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Understanding Aspheric Lenses

Key specifications and their impact on performance
Daniel Adams and Shelby Ament

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Fig. 1 Spherical lens (left) compared to an aspheric lens (right; all images source:
Edmund Optics).

Aspheric lenses are an extremely pow- range of sub-aperture grinding and aspheric lenses have become an essential
erful tool for improving the perfor- polishing techniques must be used part of modern optical design.
mance of optical systems whilst also to create a variable curvature. These Any lens with surfaces that are
reducing the number of elements and methods create additional issues that not spherical can be referred to as an
consequently size and weight. From need to be monitored and controlled asphere; however, for manufactur-
medical equipment and microscopes to maximize the performance of an ability, most aspheres are rotationally
to smart phones and autonomous ve- aspheric lens. symmetric lenses with a radius of
hicles, they are increasingly important curvature that varies from the center
across all optics-enabled industries. Any spherical optical surface, even a to the edge. This geometry leads to
An aspheric surface cannot be made perfectly designed and manufactured unique challenges that are not pres-
in the same way as a spherical one, a one, will exhibit spherical aberration. ent in traditional lens manufacturing.
This inherent defect of a spherical sur- A spherical lens is defined by a single
face causes incident light rays to focus radius of curvature and can be ground
at different points when forming an and polished by a tool larger than the
Company image and creates a blur. This is what component, working the entire sur-
aspheric lenses are designed to correct face at the same time. In contrast, the
Edmund Optics for (Fig. 1). continuously variable radius of cur-
Mainz, Germany Aspheric lenses can offer an im- vature of an aspheric lens requires
Edmund Optics is a leading supplier of optics, im­- proved spot size several orders of mag- sub-aperture polishing with tools that
aging, and photonics technology for the life scienc- nitude smaller than spherical lenses. are small enough to create different
es, biomedical, semiconductor, R&D, and security This almost eliminates blur and signifi-
markets around the globe. EO designs and manu- cantly improves image quality. Aspheric
factures a wide array of multi-element lenses, lens
coatings, imaging systems, and optomechanical
lens elements also enable designers
equipment, while supporting OEM applications with to create higher throughput systems
volume production of both stock and custom prod- whilst maintaining good image quality
ucts. EO’s state-of-the-art manufacturing capabili- in multi-element assemblies. In optical
ties, combined with its global distribution network, systems, multiple spherical elements can
has earned it the position of the world’s largest sup-
be replaced by a single asphere reducing asphere sphere
plier of off-the-shelf optical components.
size and weight without a loss in perfor- mance. As manufacturing methods have Fig. 2 An illustration comparing an asphere
continued to improve over recent years, to a sphere.

60 Optik&Photonik 4/2018 © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Optical Components and Systems

Fig. 3 Radial cosine irregularity maps on a 25 mm diameter f/2 asphere surface. The cosine periods from left to right
are 20 mm, 10 mm, and 5 mm.

local curvatures at different points on terms A4, A6, and A8 are known as 4th, calculates an average value for the entire
the surface. 6th, and 8th order aspheric coefficients. optic. This value can vary from a few
Both the design and manufacture of The comparison of an aspheric surface microns at commercial grade to a few
aspheric lenses are fundamentally more to a spherical one is shown in Fig. 2. tenths of a micron at high precision.
complex than that for spherical com- The aspheric surface described by Whilst the surface irregularity gives
ponents and it is important to be aware equation (1) above represents the ideal a great indication of lens performance,
of their unique specifications and what shape and the goal of manufacturing is there is still a substantial amount of in-
they mean for performance. to get as close as possible to this. Inev- formation missing. Looking at the entire
itably, there will be deviation from the optical surface, the deviation from the
ideal surface profile; this is known as the ideal shape at any particular point will
Specifications asphere figure error or the surface irreg- not be constant. In addition, the sub-ap-
An aspheric surface is usually described ularity. This is calculated by subtracting erture grinding and polishing tech-
in terms of its sagitta Z(s) which can be the ideal surface from the manufactured niques used in asphere manufacturing
thought of as the deviation from a plane surface using software and analyzing can create repeating patterns and struc-
at its vertex: the residual deviation. This specifica- tures within the surface irregularity pro-
tion is often quoted as a peak-to-valley file known as mid-spatial frequencies.
Z(s) = C2s2
(1) (P-V) value, which represents the differ- Another key specification that follows
1+ √1–(1+k)C2s2 ence between the points of maximum on from this is the irregularity slope or
+ A4 s4+ A6 s6+ A8 s8 + ... and minimum deviation. However, this slope tolerance. This value puts an upper
can be misleading as it doesn’t state how limit on the rate of change of the asphere
Z(s) is the displacement of the surface many peaks and valleys there are on the figure error, describing how quickly
from the vertex at a radial distance of s optical surface. A more robust measure the deviation from the ideal form can
from the optical axis. The parameter C of the surface irregularity is the root change within a given window. Typical
is the curvature (which is the inverse of mean square deviation (RMS) which values range from 1 µm/mm at com-
the radius of curvature at the vertex) and looks at the absolute difference from mercial grade to 0.15 µm/mm at high
k is known as the conic constant. The the ideal surface at multiple points and precision. The window size is an import-

Strehl ratio vs. RMS irregularity for various radial cosine irregularity maps Strehl ratio vs. RMS irregularity for various radial cosine irregularity maps
(applied to a 25 mm diameter f/2 asphere) (applied to a 12.5 mm diameter f/2 asphere)
1 1
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 20 mm period 0.7
Strehl Ratio

20 mm period
Strehl Ratio

0.6 0.6
10 mm period 10 mm period
0.5 0.5
5 mm period 5 mm period
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
RMS Irregularity (waves at 633 nm) RMS Irregularity (waves at 633 nm)

Fig. 4 For a particular RMS surface irregularity, the more cosine peri- Fig. 5 This 12.5 mm diameter asphere has significantly less Strehl
ods over the aperture of the asphere, the lower the Strehl ratio. ratio degradation compared to the 25 mm diameter asphere in
Figure 4.

© 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Optik&Photonik 4/2018 61

Comparison of two lens f/#'s: S = exp[–(2πσ)2] (2)
Strehl ratio vs. RMS irregularity for various radial cosine periods.
The Strehl ratio of an optic is highly
0.9 20 mm period on f/2 lens
dependent on the accuracy of its surface
0.8 20 mm period on f/0.75 lens which can be quantified in terms of the
0.7 10 mm period on f/2 lens surface irregularity and slope tolerance
Strehl Ratio

10 mm period on f/0.75 lens described in the previous section. First,
consider the spatial frequency of the
0.4 5 mm period on f/2 lens
figure error. When surface irregularity
0.3 5 mm period on f/0.75 lens is modeled as a rotationally-symmetric
2 mm period on f/2 lens cosine function, we can explore the re-
2 mm period on f/0.75 lens sulting Strehl ratio as a function of RMS
0 0.25 0.5 surface irregularity for a variety of co-
RMS Irregularity (waves at 633 nm) sine periods (Fig. 3, 4).
The key factor here is not the period
of the cosine in mm, but the number of
Fig. 6 Comparing dotted lines to solid lines shows that a faster asphere (smaller f/#) has
greater degradation compared to a slower asphere (larger f/#) over a given cosine period. periods over the aperture of the lens.
For a given sub-aperture tool used in
asphere manufacturing, smaller diam-
ant part of the specification and must be lenses and other focusing optics, Strehl eter aspheres will have less Strehl ratio
chosen to be less than the wavelength ratio is defined as the ratio of peak fo- degradation compared to larger diame-
of the mid-spatial frequency being tar- cal spot irradiance of the manufactured ter aspheres (Fig. 5).
geted but large enough to avoid count- optic to the diffraction-limited peak The impact of surface irregularity
ing higher frequency variations such as irradiance [1]. The industry standard on Strehl ratio is also dependent on the
surface roughness or instrument noise. threshold to classify a lens as “diffrac- f/# of the lens. As a general rule, faster
tion-limited” is a Strehl ratio greater aspheres, or aspheres with smaller f/#’s,
than 0.8. have greater sensitivity to surface ir-
Performance considerations The Strehl ratio can also be related regularity’s impact on Strehl Ratio. For
All optical systems have a theoretical to the RMS transmitted wavefront er- example, Fig. 6 compares an f/2 lens to
performance limit known as the diffrac- ror using the following approximation, an f/0.75 lens (both with 25 mm dia­
tion limit. Strehl ratio is a specification where σ is the RMS wavefront error in meter).
used to compare the real performance waves [2]. This approximation is valid It is clear from the examples above
of an optical system with its diffrac- for transmitted wavefront error values that the underlying structure of the
tion-limited performance. For aspheric <0.1 waves. surface irregularity can have a substan-
tial effect on the Strehl ratio of a lens,
particularly higher spatial frequencies.
The slope tolerance is a simple and ef-
fective way to constrain this. For a given
P-V irregularity limit, higher slopes are
associated with higher spatial frequen-
cies on the surface. So by constraining
both the surface P-V irregularity and its
slope, the allowable number of periods
is reduced (Fig. 7).
For a more direct evaluation of spa-
tial frequencies, a specification called
the power spectral density (PSD) can be
used. This function is computed by ana-
lyzing the Fourier transform of the sur-
face irregularity map which gives a two
dimensional plot of the surface in terms
of spatial frequency components. Plac-
ing tolerances on this plot will therefore
directly limit the number of periods.

Fig. 7 If a surface irregularity map has a PV specification along with a maximum slope spec-
ification, this creates a threshold to reduce the impact of higher spatial frequency content
on the surface, as higher spatial frequency errors.

62 Optik&Photonik 4/2018 © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Conclusion When specifying complex optical
components like high quality aspheres
It is important to appreciate the com- there are many other factors to consider
plexities of asphere manufacturing. The as well as the ones described in this ar-
irregularity is always an important pa- ticle. Final results can often depend on
rameter as any deviation from the ideal choosing the right manufacturing part-
form will lead to increased transmitted ner with the appropriate experience,
wavefront error and a decrease in per- tools, and metrology to be successful.
formance. There are, however, second- DOI: 10.1002/opph.201800033
ary effects to take into account, in par-
ticular the mid-spatial frequency of the [1] Karl W. A. Strehl: “Theory of the telescope
surface irregularity profile. A surface due to the diffraction of light,” Leipzig,
with higher frequencies will have re- [2] Virendra N. Mahajan: “Strehl ratio for pri-
duced performance when compared to mary aberrations in terms of their aberra-
an identical surface with lower frequen- tion variance.” JOSA 73.6 (1983): 860-861.
cies. This effect is more pronounced for [3] Keith J. Kasunic: Laser Systems Engineering,
larger lenses and lenses with a smaller SPIE Press, 2016. (ISBN 9781510604278)
[4] Janice K. Lawson et al.: “Specification of op-
f/#. For this reason it is important to
tical components using the power spectral
consider the shape of the surface ir- density function.” Optical Manufacturing
regularity over the entire lens aperture and Testing. Vol. 2536. International Soci-
to understand the true impact that the ety for Optics and Photonics, 1995.
surface irregularity will have on perfor- [5] Wilhelmus A. Messelink et al.: “Mid-spa-
mance. Tools such as the power spectral tial frequency errors of mass-produced
aspheres,” Proc. SPIE 10829, Fifth European
density function and the irregularity
Seminar on Precision Optics Manufactur-
slope value provide a useful way to con- ing, 7 Aug. 2018, doi:10.1117/12.2318663.
strain spatial frequency effects and to
really push performance at higher levels
of precision.

Daniel Adams works Shelby Ament is a
as product marketing research and develop-
manager for Edmund ment engineer for
Optics in Europe. In Edmund Optics in the
his role, he functions USA. She works in
as liaison between many different areas
marketing, sales, and including manufactur-
product management ing and metrology,
across offices and optical design, and
countries and holds business development.
responsibility for technical marketing Shelby holds a bachelor’s degree in physics
content for Europe. Before Daniel joined from DePauw University and a PhD in opti-
Edmund Optics in 2013 as a sales engineer, cal science from the College of Optical
he studied astrophysics at the University of Sciences at the University of Arizona in
Edinburgh where he focused on data analy- Tucson. Her thesis involved the design and
sis for large datasets and distance measure- fabrication of holograms to improve perfor-
ments for ultracool white dwarf stars. mance of solar energy systems.

Daniel Adams, Edmund Optics, Isaac-Fulda-Allee 5, 55124 Mainz, Germany;

phone: +49 6131 5700-0; e-mail: [email protected],

© 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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