F SQP Ip 2023-24

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Session: 2023-24
Class: XI
Time: 3 HOURS M.M.: 70
General Instructions:

• Please check this question paper contains 35 questions.

• The paper is divided into 4 Sections- A, B, C, D and E.
• Section A, consists of 18 questions (1 to 18). Each question carries 1 Mark.
• Section B, consists of 7 questions (19 to 25). Each question carries 2 Marks.
• Section C, consists of 5 questions (26 to 30). Each question carries 3 Marks.
• Section D, consists of 2 questions (31 to 32). Each question carries 4 Marks.
• Section E, consists of 3 questions (33 to 35). Each question carries 5 Marks.
• All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.

1 _____________ is the process of retrieving deleted, corrupted and lost data from the 1
secondary storage devices.
2 Arrange TB, KB, GB, MB in descending order of the memory units. 1
(ii) MB>GB>TB>KB
(iii) TB>GB>MB>KB
(iv) GB>MB>KB>TB
3 Which smaller unit of the CPU directs and coordinates all activities within it and 1
determines the sequence in which instructions are executed. Also, sends instruction
sequence to other smaller units.
(i) CU
(ii) ALU
(iii) Processor
(iv) Input Unit
4 Identify the type of software in the situation given below: 1
“Ms. Reeta wants to computerize or automate the library, she requires a set of programs
on a computer to handle the system of the library and serve the purpose of issuing book,
returning a book, adding a new book, etc. “
(i) Application Software
(ii) System Software
(iii) Generic Software
(iv) Specific Purpose Software
5 Identify the correct data type of x, if x= False: 1
(i) Dictionary
(ii) String
(iii) Boolean
(iv) List
6 Choose the correct option: 1
2nd_digit = 14
Statement 1: Above statement is correct
Statement 2: An identifier cannot have any special characters other than the underscore
(_), digits, uppercase, or lowercase characters. And, it should start with an alphabet or an
(i) Only statement 1 is true
(ii) Only statement 2 is true
(iii) Both statement 1 and 2 are true, but statement 2 is not the correct explanation of
statement 1.
(iv) Both statement 1 and 2 are true, but statement 2 is the correct explanation of
statement 1.
7 Which of the following statement will create the list: 1
(i) list1 = list()
(ii) list1=[]
(iii) list1=list([1,2,3])
(iv) All of the mentioned
8 Which of the following is a correct SQL query syntax to delete all rows in a table along 1
with the table structure?
(i) Delete from table_name;
(ii) Delete table table_name;
(iii) Drop table table_name;
(iv) Delete * from table_name;
9 The value ‘DAV’ is assigned to an attribute A of type varchar(20). The value ‘School’ is 1
assigned to the attribute B of datatypechar(20). So, the attribute A has _________ spaces
and attribute B has _________ spaces reserved in the memory.
(i) 3,20
(ii) 20,3
(iii) 3, 6
(iv) 20,6
10 State True or False: 1
The IS NULL operator returns true if a NOT NULL value is found, otherwise, it returns
11 Identify the category of MySql for the following commands: 1
Insert, Update, Delete

(i) DDL (ii) DML (iii) DQL (iv) TCL

12 In a table Student, following are the attributes of the table: 1
(Stu_Id, Stu_Name, Stu_Marks)
Where, Stu_Id is the primary key of the table.
How many rows will be deleted from the table Student, when the following command is
Delete from Student where Stu_id=108;

(i) 1 row
(ii) All the rows where Stu_Id is equal to 109
(iii) No rows
(iv) 2 rows

13 Which of the following are the synonyms for Column and Row of a table? 1
1.Row = [Tuple, Record]
2.Column = [Field, Attribute]
3. Row = [Tuple, Attribute]
4. Column = [Field, Record]

(i) 1 and 2 (ii) 3 and 4 (iii) Only 1 (iv) Only 2

14 Observe the following table: 1
Table: Product
Pno Name Qty PurchaseDate
101 Pen 102 12-12-2011
102 Pencil 201 21-02-2013
103 Eraser 90 09-08-2010
109 Sharpener 90 31-08-2012
113 Clips 900 12-12-2011

What is the degree and cardinality of the above table?

15 An organization interested in cloud computing is searching for a provider who provides a 1
set of fundamental services, such as creating virtual servers and on-demand storage, that
can be bundled into a platform for deploying and running customized applications.
Which cloud computing model best meets these requirements?
(i) Platform as a service
(ii) Software as a service
(iii) Infrastructure as a service
(iv) Cloud as a service
16 __________________ is a subset of AI that enables the computers to self-learn from the 1
information and experiences gathered from their environment and apply that learning
without human intervention.
(i) Augmented Reality
(ii) NLP
(iii) Machine Learning
(iv) Cloud Computing
Q17 and 18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions. Mark the correct choice as :
i) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
ii) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A
iii) A is true but R is False
iv) A is false but R is true
17 Assertion:Keys are unique in dictionary. 1
Reasoning: Dictionary entries or values can be accessed by their keys. You cannot have
two entries with the same key.
18 Assertion: Candidate keys that are not primary key are alternate keys. 1
Reasoning: A table can have many primary keys, but you can only use one of them as the
candidate key. As a result, all the other keys that not become the primary key are
referred to as the alternate keys.

19 a) Name one external storage device. 2
b) “Many a times we discard our old, broken or malfunctioning storage devices without
taking care to delete data.”
Suggest any one method to remove the data so that it cannot be recovered from the
storage device.
Identify the odd one out:
a) Vacuum tubes, Transistor, Capacitors, Integrated Circuits
b) Nibble, KB, HB, MB, GB
20 Predict the output of the following code: 2
print( x>y, y!=z)
21 Find errors in the following code fragment.(Rewrite the program underlining the 2
if m in n :
print("May be”)
print("Not Equal"):

22 Consider a list: 2
l=[10, 5, 5, 10]
Write the command which will produce the following output:
a) [5,5]
b) 30
Consider the following code fragment and answer the following:
if x<5:
elif x==5:
a) For what value of the variable x should the variable y comes out to be 2?
b) Consider the initial value of the variable x as6, than what should be the value of
the variable y?
23 Rewrite the following queries underlining the corrections made: 2
a) Alter table empdelete column gender;
b) Select name from table student where name=”%an%”;
a) Arrange the following terms in the order of their creation at the time of storing data in
Data, Database, RDBMS, Table
b) Give one example of open source RDBMS.

24 Ms. Riya has created the following table Employee in MySql: 2

Table: Employee
Emp_Id Emp_Name Emp_Dept Emp_Salary
101 Harish Sales 50000
102 Sarita Manager 80000
103 Pushpa Sales 60000
104 Anuj Engineer 70000
a) Help Riya to write the query that would produce the following output in MySql:

b) Ms. Riya had created the table Employee with the following structure in MySql:

The very next day when she saw the structure again, it was little different. She
was unable to understand the reason behind it. Which MySql command did she
execute, that made the following change in the structure?

“All candidate keys are eligible to become a primary key”
Justify the above statement with the help of an example.

25 Ms. Sarla is working in an ABC Organization. She has been told to create a database 2
named Companyto store the data of the organization. Help her to write the SQL
commands to:
a) create the database
b) open the database

26 a) Convert the following for loop into while loop : 2
for n in range(10,num,3):
print(“Hello Boss!”)
b) How many times will the above loop execute? 1

27 What will be the output produced by the following code: 3

28 Consider the following table Trees: 3

State_Id No_Of_Trees
101 2000
102 4000
103 3000
104 1000
105 5000

Select No_Of_Trees*5 from Trees where No_Of_Trees between 3000 and 5000;

a) Give the output of the above command.

b) Write the alternate query which will give the same output.
c) Modify the above SQL statement that will actually change the values in the
attribute No_Of_Trees.
a) Consider the attributes (Aadhar_No, Mobile_No) with the following data:
Aadhar_No Mobile_No
708056544968 9891234567
656344495521 NULL
476998816340 9911123400
Suggest an attribute that should serve as the primary key as per the data given above in
both the attributes. Justify your answer.
b)When a column’s value is skipped in an Insert command, which value is inserted in that
column of thetable?
29 Rohan has created a database named “Housing_Societies” in MySQL. He has also made a 3
table for each housing society present in his state. Answer the following questions:
a) Write a command to display all tables present in the database.
b) Write SQL query to create anew table by the name “Green_Society” containing
fields OwnerId,OwnerName,HouseNo, MaintenanceCharges, DateOfPurchase.
Choose appropriate datatypes for the same.
30 Identify the Field of the Term/Application in the table given below: 3
Choose from: AI, ML, NLP, IOT, Cloud Computing,Blockchain.

Term/Application Field
Chatbot a)
Refrigerator automatically connected to b)
Paying through crypto currency c)

31 a) Match the following: 2

a) Compiler i) Output Device

b) MS Office ii) Input Device
c) Microphone iii) Application Software
d) Plotter iv) System Software
b) Give any two differences between Primary and Secondary memory.

32 a) What would be the output of the following code: 2

days={1:'Mon', 2:'Tue', 3:'Wed',4:'Thurs', 5:'Fri'}

print('Tue' in days)
print(10+ len(days))

b) Ms. Anaya has been given a task to analyze the class result. She has given data in the 2
form of dictionary where keys are roll numbers and values are its corresponding grades.
Consider the items of dictionary Grade as given below:
Grade={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'A', 4: 'A', 5: 'C', 6:'D'}
Help her to count the number of students who have scored ‘A’ grade.
33 Consider the table ‘Voter’ given below and write suitable SQL queries for the following: 5
Table: Voter
Voter_Id Name_Of_Voter DOB City Income
V2383 Amit Trehan 1975-15-03 New Delhi 20000
V1527 Gurbani Sharma 2003-08-07 Faridabad 30000
V3780 Aman 1976-01-19 Gurgaon 40000
V4447 Karan Yadav 1975-02-22 Old Delhi 60000
a) Display the Voter_Id and Name_Of_Voter from the table Voter.
b) Add a column Aadhar in the table Voter.
c) Display the details of all the voters who lives in Delhi.
d) Change the name of the Voter having Voter ID ‘V3780’ to Aman Gupta.
e) Display DOB of all the voters whose income is less than 30000;
34 Consider a table ‘G20_Schedule’ given below: 5
Start_Date End_Date Meeting_On Venue Days
2023-08-09 2023-08-12 Environment & Chennai 4
2023-08-09 2023-08-11 Anti Kolkata 3
2023-08-10 NULL Women Gandhinagar 1
2023-08-16 2023-08-17 Joint Health Gandhinagar 2
2023-08-17 NULL Fourth Digital Bengaluru 1

Write the output of the following SQL commands:

a) Select Start_Date from G20_Schedule where End_Date is Null;
b) Select Days from G20_Schedule where Venue in (‘Bengaluru’, ‘Chennai’);
c) Select Meeting_On from G20_Schedule where Days between 2 and 3;
d) Select distinct Venue from G20_Schedule;
e) Select End_Date from G20_Schedule where Start_Date> ‘2023-08-10’;
a) Consider the table Marks containing data of 50 students and answer the
following question:
Table: Marks
Fields: (Roll_No, Name, Class, Percentage)
i) Identify the data type of the attribute Percentage.
ii) Write SQL command to insert a row in a table with suitable data.
iii) Remove the column Percentage from the above table.
iv) Identify the suitable domain of the attribute Roll_No.
b) Find and correct the error(s) in the following query:
Delete * from Table Marks;
35 Consider the following dictionary: 5

d={"lion": "wild", "tiger": "wild", "cat": "domestic", "dog": "domestic"}

Write the python statements to perform the following operations:

a) Delete key_value pair for the key "tiger" in the dictionary
b) Display the length of the dictionary
c) Change the value of the key‘cat’ to ‘Pet animal’
d) Display all thekeys present in the dictionary
e) Add a new item ‘Goat’: ‘Farm Animal’
Consider the following list:

Satellites=['Aryabhatta', 'Apple', 'Bhaskar-II', 'INSAT','GSAT']

Write python statements to perform the following operations:

a) Add a new satellite – “Chandrayaan” in the beginning of the list.
b) Find the index of the element – “Apple”
c) Reversethe list.
d) Delete the last element of the list
e) Display elements of the list present at the index numbers from 3 to 5.

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