Y5 Unit 6 Worksheets 2

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Year 5




What sports are popular in your country? Write below.

1. Write the correct answers. Which sports do you like? Tell your partner.
2. Then take turns to mime and guess the sports with your partner.
(page 62)

football basketball tennis swimming athletics cycling

climbing gymnastics skiing volleyball golf hockey
wrestling sailing rugby horse riding
1) 2) 3) 4)

5) 6) 7) 8)

9) 10) 11) 12)

13) 14) 15) 16)


3. Write the meaning of the words below and do the quiz in pairs or teams. (page 62)


1 player 6 champion
2 fans 7 ball
3 competition 8 match
4 race 9 Olympic
5 stadium 10 team

How much do you know about sport? Do the quiz. Score one point for every correct
answer. Then look at the key.
No Questions Answers Points
1 Can you name a Malaysian badminton player?
2 What
is the name of Malaysia national football

3 What is the longest event in athletics

4 What’s
the most famous cycling race in the

5 In which country is the biggest football stadium

in Europe?
6 Judo is a sport. Which country is judo from?
7 What is the correct size for a golf ball?
8 How
many players are there in a double tennis

9 How long is an Olympic swimming pool?

10 How many players are there in a beach
volleyball team?
0-3 : Mmm. Sport is not your favourite thing, right? 7-9 : Very good. Almost a champion!
KEY 4-6 : Not bad, but not great! 10 : Excellent! You’re officially sports crazy!

4. Watch or listen and answer the questions, (page 63)

No Questions Answers
1 Does Liane do any sports?
2 What sport does Lewis watch on TV?
3 Are there any sports Ray wants to try?
5. Watch or listen again and complete the key phrases. (page 63)


1 I’m in a ________________________ club.

2 I (don’t) enjoy _________________________________________________________.
3 I’m in the ______________________ team.
4 I’m a ______________________ fan.
5 I want to try ________________________________________ .
6. Answer the questions below. Then ask the same questions to your partner. Write your
answers and your partner’s answers. (page 63)

No Questions Your answers Your partner’s answers

1 Do you do any sports?
2 What
on TV?
sport do you watch

3 Are there any sports you

want to try?
Do you have any favourite
4 sportsperson? If yes,
state the name.
Draw your favourite sport.

READING . The Olympics then and now

When and where are the next Olympic games? Which sport in the box is not in the
Olympics? Circle the answer. (page 64)

The next Olympic games will be in ________________ in _____________________.

(Squash / Sailing / Rugby / Golf / Football) is not in the Olympics.
1. Read the text below. What sports are mentioned? Circle them.

The first modern Olympic Games were in Greece. There were
1896 silver medals for winners and bronze medals for second place.
There weren’t any gold medals.
1900 Women weren’t competitors until 1900. That year there were
more competitors than spectators.
There was an eleven-hour-forty-minute wrestling match between
1912 Martin Klein and Alfred Asikainen. It was the longest competition
in Olympic history.
1916 In 1961, 1940 and 1944, there weren’t any games because of war.
1920 There wasn’t an Olympic flag until 1920. The flag of every country
in the world has got one of the five Olympic colours in it.
1924 In the first Winter Olympics in France, the Canadian ice hockey
team were champions with 122 goals.
1936 Twelve-year-old swimmer Inge Sorensen from Denmark was the
youngest medallist in Olympic history.
1960 Abebe Bikila from Ethiopia was the first African to win a gold
medal after running a marathon without shoes.
1988 Table tennis is one of the most popular sports in the world, but
wasn't in the Olympics until 1988.
2012 Hiroshi Hoketsu was a competitor in a horse-riding-competition at
the age of seventy-one.
2016 In Rio, golf and rugby were the first events in nearly 100 years.

READING . The Olympics then and now

2. Read and listen to the text ‘Olympics timeline’ on page 64 again and circle ‘true’ or
‘false’. (page 64)

1 There were gold medals in the first Olympic Games. true false
2 There weren’t any games in 1916. true false
3 Inge Sorensen was a swimmier from Ethiopia. true false
4 Abebe Bikila was a marathon runner. true false
5 Golf and rugby were Olympic sports for the first time in 2012 true false
3. Write the meaning of the words below. (page 64)
1 winners
2 competitors
3 spectators
4 swimmer
5 medallist
4. Work in pairs. Which piece of information in the text ‘Olympics timeline’ do you think is
the most interesting? Write them down in the mind map below. (page 64)

Interesting information
in ‘Olympics Timeline’

I would like to watch ______________________________________ in the Olympics.


LANGUAGE FOCUS . there was, there were . was, were

there was, there were
1. Complete the examples from the text on page 64. Then circle the correct words in the
rules. (page 65)

1 __________________________ an eleven-hour-forty-minute match.

2 __________________________ any gold medals.

1 We use there was and there wasn’t with singular / plural nouns.
2 We use there were and there weren’t with singular / plural nouns.
2. Complete the text with affirmative and negative forms of there was and there were.
(page 65)

there was there wasn’t there were there weren’t


2,500 years ago 1) ___________________________ a war between Greece and Persia and
2) ___________________________ a lot of battles. 3) ___________________________ a big battle
in a place called Marathon, which the Greeks won*. This was important news, but
4) ___________________________ any internet and 5) ___________________________ no
telephones. So a man called Pheidippides ran* to Athens with news of the battle. He ran
about forty-one kilometres. 6) ___________________________ any good roads, so it was a
difficult journey. When he arrived in Athens, he died.
*won=past of win *ran = past of run
3. Write the correct answers. (page 65)

there was there wasn’t there were there weren’t

1 2,500 years ago, _______________________ any rich footballers.
2 2,500 years ago, _______________________ many chariot races.
3 2,500 years ago, _______________________ a country called Persia.
4 2,500 years ago, _______________________ a sport called skateboarding.
5 2,500 years ago, _______________________ many messengers.
6 2,500 years ago, _______________________ any iPads.

LANGUAGE FOCUS . there was, there were . was, were

4. Write eight sentences about your country 100 years ago. Use the words in the box.
(page 65)

there was / wasn’t many

there were / weren’t a lot of
some / any
a / an

E.g. There weren’t many cars.


Read the sentences you have written above and imagine the situation in your country 100
years ago. Illustrate it in your drawing below.

LANGUAGE FOCUS . there was, there were . was, were

was, were
6. Complete the examples from the ‘Olympics timeline’ text on page 64. Then complete the
rule. (page 65)

1 Horoshi Hoketsu __________________ a competitor.

2 It __________________ in the Olympics until 1988.
3 Golf and rugby __________________ events for the first time.
4 Women __________________ competitors until 1900.
: was and were are the past forms of _______________ and ________________.
7.Write the correct answers. (page 65)

was wasn’t were weren’t

1 In the past, things ________________ different.
2 In the past, sports stars ________________ richer.
3 In the past, I ________________ younger.
4 In the past, Everest ________________ higher.
5 In the past, transport ________________ slower.
6 In the past, people ________________ taller.

8. Complete the sentences with was and were and your own ideas. (page 65)

E.g. I ____________ born in ______________________________________.

1 When I ____________ younger, my favourite sport is __________________________________.
2 The number one song last week ________ _____________________________________________.
3 My great grandparents’ names ________ _____________________________________________.
4 My favourite film last year ________ _____________________________________________.
5 My favourite day last week ________ _____________________________________________.
6 When I ________ younger, my hobbies ________ _________________________________________.
7 My last meal ________ _____________________________________________.

9. Work in pairs. Compare your sentences in exercise 8.


VOCABULARY & LISTENING . X Games : Regular and irregular verbs

What sports are difficult and dangerous? Think and write them below? Then discuss
with your partner, are these sports popular in your country?

1. Write the meaning of the verbs below. (page 66)

1 started 6 became
2 travelled 7 learned
3 watched 8 went
4 decided 9 did
5 competed 10 won
Match the verbs with the correct past simple forms. (page 66)

1 learn started
2 start travelled
3 go watched
4 win decided
5 travel competed
6 become became
7 watch learned
8 do went
9 compete (in) did
10 decide won

VOCABULARY & LISTENING . X Games : Regular and irregular verbs

2. Listen to the information about Alana Smith and Tom Schaar. From column A, choose
who is talking. From column B, Choose where they are. Circle your answers. (page 66)

Who is talking? Where are they?
parents talking at school
sports fans talking at the X Games Asia
Alana and Tom talking an a TV programme
3. Listen again and circle the correct answers. (page 66)

No Alana Smith Tom Schaar

She learned to skate when she was …... He learned to skate when he was …...
1 A. four. A. four.
B. seven. B. seven.
C. nine. C. nine.
She went to X Games in …... He went to X Games in …...
2 A. Barcelona. A. Barcelona.
B. Miami. B. Miami.
C. Shanghai. C. Shanghai.
She did a trick called …... He did a trick called …...
3 A. 900. A. 900.
B. 1080. B. 1080.
C. 540 McTwist. C. 540 McTwist.
She won an X Games medal when she was He won an X Games medal when he was ……
4 A. ten. A. ten.
B. twelve. B. twelve.
C. fourteen. C. fourteen.
4. Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs below. (page 66)

do learn become
winning travel competing

1 What sports do you want to _____________________?

2 Where do you want to _____________________?
3 Do you want to _____________________ a star? Why/Why not?
4 Do you prefer _____________________ or _____________________ in competitions? Why?
5 Can you _____________________ any dangerous sports?

LANGUAGE FOCUS . Past simple: affirmative . Past time expressions

Past simple: affirmative
1. Look at the examples and complete rules 1-3 with have got or haven’t got. (page 67)

Regular verb Irregular verb

Regular verb : compete Irregular verb : win
Examples: Examples:
I competed in the Olympics She won an X Games medal.
They competed in the X Games. We won at the X Games.
have got haven’t got

1 Regular verbs _______________________ past simple forms ending in –ed.

2 Irregular verbs _______________________ past simple forms ending in –ed.
3 Verbs in the past simple _______________________ the same form for I, you , he, she, it,
we and they.
2. Read the study strategy. Then complete the Young sport superstars text with the past
simple form of the verbs in parentheses. (page 67)


It’s important to check the past simple forms of verbs and learn the irregular ones. Put
the verbs in groups of ten and try learning a different group every week.


Abdul Latif Romly 1) __________________ (go) to the Rio Paralympic Games in 2016. He
2) __________________ (win) the gold medal for the long jump on 11 September 2016. He
actually 3) __________________ (break) the world record for the long jump three times in
one day. Abdul Latif won Malaysia’s 2016 Sportsman of the Year award for his
Martin Odegaard, from Norway, 4) __________________ (become) professional footballer
at fifteen and 5) __________________ (score) great goals for his club. He first
6)_____________ (play) international football before he was sixteen.
A lot of famous clubs were interested in him and he 7) __________________ (train) with
some of them. Finally, in 2015, Real Madrid 8) __________________ (give) him a contract.

LANGUAGE FOCUS . Past simple: affirmative . Past time expressions

PRONUNCIATION : -ed endings
3. Listen and repeat the words. Which letters come before the –ed ending in the lists
below? Circle them. (page 67)

1) /t/ : practiced, watched 2) /d/ : travelled, played 3) /Id/ : started, decided

Past time expressions
4. Refer to the examples and answer the questions below. (page 67)

He first competed when he was twelve.

She last competed in 1981
He was on this programme two years ago.
1. How do you say the words below in your language? Write your answers.
1 first 3 last
2 when he was 4 ago
2. Do we put ago before or after a past time expression?
We put ago _____________________ a past time expression.
5. Write sentences using the past simple and the key phrases. Then compare with other
people in the class. Are any of your sentences the same? (page 67)

last Tuesday / weekend / week / year / August

in August / 2014
PAST TIME on Friday / Sunday
EXPRESSIONS when I was ten
ten minutes / two weeks / a month

I last (play) sport……
I last played sport on Saturday.
1 I first (watch) the Olympics ……
2 I last (do) my English homework ……
3 I first (come) to this school ……
4 I last (run) 100 metres ……
5 I first (swim) in a pool ……
6 I last (see) a good film ……
7 I first (go) on a train ……

LANGUAGE FOCUS . Past simple: affirmative . Past time expressions

Write true and false statements about your life. Use the verbs on page 67.

E.g. I first went on a ferry when I was nine.

E.g. I last learned English in September 2020.


SPEAKING . Last weekend

Think of three answers of the question ‘How was your weekend?’. Write them below.
(page 68)

1. Complete the dialogue with the correct answers. Then watch or listen and check. Why
was Alfie happy on Saturday? (page 68)

Alfie Hey, Lois. How are things?

Lois Oh hi, Alfie. Good, thanks. How 1) ___________ your weekend?
Alfie It 2) ___________ great, thanks. I 3) ___________ to a football match on Saturday.
Lois Really? 4) ___________ it good?
Alfie Yes, it was brilliant. There 5) ___________ a lot of goals. United 6) ___________ 3-2
in the end.
Lois That’s good news! Who 7) ___________ you with?
Alfie My brother. Why don’t you come next time?
Lois Sure. Why not? Text me when you’re going, OK?
Alfie OK then. Bye, Lois.
Lois Bye.
2. Look at the key phrases. Cover the dialogue in exercise 1 and try to complete the key
phrases. Then watch or listen and check. (page 68)


1 _________________ was your weekend?

2 _________________ good / bad news!
3 _________________ were you with?
4 _________________ don’t you come next time?
5 Sure. _________________ not?
6 Text me _________________ you’re going.

SPEAKING . Last weekend

3. Look at the phrases. Then listen to three mini–dialogues. Which phrases do you hear?
Write them below. (page 68)

brilliant. to a concert.
It was cool. on a trip.
It wasn’t OK. I went ... to a tennis match.
great. to the cinema on Saturday.
to a restaurant with my parents.

music bad.
place(s) was boring.
players wasn’t nice
The food were (really) amazing.
game weren’t strange.
film interesting

1 It wasn't _________________. I went to the ____________ on ___________________. The

_______________ was really ________________________.
2 It was _________________. I went _____________________________________________ . The
__________ was _________________.
It was __________ . I went _______________________________________________________. The
_____________ was ____________________.
4. Work in pairs. Prepare a mini—dialogue using the key phrases in exercise 2 and the
phrases in exercise 3. Then practise the mini-dialogues with your partner. (page 68)

SPEAKING . Last weekend

5. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Imagine that you went on a trip to the beach or
restaurant last weekend. Prepare and practise new dialogues with the
phrases in exercise 2 and 3. (page 68)

8 a.m. 4th June

WRITING . A sport star

Name and write five famous international sports stars. Who is the most famous
sports star in your country? What is his/her sport?
Five famous international sports stars:
The most famous sports star in my country is __________________________. His/her
sport is _______________________________ .

1. Read the profile. Where was Usain Bolt born? When was his first world record?
(page 69)

Usain Bolt
Usain Bolt’s full name is Usain Saint Leo Bolt and he is an athlete from
Jamaica. He was born on 21st August 1986 in a small town in Jamaica
called Sherwood Content and he now lives in Kingston.

Bolt first competed in sprint races when he was at school, and at the
age of sixteen he was the youngest ever world junior champion for
200 metres. He continued to win competitions and then turned
professional in 2004.
Bolt first broke a world record in a 100-metre race in May 2008 and

after that he broke more records in 100– and 200 metres races. He
also won gold medals at the Olympics in Beijing and London and
became the world champion for both the 100 and 200 metres. He’s
one of the most successful competitors in the history athletics.

Where was Usain Bolt born?


When was his first world record?


WRITING . A sport star

2. Look at the key phrases. Which phrases do we use in paragraphs 1-3 on page 69? Read
the profile again and check. Colour your answers. (page 69)


1 His/Her full name is ………….. P1 P2 P3

2 At the age of ………….. he/she ………….. P1 P2 P3
3 He’s/ She’s one of the most successful ………….. in the history of ………….. P1 P2 P3
4 He/She first competed/played in ………….. P1 P2 P3
5 He/She was born on ………….. P1 P2 P3
6 He/She continued to ………….. P1 P2 P3
7 He/She first ………….. in ………….. P1 P2 P3
*P1 : Paragraph 1 *P2 : Paragraph 2 *P3 : Paragraph 3
3. Read the text on page 69 again. Match (only ) three topics from a-e with paragraphs
1-3 on page 69. (page 69)

a His life now

b Greatest moments Paragraph 1
c Basic information Paragraph 2
d Problems Paragraph 3
e Early career

Create a certificate to Usain Bolt for being one of the most famous sports stars in the

WRITING . A sports star

4. Follow the steps in the writing guide. (page 69)

Write a profile of a sports star for a sports website.
1 Think of a sports star who you like.
2 Find information about the person and choose the most important points. Look at the key phrases
on page 69 to help you choose.
3 Make notes using the key phrases and the paragraph titles in exercise 3 on page 69.
Write your profile using your notes.
-past simple verb forms -past time expressions -paragraphs


1. Find and colour the odd word out in each group. (page 70)

1 football basketball skiing

2 tennis sailing swimming

3 rugby cycling horse-riding

4 golf hockey judo

5 athletics volleyball tennis

6 climbing skiing hockey

2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (page 70)

started did travelled went became won competed

1 My sister __________________ around Australia last summer.

2 Andy Murray __________________ the Wimbledon tennis tournament in 2013.
3 Nadia Comãneci __________________ in the Montreal Olympics when she was fourteen.
4 Last year my family and I __________________ to Turkey.
5 I __________________ all my homework at school.
6 Pele __________________ to play football for the Brazil national team when he was sixteen.
7 One Direction __________________ really famous in 2010.
8 We __________________ around Malaysia five years ago with our caravan.
9 He __________________ all the household chores by himself.
10 Maria __________________ the drawing contest last year.
11 Hani __________________ to drive when she was twenty.
12 Dani __________________ to school by bus yesterday.


3. Complete the dialogue with the affirmative or negative forms of was or were.
(page 70)

was wasn’t were weren’t

Max 1) ___________ you at the sports show last night?
Tom No, I 2) ___________ . 3) ___________ it good?
Max Good? It 4) ___________ great! Becky and Raj 5) ___________ there, too.
Tom Really?
Max Yes. There 6) ___________ a lot of different sports to try.
Tom No way! What’s sports?
Max Well, there 7) ___________ judo. Then I did some climbing and cycling.
Tom That sounds great!
I know. It 8) ___________ so cool, but there 9) ___________ much time to talk to
Max people. There 10) ___________ any famous climbers or cyclists, but there
11) ___________ a judo star there.
Tom 12) ___________ it an Olympic champion?
Max No, it 13) ___________ me!
Tom Ha, ha! Very funny, Max.
4. Write the past simple form of the verbs, Then decide and colour if they are regular or
irregular. (page 70)

No Verbs Past simple form Regular or Irregular?

1 learn Regular Irregular
2 give Regular Irregular
3 see Regular Irregular
4 play Regular Irregular
5 come Regular Irregular
6 live Regular Irregular
7 speak Regular Irregular
8 finish Regular Irregular
9 eat Regular Irregular


5. Complete the text with past simple from of the verbs in brackets. (page 70)

Dr Ludwig Guttman 1) ______________ (be) a German doctor and he 2) ______________

(work) in a hospital in England during the second World War. His patients
3) _________________ (have) serious problems with their backs, but Dr Guttman
4) _________________ (use) sport to help them. He 5) _________________ (begin) a sports
competition at the hospital. Soon people from other countries 6) _________________ (come)
to the hospital games. In September 1960 the hospital games 7) _________________
(change) to the Paralympics and the first competition 8) _________________ (take) place in
Rome. Athletes from twenty-three countries 9) _________________ (compete) in the events.
Italy 10) _________________ (win) eighty medals!

6.Choose and circle the correct responses. (page 70)

How was your weekend?

A) No, thanks.
B) Yes, please.
C) Great, thanks.
I went to a tennis match.
A) Hi, Beth.
B) Was it good?
C) OK, then.
Who were you with?
A) My mum and my sister.
B) Cool!
C) The food was good.
Why don’t you come next time?
A) Bye.
B) Sure. Why not?
C) Yes, it was great.
Text me when you’re going, OK?
A) That’s good news.
B) It was brilliant.
C) OK, then.


7. Listen to two friends talking and answer the questions below. (page 70)

What did Louisa do at the weekend?

1 ______________________________________________________________________________

What did she write about?

2 ______________________________________________________________________________
When was the match?
3 ______________________________________________________________________________
Why was the match special?
4 ______________________________________________________________________________
Where were the players from?
5 ______________________________________________________________________________
How many games did the players play?
6 ______________________________________________________________________________


1. Use the grid to find the first and last letters of sports 1-8.
Then write the sports. (page 71)

P a g m s y
T b h n t z
G c i o u
S d j p v
M e k q w
B f l r x

E.g. PE ol BA PE PO
g f 5
_________________ 6
PA PO _________________
_________________ SE GI
3 _________________
4 BI PU 8

Work in groups. Write the names of the sports on page 62 on pieces
of paper. One student takes a piece of paper and draws the sport.
The other guess. The winner is the person who guesses the most


3. Work in pairs. Follow the instructions. (page 71)

• Put four to eight objects on your desk.

• Look at the objects for ten seconds and remember them.
• One student closes his/her eyes.
• The other student takes the objects from the desk and hides them.
• The student opens his/her eyes and says what objects were on the
desk using there was/there were. For example, There was a pen.
There was a ruler. There were three books. There was an apple. The
student gets a point for every correct sentence.
• Repeat the game with different objects. Who can get the most

4. Join the letters to find regular and irregular past simple forms. (page 71)

E.g. STA NT E.g. : started

1 WE ETED 1) _______________________
2 W RTED 2) ______________________
3 TRAV ID 3) ______________________
4 BEC RNED 4) ______________________
5 LEA IDED 5) ______________________
6 WAT ON 6) ______________________
7 D AME 7) ______________________
8 COMP CHED 8) ______________________
9 DEC ELLED 9) ______________________


5. Complete the sentences. Then write the past simple form of the missing verbs in the
puzzle. Then use the letters in the grey boxes to make a mystery word. (page 71)

E.g. w o n

E.g. won
Germany ______________ the football World Cup in 2014
1 Nadia Comãneci ______________ born in Romania.

2 Usain Bolt ______________ the world record in Beijing.

3 Pheidippides ______________ from Marathon to Athens.

4 Pelè ______________ from a poor family.

5 My dad ______________ to the match on Saturday.

6 I ______________ all my homework last night.

7 The 2021 Olympics ______________ in London.

The mystery word is ______________________




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