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KNPCC-05-Design and Construction of Tunnel from start of elevated ramp (after Moti Jheel Metro

Station) to end of Nayaganj station including four underground metro stations (viz. Chunniganj, Naveen
Market, Bada Chauraha and Nayaganj) and ramp including Architectural finishes, E & M, TVS, ECS etc.
on Corridor-1 of Kanpur MRTS Project at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India




Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation (UPMRC) Ltd. invites Open Tenders on
international competitive basis from eligible applicants from all countries and all
areas, who fulfill qualification criteria as stipulated in clause 1.1.4 of NIT, for the work
“KNPCC-05- Design and Construction of Tunnel from start of elevated ramp (after
Moti Jheel Metro Station) to end of Nayaganj station including four underground
metro stations (viz. Chunniganj, Naveen Market, Bada Chauraha and Nayaganj) and
ramp including Architectural finishes, E&M, TVS, ECS etc. on Corridor-1 of Kanpur
MRTS Project at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India”.
The brief scope of the work and site information is provided in ITT Clause A1 &
Employer’s Requirements (Volume –3).


Approximate cost of work INR 1400 Crores

Tender Security amount INR 14.00 Crores

Completion period of the Work 36 months

From 10.07.2020 to 10.08.2020.(between 09:30

Tender documents on sale
Hrs to 17:30 Hrs) on working days
23,600/- (inclusive of 18% GST)
(Demand Draft on a scheduled commercial
Cost of Tender documents bank based in India in favour of “Uttar Pradesh
Metro Rail Corporation Ltd”) payable at
Last date of Seeking
Pre-bid Meeting 13.08.2020 @ 15:00 Hrs

Last date of issuing addendum 26.08.2020

Date &time of Submission of
18.09.2020 @ 15:00 Hrs.
Date & time of opening of
18.09.2020 @ 15:30 Hrs.
Chief Engineer (Contract),
Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation,
Authority and place for
Administrative Building,
purchase of tender documents,
Vipin Khand, Gomti Nagar,
seeking clarifications and
Near Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar Samajik Parivartan
submission of completed tender
Lucknow-226010, Uttar Pradesh, India
Email: [email protected]

UPMRC/KNPCC-05/Volume–1/NIT 4
KNPCC-05-Design and Construction of Tunnel from start of elevated ramp (after Moti Jheel Metro
Station) to end of Nayaganj station including four underground metro stations (viz. Chunniganj, Naveen
Market, Bada Chauraha and Nayaganj) and ramp including Architectural finishes, E & M, TVS, ECS etc.
on Corridor-1 of Kanpur MRTS Project at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India


UPMRCL has applied for Loan from multilateral funding agency (EIB) hereinafter-
called “Funding Agency” towards the part cost of the Project, and intends to apply a
portion of the proceeds of the loans to payments under this contract. Disbursement of
the loans will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the Loan
Agreements, including the disbursement procedures and the applicable
procurement guidelines of EIB.
( No
party other than UPMRC shall derive any rights from the Loan Agreement or have any
claim to loan proceeds. The above Loan Agreement will cover only a part of the
project cost. The remaining portion shall be financed through equity participation by
the Government of India and Government of Uttar Pradesh and other appropriate

1.1.4 QUALIFICATION CRITERIA: Eligible Applicants: A Tenderer may be from any country and all areas either a single
entity or any combination of entities in the form of a joint venture or consortium under
an existing agreement. Please refer Clause A3 of ITT (which under its sub-clause A3.10
also includes requirements/stipulations regarding (a) Lead Partner of JV/Consortium
(b) Non Substantial Partners (c) Requirement for members of JV /Consortium (d)
Change in JV /Consortium (e) Participation by Subsidiary Company or Parent
Company with credentials of Parent or Subsidiary Company). Minimum Eligibility Criteria:

A. Work Experience: For a Joint Venture / Consortium to qualify, each of its partner
(including non-substantial partners) must have experience of executing at least
one Civil and/or E&M and/or “TVS & ECS” work of minimum 20% of NIT value in last
07 years. The tenderer shall submit documentary evidence for the same.

The tenderers will be qualified only if they satisfy the criteria as given in para A.1,
A.2 and A.3 below (during last Seven years ending 30.06.2020):

A.1: Work experience of Shield tunneling and construction of u/g station by cut &
cover method:
(i) At least one “similar work”* of value of Rs. 966.00 Crores or more and at
least one underground metro station (having plan area of at least 4500 sqm) in
urban environment if not included in this works.
(ii) Two “similar works”* each of value Rs. 604 Crores or more and at least one
underground metro station (having plan area of at least 4500 sqm) in urban
environment if not included in this works.
(iii) Three “similar works”* each of value Rs. 483.00 Crores or more and at least
one underground metro station (having plan area of at least 4500 sqm) in urban
environment if not included in this works.

 In case of JV/Consortium the work of tunnel & station may be by different partners

UPMRC/KNPCC-05/Volume–1/NIT 5
KNPCC-05-Design and Construction of Tunnel from start of elevated ramp (after Moti Jheel Metro
Station) to end of Nayaganj station including four underground metro stations (viz. Chunniganj, Naveen
Market, Bada Chauraha and Nayaganj) and ramp including Architectural finishes, E & M, TVS, ECS etc.
on Corridor-1 of Kanpur MRTS Project at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

 Tenderer (or atleast one member in case of JV/Consortium) should have carried
out at least one “similar work”* of value Rs. 483.00 Crores or more in India or in a
country outside their own country.

*“Similar Work” for this contract shall be work of construction of Tunnel by shield TBM in urban
environment with finished internal dia. of more than 5.0 m with or without underground
metro station in urban environment.
 The bidder should have minimum experience of having constructed a total of
minimum of 2.5 km of tunnel length by shield TBM in urban environment (In case of
twin tunnel each tunnel shall be counted as a separate Tunnel for calculation of
length of tunnel) with finished internal dia. of more than 5.0 m (including
completed portion of ongoing works) with or without underground metro station in
urban environment (each having plan area of at least 4000 sqm) using cut & cover
method. This requirement has to be met through one/two/three similar works of
value mentioned in clause (i),(ii) &(iii) respectively.

A.2: Work experience of E&M Works (Detail Engineering, Supply, Installation, Testing
and Commissioning of Electrical and Mechanical system including Fire and
Hydraulic system) for U/G Metro Station/s

One single E&M work of value Rs. 25 Crores or more for Detailed Engineering,
Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of Electrical and Mechanical
system including Fire and Hydraulic system for Metro Rail / Railway / Airport /
Infrastructure projects / Commercial Projects / Industrial plants.

 Tenderer (or atleast one member in case of JV/Consortium) should have carried
out the above work of value Rs. 25 Crores or more in India or in a country outside
their own country.

A.3: Work experience ECS & TVS work (Design verification, Detail Engineering,
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Environment Control System
(ECS) And Tunnel Ventilation System (TVS)) for U/G Metro Station/s

One single ECS & TVS work of value Rs.25 Crores or more for Design verification,
Detail Engineering, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of
Environment Control System (ECS) / Tunnel Ventilation System (TVS) for Metro
Rail / Railway /Airport / Infrastructure projects / Commercial Projects.

 Tenderer (or atleast one member in case of JV/Consortium) should have carried
out the above work of value Rs. 25 Crores or more in India or in a country outside
their own country.

 The tenderer shall submit details of work executed by them in the Performa of
Annexure-1 for the works to be considered for qualification of work experience
criteria. Documentary proof such as completion certificates from client clearly
indicating the nature/scope of work, actual completion cost and actual date of

UPMRC/KNPCC-05/Volume–1/NIT 6
KNPCC-05-Design and Construction of Tunnel from start of elevated ramp (after Moti Jheel Metro
Station) to end of Nayaganj station including four underground metro stations (viz. Chunniganj, Naveen
Market, Bada Chauraha and Nayaganj) and ramp including Architectural finishes, E & M, TVS, ECS etc.
on Corridor-1 of Kanpur MRTS Project at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

completion for such work should be submitted. The offers submitted without this
documentary proof shall not be evaluated. In case the work is executed for private
client, copy of work order, bill of quantities, bill wise details of payment received
certified by C.A(Chartered Accountant)., T.D.S (Tax Deducted at Source)certificates
for all payments received and copy of final/last bill paid by client shall be submitted.

 Value of successfully completed portion of any ongoing work up to 30.06.2020 will

also be considered for qualification of work experience criteria.

 For completed works, value of work done shall be updated to 30.06.2020 price level
assuming 5% inflation for Indian Rupees every year and 2% for foreign currency
portions per year. Selling rate of exchange at the close of business of the State Bank
of India on the day twenty-eight days before the latest date of Tender Submittal shall
be considered for calculating equivalent value in INR.

 In case of joint venture / Consortium, full value the work, if done by the same joint
venture or any of members of the Joint Venture shall be considered. However, if the
work done by them in any other JV/consortium, value of work as per his percentage
participation in that JV shall be considered.

 Criterion for work experience for “Shield tunneling and construction of underground
station by cut & cover method” (Para A.1) shall be satisfied by a single entity/JV/

 Criterion for work experience for “E&M works” (Para A.2) shall be satisfied by the
tenderer himself or a subcontractor.

 Similarly, criterion for work experience for “ECS & TVS work” (Para A.3) shall be satisfied
by the tenderer himself or a subcontractor.

 Subcontractor/s for “E&M works” and “ECS & TVS work” may be the same or different.

 A JV partner can participate in only one of the bidding JV/Consortium while a

subcontractor for “E&M”/ “ECS&TVS” can participate with different/ multiple

 In case the bidder or their ”ECS & TVS” Sub contractor does not have the experience
as required in para A.3.2 for “ECS & TVS work”, Support documents from specialist
vendor/designer in support of having such experience confirming their willingness with
the bidder/sub-contractor for meeting the requirement of clause A.3.2 shall be
submitted along with the bid. The name of specialist vendor/designer for BMS work of
“E&M” and “ECS&TVS” shall also be submitted with bid.

 In case the bidder cites a work experience which includes both “E&M” and “ECS &
TVS” works, the breakup of the two will be clearly indicated in Annexure-1 of NIT.

B. - Financial Standing: The tenderers will be qualified only if they have minimum financial
capabilities as below:

(i) T1 – Liquidity: The tenderer must have liquidity equal to cash flow requirement of
value Rs. 57.52 Crores for the contract.

a) The liquidity shall be ascertained from Net Working Capital {Current Assets –
(current liabilities + provisions)} as per latest audited balance sheet and/or
from the Banking reference(s).

UPMRC/KNPCC-05/Volume–1/NIT 7
KNPCC-05-Design and Construction of Tunnel from start of elevated ramp (after Moti Jheel Metro
Station) to end of Nayaganj station including four underground metro stations (viz. Chunniganj, Naveen
Market, Bada Chauraha and Nayaganj) and ramp including Architectural finishes, E & M, TVS, ECS etc.
on Corridor-1 of Kanpur MRTS Project at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

b) Banking reference(s) should contain in clear terms the amount that the Bank
will be in a position to lend for this work to the applicant/member of the Joint
Venture/Consortium. In case the Net Working Capital (as seen from the
Balance Sheet) is negative, only the Banking reference(s) will be considered,
otherwise the aggregate of the Net Working Capital and submitted Banking
reference(s) will be considered for working out the Liquidity.

c) The Banking references should be from a Scheduled Commercial Bank in India

or from an International Bank of repute (in case of foreign vendors)
acceptable to UPMRC as per standard proforma provided in NIT as Annexure
4 and it should not be more than 3 months old as on the date of submission of

d) In Case of JV: - Requirement of working capital is to be distributed between

members as per their percentage participation and every member should
satisfy the requirement for his portion.

Example: Let member-1 has percentage participation=M and member-2 has

percentage participation=N. If minimum working capital required is ‘W’ then
working capital of member-1 ≥ W M and working capital of member-2 ≥ W N
100 100
e) In case the applicant is a Joint Venture/Consortium and if Banking Reference
is issued by the bank in favour of the Joint Venture/Consortium for this
contract, then it will be considered for the tenderer and if the Banking
reference(s)is issued in favour of any member of JV/Consortium it will be
considered only for that member.

(ii) T2 - Profitability: Profit before Tax should be positive in in at least 2 (two) of the last 5
audited financial years.

In Case of JV/Consortium- The profitability of only lead member shall be


(iii) T3 - Net Worth: Net Worth of tenderer should be positive in last Two financial years.

In Case of JV/Consortium- Each member of the JV should have positive Net

Worth in the last Two financial years.
(iv) T4 - Annual Turnover: The average annual turnover from construction in last five
financial years should be > Rs. 322 Crores.

The average annual turnover of JV/Consortium will be based on percentage

participation of each member.
Example: Let Member-1 has percentage participation = M and Member- 2 has =
N. Let the average annual turnover of Member-1 is ‘A’ and that of Member-2 is
‘B’, then the average annual turnover of JV will be = (AM+BN)/100

 Financial data for latest last five audited financial years has to be submitted by the
tenderer in Annexure-2 of NIT along with audited balance sheets. The financial data
in the prescribed format shall be certified by the Independent Financial Auditor
(Statutory Auditor) of the company appointed under the Company Act or by a
Chartered Accountant with his stamp and signature in original. In case any
discrepancy in data is found between the balance sheet and the financial

UPMRC/KNPCC-05/Volume–1/NIT 8
KNPCC-05-Design and Construction of Tunnel from start of elevated ramp (after Moti Jheel Metro
Station) to end of Nayaganj station including four underground metro stations (viz. Chunniganj, Naveen
Market, Bada Chauraha and Nayaganj) and ramp including Architectural finishes, E & M, TVS, ECS etc.
on Corridor-1 of Kanpur MRTS Project at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

information submitted, the data as available in the balance sheet will be considered.
In case audited balance sheet of the last financial year is not made available by the
bidder, he has to submit an affidavit certifying that ‘the balance sheet has actually
not been audited so far’. In such a case the financial data of previous ‘4’ audited
financial years will be taken into consideration for evaluation. If audited balance
sheet of any other year than the last year is not submitted, the tender will be
considered as non-responsive.

 Where a work is undertaken by a group, only that portion of the contract which is
undertaken by the concerned applicant/member should be indicated and the
remaining done by the other members of the group be excluded. This is to be
substantiated with documentary evidence. Bid Capacity Criteria:

Bid Capacity: The tenderers will be qualified only if their available bid capacity is
more than the approximate cost of work as per NIT. Available bid capacity will be
calculated based on the following formula:

Available Bid Capacity = 2*A*N – B


A = Maximum of the value of construction works executed in any one year

during the last five financial years (updated to 30.06.2020 price level assuming
5% inflation for Indian Rupees every year and 2% for foreign currency portions
per year).

N = No. of years prescribed for completion of the work

B = Value of existing commitments (as on 30.06.2020) for on-going

construction works during period of 36 months w.e.f. 01.07.2020.

In the case of a group, the above formula will be applied to each member to the
extent of his proposed participation in the execution of the work.

Example for calculation of bid capacity in case of JV / Consortium / Group

Suppose there are ‘P’ and ‘Q’ members of the JV / Consortium / Group with their
participation in the JV / Consortium / Group as 70% and 30% respectively and
available bid capacity of these members as per above formula individually works
out ‘X’ and ‘Y’ respectively, then Bid Capacity of JV / Consortium / Group shall be
as under:

Bid Capacity of the JV / Consortium / Group = 0.7X + 0.3Y


 Financial data for latest last five financial years has to be submitted by the
tenderer in Annexure-3A along with audited financial statements. The financial
data in the prescribed format shall be certified by the Independent Financial
Auditor (Statutory Auditor) of the company appointed under the Company
Act or by a Chartered Accountant with his stamp and signature in original. In
case any discrepancy in data is found between the balance sheet and the
financial information submitted, the data as available in the balance sheet will
be considered.

 Value of existing commitments for on-going construction works during period of

UPMRC/KNPCC-05/Volume–1/NIT 9
KNPCC-05-Design and Construction of Tunnel from start of elevated ramp (after Moti Jheel Metro
Station) to end of Nayaganj station including four underground metro stations (viz. Chunniganj, Naveen
Market, Bada Chauraha and Nayaganj) and ramp including Architectural finishes, E & M, TVS, ECS etc.
on Corridor-1 of Kanpur MRTS Project at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

36 months w.e.f. 01.07.2020 has to be submitted by the tenderer in Annexure-

3B. These data shall be certified by Independent Financial Auditor (Statutory
Auditor) of the company appointed under the Company Act or by a
Chartered Accountant with his stamp and signature in original The tender submission of tenderers, who do not qualify the minimum eligibility
criteria & bid capacity criteria stipulated in the clauses to above,
shall not be considered for further evaluation and therefore rejected. If the
tenderer fails to meet the eligibility and qualification criteria, then further scrutiny
of other technical parameters will not be done and Financial Proposals of such
Tenderers shall not be opened.

The mere fact that the tenderer is qualified as mentioned in sub clause to shall not imply that his bid shall automatically be accepted. The same
should contain all technical data as required for consideration of tender
prescribed in the ITT. Technical proposals meeting the Technical requirement
and found substantially responsive only will be qualified for opening of their
Financial Proposal. Minimum Key Staff requirement –

A. Civil Works including Tunnel, Underground Stations, ramps, architectural finishes

a) Project Manager – having minimum 20 years of total experience out of which
10 years should be in projects of similar nature.
b) Deputy Project Manager (DPM) Station - having minimum 15 years of total
experience out of which 8 years should be in projects of Under Ground Metro
c) Deputy Project Manager (DPM) Tunnel - having minimum 15 years of total
experience out of which 8 years should be in tunnelling.
d) Station In-Charge (one for each station) - having minimum 8 years of total
experience out of which 5 years should be in projects of Under Ground Metro
Station Construction.
e) Chief Safety Manager – As per the qualification and experience given in
General Instruction – 2 of UPMRC SHE manual.
f) Chief Quality Manager – having minimum 15 years of total experience out of
which 5 years should be in projects of Metro Construction.
g) Electrical Utility Engineer- having minimum 10 years of total experience out of
which 5 years should be for Electrical utility diversion works related to Metro

B. For E&M and ECS & TVS work,

a) Project Manager – having minimum 15 years of total experience out of which
3 years should be in projects of similar nature.
b) Deputy Project Manager (E&M) - having minimum 10 years of total
experience out of which 2 years should be in E&M work of Metro Station.
c)Deputy Project Manager (ECS & TVS)- having minimum 10years of total
experience out of which 2 years should be in ECS & TVS work of Metro Stations.
d)Station In-Charge (one for each station) - having minimum 8 years of total
experience out of which 2 years should be in projects of E&M / ECS&TVS of
Metro station.

UPMRC/KNPCC-05/Volume–1/NIT 10
KNPCC-05-Design and Construction of Tunnel from start of elevated ramp (after Moti Jheel Metro
Station) to end of Nayaganj station including four underground metro stations (viz. Chunniganj, Naveen
Market, Bada Chauraha and Nayaganj) and ramp including Architectural finishes, E & M, TVS, ECS etc.
on Corridor-1 of Kanpur MRTS Project at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

e) Safety Manager – As per the qualification and experience given in General

Instruction – 2 of UPMRC SHE manual.

NOTE: CVs of above Key Personals shall be submitted in a format that suitably illustrates the
Qualifications and Work Experience of Key Personal proposed to be deployed. Indicative
proforma for submission of CVs is placed as Annexure – 5 of NIT.

1.1.5 The Tender documents consist of:

Volume 1
Notice Inviting Tender
Instructions to Tenderers (including Annexures)
Form of Tender (including Appendices)
Volume 2
General Conditions of Contracts
Special Conditions of Contract (including Schedules): Part 1: for Civil works
(including Tunnel, Underground Stations, Cut & Cover, Ramps, Architectural
Finishes etc.)
Special Conditions of Contract (including Schedules): Part 2: for E&M and ECS
& TVS etc.
Volume 3
Employer’s Requirements – General (Part 1: Civil, Part 2: E&M, TVS, ECS etc.)
Employer’s Requirements – Functional (Part 1: Civil, Part 2: E&M, TVS, ECS etc.)
Employer’s Requirements – Design (Civil)
Employer’s Requirements – Construction (Civil)
Employer’s Requirements – Appendices
Volume 4
Outline Design Specifications (Civil)
Volume 5
Outline Construction Specifications (Civil)
Volume 6
Tender Drawings (Part 1: Civil, Part 2: E&M, TVS, ECS etc.)
Volume 7
Bill of Quantities
Volume 8
Condition of Contract on Safety, Health & Environment (SHE)
Volume 9
Reference Document - Geotechnical Report

1.1.6 The contract shall be governed by the documents listed in para 1.1.5 above
along with latest edition of CPWD Specification, IRS Specifications & MORTH
Specifications. These may be purchased separately from the market.

1.1.7 The tenderers may obtain further information/ clarification, if any, in respect of
these tender documents from the office of Chief Engineer (Contract), Uttar
Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation, Administrative Building, Vipin Khand, Gomti
Nagar, Near Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Samajik Parivartan Sthal, Lucknow-226010.

1.1.8 All tenderers are hereby cautioned that tenders containing any material
deviation or reservations as described in Clause E4 of “Instructions to Tenderers”
and/or minor deviation without quoting the cost of withdrawal shall be
considered as non-responsive and is liable to be rejected.

UPMRC/KNPCC-05/Volume–1/NIT 11
KNPCC-05-Design and Construction of Tunnel from start of elevated ramp (after Moti Jheel Metro
Station) to end of Nayaganj station including four underground metro stations (viz. Chunniganj, Naveen
Market, Bada Chauraha and Nayaganj) and ramp including Architectural finishes, E & M, TVS, ECS etc.
on Corridor-1 of Kanpur MRTS Project at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

1.1.9 Late tenders (received after date and time of submission of bid) shall not be
accepted under any circumstances.

1.1.10 Tenders shall be valid for a period of 180 days from the date of submission of
Tenders and shall be accompanied with a tender security of the requisite
amount in the form of a Bank Guarantee (as per Annexure-7 of ITT) or Demand
Draft or Pay Order or Banker’s Cheque from a Scheduled commercial bank
(Indian / Foreign) based in India.

Note: Bidders to note that the payment of tender security shall be made from
the account of bidder only. However, in case of JV/ Consortium, the tender
security can either be paid from JV/Consortium account or one of the
constituent member of JV/Consortium.

If tender security has been made from other than the account mentioned above,
same shall not be accepted and all such bids shall be considered ineligible and
summarily rejected.

1.1.11 UPMRC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals without
assigning any reasons. No tenderer shall have any cause of action or claim
against the UPMRC for rejection of his proposal.

1.1.12 Employer will award the Contract to the Tenderers whose Tender has been
determined to be substantially responsive and compliant to the requirements
contained in the Tender Documents and who has offered the Lowest Evaluated
Reasonable Tender Price. Variant bids are not allowed.

1.1.13 Any suit or application, arising out of any dispute or differences on account of
this tender shall be filed in a competent court at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh only
and no other court or any other district of the country shall have any jurisdiction
in the matter.

Chief Engineer(Contract)

Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation

UPMRC/KNPCC-05/Volume–1/NIT 12
KNPCC-05-Design and Construction of Tunnel from start of elevated ramp (after Moti Jheel Metro
Station) to end of Nayaganj station including four underground metro stations (viz. Chunniganj, Naveen
Market, Bada Chauraha and Nayaganj) and ramp including Architectural finishes, E & M, TVS, ECS etc.
on Corridor-1 of Kanpur MRTS Project at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India


Tenderer’s name ………………………… Date……………………………….

Details of works executed by tenderer/s to be considered for qualification of work experience

Details to be submitted separately for individual works claimed for work experience (viz. Tunnels,
Underground Stations, “E&M”, “ECS & TVS”) as per para A (at the price level on
30.06.2020) considering escalation as per Clause of Notes Bullet no.3)
Similar Contract Number/s ______ of
_______ required
Contract Identification
Award date

Completion date
Employer’s Name
Employer’s Address:

Telephone / Fax number:

E Mail
Role in Contract
Individual JV Member
(Individual/JV-Consortium member)
Currency (as stated In equivalent INR at 30.06.2020
Completion Cost in Clients Certificate) price level

If JV member specify percentage % participation In equivalent INR at 30.06.2020

participation in contract & amount price level
(Please refer Note-1)
Quantum of Similar work in support In case of JV/Consortium, actual
of clause no. A Work / length executed by the
Applicant (duly substantiated
with Client Certificate)

NOTE: 1. Only the value of contract as executed by the applicant/member in his own
name should be indicated. Where a work is undertaken by a group, only that
portion of the contract which is undertaken by the concerned applicant/member
should be indicated and the remaining done by the other members of the group
be excluded. This is to be substantiated with documentary evidence.

2. Separate sheet for each work along with Clients Certificate to be submitted.

UPMRC/KNPCC-05/Volume–1/NIT 13
KNPCC-05-Design and Construction of Tunnel from start of elevated ramp (after Moti Jheel Metro
Station) to end of Nayaganj station including four underground metro stations (viz. Chunniganj, Naveen
Market, Bada Chauraha and Nayaganj) and ramp including Architectural finishes, E & M, TVS, ECS etc.
on Corridor-1 of Kanpur MRTS Project at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

ANNEXURE - 1A: Summary of Information provided in Annexure-1

Tenderer’s name ………………………… Date……………………………….

Details of experience - (i) TBM Tunnels & U/G Stations, (ii) E&M and (iii) TVS & ECS (Tick the
correct one)
Name of Applicant (each Total Number of works as No. of contracts delayed,
member in case of group) per clause A at the i.e., completed beyond
price level of 30.06.2020 the original date of

Total cost of eligible work


1. In case the work was done as JV/Consortium, only the value of work done by the
applicant as per his Percentage participation must be given.
2. Reasons of delay whether on contractors account or on account of Employer in
each applicable case need to be enclosed separately.
3. Separate sheets to be submitted for (i) TBM Tunnel & Underground stations, (ii) E&M
and (iii) TVS & ECS

UPMRC/KNPCC-05/Volume–1/NIT 14
KNPCC-05-Design and Construction of Tunnel from start of elevated ramp (after Moti Jheel Metro
Station) to end of Nayaganj station including four underground metro stations (viz. Chunniganj, Naveen
Market, Bada Chauraha and Nayaganj) and ramp including Architectural finishes, E & M, TVS, ECS etc.
on Corridor-1 of Kanpur MRTS Project at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India


Financial DATA

Tenderer’s name ………………………… Date……………………………….

(Each Applicant or member of a JV must fill this form separately)

S.N. Description Financial Data for Latest Last 5 Years (Indian Rupees)
2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020
1. Total Assets
2. Current Assets
3. Total External Liabilities
4. Current Liabilities
5. Annual Profits Before
6. Annual Profits After Taxes
7. Net Worth [= 1 - 3]
8. Working Capital [=2 - 4]
9. Return on Equity
10 Annual turnover (from
11 Gross Annual turnover

Attach copies of the audited balance sheets, including all related notes, income statements
for the last five audited financial years, as indicated above, complying with the following

1. Separate Performa shall be used for each member in case of JV/Consortium.

2. All such documents reflect the financial data of the Applicant or member in case of JV,
and not sister or Parent Company.
3. Historic financial statements shall be audited by Statutory Auditor of the Company under
their seal & stamp and shall be strictly based on Audited Annual Financial results of the
relevant period(s). No statements for partial periods will be accepted.
4. Historic financial statements must be complete, including all notes to the financial
5. Foreign applicants, in whose country calendar year is also the financial year, may submit
all relevant data for the last 5 years i.e. 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
6. Return on Equity = Net Income / Shareholders Equity
Return on Equity = Net Income is for the full fiscal year (before dividends paid to common
stock holders but after dividends to preferred stock).
Shareholders equity does not include preferred shares.
7. The above Annexure shall be duly certified by Chartered Accountant / Company Auditor
under his signature & stamp.

UPMRC/KNPCC-05/Volume–1/NIT 15
KNPCC-05-Design and Construction of Tunnel from start of elevated ramp (after Moti Jheel Metro
Station) to end of Nayaganj station including four underground metro stations (viz. Chunniganj, Naveen
Market, Bada Chauraha and Nayaganj) and ramp including Architectural finishes, E & M, TVS, ECS etc.
on Corridor-1 of Kanpur MRTS Project at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India




(All amounts in Rupees in Crores)

Financial Data for Last 5 Audited Financial Years

DESCRIPTION Year Year Year Year Year
2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Total value of
construction work
done as per
audited financial


1. Separate Performa shall be used for each member in case of JV/Consortium.

2. Attach attested copies of the Audited Financial Statements of the last five financial
years as Annexure.

3. All such documents reflect the financial data of the tenderer or member in case of
JV/Consortium, and not that of sister or parent company.

4. The financial data in above prescribed format shall be certified by Chartered

Accountant / Company Auditor under his signature & stamp.

5. The above financial data will be updated to 30.06.2020 price level assuming 5%
inflation for Indian Rupees every year and 2% for foreign currency portions per year.
Selling rate of exchange at the close of business of the State Bank of India on the day
twenty-eight days before the latest date of Tender Submittal shall be considered for
calculating equivalent value in INR.

UPMRC/KNPCC-05/Volume–1/NIT 16
KNPCC-05-Design and Construction of Tunnel from start of elevated ramp (after Moti Jheel Metro
Station) to end of Nayaganj station including four underground metro stations (viz. Chunniganj, Naveen
Market, Bada Chauraha and Nayaganj) and ramp including Architectural finishes, E & M, TVS, ECS etc.
on Corridor-1 of Kanpur MRTS Project at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India


ANNEXURE 3B: Works in hand

AS on first day of the month of tender submission

Tenderer’s name ………………………… Date……………………………….

Name Name Contract Value of

and brief of client Value In balance Date of Expecte Delay Value of Value of Value of Value of
particular with Rupees work yet Completi d if any, work to be work to be work to be work to be
s of telepho Equivalent to be on as per Completi with done in done in done in done in
contract ne (Give only done in Contract on Date reason 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
(Clearly number the value of Rupee Agreeme (01.07.2020 (01.04.2021 (01.04.2022 (01.04.2023
indicate and fax work equivalent nt to to to to
the part number assigned to as on 31.03.2021) 31.03.2022) 31.03.2023) 30.06.2024)
of the the 30.06.2020
work tenderer/ap
assigned plicant(s)
to the (Assume
tenderer/ inflation as
applicant given in
/s) Annexure1)

Note: - The financial data in above prescribed format shall be certified by Chartered
Accountant / Company Auditor under his signature & stamp.

UPMRC/KNPCC-05/Volume–1/NIT 17
KNPCC-05-Design and Construction of Tunnel from start of elevated ramp (after Moti Jheel Metro
Station) to end of Nayaganj station including four underground metro stations (viz. Chunniganj, Naveen
Market, Bada Chauraha and Nayaganj) and ramp including Architectural finishes, E & M, TVS, ECS etc.
on Corridor-1 of Kanpur MRTS Project at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India




This Is to certify that M/s……………………………………… is a reputed company with a good

financial standing.
If the contract for the work, namely……………………………………….. is awarded to the above
firm, we shall be able to provide overdraft/credit facilities to the extent of
Rs…………………….. to meet their working capital requirements for executing the above

Name of Bank ____________
Senior Bank Manager___________
Address of the Bank_______________

 Change the text as follows for Joint Venture:

This is to certify that M/s. ……………………………………………….. who has formed a JV with
M/s……………………………………………. and M/s………………………………. for participating in
this bid, is a reputed company with a good financial standing.
If the contract for the work, namely ………………………………………… is awarded to the
above joint venture, we shall be able to provide overdraft/credit facilities to the extent of
Rs…………………………………… to M/s…………………………………. to meet their working
capital requirements for executing the above contract.

(This should be given by the JV members in proportion to their financial participation)

UPMRC/KNPCC-05/Volume–1/NIT 18
KNPCC-05-Design and Construction of Tunnel from start of elevated ramp (after Moti Jheel Metro
Station) to end of Nayaganj station including four underground metro stations (viz. Chunniganj, Naveen
Market, Bada Chauraha and Nayaganj) and ramp including Architectural finishes, E & M, TVS, ECS etc.
on Corridor-1 of Kanpur MRTS Project at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Tenderer’s name ………………………… Date……………………………….

Key Staff Bio-data (Provide information for all key staff)

Name of Applicant


Candidate Information Name of Candidate Date of Birth

Professional Qualifications
Present employment Name of Employer
Address of Employer

Telephone Contact (manager / personnel

Fax Email ID

Job title of Years with present employer


Summarize professional experience over the last 15 years, in reverse chronological order.
Indicate particular technical and managerial experience relevant to the Project

From To Company / Project / Position / Relevant technical and managerial


UPMRC/KNPCC-05/Volume–1/NIT 19

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