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NGHỆ AN NĂM HỌC 2022-2023

(Đề thi có 04 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề

Họ và tên thí sinh:.................................................................... Mã đề thi 569

Số báo danh: ............................................................................

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word in each of the following questions.
Question 1: Nam was happy because his father gave him a toy car as a present for his birthday.
A. journey B. problem C. job D. gift
Question 2: It was very nice of Tom to help me repair the bike.
A. angry B. kind C. sad D. terrible

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from
the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. place B. day C. lake D. sand
Question 4: A. healthy B. thankful C. thing D. weather
Question 5: A. stopped B. talked C. missed D. wanted

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 6: A. mechanic B. impression C. relation D. character
Question 7: A. arrive B. collect C. offer D. invite

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 8: The door ______ by my father tomorrow.
A. painted B. will be painted C. is painting D. paint
Question 9: Linh ______ a lot of time looking after her children.
A. sends B. spends C. gives D. plays
Question 10: His children were sleeping when he ______ home last night.
A. is coming B. comes C. came D. will come
Question 11: TikTok is ______ with young people all over the world.
A. favourite B. keen C. suitable D. popular
Question 12: They usually go to church ______ Sunday.
A. at B. from C. on D. in
Question 13: You should ______ the light before going out to save electricity.
A. come in B. go on C. look up D. turn off
Question 14: Tuan enjoys ______ football with his friends at weekends.
A. to playing B. play C. playing D. to play
Question 15: “Let’s shine” is the official song at the 31 SEA Games, ______?
A. does it B. isn’t it C. is it D. doesn’t it
Question 16: What distinguishes great inventors from normal people is their ability to ______ in their
mind’s eyes that which does not exist.
A. visualize B. forecast C. perceive D. predict
Question 17: ______ Lan is very busy with her work, she reads a story to her children every night.
A. Because of B. Although C. Despite D. Because
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Question 18: When Xuan was young, he ______ swim in the river near his house.
A. use to B. is used to C. are used to D. used to
Question 19: Action films are not recommended for kids and young teenagers because they involve a lot
of ______.
A. importance B. attention C. encouragement D. violence
Question 20: The idea to ______ a visit to the local museum was welcomed by all the visitors.
A. pay B. go C. walk D. do
Question 21: This coffee shop has a lot of ______ tables.
A. small new red B. new red small C. new small red D. red small new
Question 22: Some teenagers just simply run _______ to their parents’ expectations as a way to express
their identity.
A. contrary B. opposite C. counter D. against
Question 23: This is ______ first time I have taken part in an English speaking contest.
A. an B. Ø (no article) C. the D. a
Question 24: This is a big house with an ______ garden.
A. attract B. attraction C. attractive D. attractively
Question 25: I have to work all day. I wish I______ more free time to do exercise.
A. have had B. had C. have D. will have
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 26: He splashed mud all over his car and clothes to lend colour to his story about being in the
mountains all weekend.
A. provided evidence for B. got no information from
C. borrowed colour from D. gave no proof of
Question 27: It’s dangerous for a girl to walk alone at night.
A. harmful B. boring C. safe D. busy
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each
of the following exchanges.
Question 28: Alex and Binh are talking about their plan for next week.
- Alex: “Why don’t you join our trip next week, Binh?”
- Binh: “______”
A. That’s a good idea. B. Thanks a lot. C. Surely, you should. D. You’re welcome.
Question 29: Hoa and Jane are talking about Jane’s dress.
- Hoa: “What a lovely dress you are wearing, Jane!”
- Jane: “_______”
A. Congratulations! B. Thank you. C. No, I hope not. D. Certainly not.
Question 30: Sarah and Kathy are talking about bad habits of children.
- Sarah: “Children shouldn’t play computer games too much.”
- Kathy: “______. This habit has a bad influence on their study.”
A. That’s right B. That’s not true
C. I don’t agree with you D. You’re wrong

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
Question 31: They go often to an Asian restaurant for dinner every Saturday.
Question 32: The book are so interesting that I have read it three times.
Question 33: Cua Lo is famous for their beautiful beach which attracts many tourists in summer.
Question 34: This picture is beautiful than the one on the wall.
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Question 35: As a colleague, Adam was considerable and patient to hear other opinions, never imposing his
own without a friendly discussion.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 36 to 40.
A Worthwhile Challenge
Most people agree that learning to play a musical instrument is one of the most worthwhile things they
have ever done but also one of the hardest. (36) ______ children are very enthusiastic when they first take up
an instrument, but don’t realize how much practice will be involved. Sadly, they quickly start to lose interest
as they find the technical skill increasingly difficult. If they feel they are not (37) ______ enough progress,
young people often give up having lessons after two or three years. But those people (38) ______ have
enough talent and determination and are willing to make efforts to reach a reasonable standard, can feel a
strong sense of achievement.
Apart from (39) ______ a lifelong hobby and a valuable skill, playing an instrument for pleasure is
beneficial in less obvious ways too. This is an effective way of reducing stress (40) ______ your brain is
completely focused on the music, which means worrying about anything else is impossible.
Question 36: A. Every B. Much C. A D. Many
Question 37: A. sharing B. holding C. taking D. making
Question 38: A. where B. which C. who D. whom
Question 39: A. determining B. acquiring C. operating D. adjusting
Question 40: A. therefore B. because C. but D. however

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following questions.
Question 41: It isn’t necessary for students to wear school uniform today.
A. Students should wear school uniform today.
B. Students didn’t need to wear school uniform today.
C. Students don’t have to wear school uniform today.
D. Students must wear school uniform today.
Question 42: “I have a lot of housework to do,” Hai said.
A. Hai said that I had a lot of housework to do.
B. Hai said that he had a lot of housework to do.
C. Hai said that he has had a lot of housework to do.
D. Hai said that I have a lot of housework to do.
Question 43: My mother last went abroad three years ago.
A. My mother hasn’t gone abroad for three years.
B. My mother has gone abroad for three years.
C. My mother has three years to go abroad.
D. My mother didn’t go abroad three years ago.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair
of sentences in the following questions.
Question 44: I remembered the woman. I saw her at Mary’s birthday party last week.
A. I remembered the woman who I saw her at Mary’s birthday party last week.
B. I remembered the woman which I saw at Mary’s birthday party last week.
C. I remembered the woman whom I saw at Mary’s birthday party last week.
D. I remembered the woman that I saw her at Mary’s birthday party last week.
Question 45: Tim doesn’t have enough money. He can’t buy a new laptop.
A. If Tim had enough money, he could buy a new laptop.
B. If Tim has enough money, he can buy a new laptop.
C. Unless Tim has enough money, he could buy a new laptop.
D. If Tim has enough money, he can’t buy a new laptop.

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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer for each of the questions from 46 to 50.
Food Firsts
How much do you know about the history of some of your favorite foods? Do you know when people in
England started cooking curry dishes? Do you know in which country pizzas or hamburgers were first
made? The facts might surprise you.
Many people think the English found out about curry from people in India in the 1600s. In reality,
wealthy English people were eating dishes made with curry spices hundreds of years before British ships
traveled to India. Cooks of wealthy English families during the time of King Richard I were making curry
dishes, and in fact, the word “curry” can be found in an English language cookbook as far back as 1377.
As for pizza, this dish was probably first made in Persia (what is now Iran). The Persians were eating
round, flat bread with cheese in the 500s. That was nearly 1,000 years before pizza became popular in
Naples, Italy!
Finally, let’s look at the truth behind hamburgers. Many people think hamburgers are an American food.
However, according to some stories, hamburgers came from Hamburg, Germany. A German named Otto
Kuasw created the first hamburger in 1891. Four years later, German sailors introduced hamburgers to
Where foods come from isn’t nearly as important as how they taste; as long as they are delicious! So, go
get some of your favorite food and dig in.
Question 46: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Popular foods in England B. History of pizza
C. Some surprising facts about foods D. Benefits of fast food
Question 47: According to paragraph 2, which is probably true about British curry dishes in the 1400s?
A. The spices cost a lot. B. The dishes did not have meat.
C. People ate curry on special days. D. British sailors first made curry.
Question 48: According to paragraph 3, pizza was probably first made in ______.
A. India B. Italy C. Persia D. England
Question 49: The word created in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. caught B. collected C. made D. borrowed
Question 50: According to the passage, who introduced hamburgers to Americans?
A. German sailors B. Italians C. Persians D. Otto Kuasw

------------- THE END -----------

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