MW610-2 TA For 12t KBC Rev A With MCG

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SERUM, MW610-2-TA-006-28 RAR ‘TECHNICAL AGREEMENT mS: Mw6102 HULLNO, Mi%: ___ CSS ACCOMMODATION SUPPORT VESSEL__ SHIP NAME: stra: _ ABS +A, Column Stabilized Unit, Accommedation Service, Chass -+AMS (E). DPS-3,UWILD. Helidk ‘teile(I6#8):__Bahamas or other convenient fag —_ FLAG (REGISTRY) “Sl :__Offshore Knuckle Jib Crane SUBIECT 65}, _HIMC2201 LKO 120-18 CT Auwiliary Crane MODEL ier rege Cargotee-RainbowiChina -MANUFACTURECOUNTRY AC: AGENCY go, att QUANTITY (SET/SHIP) Fa: ___ 20135. 21) ith DATE PLACE:MAWEL Se: yaa oe ae: BUYER . MAWEI SHIPBUILDING Led Signature: ‘HEHE Ist Approved by: seBam Aypmein OAS, nat BH: ———_ 8 . ‘SELLER: _CARGOTECNORWAYA.S. Signature: s_/V@-v" Bim RoBH 1. #08 GENERAL 1) GAMA RCA a AMAR UT REE) ABS ADA AE ADA AOR SE R GHRMRAGER, Equipment snd material shall comply with the newest rules and regulations of lasificaion society ABS and flag state including annexes and amendments atthe time when the vessel building contract is executed. 2) FMRHWA_30_X, LRN ARS IHR aR. (0 ) days prior to shop delivery test for the equipment, SELLER should inform BUYER and owner to attend the test and at the same sme submit the inspection/test items information to them. 3) APPEAR HTH ar Ee PTE This agreement shall become effective onthe dat when the contract hasbeen daly executed 4} OER ESA ABBA). MEE eA AMER, SiS ATMO PIR IC PL, FE AIRTA Csi ATE ‘The manufacture shall guaranze thatthe equipment thy supplied shall comply with the working drawing (including. modified according to comments). In ease any modification is necessary during the process of manufacture the manufacture stall Jmmediately contact and obtain confirmation from the buyer and send the buyer the sacking of modifications and the explanations 5) BATA ATAASTE, SIGMA MTSE TL YAR RE, I EAT amb. BE AAO TE MU ITAA All revisions agreed by the buyer shall e noted on front cover of the confirmation and ‘working drawing by the seller, and shall be marked clearly in these drawings. The revision on important performance shall be agreed bythe buyer 6) SRT Mmee_1e_ RA, RULER LARA ATR. Makers shall give reply about buyer's confirmation comments or ve explanation for faite of t within 14 days. 1) HELIN GARE iL ANAT. ROT RUAN EAN ARTE TRA. The finished drawing is to coincide with the provided equipment. For long-tenn conservation printed drawing tobe used as far as possible 2) PERMA EMU RITE, CIEL, MSMR E. Be ee eee Each st of equipment isto be ited with a nameplate in notable place with equipment ‘name, mode! code and the marker’s name, ec. Equipments and control boxes which are standby for each other should be marked number one or number two in nameplates for dstinguishability. nik KBR a wb 9) RNR, dear et “Maintenance is to be done by the maker before delivery of equipment. oy Fr te I EI RRNA RA Special installation tools ete, i necessary. LD APRA DAP RA IPas CL La OATAPRSNI . ALE- BORE RE OLOUR. GAIN, FAT EALAT AE LECASO HAIR LIB. ‘All cletrcal equipment with protection class P44 or above to be provided with cable lands. Cenfiates of E-motor to be provided according to requirement of lassitiction. If no other specified, all E-motor to be complied with IEC/ISO standard and tobe squire cage type. 12) RAREST ITAA BER UL A AA. ATT FRETS RAINIER ATE EEA “The maker must submit the drawings and/or document as required by designer and shipyard in time. The outline drawing and weight of the equipment to be atached t0 this agreement as far as possible. 13) BPA She DRT AANA ERA ARMA, ARASH A ‘Spare parts and tools to be furnished in accordance withthe requirement of Class and maker's standaré, and attached the ls in this agreement 14) Bir WOMANS, DINTIAT2AMIO«1 All grease nipples to be: DIN71412AMIOX1 15) BELGRADE, RSC ANRRRIN, M Ar Stick with the tade-mark colour for all major machinery, Except make trademarks colour, the standard of eletrc equipments colour shouldbe: 1032 "Grey RE 19 RAR AMIE. ‘Supplier should supply the asbestos free certificate forthe equipment, VT Fieri NER AOE SI CR. ‘The main components of all equipments should list the type and maker(brand), FARE OGTH HOOT AMR RETR. ‘All equipments pipes inlevoutet position should be eangedconvenient for yard Piping connecting and pipes attached on equipments to be fixed propery 19) Be AMOI ie A AB IE meter. am RIy RH Mite All equipmentseables glands inlet position should be arranged convenientfor yard ‘ables connecting, and the cables atached on equipment tobe fixed propery by cable tray or flat bar. 20) #2 AHL IMO MODU Code 2009. Equipments shall comply with IMO MODU Code 2009 2 RARER Basie (echnical specification 1) SERINE, RaAAZ ORL Re [Equipments shall flfill working condition as fllows, unless otherwise noted: RRB Max. external temperature: “44°C @ 75%RH FRIGE ANGE Min. extemal temperature: 10 ‘WEAKGEE Sea water temperature: 434°C (Cy ERA AL/OAA Main generator spaces: +50°C (D SUEMAAFIEBE Other machinery spaces: +45°C 2) aE BEEROTAUETRHEOE LIE 2 BD: (Cetiticates required (all ceticaes to he delivered in 1 original and 2 copies (C7BELS excluded ;_Mls £48 included) ‘Administrator TA Cerificate o HAC REB ‘ABS Unit Certifieate a ABS PAMABIES ‘ABS Plan Review 2 ABS BERIAAT ‘ABS TA Cenificate o ABS SUSKAATET Manufacture Cerificate . Irie 3) bit Standard: 4) 1SO standard 4) Rept Bia — a Ban AIH Me 6) Hie AC _600a407230.V _60 Hz; DC_24_V Power source 1) Rit feiss dey SCARE — Ne Ara HT, HSA SE RESUME Pine ARTE Junction boxes to be supplied and mounted on ses for Al sensors on sets if any. and ‘able trays or flat bar tobe installed on sets for secured yards cables connection. ERBARIO ART), UIC A TROT RIA Loose supplied sensors should be provided with proper cable glandsthe glands ‘material shouldbe brass, the size of glands tobe confirmed by shipyard ‘RRIATA SAR A IIR, Inner connection of control boxes should be clear labeled aC AMAT RFA. ‘The control box of equipment needs a door stopper. cer eeuI Libis IP aA SIAM All control box should have nameplate (bras) wih IP lass and Power source. 8) RAAT RAH ARORA ee SANE, Pe MEANT. All the counter langes or counter connection should be supplied» flange ANSI standard 3. Ga Scope of drawing tobe supplied 1) TAMMIE: _6 RUTH CFL THOR, FAHEHE SEH AutoCAD2000, BR PDE, 3tHH50% PDF or Excel) ‘Approval drawing! _6 copies and also to be submitted by E-mail in form of “AutoCAD2000 or PDF for drawings, PDF or Exec for documents 2) TiS CRATERED: _7 6. UTR. Working drawing (drawing modified according to comments): 7 copies 1_copy of Electronic format documents 3) SELMER EAL: 4 6 EIR 3. 69 COIR: (IRE.DWG BLDXF, 3 #1 05.PDP fst) Final drawing/Manuels _4 copies per ship +3 folds of CD per ship (in DWG format for drawings, in PDF format for documents) 4) ideas, seovmere__ze RNa. ‘Afler the contract is executed, seller should submit the approval drawing to buyer ‘within 28 calendar days. 5) UATE, KAM U ATEN, Ae g0 KA I ALLA ATRYN WEARER. TABNE AOU RR 7 PLE H Pate SE S0-RL, NAL AMER MAT sm AIH Mt % D » Alter receiving the approval drawing, Buyer should retum approval comments within 30.days, if Buyer has not retumed the comments within 30 days, that means Buyer has ro comments on the approval drawing. Seller should give reply to Buyer's approval comments or give explanation within 7 working days, if nt reply, that means Seller has accepted all of Buyer's approval comments BELA: FE The drawings and documents shall be in English, LH REST RIE BRE AE ECHR Seller should submit the enboard commissioning procedure (in English) delivery of the equipment or more early as required by the buyer. SARL AMARA LR. Spare parts and tool ist tobe delivered. wo xem wt 4, RG GALORE) Detail of the drawings as fllowing(t appli ¥ Wa] iF ez] = s mere | | | Remaks No Drawing mame Appr.) Work | Fina di. | Draw | rw TTA AC EAT 1 | Dessipion iasmucion & muistenance} | |v manvals akeTR > [ts anesenm Pama utine dawing (ne. easrarangemen) fcanprn ‘Apne Dwg fr 2 eae, alee ee eee snd fling | Convo system diagram | WARE 7 ly Te Bete wing & connection gram TBR © | Operation datasheet Yi 7 | RES te 30 eaOTE Lafng scale 1. 50 caDoxzove) ah * = v ly fe 5 | etna CREED 7 ty te Spare ist ol ist (wth igrams) SEI 10 | est procedure & method ea SDE | feslaion mast ca 2am 1? | istlaton doing sag ees 13 | coordimte drawing of connection Danges| vv |v for exteal piping [PARE 3D OM, AHO) TPT a Providing 3D modes forall eqipmens, Sle ype should be wr mH RDB An Fett Remark: 1 UTR Taare Aa anh e ‘Approval and working drawing should show the weight for each main part. 2. ARTES, “CAPER, 95-1 BS UT a JEAN; ‘Approval, working and final drawings should be bound up inlo one volume respectively with covers and contents 3, est ai st For the cable, please also mark the ross sectional ares or the current (ampere) 5. SEM Commissioning ST OR Sas Ta LRM 3 THEE Rea RARE _3._Working days service on board of cach ship hns ben included inthe seope of Supply of Manufacture, not including time forthe journey. 6 KARR RAL NR LEA LT FRIAR EER: Material and equipment supplied by seller should comply with but not limited the following rales and regulations The veel tobe designed bated onthe ollowing res aa regulations whch arin fore athe de (© IMO MODU Code 2009, as amended (@ ABS Guide For Building And Classing Mobile Offshore Units July 2012, including rule changes and corrigenda to I Jan 2013 © ABS Rules For Building And Classing Mobile Ofshore Driling Units, 2012, including rule changes and corigenda to J Jan 2013 © Intemational Convention on Load Lines 1966 ss amended by the protocol of 1988, © International Telecommunication Regulations 1973 and Racio Regulations 1982 and GMDSS, Sea Arca A3, © Convention onthe Intemational Regulations for preventing Colision st Sea, (COLREG)1972, 5 smmended, (©The Intemational Regulations for Tonnage Measurement of Ships 1969, © The Intemational Convention for Safety of Lives at Sea (SOLAS). 1974 with latest amendments, (To be applied only where specifically cited inthis specification o referenced by other rles and regulations.) IMO A468 (IF “Code on Noise levels” {© ‘Interational Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 and ‘otocol, 1978, MARPOL 73/78 inchudin requirements ofthe Baltic Sea Convention an all subsequent amendments and protocols (Annex I, 1V, and VD) (© Resolution MEPC.159(55) - Revised Guidelines on Implementation of EMluent Standards and Perfomance Tests for Sewage Treatment Plants - (Adopted ‘9n 13 October 2006), {© The Intemational Ship and Port State Failiies Security Code (ISPS Cod), 2003 ano Rahm Mw © 150 Standard “ISO 8861 Shipbuilding - Engine com ventilation in diesel engine ships design requirements and basis of calculation (1998). © Internationa Electrical Commission (IEC) publication 92 — Electrical Installation in Ships © IEEE 45 Recommended practice for Electric Installations on Shipboard © 1.60533 Electrical and electronic installations in ships ~ Electromagnetic compatibility. © 150 6954:2000 Mechanical vibration--Guidelines forthe measurement, reporting and evaluation of vibration with regard to hibitability on passenger and merchant ships”. © CAA Rules CAP 437 (Civil Aviation Authority, including regulations stipulated by CAA Paper 98002, where applicable, and CAA Paper 99004 © The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America IBS RP-1998 “Resommended Prastces for Marine Lighting” © ACS No. 47 Par A Shipbuilding and Repair Quaity Standard for New Construction © nxernational Labour Conference (ILO) Convention No. 92 - Convention concerning Crew Accommodation on Board Ship (Revised 1949) © ‘Intemational Labour Conference (ILO) Convention No, 133 - Convention Concerning Crew Accommodation on Board Ship (Supplementary Provisions) Except on compliance of 3 men abins) (© IMO Resolution AS74 (14) ~ Recommendation or general requirements of Electronic Navigation Aids © IMO Guidelines for Vessels with Dynamic Positioning Systems. inching IMOMSCICTR 64s. Positioned Vessels © IMCA MOt-04 Annex — Methods of establishing the safety and reliability of DP system (Mar 04) (© IMCAM154~ Power Management System Stuy (lan 00) {© IMCA M166 Guidance on Failure Modes & Effects Analyses (FMEA's) (Ape ©) ‘© Regulation for Navigation in Panama Canal Wass © Suez Canal Authority Rules of Navigation DERESIGSI, L087 MARL T ARE I 1-6 HAF LLE 1~0 HM Except special note, If any discrepancy is found between item 7 together withthe following description and item 1-6, item 1~6 to be taken precedence. 7. EERE HNMR ROE, 1 RE Detail of technical specification and scope of supply for each ship set of equipment, lease refer to following attached pages. wom te PROJECT DOCUMENT Page tof (XCARGOTEC Site | Technical Tender Eeupent pO oJ Cane Macceege Hide 2201 LKO 120-18 CT ‘tafehore kuclabcane, ABS Cass aR AR SA 2S A RET 5a gt inanzons Mt og PROJECT DOCUMENT Page 20t 12 CONTENTS 1. SCOPE OF SUPPLY. 1A Project Management 12 Engineering 13 Procurement 14 Manufacturing 15 Tesbg 1.6 ‘Miscellaneous information 2 UST OF ABBREVIATIONS. 2 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 3.41121 Ofshore Knucde Jib Crane. 32 Electo Hydraule Power Unit (HPU). 33 Hydraulic Winch, 3.4 Operator's Platform 35 Emergency Power Systom, EPS. 36 Main Hook. 37 Flood Light 38 Helicopter Waning Light (nly required by ABS). 39 Winch Camera Mentoring System (oly if requredby ABS) 3.10 SPM Nipples in Main Electric Motors 3.41. Spare Sip Rings 342 El Motor Starter Cabinet of StaDetta Type. 3.13. Remote Diagnostic Conta system. 3.14 Constant tension system for Ship-to-Ship operation 4 EQUIPMENT DATA SHEET 44 Pesormance Data 4.14 Mal Hook iting Capacty, Shipboard Mode 4.12. Main Hook iting Capacty, Offshore Mode 42 Technical Specficaton 42.1 Design Data 422 Approximate Weights. 42.3 Power Consumption CARGOTEC PROJECT COCUMENT Page do 12 424 Main Crane Data, 425 Main Wach Data 428 Oylnder Data hydraulic lufing ib and knuckle) 427 Surtace Teatment 428 Hydtaule 01 Piping 5 OPTIONS 5.41 Listof Options 52. Description of Options 524 522 523, 524 525 Cordess Radio Remote Control System. Remote Start Stop Box. ‘Camera at Boom Tip. [ABS Centicavon. 1 year recommended spare pat for HMC 2201, MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. CARGOTEC 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 PROJECT DOCUMENT Pagers CARGOTEC 4 SCOPE OF SUPPLY (ne ofsore ck ib rae. The Work wo be performed includes ll poet managemest,englacrng, supervision equipment a terial necessary o perform the Work one below. AlLinage/istus a forillsaon parposs ony, Ths acl evipment my vas, 14. Project Management + Projet management and planning to ensue delivery ofthe product in accordance with the + Project repaing freeing completion ofthe produc tthe eusomer 4 Proje completion pd else ot wih customer. 1.2 Engineering ‘+ Datenine ad confirm th inal detailed design + Produce dated manufacturing procures. + Prepare the wer and operating manuals swell the a book + Update As but documentation. 1.3 Procurement + Purchase all material and componeats necessary to complete and deliver the procuct spr customer reqlrenens. 1.4 Manufacturing + Manufcturng and assembly ofthe equipment andl nia eomponen’s + Marafcturing supervision by Cage personel and any required tid pay. clasieaton seciy. 18 Testing ‘+ FAT Factory Acceptance Tet at Cargte's test fli 416 Miscellaneous information "+ Documentations ad wer manusl ee. ae bs Provecr oocuMeNT Page Sot 12 CARGOTEC 2 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. cr = Constant Tension DAF Dynamic Amplification Factor Es Emergency Power Syste, FAT Factory Acceptance Test cA, © General Amangement Pu Sygate Power Unt SE Hea Safety Environment Ik * Laing Kruckle ib Crane Ko Laing Knuckle ib Crane OfBhore a SMe sw. 2 Safe Working Load © 2 Mette Tornes M. it rovect ocuMent Pros ora (eSCARGOTEC 3. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 3A 12 Offshore Knuckle Jib Grane Thisisacomplete hydraulic offshore crane for ganera od nding on fore vessel, wth negrated ectostydaie power uit. The crane egepped wit shyérauiealy operate winch, ig, krucle {band lew motion stem. ‘The crane i operated locally from the operator's paform on the crane king or te optional emote conto stem, The crane coal ineloes fll proportional speed core al rane motions. The cane ad all soci equipment is til an designe i accordance with relevant regulations The eae i delivered ‘op coat painted and fly ested, eady for insalltion to deck by welding and eomecton of elece power spy. 32. Electro Hydraulle Power Unit (HPU) ‘Acompete eer hydraulic power unit of sfiient capaci es part of delivery. The HPU ia totally ‘erclned unit mounted th eran king. The hydraulic ol tank alo btn in the crane’ ing srt. ‘Provide an adenal draning and ling commetion fr hydra tank wth lie hase and ui lng elow slewing Bearing, Capable for ad exchange rom be olan bl an board Cooling moter supplied fom the vessel i ol eure 3.3. Hydraulic Wineh ‘The srane equipped with a winch ofthe requled capacity. The main winch consis of astel du With talltin planetary gearbone riven hy yea motor. The gearbox Hd witha fase mle teak, The res are dimensioned ake he ul lod plu ny aditonal dynamic ores ein othe inch. The winch i equppe with igh quality, non rotting wie of ealvanized type especialy deioned Formarine we, 3.4 Operator's Platform “The cane i ued with well mensoned operator platform represctnga.comfortsble work place for the rane operator The plo is mouned onthe rotting pat ofthe crane, he crane King, 3.5 Emergency Power System, EPS ‘An emergency power sytem consists of fly integrate small eectuo hydrate power wit or runing of llerae fonction tedsed speed, Inthe case a poe falureon the main HPU th crane may be ran from te starter cabinet located on He crne nhs case a separate power eale mst be connected tthe cabinet oom corn. {6 Main Hook 1 off wiv hook frsnge ie i PRouEcT pocUMENT Pane Tott2 CARGOTEC 37 Flood Light ‘A Pendulum suspended 400W marine fodlight protected fr macine event. The ight ified on he side of the js en 3.8 Helicopter Warning Light (only if required by ABS) ‘A etioptr warning ight ia marine enclosure mounted onthe top of thin 38. Winch Camera Monitoring System (only if required by ABS) ‘Complete camera monitoring sytem fr all rane wines, LCD fit seen monitor mounted in he eane cabin, 3.10 SPM Nipples in Main Electric Motors ‘Allman lectrie motos are ied with SPM nipples for condition moitorng. 314 Spare Slip Rings {6 avalable singe rns for si. 3.12 El. Motor Starter Cabinet of Star/Delta Type 'N complete StarDela ype ater cabinet witha pace heer contra unit stasop baton and runing Tis space beater net fr location inthe sheteed area, sfe 202 3.43 Remote Diagnostic Control system Swlite communication base remote contel system that ves Servic pesomel imme acess tothe ‘rae cool system anywhere inthe word. The remot gnosticontolsystem i fe of charge inte sean period. ler hata yearly fe will aps. 3.44 Constant tension system for Ship-to-Ship operation Folly inerae, fs responce constant tension ystem on winch fr Ship- Ship operation, The system can ‘buted acon! he wie tension appli to the ead. this mode the conta stem function wil kep the Wire tension ata pre-defined yale. 4 EQUIPMENT DATA SHEET 44. Performance Data -41.4_tain Hooking Canoe, Shiboard Moe ‘ins iingcpaciy i anata tls non of he an Ora Litng capi oar tae flu Lifting capaci, singe ine arngement SWE DON (am ch 44.2 Main Hook Liting Capacity, Ofchore Mode [Crane ing capacity isan automatic pls incon of he eae oak (Rng capaaiy on oer layer fll de as oe PROJECT DOCUMENT ig apa, single He arngement CARGOTEC SW DIN oa momen” | Ship hip expat Dering eves wl be sed 42 Technical Specification 421 Design Data ee 1 [Type of operation [Genel aal nding one deck upto 128 | [hee sen B Safe 08 5. [Evironment Harsh eovicneat Tempers | Wind sped ia boom sored/ou of sevice mie 5. [Wind peed operations 35 mi [5 —[esgntemperatre °C) 20CR Ts [List Trim Soe —— [Design ite aD years 9. | satay devices Energy Sprngeenred control valves Overload poetion Hook stop ysiem - wince epaiy |- Lasting eyinerLmiaton Lead aig rakes eal safe ees [ABS/AP2C “Lifig Appliances latest eon FEM 1001, Rules for heavy iting euipnet— aly se frclasifieation ad fatigue Applicaton group: A2 clas of Uitzaton: Ut Load Spectrum Cis: 3 Taina ae — | Centng uty AS ZF Approximate Weights oe [2237 Poner ConsumpON 7] ain power spp ower 2 — | Main omer cesunption 1d KW (1105) 5 [mergeny power spp AW SII%9 42a Wai Grane Date — — [swe Tami aa i 2 [ax working di is rosecr DocuMENT Pope sot 2 [¥CARGOTEC [in wong ri Sm = [Peder ight sm = [stewing gle 360 dese unlined lowing [5 Slewing speed — (0:1 pm tes varible Tyna for 13 Accotdag wo ABS and APLC requtonen) [425 Main Winch Daa = 1. [Hook ave iste, ingle ne odes | Wire pe and diension [00 024mm galvanized, non eating ype 3. [Normal moe, single pan 12 Tn speed = 0:20 w/in, sep les vibe [425 Cylinder Date (hydraulic luting J and WERT) 1. [Type of elinder Marne tinge ob ating 2 [Bearing - Tuli compose T100G bearings 5. inert Hard chrom loa "elas marine ual [427 Surtses Treatment T|Surface rene Th estralsuanes we mca IO SA2S + InestionlIntrpee Stem 1 0¢ ial or ene purpose + Ineratonliespee System 6, for apleaion on no ferous meal + Imematorl interspe for Hydrate Tank ford eservoir onthe ide [Coto [Wite(RAL9010) dete 2A —V (428 Hycrauie ONPpng [Pipes SORE INS) sander | Pipes, Nut and king Rin Stainless el AISI315 5. [Extra pipe materi OD up 19 Om AISI 16 tes sel [External pige meri OD above 050mm Milde 5. [Fitings 180 8434-1 DINZIS5) al si coed el [6 ]Fising tem “OR pipes Walform pivasss _ ody. yellow cromte set 7 [Fag sym > pipes Flanges SAEIsI¥ ard SO6168 Yellow chromate ec es — E56 GAR RIDDEN AER [5 —Titew

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