Bldgtech Materials

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1 General Requirements 9 Finishes

2 Sitework 10 Specialties
3 Concrete 11 Equipment
4 Masonry 12 Furnishing
5 Metals 13 Special Construction
6 Wood and Plastics 14 Conveying Systems
7 Moisture and Thermal Protection 15 Mechanical / Sanitary
8 Doors and Windows 16 Electrical
Paint: combination of a vehicle and pigment
- Enamel Paint: available in flatwall and quick dry enamel (QDE)  60 mL, ¼ L, 1 L, 1 gal
Lacquer Thinner: available in 1 gal, 1 tin (60 L), or 1 bottle
Varnish: available in opaque and transparent (clear) natural finish
Automotive Finish: available in lacquer (darker) and acrylic
Acrylic Latex: available in gloss, semi-gloss, and flat  ¼ L, 1 L, 1 gal, 1 tin
Rubberized Epoxy: for low maintenance floors
Red Lead: primer coat for galvanized iron
Red Oxide: primer coat for steel
Epoxy Primer and Lacquer Primer: inhibiting primer
Sandpaper: available in 60, 80, 100, and 120

AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
USCS Unified Soil Classification System


- Boulder: 75 mm. Ø and above
- Gravel: 75 mm. Ø  No. 10 sieve
- Coarse Sand: No. 10  No. 40 sieve
- Fine Sand: No. 40  No. 200 sieve
- Silt-Clay Particles: passing No. 200 sieve

- Liquid Limit (LL): moisture content at which soil changes from liquid to plastic as moisture is removed
- Plastic Limit (PL): moisture content at which soil passes from plastic to semi-solid
- Plasticity Index (PI): LL – PL
FILL MATERIALS: used to raise an existing grade
- GW, GM, GP: gravel  3/8, ¾. G-1 (expressed in cu.m.)
- SW, SM: sand
o White sand: good for plastering (in cu.m.)
o Washed sand (S-1): bluish green, good for concrete (in cu.m.)
o Vibro sand (“binistay”): in bags

BORROW FILL: quarried soil, laboratory-approved

- escombro or escombro-bulik (for riprap)
- banda y banda
- lastillas
- base course (hard durable fragments of stone)

RIPRAP (rock lining): layer of stone placed to prevent erosion

- has weep hole for water
- filter fabric can be used as substitute for filtration geotextile
- stones at 2” to 42”

GABION SYSTEM: wire-enclosed riprap, can be arranged in terrace, small rocks can be used
GEOSYNTHETICS: construction materials consisted of synthetic components
A. Geotextiles: woven or non-woven, for soil erosion
a. For reinforcement: geotextile lends its strength to low-load bearing walls
b. For separation: placed between dissimilar materials
c. For filtration: subsurface, erosion control, sediment control, in-plane drainage
B. Geomembranes: impermeable continuous polymeric sheets
a. Thermoplastic products: high density polyethylene, PVC
b. Thermoset polymer: ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM), membrane roofing
C. Geocomposites: in-plane drains, can be used in green roofs
D. Geonet: geosynthetic with continuous extension of polymeric ribs, provides in-plane flow capacity;
temporary (can be fixed)
E. Geocells

TERMITE PROOFING: done before footing pouring

A. Physical Barriers
a. Termite resistant sand
b. Termite mesh (1 – 3 mm. spacing)
c. Home construction
B. Chemical Barriers
a. Pre-construction chemical barriers
b. Slab treatment

C. Colony Elimination (Bait) System

- Hexaflumuron: insect growth regulator (IGR) to attract termite workers
A. Borrow Material
B. Base Course Material
C. Choker Aggregate: to provide stable foundation of fine-grained aggregate for roads


A. Concrete
B. Bituminous Surfacing / Asphalt
a. Hot Mix Asphalt (Asphaltic Concrete): with bitumens, heated (for long term)
b. Cold Mix Asphalt (Asphaltic Concrete): placed over surface without heat
c. Asphaltic Macadam: grading  compacting + asphalt
d. Asphalt Overlay

A. Lime
a. Quicklime
b. Hydrated Lime: mixed with water to make lime putty
i. Hydraulic Lime: used where slow underwater setting is required
B. Gypsum: gypsum rock is ground fine and heated
- Made more plastic by adding hydrated lime
a. Plaster of Paris: pure gypsum is used
b. Hard Wall Plaster: 39.5% impurities are present
C. Cement: first developed as pozzolana (volcanic ash) with slake lime and hardened underwater
- Aspdin: patented and invented Portland cement
o Types of Portland Cement:
 Slow-setting
 Quick-setting high early strength
 Sulfate-resisting
 White cement: free of iron impurities
- Storage should be on wood floor, 12” from ground, stored in a shed
- Pile is limited to 12 sacks in height
CONCRETE: cement + aggregates + water
Plain or mass concrete: concrete without reinforcement

o Cement: 1 bag = 1 cu.ft. = 94 lbs. = 40 kgs.
o Aggregates
 Fine aggregates: good for plastering if sieved; SAND
 Coarse aggregates: GRAVEL at ¾ crush and 3/8 crush
 Special aggregates: may produce lightweight or insulating concrete
o Water
o Ratio: varies from 5 to 7 gallons; ideal mix is plastic and workable

Slump Test: used to measure concrete mix consistency

o Rod at 5/8” Ø

Proportioning of Concrete (cement : sand : gravel)

AA 1 : 1.5 : 3 for bridges
A 1:2:4 for structural elements
B 1 : 2.5 : 5 for footings
C 1:3:6 for slabs
D 1 : 3.5 : 7
Mixing of Concrete
a. Machine Mixing: 1 – 2 mins. mixing time per cu.ft. of concrete
gravel  sand  cement
continuous mixer
b. Hand Mix: sand  cement  mix  gravel  water
Initial set is at 1 – 3 hours after mixing

Transporting of Concrete
- Maximum of 30 minutes from time of excretion from truck
- Maximum of 4 hours from time of release from plant
- Slopes at 1:2 or less than 1:3 for chutes

Curing of Concrete
- Cure = harden
o Set  harden  cure
o Affecting factors: age (time), temperature, moisture
o Normal concrete reaches 3000psi at 28 days
o Strength of concrete increases with age
o Process:
 Covering the concrete (soil dam): covering the concrete with sack or soil
 Removal of forms at prescribed time
 Stripping of forms
o Footing with formwork: 1 day
o Column and beam: 2 days
o Beam bottom, slab soffit: 14 to 28 days
 Sprinkling with water
 Using curing compound

- Categories:
o Mixing into concrete
o Mixing into mortar powder, paste, liquid form
o Surface application or finish
- Accelerators: speeds up setting time; main component is calcium chloride (CaCl)
- Retarders: slow down hydration of cement during hot weather
- Air Entraining Agents: for freezing and thawing resistance
- Inert, finely divided powders: for workability
- Waterproofing Compounds: capillary attraction reduction
- Colored pigments: dry-cast, broadcast, or dust-on (surface coloring); integral colors (body coloring)
- Plasticizing Agents: water-reducing, makes mix more workable

- Lumber Forms: not kiln-dried, only partially-seasoned
- Plywood Forms: minimum of 12 mm. thickness for structural formworks
Prestressed Concrete
- Aerocrete: aluminum powder is added
- Gunite / Shotcrete: pneumatic
- Porete: chemical foam is added
- Haydite: for lightweight construction
o Aggregates for lightweight concrete:
 Pumice
 Perlite
 Vermiculite: fireproofing of steel
 Expanded shale and clay


MORTAR: glue
- 1st class: 1 part cement, less than or equal to 3 parts sand
o Mortar with fine sand requires more cement
o Mortar should never be retempered

PLASTERS: finish and repair

- 3 coats: scratch coat (rebokada), brown-coat (bato), finish coat (palitada)
- 1 inch maximum thickness for plastering, 5/8” thickness for normal plastering
a. Bed
b. Course: horizontal section
c. Wythe / Tier: vertical section
d. Bond (breaking joint): connection by lapping
e. Stretcher: brick laid lengthwise
f. Header: bricks laid shorter side out
g. Header Course
h. Soldier: unit laid on end; face perpendicular
i. Quoins: rusticated angles of buildings

Rubble Stone: straight from the quarry
Dimension Stone: cut stone
a. Rubble work: scabbled rubble or range rubble (uniformly arranged)
b. Random work
c. Ashlar: squared stones
i. Ranged work or coursed ashlar
ii. Broken range ashlar
iii. Random course
BRICK: standard sizes at 3 ¾” (95mm), 2 ¼” (56mm), or 8” (200 mm)
a. Common or building brick
b. Facing brick
c. Glazed brick  tri-cell with scoring
d. Fire (refractory) brick  cut via miter saw or press cutter
a. Common Bond: 5S 1H
b. English Bond: SHSH ↑
c. Flemish Bond: SHSH 
- Mortar joints at 4.5 mm (3/16”) to 12 mm (1/2”)


ALUMINUM: lightweight, subject to galvanic action

- ALCLAD: protective coating applied for corrosion resistance
- May be used for corrugated, structural, doors and windows, panels

- Cast iron: 1/7% carbon
- Wrought iron: bendable, 0.1% carbon

STEEL: alloy of iron and carbon; less than 2% carbon, malleable or in ingot form
- May be used as structural steel (A36, 36000psi (standard)), wrought iron steel, concrete reinforcement
- Alloy steels: stainless steel (common: T3204, 6m L)

COPPER: highest electrical and thermal conductivity, highly resistant to corrosion by air or saltwater
- Patina: green color that prevents further corrosion upon exposure

ZINC: most common galvanized material

BRASS: copper and zinc alloy

BRONZE: copper and tin

CHROMIUM: steel-white metal

NICKEL: silvery metal

LEAD: heaviest of all natural metals

Soldering: joining metals by melting a lower metal or solder
Brazing: operating temperature is higher than soldering but lower than welding
Welding: metals are joined for interatomic bond; pressure weld or fusion weld


Steel Bars: billet-steel bars and rail-steel bars
S (Standard) I (Intermediate) H (High Grade)
G33 G40 G60
White Yellow Green or blue
Fy 33000psi or 230 MPa 40ksi* 60ksi*
*ksi x 6.895 = MPa

6m, 7.9m, 9m, 10.5m, 12m, 13m, 16m
Ø* 1/8” ¼” 3/8” ½” 5/8” ¾” 7/8” 1” 1 ½” 1 ¼”
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
* Ø = #/8

- Cellulose
- Plastics derived from proteins and natural resins
o Thermosetting Plastics:
 Melamine and Urea
 Epoxy: Part A (resin) and Part B (hardener)
 Alkyl
 Phenolic
 Polyester
 Urethane
 Silicone
- Synthetic resin plastics
o Thermoplastics:
 Acrylic: also for signages, diffusers (per sq.ft., 1 sheet = 4’ x 8’)
 Cellulosic: acetate and butyrate
 Polyethylene: for pipe fittings and pipes
 Polystyrene: for diffusers and thermal insulators
 Polycarbonates: 6 mm. x 4 ft. standard size
 Polypropylene
 Nylons
 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene

HIGH PRESSURE LAMINATE (HPL): attachable via adhesive and heat



WATERPROOFING: protection against the flow of water

Sylvester Process: aluminum and soap mixtures are applied in alternate mixtures
Elastomeric Paint: waterproofing mixture with color; normally 16 to 18 sq.m. per gallon; minimum
primer coat is latex
Integral Waterproofing: 1 : 1 proportion to bag of cement
Membrane Waterproofing: torsion (primer + acetylene/LPG); 3 mm. (3/16”) thickness
Cementitious Waterproofing

DAMPPROOFING: protection against moisture

- Metal Roofing: foam insulation (width at 4 ft.)
- Accessible Concrete Roof Decks: sprayed-on polyurethane insulation
- Inaccessible Concrete Roof Decks: Styrofoam roofmate (polystyrene)
- Sprayed-On Fireproofing: done when structural component will not be enclosed by concrete
- G.I. Roofing: zinc coat applied
o Corrugated G.I. (Yero)
 Effective width @ 32 in., nominal width at 36 in.
 Common length at 8 ft.
 1 ft. increments, 32 in. sheet length
Ga 16 Ga 18 Ga 20 Ga 22 Ga 24 Ga 26
1.5 mm 1.2 mm 0.90 mm 0.75 mm 0.61 mm 0.45 mm
o Plain G.I. (Yero Liso): for roof bending accessories
 0.9 m. x 2.4 m. at minimum
 Fascia board: covers roofing components and aligns the gutter
 Gutter: minimum width at 6 in., length at 8 ft.
o Longspan roofing
 Maximum length at 23 m., width at 4 ft.
o Plastic Roofing
o Tile Roofing
o Purlins at 600 mm
o Clay tiles: aluminum oxide with pigment (colorant)
o Concrete tiles
o Shingles
o Wood shingles
o Tar / asphalt shingles

- Steel Doors: Ga 18 plain sheet (standard); 38 – 40 mm. width
- Steel Casement Windows
- Aluminum Sliding Doors and Casement Windows
- Aluminum Awning and Fixed Windows

- Solid Wood Panel Door: 2 in. depression
- Flushed door: no design
- Wood and Glass Panel Door
- PVC Sliding Door
- Stainless Glass Door
- Fire Doors
o Gap between door and floor = undercut (6 mm. tolerance)
o Mounting of panic device at 0.90m
- Toilet Stall Doors
o Compact boards
o Tile trim: 8 ft. length, quarter round, attached via concrete nail
o Grout line = V-cut


- Sheet Glass: molten glass to cylinder
- Plate Glass: molten glass to plate
- Float Glass: molten glass to tin
- Annealed Glass: cooled slowly
- Heat-Strengthened Glass: partially tempered then annealed 2x strength
- Tempered Glass: reheated and then annealed 3x – 5x strength
- Laminated or safety glass: film in between 3 plys of glass
- Wired Glass: embedded wire mesh
- Patterned Glass: has linear geometric pattern
- Obscured Glass: 1 or both sides sandblasted to obscure vision
- Insulating Glass; double panel with sealed airspace
- Spandrel Glass: concealing structural frames; normally opaque
- Tinted / Heat-Absorbing Glass: has chemical admixture
- Reflective Glass: with thin, translucent metallic coating to reflect portion of the light
- Low Emissivity (Low-E) Glass: glass transmits light, omits heat
- Nails
o Brad: less than 1” length
o Spike: more than 6” length
o Common Wire Nail
o Keg: 40 kg. of nails
o Carton: 25 kg. of nails
- Screws
o Pointed end screw: for wood
o Blunt tip screw: for metal
- Rivets
o Explosive rivets
o Blind rivets
- Bolts
o Anchor bolt
o J bolt
o Chemical bolt
o Dyna bolt
o Expansion bolt

EXPOSED AGGREGATE FINISH: aggregates are visible, ex. pebble washout
Slab Curling: slab defect; water pond forms at the middle
GRANOLITHIC FINISH: brass lining as control joints
Ceramic: higher clay content with protective coating
Mounted with tile adhesive or mortar
Porcelain: homogenous
VITRIFICATION: measure of tile density and relative absorption
Non-vitreous, semi-vitreous, vitreous, impervious
QUARRY TILES: Vigan tiles @ 12 in. x 12 in. x 1 in.
CARPET TILES: 50 cm. x 50 cm.

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