Sip Project Edited

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration

Session- 2023-2024

Faculty Guide Submitted By:

[Mr.Deepak Shukla] [ Mayank Srivastava ]

[Faculty-Master of Business Administration] [Roll No.--2001640700142]


Affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. AKTU


A professional course in (Master of Business Administration) is incomplete unless the

theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom is backed up by practical exposure, as
theories alone do not give perfection to any discipline. The gap between theory and practice is
bridged by the summer training project report which has been an integral part of the syllabus.

This present Project report is an image of what I have done and observed during my research

This report is the result of the work done during the research period.

I have tried my level best to be as systematic as possible and to avoid any sort of biases.



I hereby declare that this submission is my own work. It contains no material previously published written by

another person, nor has this materials to a substantial extent been accepted for The award of any other degree or

diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning.


[Mayank Srivastava ]


Summer Internship Project Report is one of the important parts of MBA program, which has helped me to

gain experience and will be beneficial in my succeeding career. For this, with an ineffable sense of

gratitude I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of indebtedness and gratitude to Dr. S. K. Bhalla,

Director - Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology and Dr. Harit Kumar, Head of Business

Administration Department, for their encouragement, support and guidance in carrying out the project.

I am very thankful to, my Project Guide Mr. Deepak Shukla, MBA Department for his

interest Constructive criticism, persistent encouragement and untiring guidance throughout

the development of the project. It has been my great privilege to work under his inspiring

guidance. I am also thankful to my parents and my friends for their indelible co-operation for

achieving the goals of this study.



VENUS SOAP AT RSPL LTD..” is carried out in the purview of Fast-moving Consumer
Goods market. The objective of the project work was to identify the presence of brands of
FMCG sector of RSPL. If we look upon the overall industry, then we see that industry is
witnessing exceptional growth rates.

The market will get transformed into a mass market phenomenon that relies on
economies of scale. Overall penetration and market opportunity will increase,
but with thinner margins. Operators will struggle to find a balance between
yield and growth to fulfill growth expectations. Value added services such as a
service differentiator and an important revenue stream that will help to cushion
the pressure on overall service revenues. In such conditions, the new augmented
products, effective service delivery, technologically updated value-added
services and customer relationship management will be crucial for each of the
players in the tractor services industry. After making the comparative analysis of

BAR we come to know that only the brand Ghari is so famous & Xpert & Venus
is also going well. But MR2 is not doing well. The advertising strategy of RSPL
is not too good.


Page no.

Declaration I

Acknowledgement Executive



1.1 Introduction about the Problem 1

1.2 Industry Profile


2.1 History of the organization

2.2 Vision, Mission, and Quality Policy

2.3 Structure of the organization

2.4 Products/Services of the organization

2.5 Growth of the organization (Challenges faced in past)

2.6 Organization’s SWOT analysis


3.1 Statement of the research problem.
3.2 Review of Literature
3.3 Statement of the research objective.
3.4 Research Methodology

I)Research Design (Qualitative/Quantitative, Exploratory/Descriptive/Causal)

II)Measurement/ Scaling technique (details about Interviews/ questionnaires etc.)
III) Data Collection (Type of data- Primary, Sampling techniques)


4.1 Graphical presentation/ Visualization (if applicable)
4.2 Hypotheses (if applicable)
4.3 Statistical Test (if applicable)



Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his or her images. Behavior is
the process of responding to stimuli. Consumer behavior is to do with the
activities of the individual in obtaining and using the goods and services; it
encompasses the decision – making process that precedes and determines

Professor Walter C.G. and Professor Paul G.W, ―the process whereby
individuals decide whether, what, when, where, how and from whom to
purchase goods and services‖.

Professor Bearden and Associates. Consumer behavior is ―the mental and

emotional processes and the physical activities of people activities of people
who purchases and use goods and services to satisfy particular needs and


Understanding consumer behavior makes it mandatory to first understand the
buying process. Goods many models of consumer behavior portraying the
buying process have been developed during the last three decades. These
models treat the consumer as a decision-maker. Among all these models, the
one given by Mr. Howard and J.Sheth in their title THE THEORY OF
BUYER BEHAVIOR is having sophisticated model which is the most
comprehensive and, hence, largely accepted. In simple words, the buying
process is made up of three stages namely,
‗input ‘-‗process‘-‗output‘.


The consumer buying process is a five steps activity. These five steps are

1. Need Recognition.
2. Information Search.
3. Evaluation and Intention.
4. Purchases decision and
5. Post purchase’s reaction.

1. Need recognition:

The starting point of the buying process is the perceived want or a desire. Need
recognition is the awareness of the want or a consumption problem without
whose satisfaction the consumer feels restless, and tension charged. That is,
heor she feels that a desire or want has arisen which has to be satisfied. Needs or
wants to arise either due to internal stimulus or external stimulus.

2. Information search:

A need aroused and recognized can be satisfied only when the product or
services is available. Consumer interest is indicated in the consumer ‘s
willingness to seek further about product or satisfaction, he searches relevant
information. Consumer has many alternative sources of information to tap such
as friends, relatives, neighbors, salesman, dealers, advertisements, packages
and above all consumer organizations.

3. Evaluation and Intension:

It is consumer ‘s deep interest in the product or services that paves the way for
evaluation and intention. The evaluation stages are the stages of mental trial of
the product or a services based on the accumulated information and judges the
relative worth of alternatives products or services from the angle of want
satisfying potential. The final purchases depend on the relative strength of the
positive intention to buy.

4.Purchase Decision
It is the positive intention of the consumer that leads to a purchase decision.
Decision to purchase implies consumer commitment for a product or a service.
Practically, it is the last stage in the buying process because it completes the
exchanges process. Such a purchase may be a trial or adoption. Trial purchases
are done when the consumer buys the products or service for the first time.
This occurs mostly in the case of consumer non-durables. In the case of
consumer durables, it is purchasing adoption than trial because, consumer
durable items cannot be purchased on trial basis.
5.Post Purchase behavior
Post-purchase behavior or reaction stands for the behavior of a consumer after a
commitment to product has been made. This post- purchase experience may be
a set of positive or negative feelings. Positive feelings or satisfaction will result
in repeat sales or at least recommending the products or services to other; on the
other hand, dis-satisfaction or negative feelings creating anxiety and doubts.
This stage of mind is called as ‗cognitive dissonance ‘. He tries toreduce it by
going in for other alternative products or services in search of highest level of
A word of caution, at this level, is essential. The stages mentioned above are
only a graphic description of a buying process. There is no specific pattern in
which every adoption process must fit in. As consumer is unique creature, one
may be quick; another may be slow to reach each stage or stages. It is consumer
personality-speed-caution-difference-wavering-shyness-risk taking- jubilant-
serious all follow these stages to make purchase.


Psychological have also provided certain clues as to why a consumer behaves

this way or that way. The major psychological determinants internal to the
individual are motivation-perception learning-attitude and personality. Here is
an attempt to explain and to know their implications in so far as consumer
behavior is concerned.

A. Motivation:

Motivation is the way of behavior. It is an intervening variable between

stimulus and response and a governing force of consumer behavior, motivation
refers to the drives, urges, wishes or desires which initiate the sequence of
events known as behavior.

B. Perception:

Marketing management is concerned with the understating of the process of

perception because perception because, perception leads to thought and thought
leads to action. Perception is the process whereby stimuli are received and
interpreted by the individual and translated into a response.
C. Learning:

In behavioral science, learning means any change in behavior which comes

about because of experience. Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge.
Consumer behavior is a process of learning because it is modified according to
the customer ‘s past experience and the objective he or she has set.

D. Attitude:

The concept of attitude occupies a central position a consumer; behavior

studies in particular and social psychological in general because; attitude
measurements help in understanding and prediction way when presented with a
given stimulus and the attitude towards people, place, products and things can
be positive and negative or favorable or unfavorable.

E. Personality:

Very often, the word personality is used to refer to the capacity of a person for
popularity, friendliness or charisma. However, in strict sense, it refers to the
essential difference between one individual and another. Therefore, personality
consists of a mannerisms, habit and actions that makes a person an individual
and thereby serve to make hem distinct from everyone else.
The personality of an individual is either expressed in terms of traits or type.
The personality traits may be-aggressiveness-honesty-anxiety-independence-
sociability and so on.


Venus is a global brand developed by Unilever. The range of products includes

beauty soaps, shower gels, bath additives, hair shampoos and conditioners. Venus
started as ―Sunlight Flakes‖ laundry soap in 1899.

In 1924, it became the first mass market toilet soap in the world. It is noted as a
brand that pioneered female celebrity endorsements.

As of 2005, Venusrevenue is at 1.0 billion euros, with market shares spread out to
more than 100 countries across the globe.

Today, Venus is the market leader in several countries including Brazil, India,
Thailand and South Africa.

One of the most popular beauty products India in terms of soaps and body
washes is VENUS soap. For years, VENUS has been one of the India top soaps
that offer a way to gain smooth and fair looking skin without worrying too
much on how old the user is. VENUS soap came from one of the biggest
corporations in the India today, Unilever. VENUS is a personal care brand
owned by Unilever. VENUS is primarily made from synthetic surfactants, as
well as some vegetable oil-based soap ingredients, such as sodium palm
kernelate. VENUS is formulated to be pH neutral, with a pH that is usually
between 6.5 and 7.5.

VENUS products are manufactured in the Netherlands, Untied States,

Germany, Ireland, and Brazil. The VENUS trademark and brand name is
currently owned by Unilever. VENUS‘s logo is a silhouette profile of a Venus,
the color of which often varies.

VENUS‘s products include: antiperspirants/deodorants, body washes, beauty
bars, lotions/moisturizers, hair care and facial care products.
In the US, VENUS soap is currently produced in the cool moisture, exfoliating,
sensitive skin unscented, Natrium nourishing, white, pink, calming night, pro-
age, and energy glow versions.
VENUS soap was launched in the United States in 1957., years after Unilever
acquired soap factory De Duif (Dutch: The Venus) in The Netherlands, from
which the English brand name VENUS is derived.

VENUS has been positioned throughout its history without referring to it as

―soap‖, but as a ―‘beauty bar‖ with one-fourth cleansing cream; they stress its
moisturizing of skin while washing in contrast to the drying effects of regular
soaps(which their advertising calls simply ―soap‖).

Advertisements reinforced the message by showing the cream being poured

into the beauty bar. In 1979, the phrase ―cleansing cream‖ was replaced with
―moisturizer cream‖. In 1979, a Pennsylvania dermatologist showed that
VENUS dried and irritated skin significantly less than ordinary soaps. As a
result of the study, Unilever started aggressive marketing and won more than
24% of the market by 2003.

VENUS has grown from a US-only soap bar into one of Unilever ‘s biggest gl
brand, and #3 in the Anglo-Dutch company ‘s portfolio behind Knorr and Lair
extends the brand across the complete personal care spectrum, and VENUS now
soap to shower gel, and from deodorants to shampoo-conditioners. VENUS has
for its marketing. In 2003 Ogilvy & Mather launched a series of ads for Dc

women. The brand competes fiercely with Procter & Gamble ‘s Olay, Beiersd
Neutrogena, all of which have a similarly broad product range.


RSPL LIMITEDLTD, 165/166, BACKBAY Reclamation,

MUMBAI, 400020,




BAROTIWALA (H.P.) 174103
M.L Nomad/COS/1/2002.


Ghari is a well-known brand in the market. This has a very good image
especially in rural areas where it is ruling . Even on a betel shop this product is
available .
The punchline of the product is –

“Pahle Istmaal Kare Phir Viswas Karain”

Considering other factors like price this product is easily affordable. The key
points regarding the positing is as follows
1. Low Price

2. Easily availability

3. Available in small packs also

4. Good brand image

5. Good quality considering price.

6. Affordable

7. Targeting lower- and middle-class customers

8. A No. of product Range


Ghari detergent a well-known brand in market . The company is targeting lower class and middle
class customer . The product is available in small packs also so it is targeting rural customers also
. Price of the product is also very less. On these basis Ghari detergent is giving tough
competition to other big brands also . The main feature which attract customers towards this
product is Quality in less price. Apart from Ghari Other products like xpert, venus and MR2are
also doing good in market. Here the company have two kind of detergents but they both are
targeting different level of customers. MR2 is targeting upper middle class levels customer
whereas Ghari is targeting middle middle, middle lower and lower level class . The main factors
which are involved in targeting the customers are

1. Less price of the product

2. Available in small packs

3. Good distribution channel


Rohit Surfactants Private Limited is a well know Company in Detergent market. However
there are so many big players like Hindustan Unilever Limited and Procter and Gamble are in
the market but then also RSPL‘s specially Ghari Detergent and Cake are giving tough
competition to them. RSPL is providing a quality product in less prices. Specially in rural areas
where Ghari is a well known brand. Product is also available in small packs.
Some players in detergent market are – Rin ,Tide ,Wheel, Nirma ,Surf Excel , Vim . Tide is the
top competitor of Ghari and Vim is the top competitor of Xpert.
No Company can fulfill the demand of every customer because the taste and preferences of
customer varies. So Company targets a particular group of customer with a particular income
level. RSPL is targeting middle class and lower class customer. Company provides good quality
product in reasonable price.


Vidya Balan is the brand ambassador for Venus Beauty soap. Venus beauty soap is a product of
Kanpur based firm, Rohit Surfactants, the company that also manufactures the Ghari detergent soap
and washing powder.

Vidya Balan appointed as brand ambassador for Venus beauty soap

FROM March 19, 2011

Bollywood actress Vidya Balan has been appointed as the brand ambassador for
Venus Beauty soap.

This is the first time that a Bollywood celebrity will be endorsing the product.
Venus Beauty soap is a product of Kanpur based firm, Rohit Surfactants, the
company that also manufactures the Ghari detergent soap and washing powder.

According to information available with, Balan is

currently shooting for the brand‘s TVC at Yash Raj Studios. The TVC is being
produced and directed by director Pradeep Sarkar, who also launched Balan in
Parineeta. The ad film is being produced by Sarkar ‘s production house,
Appocallypso Filmworks.

Speaking to, Sarkar said, "It‘s always a pleasure to work

with Vidya. I am very happy to be working with her again."

Speaking on behalf of the agency, Prime Time Communications ‘Sudeep Bhatia

said, "Venus soap is made with natural ingredients. It has the goodness of
ingredients like coconut oil and jasmine; who better than Vidya could have fitted
the bill? Actresses like Aishwarya Rai etc could be called global b e a u t y but
Vidya is the epitome of Indian beauty. She fits the bill perfectly."

Isha Talwar in new brand amb

assador of venus cream bar.


History of soap dates way back from 2350 years. Soap manufacturing was
started in North America. Early in the history of Europe colonies and of the
republic. Some American companies with currently well known names were
started 50 to 200 years ago. During Middle Ages, soap was made at various
places in Italy, France, Spain, England and possible other countries.

Mankind knew about soap nearly 200 years back 70 A.D. when Mr.Pllny and
Mr. elder evidentially discovered the soap when roasted meat over flowed on
the flow in ashes. This lump like product was soap and had foaming and
cleansing character. Since then 1192 A.D. that in the first time detergent was
taken in London. It is in 1931 A.D. that in the first-time detergent was
discovered by Mr. Grency with the sulphated olive oil and almond oil. The
wood consumption of soap in 1884 A.D. was said to be lakhs/ton per Anuman it
was in this year Mr.W.H.L. ever entered the field of the soap making ina big


Soap industry in India began with M/S Godrej setting up their manufacturing
unit in 1918 at Mumbai and M/S government soap factory in Bangalore. The
industry stagnated due to the in informed price control. The industry soon
recovered and experienced sharp ups wing during 1974.


Soap industry faces some problems in the case of raw materials. The major
ingredients like soap ash, linear alkyl, benzene and sodium Tripoli phosphate
poses number of series in terms of availability.

The demand supply gap to vegetable oil is 1.5-2 lakhs tons and is met through
imports. In recent months, price of caustic soda has shown a rising trend. The
contents of soda ash in the cheaper varieties of soap are quite high.


The growth prospects seems to be enormous considering the fact that the per
capita income consumption in India is as low at 0.30kg over the year we have
M/S RSPL, M/S TAMCO,VENUS etc., leading the industry in the field of
soap manufacture, growth of population, income

Consumption, expenditure increased in urban cities spread of education,

growing degree of personal hygiene etc., has increased by the spread of audio-
visual media, rising incomes and general consciousness about the health.


Of the nearly 7 lakhs tons toilet soap, market for 500 tons comes from the
premium segment, 3 lakhs tons won carbolic segment and the rest are from the
batting or popular segment. There are 40 brands in the total toilet soap market.
In the popular segment Liril, Cinthol, Palmolive, Venus international have
been well established in the market. In the popular segment venus, rexona ,
hamam, santore have a strong presence while among the carbolic soap
lifebuoy, Ok, nirma have proved their worth.

The important point is that the price of the soap between the various brands
generally varies between 50 paise and rupee. The soap industry does not face
serious problems to the raw materials front.

In recent times, the price of caustic soda have shows a using trend. This
contents of soda ash is the cheaper varieties of soap in quite higher linearalkyls
benzene, being an important input in manufacture of soaps the future of this
soap industry is very much dependent on this input. It is capital incentives
during the around in 700-800 cores.


1.2 History of the

organization About us

At Ikigai Corporation Company, we place customer needs at the fore-front. With our reliable, experienced
team you can feel secure that we will meet your needs to the highest standard. We aim to make an impact on
manufacturing businesses by improving your access to cost-effective raw materials. Ikigai Corporation
Company provides APIs, pharmaceutic al excipients, and specialty chemicals.

Strict Safety Compliance

high quality standards

Company Profile:-

Ikigai Corporation Company is one of the leading suppliers of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs)
pharmaceutical ingredients, and other raw materials in PRC.
Our experienced team of professionals distributes raw materials to all corners of the world and has a well
established presence in the global market. Working both locally and internationally, we are well-positioned to

support pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies. As a reliable and competent supplier of quality APIs,
pharmaceutical intermediates, excipients and specialty chemicals to various industries, we are able to partner
with companies in their goal of improving patients’ outcomes through the availability of quality and efficacious
We have built up a significant catalogue, through our partnerships with API manufacturers, of the most in
demand APIs and pharmaceutical intermediates as well as quality excipients necessary for augmenting your
formulation process. These include APIs found in anti-inflammatory, pain management, anti-microbial,
antiretroviral, antihistamine therapies and more.
Our excipient catalogue includes, among other things: binders, fillers, preservatives, disintegrants, coating
agents, lubricants, colouring agents, flavouring agents, etc. At Ikigai Corporation Company, we value a
customer-centric approach and, because of this, our highest priority is to meet your needs and create value,
both for you as our customer and for suppliers. One way we aim to meet your needs is by providing all the
chemicals necessary for your drug manufacturing. Through this your procurement process is simplified.
We maintain strong relationships with manufacturers of pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, agricultural and
specialty chemical products, which we are able to leverage to source the best quality APIs and raw materials for
our clients. One of our main goals is that we are a company who is able to offer value to our customers. That is
why our supply chain process is built around accentuating the features that are most valuable to our customers.
At Ikigai Corporation Company, we know that manufacturers are looking for cost-effective methods. We are
able to offer our customers very competitive pricing because we work hard to source low cost, high quality
APIs and intermediates while offering top supply chain services.

About Ikigai lab ISA (Income share agreement)

Ikigai Lab ISA (Income Share Agreement) empowers you to invest in your future over the next 8 months. You
pay only when you get a job, of which you will share 15% of your gross income with us for 24 months. We

support you throughout this period through mentorship, workshops and online communities.

We take care of everything that comes before that – from your admission to your final placement. Our approach
is based on the principle that education should be affordable to everyone, especially those who are motivated
enough to learn new skills but can’t afford it.

ISA-based programs provide you with the ability to learn the new technologies and frameworks that will help
you prepare for a new job.

How ISA works

Pay ₹0 tuition fee until you land a high paying job

Pay a fixed EMI over a time period of 24 months

Stop paying once you reached the maximum amount of INR 2,50,000 plus GST

1.3 Vision, Mission and Quality policy

In 2018, I was forced to press refresh. I was navigating the exit of my co-founder from the firm we had founded
in 2012. If I were to continue alone, I were to take over the practice, re-imagine, and re-brand it, and I had my
moments of self-doubt.
I asked myself, “Why did I start the firm? Why do we matter? Why do clients come to us? Why have some of our
most committed people joined and stayed with us?” With some introspection, I found compelling answers to my
questions, which gave me the clarity that this was a journey worth continuing. While it helped me to identify
the why when I was forced to reassess, it would be powerful to start with it.

Simon Sinek has inspired millions with his celebrated book ‘Start With Why’. He has an elegant theory that he
sums up by drawing three concentric circles. The inner-most circle is labelled ‘Why’, the middle circle is
labelled ‘How’, and the outer circle is labelled ‘What.’ He argues that followers buy in to the world’s most
powerful brands because they relate to ‘why’ these brands exist – their core values. ‘How’ they do what they do
is merely a tool to achieve the ‘why,’ and the product, or ‘what’ is on offer, is merely the end-result. As a
corollary, powerful brands communicate to their followers inward out – first, the why, then the how and last, the
what. Would you imagine buying a phone made by a computer company, say a Dell or Lenovo? But don’t
people actually queue up for hours on launch day to buy a phone made by a computer company? Sinek, here is
speaking of Apple. He says that these people will buy anything Apple makes, because they believe in Apple’s
core value, ‘Think Different’. It resonates with them.

During our annual townhall last year, one of our associates told us that before she joined us years earlier, she
had competing offers. To help decide, she drew out a chart with everything that she wanted her workplace to
be. It looked something like this:

At a certain level, her version of why intersected with that of the firm.
Employees think no different from customers in Sinek’s Apple example. They need to buy in to the why of their
organisation, not just the how and the what – that’s what drives employee loyalty. The why can go a long way in
setting the culture of the organisation in a manner that the how and what cannot.

Perhaps even more important than for employees is for leaders to understand the why. It helps them lead with
conviction and consistency. At Ikigai Law, the clarity on why allowed us to take difficult decisions and stick by
them. Sometimes, we have turned down business opportunities that did not align with our why, and sometimes
we have taken up time-intensive projects that did align but may have never made us money. When we started
our now successful tech- focussed public policy practice that works with some of the largest global technology
companies, it was a cost centre, with few models for monetization. We ventured into it because we believed it
would take us closer to our mission of ‘enabling technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.’ It is the same
with our blockchain and aerospace practices.
The mission statement articulates the organisation’s why – it’s raison d’etre. It addresses why the organisation
exists, before it goes on the address the how or the what. That’s what makes it important.

Our mission is to enable the future. We do this by enabling

innovation, technology and entrepreneurship to make the
world smarter, inclusive and fun

When we rebranded in 2018, we named ourselves Ikigai to demonstrate our commitment to our why. Ikigai is a
Japanese philosophy that can broadly be said to mean the “reason of being”. But, I like its more elaborate
explanation that is best understood through this now ubiquitous illustration of four intersecting circles. Ikigai is
where these four circles meet. It is the intersection of what you are good at, what you are passionate about, what
the world needs, and what it values. It is from this Ikigai, that our mission statement emerges.

We invested an incredible amount of time in writing our mission statement. We involved the entire senior team
so that our mission has a buy-in, and is informed by diverse views from different constituents. This was
important to make sure we were not fooling ourselves with high- sounding words that others did not see getting
translated in our behaviour and way of work. Amidst murmurs that we were spending too much time on a
10,000 feet discussion, we went back and spent even more time on first helping the team see why this was
important. We then introduced the mission statement in a workshop-styled session, and exchanged notes on its
value to our daily lives at the firm. Every word in the statement means something to us. Take ‘fun’ for
example. We are a fun-loving team and we want to make the world a fun place with our work. That is why our
digital gaming practice is as important to us as our aerospace practice.

Jack Welch laid down some parameters to question your mission statement: Will this mission statement help us
make choices about people, investments and other resources? Will it prevent us from asserting that we will be
all things to all people? Is it ambitious enough and does it inspire? Does it tell us how we intend to win in
business? I may be guilty here of picking and choosing what resonated the most with me. I want to add one
more: “Is it simple enough?”. I like TED’s mission statement for that reason: “Spread Ideas.”

There are a few more I like, and they respond well to the questions raised by Welch. Warby Parker’s mission is
“To offer designer eyewear at a revolutionary price, while leading the way for socially conscious businesses.”
American Express aims “to be the world’s most respected service brand.” I like this one for its scope. The
company sees itself as a service brand and not a card company. Google’s mission is “to organize the world’s
information and make it universally accessible and useful.” I like that it focusses on the intent and not the
product. Microsoft’s statement in its earlier days was “to empower every person and every organization on the
planet to achieve more.” I like it for its ambition.

Mission statements are to be more than just high-sounding virtues: excellence, integrity, respect, quality. As
Welch says “integrity is just a ticket to the game”. “If you don’t have it in your bones, you shouldn’t be allowed
on the field.” If done right, mission statements can be powerful tools that have a lasting impact on keeping
businesses on track through growth and slowdowns. They can focus the organization’s energy and drive action,
lay the foundation for culture, and form the core of a brand identity.

I must thank my colleagues Nehaa Chaudhari and Surbhi Goel for reminmding me of the anecdotes I mention
here and a sharp round of editing, and the entire team at Ikigai Law, because the mission is just a couple of
sentences without the team doing all the hard work that allows us to dream on!
1.4 Structure of the organization

Ikigai: the Japanese answer to a life of


A comprehensive look into the true meaning of ikigai

Itsukushima Torii as a symbol of ikigai

What is ikigai

According to the Japanese, the answer to a meaningful and purposeful life is simple, find your ikigai. But
what is ikigai?

Concisely, ikigai is a concept that has been rooted in the cultural fabric of Japan for centuries and simply means,
“reason to live.”

In practice, the depth of the concept is much more than a simple translation; Ikigai is a lifestyle. Incidentally, the
Japanese live it somewhat instinctively without much fanfare or ego.

While ikigai is often described as one’s “sweet spot” and we can surely agree that one’s sweet spot is one’s
ikigai, ikigai is not confined to any framework or conditions.

In this article, we strive to define just what true ikigai is and how you can find yours:

 What does ikigai mean in Japanese

 What are the benefits of ikigai
 Is ikigai the secret to longevity
 Is ikigai spiritual
 Does everyone have ikigai
 The demon in the room
 How do you find your ikigai
What does ikigai mean in Japanese

To many English language speakers, ikigai is heard and spoken in three syllables. However, in actuality, ikigai
has four syllables as shown in the Japanese Hiragana alphabet below, and is pronounced (ee-kee-ga-ee):

Japanese Hiragana

Japanese Kanji

When translated literally, iki means “life; alive” and kai (pronounced as gai in this case) can be translated as
“reason; worthiness; fruitful; effective.”

In regards to kai, it is important to note that there is a strong connotation with “challenge”. A common
assertion is that the term stems from “passion”. Therefore inferring that it is valuable to one’s life and requires
a certain amount of effort to pursue it.

Hence, a literal translation doesn’t quite give you the insight you need to grasp the gravity of the term and its
importance for oneself. As a result, there have been a number of translations, all of which are said to be

 reason to live

 the purpose of life

 reason for being

 the meaning of life

 reason to get up in the morning or jump out of bed

 what makes life worth living

 the thing that you live for

 happiness of being

 a raison d’etre

What are the benefits of ikigai

Conceptually, Ikigai is a path, a way of life or journey; not a destination. Based on that, we can say that the
benefits of ikigai are infinite. Following your passion one any given day is a day worth treasuring, hence
following your ikigai every day is the root to living.

To put it in more practical terms, your ikigai wakes you up in the morning and leads you away from a
mundane, status-quo life-style. It empowers you and drives your actions, your purpose.

Happiness and motivation

Let’s consider how ikigai can help you with your pursuit of happiness.

Imagine waking up excited, knowing that today is an opportunity to move forward with something that appeals
to you. What an awesome feeling! Especially on those Monday mornings, knowing that the day ahead of you
will be a day for you.

Let’s say that your passion is dancing – or cooking – or volunteering – or building. Whatever you enjoy! And
today you are going to spend some time doing that.

Surely, you may have other things to do during the day, but this is what having ikigai does for you. It gives you
the motivation you need to enjoy life in the way you want to enjoy it. It is waking up with passion.

Act on your passions daily, and you will surely be excited to continue, again and again, the next day and the day
Have ikigai and you will find yourself saying, “Today was a great day. I lived today.”

Balance and guidance

Of course, life, whether you have ikigai or not, is not always ice cream, glitter, and rainbows. You will face
difficulties and struggles just as we all do.

We all experience loss and failure, i.e. falling off the proverbial bicycle and skinning our knees.
Circumstances out of our control throw life’s curveballs at us constantly and we get knocked down. Everyone
has to do things they do not enjoy doing from time to time.

Ikigai does not eliminate these things from your life. It does, however, provide you with a real sense of

balance. There are times when you need your purpose in life.

Ikigai will help you pick yourself up through tough times. It provides you with the clarity you need in your
life. Ikigai is as much of a guiding light in times of difficulty, pain, and sorrow as it is a reason for waking up.

1.5 Product/service of the orgainisation –

The product that has been developed by Ikigai is a business intelligence (BI) platform with the same name. Its
capabilities include data preparation, artificial intelligence-powered advanced analytics, human-in-the loop
dashboards, and automation of workflows. Ikigai allows users to pull data from various sources, including those
with application programming interfaces (APIs). Users can choose from pre-built or custom automations, which
are then implemented so the user has automated workflows.
Ikigai can be integrated into dozens of existing software, such as Asana, Blackboard, GitHub, LinkedIn,
and Mailchimp. The company states it has worked with multiple major brands, including Deloitte, Nike,
and WalMart.

Use cases
The company states that Ikigai can be used in the following ways:

 Financial reconciliation in the form of payments, claims auditing, etc.

 Supply chain forecasting for cases, such as demand planning
Operations optimization with features such as product planning

1.6 Growth of the organization (challenages faced in

past) Every Organization is different so our programs

We create programs to make your business more successful.

Every company has its own unique workforce and needs.

Ikigai Lab creates tailor-made learning programs for each organization.

Outcome Based Learning

All the programs have specific learning outcomes.

Participants will be able to come up with the solutions for business problems.

Participants will be able to come up with the real business use cases.

Progress Reports

Improve the performance and learning by tracking their

performances See the overall results of the programs in a report.

Results of quizzes, assignments of all the participants on a regular basis.

1.7 Organization’s SWTO analysis

It might be a job that you can’t seem to enjoy, a profession you feel lacks value or maybe a passion that you
can’t seem to make profitable. Every person in the world has their own unique set of skills, desires and beliefs
but those aspects are not always easy to understand for ourselves.

There is a widely used concept that roots in Japan called Ikiagi. It is used as a long term tool to help one focus
their “Reason of being

What is Ikigai
The word “Ikigai” stems from two Japanese words, iki (meaning life) and kai (pronounced “gai” meaning
effect, result, worth, benefit.) The word translated to English roughly means "thing that you live for" or "the
reason for being.” Ikigai is usually used to indicate the value in one’s life or the things that make one’s life

Not necessarily related to economic status, Ikigai is a long term tool used during a lifetime and may very well
change over time. Everyone has their own ikigai, it’s personal, it reflects the inner self of a person. Caring for it
can help create a sense of a life worth living.

Why use Ikigai

 Finding your life's purpose can be very rewarding, but also might seem elusive for many.

It’s important to remember that understanding your own Ikigai is not a quick solution for social or economical
success. It is a long term tool used in order to help focus and establish a unique mental world for a person to
feel at ease with.

 Ikigai is regarded by many to be an important tool in the search for a long and fulfilling life. So much so
that the Ministry of health and welfare in Japan has introduced a national health promotion (Active 80
health plan) which encourages a healthy lifestyle and a sense that life is worth living (Ikigai) to contribute to
the health of older people. Relying on the belief that creativity is an integral part of well being.

 In his Ted talk “How to live to be 100+”, Dan Buettner relates one of the causes for longevity in Okinawa
to the use of Ikigai in the community. The community of Okinawa live about seven good years longer than
the average American. Five times as many centenarians as in America. One fifth the rate of colon and
breast cancer And one sixth the rate of cardiovascular disease.

There are a few main reasons for the long life of the Okinawa community and Dan regards Ikigai to be one of
them. He gives the examples of a 102-year-old karate master, his ikigai was carrying forth this martial art.

A hundred-year-old fisherman, for him his Ikigai was continuing to catch fish for his family three times a week
and a 102 year old woman, her ikigai was simply her great-great-great-granddaughter. The U.S National
Institute on Aging gave Dan a questionnaire to give the centenarians of Okinawa. One of the questions was,
"What is your ikigai?" They instantly knew why they woke up in the morning.

Fill out the corner boxes first and then fill out the sides based upon the corners and then fill out the Ikigai based
upon the sides.

How to use Ikigai?

The ikigai lies in the center of 4 interconnected base aspects (used here as the center out of 9 boxes).

These base aspects are interconnected and between them we find more personal aspects of our lives (used here as
the top, bottom, left and right boxes).

 Your mission - connecting “What you love” and “What the world needs”
 Your vocation - connecting “What the world needs” and “What you can be paid for”
 Your profession - connecting “What you can be paid for” and “What you are good at”
 Your passion - connecting back “What you are good at” and “What you love”

Take your time to fill out the base aspects. You can use these questions to help you get started.

 What you love:

- What aspects of your life make you come alive?
 What the world needs:
- What changes would you most love to create in the world?
- What would you give your life for?

 What you can be paid for:

- What service, value or offering do you bring, or could you bring, that brings real value to others?
 What you are good at:
- What unique skills do you have that come naturally to you?

- What talents do you have and what do you excel at even when you aren’t trying?

We proceed in doing the same as we did in the corner boxes and one by one we start filling out the personal
aspect of our life each time finding and connecting more and more dots in order to find our Ikigai

On the last step of our personal mind network of an Ikigai, we will take all these points we found throughout our
lives and using them, find what connects all of these together, our Ikigai.

Our personal, faithful, long term and sometimes even changing Ikigai.

One of the worlds longest lasting “self achievement” concepts for a long and fruitful life. It may not be
everyone's cup of tea but it certainly helped me find my drive in life and focused me to seize the best suiting
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Consumer behavior which was earlier termed as covered behavior is a continuous consumption
process related to pre-purchase, purchase and post purchase issues. This refers to the physical
action of consumers that can be directly observed and measured by others. According to
Michael R.Solomon & Nancy J.Rabolt (2004), consumer behavior is the study of the process
involved when individuals or groups, select, purchase, use or dispose of product, service, ideaor
experience to satisfied need and desires. According to Frank R. Kardes (2002), Consumer
Behavior is the study of human or consumer responses to product, services and the marketing of
products and services.

The concept of modern consumer behavior is that people mostly buy products not for what they
do what for what they stand for. This concept implies that the product play a role which goes
beyond their functional purposes what actually they meant for and consumers tend to
established a relationship with a product what they like. The types of relationship a
consumermay make with a product is like self concept attachment, nostalgic attachment,
interdependent and love. (Solomon and Nancy, 2004) Sproles & Kendall (1986) established a
model to conceptualize consumers decision making behavior with eight consumer mental
orientation variables viz., perfectionism consciousness, brand consciousness, novelty and fashion
conciseness, impulsive and careless consumer, confused by over choice consumer, habitual and
brand loyal consumer, recreational and hedonic shopping conciseness, price and

Jin & Kang (2010) in their study of purchase intension towards foreign brand jeans using four
antecedents viz., face saving, attitude, perceived behavior control and subjective norms found
that face saving, attitude, perceived behavior control have significant influence of purchase
intension where as subjective norms has not significant influence towards purchase intention.

In order to offer an effective service, it is important to identify the segments of consumer , and
taking into the account of the benefits which is the consumer seeks. The Consumers seek is
benefits or the solutions, but not the products (Rowley, 1997). Faber and O‘Guinn T C (1992)

reported a seven-items scale and assessed its reliability and validity. An earlier version of

scale used a subset of three items (Faber and O‘Guinn, 1989b) while, Faber and O‘Guinn
(1989a) used a superset of 15 items for operational compulsivity. The second approach is
mainly used a nine-item scale(Youn and Faber, 2000) , which is developed earlier by Rook and
Fisher (1995). Thus compulsive buying is a very important aspect in consumer‘s behavior
research. It has been defined as ―chronic, repetitive purchasing, that becomes a primary
response to negative events or feeling‖ (Faber and O‘Guinn, 1992). Previous studies in this area
have highlighted the fact that compulsive buyers tend to have self-esteem in lower level, and a
higher level of tendency to fantasize, higher level of depression anxiety, and obsession, as
compared to other consumers . Consumer‘s purchasing decisions are normally based on
theirown perception and representations of quality and safety. However, quality and safety are the
concepts that cannot be easily defined. (i.e., product attributes that cannot be verified by the
consumer). Consumers are most likely to derive quality or safety perceptions from other product
cues, either intrinsic (e.g., appearance of the product) or extrinsic cues (e.g., a quality label)
(Nelson, 1970).

Consumer behavior is also affected by the socioeconomic conditions of the markets namely,
income, mobility, media access (Tse et al., 1989). It has been observed that per capita income
and disposable income indicates the amount of resources consumers allocate to consumer goods
(Johansson and Moinpour, 1977). As more resources become available in future, consumers
may desire the more emotional image attributes in the products or brand (Kim et al., 2002).
Personal values have been found to be the underlying determinants of various aspects of
consumer attitude and behavior (Homer and Kahle, 1988). Thus, values are one of the most
important influential factors that affect the type of needs consumer tries to satisfy through
purchase and consumption behaviors (Tse et al., 1989).

Brand of a particular product plays a fundamental function in consumer‘s perception of a

product. In situations when consumers are unable to defer the product choice decision, they may
have the experience of overload and anxiety at worst or develop simplifying decision heuristics
to help them to make the product choices (Swait and Adamowicz, 2001) at best. Observing the
purchase behavior of unknown or known consumers (Park and Lessig, 1977) is one such readily
apparent heuristic which will helps to simplifying the consumer‘s decision-making process by
providing information. (Park and Lessig, 1977). They have explained that consumers are
influenced by
―others‖ mainly because of three reasons—informational, utilitarian and expressiveness
of value . The consumer accept the source of information only,if it enhances

his/her knowledge of the environment or ability to cope up with some aspects of this
environment (Park and Lessig, 1977) e.g., purchasing of product . The consumers is tend to
observe the purchase behavior of other consumers and to incorporate these observations while
making their own decisions in purchasing, is called consumer‘s propensity,which is to observe.It
consists direct observation of other consumers, and the indirect observation of other consumers
or both types. Direct observation is watching the actual purchase behavior of other consumers
(Price et al., 1989; and McGrath and Otnes, 1995) and indirect observation involves the analysis
of trace evidence of shopping behavior. An organization which embraces the marketing concept
tries to provide products that satisfy consumer needs through co-ordinatedsets of activities that
also allow the organization to achieve its goals.


Need for the study:

I have undertaken this study because the I wants to know the reasons to buy
different brands of soaps and particularly consumer opinion about
VENUSSoap, the factors affecting while purchasing a FMGC(FAST-
MOVINGCONSUMER GOODS)i.e., toilet soaps.

Research Methodology:

The study conducted was descriptive in nature. Selection measurement

technique was done after simultaneous consideration of other characteristics of
research design.

Descriptive Research:

The descriptive research was carried out using questionnaire was considered as
appropriate method.

This section explains how the data is collected i.e., from primary and
secondary sources. It explains what methods used for collection of data and
what the sample plan is. The preparation of this report involves several
phasesas follows.

Data collection:

Tools of data collection are as follows.

1. Primary data.
2. Secondary data.

1. Primary Data:

Based on the objectives of the study, research approach, questionnaire

development and sampling has been designed.Visiting the consumers in
Kanpur District.

Questionnaire Development:

A questionnaire is used to collect the data. It is the developed after a thorough

discussion with Dealer and Project guide by keeping view of the objectives of
the study.

Sampling Techniques:

Data collected on the basis of convenient random sampling technique.

Sampling Unit:

Since the study for perception of consumer were contracted while gathering the

Sample Size:

It is limited to 100 consumers.

2. Secondary Data:

The secondary data is collected from Company records. Many web sites.

Analyzing the data:

The data are tabulated according to the respondents responses using

percentages, aggregated scores, which are essential for study, which helps in
proper analysis of data and also graphs are used in the analysis for easy and
quick interpretation.


 To know the satisfaction of the people towards VENUS CREAM BAR.

 To analyse the availability of the product towards VENUS CREAM BAR.
 To analyse the price satisfaction of the people towards VENUS CREAM BAR.
 To know the awareness of the people towards VENUS CREAM BAR.


Research is not a substitute for creative, but research provides fact upon which
creativity can go to work. No research finding really tells the marketer
department exactly what to do. But what the finding do provide is information
that can be helpful in making a judgment or decision about the promotional
activities or to improve the image of the company or positioning of product.

―Results of research can some time be more helpful in indicating what not to
do than to do‖.
So research methodology is adopted to study the consumer behavior.


How much satisfied are you with the product you are using?

Neutral 32

Satisfied 58

Dissatisfied 10

Interpretation: people satisfaction level is 32% people go with natural and 58% Satisfied
but 10% people are not satisfied with our product.

Have you ever heard about the venus cream bar?

Yes 68
No 32

Interpretation: this graph for people heard about our product so people are go 68%
people are heard about our product but 32% people didn‟t heard anything of our product.

If you use venus cream bar which aroma of the bar you like the most?

Natural cream 53
White cream 22
Exotic cream 25

Interpretation: when people use our product then use which types of our cream bar so
people answer like this way 52% people go with natural cream and 34% people like using
exotic cream bar but 14% people like using white cream bar.

How much satisfied are you with the product?

Satisfied 60
Neutral 30
dissatisfied 10

Interpretation: this graph for peoples satisfaction level for our product venus cream bar.
Peoples go with 60% people satisfied and 30% natural but 10% people are not satisfied
with our product.

How familiar are you with the product?

I use it daily 58

I purchase in couple of time 13

I am generally aware of the product 17

I was not aware of such a product 12

Interpretation: 58% use it daily, 17% people generally aware of our product, 13% people
are purchase in couple of time but 12% people are not aware with our product.

Purchasing frequency of a product?

4 bars in a month 25

2 bars in a month 60

Rarely 15

Interpretation: 60% people buy 2 bars in a month, 25% 4 bars purchase in a month and
15% people purchase rarely our product.

Product price?

High 35
Medium 50
Low 15

Interpretation: our product user are 35 % people think out product price is high, 50%
think product price in medium and 15% people are think our product price lower than
other cream bars.

Availability of the product on the stores?

Easily available 85
Easily not available 10
Out of stock 5

Interpretation: 85% people think easily available and 10% easily not available and 5%
people think out of stock.

How attractive you find the packaging?

Very attractive 60
Not so attractive 5
attractive 35

Interpretation: 60% people think our product packaging is very attractive, 35% people
think the packaging is attractive and 5% people not attract our product packaging.

Is product is having any side effect?

Yes 90

No 10

Interpretation: 90% people think no side effect of our product but 10% people effect with
our product.

Is there a need for a celebrity to promote the product?

Yes 73

No 27

Interpretation: 75% people thinking our product promoted by the celebrity but 27%
people think our product no need for any celebrity promotion.

 60% people think our product packaging is very attractive, 35% people think the
packaging is attractive and 5% people not attract our product packaging.
 90% people think no side effect of our product but 10% people effect with our product.

 75% people thinking our product promoted by the celebrity but 27% people think our
product no need for any celebrity promotion.



 27% people use lux most prefer using soap and 23% venus, 15% pears, 20% dove, 10%
patanjali and 5% medimax people using soap in Kanpur.

 People satisfaction level is 32% people go with natural and 58% Satisfied but 10%people
are not satisfied with our product.

 This graph for people heard about our product so people are go 68% people are heard
about our product but 32% people didn‘t heard anything of our product.

 When people use our product then use which types of our cream bar so people answer
like this way 52% people go with natural cream and 34% people like using exotic cream
bar but 14% people like using white cream bar.

 This graph for peoples satisfaction level for our product venus cream bar. Peoples go
with 60% people satisfied and 30% natural but 10% people are not satisfied with our

 58% use it daily, 17% people generally aware of our product, 13% people are purchase
in couple of time but 12% people are not aware with our product.

 60% people buy 2 bars in a month, 25% 4 bars purchase in a month and 15% people
purchase rarely our product.

 Our product user are 35 % people think out product price is high, 50% think product
price in medium and 15% people are think our product price lower than other cream

 85% people think easily available and 10% easily not available and 5% people think out
of stock.


Under the light of my study an earnest attempt is made to suggest the

following to improve the image on the sales of VENUS Soap.

 The company has to give some discounts or offers at the time of special
occasions i.e., festivals.

 Visual media is the best for VENUS Soap because most of the
respondents well aware of TV programs, Ads give along with special
programs in popular TV channels to increase the sales.

 During promotional programmers some discount offers whilepurchasing

large quantity of soaps and free gift coupons shall be introduced to
motivate the consumers.

 Most of the people suggested that they would like to see more attractive
package for VENUS Soap though the present packing is good quality.

 Most of the people are satisfied with small sized VENUS Soap.

 Try to reduce the price so that middle class can buy the soap.

 Increase the advertisements in rural areas.

 This soap is suitable only in winter & makes skin oily during summer.

 There are some areas where products supply is not good and retailers are
not getting proper supply with time because this is a convenience product
so they are switching towards its competitor.

 Dealers should try to reach each shop and should try to provide the
product to retailer because if retailer buys the product from wholesaler

or from market then he doesn‘t get much margin on sale so he switches
towards its competitor.

 There are some product like MR2 is not well known in the market .
Even so many retailers have never heard about it . So company should
advertise this product more . The same thing is also with Venus .

 Company should appoint good dealers in the market or Company should

keep checking the supply of product in the market .

 There are some areas where dealers are very lazy and they don‘t give
supply to retailers .

 Dealers shouldn‘t focus only big retail shops because products are
convinence product so small retail shops are also very much important .

 Company should start a help line No. where retailers can lodge their
complain and company should take quick actions on that.

 Dealers should decide a particular day for giving supply in a particular

area which should depend on the demand and consumption of product in
that particular area . Means there shoul become a time table and dealer
should follow it .



 The study is limited to Kanpur district only.

 The data is collected from questionnaire nature i.e., views, opinions,

perception etc., may be changed time. So it is not convenient for longer

 The time period given for the study is 45 days. So the study is
undertaken only at Kanpur district, by keeping in view of time period

 On few occasion‘s consumer may be biased in giving information.

 Samples size is restricted to 100 only due to paucity of time.




 Venus cream bar has a huge market to explore. It has to be available in all
retail stores for increasing its sale.

 It can categorize itself under Hygienic bathing bar. It can make its image
under this category.

 For the publicity of Venus posters should be posted in shops and market so
that more and more people can be aware of it.

 It can easily compete with the other brand as to potential to satisfied


 It can also penetrate in the houses of lower income group, people by

making small size packing.

products/fmcg/rohit-surfactants- plans-to- take-hul-head-on-in-premium-category-aims-to-
replicate-ghari-magic-in-urban- landscape-with- uniwash/articleshow/19315195.cms




1. Email address :

2. What is your name :

3. Your gender : Female [ ] Male [ ]

Mark only one oval per row

4. Survey area :

5. Which product your are using this time for bathing :


45% 13% 15% 6% 11% 2%

6. How much satisfied are you with the product you are using?
Mark only one oval

Neutral [ ] Dissatisfied [ ] Satisfied [ ]

7. Have you ever heard about the Venus cream bar?

Mark only one oval

Yes [ ] No [ ]

8. If you use Venus cream bar which aroma of the bar you like the most?
Mark only one oval

Natural cream [ ] White cream [ ] Exotic Cream [ ]

9. How much satisfied are you with the product?

Check all that apply

Satisfied [ ] Neutral [ ] Ex-satisfied [ ]

10. How familiar are you with the "Product".
Mark only one oval

I use it daily [ ] I purchase it couple of times [ ]

I am generally aware of the product [ ] I was not aware of such a product [ ]

11. Purchasing frequency of a product?

Mark only one oval

4 bars in a month [ ] 2 bars in a month [ ] Rarely [ ]

12. Product price?

Mark only one oval

High [ ] Medium [ ] Low [ ]

13. Availability of the product on the stores.

Mark only one oval

Easily available [ ] Easily not available [ ] Out of stock [ ]

14. How attractive you find the packaging?

Mark only one oval

Very attractive [ ] Not so attractive [ ] Attractive [ ]

15. Is product is having any side effect?

Mark only one oval

Yes [ ] No [ ]

16. Is there a need for a celebrity to promote the product?

Mark only one oval

Yes [ ] No [ ]

17. Any suggestions your would like to give?


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