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User Manual of CUBOID

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-User Manual-






Software Background
The purpose of this software is to build an Inventory and Warehouse Management
Software to manage the inventory of Non-food items/Core Relief Items (NFI/CRI) from
partner’s central warehouse to beneficiary distribution. Software will generate
consumption and inventory reports based on partner and their warehouses.
Through the dashboard of this software, it will be easy to monitor the status of
warehouses inventory and regular consumption based on partner. Inventory request
submission, get approval and notification will be much easier through this system. The
concern authority will receive smart notification through the system based on any
relevant actions.
Finally the system will surely improve UNHCR and his partner’s efficiency, bring more
transparency and significantly improve monitoring capability.


Table of Contents
How to browse the system? ..................................................................................................................... 4
How to Login into the system? ................................................................................................................. 5
How to create user ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Employee Creation .................................................................................................................................... 6
User Creation ............................................................................................................................................ 7
How to access multiple Warehouse/DP information with single login ............................................. 10
Details of User Role ................................................................................................................................. 10
Managing System setup information ..................................................................................................... 12
1. Partner: ........................................................................................................................................... 12
2. Sector: ............................................................................................................................................. 13
3. Rubhall: ........................................................................................................................................... 14
4. Container: ....................................................................................................................................... 15
5. Warehouse: ..................................................................................................................................... 16
6. Distribution Point (DP): ................................................................................................................... 19
7. Unit:................................................................................................................................................. 20
8. Goods Type: .................................................................................................................................... 21
9. Manufacturer: ................................................................................................................................. 22
10. Supplier: ...................................................................................................................................... 24
11. Goods Information: ..................................................................................................................... 25
How a Warehouse will receive goods from Donor or Supplier .......................................................... 27
Requisition Process Diagram ................................................................................................................. 30
How Requisition would be made from any Warehouse or Distribution point .................................. 33
Inter unit transfer (IUT) requisition: .................................................................................................... 33
Handover requisition: ........................................................................................................................... 37
How a Warehouse will Issue goods according to Requisition ........................................................... 41
How a Warehouse or Distribution point officer will receive requisition goods ................................ 46
How a Distribution point officer will return goods ................................................................................ 47
How a Warehouse officer will receive returned goods ....................................................................... 48
How a DP officer will add daily consumption to the system .............................................................. 49
MIS Reports .............................................................................................................................................. 50


How to browse the system?

To do this, User must open a web browser such as Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox,
Internet explorer etc.

User will type the system URL to the address bar of the web browser. The URL of the
system is: http://iwms.nanoit.biz

Note: This URL of this system will be changed after deploying in the UNHCR
provided server.


How to Login into the system?

Once user type the URL and enter, user will see a login page where user has to provide
their email address & password. System admin will supply user email and password.
User will able to change their password after successfully login to the system.


How to create user

To add user in this system, you have to follow two steps. Firstly, you have to make that
person as an employee (If already available in the employee list, you don’t need to add
again). Secondly, make that person as a user.

Employee Creation: To create an employee into the system, please go to menu: User
management > Employee information.

After Clicking “Employee information”, you will see previously added employee list.

Now, If you would like add new Employee, click button. Then you will see
a detail employee information form. Fill that form properly and click button
to store employee information.


Please keep the status button active to allow this

employee in further process. If the status is active, you will see this employee status
in the employee list.

Edit employee information: To edit any employee information, please click button
from the list. You will then see the particular employee’s information. Update necessary
information and then click button to store information.

Delete employee information: To delete any employee information, please click

button from the list. You will then get an alert message to confirm your action.

User Creation: To create an employee into the system, please go to menu: User
management > User information.

After Clicking “User information”, you will see previously added employee list.

Now, If you would like create new user, click button. Then you will see a
detail user information form. Fill that form properly and click button to store
user information.

In this form you have to provide user credential information which is user name and
password. Password must be 8 characters long, at least one upper case, one lower
case, one number and one special character. Select particular employee as well.


Here, you have to fill up one important information is “Employee Location” carefully.

If the user will work on one or more distribution points, select

button and select distribution point’s names from the

drop down list.

If the user will work on one or more warehouses, select button and

select warehouses names from the

drop down list.

If the user will work as a partner focal at partner office means he should get all specific

partner warehouse and distribution point access, select button.


If the user will work as a UNHCR focal means he should get all partners warehouses

and distribution point access, select button.

Finally, Select specific role. [Note: we will describe role details in coming section]

Please keep the status button active to allow this user to

access this system. If the status is active, you will see this user status in the user

Edit user information: To edit any user information, please click button from the
list. You will then see the particular users information. Update necessary information
and then click button to store information.

Reset user password: To reset user password, please click button from the list.
You will then get a pop up form like below to reset password.

Password Expiration: If you see the message like “ ”, it means user’s

account is inactive. In this case, to reset user password, please click button
from the list. You will then get a pop up form like above to reset password.

Password Note:

1. Please remember password has to be change within 90 days and user will get an
alert of this every time user will log in to the system.
2. User account will be block if user tries to login with wrong credentials repeatedly
5 times. Then you should ask authority to set your credentials.
3. During reset password, user can’t use last 5 passwords which you used.

How to access multiple Warehouse/DP information with single login

We already mentioned that a user who has warehouse supervisor or incharge and DP
office or manager may be assigned to multiple warehouse or DP in the user setup
section. These sorts of users can access multiple location information without login
every times.

To do this user will find a drop down list at the middle of the header.

By default you will be selected to a particular location and the system will be loaded with
the selected location information. If a user assigned to multiple locations, the user can
select different warehouse/DP from this drop down and system will loaded with the
selected warehouse/DP information.

Details of User Role

In the System we have created few roles as per system requirement. We will give a
detail overview of those roles below.

The roles are:

1. UNHCR Focal
2. Partner Focal


3. Warehouse Supervisor
4. Warehouse Incharge
5. DP Officer
6. DP Manager
7. Admin

UNHCR Focal: Only UNHCR user will get this role as UNHCR will monitor overall
progress and see various reports based on all partner activities. They will able to add
partner, sector, goods type, unit, goods, supplier and manufacturer information.

Partner Focal: User who will under a partner and will monitor his/her partner overall
progress and see various reports based on all warehouse & distribution points activities.
Partner focal user will add his employee and users in the system as well as resetting &
change passwords. Also add their warehouses, rub hall and distribution points. Partner
focal also may be allowed to manage goods type, unit, goods, supplier and
manufacturer information.

Warehouse Supervisor: This User will be the 1st person in any warehouse means this
user will initiate activities and will be responsible for Goods receive, Goods Distribution
as per requisition, IUT requisition, Handover requisition, Requisition wise goods receive,
Goods return, Receive returned goods from warehouse/DP, Kit preparation, Good loss
and see various reports.

Warehouse Incharge: This User will be the 2nd person in any warehouse and will be
responsible for approving Goods receive, Goods Distribution as per requisition,
Requisition approval and see various reports.

DP officer: This User will be the 1st person in any distribution point means this user will
initiate activities and will be responsible for IUT requisition, Handover requisition,
Requisition wise goods receive, Goods return, Add consumption information, add
beneficiary entitlement information, Good loss and see various reports.

DP Manager: This User will be the 2nd person in any warehouse and will be responsible
for approving Requisition approval and see various reports.

Admin: This User will basically responsible for overall system maintenance and
monitoring. This user will able to manage system setup information and user information
in case of partner face any difficulties.


Managing System setup information

In the System there are few system setups which will need to be entered to manage a
smooth system. So that, during performing other functionalities users will get proper
data to manage desire activities.

The setup information are given below:

1. Partner
2. Sector
3. Rubhall
4. Container
5. Warehouse
6. Distribution Point
7. Unit
8. Goods Type
9. Manufacturer
10. Supplier
11. Goods information

Now, we are giving an overview of the setup information and how to manage these
setups in the section below.

1. Partner:
UNHCR focal or Admin role user will able to do this. To add partner information please
go to menu: System setup > Partner setup.

After Clicking “Partner setup”, you will see a list of previously added partner list.


To add mew partner, please click button on the top right corner.

Fill up mandatory fields and click button to save partner information. You

will see a message for successfully added information. Clicking will bring
you back to the list.

To edit any user information, please click button and click button to delete
information. If you want to inactive any partner information, you can change status to
inactive from edit.

2. Sector:
UNHCR focal or Admin role user will able to do this. To add sector information please
go to menu: System setup > Sector setup.

After Clicking “Sector setup”, you will see a list of previously added sector list.


To add new sector, please click button on the top right corner.

Fill up mandatory fields and click button to save sector information. You will see

a message for successfully added information. Clicking will bring you back
to the list.

To edit any user information, please click button and click button to delete

3. Rubhall:
UNHCR focal or Admin role user will able to do this. To add Rubhall information please
go to menu: System setup > Rubhall setup.

After Clicking “Rubhall setup”, you will see a list of previously added rubhall list.

To add new rubhall, please click button on the top right corner.


Fill up mandatory fields and click button to save Rubhall information. You

will see a message for successfully added information. Clicking will bring
you back to the list.

To edit any user information, please click button and click button to delete

4. Container:
UNHCR focal or Admin role user will able to do this. To add container information
please go to menu: System setup > Container setup.

After Clicking “Container setup”, you will see a list of previously added container list.

To add new container, please click button on the top right corner.


Fill up mandatory fields and click button to save container information.

You will see a message for successfully added information. Clicking will
bring you back to the list.

To edit any user information, please click button and click button to delete

5. Warehouse:

UNHCR focal or Admin role or Partner focal user will able to do this. To add warehouse
information please go to menu: System setup > Warehouse setup.

After Clicking “Warehouse setup”, you will see a list of previously added warehouse


To add new warehouse, please click button on the top right corner.

Fill up mandatory fields and click button to save warehouse information.

You will see a message for successfully added information.

As you know a warehouse must have different storages. So user have can add storage
3 different type storage under any warehouse.


You can see three storages in the form. . To add any storage,

you can click button and find entry form where you can add storage name, storage
specifications such as length, width, height.

You can see total space which basically calculating by multiplying length and width.

Any storage may have space kept for product handling. For this reason we have
planned to reduce those spaces from the storage and to add that information click

and see a section for data entry like below.

Add space reduced from length, width and middle position. These space will be reduced
from total space we have seen above.

If the warehouse has more similar storage, click button and you will have similar
section to add more storage information.

To add different type of storage like rubhall or container, please follow similar process
like above we have explained.


Clicking will bring you back to the list.

To edit any user information, please click button and click button to delete
information. If you would like to make any warehouse not to use anymore you can set

status inactive. As a result, User won’t be able to use the

warehouse till the status is stays as inactive.

6. Distribution Point (DP):

UNHCR focal or Admin role or Partner focal user will able to do this. To add distribution
point information please go to menu: System setup > Distribution point.

After Clicking “Distribution point”, you will see a list of previously added Distribution
point list.

To add new distribution point, please click button on the top right corner.


Fill up mandatory fields and click button to save DP information. You can
see there is a field name associated warehouse where if you select any warehouse then
the DP can only make goods requisition to that warehouse.

You will see a message for successfully added information. Clicking

will bring you back to the list.

To edit any user information, please click button and click button to delete

If you would like to make any DP not to use anymore you can set status

inactive. As a result, User won’t be able to use the DP till

the status is stays as inactive.

7. Unit:
UNHCR focal or Admin role or Partner focal user will able to do this. To add unit
information please go to menu: System setup > Unit setup.

After Clicking “Unit setup”, you will see a list of previously added unit list.


To add new unit information, please click button on the top right corner.

Fill up mandatory fields and click button to save unit information. You will see a

message for successfully added information. Clicking will bring you back to
the list.

To edit any user information, please click button and click button to delete

8. Goods Type:
UNHCR focal or Admin role or Partner focal user will able to do this. To add Goods type
information please go to menu: System setup > Goods type.

After Clicking “Goods type”, you will see a list of previously added goods type list.


To add new type information, please click button on the top right corner.

Fill up mandatory fields and click button to save unit information. You will see a

message for successfully added information. Clicking will bring you

back to the list.

To edit any user information, please click button and click button to delete

9. Manufacturer:
UNHCR focal or Admin role or Partner focal user will able to do this. To add
manufacturer information please go to menu: System setup > Manufacturer.

After Clicking “Manufacturer”, you will see a list of previously added manufacturer list.


To add new manufacturer information, please click button on the top right

Fill up mandatory fields and click button to save manufacturer information.

You will see a message for successfully added information. Clicking

will bring you back to the list.

To edit any user information, please click button and click button to delete


10. Supplier:
UNHCR focal or Admin role or Partner focal user will able to do this. To add supplier
information please go to menu: System setup > Supplier.

After Clicking “Supplier”, you will see a list of previously added supplier list.

To add new supplier information, please click button on the top right corner.

Fill up mandatory fields and click button to save supplier information. You

will see a message for successfully added information. Clicking will bring
you back to the list.


To edit any user information, please click button and click button to delete

11. Goods Information:

UNHCR focal or Admin role or Partner focal user will able to do this. To add goods
information please go to menu: System setup > Goods information.

After Clicking “Goods information”, you will see a list of previously added goods list.

To add new goods information, please click button on the top right corner.


Fill up mandatory fields and click button to save goods information. You

will see a message for successfully added information. Clicking

will bring you back to the list.

To edit any user information, please click button and click button to delete


How a Warehouse will receive goods from Donor or Supplier

Receiving goods from donor or supplier will be done in two steps.

First step: User with the role warehouse supervisor will receive goods as per waybill or

To initiate the process of goods receive, please go to menu: Goods management >
Goods receive.

After Clicking “Goods receive”, you will see a list of previously added goods.

Now, If you would like to receive new goods in your warehouse, click
button. Then you will see a detail form of goods receive.


Fill that form properly and click button to store goods information.

If you have multiple goods to receive, fill-up individual good information and click
button on right side to list up goods information. You will see the filled up goods list at

the bottom of the form. If you want to edit any goods from the list, click button and to
delete, click button.

Finally click button. After saving the goods, you will see them in the goods

receive information list with a status . At this point user can still edit information

by clicking button.

Second step: User with the role warehouse incharge will have to approve the goods
received by user with role warehouse supervisor.

To approve received goods, user has to go to menu: Goods management > Goods


After Clicking “Goods receive”, you will see a list of received goods with status

Under the action column you will get a button. Click the button and user will
able to see the detail goods information what warehouse supervisor received.
Warehouse incharge will able to change the information and finally click the approve
button at the bottom of the form.

After approving, you will see the status of goods receive information in the list is .

And you will see the GRN button. Clicking GRN button, User will see a
system generated good receiving note document. This document is printable by
warehouse supervisor and Warehouse incharge user.


Requisition Process Diagram

Inter unit Transfer (IUT) requisition (DP to Warehouse)

IUT Requisition-Issue-Receive-Return: DP to Warehouse

Menu Role Steps Steps Role Menu



IUT Requisition Goods Issue



Prepare Initiate




IUT Requisition Goods Issue



Approve Approve


Requisition wise

goods Receive
Add Daily


Daily Beneficiary





Goods Return Goods Receive

Ex: Partner A, Sector X,

Ex: Partner A, Sector X, DP 1
Warehouse 1


Inter unit Transfer (IUT) requisition (Warehouse to Warehouse)

IUT Requisition-Issue-Receive-Return: Warehouse to Warehouse

Menu Role Steps Steps Role Menu



IUT Requisition Goods Issue


Prepare Initiate





IUT Requisition Goods Issue


Approve Approve


Requisition wise

goods Receive

Ex: Partner A, Sector X, Ex: Partner A, Sector X,

Warehouse 1 Warehouse 2


Handover requisition (Warehouse to Warehouse)

Handover Requisition-Issue-Receive-Return: Warehouse to Warehouse

(between different partners)

Menu Role Steps Steps Role Menu



IUT Requisition Goods Issue

Prepare Initiate





IUT Requisition Goods Issue

Approve Approve


Requisition wise

goods Receive

Ex: Partner A, Sector X, Ex: Partner B, Sector X,

Warehouse 1 Warehouse 2


How Requisition would be made from any Warehouse or Distribution point

We have two type of requisition process in the system. The requisitions are:

1. Inter Unit Transfer (IUT) requisition

2. Handover Requisition

Inter unit transfer (IUT) requisition:

IUT requisition means requisition from any warehouse or distribution point to another
warehouse under same sector within the same partner.

Here, IUT requisition will be done in two steps.

First step (Requisition Initiate): User with the role warehouse supervisor under a
warehouse or user with the role DP officer under a distribution point will initiate the

To initiate the process of requisition, please go to menu: Goods management > IUT

After Clicking “IUT Requisition”, you will see a requisition form.

Here according to the above picture, user will select a warehouse name from the field
“To warehouse” from where user is going to request to receive goods. In the “To
warehouse” field user will able to see only those warehouses name matched with the
requisition warehouse/DP's sector.


Then add goods information as per user need. User can add as many goods as they

want by clicking button. And you can remove any unwanted goods information by

clicking sign.

Here please remember that under Item field,

user will able to see only those goods which have available quantities based on the
selected warehouse.

Fill other information properly and click button to store requisition for next

After storing requisition, you will see all the requisition list in the IUT requisition
information list.

Just after requisition initiated, user will see the requisition under tab.
And you will see the requisition status . At this point user can still edit requisition

information by clicking button.


Second step (Requisition Approve): User with the role warehouse Incharge under a
warehouse or user with the role DP Manager under a distribution point will approve the

To initiate the process of requisition, please go to menu: Goods management > IUT
Requisition approval.

After Clicking “IUT Requisition approval”, you will see a List of requisitions.

If the user belongs to multiple warehouses, then user will see the list based on the
selected warehouse marked on the image. To see other warehouses requisition, please
select from the drop down field “Warehouse”.

Under the “Initiated list”, you will see all the new requisition and in the action column you

will get a button. Click the approve button and user will able to see the detail
goods information what warehouse supervisor or DP Officer provided.


Warehouse incharge or DP manager will able to change given quantity in the marked
“Approve Qty” field. User can add his remarks goods wise if needed.

Finally click button if user want to approve this requisition. If you want to

reject the requisition, click button. After approving, you will see the status of
that requisition and will be available in the Approved list. If rejected, you will see
the status of that requisition is and will be available in the rejected list.

Once the requisition is approved or rejected, Warehouse supervisor will also see the
requisition new status. Also, The warehouse officer (Role: warehouse supervisor) to
whom the requisition was sent will receive the approved requisitions for distribution.


Handover requisition:
Handover requisition means requisition from a partner warehouse to another partner
warehouse which are under same sector.

Here, Handover requisition will be done in two steps like as IUT requisition process.

First step (Requisition Initiate): User with the role warehouse supervisor under a
warehouse will initiate the requisition.

To initiate the process of requisition, please go to menu: Goods management >

Handover Requisition.

After Clicking “Handover Requisition”, you will see a requisition form.

Here according to the above picture, user will select specific partner and warehouse
name belongs to the partner from the field “partner” and “Good request warehouse”
from where user is going to request goods. In the “Good request warehouse” field user
will able to see only those warehouses name matched with the requisition warehouse's

Then add goods information as per user need. User can add as many goods as they

want by clicking button. And you can remove any unwanted goods information by

clicking sign.


Here please remember that under Item field,

user will able to see only those goods which have available quantities based on the
selected warehouse.

Fill other information properly and click button to store requisition

information for the next step.

After storing requisition, you will see all the requisition’s in the “Initiated list”.

Just after requisition initiated, user will see the requisition under tab.
And you will see the requisition status . At this point user can still edit requisition

information by clicking button.

Second step (Requisition Approve): User with the role warehouse Incharge under a
warehouse will approve the requisition.

To initiate the process of requisition, please go to menu: Goods management >

Handover Requisition approval.

After Clicking “Handover Requisition approval”, you will see a List of requisitions.


If the user belongs to multiple warehouses, then user will see the list based on the
selected warehouse marked on the image. To see other warehouses requisition, please
select from the drop down field “Warehouse”.

Under the “Initiated list”, you will see all the new requisition and in the action column you

will get a button. Click the approve button and user will able to see the detail
goods information what warehouse supervisor provided.

Warehouse incharge will able to change given quantity in the marked “Approve Qty”
field. User can add his remarks goods wise if needed.


Finally click button if user want to approve this requisition. If you want to

reject the requisition, click button. After approving, you will see the status of
that requisition and will be available in the Approved list. If rejected, you will see
the status of that requisition is and will be available in the rejected list.

Once the requisition is approved or rejected, Warehouse supervisor will also see the
requisition new status. Also, The warehouse officer (Role: warehouse supervisor) to
whom the requisition was sent will receive the approved requisitions for distribution.


How a Warehouse will Issue goods according to Requisition

A warehouse can issue goods to his partner’s warehouses or distribution point and
other partners warehouses only based on a requisition.

We have already discussed about two types of requisition process in the above section.
Now according to those requisition a warehouse will issue goods.

Here, Issuing goods based on requisition will be made in two steps.

First step (Goods Issue): User with the role warehouse supervisor of a warehouse
will initiate goods issue based on requisition.

To initiate the process of requisition, please go to menu: Goods management >


After Clicking “Distribution”, you will see a list of requisition.

Here according to the above picture, user will see list of IUT requisition if click

button and will see list of handover requisition if click


If user wants to filter the requisition list partner, warehouse or distribution wise, then
user can search by selecting the given options.


Tab will show all the new requisitions came from other
warehouse or distribution points.

Tab will show only those requisition which have been issued by
warehouse supervisor and waiting for approval.

Tab will show only those requisition which have been approved
by warehouse incharge user. User can generate waybill here. User will see a waybill
button here.

Let’s find out how a warehouse supervisor will issue goods.

User will find a button under the tab “Pending distribution list” and clicking
this button user will see details of requisition.

According to the above picture, User will see available stock quantity goods batch wise.
Under distribution quantity user will add amount of quantity and add release space.

Once goods issue has been completed, user will click button.

After that user will find the requisition under tab and this means this
requisition is now waiting for approval from warehouse incharge user.

Second step (Approve Goods Issue): User who has the role warehouse Incharge of
a warehouse will approve the goods issue.

To approve the goods issue of a requisition, please go to menu: Goods management >


After Clicking “Distribution”, you will see a List of requisitions. Warehouse incharge will
click on the tab and see a list of requisition which goods issue has been

done by warehouse supervisor user. Now you will see a button name under
the action column.

Clicking the button, you will see a detail form where you will find requisition info
and goods issue details.

If you agree with the distributed quantity and release space information, you can
proceed without changing anything. But if you think you want to change the distributed
quantity and release space information, you can edit to the red marked fields. When you
finished checking all the goods information, you can click on the submit button. Clicking
submit button means you are approving to issue goods to the requisition warehouse.


After that user will find this approved requisition under tab.

Over there you will see a button name and clicking this button you will
see a form where you will add transport details.

Clicking button means your waybill is generated. You will able to see the

waybill in a Pdf format document by clicking button.


Now the warehouse officer who sent the requisition will able to receive these goods
from the menu Goods management > Requisition receive. We will describe the
receive process in our next section.

Note: Handover requisition Goods issue and approval follows the same process
like as IUT requisition.


How a Warehouse or Distribution point officer will receive requisition


As we already know about two types of requisition process which are Inter Unit Transfer
(IUT) requisition and Handover Requisition, requisition approval, goods issue and
approval process in the above sections. Now we will learn how to receive given
requisition goods.

To receive goods for both type of requisition, please go to menu: Goods management
> Requisition Receive.

After Clicking “Requisition Receive”, you will see a list of requisitions separate by two

tab and .

Clicking on the button, user will see the detail of the requisition and issued
amount of goods. Here you can write the receive amount, select storage and you can
stock in this goods as regular or contingency.

Clicking button means your written amount of goods will stock in under the user

warehouse or distribution point. Now user will able to see the button in the list and
clicking GRN button will generate a Pdf format document.


How a Distribution point officer will return goods

As we know, only distribution point will able to return goods to the warehouse they
received goods from. Now we will learn how to return goods.

To return goods for both type of requisition, please go to menu: Goods management >
Goods Return.

After Clicking “Goods Return”, you will see a list of returned goods. Users have option
to filter the list with the given parameters.

To return any other goods from available stock, please click button. In
the good return form you can find goods with the requisition no or with the goods name.

User will able to see goods wise available stock and add return amount. Clicking the

button will send this return information to the warehouse officer who sent these


The warehouse from where goods has been received previously will now receive this
returned goods from the menu Goods management > Return Receive

How a Warehouse officer will receive returned goods

Here only warehouse supervisor user will able to receive returned goods.

To receive return goods for both type of requisition, please go to menu: Goods
management > Return Receive.

After Clicking “Return Receive”, you will see a list of returned goods. Users have option
to filter the list with the given parameters.

To receive returned goods please click the button from the list.

Then you will see a form where you can find returned amount of goods. You will receive
all the amount returned from the DP.

Clicking the button will do the stock in within the warehouse.


How a DP officer will add daily consumption to the system

Here only DP officer at distribution point will able to record daily consumption to the

To record daily consumption, please go to menu: Add daily beneficiary entitlement.

After Clicking “Add daily beneficiary entitlement”, you will see a list of items
previously consumed for beneficiary purpose.

To record new consumption, please click the button name

and you will see the form like below.

If goods consumed from regular item, select regular otherwise contingency. By default
regular will be selected.

Now, select a goods and clicking add button will show the goods batch or PO wise
available stocks. Enter the amount under the batch or PO from where you have been
given goods to beneficiary.

You can remove goods by clicking button.

If you want to add more goods consumption record, select goods and click add button
like you did previously.

Clicking the button will save your given information.

Clicking the button will clear your given information and close button will take
you back to the list.


MIS Reports

System users will able to generate various sort of reports based on user role.

Such as UNHCR focal will able to view reports for all partner, warehouse and
distribution point; Partner focal will able to view reports for specific partner, warehouse
and distribution point; Warehouse supervisor and Warehouse incharge will able to view
reports as per user assigned warehouses; DP officer and DP Manager will able to view
reports as per user assigned DP’s.

Menu path: MIS report

Reports you can generate from the system are given below:

1. Current Stock report

Here user can see warehouse wise stock available report. User can only see
those goods which have available quantity and date not expired.
2. Stock summary report
Here user can generate sector, partner warehouse and distribution point wise
goods report. User can also generate goods wise available stock in various
partners and warehouses.
3. Stock register
Here user will able to generate a goods wise transaction history.
4. Bin card
Here user will able to generate a goods PO wise transaction history.
5. Opening stock
Here user will able to view any days goods wise opening available stock.
6. Closing stock
Here user will able to view any days goods wise opening and closing available
7. Expired stock report
Here user can find expired goods detail.
8. Goods loss report
Here user can find loss or damage goods detail.
9. Warehouse goods report
Here you can find a warehouse or DP’s goods transaction history including
goods information which has been given to beneficiary and also household
10. Warehouse space monitor report
Here user can find warehouses space status storage wise.


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