CSIT111 Lecture 3

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CSIT111 Programming Fundamentals

Anatomy of a Java Program

Starting Point
• A Java program is comprised of classes
- How many classes should I define in my program?
- How to declare attributes and methods?
. . . There will be many other questions after these ones are answered
• Let's analyze a simplest possible program that has only
one class and this class has only one method main()
UML source file: Welcome.java
/* --- A simple Java program --- */
class Welcome
public static void main(String[] args)
Even a simple {
program must have System.out.print("Welcome !");
at least one class
} // end of class Welcome
Class definition
Class declaration class Welcome
Class body

To define a class you need to:

1. Use the class keyword (spelled with all lowercase letters)
2. Specify its name. A class name is its identifier.
By convention, class names
- can include only letters, digits, _ and $. No spaces.
- begin with a capital letter. If several words are combined, each
shall starts with a capital letter too
- should be meaningful DpGh, Abc, R1
WelcomeToJava, StaffMember, StreamBuffer
3. Provide a pare of curly braces { } to specify the
class body
Definition of a method main()
method declaration public static void main( String[] args )
method body

• Method main() is a starting point of every Java program.

Program execution starts here. This method is called
automatically by the JVM when you start a program.
• Keywords which must be used in the declaration:
- public is an access specifier that indicates that main() is visible
outside the class
- static indicates that this method is placed in shared memory and
becomes available right after the program start (even before objects are
loaded in memory)
- void indicates that this method doesn't return any information
• The method parameter String[] args will be explained later
Display a message
System.out.print("Welcome !");

• Instructs the JVM to display a message that is included in

double quotes
• This is an executable statement. All executable statements
must be terminated with the semicolon ;
• The statement executes a method print(..) that belongs
to the object out
• The object out is a static object that belongs to the class
System. The out is the standard output object that allows the
JVM to display information in the command window
• The System is one of the Java API classes
Welcome !
• The dot (.)means "has" System

System has out that has print() out


• Even a well written program may be hard to follow if it
implements complex data processing algorithms, or has a
complex architecture
• It is a common programming practice to insert comments
to improve readability of programs
• Comments in Java programs are indicated by special
combination of characters
1. /* these comments can span several lines */
/* A simple Java program
UOW , SCIT 2017 */
2. // these are one line comments
// calculation of the transform coefficient
3. /** these comments are processed by javadoc program */
• Comments are ignored by the compiler and have no
affect on the program execution
Program 2: add two numbers
• The major purpose of programs is to process data
• Let's implement a simple program that calculates a sum
of two numbers and displays the result
What should be
/* A simple program that calculates the sum */ a name of the
class SimpleAdder file to store this
{ source code?
public static void main(String[] args)
// calculate and print the result
System.out.print("The sum = ");
System.out.println( 3.5 + 4.5 );
} an expression

• println() is another method that belongs to the object out

• println() displays the result and then moves to the next line
• these methods can display text and numbers
Program 3: calculate the average
• The previous example calculates the result and instantly displays it.
This cannot be postponed as the program does not store data
• Let's implement another program that calculates an average of two
numbers and displays the result
• This example introduces new fundamental elements: variables
/* A simple program that calculates the average */
class DataProcessor
public static void main(String[] args)
double number1, number2, average; // declare variables
number1 = 3.2; // assign a value to number1
number2 = 6.8; // assign a value to number2
average = (number1 + number2)/2; // calculate average
// print the result
System.out.print("The average = ");
System.out.println( average ); // print a stored value
8 } // end of class DataProcessor
• Even simple programs need to store data
• Computer programs store data in computer memory
How could I know which part of memory is free
to store data and how data can be retrieved
from memory when they are needed again?

• Java uses the concept of variables – named locations in

memory. When you use variables you don't need to worry
about program memory space addressing and management
I study at …latitude… longitude…
41°24'12.2"N 2°10'26.5"E
University of Wollongong

9 Named locations are simple to use

• You need to inform the compiler that your program needs a
variable to store data - you need to declare a variable:
- give it a name
- specify what type of data you will be storing
• Based upon this declaration the compiler will:
- find a free block of the memory space for this variable
- reserve enough space to store the specified type of data
Program memory space
int number; // declare a variable
number = 5; // use the variable
char grade; // declare a variable
grade = 'P'; // use the variable P

Declaration of variables
• Declaration of a variable is a non-executable statement and
therefore it must be terminated with ; (as all Java statements)
Data type Identifier (name) ;

int number;

• Data type is telling the compiler what type of data will be

stored in a variable: a character, a whole number, a real number, …
• Identifier can include only letters, digits, _ and $. No spaces
Java naming convention for variables: lowercase for the first word and
uppercase for the first character of subsequent words

int numberOfDays;
int itemsInStock, code, frameRate;
char grade, inputCharacter;
double totalPrice;
Java reserved words
Words reserved in the Java programming language that are
forbidden for identifiers (class/method/variable names)

abstract default if private this

boolean do implements protected throw
break double import public throws
byte else instanceof return transient
case extends int short try
catch final interface static void
char finally long strictfp volatile
class float native super while
const for new switch
continue goto package synchronized

All Java reserved words are lowercase

Declaration of variables
• A variable can be declared anywhere inside a method when you need it.
You can place all declarations of variables at the beginning of methods
and provide comments explaining what they are for
• If you declare variables outside of a method, these variables become
fields (or data fields). In this case you may need to add their access
specifies (public, private, etc)
class Example
{ a data field
private double totalPrice; // total price of goods
public calculatePrice( )
{ a local variable
double currentPrice; // current price
. . .

• If you give proper names, you may need less comments

Declaration of variables
• Declared data fields are implicitly initialised to 0. Local variables are not
• You can explicitly initialise local variables to specific values at the time of
declaration. Alternatively, you can assign a value after the declaration.
int numberOfDays = 7;
char grade = 'P';
double initialTemperature = 100.0;

• Fixed values which you use in your source code are called literals
• Literals do not have any designated location in memory
• Literals can be specified using different notations, or numbering systems
double distance = 2.34e6; scientific notation for 2.34×106
Literals of invisible characters are
char code = '\n';
specified through escape sequences
\n – new line, direct output to the
variable literal next line of the command window
\t – horizontal tab
Arithmetic operators and expressions
• Once a variable has been declared and initialised, it can
be used for data storage and processing
• Java defines a set of arithmetic operators
+ addition left operand operator right operand
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division speed * time
. . . .
• Operators which require two operands are called binary operators
• A sequence of operands and operators that produces a value is
called an expression
Examples of 4.5 * newValue - oldValue
expressions: (number1 + number2)/2.0
3.14159 * radius * radius

Assignment operator

• Besides arithmetic operators, there are other operators

• An assignment operator assigns value of its right operand
to its left operand
lvalue = rvalue
•lvalue is a program component that must have an designated location
in memory ( a variable )
•rvalue does not have a designated location in memory and can be a
literal, a constant, or a value produced by an expression
int number = 25; // OK
number = number + 7; // OK
25 = number; // ERROR (literal 25 is not an
(number+1) = 25; // ERROR (expression is not an
Symbolic constants
• Although it looks simple to use literals in expressions,
sometimes it may cause inconvenience
Example: You implement a program that uses conversion of miles into
kilometres. The conversion is carried out according to a simple formula
kilometers = 1.609 * miles
You implement this formula using 1.609 literal in your program. It works.
Design requirements are changing: you need to use nautical miles instead
kilometers = 1.852 * miles
The change looks simple but… it needs to be done in 35 methods of 12 classes
• It is more practical to define a symbolic constant equal to a
literal if there is a chance that the literal may be changed in
final double COEFF = 1.609;

this keyword indicates a Name of the constant The actual value of the
constant Java notation - uppercase symbolic constant COEFF
Symbolic constants
• Define a symbolic constant when a fixed value is needed
• Use it everywhere in your program instead of literals
• If the actual value needs to be changed, the literal needs to
to be changed only in the constant declaration statement
public static void main(String[] args)
. . .
final double COEFF = 1.609; // conversion coefficient for English mile
final double PI = 3.1416; // a more accurate value may be needed

. . .
distInKilom = COEFF * distInMiles;
. . .
area1 = PI * radius1 * radius1;
. . .
area2 = PI * radius2 * radius2;


Identify all elements: operators, operands, expressions, statements,

rvalues, lvalues



klms = KMS_PER_MILE * miles ;

Operators Expression

19 19

This code cannot be compiled. What is wrong?

class Example
public static void main(String[] args)
double num1= 0.5, num2, num3, result; // declare variables
num2 = 4.0; // assign a value to num2
result = (num1 + num2) * num3;
System.out.println( result ); // print the result

Never use uninitialized variables

Math functions
• Java defines only a limited set of arithmetic operators
(there are some others to be discussed later) that may not be
enough to implement complex calculations
• Java is an extensible language. It has a library Math of
methods for performing the most common numeric

phase = Math.sin( 2.0*Math.PI*f*t );

library name method name Constant π

defined in Math

• Math is implemented as a class with all fields and

methods declared as static

Math functions

1] 1]

The import statement
• It may be a bit inconvenient to type Math every time you use a
method or a constant defined in this class
• If you simply omit the class name, the compiler will not be able to
find these methods and constants as they are defined inside the class
• Java provides an import statement that notifies the compiler where to
find the required methods, constant, or classes

/* An example that shows how to use the import statement */

import static java.lang.Math.* // import all members of Math class

class SignalProcessor
. . .
public double getPhase( double time, double f )
{ You don't need to specify Math
. . .
explicitly as it is specified implicitly
phase = sin( 2.0*PI*f*time ); through the import statement
. . .
23 }
Java packages
• The Java designers have proposed a flexible network based
environment where classes can be loaded if their directories are
accessible ( locally, or via networks )
• There are currently more than 4000 classes in Java API and all
visible identifiers must be unique (which is hard to achieve)
• To avoid collision of names, Java classes are grouped together into
separated namespaces which are called packages
• Actually, to use any Java component you need to specify its full
name including its package
Example: ph = java.lang.Math.cos(0.5);

package name method name

class name

• Instead of writing full names it is more convenient to use import

• The package java.lang is imported implicitly so you need not write
import java.lang.*; in your programs

Does import statement

import java.util.Random;
moves class Random into your application?

What is the difference between

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.*;

A simple application scenario
• Programming is a problem solving activity that involves understanding
of the application area and analysis of the problem
Write a program that converts distance measured
in miles into kilometres
1. Analyze the problem (input data, output data, data processing algorithm)
Input: distance in miles
Output: distance in kilometres
Algorithm: kilometres = 1.609 * miles
2. Use UML to describe a class
3. Implement the program
What is wrong -distInKilom:
with this class? -COEFFICIENT
1.609 {read
{read only}
++ main()

Java implementation
/* A program that converts miles into kilometres Converter.java
input: distance in miles -> output: distance in kilometres */
import java.util.Scanner; // import Scanner class
class Converter
{ // --- fields ---
private static double distInMiles;
private static double distInKilom;
private static final double COEFF = 1.609;
// --- definition of the method main() ---
public static void main(String[] args)
// Create a scanner that can read numbers, or words
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter distance in miles:");
distInMiles = input.nextDouble(); // input a number typed by a user
// calculate the distance
distInKilom = COEFF * distInMiles;
// output the result
System.out.println("Distance = " + distInKilom + " km");
} // end of class Converter
Distance = 160.9 km
Keyboard input
• Scanner methods nextInt(), nextFloat() and nextDouble()
do not read keyboard input directly ( Java cannot have direct access to
hardware )
• Everything what you type goes into the keyboard input buffer first
(processed by the operating system modules)
• Java uses Scanner to reads whatever has been placed into the buffer
Java program
Keyboard input buffer

Scanner 3 0 . 5 1 4 e 2 \t K 5 \cr
cannot be interpreted as a number

• Scanner methods nextInt(), nextFloat() and nextDouble()

read all digits until a whitespace (tab, space, newline) is found
• If digits cannot be interpreted as a number, this leads to a run-time error
• Scanner method nextLine()reads all characters until cr (Enter)
Java implementation v2
Declaration of fields makes sense when a class has several methods
which can access the fields. If there is only one method in a class, all
data can be stored in local variables declared in this method
import static java.lang.System.*; // import all members of System
import java.util.Scanner; // import Scanner class
class Converter
public static void main(String[] args)
double distInMiles, distInKilom; // local variables
final double COEFF = 1.609; // a local constant

Scanner input = new Scanner( in );

out.print("Enter distance in miles:");
distInMiles = input.nextDouble(); // input the typed number

distInKilom = COEFF * distInMiles;

// formatted output
out.printf("%.1f miles = %.1f km \n", distInMiles, distInKilom);
}29 100.0 miles = 160.9 km
Formatted output
• Methods print() and println() are simple, but can provide only
very basic output
• Method printf() provides a flexible way to output numbers,
characters and text in a specified format using only one statement

Examples: Assuming the following variables

int date=25, month=2, year=2017;

– Print date as 25
printf("%d", date);

– Print date as Today is 25th and direct output to the next line
printf("Today is %dth \n", date);

– Print date, month and year as Current date: 25/02/2017

printf("Current date: %02d/%02d/%d", date, month, year);

printf(…) method
format string print list

printf("%f miles equal to %f kilometres \n", miles, kms);

Formatting parameters Escape sequence

\n – new line

Example: If miles = 10.0 and kms = 16.09

10.000000 miles equal to 16.090000 kilometres

printf(…) method
• Formatting parameters
Grayed parameters are optional.
% flag width .prec type If they are used, they must appear in this order

type Interpretation
d Display as an integer
f Display as a floating point number
(with six decimal places by default)
e Display a floating-point number in exponential format
c Display a single character

width & .prec Meaning

number This number of positions will be reserved for the output
.number This number of decimal places will be used for f formats

printf(…) method

double weight = 12.978;

double temp = -97.4583;

printf("Doubles:\n"); Doubles:
printf("%f %e\n", weight, weight); 12.978000 1.297800e+001
printf("%.2f %.2e\n", weight, weight); 12.98 1.30e+001
printf("%.0f %.0e\n", weight, weight); 13 1e+001
printf("%9.2f %9.2f\n", weight, temp); 12.98 -97.46
9 positions 9 positions
reserved reserved

Binary Numeral System
Source code Program memory
byte a = 5; 11111011

• All numbers are stored in computer memory in binary format

• Conversion between decimal and binary numbering systems is
carried out by the compiler
• Without understanding of the binary numeral system you will not be
able to
- use correctly some of the operators supported by Java
- explain some of the calculation errors
• Typical application areas
- network communication protocols (error detection, flow control, etc)
- data encryption and data compression
- computer graphics
Binary vs. Decimal
• The decimal system uses ten symbols to
represent numbers
Symbol set: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
• The binary system uses two symbols to
represent numbers
Symbol set: 0 1
one 1 1
two 2 10
three 3 11
four 4 100
Binary vs. Decimal
• Apart from symbol sets, there is no conceptual
difference between decimal and binary systems
• Both systems are positional
hundreds tens ones

five hundred thirty four: 534

534 = 5*102 + 3*101 + 4*100
10 is a base
A weight of each symbol depends on its position
Hundred in old-English "hund" means "tens", "rad" means "number"
Binary vs. Decimal
• Binary number
Example: eights fours twos ones

1011 = 1*23 + 0*22 + 1*21 + 1*20
2 is a base
A weight of each symbol also depends on its position

The binary system and binary arithmetic was invented by Gottfried Leibniz
and published in 1701 in Paris.
The first computer utilising the binary system was built in 1946 at the
University of Pennsylvania.

Binary to Decimal conversion
• Binary number
101011 = 1*25 + 0*24 + 1*23 + 0*22 + 1*21 + 1*20
20 = 1
21 = 2
22 = 4
2 = 8
24 = 16
25 = 32
26 = 64
27 = 128

101011 = 1*32 + 0 + 1*8 + 0 + 1*2 + 1*1 = 43

• Convert to decimal
0000 = 0*8 + 0*4 + 0*2 + 0 = 0 20 = 1
21 = 2
22 = 4
1000 = 1*8 + 0*4 + 0*2 + 0 = 8
23 = 8
24 = 16
1111 = 1*8 + 1*4 + 1*2 + 1 = 15 2 = 32
2 = 64
27 = 128

Decimal to Binary conversion
• Conversion from binary to decimal:
repetitive multiplication and addition
• Conversion from decimal to binary:
repetitive division by 2 and subtraction

Example: Convert 23 to binary

23 / 2 = 11 and the remainder = 1
11 / 2 = 5 and the remainder = 1
5 / 2 = 2 and the remainder = 1
2 / 2 = 1 and the remainder = 0
1 / 2 = 0 and the remainder = 1 10111 Result
23 = 10111

 1. Convert to binary: 5 The result

5 / 2 = 2 and the remainder = 1

2 / 2 = 1 and the remainder = 0 1 0 1
1 / 2 = 0 and the remainder = 1


 2. Convert to binary: 9

The result is 1001

• A bit: 0 or 1

• A byte: 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1

bit . . . bit bit

6 2 1

Bit 7 or the most Bit 0 or the least

significant bit significant bit
• A word:
1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1

The high byte The low byte

Binary Addition
• Addition is carried out on individual bits
taking into account carry bits
Basic rules:
0 + 0 = 0 1 + 0 = 1 1 + 1 = 10
carry bit 1
1 0 1 0 10
+ 0 0 1 1 + 3
----------- ----
1 1 0 1 13

Signed Binary Numbers
• All Java variables are signed (they can store positive and
negative values)
• Signed binary numbers are represented in two's
complement format
unsigned format: 5 = 101
two's complement: 5 = 0101 an extra bit is required to
two's complement: -5 = 1011 represent a sign

• To change a negative unsigned binary number to its

two's complement format:
1. Write down its binary representation ignoring a sign: 101
2. Attach an extra zero to the left: 0101
3. Invert the number( change 0 to 1 and 1 to 0): 1010
4. Add 1 to the number: 1011
Storing binary numbers
a byte – stores numbers of the range [-128 to 127]
in two's complement format

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -> 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -> 1

0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -> 127

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -> -128

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -> -1

Suggested reading

Java: How to Program (Early Objects), 10th Edition

• Chapter 2: Introduction to Java applications


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