Class 9 Assignments (1) English Icse

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(Affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi)

Julius Caesar – Detailed Study
Name_________ (ACT-III scene-1) Marks-100
Class IX_______ Date: 21.11.2023

Note: Submit your assignment written in long sized ruled papers on or

before 26.11.2020
A) Read the passages carefully and answer the questions 16x2=32

1) “If thou dost bend and

pray and fawn for him,
I spurn thee like a cur out of my way”
a) Who is the speaker?
b) Who is the listener?
c) What do you understand by ‘spurn’ and ‘cur’?

2) “But I am constant as the northern star”

a) Who is the speaker?
b) Why did the speaker compare himself with northern stars?
c) What happens next?

3) “Et, tu Brute!”
a) Who is the speaker?
b) Why are these spoken?
c) What is the importance of these words in the play ?

4) “Live a thousand years,

I shall not find myself so apt to die:
No place will please me so, no mean of death,
As here by Caesar, and by you cut off.”
a) Which time of death is meant here?
b)Which place of death does the speaker mean?
c)Which mean of death, is meant here?

5) “My credit now stands on

such slippery ground
That one of two bad ways you must conceit me,
Either a coward or a flatterer”
a)How is the speaker a coward?
b)How is the speaker a flatterer?
c)Why does the speaker join the enemies

6) “Our reasons are so full of good regard

What were you Antony, the son of Caesar,
You should be satisfied.”
a)Explain the lines?
b)Who is the speaker?
c)What reasons’ does the speaker talk about?

B) Answer the following questions in about 30 – 40 words each. 6x3=18

1)Describe the character of Mark Antony in respect of Act III- Scene– I.
2)Tell us in brief what happened before the death of Caesar in the senate-
3)How does Antony react after the death of Caesar?
4)How does Antony reflect his joining the enemies?
5)What were the conditions given to Antony for funeral speech?
6)Acquaint us with the ‘curse of Antony.

C) Read the extracts carefully and answer the questions 16x2=32

1) “I thrice presented him
a kingly crown,
Which he did
thrice refuse……….’
a) Who is the speaker?
b)Who was given the crown twice?
c)On what occasion was the crown offered?

2) “If it be found so, some

will dear abide it”
a)Who is the speaker?
b)What is to be found?
c)What do you understand by “dear abide it”?

3) “I do entreat you, not a

man depart,
Save I alone, till Antony have spoke”
a)Who is the speaker?
b)Why is Antony here?
c)What was the effect of the speaker on the
4) “Have patience, gentle
friends, I must not read it,”
a)Who is the speaker here?
b)What must he not read?
c)In what mood the listeners are?

5) “They were traitor,

honourable men!”
a)Who is the speaker here?
b)Who are ‘they’ here?
c)What is the mood of the speaker?

6) “Here is the will and

under Caesar’s seal.”
a)Who is the speaker?
b)What is written in the will? (only in this speech)
c)What does the second citizen say after this?

D. Answer the following questions in 30 – 40 words each 6x3=18

1)How was the speech of Brutus? What questions did he ask to the people?
2)What was the effect of the speech Brutus on people?
3)Compare Brutus and Antony as speakers.
4)How did Antony mould the public?
5)How did he change people with Caesar’s cloak?
6)Was Caesar really ambitions? Relate your answer with the will of Caesar.

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