BSMS201 Set2

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Institute of Engineering and Management

Even Semester Examination – June 2020

Basic Science and Humanities

Mathematics & Statistics
Statistics-II: BS-MS201

Full Marks: 100 Time: 3 hours

Answer all questions (10 x10)

1. a) Solve (cos x tan y+ cos(x+y))dx+(sin x sec 2 y+cos(x+y))dy=0. (5)
dy 2
b) Solve + 2 xy = 2e − x (5 )

Obtain the general and singular solution of the equation y = px + a 2 p 2 + b 2

(10 )

2. a)Solve: (3 x 2 y 4 + 2 xy )dx + (2 x 3 y 3 − x 2 )dy = 0 (5)

b)Solve (1 + y 2 )dx = (tan −1 y − x )dy (5)


a)Solve ( x 2 y − 2 xy 2 )dx + (3x 2 y − x 3 )dy = 0 (5)

dy y log y y (log y ) 2
b)Solve + =
dx x x2 (5)

3. Show that the equation of the family of curves whose slope at any point (x , y) is is
of the form y = C , where C is an arbitrary constant. (10)
Prove that the equation of the family of curves in which the Cartesian sub-tangent
sub at
any point (x, y) is twice the abscissa of the point of contact is of the form = 4kx, k
being an arbitrary constant. (10)

4. A tank with a capacity of 100 cubic metres is initially filled with brine that
contains100kg of dissolved salt. An inlet pipe allows fresh brine (with a concentration
of 2 kg per cubic metre) to flow into the tank at a rate of 5 cubic metres per minute.
An outlet pipe drains out the mixture (which is kept uniform by continuous stirring) at
the same rate. If both the pipes are opened simultaneously, show that it will take 13.9
minutes for the amount of dissolved salt in the tank to reach a value of 150kg.
OR (10)
A curve is such that its slope at any point (x, y) is the sum of the co-ordinates of the
point. Show that the equation of the family of curves with this property is given by: y
=C − 1+ . (10)
5. A body weighing 10kg is hung from a spring. A pull of 20 kg. wt. will stretch the
spring to 10cm. The body is pulled down to 20 cm below the static equilibrium
position and then released. Show that the maximum velocity is 2.8 m/ sec. (10)

A spring fixed at the upper end supports a weight of 980gm at this lower end. The
spring stretches (1/2) cm under a load of 10gm and the resistance (in gm wt.) to the
motion of the weight is numerically equal to 1/10 of the speed of the weight in
cm/sec. The weight is pulled down (1/4) cm, below its equilibrium position and then
released. Show that it will take 46 seconds when the damping factor reduces to (1/10)
of its initial value. (10)

6. A mass M suspended from the end of a helical spring is subjected to a periodic force
f = F sin ωt in the direction of its length. The force f is measured positive vertically
downwards and at zero time M is at rest. If the spring stiffness is S, prove that the
displacement of M at time t from the commencement of motion is given by

F ω
x= 2 2
[sin ωt − sin pt ]
M ( p −ω ) p

where p 2 = S / M and the damping effects are neglected. (10)

A body executes damped forced vibrations is given by the equation
d 2x dx
+ 2k + b 2 x = e − kt sin nt.
dt dt

Show that when n2 = b2 − k 2 , x is given by

x = A exp( − kt ) cos[t b 2 − k 2 + B ] − [(t exp( −kt ) / 2n)]cos( nt ) where A and B are
constants. (10)
7. The runs of two batsmen A&B in 5 consecutive innings are
A: 72 32 45 57 63
B: 50 80 42 34 70
who is more consistent? (10 )
A student obtained the mean and standard deviation of 100 observations as 40 and 5.1
respectively. It was later found that he had wrongly copied an observation as 50, the
correct figure being 40. Calculate the correct mean and correct standard deviation.
(10 )
8. The first three moments about the value 2 are 4, 65 and 325. Find its mean and SD
and Skewness. (10)

Calculate the rank correlation coefficient from the following: (10)

Class A 5 3 2 1 4 7 8 6
Class B 4 2 1 3 5 8 6 7

9. a) Find the Laplace transform of the full wave rectifier = ,0 < < /
having period π/ω (5)
b) Find the Laplace transform of (5 )


a) Evaluate ! sin% & (5)
∞ ' ()* ' (+* /
b) Prove that ! & = ,-. (5 )

0 1
10. a) Find the inverse Laplace transform of ,-. 021 (5)
b) Evaluate 3{ − 1 5 − 1 } (5 )


Solve the following equation using Laplace transform method:

7 +1 = 8- 2 , =7 =0: =0 (10)

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