2015 Chapter 1 Multimedia Systems

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1.1 What is Multimedia?
1.2 History of Multimedia
1.3 Multimedia and Hypermedia
1.4 Multimedia and World Wide Web
1.5. Multimedia System Requirements

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1.1 What is Multimedia?
• People who use the term “multimedia” often seem to have quite different, even opposing, viewpoints. A PC vendor would like us to
think of multimedia as a PC that has sound capability, a DVD-ROM drive, and perhaps the superiority of multimedia-enabled
microprocessors that understand additional multimedia instructions. A consumer entertainment vendor may think of multimedia as
interactive cable TV with hundreds of digital channels, or a cable-TV-like service delivered over a high-speed Internet connection.
Before we go on, it is important to define multimedia. Let us define it from two perspectives:
I. In terms of what multimedia is all about:
It refers to the storage, transmission, interchange, presentation and perception of different
Information types (data types) such as text, graphics, voice, audio and video where:
Storage- refers to the type of physical means to store data.
⁃ Magnetic tape
⁃ Hard disk
⁃ Optical disk
⁃ DVDs
⁃ CD-ROMs, etc.
Presentation– refers to the type of physical means to reproduce information to the user.
⁃ Speakers
⁃ Video windows, etc.
Perception– describes the nature of information as perceived by the user
⁃ Speech
⁃ Music
⁃ Film
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1.1 What is Multimedia?
2) Based on the word “Multimedia”
It is composed of two words:
Multi– multiple/many
Media– source
• Source refers to different kind of information that we use in multimedia.
This includes text, graphics, audio, video and images
• Multimedia refers to multiple sources of information. It is a system, which integrates all the above types.
• Multimedia means computer information can be represented in audio, video and animated format in addition to traditional format. The
traditional formats are text and graphics.
General and working definition:
• Multimedia is the field concerned with the computer controlled integration of text, graphics, drawings, still and moving images (video),
animation, and any other media where every type of information can be represented, stored, transmitted, and processed digitally.
• What is Multimedia Application?
A Multimedia Application is an application which uses a collection of multiple media sources e.g. text, graphics, images, sound/audio,
animation and/or video.
• What is Multimedia system?
A Multimedia System is a system capable of processing multimedia data. A Multimedia System is characterized by the processing, storage,
generation, manipulation and rendition of multimedia information.

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1.1 What is Multimedia?
• Characteristics of a Multimedia System
A Multimedia system has four basic characteristics:
Multimedia systems must be computer controlled
Multimedia systems are integrated
The information they handle must be represented digitally
The interface to the final presentation of media is usually interactive.

• Multimedia Applications (where it is applied)

Digital video editing and production systems
Interactive movies, and TV
Video conferencing
Virtual reality(the creation of artificial environment that you can explore, e.g. 3-D images)
Augmented reality (placing real-appearing computer graphics and video objects into scenes so as to take the physics of objects and lights (e.g., shadows) into account
Distributed lectures for higher education
Digital libraries
World Wide Web
On-line reference works e.g. encyclopedias, games, etc.
Electronic Newspapers/Magazines
Groupware (enabling groups of people to collaborate on projects and share information)
Cooperative work environments that allow business people to edit a shared document or schoolchildren to share a single game using two mice that pass control back and forth.
Making multimedia components editable – allowing the user side to decide what components, video, graphics, and so on are actually viewed and allowing the client to move
components around or delete them – making components distributed

• Features of Multimedia
Multimedia has three aspects:
Content: movie, production, etc.
Creative Design: creativity is important in designing the presentation
Enabling Technologies: Network and software tools that allow creative designs to be presented.

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1.2 History of Multimedia
• Newspaper was perhaps the first mass communication medium, which used mostly text, graphics, and images. In 1895, Gugliemo Marconi sent his first
wireless radio transmission at Pontecchio, Italy. A few years later (in 1901), he detected radio waves beamed across the Atlantic. Initially invented for
telegraph, radio is now a major medium for audio broadcasting. Television was the new media for the 20th century. It brings the video and has since
changed the world of mass communications.
Motion pictures were originally conceived of in the 1830s to observe motion too rapid for perception by the human eye. Thomas Alva Edison
‘commissioned the invention of a motion picture camera in 1887. Silent feature films appeared from 1910 to 1927; the silent era effectively ended with
the release of the jazz singer 1927.

• On computers, the following are some of the important events:

1945 -Vannevar Bush (1890-1974) wrote about Memex.
MEMEX stands for MEMory EXtension. A memex is a device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is
mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility. It is an enlarged intimate supplement to his memory.

• 1960s-Ted Nelson started Xanadu project (Xanadu – a kind of deep Hypertext). Project Xanadu was the explicit inspiration for the World Wide Web, for
Lotus Notes and for HyperCard, as well as less-well-known systems.

• 1967 – Nicholas Negroponte formed the Architecture Machine Group at MIT.

A combination lab and think tank responsible for many radically new approaches to the human-computer interface. Nicholas Negroponte is the Wiesner
Professor of Media Technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

• 1968 – Douglas Engelbart demonstrated NLS (Online Systems) system at SRI. Shared-screen collaboration involving two persons at different sites
communicating over a network with audio and video interface is one of the many innovations presented at the demonstration .

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1.2 History of Multimedia
• 1976 1969 – Nelson & Van Dam hypertext editor at Brown
• Architecture Machine Group proposal to DARPA: Multiple Media
1985 – Negroponte, Wiesner: opened MIT Media Lab Research at the Media Lab comprises interconnected developments in an unusual
range of disciplines, such as software agents; machine understanding; how children learn; human and machine vision; audition; speech
interfaces; wearable computers; affective computing; advanced interface design; tangible media; object-oriented video; interactive cinema;
digital expressions from text, to graphics, to sound.
• 1989 – Tim Berners-Lee proposed the World Wide Web to CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research)
• 1990 – K. Hooper Woolsey, Apple Multimedia Lab gave education to 100 people
• 1992 – The first M-Bone audio multicast on the net (MBONE- Multicast Backbone)
• 1993 – U. Illinois National Center for Supercomputing Applications introduced NCSA Mosaic (a web browser)
• 1994 – Jim Clark and Marc Andersen introduced Netscape Navigator (web browser)
• 1995 – Java for platform-independent application development.
• 1996 – DVD video was introduced; high-quality, full-length movies were distributed on a single disk. The DVD format promised to
transform the music, gaming and computer industries. 1998 – XML 1.0 was announced as a W3C Recommendation.
• 1998 – Handheld MP3 devices first made inroads into consumer tastes in the fall, with the introduction of devices holding 32 MB of flash
• 2000 – World Wide Web (WWW) size was estimated at over 1 billion pages.

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1.2 History of Multimedia
• 2001 The first peer-to-peer file sharing (mostly MP3 music) system, Napster, was shut down by court order, but many new
peer-to-peer file-sharing systems, e.g., Gnutella, eMule, and BitTorrent, were launched in the following years.
• 2003 Skype was released for free peer-to-peer voice over the Internet.

• 2004 Web 2.0 was recognized as a new way to utilize software developers and end users use the web (and is not a technical specification for
a new web).

• 2005 YouTube was created, providing an easy portal for video sharing, which was purchased by Google in late 2006. Google launched the
online map service, with satellite imaging, real-time traffic, and Streetview being added later.

• 2006 Twitter was created, and rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with 500 million registered users in 2012, who posted 340 million tweets
per day. Amazon launched its cloud computing platform, Amazon’s Web Services (AWS).

• 2007 Apple launched the first generation of iPhone, running the iOS mobile operating system. Google unveiled Android mobile operating
system, along with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance.

• 2009 The first LTE (long-term evolution) network was set up in Oslo, Norway, and Stockholm, Sweden, making an important step toward 4G
wireless networking.

• 2010 Netflix, which used to be a DVD rental service provider, migrated its infrastructure to the Amazon AWS cloud computing platform, and
became a major online streaming video provider.

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1.2 History of Multimedia
• 2012 HTML5 subsumes the previous version, HTML4, which was standardized in 1997. HTML5 is a W3C “Candidate
• 2013 Twitter offered Vine, a mobile app that enables its users to create and post short video clips.
• 2015 YouTube launched support for publishing and viewing 360 ◦ videos, with playback on its website and its Android
mobile apps.
• 2016 HoloLens, a pair of mixed reality smart glasses developed and manufactured by Microsoft, started to be available in
the market.

• 2017 TikTok, a video-sharing social networking service for creating and sharing short lip-sync, comedy, and
talent videos, was launched for the global market(its Chinese version, Douyin, was launched in 2016).
• 2018 The world’s first 16K ultra-high definition (UHD) short video film, Prairie Wind, was created.
• 2019 5G cellular systems started deployment, providing enhanced mobile broadband and ultra-low latency access. TheWi-
Fi6(802.11ax) standard was released, offering theoretical maximum throughput of 1 Gbps.
• 2020 Due to the outbreak of corona virus (COVID-19) around the world, work/study from home became a norm in early
2020. Multimedia-empowered online meeting and teaching tools, e.g., Zoom, Google Class, and Microsoft Teams, saw
booming use during this period.

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1.3. Hypermedia and Multimedia
What is Hypertext and Hypermedia?
• Hypertext is a text, which contains links to other texts.
• The term was invented by Ted Nelson around 1965.
• Hypertext is usually non-linear (as indicated below).

• Hypermedia is not constrained to be text-based. It can include other media, e.g., graphics, images, and
especially the continuous media — sound and video. Apparently, Ted Nelson was also the first to use
this term. The World Wide Web (www) is the best example of hypermedia applications.
• Hypertext

Figure 1.1 Hypertext is non linear

• Hypertext is therefore usually non-linear (as indicated above).

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1.3. Hypermedia and Multimedia
• Hypermedia

Figure 1. 2 Example of Hypermedia

• Hypermedia is the application of hypertext principles to a wider variety of media, including audio, animations, video, and images.
• As we have seen, multimedia fundamentally means that computer information can be represented through audio, graphics, images,
video, and animation in addition to traditional media (text and graphics). Hypermedia can be considered one particular multimedia
Examples of typical multimedia applications include: digital video editing and production systems; electronic newspapers and
magazines; the World Wide Web; online reference works, such as encyclopedias; games; groupware; home shopping; interactive
TV; multimedia courseware; video conferencing; video-on-demand; and interactive movies.

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1.3. Hypermedia and Multimedia
Desirable Features for a Multimedia System
These are the following features of desirable for a Multimedia System:
1. Very high processing speed processing power. Why? Because there are large data to be processed. Multimedia systems deals with large
data and to process data in real time, the hardware should have high processing capacity.
2. It should support different file formats. Why? Because we deal with different data types (media types).
3. Efficient and High Input-output: input and output to the file subsystem needs to be efficient and fast. It has to allow for real-time
recording as well as playback of data.
4. Special Operating System: to allow access to file system and process data efficiently and quickly. It has to support direct transfers to disk,
real-time scheduling, fast interrupt processing, I/O streaming, etc.
5. Storage and Memory: large storage units and large memory are required. Large Caches are also required.
6. Network Support: Client-server systems common as distributed systems common.
7. Software Tools: User-friendly tools needed to handle media, design and develop applications, deliver media.
Challenges of Multimedia Systems
1) Synchronization issue: in MM application, variety of media are used at the same instance. In addition, there should be some relationship
between the media. E.g between Movie (video) and sound. There arises the issue of synchronization.
2) Data conversion: in MM application, data is represented digitally. Because of this, we have to convert analog data into digital data.
3) Compression and decompression: Why? Because multimedia deals with large amount of data (e.g. Movie, sound, etc) which takes a lot of
storage space.
4) Render different data at same time — continuous data.

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1.4 Multimedia and World Wide Web
• Multimedia is closely tied to the World Wide Web (WWW). Without networks, multimedia is limited to simply displaying
images, videos, and sounds on your local machine. The true power of multimedia is the ability to deliver this rich content to
a large audience.
• HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
HTTP is a protocol that was originally designed for transmitting hypermedia, but it also supports transmission of any file
type. HTTP is a “stateless” request/response protocol, in the sense that a client typically opens a connection to the HTTP
server, requests information, the server responds, and the connection is terminated – no information is carried over for the
next request.
The basic request format is
Method URI Version
Additional-Headers Message-body
• The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) identifies the resource accessed, such as the host name, always preceded by the
token ”http://”. A URI could be a Uniform Resource Locator CURL), for example. Here, the URI can also include query
strings (some interactions require submitting data).
• Method is a way of exchanging information or performing tasks on the URI. Two popular methods are GET and POST.
GET specifies that the information requested is in the request string itself, while the POST method specifies that the
resource pointed to in the URI should consider the message body. POST is generally used for submitting HTML forms.
Additional-Headers specifies additional parameters about the client. For example, to request access to this textbook’s web
site, the following HTTP message might be generated:
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1.4 Multimedia and World Wide Web
• GET http://www.cs.sfu.ca/mmbook/ HTTP 1.1
The basic response format is Version Status-Code Status-Phrase
• Additional-Headers Message body
• Status-Code is a number that identifies the response type (or error that occurs),
and Status-Phrase is a textual description of it.
• Two commonly seen status codes and phrases are 200 OK when the request was processed
successfully and 404 Not Found when the URI does not exist. For example, in response to the
example request above the web server may return something like:
HTTP/l.l 200 OK Server:
[No~plugs~here~please] Date: Wed, 25 July 2002
20 : 04 : 30 GMT
Content-Length: 1045 Content-Type: text/html

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1.5. Multimedia System Requirement
• Multimedia System Requirement
1) Software tools
2) Hardware Requirement
Software Requirement

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1.5. Multimedia System Requirement
• 3-D and Animation Tools:
• This software provide 3D clip art object such as people, furniture, building, car,
airplane, tree, etc. You can use these objects in your project easily.
• A good 3D modeling tool should include the following features:
Ability to drag and drop primitive shape into screen
Ability to create objects from scratch
Ability to add realistic effects such as transparency, shadowing, etc
Multiple window that allow user to view model in each dimension
Color and texture mapping
Examples: 3Ds MaxLog motion, Discrete

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1.5. Multimedia System Requirement
Text editing and word processing tools:
• Word processors are used for writing letters, invoices, project content, etc. They include features like:
❑ spell check
❑ table formatting
❑ Thesaurus
❑ templates ( e.g. letters, resumes, & other common documents) Examples: Microsoft Word, Word perfect, Note pad

Sound Editing Tools

• They are used to edit sound (music, speech, etc.) The user can see the representation of sound in fine increment, score or waveform.
• User can cut, copy, and paste any portion of the sound to edit it. You can also add other effects such as distort, echo, pitch, etc. Examples: -sound forge

• E.g., Sound Forge Sound Forge is a sophisticated PC-based program for editing WAV files. Sound can be captured from a CD-ROM drive or from tape
or microphone through the sound card, then mixed and edited. It also permits adding complex special effects.
Multimedia authoring tools:
• Multimedia authoring tools provide important framework that is needed for organizing and editing objects included in the multimedia project (e.g.
graphics, animation, sound, video, etc.). They provide editing capability to limited extent.
Examples: Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Director, Macromedia Authoware

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1.5. Multimedia System Requirement
• Macromedia Flash: Flash allows users to create interactive movies by using the score
metaphor – a timeline arranged in parallel event sequences, much like a musical score
consisting of musical notes. Elements in the movie are called symbols in Flash. Symbols
are added to a central repository, called a library, and can be added to the movie’s timeline.
Once the symbols are present at a specific time, they appear on the Stage, which represents
what the movie looks like at a certain time, and can be manipulated and moved by the tools
built into Flash. Finished Flash movies are commonly used to show movies or games on the
• Macromedia Director: Director uses a movie metaphor to create interactive
presentations. This powerful program includes a built-in scripting language, Lingo, which
allows creation of complex interactive movies. The “cast” of characters in Director includes
bitmapped sprites, scripts, music, sounds, and palettes. Director can read many bitmapped
file formats. The program itself allows a good deal of interactivity, and Lingo, with its own
debugger, allows more control, including control over external devices, such as VCRs and
videodisc players. Director also has web-authoring features available, for creation of fully
interactive Shockwave movies playable over the web.
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1.5. Multimedia System Requirement
• Authorware: is a mature, well-supported authoring product that has an easy learning curve for computer science students because it
is based on the idea of flowcharts (the so-called iconic/flow-control metaphor). It allows hyperlinks to link text, digital movies,
graphics, and sound. It also provides compatibility between files produced in PC and Mac versions. Shockwave Authorware
applications can incorporate Shockwave files, including Director Movies, Flash animations, and audio.

OCR software

• These soft wares convert printed document into electronically recognizable ASCII character. It is used with scanners. Scanners
convert printed document into bitmap. Then these software’s break the bitmap into pieces according to whether it contains text or
graphics. This is done by examining the texture and density of the bitmap and by detecting edges.

• Text area ASCII text Bitmap area bitmap image to do the above, these softwares use probability and expert system.

• Use:

 To include printed documents in our project without typing from keyboard.  To include documents in their original format e.g
signatures, drawings, etc Examples: OmniPage Pro Perceive
 To include printed documents in our project without typing from keyboard.  To include documents in their original format e.g
signatures, drawings, etc Examples: OmniPage Pro Perceive

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1.5. Multimedia System Requirement
• Graphics and Image Editing
Adobe Illustrator: illustrator is a powerful publishing tool for creating and editing vector graphics,
which can easily be exported to use on the web.
Adobe Photoshop: Photoshop is the standard in a tool for graphics, image processing, and image
manipulation. Layers of images, graphics, and text can be separately manipulated for maximum
flexibility, and its “filter factory” permits creation of sophisticated lighting effects.
• Macromedia Fireworks: Fireworks is software for making graphics specifically for the web. It
includes a bitmap editor, a vector graphics editor, and a JavaScript generator for buttons and
• Video Editing
• Animation and digital video movie are sequence of bitmapped graphic frames rapidly played back.
Some of the tools to edit video include:
Adobe premier, Deskshare Video Edit Magic, Videoshop These application display time references
(relationship between time & the video), frame counts, audio, transparency level, etc.

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1.5. Multimedia System Requirement
Hardware Requirement
• Three groups of hardware for multimedia:
1) Memory and storage devices
2) Input and output devices
3) Network devices
1) Memory and Storage Devices
Multimedia products require high storage capacity than text-based data. Huge drives
are essential for the enormous files used in multimedia and audiovisual creation.
I) RAM: is the primary requirement for multimedia system. Why? Reasons: – you
have to store authoring software itself. E.g Flash takes 20MB of memory, Photoshop
16-20MB, etc. – digitized audio and video is stored in memory – Animated files,
etc. To store this at the same time, you need large amount of memory
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1.5. Multimedia System Requirement
II) Storage Devices: large capacity storage devices are necessary to store multimedia data. Floppy Disk: not
sufficient to store multimedia data. Because of this, they are not used to store multimedia data.
• Hard Disk: the capacity of hard disk should be high to store large data. CD: is important for multimedia
because they are used to deliver multimedia data to users. A wide variety of data like:
• Music (sound, & video)
• Multimedia Games
• Educational materials
• Tutorials that include multimedia
• Utility graphics, etc
• DVD: have high capacity than CDs. Similarly, they are also used to distribute multimedia data to users.
Some of the characteristics of DVD:
• High storage capacity 4.7-17GB
• Use narrow tracks than CDs high storage capacity
• High data transfer rate 4.6MB/sec

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1.5. Multimedia System Requirement
2) Input-Output Devices
I) Interacting with the system: to interact with multimedia system, we use either keyboard, mouse, track ball,
or touch screen, etc.
Mouse: multimedia project is typically designed to be used with mouse as an input pointing device. Other
devices like track ball and touch screen could be used in place of mouse. Track ball is similar with mouse in
many ways.
Wireless mouse: important when the presenter has to move around during presentation
Touch Screen: we use fingers instead of mouse to interact with touch screen computers.
There are three technologies used in touch screens:

i. Infrared light: such touch screens use invisible infrared light that are projected across the surface of screen. A
finger touching the screen interrupts the beams generating electronic signal. Then it identifies the x-y coordinate
of the screen where the touch occurred and sends signals to the operating system for processing.
ii. Texture-coated: such monitors are coated with texture material that is sensitive towards pressure. When user
presses the monitor, the texture material on the monitor extracts the x-y coordinate of the location and send
signals to operating system

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1.5. Multimedia System Requirement
iii. Touch mate:
Use: touch screens are used to display/provide information in public areas such as airports, Museums, transport service areas,
hotels, etc.
• Advantage:
 user friendly
 easy to use even for non-technical people
 easy to learn how to use

II) Information Entry Devices: the purpose of these devices is to enter information to be included in our multimedia project
into our computer.
OCR: they enable us to use OCR softwares convert printed document into ASCII file.
Graphical Tablets/ Digitizer: both are used to convert points, lines, and curves from sketch into digital format. They use a
movable device called stylus.
Scanners: enable us to convert printed images into digital format.
Microphones: they are important because they enable us to record speech, music, etc. The microphone is designed to pick up
and amplify incoming acoustic waves or harmonics precisely and correctly and convert them to electrical signals. You have to
purchase a superior, high-quality microphone because your recordings will depend on its quality.

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1.5. Multimedia System Requirement
• Digital Camera and Video Camera (VCR): are important to record and include image and video in MMS respectively.
Digital video cameras store images as digital data, and they do not record on film. You can edit the video taken using video
camera and VCR using video editing tools.
Remark: video takes large memory space.
• Output Devices
Depending on the content of the project, & how the information is presented, you need different output devices. Some of the
output hardwares are:
Speaker: if your project includes speeches that are meant to convey message to audience, or background music, using speaker
is obligatory.
Projector: when to use projector:
 if you are presenting on meeting or group discussion,
 if you are presenting to large number of audience
Plotter/printer: when the situation arises to present using papers, you use printer and/or plotters. In such cases, print quality
of the device should be taken into consideration.
Impact printers: not good quality graphics/poor quality
Non-impact printers: good quality graphics

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1.5. Multimedia System Requirement
3) Network Devices
Why do we require network devices?
The following network devices are required for multimedia presentation:
i) Modem: which stands for modulator demodulator, is used to convert digital signal into analog signal for communication of the data
over telephone line which can carry only analog signal. At the receiving end, it does the reverse action i.e. converts analog to digital
data. Currently, the standard modem is called v.90, which has the speed of 56kbps (kilobits per second). Older standards include v.34,
which has the speed of 28kbps. Data is transferred through modem in compressed format to save time and cost.
ii) ISDN: stands for Integrated Services Digital Network. It is circuit switched telephone network system, designed to allow digital
transmission of voice and data over ordinary telephone copper wires. This has the advantage of better quality and higher speeds than
available with analog systems.
 It has higher transmission speed i.e faster data transfer rate.
 They use additional hardware hence they are more expensive.
iii) Cable modem: uses existing cables stretched for television broadcast reception. The data transfer rate of such devices is very fast
i.e. they provide high bandwidth. They are primarily used to deliver broadband internet access, taking advantage of unused bandwidth
on a cable television network.
iv) DSL: provide digital data transmission over the telephone wires of local telephone network. The speed of DSL is faster than using
telephone line with modem. How? They carry a digital signal over the unused frequency spectrum (analog voice transmission uses
limited range of spectrum) available on the twisted pair cables running between the telephone company’s central office and the
customer premises.

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Multimedia Information Flow

Systems Digitized INPUT User
Transmission Object
or Storage SYSTEMS

Interchange Media Representation Presentation Media Perception Media

Transmission or Storage Media

Figure 1. 4 Multimedia information flow

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1. Using your own words, describe what “multimedia” is. Is multimedia simply a collection of different types of
2. Identify three novel multimedia applications. Discuss why you think these are novel and their potential impact.
3. Discuss the relation between multimedia and hypermedia.
4. Briefly explain, in your own words, “Memex” and its role regarding hypertext. Could we carry out the Memex task
today? How do you use Memex ideas in your own work?
5. Discover a current media input, storage, or playback device that is analog. Is it necessary to convert to digital?
What are the pros and cons of being analog or digital?
6. Your task is to think about the transmission of smell over the Internet. Suppose we have a smell sensor at one
location and wish to transmit the Aroma Vector (let us say) to a receiver, to reproduce the same sensation. You are
asked to design such a system. List three key issues to consider and two applications of such a delivery system.
Hint: Think about medical applications.
7. Tracking objects or people can be done by both sight and sound. While vision systems are precise, they are
relatively expensive; on the other hand, a pair of microphone scan detect a person’s bearing in accurately but
cheaply. Sensor fusion of sound and vision is thus useful. Surf the web to find out who is developing tools for
video conferencing using this kind of multimedia idea.

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