Corporate Bylaws 09

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For Illustrative Purposes Only






1.1. Members. [CORPORATION] (the “Corporation”) shall have no “members”

as that term is defined in Section 13.1-803 of the Virginia Nonstock Corporation Act, as

amended (the “Act”). All voting power shall be vested in the Board of Directors of the

Corporation (the “Board”).



2.1. General Powers. The business and affairs of the Corporation shall be

managed by the Board, which shall have all voting power including the power to vote on

electing, appointing or removing Directors.

2.2. Number of Directors. The Directors shall be elected in the manner set forth

in the Articles of Incorporation. The number of voting Directors shall be established from time

to time by the Board; provided that the number of voting Directors shall not be less than

[______] (__) or more than [_________] (__) at any time. [The Executive Director of the

Corporation shall serve as an ex officio Director of the Corporation at all times. The Board shall
have the authority to designate up to two additional ex officio Directors of the Corporation. All

ex officio Directors shall serve as non-voting ex officio Directors.]

2.3. Resignation of Directors. A Director may resign at any time by delivering

written notice to the Board. A resignation is effective when the notice is delivered unless the

notice specifies a later effective date. If a resignation is made effective at a later date, the Board

may fill the pending vacancy before the effective date if the Board provides that the successor

does not take office until the effective date.

2.4. Removal of Directors. Any elected Director may be removed, with or

without cause, by majority vote of the Board at a special meeting of the Board held for such

purpose. The notice of any such special meeting shall state that the purpose of the meeting (or

one of its purposes) is to vote on the removal of the Director.

2.5. Directors’ Meetings. The annual organizational meeting of the Board shall be

held on the first Wednesday in June of each year, unless determined otherwise by the Board. The

purpose of the annual organizational meeting shall be for electing officers and Directors, as

applicable, and for transacting such other business as may come before the meeting. Regular

meetings of the Board shall be held at such time and place as the Board may determine by

resolution. Special meetings of the Board may be called at any time by the [TOP OFFICER] or

by any [NUMBER] Directors by giving reasonable notice to the other Directors of the time and

place thereof.

2.6. Notice of Meetings. Except as provided elsewhere in these bylaws or as

required by the Act, no notice of the annual meeting or any regular meeting of the Board shall be

required. Notice of each special meeting shall be mailed to each Director’s residence or usual

place of business at least seven days before the date of the meeting or given personally, by

1 Note to Draft: This is just restating what is in the Articles. Must be in Articles. If true, restate here.

electronic transmission (including facsimile or email) or by telephone at least two days before

the meeting. Neither the business to be transacted at, nor the purpose of, any meeting of the

Board need be specified in the notice or any waiver of notice of the meeting, except that notice

of a meeting at which removal of a Director is to be proposed shall state that the purpose, or one

of the purposes, of the meeting is removal of the Director. Each Director and officer shall

furnish in writing to the Secretary of the Corporation the address to which notices of every kind

may be delivered or mailed. If such person fails to furnish an address, the Corporation shall not

be required to deliver or mail any notice to such person.

2.7. Waiver of Notice. A Director may waive any required notice before or after

the date and time stated in the notice, and such a waiver shall be equivalent to the giving of the

notice. A Director’s attendance at or participation in a meeting waives any required notice of the

meeting to that Director unless the Director, at the beginning of the meeting or promptly upon

arrival, objects to holding the meeting or transacting business there and does not thereafter vote

for or assent to action taken at the meeting. The waiver of a Director who does not attend or

participate in the meeting must be in writing, signed by the Director and filed with the minutes

or corporate records.

2.8. Quorum. At all meetings of the Board the attendance of at least [one third of

the Directors entitled to vote] shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum for the

transaction of business and the act of a majority of the Directors present at any meeting at which

there is a quorum shall be the act of the Board, except as may be otherwise specifically required

by these bylaws. If at any meeting there is less than a quorum present, a majority of those

present may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further notice to any absent Director.

2 Note to Draft: This is the minimum allowed under the Code.

2.9. Participation in Meetings. The Board may permit any or all Directors to

participate in a regular or special meeting by, or conduct the meeting through the use of, any

means of communication by which all Directors may simultaneously hear each other during the

meeting. A Director participating in a meeting by this means is deemed to be present in person

at the meeting.

2.10. Actions Without Meeting. Any action that may be taken at a meeting of the

Board may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the actions so to be

taken, is signed, before or after the action is to become effective, by [all] of the Directors. If a

consent specifies an effective date, it shall be effective as of that date, provided it also states the

date that each Director executed it; otherwise the consent shall be effective as of the date the last

Director signature is obtained. A Directors’ consent shall have the same force and effect as a

vote at a meeting of the Board and may be described as such in any document.

2.11. Compensation. Directors and members of committees, advisory boards or

task forces shall not receive compensation for their services. A Director and members of

committees, advisory boards or task forces may serve or be employed by the Corporation in any

other capacity and receive reasonable compensation therefor.

2.12. [Advisory Board. The Board may designate up to twenty individuals to

serve as an Advisory Board for the Corporation but such advisory board shall not be deemed to

be committees of the Board and shall not exercise any powers of the Board. Members of the

Advisory Board shall be elected to serve one-year terms at the pleasure of the Board and shall be

eligible for re-election for successive terms without limit, at the sole discretion of the Board.

Advisory Board members need not be lawyers and should be selected for their record of

distinguished service to the legal profession or to their community. Advisory Board members

3 Note to Draft: Discuss consent signed by less than all Directors.

are not be entitled to vote on matters coming before the Board, but their counsel, wisdom,

experience and judgment shall be considered, as solicited by the Board, in matters relating to

strategic planning, development of resources, and Board member candidates.]

2.13. Task Forces. The Board or a committee of the Board may establish one or

more task forces and appoint members to serve on such task forces as deemed appropriate. The

task forces do not have to be Directors. At the time a task force is established, the Board shall

specify the purpose, power, and duties of the task force. A task force shall be terminated

automatically when its assigned task is completed, or earlier at the direction of the Board. Such

task forces shall give advice and make non-binding recommendations to the Board and

committees of the Board. Each task force may only adopt rules for its meetings consistent with

these Bylaws or with any rules adopted by the Board.


3.1. General. The Board may designate such committees as it deems advisable.

Each committee shall consist of two or more Directors and, to the extent provided by the

resolution of the Board, shall have and exercise such powers of the Board in the management of

the business and affairs of the Corporation as may be lawfully delegated. The Board may

appoint to the membership of any such committee any Directors that the Board believes may

serve the purpose of such committee. The Board shall fix and prescribe the rights, duties,

powers, authority, and terms of office for such committee and its members.

4 Note to Draft: This is not required. This is a suggested way to keep financial sources engaged when
term limits arise or in the event that they are not able to serve as a full voting Director.
5 Note to Draft: This is just an examples of a committee structure. There is great flexibility on commitees,
structure, size, authority, etc.

3.2. Executive Committee. There shall be an Executive Committee chaired by the

[TOP OFFICER] and composed of [all of the officers] elected by the Board and at least one

(1) additional Director appointed by the [TOP OFFICER]. During the intervals between

meetings of the Board, the Executive Committee, unless expressly provided otherwise by law

or these bylaws, shall have and may exercise all of the authority of the Board. Any such action

taken by the Executive Committee shall be reported to the Board and shall be subject to

alteration or repeal by the Board, provided that no alteration or repeal by the Board of action

taken by the Executive Committee shall prejudice the rights or acts of any third person.

3.3. Finance Committee. There shall be a Finance Committee, chaired by the

Treasurer, composed of not more than five (5) Directors, including at least one (1) Director

appointed by the [TOP OFFICER]. The Finance Committee shall be responsible for making

recommendations to the Board concerning (i) an annual budget of income and expenses, (ii) an

annual audit of the accounts of the Corporation, and (iii) matters associated with internal

financial controls and management of risk. The Finance Committee shall further be responsible

for the oversight of financial affairs and operations of the Corporation as the Committee may

determine in its discretion or as may be directed by the Board or the Executive Committee.

3.4. Nominating Committee. There shall be a Nominating Committee composed

of no more than five (5) Directors, including the current [TOP OFFICER], immediate past

[TOP OFFICER], who will serve as the chairperson of the committee, and up to three (3) other

Directors recommended by the [TOP OFFICER] and approved by the Board. The Nominating

Committee shall be responsible for considering and recommending to the Board candidates for

appointment or election as Directors and for performing such other functions as may be assigned

to it from time to time by the Board. In recommending Director candidates, the

Nominating Committee should consider, among other factors, maintaining appropriate

representation on the Board of the various participating bar groups active in the work of the

Corporation, and the Nominating Committee will consult with the leadership of such bar

groups in that process.

3.5. Other Committees. The Board may create such other committees as it may

deem appropriate and may appoint to the membership of any such committee any Directors that

the Board believes may serve the purpose of such committee. The Board shall fix and prescribe

the rights, duties, powers, authority, and terms of office for such committee and its members.

3.6. Operating Procedures. The provisions of these bylaws that govern meetings,

action without meeting, notice and waiver of notice, and quorum and voting requirements of the

Board shall apply to all committees of the Board and their members as well. Each committee

may establish its own additional rules of procedure not inconsistent with these bylaws.

3.7. Limitations on Authority. No committee may (1) fill vacancies on the Board

or on any of its committees, (2) amend the Articles of Incorporation, (3) amend, adopt, or repeal

the bylaws, (4) approve a plan of merger or consolidation, (5) approve the sale, lease, exchange

or other disposition, or the mortgage, pledge or other encumbrance, of all or substantially all of

the property and assets of the Corporation, or (6) approve the dissolution of the Corporation or

revoke a voluntary dissolution.



4.1. General. At a minimum, the officers of the Corporation shall be a [TOP

OFFICER] , a Treasurer and a Secretary, each of whom shall be appointed by the Board at its

regular meeting. The Board may appoint such other officers and assistant officers and fill any

vacancy at any regular or special meeting of the Board. A duly appointed officer may appoint

one or more assistant officers as may be authorized by the Board. The same individual may

simultaneously hold two or more offices. Each officer shall be appointed to hold office for one

year, or for such longer or shorter terms as the Board may specify, and until his or her

successor shall have been elected or such earlier time as he or she shall resign, die or be

removed. Each officer shall have the authority and perform the duties set forth in these bylaws

or, to the extent consistent with these bylaws, the duties prescribed by the Board or by direction

of an officer authorized by the Board to prescribe the duties of other officers.

4.2. [TOP OFFICER]. The [TOP OFFICER] shall act as the chairperson of the

Board and preside at all meetings of the Board. Additionally, the [TOP OFFICER] shall have

power (a) to call special meetings of the Directors for any purpose, (b) to hire, appoint and

discharge, subject to the approval of the Board, employees and agents of the Corporation and to

fix the compensation of such employees and agents, (c) to make and sign deeds, leases,

contracts and agreements in the name and on behalf of the Corporation, (d) to carry into effect

all directions of the Board and (e) to supervise the business of the Corporation, except as may be

limited by the Board, the Articles of Incorporation or these bylaws.

4.3. Secretary. The Secretary shall be the ex officio clerk of the Board, shall

give, or cause to be given, notices of all meetings of Directors, and all other notices required by

these bylaws or by law. The Secretary shall record the proceedings of the meetings of the

6 The top officer could be called President, CEO, Executive Director, etc.
7 While not specific officers are mandated by the VA Nonstock Corporations Act, we
recommend a President/CEO/Executive Director, a Treasurer and a Secretary at a minimum.

Directors in a book kept for that purpose and shall keep the seal of the Corporation and attach it to

all documents requiring such impression unless some other officer is designated to do so by the

Board. The Secretary shall have responsibility for authenticating records of the Corporation and

shall perform such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Board.

4.4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall keep or cause to be kept full and accurate

books of account, keep custody of all operating funds of the Corporation, render a financial

statement showing all transactions of the Treasurer and the financial condition of the Corporation

as may be required by the Board or the [TOP OFFICER], and perform such other duties as may

be assigned from time to time by the Board. The Treasurer shall also see that a true and accurate

accounting of the financial transactions of the Corporation is made and that reports of those

transactions are presented promptly to the [TOP OFFICER] and the Board.

4.5. Vice President. There may be one or more Vice Presidents who shall

exercise all of the functions of the [TOP OFFICER] during the absence or incapacity of the

latter and such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Board.

4.6. Other Assistant Officers. Other assistant officers, if deemed advisable and

appointed by the Board, shall have such powers and duties as the Board may prescribe from time

to time. Assistant officers may, in the absence of the officers they assist, exercise the authority

of such officers. In the event of a vacancy in any assisted office, the assistant officer having the

greatest period of service to that assisted office shall assume the powers and duties of the vacant


4.7. Agents. Such agents as the Board may deem necessary may be elected,

appointed or chosen in the manner prescribed by the Board. The authority and duties of each

agent shall be those prescribed in the resolution adopted by the Board establishing the need for

that agent.

4.8. Salaries. The salaries of all officers and agents of the Corporation shall be

fixed by the Board unless otherwise delegated to the [TOP OFFICER] by the Board.

4.9. Resignation and Removal of Officers and Agents. An officer or agent may

resign at any time by delivering notice to the Board. A resignation is effective when the notice

is delivered unless the notice specifies a later effective date. If a resignation is made effective at

a later date and the Board accepts the future effective date, it may fill the pending vacancy

before the effective date if the successor does not take office until the effective date. Any officer

or agent may be removed with or without cause whenever the Board in its absolute discretion

shall consider that such removal will serve the best interests of the Corporation. Any agent

appointed otherwise than by the Board may be removed with or without cause at any time by

any officer having authority to appoint the agent whenever that officer in his or her absolute

discretion shall consider that the agent’s removal will serve the best interests of the Corporation.

Election or appointment of an officer or agent shall not of itself create contract rights.



5.1. Corporate Records. The Corporation shall keep as permanent records its

Articles of Incorporation or restated Articles of Incorporation and all amendments thereto and

bylaws or restated bylaws and all amendments thereto currently in effect, annual reports filed

with the Virginia State Corporation Commission, minutes of all meetings of its Board, a record

of all actions taken by the Board without a meeting, and a record of all actions taken by a

committee of the Board in place of the Board on behalf of the Corporation. The Corporation

shall maintain appropriate accounting records. The Corporation shall maintain its records in

written form or in another form capable of conversion into written form within a reasonable time.



6.1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Corporation shall be the [calendar

6.2. Registered Office and Agent. The Corporation shall at all times have a

registered office and a registered agent.

6.3. Seal. The seal of the Corporation shall be a flat faced circular die

containing the word “SEAL” in the center and the name of the Corporation or an appropriately

abbreviated name around the circumference

6.4. Amendment of Bylaws. The power to alter, amend or repeal the bylaws of

the Corporation or to adopt new bylaws shall be vested exclusively in the Board unless otherwise

provided in the Articles of Incorporation.

6.5. General. Any matters not specifically covered by these bylaws shall be

governed by the applicable provisions of the Code of Virginia in force at the time.

6.6. Construction of Terms. In construing the provisions of these bylaws, the

masculine shall be deemed to include the feminine and neuter, and the singular shall be

deemed to include the plural, and vice versa, as may be appropriated under the circumstances.

Any requirement in these bylaws for “notice” or a “writing” may be satisfied though electronic

communications, such as email.

8 The corporation’s fiscal year is not required to be the calendar year.

6.7. Severability. In the event that any of these bylaws are subsequently altered

by act of the General Assembly of Virginia, the remainder hereof which are not affected by

such legislation shall remain in full force and effect until and unless altered or repealed in

accordance with Section 6.4 above.

6.8. Conflicts of Interest. All officers, directors, committee members and

employees of the Corporation shall scrupulously avoid any conflict between their own respective

individual interests and the interest of the Corporation, in any and all actions taken by them on

behalf of the Corporation in their respective capacities.

6.9. [Director’s Agreement. These bylaws constitute an agreement among the

Directors of the Corporation pursuant to Section 13.1-852.1 of the Act.]

[Remainder of page intentionally left blank; Signature page follows.]

9 Note to Draft: Discuss pros/cons of Member-Director Agreement.

The foregoing Bylaws of the Corporation were duly approved and adopted by

the Board on ___________ __, 201_.




[Signature page to Bylaws – [CORPORATION]]

99997.034400 EMF_US 66538095v1

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