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Carbon Letters Online ISSN 2233-4998

https://doi.org/10.1007/s42823-020-00154-w Print ISSN 1976-4251


Graphene quantum dots synthesis and energy application: a review

S. Akash Prabhu1 · V. Kavithayeni1 · R. Suganthy1 · K. Geetha1

Received: 7 February 2020 / Revised: 23 April 2020 / Accepted: 12 May 2020

© Korean Carbon Society 2020

Graphene Quantum Dots (GQDs), zero-dimensional nanoparticles which are derived from carbon-based sources owned the
new pavement for the energy storage applications. With the varying synthesis routes, the in-built properties of GQDs are
enhanced in different categories like quantum efficiency, nominal size range, and irradiation wavelength which could be
applied for the several of energy and optoelectronics applications. GQDs are especially applicable in the specific energy stor-
age devices such as super capacitors, solar cells, and lithium-ion batteries which were demonstrated in this work. This paper
critically reviews about the synthesis techniques used for the GQDs involving energy storage applications with increased
capacitance, energy conversion, retention capability, and stability.

Keywords Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) · Quantum efficiency · Lithium-ion batteries · Solar cells · Super capacitors ·
Synthesis routes

1 Introduction in above-mentioned applications [11]. The comparison

between them is mentioned in Table 1.
Graphene is an one atom thick 2-D sheet of carbon isotope, Einollahzadeh et al. (2016) reported the simulation study
recently attracted the researchers due to their discrete chemi- on penta-graphene band structure and energy band gap with
cal, physical, mechanical, and electrical properties like high Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and G ­ 0W0 approximation
thermal stability, high electric conductivity with low power were calculated as 2.21–2.336 eV and 4.1–4.3 eV, respec-
dissipation, high-electron mobility of 15,000 cm2 V−1 s−1, tively [12]. RugeQuhe et al. (2013) reported the experimen-
large surface area, superior flexibility, tunable band gap, tal study on bilayer graphene (BLG) and concluded that the
quantum confinement effect, and edge effect [1–5]. Due to band gap opens to 0.255 eV on bilayer graphene (BLG) and
above properties, graphene is a suitable material for energy can be fabricated as a Field-Effect Transistor (FET) [13].
applications like lithium-ion battery, hybrid super capaci- The scholars and researchers around the globe have been
tors, solar cells, and fuel cells [6–8]. working on graphene like controlling the size & shape and
In graphene, valance band and conduction band are doping with functional groups to modify the properties of
slightly overlap, which makes it as a zero band-gap semi- graphene for various applications [3].
conductor [4, 9]. Observation of photoluminescence is Recently, researchers have been focusing on GQDs due
difficult in graphene sheets, which limits its application to their unique size-dependent luminescence properties
in organic LEDs, photodetectors, and photodiodes [2, which makes it distinct from other carbon derivatives [14,
10]. However, infinite exciton Bohr radius phenomenon 15]. GQDs also exhibit other excellent properties like high
in 0-D graphene quantum dots (GQDs) and 1-D nanorib- photostability, biocompatibility, low toxicity, tunable fluo-
bon overcomes these limitations and enables their use rescence, high quantum efficiency, and chemical inertness
compared to other semiconducting quantum dots [16–19].
GQDs have high potential to be applied in optoelectronics,
* K. Geetha organic photovoltaics, electronic devices, catalyst, electro-
[email protected] chemical application, ion sensing, and bioimaging [16, 17,
20]. In this perspective, we focused on strategic method to
Nanotechnology Division, Department of Electronic
and Communication Engineering, Periyar Maniammai
synthesis GQDs related with the energy storage and conver-
Institute of Science and Technology, Thanjavur 613403, sion application.
Tamil Nadu, India

Carbon Letters

Table 1  Comparison between 2-D, 1-D and 0-D Graphene structure

Material properties 2-D graphene 1-D graphene nanoribbon 0-D graphene quantum dots

Specific surface area High High High (easily get stacks and aggregate)
Thermal stability High Medium Sensitive to temperature on preparation
Electrical stability High Medium Low
Optical stability Low Medium High
Special futures Tailorable surface Abundant edges, high length-to-width ratio Edge effects and quantum confinement
chemistry and numerous activate sites

Wen-Wen Liu et al. (2013) reported the study of GQD- nanolithography technique, and electrochemical and photo-
based micro-super capacitor prepared by electrochemical Fenton reaction.
deposition. GQDs used in the study have 1.0–5.4 nm size The Bottom-Up approach is building up from atomic
distribution and were synthesized from graphene oxide. scale to nanoscale. In case of GQDs, this approach uses aro-
GQDs were deposited on gold electrode and the test was car- matic compounds like benzene and C60 (fullerene) as pre-
ried out in both aqueous electrolyte and ionic liquid electro- cursors, since the shape and size distribution of GQDs can
lyte. The GQD-based micro-super capacitor exhibited excel- be controlled during their growth. The techniques involves
lent rate capability up to 1000 V s−1, and short relaxation microwave-assisted method, cage opening, and stepwise
time constant of 103.6 μs in aqueous electrolyte and 53.8 μs organic synthesis, as shown in Fig. 2 [4, 24–27].
in ionic liquid electrolyte, and also has a stable life cycle
[21]. Zonglong Zhu et al. (2014) reported their study on role 2.1 Top‑down approach
of GQDs in perovskite solar cell for faster electron extrac-
tion. The GQDs were synthesized by facile electrochemical 2.1.1 Hydrothermal and solvothermal method
method having an average diameter of 5–10 nm and were
coated as an ultrathin layer between perovskite and Titanium These processes are more effective to synthesize two dimen-
dioxide ­(TiO2). The GQDs have improved the power conver- sional quantum dots and also simple and cost effective when
sion efficiency of solar cell from 8.81% to 10.15% and fast compared to other processes [28]. In hydrothermal method,
electron extraction time from 260–307 to 90–106 ps [22]. Li water is used as a solvent, whereas in solvothermal method,
Ruiyi et al. (2015) studied the electrochemical performance organic solution like DimethylFormamide (DMF) is used
of lithium titanate/nitrogen and sulfur co-doped graphene as a solvent [4, 24, 25]. Pan et al. (2010) synthesized blue
quantum dot hybrid to enhance the anode for lithium-ion luminescent GQDs having an average diameter of 9.6 nm by
battery, and they reported that the specific discharge of oxidization of graphene sheets (GSs) and deoxidization of
hybrid lithium-ion battery is 254.2 mAh g−1at 0.1°C and oxidized GSs at low-temperature range of about 200–300 °C
126.5 mAh g−1 at 10°C. The capacity remains at 96.9% for [29]. Initially, the precursors were treated with strong oxi-
at least 2000 cycles at 2°C [23]. This shows that the GQDs dizing agents like concentrated sulphuric acid (­ H2SO4) and
can be used in energy conversion devices, electronics, and concentrated nitric acid ­(HNO3) at high temperature. The
optoelectronics for faster electron extraction [22]. oxidization steps involves creating epoxy (C–O–C), carbonyl
(C=O), and carboxylic function group (− COOH) at edge,
which rupture and break C–C bond. Furthermore, alkaline
hydrothermal reaction tends to remove the epoxy and car-
2 Synthesis routes bonyl compounds. The carboxylic function groups remain
stable at the edge, which is responsible for dispersing GQDs
Synthesis of graphene quantum dots (GQDs) is broadly clas- in water. The oxygen atom is removed by further thermal
sified into two categories; they are Top-Down and Bottom- treatment at high temperature of the solution. The selection
Up approach. Top-Down approach is nothing but breaking of temperature in thermal reduction steps has large impact
down from bulk scale to nanoscale. In case of GQDs, the in breaking down the precursor [4, 29]. A group of research-
Top-Down approach involves decomposition and exfolia- ers have reported about the synthesis of green luminescent
tion of carbon derivative precursors like graphene sheet, GQDs of 3.6 nm average diameter from the graphene oxide
graphite powder, carbon nanotubes, carbon black, and car- sheets at high temperature using thermal reduction method
bon fiber shown in Fig. 1 [4, 24]. The different types of [30].
methods available are hydrothermal or solvothermal cut- Wang et al. (2014) reported preparation of functional-
ting, ultrasonicated exfoliation, acidic or plasma oxidation, ized GQDs with amine group at average lateral distribution

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Fig. 1  Top–down approach of GQDs’ process

Fig. 2  Bottom–up approach of GQDs’ process

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of 3.5 ± 0.6 nm with thickness of 1.47 ± 0.86 nm by facile of quantum yield at pH 7 [39]. Ali et al. (2016) reported
molecular fusion route under mild and green hydrothermal GQDs synthesized from graphene flakes through grinding-
conditions. The synthesis of amine functionalized GQDs assisted co-solvent ultrasonication operating at 100 W for
involves in nitration of pyrene using nitric acid in alkaline 1 h. This involved chemo-mechanical techniques which was
aqueous solution. In this process, alkaline plays an important mortar grinding and ultrasonication where energy transfer is
role in functionalization of GQDs with (−OH, −NH2, and used to breakdown the graphene nanoplatelets. This method
− ­NHNH2), which is done by intermolecular dehydrolysis produces GQDs at a diameter range between 2 and 4 nm
in graphene framework [31]. with lattice space of 2.4 nm. The GQDs gave a strong lumi-
Zhu et al. (2011) synthesized GQDs using DMF as a nescence at 350 nm with band-gap energy of 2.6 eV [40].
solvent by one-step solvothermal method. The GQDs have
5.3 nm average diameter with thickness of 1.2 nm. Due to the 2.1.3 Electrochemical method
presence of chemical groups like – OH, epoxy/ether, C=O,
and –CO–NR2, it exhibits excellent solubility of 15 mg/ml in This electrochemical method involves use of carbon deriva-
acetone, tetrahydrofuran (THF), DMF, ethanol, dimethyl sul- tives such as graphite, CNTs, carbon nanofibres as elec-
foxide (DMSO), and water. The synthesized GQDs produced trodes, and platinum as the counter electrode. This method
strong luminescence of quantum yield about 11.4% [32]. lacks to prises the size and surface morphology, and further
Liu et al. (2013) synthesized nitrogen-doped GQDs having undergoes filtration and chromatography for separation to
average diameter of 2.5 nm by solvothermal method. They obtain monodispersed GQDs. Major drawback of electro-
used graphene oxide (GO) as precursor and DMF as solvent, chemical synthesis methods is that they have low photolu-
where DMF undergo decomposition at 200 °C to obtain minescence efficiency on GQDs [41–44].
dimethylamine for nitration of GO for 4–5 h at 200 °C [33]. Zhou et al. (2006) studied blue luminescent nanocrystals
Even though the hydrothermal and solvothermal methods are (NCs) from multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) by
very efficient, control of distribution of size and morphology produced by electrochemical method. The size distribution
of the GQDs is a drawback in these methods. of NCs being 2.8 nm in diameter with spacing distance from
3.1 to 3.4 Å and the quantum yield about 0.064, excited at
2.1.2 Ultrasonic waves assisted 340 nm [45]. Zhang et al. (2012) studied highly fluorescent
water soluble GQDs from graphite rod through electrochem-
Ultrasonic wave-assisted liquid-phase exfoliation generates ical method for biological labeling of stem cells. Uniform
altering low- and high-pressure regions in the liquid which graphene sheets were observed with size distribution range
induces cavitation that creates hydrodynamic shear forces between 5 and 10 nm providing the interspacing distance
and high-speed impinging liquid jets into the solution. The about 0.3 nm. By following this method, the strong yellow
force created by the gradient pressure utilized to exfoliate luminescence could obtain with 14% yield, at the excitation
the bulk graphite layers and for the synthesis of GQDs from of 540 nm. From this experiment, the GQDs were used to
glucose precursor needs carbonization and polymerization penetrate stem cells for studying the metabolism activity and
with the same force mentioned. This will help to synthe- self-renewability of stem cells without affecting their viabil-
size GQDs with increase in reaction rate and to reduce edge ity, proliferation, strong photoluminescence, and photosta-
defects on graphite layers [34–37]. bility with low cytotoxicity [46]. Tan et al. (2014) reported
Kumar et al. (2014) synthesized of amine functional- small-sized red fluorescent graphene quantum dots as a
ized GQDs by passing ultrasonic waves at 250 W power for bioimaging platform synthesized through electrochemical
30 min. The size distribution of GQDs was approximately method with uniform size distribution about 3 nm of diam-
between 5–7 nm and 20–30 nm when using quantum gra- eter with 0.24 nm as interspacing distance. The fluorescence
phene flakes as precursor with the same parameters applied decay of GQDs is observed with initial emission of red fluo-
before. Due to p orbital hybridization of C–N atoms at the rescence at 600 nm and then emission of yellow fluorescence
edge sites make additional inter-band energy of 3.28 eV. at 550 nm after 3 h. Six hours later, the emission is converted
Photoluminescence quantum yield was found to be 29% to green fluorescence at 500 nm. At last after about 12 h, the
for GQDs and 16% for QGFs, with spectrum excitation at GQD solution emitted blue fluorescence at 420 nm [47]. Luo
310 nm. The energy transfer efficiency of GQDs and QGFs et al. synthesized GQDs through electrochemical oxidation
is 17% and 15%, respectively [38]. Zhu et al. (2014) synthe- of graphene with uniform distribution range of 3–5 nm and
sized high quantum yield GQDs by one-step ultrasonica- thickness of 0.93 nm for single layer graphene sheet. This
tion synthesis for alkaline phosphatase sensing. The average study reported the synthesis of large size GQDs of about
diameter of GQDs is 3.0 nm with thickness range between 52 nm diameter, which is purified with dialyzing solution
0.7 and 3 nm. The excitation achieved at 380 nm along with using dialysis bag. The GQDs solution possessed blue emis-
emission at 470 nm. The synthesized GQDs have about 27% sion under 365 nm irradiation [48].

Carbon Letters

2.2 Comparison between top–down approaches in the sized range of approximate 2–3 nm with 0.6–1 nm
height. Show the intensity at 460 under 340 nm excitation
Form the studies between different top–down processes wavelength [55].
are analyzed and verified. The deoxidization mechanism is
the basic process under-grows in every cutting top–down 2.3.3 Stepwise organic synthesis
method of the bulk carbon precursor. The main difference in
source involved in the process. Comparing them the hydro- The solution chemistry synthesis processes provide iden-
thermal process attracted many people due to simple process tical molecular structures to the grapheme which leads to
in the deoxidization. The hydrothermal can further enhanced large quantity of production. These molecular modification
by addition ultrasonication and electrostatic force. Few more leads to interact with other complex materials [56–58]. Even
example are given in Table 2. though it can produce monodispersed GQDs with uniform
size distribution, it cannot prevent GQDs from aggregation
caused by the π–π-bond interaction [59].
2.3 Bottom–up approach Yan et al. (2012) reported the study of GQDs synthesized
by stepwise organic synthesis method and its mechanism.
2.3.1 Microwave assisted The polyphenylene dendritic precursor oxidized and make
of 168, 132, and 137 conjugated carbons. To make GQDs
The microwave-assisted method synthesizes GQDs at a as more stable due to the 2ˊ, 4ˊ, 6ˊ-triakyl phenyl groups
faster rate and homogenous heating is employed with pre- are attached covalently to the ten positions of the graphene
cursors with uniform size distribution. The main advantage moieties [60].
is that the GQDs are synthesized without any passivizing
agent. The time period of passing microwaves is an impor-
tant parameter, since increase in time period increases 2.4 Comparison between bottom–up approaches
heating time which in turn increases the size of the GQDs,
respectively [49–51]. Comparison between bottom–up microwave processes is the
Zhang et al. (2015) produced GQDs using aspartic acid attracted method, which involves hydrothermal process irra-
and ammonium bicarbonate N ­ H4HCO3 by one-pot micro- diated with microwave to form GQDs from carbon deriva-
wave-assisted synthesis at 560 W operating power for detec- tives like glucose and starch, however, which lack in size
tion of iron ions and pH. These GQDs have 2.1 average control. To control the size cage opening and step organic
diameter and 14% of quantum yield exhibiting blue lumi- synthesis are complimentary to microwave-assisted pro-
nescence [52]. Zheo et al. reported green fluorescent GQDs cess. Its lack in low quantum yield and complicated process
derived from deoiled asphalt using one-step microwave- comparing to microwave-assisted. Due to that, the many
assisted method at 600 W power. The GQDs’ size distribu- researcher scholars are following microwave-assisted and
tion was in the range 1–6 nm, producing green luminescence more related reference are given in Table 3.
at 365 nm excitation and high quantum yield up to 14%
[53]. Kumawat et al. (2018) reported one-pot microwave-
assisted green synthesis route at 900 W for the synthesis of 3 Energy‑related applications of GQDs
red-luminescent GQDs from ethanol extracts obtained from
Mangifera indiia (mango) leaves. The size distribution of 3.1 Capacitors
GQDs synthesized from the extract ranges from 2 to 8 nm
and the fluorescence emission was found to be between 650 Generally, capacitors are classified into two types based on
and 750 nm [54]. the adsorption/desorption and surface redox reactions. The
need for best capacitor material is satisfied with the GQDs,
because of the existence properties like high surface area,
2.3.2 Cage opening process conductivity, long life stability, rapid adsorption and desorp-
tion rate, etc., [74]. Super capacitors which possess specific
The cage opening process basically uses fullerene ­C60 to energy storage and high surface area along persistent cyclic
produce GQDs by breaking done the covalent bond between behavior with the help of the charge carriers present which
carbon atoms by the host molecules. could be applied for on-chip operations in micro-power sys-
Chua et al. (2014) reported the study of strong fluorescent tems [75]. Integrated power sources for displays, FETs, etc.,
GQDs by cage opening Buckminster fullerene. This pro- with transparent look attracted the researchers to move on to
cess undergoes oxidation, cage opening, and fragmentation GQDS [76, 77]. The highlighted properties of GQDs include
on ­C60 (fullerene) by strong acid, which produce the GQDs optical transparency with nanoscale size, high-electron

Table 2  Top–down synthesis method for GQDs
Method Material Precursors Parameter Size range (nm) Quantum yield Irradiation wavelength (nm) Ref

Hydrothermal S, N-GQDs and N-GQDs Citric acid as C source and urea, Autoclave at 160 °C for 4 h and 2.69 and 3.10 71% and 78% 340–400 and 420–520 [61]
thiourea as N, S source centrifuge, 5000 rpm, 5 min
GQDs GO prepared for Graphite (12000 Ultrasonication for 5 h with DI 10–30 – 365 [62]
mesh), ­HNO3, ­H2SO4 water, centrifuged at 12,000 rpm
for 10 min, pH to 12 by KOH
and autoclave at 180 °C for 10 h
C-QD α-d-Lactose, d-glucose, sucrose, Refluxed at 100 °C with stirring 1.5 12.5 % – [63]
tris(hydroxymethyl) amino- for 24 h
methane (Tris),
N-GQDs (green and khaki) Graphene oxide (GO) in the Autoclave and heated at 180 °C 2.1 and 6.2 3.93 % and 2.53 % 310 [64]
presence of hydrogen peroxide for 3 h. and then dialyzed in a
­(H2O2) and ammonia dialysis bag (3500 Da) for 48 h
S-GQDs Molasses, PTFE-lined stainless autoclave and heated at 180 °C for 2.9 – 365 [65]
steel 4 h and sonicated for 2 h
Solvothermal GQDs GO powder and N, N-Dimethylfor- Ultrasonication 500 W for 1 h, 1–5 – 280–480 [66]
mamide (DMF) autoclave (125 mL) at 200 ℃
for 8 h
GO (< 150 µm), DMF Ultrasonication for 30 min (120 W, 3.2 – 320 [67]
100 kHz), autoclave (30 mL) and
heated at 200 ºC for 8 h
GO nanosheets, N, N dimethylfor- Microwave oven at a power (300, 5–8 – 486 [68]
mamide (DMF) 500, 800 and 1000 W) for (1, 3,
5, 7 and 9 min), After ultrasonic
treatment for 2 h and autoclave
and heated in for 8 h
Electrochemical GQDs Graphite rod Electrolysis done at NaOH aque- 5–10 14% 540 [46]
ous solution, 80–200 mA cm2, Pt
as counter electrode
Graphite and K2S2O8 + 5.0 V Positional applied to 3 – 420 & 500 [70]
graphite rod in K2S2O8
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Table 3  Bottom-up approach for GQDs

Method Material Precursors Parameter Size range (nm) Quantum yield Irradiation Ref

Microwave-assisted N-GQDs Glucose, urea, and Microwave oven at 3 5.2 % – [69]

coumarin 1 1208 ℃ for 1 min and
dialyzed using 3.5-
kDa for 75 h
GQDs Glucose, polyethylene Microwave power at 2 15% – [70]
glycol 595 W for (1, 3, 5, 7,
and 9 min)
Aspartic acid and One-pot microwave- 2.1 14% – [52]
­NH4HCO3 assisted synthesis at
560 W power
Deoiled asphalt Assisted at 600 W 1–6 14% 365 [53]
microwave power
Cage-opening method GQDs Ethanol extracts Microwave assisted at 2–8 – 650–750 [54]
obtained from Man- 900 W power
gifera indiia (mango)
Fullerene ­C60 Synthesis GQDs in 2–3 – 460 [55]
presence of sodium
nitrate, 98% of H
­ 2SO4
with potassium per-
Stepwise organic syn- GQDs Polyphenylene dendritic – – – – [60]
thesis Natural amino acid, Pyrolyzing L-glutamic 5 54.5% 800 - 850 [71]
l-glutamic acid acid at 210 ℃
4H nitrogen-doped SiC Pyrolyzing done at 2.58 ± 0.31 – – [72]
plates 1400–1500 ℃ in pres-
ence of hydrogen at
80–160 mTorr
N-GQDs 1,3,5-triamino-2,4,6- TATB was raised to 2–5 – 460–540 [73]
trinitrobenzene 750 ℃ at a ramping
(TATB) rate of 2 ℃ min−1
under a nitrogen

mobility, and elevated strength along with additional micro about 9.09 µF cm−2 with optical transparency of 92.97%
pores expanded its capacitance power [78–81]. and 550 nm [75]. Sanjoy et al. (2015) reported, in his study,
Complete discussion of Table 4. Keunsik et al. (2016) about the high capacitance retention of 80% over 3000
reported the high capacitance performance of GQD-based cycles which had been obtained through the introduction of
supercapacitors fabricated by simple electrophoretic method 6.0 nm-sized GQDs with a capacitance range of 1044 Fg−1

Table 4  GQDs for capacitor

S.No Material Method Application Size (nm) Retention/capacity Stability (cycles) References

1 GQDs Electrophoretic method Capacitor 550 9.09 µF cm−2 – [75]

2 GQDs One-step solvothermal method – 1107.4 µF cm−2 a- [82]
3 GQDs – 6.0 80% 3000 [83]
4 GQDs Top–down strategy – 307.6 F g−1 5000 [84]
5 GQDs Ultrasonication assisted 2–4.5 99%/1242 F g−1 4000 [85]
6 S,N-GQDs Hydrothermal 3–7 100%/2524 F g−1 1000 [86]
7 GQDs – – 82.36%/1526 F g−1 – [87]
8 GQDs – – 96%/361.97 F g−1 1000 [88]

Carbon Letters

[82]. Wen-wen liu et al. (2013) mentioned in his work about size specified band gap, hot-electron lifetime, and ultrafast
GQD-based micro-capacitors synthesized by one-step solvo electron extraction with distinctive optical and electrical
thermal method which exhibits capacitance and density of transport properties [95–97].
energy in 1107.4 µF cm−2 and 0. 154 μWh cm−2. [83]. GQDs Briefing of Table 5, Travis G. Noval et al. (2016) men-
fabricated via a new method of top–down strategy which has tioned in his study about the PEG functionalized GQDs
shown the density of energy value as 41.2 W h kg−1 with application on solar cells with an improved efficacy of 36%
high capacitance of 307.6 F g−1 and outstanding retention along the conversion energy of 6.63% [98]. Zonglong Zhu
capacitance even after 5000 cycles had been reported by et al. (2014) reported in his study about the ultrathin GQDs
Zhang Shuo et al. (2018) [84]. Jiahuan Luo et al. (2019) layer which is sandwiched between the perovskite solar cell
demonstrated the excellent specific capacitance of tremella- and mesoporous titanium dioxide increases its efficiency
shaped ­NiCo2O4 encapsulated by graphene quantum dots of greater than 10%, where before it was only 8.81% with-
(GQDs) and specific energy density of asymmetric super- out the presence of GQDs [99]. Senlin Diao et al. (2017)
capacitor. They have been synthesized GQDs by solvother- reported the GQDs as an excellent heterojunction solar cell
mal assisted by ultrasonicated and confirm the uniform size with optimal efficiency of 12.35% about 20 nm thickness
distribution of 2—4.5 nm with 0.21 nm interlayer spacing along with the remarkable physical and chemical stabil-
by HR-TEM. The GQDs encapsulate ­NiCo2O4 by annealing ity [89]. Liu et al. (2017) mentioned in his study about the
at 300 ℃ for 24 h. They have compared the specific capaci- electrochemical stability and efficiency of ­SrRuO3 encoded
tance of pristine N
­ iCo2O4 and N
­ iCo2O4@GQDs. ­NiCo2O4@ GQDs of about 8.05% than before encoded [100].
GQDs exhibit 1242 F g−1 at 30 A g−1 in 2.0 M KOH, which
show 57% enhanced specific capacitance compared to pris-
tine ­NiCo2O4 (790 F g−1 at 30 A g−1) and 99% retention 3.2.1 Lithium‑ion batteries
capacitance after 4000 cycles. Asymmetric supercapacitor
(ASC) is fabricated by pairing NiCo2O4@GQDs and acti- Lithium-ion-based batteries are having the specific capac-
vated carbon (AC) as positive electrode and negative elec- ity and a remarkable energy source which could be applied
trode. Its shows enhanced specific energy density is as high in electric vehicles, defense, smart electric grids, and other
as 38 W h kg−1 at a power density of 800 W kg−1 [85]. electronic devices [105, 106]. The foremost properties of
Li-ion batteries like long cycle usage without memory effect
3.2 Solar cells and high power density made it as a noticeable chemical
energy storage device [107]. Li-ion batteries almost reached
From the conventional Si wafers to metal oxide, lead-based the capacity level up to 2.6 mAhg−1 than the conventional
composite wafers had been used in solar cells with low one and also possesses high-quality lithium-ion cells for
power conversion efficiency which moves forward the solar consumer use also [108].
cells for GQD-based wafers [89]. Silicon, perovskite, and Briefing of Table 6, Chao et al. (2015) reported in his
­TiO2-based solar cells are moving in a broad way of research study about the GQDs anchored V ­ O2 electrode arrays exhib-
due to its biocompatible nature, chemical stability, and low its the retention percentage of 94 for 1500 cycles with 36%
cost [90–92]. The GQDs indulged in solar cells applications capacitance and 389 mAhg−1 capacity, while GQDs was
exhibited the properties like hole/electron transport, addi- used as a anode material [109]. Li Ruiyi et al. (2015) men-
tive active layer in the donar and acceptor blends, and as tioned in his study about the electrochemical performance of
a sensitizer too [93, 94]. While comparing with ­TiO2 and sulfur co-doped GQDs, with a specific discharge capacity of
CdSe-based quantum dots, GQDs enhances the solar cell 254 2mAhg−1, involves 2000 cycles at 2C along with reten-
efficiency by the existence of quantum confinement along tion percentage of 96.9 [110].

Table 5  GQDs for solar cell S. No Material Method Solar cell type Conv Eff (%) References

1 GQDs Hydrothermal Solar cell 12.35 [89]

2 GQDs GICs Organic 6.63 [98]
2 GQDs/TiO2 Electrolysis Perovskite 8.81 [99]
3 GQDs/SrRuO3 Hydrothermal Dye-sensitized 8.05 [100]
4 PANI–GQDs Sono–Fenton method Plastic solar cell 0.86 [101]
5 SnO2:GQDs – Perovskite 21.1 [102]
6 N-GQDs – Perovskite 16 [103]
7 GQDs – Dye-sensitized 4.58 [104]

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Table 6  GQDs for lithium-ion battery

S.No Material Method Application Retention Capacity/stability Ref

1 GQDs/ ­VO2 Self-assembly Lithium-ion batteries 94% 389 mAhg−1/1500 cycles [109]
2 GQDs Microwave-assisted 96.9% 254.2 mAhg−1/2000 cycles [110]
3 N-GQDs Hydrothermal – 161 mAhg−1/500 cycles [111]
4 GH-BGQD Hydrothermal – 687 mAhg−1/70 h [112]
5 NiO@Co3O4@GQDs – 76% 1158 mAhg−1/3000 cycles [113]

4 Conclusion and applied technologies for the further development in

In this review, our perspective have discussed various syn-
thesis techniques and its relevant application of GQDs.
Top-down and bottom-up approaches utilized for the syn- Author contributions APS, KV, and SR are equally contributing their
­ K2* reviewed and corrected the manu-
effort to draft the manuscript. G
thesis, provides optimized and unique quantum yield for script. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
the GQDs, have been demonstrated through this work.
Comparing with the bottom-up approaches, hydrothermal- Funding Not applicable.
assisted techniques under top-down approach possessed
the highest quantum yield of 78% and particle-size range Data availability Not applicable.
of 2–3 nm. The factor affecting GQDs such as shape, size,
surface effect, doped material, etc., have still in an unclear Compliance with ethical standards
condition in accordance with theoretical evaluation. When
it comes to large production of GQDs, uniformity has been Conflict of interests The authors declare that they have no competing
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multiple steps. The developments in synthesis process
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