Crores
5 years of Experience on projects based on
FIDIC Yellow/Silver books is necessary.
10 years of professional experience. 2 54 3 57
Quantity Minimum experience of 5 years as Quality
Degree in Civil
26 Assurance Assurance
Engineer Engineer in Highway road/ Metro/ Railway

1. All technical inputs and support will be provided by the consultant.
2. It is mandatory to give date of birth & nationality of each personnel.
3. For equivalent degrees other than B.E./B.Tech., it will be the responsibility of the
Consultant to confirm/ firms that the said degree is equivalent to the required professional
qualification by way of undertaking of the individual person. The right to accept the same
is reserved by EIC/ CE.
4. Detailed CVs as per TECH-5 need to be submitted only for personnel listed in Cl. 23
Evaluation of Bid “Table C: Qualification and Experience of Key / Non-Key Persons”
5. The consultant should provide at least minimum of the above indicative man-month in
their technical and financial proposal. If consultant has provided man-months lesser than
the above indicative man-months, the proposal will be rejected at any stage of evaluation.
However, the consultant may provide additional man-months if needed.
6. Age of Key Personnel shall not exceed 65 years at the time of submission of Bid.
7. Age of all site personnel shall not be more than 60 years during the construction period.
The age limit can be relaxed may be relaxed only with the approval of the competent
8. At least Six (6) key out of 12 Key Staff personnel shall be on permanent pay-roll For the
purpose of validity of the staff to be permanent of Not form 16 B/PF Certificate duly
certified by HR Department of the employee in case of Indian staff and for expatriate staff
his/her Permanency is to certified by HR Department
9. If the consultant qualifies on the basis of the parent company, then the parent company
should deploy minimum 2 key persons of their permanent employees with desired
qualification and experience.

Page 26 of 32
Annexure “F”
Evaluation of the Bids

2.1 Name of the Client: Engineer-In-Chief (EIC) Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority

Method of Selection: Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) – 80:20

Evaluation of the Bids (Technical Bid)
The Technical Bid of those bidders will be scrutinized who qualify as per the Eligibility Criteria.
In comparing technical bids, MMRDA shall consider criteria as specified in Data sheet Part B “19.
Evaluation of Technical Bids”
MMRDA may seek clarifications on the Bidder’s technical proposal, if required to help him in technical
The bids shall be evaluated on “Quality & Cost Based Selection (QCBS)” method as per the scheme of
marks given in the e-Tender.
Minimum marks for the qualifying technical criteria shall be 75 out of 100 and Financial bid of only
qualifying Bidders shall be opened.
Technical Score(TS): Each qualifying proposal will be assigned Technical score (TS) as per following:
TS = 100 x T/TM
Where, T = Individual technical Marks Obtained.
TM = Highest Technical Marks Obtained.
Financial Score (FS): The lowest Financial Proposal (FM) will be given a financial score (FS) of 100 points.
The financial scores (FS) of the other qualifying Financial Proposals will be determined using the following
FS = 100x FM /F Where,
FS = Financial score
FM = Lowest financial proposal
F = Amount of Financial Proposal converted in common currency.
Combined Technical and Final Evaluation (CTFS):
Final evaluation will be based on the combined Technical & Financial score “S” obtained by each consultant
and shall be ranked highest to lowest in accordance with their total marks obtained. The bidder who obtains
the maximum total marks would be ranked highest and the one who obtains the lowest marks would be
ranked lowest.
Proposals will finally be ranked according to their Combined Technical Financial Scores (“S”) as follows: S
= TS x Tw + FS x FW Where, TW and FW are weights assigned to Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal
that shall be 0.80 and 0.20 respectively.

Page 27 of 32
Evaluation shall be based on QCBS (Quality & cost based selection) system. The sample
calculations with steps in this regards are as follows:
Bidder details Technical Mark Obtained
Bidder 1 92
Bidder 2 85
Bidder 3 55
Bidder 4 75

STAGE 2: Conversion of technical marks obtained to technical score Bidder with less than 75 marks
shall get disqualified.
Bidder Details Technical Marks Technical Score
Obtained TS=(100 x T/TM)
Bidder 1 92 92/92*100=100
Bidder 2 85 85/92*100=92.39
Bidder 3 55 Disqualified
Bidder 4 75 75/92*100=81.52

Where, T= Individual Technical Marks Obtained.

TM = Highest Technical Marks Obtained.


Bidder Details Financial Bid Amount
Bidder 1 1,30,000
Bidder 2 1,20,000
Bidder 4 1,00,000

STAGE 4: Conversion of financial bid amount to score

Bidder Details Financial Bid Financial Score

Amount FS=(100 x FM/F)

Bidder 1 1,30,000 100000/130000*100=76.92

Bidder 2 1,20,000 100000/120000*100=83.33
Bidder 4 1,00,000 100

Where, FM = Lowest Financial Proposal

F= Amount of Financial Proposal

Consolidated Technical & Financial Score

Bidder Details Technical Financial Score

Bidder 1 100 76.92

Bidder 2 92.39 83.33
Bidder 4 81.52 100

Page 28 of 32
STAGE 5: Combined Technical and Financial Score (CTFS)
With Weightage 80:20 (Technical: Financial)

Bidder Applying weights for the CTFS (S) Rank of

Details Technical Score & Financial the
Score Bidder
Bidder 1 100*(80/100)+76.92*(20/100) 95.38 (80+15.38) 1st Highest
Bidder 2 92.39*(80/100)+83.33*(20/100) 90.58 (73.91+16.67) 2nd Highest
Bidder 4 81.52*(80/100)+100*(20/100) 85.22 (65.22+20) 3rd Highest

Page 29 of 32
Annexure “G”

43.3 Payments for remuneration are made in Accordance with Clause GCC 43 shall be adjusted as

The Remuneration rates in INR set forth in FIN-2 shall be adjusted, for the mobilized positions,
every 12 months (and, for the first time, with effect for the remuneration earned in the 13th
calendar month after the date of the Contract) by applying the following formula:

(i) When adjustment due date falls before original date of completion of services

(ii) When adjustment due date falls in extension period for which extension is sanctioned for
reasons not attributable to the consultant.


Ri - the adjusted remuneration/ payment,

Rio the remuneration/ payment payable on the basis of the rates set forth in Form FIN-2 for
remuneration/payment payable in local currency.

I1 all India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers as published by RBI (Reserve Bank of
India) Bulletin for INR for the first month for which
the adjustment is supposed to have effect; and

Ii0 all India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers as published by RBI (Reserve Bank of
India) Bulletin for INR for the month of the date of the date of the contract.

Page 30 of 32

24 The insurance coverage against the risks shall be as follows:

a) Professional liability insurance, with a minimum coverage of full
Contract value.
b) Third Party motor vehicle liability insurance in respect of motor
vehicles operated in the Client’s country by the Consultant or its
Experts or Sub-consultants.
c) Employer’s liability and workers’ compensation insurance in
respect of the experts and Sub-consultants in accordance with the
relevant provisions of the applicable law in the Client’s country, as
well as, with respect to such Experts, any such life, health, accident,
travel or other insurance as may be appropriate; and
d) Insurance against loss of or damage to (i) equipment purchased in
whole or in part with funds provided under this Contract, (ii) the
Consultant’s property used in the performance of the Services, and
(iii) any documents prepared by the Consultant in the performance
of the Services.

Page 31 of 32
Annexure “H”
Table C: Qualification and Experience of Key / Non-Key Persons

Sr No. Personnel Nos Marks

1 Project Director 1 4
2 Deputy Project Director 1 4
3 Chief Contract Expert 2 2
4 Chief Tunnel Expert 1 4
5 TBM Expert 1 4
6 Chief Designer 1 2
7 Transportation Expert 1 2
8 Chief Electrical Engineer 1 1
9 Sr. Structural Engineer 2 2
10 Environmental Expert 1 1
11 Health, Safety & Security Specialist (3 nos) 3 3
12 Tunnel Construction Engineer 4 2
13 Chief Tunnel Ventilation Expert 2 1
14 Chief Geotechnical Expert 1 1
15 Resident Engineer (4 nos) 4 4
16 ITS Specialist 4 1
17 Fire Safety Engineer 1 1
18 MEP Engineer 1 1

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