Phases of Matter

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Grade/Section: Grade 1

I. Objectives:

During and after the 1-hour session, at least 85% of the pupils will:

a.Identify the three phases of matter.

b. Describe the characteristics of the three phases of matter.

c.Apply the knowledge about phases of matter in their group activity.


Topic : Phases of Matter

Materials : Pictures ,Television

III .Procedure

A. PRELIMINARIES (Daily Routine)

1. Prayer

2. Greetings

3. Checking of Attendance

4. Classroom Inspection

Teacher’s Activity

Pupil’s Activity

Motivation: Children, what do yousee/observe around our room?Yes, you are correct. What else do you
see?Very good. Children, you must know thatthere a lot of things that you can see insidethis room and
especially outside.I will be flashing pictures of objects throughthis TV screen. All you have to do is
watchclearly and identify the names of each object.Tables and chairs teacher. Notebook and pencil
Good job children. I have here a song entitled

“matter”. Let me sing

it first.Did you love it? Now, let us sing it altogether.-bicycle-ball-juice-water-balloon-cake-bag-coffee-


The teacher will sing the song.Yes teacher.Yes teacher.

C. Presentation

Teacher’s Activity

Pupil’s Activity

The teacher will show to the pupils three realobjects

Very good! What is the shape of the wallet?Correct! Can you touch it? Next, what can you say about the
water in the bottle? Do the water and the bottle have thesame shape?Good. Lastly, what can you say
about the balloon?That was a good observation. What is insidethe balloon?Very good. We call all those
things as matter.

Everybody say “matter”.

Wallet, bottled water and balloon teacher.RectangleYesYes.It is colorful teacher.There is air inside the

When we say “matter” I

t is anything thatoccupies space and has weight/mass. (Repeatafter me)All the things around us is a
matter. Even theair that we inhale and exhale is also a matter.What do we call the things around us?
Children, there are three phases of matter.These are solid, liquid and gas.The first one is solid. Solids
have definiteshapes that occupy definite spaces. Solids can be held and seen. (Teacher holding the
wallet presented a while ago.) Please come in frontand touch the wallet. Describe what you feel.What is
its shape?Very good Steven. Now, can you please get asolid object inside your bag? Come here infront
and show it to your classmates.What is the shape of the notebook?Is it soft or hard?Is it heavy or light?Is
it a solid?

Children. Let us give him/her a “

clap.So, solids have definite shape. It can be held

and seen. Such as …

Now, the second phase of matter is Liquid.Ask a pupil to show his/her water jug to theclass.I have here
an empty glass. Will you fill theglass with the liquid from the jug? (Ask the pupils to describe the shapes
of water being poured.) What happened to the water insideglass? Does it take the shape of the glass?

“Matter” it is anything that occupies space

and has weight/mass.MatterIt is smooth teacher.Rectangle teacher.Teacher, this is a

notebook.Rectangle teacher.HardLightSolidPupils will repeat the meaning of solid.The pupil will tell
his/her classmates what the jug contains.

It only shows that liquid takes the shape ofthe container.(Teacher holding the bottled water and
balloon) From these two remaining objects,which do you think is liquid?Show the last remaining object.)
What am Iholding?What is inside the balloon?Very good. This inflated balloon is filled withair and air is
an example of a gas.Can you see the air?Air cannot be seen because it is colorless. Butit can be felt. Air is
a matter in a gas/gaseousstate.There are also gases that can be seen suchsmoke and clouds. (Pictures of
smoke andclouds to be presented.)(The teacher will ask a pupil to deflate a balloon and feel the air
coming out from it.)Does the shape of the balloon changed?So, Gas takes the shape of its
container;therefore, it does not have a definite shape.Let us have more examples so that you canreally
differentiate and identify the states ofmatter. You are going to have a groupactivity.(The teacher will
explain the group activity.)


Yes.Pupils will repeat the meaning of liquid.The bottled water teacher.Balloon.There is an air inside the
balloon. No.Yes teacher.Pupils will repeat the meaning of Gas.
The pupils will arrange the pictures and placeit under its proper column: solid, liquid orgas.

D. Application

Teacher’s Activity

Pupil’s Activity

Let us have another exercise.Connect column A with column B


Who wants to answer the first one? Whichone is solid?Very good! Can you touch the flowers?

Your answer is correct. How about the nextone. Which one is the liquid? The smoke fromthe car or the
water from the faucet?Correct. Does the water takes the shape of the basin?Do the liquids take the
shape of its container?Very good. How about the last one? Whichone is a gas? Is it the car?Very good.
You were all able to identify thestates of matter.The flower is the solid.Yes teacher.The water from the
faucet teacher.YesYes it takes the shape of its container.

It’s the smoke from the car teacher.


E. Generalization

Teacher’s Activity

Pupil’s Activity
Again, what do we call the things around us?Good. What are the three states of matter?What is the
state of matter that has definitesize, shape and weight?Great! What about the state of matter thattakes
the shape of their container and can alsoflow and it can be poured?Lastly, what is the state of matter
that usuallycannot be seen, spreads out easily and alsotakes the shape of its container?

Very good. Let’s give everyone a fireworks


Matter.Solid, Liquid and Gas.Solid.Liquid teacher.The pupils will do the fireworks clap.


EVALUATIONWrite S if it is solid, L if it is liquid or G if it is gas. Write your answers inside the boxbeside
each picture.V.


Cut- out 3 pictures for each phase of matter. Paste it on your notebook

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