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BSBCMM411 Student Assessment Tasks

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Assessment Guide

BSBCMM411 Make presentations


Introduction 4
Assessment Task 1: Project Portfolio 5
Assessment Task 1: Checklist 10
Final results record 14

The assessment tasks for BSBCMM411 Make presentations are outlined in the assessment plan
below. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you
have learnt during your course.
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also
follow the advice provided in the Business Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide
provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

BSBCMM411 Make presentations describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge
required to prepare, deliver and review presentations for target audiences.
For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete one assessment task:

 Assessment Task 1: Project – You must work through a range of activities and complete a
project portfolio.

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Assessment Task 1: Project Portfolio

Information for students

In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a
number of activities and completing and submitting a project portfolio.
You will need access to:

 a suitable place to complete activities that replicates a business environment including a

meeting space and computer and internet access

 your learning resources and other information for reference

 Project Portfolio template

 Presentation Requirements.

Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Business Works
Student User Guide

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:

 where this task should be completed

 how your assessment should be submitted.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO

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has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

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Complete the following activities:

1. Carefully read the following:

You need to identify two different presentation topics to conduct two different
presentations of approximately 15 minutes each in length. Review the information
below to assist you in choosing a presentation topic.
Speak directly to your assessor about where and how you will deliver your
presentations. These can be delivered in the workplace, in the classroom or
virtually depending on your mode of study and circumstances. Your assessor will
either be present physically or virtually to observe you for at least one of your
presentations but may view a video recording of your second presentation.

Vocational education and training is all about gaining and developing practical skills
that are industry relevant and that can help you to succeed in your chosen career.
For this reason, basing your project on real workplace, study or interest topics will
mean that you are applying your knowledge and skills in a relevant, practical and
meaningful way!

Choose two from the following. Note, if you have a workplace, you can choose two
workplace topics.
Workplace information
If you have a workplace, you could focus on developing a presentation for two
areas of need or interest. This could include information about a specific
department, a new initiative or partnership that has been formed or any other

Occupation of interest
Your presentation could focus on an occupation that is of interest to you and that a
student studying your course could pursue following the completion of their course.
Your presentation should include a range of information about the occupation/s. For
example, key roles and responsibilities, key skills required to complete the job, job
outlook both in Australia and overseas, training required and average salaries.

Topic of interest

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Your presentation could focus on a topic that you are studying in your course and
that is of particular interest to you. Your presentation should address key concepts
related to the topic. For example, if you are studying marketing, your topic could be
the effectiveness of digital marketing and include a range of information about its
purpose, contrast with other forms of marketing and statistics about its
effectiveness. Similarly, if you are studying human resources, you may choose to
develop a presentation about the use of social media for recruitment.

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2. Plan your presentations

Read through the document Presentation Requirements. Keeping these

requirements in mind, work through Section 1 of your Project Portfolio to plan both
of your presentations. In this section, you will need to:

 Plan your key concepts, ideas and purpose of your two different presentations

 Plan the particulars around timing, location and strategy

 Plan your presentation aids, materials and techniques for your two
presentations. Please note, different aids, materials and strategies are
required for the two different presentations. For example, you might choose to
create a PowerPoint presentation for the one and play a video clip or use
imagery or sound in the other.

 Plan your evaluation strategies. Choose two techniques that can be used to
evaluate the effectiveness of your presentation and then plan the associated
documents you will create. The purpose of the evaluation is to seek feedback
on participants’ understanding of the ideas and concepts you presented, as
well as their ideas on how you can improve your performance.

3. Create your presentations

This will include:

 Researching the topics that you have chosen

 Preparing your presentations in a suitable format according to the presentation

strategy and format that you have chosen

 Preparing the presentation aids and materials that you have identified as most
suitable for your target audience.

 Preparing your evaluation tools e.g. survey, questionnaire etc.

Make sure you practice your presentation prior to delivery!

Submit Section 1 of your Project Portfolio to your assessor for review and feedback
prior to delivering your presentations.

4. Deliver your presentations

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Ensure that you:

 Open your presentation with the opener you planned to engage the audience

 Introduce your presentation, including:

o Purpose of the presentation

o Outline of content to be delivered

o Desired outcome/s

o Advising your audience that they will be able to ask questions during and
the end of the presentation according to your presentation plan.
During the presentation, you must:

 Clearly deliver the presentation content according to the presentation plan and
in the time specified.

 Use the presentation aids and materials you have prepared and to ensure that
key concepts and ideas are conveyed to your audience.

 Use effective communication skills to clearly convey information including:

o Speaking clearly and concisely

o Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding

o Asking questions to identify required information

o Responding to questions as required

o Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

 Use persuasive communication techniques to ensure audience interest as

identified in your presentation plan.

 Monitor the audience’s non-verbal and verbal communication during the

presentation to ensure their ongoing interest and understanding, and
attainment of your presentation outcomes. Use planned engagement
technique/s (as identified in your portfolio) at a suitable point to assist with
continuing engagement. Note that your assessor, in the role of one of the
audience, will give an indication that they more be bored or uninterested, and
you should use this as a signal to use your planned engagement technique.
Your assessor will assess you on this skill.

 Summarise key concepts and ideas throughout the presentation to aid

participant understanding.

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 Provide a conclusion to the presentation.

 Provide opportunities for questions and respond as required

Speak directly to your assessor about where and how you will deliver your
presentations. These can be delivered in the workplace, in the classroom or
virtually depending on your mode of study and circumstances. Your assessor will
either be present physically or virtually to observe you for at least one of your
presentations but may view a video recording of your second presentation. Make
sure you follow the instructions above and meet the timeframes allocated.

5. Evaluate your presentations

At the end of both presentations, complete your evaluations as you have outlined in
Section 1 of your Project Portfolio.
Analyse the feedback from the surveys and then complete Section 2 of your Project
As part of Section 2 you are required to make changes to your presentation
outline, materials or aids and attach evidence of this.

6. Submit your completed Project Portfolio

Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all
questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and
grammar as necessary. Make sure you attach all relevant attachments as indicated.
Submit to your assessor for marking.

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Assessment Task 1: Checklist
Student’s name:

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

Identify and document the topic of the

two presentations and the rationale for
the choice of topic?

Identify and document the purpose of

the presentations and key outcomes?

Outline their:

 Presentation strategies (e.g.

discussion, formal presentation)?

 Presentation format and delivery

methods (e.g. verbal presentation,
presentation using videos or audio,
presentation using story boards)?

Explain the approach they have taken to

meet their two audience’s needs?

Identify the presentation aid/s that will be

used and explain how they have been
selected to:

 Suit the presentation format and


 To assist the audience to

understand key concepts and ideas

Discuss the persuasive techniques they

will use during their presentations and
ways they will ensue continuing

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audience interest?

Identify and report on appropriate

techniques to evaluate the presentation
effectiveness of both presentations and
include tools developed?

Presentation 1

At the beginning of the presentation, use

a planned opener as a persuasive
technique to ensure audience interest?

Advise audience of the opportunity to

ask questions on the topic to seek
confirmation of key ideas and concepts?

At the beginning of the presentation,

clearly outline the purpose and summary
of the presentation and desired

During the presentation, used

presentation aids materials to assist with
the audience’s understanding of key
concepts and ideas?

Check non-verbal and verbal

communication of participants
throughout presentation to ensure
ongoing interest and understanding and
attainment of presentation outcomes and
then use planned techniques to ensure
continuing audience engagement?

Use persuasive communication

techniques to ensure the interest of the

Use effective communication skills to

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clearly convey information including:

 Speaking clearly and concisely

 Using non-verbal communication to

assist with understanding

 Asking questions to identify

required information

 Responding to questions as

 Using active listening techniques to

confirm understanding

Summarise key concepts and ideas

during the presentation?

After their presentation, implement

evaluation techniques identified to
collect feedback?

Provide an evaluation of feedback and

plan improvements?

Use feedback to update presentation?

Presentation 2

At the beginning of the presentation, use

a planned opener as a persuasive
technique to ensure audience interest?

Advise audience of the opportunity to

ask questions on the topic to seek
confirmation of key ideas and concepts?

At the beginning of the presentation,

clearly outline the purpose and summary
of the presentation and desired

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During the presentation, used
presentation aids materials to assist with
the audience’s understanding of key
concepts and ideas?

Check non-verbal and verbal

communication of participants
throughout presentation to ensure
ongoing interest and understanding and
attainment of presentation outcomes and
then use planned techniques to ensure
continuing audience engagement?

Use persuasive communication

techniques to ensure the interest of the

Use effective communication skills to

clearly convey information including:

 Speaking clearly and concisely

 Using non-verbal communication to

assist with understanding

 Asking questions to identify

required information

 Responding to questions as

 Using active listening techniques to

confirm understanding

Summarise key concepts and ideas

during the presentation?

After their presentation, implement

evaluation techniques identified to
collect feedback?

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Provide an evaluation of feedback and
plan improvements?

Use feedback to update presentation?

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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Final results record

Student name:

Assessor name:


Final assessment results


Task Type Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Did not submit

Assessment Task 1 Project Portfolio S U DNS

Overall unit results C NYC

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