Presentation For Group Mara Proposal

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Proposal for BSc.

Thesis /project CEng 5281

Degree of bachelor in Civil Engineering
Title:Upgrading cobblestone road to paved road

Mara Simion 1, Alazar Haile 2, Abenezer Taye 3, Abenezer Belay 4, Eyob Zewde 5, Natinael Kebede 6

1Wolkite University, Civil Engineering Department, ID Number ENGR/560 /09

2Wolkite University, Civil Engineering Department, ID Number ENGR/075 /09

3Wolkite University, Civil Engineering Department, ID Number ENGR/039 /09

4Wolkite University, Civil Engineering Department, ID Number ENGR/038 /09

5Wolkite University, Civil Engineering Department, ID Number ENGR/345 /09

6Wolkite University, Civil Engineering Department, ID Number ENGR/1265/08

Mr. Samuel A.
Mr. Desta M.
26; June, 2021
1. Background
2. Objectives
3. Literature review (Geometric design, Pavement
design and Drainage design)
4. Proposed Methodology (Study area, Data collection
and analysis, Soil and material investigation and
5. Proposed Time Plan
1. Background
Road transport facilities are essential for expanding
education, health service provision, trade facilitation
both within the country and the export market.

Two types of pavements are generally considered;

flexible and rigid pavement. Most of the road
infrastructure in our country is flexible pavement and
design of flexible pavements in our country is based
on the prevailing condition of soil and materials report
using the Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA)
Pavement Design Manual for Flexible Pavements.
2. Objectives
Main objective:
As a highway engineer the main objective of this project is to
design short, easy and economical root connecting entrance
2 to entrance 3(behind male’s dormitory).

Our selected project has the following sub objectives:

 To carry out detailed Engineering design.
 To exercise working manuals of highway and engineering
 To build up our theoretical concepts.
3. Literature review
Geometric design
The Geometric design has been carried out with civil
3D Road design software. The detailed survey data in
the form of X, Y, Z are imported onto software using
Data transfer module.
Geometric design is the process whereby the layout
of the road through the terrain is designed to meet the
needs of the road users.
The principal geometric features are:
 roads cross-section and
 vertical and horizontal alignments.
Appropriate standards depend upon the following
 Topography.
 Traffic volume and traffic compositions.
 Design vehicle characteristics.
 Road classification.
 Design speed and other speed controls.
 Control of access.
 Road safety considerations.
 Land use and physical features.
 Economical and financial considerations.
 Environmental considerations.
 Alternative construction technologies. (mara simion, may, 2021)
Pavement design
Pavements are designed and constructed to provide durable
all weather travelling surfaces for safe and speedy movement
of people and goods with an acceptable level of comfort to
These functional requirements of pavements are achieved
through careful consideration in the following aspects during
the design and construction phases:-
 Selection of pavement type.
 Selection of material to be used for various pavement
layers and treatment of sub grade soils.
 Structural thickness design for pavement layers.
 Subsurface drainage design for pavement layers.
 Surface drainage and geometric design.
The two major considerations in structural design
of high way pavements are:-
 Material design and
 Thickness design. (yared dejene, 2015)
Drainage design
Highway drainage structures are an essential component in the
design development of a highway. For a highway to serve its
function properly it should be provided with drainage facility.
It is aimed at the protection of the road through the prevention
of damage due to water to achieve a chosen level of service
without major rehabilitation at the end of the selected design
period, as economically as possible.
Factors affecting Drainage
In the hydrologic analysis for a drainage structure,
there are many factors affecting floods. Some of the
factors that need to be considered are:
 Rainfall amount and storm distribution
 Catchment area, size, shape and orientation.
 Ground cover.
 Type of soil.
 Slope of the terrain and stream(s) and etc… (yared
dejene, 2015)
4. Proposed Methodology
Study Area
The project area is located in Wolkite University behind
male’s dormitory. The project is that connects the paved road
of entrance 2 to entrance 3(inside Wolkite University). It
covers almost 1.4km.

Data collection and analysis

There will be two Sources of data to perform our project:
a) Primary data: surveying data from total station, traffic data
from field collection and laboratory test results.
b) Secondary data: Written documents such as ERA manual,
Lecture notes & handout.
We will use different software & tools for data
analysis such as:
 Civil 3D to generate contour map.
 Auto cad: for detail drawing.
 Microsoft excels: for drawing graphs & gathering OGL
 And tools: such as scientific calculator, drawing material…
Soil and materials investigation
Field works will conduct to assess the overall
condition of the project area and to collect pertinent
data required for design.
During the field investigation, assessment of the
roadbed materials, investigation of roadbed and
construction materials and foundation conditions on
major crossing sites will be done. And then
The methodology applied for investigating the
roads include visual description for sub grade soil
extension and opening of trial pits manually
which sunk up to the level of 1-1.2 meters from
the formation levels. Logging of test pits,
photographing and taking representative samples
will be also part of the investigation.
During in the project doing, we will face some
• Time shortage,
• Lack of financial/budget,
• Unavailability’s of internet access…
5. Proposed Time Plan
NO Activity Date
1 Submit concept note Jun 9, 2021
2 Submit written project proposal Jun 26, 2021
3 Progress report 1 Jul 12, 2021
4 Progress report 2 Jul 26, 2021
5 Submit final written project Aug 6, 2021
6 Project defense Aug 9, 2021

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