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Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 646–658

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Shear retrofitting of reinforced concrete beams with steel

fiber reinforced concrete
Gonzalo Ruano a,⇑, Facundo Isla a, Rodrigo Isas Pedraza a, Domingo Sfer a, Bibiana Luccioni a,b
Structures Institute, National University of Tucumán, Av. Independencia 1800, 4000 S.M. de Tucumán, Argentina
CONICET, Av. Rivadavia 1917, Bs As, Argentina

h i g h l i g h t s

 RC beams strengthened and repaired with SFRC jacketing were tested under shear.
 Fibers help preventing debonding of the jacketing.
 Shear strength of RC beams with stirrups can be improved with SFRC jacketing.
 Damaged RC beams repaired with SFRC jacketing recover/increase initial shear strength.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: With the objective of evaluating the performance of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) as a retrofitting
Received 1 October 2013 material for reinforced concrete beams the experimental study of reinforced concrete beams repaired and
Received in revised form 20 December 2013 strengthened with a SFRC jacketing and tested under shear is presented in this paper.
Accepted 24 December 2013
The reinforced concrete beams were designed with high amount of longitudinal steel and minimum
transverse reinforcement so that they present shear failure. Some of the beams were strengthened with
very fluid high strength SFRC jacketing and some of them were first tested under shear to produce some
damage and then they were repaired with the same technique. Plain concrete and SFRC with two differ-
ent fiber dosages, 30 kg/m3 and 60 kg/m3, were used for the reinforcement.
Reinforced concrete beams The experimental program showed the possibility of performing the retrofitting at work place. The
Shear repaired beams showed excellent strength and deformation capacity restitution. The strengthened beams
Steel fiber reinforced concrete exhibited increase of load bearing capacity. The addition of fibers to the concrete played an important
role in the prevention of the jacketing debonding from the beams.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Some retrofitting methods like addition of steel or reinforced

concrete present corrosion problems or failure of the retrofitting
Concrete is the most used constructive material all over the system [5]. Generally, the most important problem is adherence
world [1]. Compared with other constructive materials it has the and durability of the retrofitting layer.
less cost/strength ratio [2]. Reinforced concrete (RC) structures The reinforced concrete structures retrofitting technique
often require repairing and/or strengthening, due to a change of using fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) avoids some of the prob-
use, design with old normative, change of design philosophy as lems that other systems present like the brittle failure of the
the case of capacity design of reinforced concrete, aging or deteri- interface retrofitting layer/concrete. Compared with fiber rein-
oration of materials produced by environment factors, construc- forced polymers, fiber reinforced cement composites present
tion mistakes or material damage due to extreme loads [3]. The higher resistance against high temperature and ultraviolet
reduction of governmental funds for new constructions has also radiation, more long term durability and fundamentally more
led to the new tendency of increasing service life of existent struc- compatibility with the substrate [6]. Moreover, the use of fibers
tures [4]. in the retrofitting concrete layer helps controlling shrinkage
There are many different techniques to repair or strength rein- cracking.
forced concrete structures like steel plates, polymers or concrete. FRC is a material composed of a concrete matrix with addition
of fibers that improve its behavior. Many different types of fibers
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +54 381 4364087. can be used like steel, glass, organic polymers [7] or vegetable
E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Ruano). fibers [8]. While glass and organic polymer fibers present brittle
URL: (G. Ruano). failure under tension loads without previous plastic strain or

0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Ruano et al. / Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 646–658 647

yielding [7], steel fibers generally can deform plastically. The most The flexure behavior of beams repaired in the bottom concrete
important geometric fibers characteristics are their aspect ratio cover with self compacting concrete and self compacting FRC was
(length/diameter) that define the slenderness and the shape of experimentally studied by Mesbah et al. [13]. The beams repaired
the fibers axis that can be straight or including some type of with FRC presented thinner cracks. The use of self compacting con-
anchorage, smooth or wavy, etc. Sometimes a combination of crete has shown to be a good option to facilitate the pouring. The
different types of fibers is also used. Short fibers are responsible behavior of the repaired beams seemed to be not influenced by
of bridging thin cracks (0.2–0.3 mm), improving durability, while the placing and the length of the repaired zone.
ductility development requires greater deformations and wider A system for the stiffening of frame structures with precast
cracks that are sewn by the longer fibers [9]. engineering cement composites (ECC) plates was proposed by Li
The main effect of fibers is controlling cracking processes. This et al. [14]. They studied the performance of the system numeri-
effect leads to important increases of material toughness as well cally. The plates contributed to energy dissipation of the structure
as additional benefits related to strength mainly under tension through the early cracking of ECC. Although the ECC has strength
loads. FRC presents more distributed cracking pattern, evidencing not very different from the FRC or mortar used, structural strength
thinner cracks. As a result, the durability of the retrofitting layers and structural ductility was all much higher when ECC was used,
is increased preventing the entrance of aggressive agents that favor especially when ECC composition (fiber, matrix and interface)
the layers debonding. All these improvements are connected to the was adequately tailored taking into account the influence of mate-
load transfer process from the matrix to the fibers. The main mech- rial micromechanics on composite macromechanics and structural
anism contributing to this process is fibers pull out that is strongly behavior. The use of this material in a bridge deck patch repair was
dependent on fibers shape. FRC is normally designed in a way that presented later [15]. A very high performance fiber-reinforced con-
the fibers are pulled out before breaking [10]. crete composite combining macro and microfibers of steel was
Although any concrete can be reinforced with fibers the ten- developed and applied to repair a parking garage by Banthia and
dency nowadays is the use of fibers to improve ductility of high Bindiganavile [16].
or ultrahigh strength concrete. In this way a material with the re- A repair method consisting of the replacement of damaged
quired strength and ductility to be used in reduced thicknesses is materials in aged structures due to the lack of maintenance was
obtained. The use of self compacting concrete has also became proposed by Kim et al. [17]. They used ductile fiber reinforced
popular since it requires less hand work and it has more dense cementitious composite (DFRCC) as repair material for over rein-
internal structure, better strength and less permeability. This con- forced concrete beams under flexure. Neither the strength nor
crete is easy to be poured in small thicknesses and this property the deformation capacity were significantly changed with this type
makes it suitable for retrofitting works. of repair and the importance of the interface between the old and
All these properties make FRC an attractive material for retrofit- the new material and the debonding prevention were showed.
ting concrete structures. The effectiveness of the FRC retrofitting is The use of ultra-high strength steel fiber-reinforced concrete
strongly influenced by the adherence between fibers and concrete (UFC) jacketing for the strengthening of internal nodes of rein-
matrix and between matrix and the concrete substrate [6]. It has forced concrete frames was proposed by Wang and Lee [18]. They
been proved both in experimental tests and field experience that showed that the use of UFC leaded to an increase of ductility and
the incorporation of fibers helps controlling cracking and delaying the formation of plastic hinges in the beams.
debonding initiation and its propagation [11]. A new material called ultra-high performance cement-based fi-
ber composite (CARDIFRC) was presented by Farhat et al. [19]. It is
an ultra high performance composite reinforced with 8% in volume
2. Repairing/strengthening of reinforced concrete structures of short fibers. They used this material for the reinforcement of un-
with fiber reinforced cement matrix. Brief review der reinforced concrete beams under flexure and over reinforced
concrete beams under shear. The reinforcement consisted of thin
Much research has been done to assess effectiveness of FRC ret- plates made of CARDIFRC that were glued with epoxy cement to
rofitting technique during the last years. This section presents a previously damaged beams. In all strengthening setups the
brief review of research done related to the use of fiber reinforced strength of the beams was increased with the reinforcement.
composites with cement like matrix for repairing or strengthening Experimental results of two actual scale bridge piles repaired
purposes. The research done concerning retrofitting with this type with high performance fiber reinforced concrete (HPFRC) were pre-
of materials has two main motivations. By one side, it is aimed at sented by Massicotte and Boucher-Proulx [20]. The concrete cover
solving durability or aging problems or prolonging service life of of one of the piles was removed and replaced by HPFRC. The piles
the structure and by the other side, it is aimed at solving strength were tested under quasistatic cyclic load. The strengthened pile
or structural problems. presented greater load bearing capacity, increasing with load
The use of fiber reinforced both for the strengthening and cycles, and also greater ductility.
repairing of different types concrete and reinforced concrete ele- An ultra high performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC)
ments like beams, columns, panels, joints, slabs and pavements was used by Brühwiler and Denarié [21] to restore reinforced
has been extensively investigated during the last years. Different concrete structures that have suffered environment attacks and
types of cement based materials for the matrix like normal surface mechanical actions. Taking advantage of the low perme-
strength, high strength concrete or self consolidating concrete, ability, high mechanical strength combined with the self compact-
were used and compared. Moreover different types, sizes and ing property, they proposed the use of thin layers of this material
shapes of fibers were used. that can be combined with steel bars or in precast elements. They
Independently of the motivation and materials used, improve- showed some applications already done in bridge decks, highways
ment of the mechanical behavior of the retrofitted element or protection barriers, bridge piles and industrial floors.
structure and cracking process was usually investigated. Marini et al. [22] numerically studied the behavior of a FRC
The use of slurry infiltrated mat concrete (SIMCOM) for repair diaphragm as vertical load transferring element to perimeter
and rehabilitation of reinforced concrete beams and columns was structure. They concluded that the use of FRC would allow the
studied by Naaman et al. [12]. They concluded that SIMCOM can use of lower thicknesses than in the case of reinforced concrete
successfully interact with reinforced concrete elements substan- and that the thickness could be reduced if the fiber content was
tially increasing flexural strength and energy absorption capacity. increased.
648 G. Ruano et al. / Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 646–658

Table 1 without much weight increase and high performance concrete of

Beams tested. the jacketing provided protection to the concrete core increasing
Beam Stirrups Treat. Fiber Content kg/m3 N° Tests durability.
1 Yes Str. – 1 Two methods, glass-fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) sheets and
2 Yes Str. – 1 a layer of fiber-reinforced cement, for strengthening two-way rein-
3 No Str. – 1 forced concrete floor slabs subjected to out-of-plane bending were
4 Yes Rep. – 2 compared by Radik et al. [27]. They concluded that fiber-reinforced
5 Yes Rep. – 2
6 Yes Rep. – 2
cement has great potential as a strengthening method, and future
work was recommended to further optimize the proposed
7 Yes Str. 30 1
8 Yes Str. 30 1
strengthening technique.
9 No Str. 30 1 An overview of the different possible applications of HPFRC for
10 Yes Rep. 30 2 strengthening or repairing existing RC structures was presented by
11 Yes Rep. 30 2 Maringoni et al. [28] and the benefits in terms of bearing capacity,
12 Yes Rep. 30 2
stiffness and durability were discussed.
13 Yes Str. 60 1 Reinforced concrete beams were repaired by Iskhakov et al. [5]
14 Yes Str. 60 1
replacing the compression zone concrete by steel fiber reinforced
15 No Str. 60 1
16 Yes Rep. 60 2 high strength concrete (SFHSC) and creating two layers beams.
17 Yes Rep. 60 2 The beams presented a classical flexure behavior. The addition of
18 No Control N/A 1 steel fibers increased ultimate deformations and provided supple-
mentary energy dissipation to the structure.
Rep.: Repaired; Str.: Strengthened.
A patch repair method that uses high performance fiber rein-
forced cement composites to repair reinforced concrete members
The efficiency of high performance fiber-reinforced micro-con- damaged by chloride attack was presented by Iskhakov et al. [5].
crete as a repair material when applied on concrete beam was eval- Strength could be recovered if the amount of corrosion was less
uated by Skazlic et al. [23] and they concluded that the use this than 10%. HPFRCC layer remained impermeable due to its very
material for repairing purposes has both economical and technical small crack width.
advantages. Many authors agree that one of the reasons for failure of con-
The behavior of rectangular concrete plates used as industrial crete repairs has been the lack of knowledge regarding bonding
pavements repaired with FRC was studied by Boscato and Russo mechanism and bond properties at the interface of repair material
[24]. They achieved excellent adherence between the materials and concrete substrate. They centered their research on the bond
and increase of the first crack load and the collapse load. between reinforcing/repairing layers and old concrete that is the
A self compacting FRC jacketing was used by Martinola et al. most important issue when considering durability [12]. Failure
[25] to strength and repair reinforced concrete beams predomi- due to delamination in weak joints or failure due to cracking in
nantly subjected to flexion. They obtained good adherence strong joints can occur. A repairing test consisting of small plain
between the jacketing and the beams and the flexural strength concrete beams with the addition of a concrete, FRC or engineering
and stiffness were increased. cement composites (ECC) section to check the ECC aptitude was
A high performance self compacting FRC jacketing was used by developed by Li et al. [12]. A horizontal notch was done to induce
Rosignoli, et al. [26] for the strengthening of an actual scale column delamination. The beams were tested under four points flexure.
constructed with low strength concrete. To achieve a good adher- Cracking took place without delamination and the load abruptly
ence between both materials, the column surface was sandblasted. decreased in the case of concrete. The fibers bridged the cracks
The test showed a remarkable increase of strength and ductility and the load decreased gradually with the cracking advance in

2 Ø 8mm
Ø 6mm/125mm
3 Ø 16mm

150mm 125mm

Fig. 1. Reinforced concrete beams.

Table 2
Plain concrete. Mixture proportion and properties.

Materials Beams Step I Step II

Cement CPN50 (kg/m3) [42] – 567 567
Cement CPN40 (kg/m3) [42] 430 – –
Water (kg/m3) 172 170 170
Sand (kg/m3) 911 868 868
Coarse 5–10 mm (kg/m3) 853 820 820
Superplasticizer (kg/m3) – 3.97 3.97
Compression strength, mean rm; Stand dev s (MPa) 26.3; 2.6 89.7; 5.8 95.3; 3.2
Young mod., mean E; Stand dev s (GPa) 24.0; 38.8; 2.0 41.5; 1.7
Flexure strength, mean FL; Stand dev; s (kN) 12.21; 17.3; 1.7 16.4; 1.0
Slump flow (mm) – 76 –
J Ring (mm) – 71 –
G. Ruano et al. / Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 646–658 649

Table 3 A critical review on the parameters which have to be taken into

FRC properties. account when designing appropriate connection between concrete
Step I II substrate and new repair material was presented by Luković et al.
Fiber content (kg/m ) 3
30 60 [33] together with an overview about application of ECC as a prom-
Compression strength, mean rm; Stand dev s (MPa) 86.5;5.95 95.5;6.71 ising repairing material.
Young mod., mean E; Stand dev s (GPa) 40.7;2.0 – An experimental investigation to evaluate the relationship be-
tween concrete substrate roughness parameters and the bonding
performance of UHPFRC used as a repair material was carried out
by Tayeh et al. [34]. The significant influence of substrate surface
35 FRC 60kg/m3 (Step II) preparation method on bonding strength between UHPFRC and
FRC 30kg/m3 (Step I) the concrete substrate was shown. When the surface was sand
30 blasted the composite behaved closely as a monolithic structure.
The improvement of tensile ductility and cracking tendency of
ECC repairs with the addition of tire rubber in ECC mixtures was
20 shown by Huang et al. [35].
F [kN]

Concluding, many authors have remarked the benefits of FRC as

repairing/strengthening materials for concrete and reinforced con-
10 crete structures. On the other side FRC presents compatibility with
the base material, that is, its physical and mechanical properties,
5 Plain Concrete (Step II) particularly the thermal dilatational coefficient and the Young
Plain Concrete (Step I)
modulus, are similar to those of the substrate material [15].
0 1 2 3 4
There is tendency to use high strength concrete as matrix. In
many works FRC has been used in reduced thicknesses and in this
CMOD [mm]
cases self compacting concrete as matrix facilitates pouring. Some
Fig. 2. RILEM test results. Comparison of plain concrete with FRC results. dry systems that make this technique attractive for repairing
works have been proposed. Both good adherence with substrate
the case of FRC. Both cracking and delamination between materials and less cracking width result in durability increase of the repair-
took place in the case of ECC, also showing the greatest strength ing/strengthening layers. Different surface treatments and mixture
and ductility. designs to achieve an optimal bond were proposed.
The influence of surface preparation on the kink-crack trapping Some works have pointed out the increase in ductility and
mechanism of engineered cementitious composite (ECC)/concrete strength in FRC repaired and strengthened structures. Neverthe-
repair system was studied by Kamada and Li [29]. They showed less, in order to improve the intervention techniques, further
that kink-crack trapping which prevents the typical failure modes research is needed to understand the behavior of the resulting
of delamination or spalling in repaired systems is best revealed structure under different types of load and the transference mech-
when the substrate concrete surface is smooth prior to repair. This anisms between the reinforcement and the substrate. In fact, there
is in contrast to the standard approach according to which the sub- is no much research related to shear repair or strengthening of
strate concrete is roughened to improve bonding to the repairing reinforced concrete elements with FRC.
The use of ECC to construct more sustainable, durable rigid
3. Experimental program
pavement overlays was proposed by Lepech and Li [30]. The use
of high-early-strength engineered cementitious composites (HES- 3.1. Introduction
ECC) developed for concrete repair application was presented by
Li and Li [31,32]. HES-ECC was suggested as highly suitable for fast The main objective of the experimental program was the evaluation of the
performance of FRC as shear repairing/strengthening system for reinforced concrete
and durable concrete repairs with shortened downtime and beams, specially the contribution of fibers to the behavior of the repaired/ strength-
improved long-term durability. ened beams.

Table 4
Steel properties.

Steel Yield stress, mean; Stand dev Young Mod., mean; Stand dev First yielding strain ey Final step yielding strain eyf Rupture strain erupture
ry; s (MPa) E; s (GPa)
1 484.6; 2.4 201.1; 6.8 0.00241 0.00873 0.153
2 489.9; 4.4 191.2; 10.0 0.00257 0.02231 0.200

30mm 30mm

FRC 210mm FRC


Fig. 3. Repaired/strengthened beam.

650 G. Ruano et al. / Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 646–658

Base pouring Laterals pouring

RC Beam



Fig. 4. Strengthening/repairing sequence.

Upper Press Table

200mm a=400mm 200mm


RC Beam

Steel Beam

250mm 250mm
400mm 800mm
Bottom Press Plate
Load Cell

Lower Press Table

Reactiv Slab

Fig. 5. Mounting device for the tests.

For this purpose, reinforced concrete beams that would present shear failure of notched beams (150  150  600 mm) [38]. The jacketing concrete in Table 2 re-
were designed. In a previous step two beams were casted, tested, repaired with nor- fers to the concrete base of FRC jacketing whose properties are presented in Table 3.
mal strength FRC and retested to prove their failure and the retrofitting technique. The flexure test results of these concretes are presented in Fig. 2.
Then, the complete experimental program was developed. Although the same mixtures were used for concrete matrix in Steps I and II,
The program consisted of a total of 18 reinforced concrete beams, with and the resulting concrete presents slightly different mechanical properties. The
without stirrups casted together. Some of the beams with stirrups were damaged, differences could be attributed to ambient temperature. It is well known that high
repaired with FRC and retested. One beam without stirrups was tested as control temperature during concrete mixing and curing affects mechanical properties [39].
beam. The rest, including beams with and without stirrups, were strengthened with In fact, Step I concrete was molded in summer while Step II concrete was molded in
FRC and tested. To study the effect of fibers addition, three types of high perfor- winter. In correspondence higher compressive strength was obtained for Step II
mance concrete with self compacting matrix were used as repairing/strengthening concrete.
material, plain concrete (without fibers), FRC with 30 kg/m3 of steel fibers and FRC
with 60 kg/m3 of steel fibers. Plain concrete and FRC with 30 kg/m3 of steel fibers
reinforcement were performed simultaneously in Step I while FRC with 60 kg/m3
of steel fibers reinforcement was performed later (Step II). The main characteristics LVDT LVDT
Roller Metal Ruler
of the beams tested are presented in Table 1. Diagonal Crack Slider

3.2. Reinforced concrete beams

The dimensions and reinforcement of the reinforced concrete beams tested are
LVDT Base Potentiometric
shown in Fig. 1. They were designed so that they present shear failure and not a Transducer Support
flexure one. 296.5mm
The mixture proportion and the main properties of the different types of 400mm 1200mm
concrete used in experimental program are presented in Table 2. They were ob-
tained from compression tests of cylindrical specimens [36,37] and flexure tests Fig. 6. Instrumentation.
G. Ruano et al. / Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 646–658 651

Fig. 7. Beam 5 (reinforced concrete beam with stirrups) left side crack pattern.

Fig. 8. Beam 11 (reinforced concrete beam with stirrups) left side crack pattern.

with 60 kg/m3 is greater than that corresponding to 30 kg/m3. Moreover, beams

300 with 60 kg/m3 present strain hardening up to 1 mm of crack opening. In correspon-
dence with others authors’ previous observations, the results present lower disper-
250 sion for greater fiber contents [41]. This effect can be attributed to the greater
homogeneity in fibers distribution obtained when fibers content is increased from
30 kg/m3 to 60 kg/m3.
200 Two types of reinforcing bars were used. Steel 1 was used for stirrups and hang-
Load P [kN]

ers while Steel 2 was used for longitudinal reinforcement. The properties of both
types of steel are presented in Table 4.

3.3. Repairing/strengthening method

4 10
5 11 The beams were repaired/strengthened with a jacketing on lateral and bottom
50 6 12 sides. See Fig. 3. In all cases, the jacketing thickness was 30 mm.
16 17 The beams were previously cleaned, washed with pressurized water to remove
18 no stirrup
loose material and dried with compressed air. A commercial product based on
0 modified epoxy resins was used as bonding between the beams concrete and the
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 jacketing.
Fig. 4 shows the FRC jacketing casting process. First short metallic separators
Displacement δ [ mm]
were placed on the bottom end of the framework. Then FRC was poured up to
the separator height. The beams were placed in the frameworks on the separators
Fig. 9. Reinforced concrete beams. Load–displacement curves. and the rest of the FRC was casted.
It should be observed that, due to the narrow thickness of the jacketing (30 mm)
50 mm length and 1 mm diameter hooked end steel fibers with yield strength of in comparison with fibers length (50 mm), fibers were mainly oriented parallel to
860 MPa were used for FRC. jacketing planes.
FRC mechanical properties are presented in Table 2. It can be observed that the
addition of fibers slightly modifies the mean compressive strength and the elasticity 3.4. Test set up
modulus of the corresponding concrete matrix. Statistical hypothesis tests were
performed and it was shown that in both steps there is no statistical difference be- The beams were tested under asymmetric flexure with an INSTRON 8504 press.
tween FRC compressive strength and the corresponding concrete matrix compres- A steel beam was located on the bottom press plate to place the beams supports.
sive strength [40]. Similar conclusions were obtained for the elasticity modulus. See Fig. 5.
The results of the flexure tests performed on FRC specimens and their compar- The displacement at the point of application of the load was recorded using a
ison with those of plain concrete are presented in Fig. 2. The effect of fiber addition system similar to that proposed by standard [43]. Potentiometric displacement
and fiber content on flexure properties of FRC is evident. Flexure strength of beams transducers were positioned on both sides of the beams so that the vertical

Left side Right side

Fig. 10. Beam 18 (reinforced concrete beam without stirrups) crack pattern.


Left side (b) Right side

Fig. 11. Crack pattern obtained for Beam 5. (a) First test; (b) Second test, beam repaired with plain concrete.
652 G. Ruano et al. / Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 646–658

300 300

250 250

200 200

Load P [kN]
Load P [kN]

150 150
10 10 Rep
11 11 Rep
100 100 12 12 Rep

4 4 Rep
5 5 Rep 50
50 6 6 Rep

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Displacement δ [mm] Displacement δ [mm]

Fig. 12. Load–displacement curves for the beams repaired with plain concrete. Fig. 14. Load–displacement curves for the beams repaired with FRC with 30 kg/m3
of fibers.

displacements were measured up to the longitudinal axis of the beam. The trans-
ducers were mounted on a metal ruler with one end that can rotate and the other behaviors were observed. Beams 4, 16 and 17 presented a marked
end with a slider. Additionally, systems of lineal variable differential transformers softening after the maximum load and they were unloaded when
(LVDT) in the form of isosceles triangle on both sides were used to measure the the load reached 70% of the peak load. The rest of the beams
displacement perpendicular to the direction where the majority of shear cracks
presented more load capacity and the tests could be continued
form (LVDT Crack), the displacement in the direction of the longitudinal reinforce-
ment (LVDT Base) and the displacement in the remaining direction closing the up to greater displacements.
triangle (LVDT Diagonal), see Fig. 6. Similarly, vertical displacements and load were The crack pattern obtained for the reinforced concrete beam
measured by the press internal LVDT and load cell respectively. without stirrups is shown in Fig. 10. Cracking was localized in
The beams were first tested under load control and then, with displacement
the shorter side of the beam. Cracks were markedly diagonal
control going through the peak load and getting part of the descending branch of
the load–deflection curve. Finally, they were unloaded in a controlled way. An
except for the bottom of the beam where cracks were horizontal
increasing load at a rate of 0.167 kN/s was first applied up to a load of 30 kN; then, following the bottom longitudinal reinforcement.
the test was continued with displacement rate of 0.5 mm/min. The load–displacement curve obtained for a reinforced concrete
Data acquisition was performed automatically by taking two measurements per beam without stirrups (Beam 18) is included in Fig. 9. The maxi-
mum load was 116 kN, lower than for the beams with stirrups
Most of the unreinforced beams with stirrups were tested up to a displacement
of 12 mm, which is greater than the standard limit value for flexion [44]. However, and the response was very brittle. The beam showed an abrupt
not all of these beams were tested to that shift. Some of them showed a very load decay after the peak load and finally maintain the load
pronounced softening after the maximum load and the tests were stopped when through a mechanism constituted by two concrete blocks sepa-
the load decreased to 70% of the maximum load. The strengthened/repaired beams rated by a diagonal crack and linked though the bottom longitudi-
were tested up to a deflection of 14 mm.
nal reinforcement.

4. Experimental results
4.2. Repaired beams
4.1. Reinforced concrete beams
The beams whose responses were shown in Section 4.1 were re-
paired with plain concrete and FRC with different fibers contents
Two typical crack patterns corresponding to beams with stir-
and retested.
rups are shown in Figs. 7 and 8. The cracks were more marked in
the shorter side. In general, all the beams presented concrete spall-
ing in the surrounding of the load transmission point or near the 4.2.1. Plain concrete jacketing
support. Some of the beams (beams 5, 6 and 11) exhibited buckling The debonding of the concrete encasement from the beams
of the top longitudinal reinforcement. with the consequent loss of the reinforcement collaboration was
The load–displacement curves registered for the reinforced frequently observed in these tests. Horizontal cracks separating
concrete beams with stirrups are shown in Fig. 9. The eight beams the laterals from the bottom part of the concrete jacketing was also
were similar but they presented different responses. The observed in some cases. A typical crack pattern and its comparison
maximum load varied from 181.7 kN to 257.9 kN. Two typical with that of the same beam in the first test are presented in Fig. 11.


Left side (b) Right side

Fig. 13. Crack pattern obtained for Beam 11. (a) First test; (b) Second test, beam repaired with FRC with 30 kg/m3of fibers.
G. Ruano et al. / Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 646–658 653


Left side (b) Right side

Fig. 15. Crack pattern obtained for Beam 16. (a) First test; (b) Second test, beam repaired with FRC with 60 kg/m3 of fibers.



Load P [kN]


Load P [kN]
1 Str
100 2 Str
16 Rep
50 17 Rep
17 50

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Displacement δ [mm]
Displacement δ [mm]
Fig. 16. Load–displacement curves for the beams repaired with FRC with 60 kg/m3
of fibers. Fig. 18. Load–displacement curves for the beams with stirrups strengthened with
plain concrete.

The vertical dashed lines in the first test diagram indicate the stir-
in Fig. 14. All the beams presented very good stiffness restitution
rups position.
and initial strength was surpassed in all cases.
The load–displacement response registered for the beams
repaired with plain concrete and their comparison with those
corresponding to the same beams in their first tests are presented
4.2.3. FRC with 60 kg/m3 of fibers jacketing
in Fig. 12. In general the curves corresponding to the repaired
In this case only one of the beams exhibited a slight debonding
beams presented load drops due to the jacketing debonding. In
of the FRC jacketing from the beam. In general, cracking was
spite of these load drops, the repaired beams, especially Beam 6,
predominantly diagonal. A typical crack pattern and the compari-
presented a good stiffness and load bearing restitution when
son with that corresponding to the first test of the same beam
compared with the first tests.
are presented in Fig. 15.
The comparison of the load–displacement curves registered for
the beams repaired with FRC with 60 kg/m3 of fibers and those cor-
4.2.2. FRC with 30 kg/m3 of fibers jacketing responding to the same beams in their first tests is presented in
Some of the beams repaired with FRC with 30 kg/m3 of fibers Fig. 16. Stiffness and load bearing capacity were substantially
exhibited a slight debonding of the FRC jacketing from the beams recovered and increased with this FRC jacketing.
and horizontal cracks separating the laterals from the bottom part
of the FRC jacketing were formed in some cases. Nevertheless,
cracking of the FRC was predominantly diagonal. A typical crack 4.3. Strengthened beams
pattern and its comparison with that of the same beam in the first
test are presented in Fig. 13. Nine beams were strengthened with different types of jacket-
The load–displacement response registered for the beams ing: plain concrete, FRC with 30 kg/m3 and FRC with 60 kg/m3 of
repaired with FRC 30 kg/m3 and their comparison with those fibers. Some of the strengthened beams had stirrups and some of
corresponding to the same beams in their first tests are presented them did not.

Left side Right side

Fig. 17. Crack pattern obtained for Beam 2 (with stirrups) strengthened with plain concrete.
654 G. Ruano et al. / Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 646–658

Left side Right si de

Fig. 19. Crack pattern obtained for Beam 7 (with stirrups) strengthened with FRC with 30 kg/m3 of fibers.



Load P [kN]

Load P [kN]
150 13 Str
14 Str

7 Str
8 Str

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Displacement δ [mm]
Displacement δ [mm]
Fig. 20. Load–displacement curves for the beams with stirrups strengthened with
Fig. 22. Load–displacement curves for the beams with stirrups strengthened with
FRC with 30 kg/m3 of fibers.
FRC with 60 kg/m3 of fibers.
4.3.1. Beams with stirrups Plain concrete jacketing. Two beams with stirrups were
characterized for the cracking of the longer side of the beams.
strengthened with plain concrete. One of them (Beam 1) exhibited
Although the first cracks appeared in the shorter side of the beam,
debonding previous to the test and the other (Beam 2) not. As a
suddenly the failure pattern changed and a shear failure in the
consequence, the cracks patterns and behaviors of both beams
longer side appeared as dominant. This result indicates that in
were markedly different. The crack pattern of Beam 2 is presented
the case of reinforced concrete beams without stirrups, the
in Fig. 17. The load–displacement responses of both beams are
strengthening jacketing changed the structural behavior of the
presented in Fig. 18 where the different behaviors are evident.
resulting system.
A typical crack pattern is presented in Fig. 23. The load–dis-
4.3.2. FRC with 30 kg/m3 of fibers jacketing placement curves obtained for strengthened beams without stir-
Some of the beams strengthened with FRC with 30 kg/m3 of fi- rups are presented in Fig. 24 where a brittle response is observed
bers presented slight debonding of the jacketing and some of them in all cases.
showed horizontal cracks separating the bottom part of the jacket-
ing from the laterals. The main cracks were diagonal. A typical
crack pattern obtained for a strengthened beam with stirrups 5. Results analysis
(Beam 7) is shown in Fig. 19. Concrete spalling can be observed
in the zone surrounding the applied load. 5.1. Reinforced concrete beams
The load–displacement curves obtained for the beams with stir-
rups strengthened with FRC with 30 kg/m3 of fibers are presented The load–displacement mean response and the standard devia-
in Fig. 20. tion obtained for the set of reinforced concrete beams with stirrups
without reinforcement tested are shown in Fig. 25. The box dia-
4.3.3. FRC with 60 kg/m3 of fibers jacketing grams are also plotted in Fig. 25.
In this case only one of the beams presented debonding of the The dispersion is very low for the first part of the tests but in-
jacketing and it was very slight. The main cracks were predomi- creases for displacements greater than 4 mm. The maximum coef-
nantly diagonal. A typical crack pattern for a beam with stirrups ficient of variation is 0.23 and it is comparable with those obtained
strengthened with FRC with 60 kg/m3 of fibers is presented in by other authors for shear tests of reinforced concrete beams [45].
Fig. 21. The load–displacement curves are presented in Fig. 22.
5.2. Repaired beams
4.3.4. Beams without stirrups
Independently of the type of material used for the strengthen- The maximum load obtained in the tests of reinforced concrete
ing jacketing, failure of strengthened beams without stirrups was beams with stirrups without reinforcement (subindex 1: first test)

Left si de Right s ide

Fig. 21. Crack pattern obtained for Beam 13 (with stirrups) strengthened with FRC with 60 kg/m3 of fibers.
G. Ruano et al. / Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 646–658 655

Left side R i ght si de

Fig. 23. Crack pattern obtained for Beam 3 (without stirrups) strengthened with plain concrete.

and F 2max are also presented in Table 5. F 1max represents the mean
value of F 1max . Most of the repaired beams reached greater loads
than in their first test excluding beams 4 and 10. Beam 4 was
repaired with plain concrete and it exhibited debonding of the
jacketing from the beam. Beam 10 was tested to a greater displace-
200 ment than the others in the first test. The beams repaired with FRC
Load P [kN]

with 60 kg/m3 of fibers presented the greater F2max/F1max but it

3 Str Plain Concrete
9 Str FRC 30kg/m
3 must be noted that these results may be partly due to the fact that
15 Str FRC 60kg/m
they were tested to lower displacement in the first test.
100 The comparison of the responses of the beams repaired with
plain concrete and FRC with different fibers contents is presented
50 in Fig. 26. The mean values with the standard deviation values
are shown. Considering average values it can be concluded that
the repaired beams reached greater loads. The mean strength
increased with the fiber content of the FRC jacketing. The beams
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
repaired with FRC with 60 kg/m3 of fibers presented the greatest
Displacement δ [mm]
strength differences with respect to their first test. Dispersion
Fig. 24. Load–displacement curves for beams without stirrups strengthened with was low for all the repaired beams for displacement values lower
plain concrete and FRC with different fibers contain. than 3 mm. The lower dispersion was obtained for the beams
repaired with FRC with 60 kg/m3 of fibers.
The groups of beams without reinforcement and the beams re-
paired with plain concrete and FRC with different fibers contents
were treated as paired observations and matched-pair tests were
performed to compare their responses. A 10% significance level
250 was considered in all cases. As result, statistic significant difference
between the original and the repaired beams were only found for
200 the case of the FRC reinforcement with 60 kg/m3 of fibers. This re-
Load P [kN]

sult means that for this case the strength was increased while for
150 lower fibers content and plain concrete it was recovered.

Std. Dev.
Inner Fence 5.3. Strengthened beams with stirrups
Upper Hinge
Mean Median
50 The maximum loads reached by the beams with stirrups
Std. Dev. Lower Hinge strengthened with plain concrete and FRC with different fibers
Inner Fence
0 contents are presented in Table 6. The mean maximum load values
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 F max are included in Table 6. The direct comparison of maximum
Displacement δ [mm] loads reached shows that the strengthened beams presented great-
er load bearing capacity than the unstrengthened beams (Table 5)
Fig. 25. Descriptive statistic for the reinforced concrete beams with stirrups. and that the strength slightly increased with the fibers content of
the reinforcement.
The comparison of the mean responses obtained for the beams
and those reached by the same beams repaired with plain concrete with stirrups strengthened with FRC with that of the unreinforced
and FRC with different fibers contents (subindex 2: second test) are
beams is presented in Fig. 27. Mean and standard deviation values
presented in Table 5. The mean load values for each group, F 1max of load for different displacements are plotted. In all cases the

Table 5
Beams without reinforcement and repaired with plain concrete and FRC.

Beam Without reinforcement Repaired

F1max (kN) Jacketing F2max (kN) F 2max
F 1max (kN) F 1max (kN) F 2max (kN) F 1max

4 221.7 199.7 212.8 Plain concrete 215.8 242.5 0.97

5 221.7 Plain concrete 248.1 1.27
6 221.7 Plain concrete 263.5 1.45
10 257.9 241.6 FRC 30 kg/m3 252.3 275.7 0.98
11 245.0 FRC 30 kg/m3 299.3 1.22
12 221.9 FRC 30 kg/m3 275.6 1.24
16 188.5 189.1 FRC 60 kg/m3 293.5 292.3 1.56
17 189.6 FRC 60 kg/m3 291.1 1.54
656 G. Ruano et al. / Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 646–658




Load P [kN] 200



50 Plain Concrete FRC 30kg/m3 FRC 60kg/m3

First Test First Test First Test
0 4 8 12 16 0 4 8 12 16 0 4 8 12 16
Displacement δ [mm] Displacement δ [mm] Displacement δ [mm]
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 26. Comparison of beams without reinforcement and repaired with plain concrete and FRC with different fibers contained. (a) Plain concrete; (b) FRC with 30 kg/m3 and
(c) FRC with 60 kg/m3 of fibers.

Table 6 5.4. Strengthened beams without stirrups

Beams with stirrups strengthened with plain concrete and FRC.

Beam Jacketing Fmax (kN) F max (kN) The maximum load reached by the beams without stirrups
strengthened with plain concrete and FRC and their comparison
1 Plain concrete 245.4 265.2
2 Plain concrete 284.9 with the maximum load obtained for the unreinforced beam with-
7 FRC 30 kg/m3 278.5 277.3 out stirrups tested as control are presented in Table 7. Although the
8 FRC 30 kg/m3 276.2 strengthened beams exhibited greater load bearing capacity than
13 FRC 60 kg/m3 262.4 280.2 the unreinforced beam, the strengthened beams presented a brittle
14 FRC 60 kg/m3 298.0
failure characterized by the cracking of the longer side of the
beams. This type of failure differs from the failure obtained for
strengthened beams presented greater load bearing capacity than the unreinforced beam without stirrups and also from the re-
the unreinforced beams. The beams strengthened with FRC with sponses obtained for all the unreinforced beams tested, including
30 kg/m3 of fibers presented the lowest dispersion. the beams with stirrups. This fact indicates that in this case (beams
A one-way ANOVA test was done to compare the responses of without stirrup) the addition of the FRC jacketing changes the way
the strengthened beams with those without strengthening. The in which the beams resist the applied load.
statistic conclusion was that there was significant difference be- The comparison of the responses of the beams without stirrups
tween the responses of beams strengthened with plain concrete strengthened with plain concrete and FRC with different fibers
and FRC with different fibers contents (p-value = 0.046). Taking contents with the response of the unreinforced beam without stir-
as control group the unreinforced beams, the Dunnett test showed rups and the mean response of the unreinforced beam with stir-
that there is no difference between the beams strengthened with rups is shown in Fig. 28. The beam strengthened with FRC with
plain concrete and the unreinforced beams but there are differ- 60 kg/m3 of fibers reached the greater load. Although the reinforce-
ences between the responses of the strengthened and unreinforced ment increased the strength, a brittle behavior was exhibited by all
beams when fibers are added to the jacketing (30 kg/m3 and 60 kg/ the strengthened beams. Moreover, if the responses of the
m3 of fibers). strengthened beams without stirrups are compared with the mean



Load P [kN]




50 Plain Concrete FRC 30kg/m3 FRC 60kg/m 3

Unreinforced Unreinforced Unreinforced
0 4 8 12 16 0 4 8 12 16 0 4 8 12 16
Displacement δ [mm] Displacement δ [mm] Displacement δ [mm]
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 27. Comparison of beams with stirrups retrofitted with plain concrete and FRC with different fibers contents. (a) Plain concrete; (b) FRC 30 kg/m3 and (c) FRC 60 kg/m3.
G. Ruano et al. / Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 646–658 657

Table 7 reinforced concrete jacketing looks like an efficient method for

Beams without stirrups strengthened with plain concrete and FRC. shear strengthening of reinforced concrete beams with stirrups.
Beam Jacketing Fmax (kN) Fmax/Fmax.unreinforced All the beams without stirrups retrofitted with plain concrete
18 Unreinforced 116.1 1.00 and fiber reinforced concrete exhibited greater stiffness and shear
3 Plain concrete 172.9 1.49 strength than the unreinforced beam. Nevertheless, the failure of
9 FRC 30 kg/m3 152.7 1.32 these beams was sudden and located in the larger side of the
15 FRC 60 kg/m3 252.0 2.17 beams. The cracks were so wide that the fibers could not joint both
sides of them. It can be concluded that this retrofitting method is
not able to replace the stirrups and does not prevent longitudinal
reinforcement buckling either.
Unreinforced Mean with stirrups Almost all the repaired beams with high strength concrete and
18 Unreinforced without stirrups high strength fiber reinforced concrete increased the strength and
the rest recovered their initial load bearing capacity. Statistically,
the beams repaired with fiber reinforced concrete presented great-
200 er strength than the original beams. When the beams had been
Load P [kN]

excessively damaged in the first tests it was difficult to recover

150 the load bearing capacity. Concluding, fiber reinforced concrete
Plain Concrete jacketing with fiber contents equal or greater to 30 kg/m3 seems
FRC 30kg/m3 to be an efficient shear repairing method for reinforced concrete
FRC 60kg/m3
beams with stirrups being the percentage of load bearing recovery
50 dependent on the severity of previous damage.

0 Acknowledgements
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
The authors wish to thank the financial support of National
Displacement δ [mm]
Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion, National Scien-
Fig. 28. Comparison of beams without stirrups strengthened with plain concrete tific and Technological Research Council (CONICET) and National
and FRC with unreinforced beams with and without stirrups. University of Tucumán research Council (CIUNT) and Ms. Amelia
Campos for the English revision. The companies, Tensolite S.A. that
response of the unreinforced beam with stirrups it can be observed
casted and cured the beams and Cemento Avellaneda S.A. and
that the ductility obtained with the addition of stirrups is not
Maccaferri Argentina S.A. that provided the cement and the fibers
obtained with FRC jacketing.
for the experimental program, respectively, are also greatly
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