Password Reset C1 - C2 - UT - 4A

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4A UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________

Listening further useful prerequisites.

1 Listen to four people talking about different

changes related to work practices. Match statements a‒e
with speakers 1‒4. There is one extra statement.
This speaker
a says that certain evidence had proved the changes are good.
b would prefer for such changes not to have happened. ___
c is in favour of the change but has some concerns. ___
d has experienced health issues because of the change. ___
e has been pleasantly surprised by the positive aspects
the change has had. ___

__ / 5

2 Read the text and match paragraphs A‒C with questions
1‒6. Each paragraph matches two questions.
According to the text, which job (A–C)
1 requires considerable patience and good people skills?
2 is heavily reliant on other people for your chances of
success? ___
3 is in danger of disappearing because of modernisation? ___
4 could lead to working in dangerous conditions? ___
5 involves a number of sacrifices which can affect many
people? ___
6 has changed greatly in nature due to financial reasons? ___

Choosing a career that’s the right fit for your temperament
and skills is difficult enough. But what happens when you
think you’ve found the perfect job only to find yourself not
so much climbing the career ladder as ending up in the career
graveyard? Here are some very different jobs that it might be
best in the long-term to avoid.
A Politician
Being a junior politician involves great tenacity.
Furthermore, it leaves your future to the will of an ever
decreasing number of voters. The job typically involves long
days, long nights, and an ability to pay 24-hour attention to
social media – all of which often means giving up any chance
of earning the stable income any number of so-called ‘regular’
jobs provide. Only elected officials receive a salary so, as well
as giving up family time in order to campaign and stay in the
spotlight, loss of finances also tends to hit the family as a
whole. Furthermore, such common activities as going on
summer holidays often find themselves in danger of being
cancelled because of more important global and national
concerns – putting a much greater strain on household
relationships than many other career choices tend to. This is
also an occupation which consistently comes in the top five of
least trusted professions so resilience and a thick-skin are

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4A UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________

B Journalist
Once you get beyond the initial excitement of becoming
the next Lois Lane, the realities of being a journalist can
come as quite a shock. The decline in printed publications –
and thus print-related revenue – has lead to a steep decline in
available positions. And with more publications making way
for free, online sources of information, along with a new
trend for citizen journalism, career prospects and salaries are
also dropping rapidly. Experts have forecast the number of
newspaper reporters to drop by 13% by the year 2022,
placing journalists as potentially another major casualty in
the battle between new technologies versus traditional forms
of employment. And, of course, should you actually manage
to find yourself steady work in this field, operating in
politically unstable locations is another hazard of the job. In
fact, a survey carried out in 2016 actually placed journalist as
the second worst job out there.
C Flight Attendant
Jetting off all over the globe in fancy uniforms might still
have some appeal. But with many airlines seeking to
streamline costs, poor career prospects and increasingly
lower salaries mean this is no longer the dream job that it
once used to be. What’s more, as flight attendants are
required to do more and more such as serve endless rounds of
food and sell lottery tickets or over-priced perfumes,
the job has arguably become more of a glorified waiter or
shop assistant than holding the prestige it once had. Dealing
with complaints and rude customers in as calm and polite
a manner as possible is now an everyday part of the job. With
back-to-back flights to squeeze the most out of each plane’s
flight crew, this is quickly becoming a career choice only for
those able to take a very deep breath before speaking and
biting their tongues to avoid conflict.

__ / 6

Language functions
3 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences in brackets
into English. Don’t use the crossed-out words.
1 What the future has _____________________
(co przyniesie nam przyszłość) us is far from predictable.
2 If we can foresee anything _____________________
(cokolwiek dokładnie przewidzieć), it’s the fact that a lot is
bound to change. sure
3 The _____________________ (wszystko wskazuje
na to, że), the government will not prolong the working
age. odds
4 Low-skilled workers _____________________ (nie mają
szansy) of earning a decent salary. have

__ / 4

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4A UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________

Vocabulary __ / 3
4 Replace the words or phrases in brackets with suitable
words so that the meaning of the sentence remains
the same. The first letters have been given.
1 Our employees benefit from a number of o____________
-____________ (happening in the place where people are
working) amenities, including a subsidised canteen.
2 The company offers its workers a chance for fast-track
career a____________ (promotion).
3 It takes a lot of t____________ (determination) to
succeed on stage, considering demanding audiences and
the competition among actors.
4 Teenagers are usually computer-s____________
(knowledgeable) as they have used computers for most
of their lives.
5 A c____________ (involving a group of people)
workplace may be a challenge for introverts, who usually
prefer to work on their own.
6 Having on-the-job e____________ (experience) is often
more important than wide theoretical knowledge.
7 Employees working on weekends are entitled to generous
o____________ (extra hours) remuneration.

__ / 7

5 Complete the sentences with appropriate words.

1 Harry certainly has got what it _________ to become
a sales manager.
2 Don’t _________ your chances of landing the job by
turning up late for the interview.
3 The retirement debate has turned into a battle of
_________ between the two main parties.
4 You need to challenge yourself and _________ the most
of your potential if you want to excel in a given area.
5 Jerry finally decided he was not _________ out for
a teaching career and he engaged in managing his family
business instead.

__ / 5

6 Rewrite the underlined parts of the sentences using

the words given. Do not change the word given.
Use no more than five words.
1 She got to the top despite unequal chances, becoming
the first female chief of surgery in a major hospital.
She _____________________, becoming the first female
chief of surgery in a major hospital.
2 With the hectic pace of our daily lives, it is important to
be able to perform many tasks at the same time. BALLS
With the hectic pace of our daily lives, it is important to
be able to _____________________the air at once.
3 Following in his father’s footsteps, he achieved great
success in the medical profession. BIG
Following in his father’s footsteps, he
_____________________ the medical profession.

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4A UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________

7 Complete the sentences with the correct form

of the words in brackets.
1 Workers performing ____________ (repeat) tasks are
likely to act automatically and lose focus on what they are
2 The role of ____________ (person) manager involves
dealing with employment, training and support issues.
3 People living with long-term ill-health are entitled to
apply for disability living ____________ (allow).
4 Start your cover letter stating the source where you found
the information about the job ____________ (vacate).
5 The ____________ (apply) was rejected due to his lack
of sufficient qualifications.

__ / 5

8 Complete the sentences with the correct form

of the words in the box. There are five extra words.

divergent provision lain laid promotion put

commission attitude aptitude diverse
1 Her __________ to manage multiple projects at the same
time makes her a real asset to our team.
2 Alan works on __________, earning 8 per cent on all
the sales he makes.
3 __________ outlooks in a team inspire creativity and
enhance the planning process.
4 High qualifications and a positive __________ towards
challenges make you an asset to the company.
5 Twenty senior executives were __________ off following
the merger between the banks.

__ / 5

9 Report the sentences using the beginnings given.
1 ‘Why did you choose to pursue a career in politics?’ Mark
asked Janet.
Mark inquired _____________________.
2 ‘I can’t accept your complaint,’ the shop assistant said
to me.
The shop assistant refused _____________________.
3 ‘I haven’t disclosed any confidential information,’
the employee said.
The employee denied _____________________.
4 ‘I will not have finished the project by next week’
said Lucy.
Lucy said _____________________.

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4A UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________

5 ‘Read the documents carefully before signing your lease,’ English in use
the bank clerk said to Mrs Cramton.
The bank clerk told _____________________. 12 Choose the correct answers.
6 ‘Don’t forget to fill in the tax return form,’ Mr Sanders 1 The striking workers insisted that the employer ___
said to me. all their demands by the next day.
Mr Sanders reminded _____________________. a should fulfil b should have fulfilled
__ / 6 c fulfils d fulfilling
2 I ___ getting stuck in a business school instead of
10 Underline two words in each sentence, which can studying visual arts.
be left out. a refused b regretted
c rejected d reminded
1 The sculpture which was displayed at the exhibition
sparked a lot of controversy. 3 He congratulated ___ receiving the honourable mention
2 Once it is done up, the property can be sold at a profit. in the competition.
a me for b me on
3 Do you fancy joining our team and gaining hands-on
c to me for d on me for
experience in graphic design?
4 She was studying medicine plus she was working in a 4 We’re on the lookout for someone with several years
university library. of experience in public relations and you seem
to ___ the bill.
__ / 4 a match b meet
c foot d fit
5 Pursuing a passion is a good way to ___ up the
pressure after a stressful workday.
a cope b handle
11 Decide if the following sentences are correct. c ease d release
Rewrite the incorrect sentences. __ / 5
1 The CEO warned that if there were no cuts, the company
would face the risk of losing its financial liquidity Writing
in the predictable future.
______________________________________________ 13 Read the instructions and do the writing task.
______________________________________________ W ramach projektu międzykulturowego renomowana firma
2 The company owner said that he had no idea how informatyczna organizuje wakacyjny staż dla uczniów szkół
he could have afforded to pay higher payroll taxes średnich z różnych krajów świata. Celem projektu jest
the following year. wspólne opracowanie pomysłu na nową grę komputerową.
______________________________________________ Napisz list motywacyjny (200–250 słów), w którym
przedstawisz swoje umiejętności i cechy osobowości
predysponujące Cię do kreatywnej pracy w wielokulturowym
3 The supervisor requested the worker wears a safety helmet zespole oraz wyjaśnisz, jakie doświadczenia masz nadzieję
when working on the scaffolding platform. zdobyć uczestnicząc w projekcie.
__ / 10
4 Nobody believed in the boss’s constant promises that
she will raise the average hourly wage for all employees.
5 She reminded us that as Paris is the capital of fashion, we
should do absolutely everything we could to ensure that
the show was a success.

__ / 5

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