Wordwall As A Learning Media To Increase Students' Reading Interest

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JPBII, Vol. 11 No.

1 Maret 2023
p-ISSN : 2615-2800 , e-ISSN : 2615-4404 DOI: 10.23887/jpbi.v11i1.1572


N.K.T.A. Swari
English Language Education, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Singaraja
e-mail: [email protected]

The implementation of Gamification within the teaching and learning process has increased
significantly in 21st-century learning. The involvement of Gamification has been proven to
increase students' learning interest in the EFL context, especially in improving students' basic
skills, speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Wordwall is one of the gamification platforms
that can create a more joyful learning situation to improve students' interest, especially in
reading skills. The integration of Wordwall within the teaching and learning process is
believed to increase students' reading interest since it has various features that can create
new learning material innovation. This paper aims to discover the characteristics of Wordwall
and its benefits as a learning media to increase students reading interest. Besides it being
proven beneficial, the integration of Wordwall as the learning media also acquired positive
responses from the students.

Keywords: Gamification; Reading interest; Teaching strategy; Wordwall

In the 21st century, technology is advancing rapidly, as evidenced by humans'
widespread use of technology in everyday life. Education is not exempt from the ramifications
of technological advancements. Technology has played an essential role in education and
significantly impacted. Hauer, (2017) explains that learning activities would not be possible
without technology. The presence of technology in the world of education creates new
opportunities for digital transformation. Yet, on the other hand, it can also be a double-edged
sword for education stakeholders. New learning environments and English learning needs
are being met in 21st-century education by integrating ICT (Information, Communication, and
Technology) elements. ICT integration is considered to be successful in terms of learning,
teaching, and assessment. This is supported by the statement of Koc (2005) in Adeline &
Irwansyah, (2022) which states that students can communicate, work collaboratively and
share their knowledge anytime and anywhere through ICT. Besides, ICT also improves
students' imaginative abilities, motivates students, and triggers their enthusiasm for learning.
Integrating ICT within the learning process is a challenge for educators to deliver
learning activities using digital media without reducing the effectiveness of learning
outcomes. Besides learning media, the way of providing the material also significantly affect
the efficacy of the achievement of learning methods. One method of delivering learning that
is popular today is the gamification method. Gamification is the application of game-design
elements and game principles in non-game contexts (Putra et al., 2021). It can also be
defined as a set of activities and processes to solve problems using or applying game
elements' characteristics (Mee et al., 2020). Many pieces of research on Gamification have
been carried out, as evidenced by many publications in various reputable international
journals. The results of the studies conclude that Gamification positively affects learning
activities. Gamification within the teaching and learning process is believed to increase
students' interest in learning and indirectly can also improve students' speaking, writing,
reading, and listening skills in learning the English Language. The gamification method is
applied to make the teaching and learning process more fun to increase students'
understanding of the material.
There are various applications developed based on the principle of Gamification. Digital
media or applications designed for evaluating learning media in the form of quizzes.
Wordwall is one of the gamification platforms that present evaluations in the form of quizzes
and various other game features. This platform allows you to quickly and easily create

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JPBII, Vol. 11 No. 1 Maret 2023
p-ISSN : 2615-2800 , e-ISSN : 2615-4404 DOI: 10.23887/jpbi.v11i1.1572

interactive activities for your students. It also provides users with a wide selection of different
activities, making learning much more enjoyable (Haq et al., 2021). Wordwall can help the
teacher create interactive learning media to improve students' writing, reading, and speaking
skills. Besides, also essential factors such as grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. Due
to the lack of students' interest in reading, this platform can be the solution. In learning
English, students are expected to be able to understand reading in the context of English.
Reading in the English language as a second language (ESL) has gotten much attention as
researchers and teachers of second languages have looked for the best ways to help
language learners improve their reading skills. Horwitz, (2008); Krashen, (2007); Nation,
(2008); Singhal, (2001) in Albiladi, (2018) stated that reading is the key to learning and
improving other language skills, such as speaking, writing, and building a vocabulary, for
English language learners. In other words, teaching language learners how to speak and
write well goes hand in hand with teaching them how to read.
Many students struggle to comprehend reading passages that remind them English is
not their first language (Albiladi, 2018). When it comes to reading, it is difficult for them to
extract both the specifics and the general information they acquire from the text. Obtaining
factual data from the provided reading materials is a primary goal. Sari et al., (2020)
explained that even after experiencing the learning process with the maximum time
allocation, students can still not spell words, determine general information, selective
information, and detailed information contained in the reading text, and interpret the
vocabulary in the sentence. Dhillon et al., (2020) added that the students' lack of vocabulary
is the source of their difficulty in comprehending the texts they read. When students come
across unfamiliar words, they will either directly inquire about the meaning from other
students in their immediate vicinity or they will immediately look the word up in their
dictionaries to find out what it means. These conditions arise as a result of the teaching
approach utilized by the teacher, which places a greater emphasis on the product than the
process. According to Rofikasari et al., (2016), students' poor reading comprehension skills
are a lack of innovative reading comprehension instruction and uninteresting reading
materials. There is potential for improvement in the students' reading comprehension through
various instructional approaches. One of the strategies that could be suitable for reading
class is implementing Wordwall. This platform can help teachers create a more enjoyable
learning environment for their students, improving their ability to comprehend what they read.
Since Wordwall platform possesses many exciting character traits, a study that
examines its practices concerning its conceptual frameworks should be conducted. Thus, this
library-based paper examines a list of previous studies on the topic of Wordwall to increase
reading interest. The study also aims to determine how Wordwall platform can improve
students' reading interest. Wordwall usage and successes in the classroom are explored in
this paper by connecting theories and practices from previous studies. Finally, it concludes
with a brief comment based on the various findings and discussions related to Wordwall
integration theories and practices.

This study used library research by using George (2008) model to carry out a
conceptual review of the definition, characteristics, implementation, strengths, and
weaknesses of Wordwall platform. The procedure will be explained in the form of a diagram.
Detailed in the chart below is the integration of George's model of library research into the
current study's research procedure, which was adapted from George's model by Ariantini et
al. (2021). As depicted in the diagram, the research phase begins with identifying the topic to
be investigated, which was the Wordwall platform as a learning medium to increase students'
reading interest. The second step involved formulating the research questions, including how
Wordwall Plattform and its characteristics are described, the principles that guide its
implementation, and its advantages and disadvantages. The third step involved developing a
research strategy, including browsing and skimming for relevant data related to the research
questions and reading articles, books, and websites.

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JPBII, Vol. 11 No. 1 Maret 2023
p-ISSN : 2615-2800 , e-ISSN : 2615-4404 DOI: 10.23887/jpbi.v11i1.1572

Figure 1. George’s Library Research process

A total of three decisions were made in the fourth step. First and foremost, the
databases that would be used for selecting data sources were identified, namely Google
Scholar. The second point to mention is the references that were used as data sources.
Third, there is the application that was used to retrieve the articles, which is Google Scholar.
The criteria for the source referred to in this study were determined in the fifth process step.
The concept of wordwall platform as learning media in this research was primarily derived
The arguments were then supported with previous studies published in research
articles in international journals and other qualified sources to support the arguments of the

Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Indonesia | 23

JPBII, Vol. 11 No. 1 Maret 2023
p-ISSN : 2615-2800 , e-ISSN : 2615-4404 DOI: 10.23887/jpbi.v11i1.1572

present study. The findings were then compared to the results of the current study. The
keyword "The implementation of Wordwall as learning media", "The advantages and
disadvantages of Wordwall platform" and "Wordwall characteristics" were used to identify the
articles in the database. Following these formulation phases, 20 supporting sources were
developed to answer the research questions.
The supporting sources were then critically examined in the sixth step to obtain new
insights. In the sixth step, the arguments about the Wordwall platform as a learning media
are summarized, and further, its benefits and drawbacks are identified. Step eight of the
process then included the formulation of hypotheses to address the research questions. An
outline of the theses' elaborated arguments was developed in the ninth step. It was related to
the definition of the Wordwall platform, the principles of designing the Wordwall platform as a
learning media, and the advantages and disadvantages of implementing it Wordwall within
the teaching and learning process. Afterward, the outline was transformed into the first draft
of a research report, which is now available in this article.


Characteristics of Wordwall
Wordwall learning media displays a collection of words arranged methodically to give
the appearance of the terms required to compose sentences (Arsini et al., 2022). Wordwall
has been used for quite some time. When students engage in face-to-face instruction that
uses wordwall media, the words displayed on the wordwall will be simple for them to read
and remember (Monita & Sihombing, 2015). It is the same as when used in traditional
classes; the only difference is that modern versions of Wordwall use more advanced
technology. Wordwall is a new way for teachers to use media to help students learn.
Researchers pay progressively more attention to the use of technological media in education.
Wordwall is an educationally entertaining website that offers a variety of vocabulary-building
games, which can be played interactively or individually (Çil, 2021; Hasram et al., 2021; Le,
2021). These games include picture matching, information matching, quizzes, wheel of
fortune, puzzles, and other similar activities. The games that teachers play on this website
are either ones that they make themselves using pre-made templates and to which they add
their content (words and images), or else there are games that they use other teachers made
that. Wordwall was initially conceived of as a piece of computer software; however, in 2016,
the website counterpart to the software was created, and ever since then, the website has
seen significantly more usage than the software itself.
The Wordwall platform, in particular, features both interactive and printable activities.
The term "interactive" refers to content anyone can view using a web-enabled device, such
as a personal computer, tablet, smartphone, or interactive whiteboard. Aside from being able
to be played independently by students, the game can also be led by the teacher, with
students taking turns presenting in front of the class (Haq et al., 2021). Wordwall, on the
other hand, can be printed out, and users who register for an account on wordwall.net are
given the ability to download a PDF file of the game. In conclusion, the application is user-
friendly, making it easy for people to explore their creative side. It benefits teachers who want
to get their students interested in learning.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Wordwall

To encourage students to become more involved in their online education, Wordwall
can be created to help them become more active participants (Rahmawati & Wijayanti,
2022). Students' abilities and progress can be tracked through this media or game. Using this
media, students can improve their reading and writing skills while having fun. However, this
media has both benefits and drawbacks in teaching reading. The benefits of using this
application include that it is simple to access, offers basic options at no cost, and comes with
several templates (Rahmi & Angraina, 2021). Teachers allow delivering the materials or
assessments they make in the form of a game through WhatsApp, Google Classroom, or
another platform. This platform is user-friendly and easy to use, and all steps are well
explained. The games that have been made can also be printed out in PDF format, which will

Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Indonesia | 24

JPBII, Vol. 11 No. 1 Maret 2023
p-ISSN : 2615-2800 , e-ISSN : 2615-4404 DOI: 10.23887/jpbi.v11i1.1572

help students who are having trouble with the network. Students can find it easier to
understand what they are learning online with Wordwall, and it's easy to find out how well
they are learning (Mahyudi, 2022). Besides, the Wordwall platform is also a convenient tool
for teachers who are short of time or not very confident with technology. Additionally, any
materials you have created can be shared with the Wordwall community.

Figure 2. Wordwall Template Display

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JPBII, Vol. 11 No. 1 Maret 2023
p-ISSN : 2615-2800 , e-ISSN : 2615-4404 DOI: 10.23887/jpbi.v11i1.1572

Although this game is a lot of fun and able to create joyful learning for students, this
platform also has several drawbacks to be looked at. Wordwall serves a wide range of
templates, yet only six are free to be used. To use the other templates, the teacher must
upgrade their account to the premium one and conduct the payment for the premium
account. Additionally, if the teacher uses this media in free charge mode, they only have five
times to make their own game. The other drawback is that, in creating the game, we are not
able to upload video or audio; thus, learning using Wordwall is not necessary for teaching
listening or improving students' listening skills because there is no audio to be listened to (P.
M. Sari & Yarza, 2021).

Wordwall as a Learning Media

The current educational system makes greater use of technology, which affects
becoming a more modern learning system Hameed, (2020) in (Arsini et al., 2022). The use of
technology in education, as supported and claimed by Alkamel & Chouthaiwale, (2018)
makes the learning process more dynamic, interactive, and interesting for each learner.
Students' interest in learning can be stimulated through interactive teaching strategies in the
classroom. Yet, the teachers typically use the traditional teaching methods, in which they
answer the students directly, which aims to make learning easier. The challenges teachers
face in the modern era are essentially the same as in the past. These challenges center on
utilizing instructional strategies that cater to the students' requirements while remaining
relevant. Along with the instructor, the students find it challenging to comprehend and acquire
information in reading text.
Teachers must use learning media to convey information to students. The
advancement of technology also creates opportunities for teachers and students to gain
knowledge with more advanced and valuable media. One of them is the use of educational
applications to assist in learning. Wordwall is one of the applications that teachers use to
teach. Teachers have traditionally used this media by pasting words on the wall and pinning
the meaning of the words used (Le, 2021). According to Hasram et al., (2021), the Wordwall
platform is a game platform that is ideal for training students' vocabulary. Besides, this
platform can also be used to increase students reading and writing by choosing the proper
activity according to the teachers' needs (Bueno et al., 2022).

Sample of Material
This article included a sample of material that can be used to help students improve
their reading skills. When students are required to read and answer questions, it is common
for them to become extremely bored. Teachers can use this game to help students learn by
answering questions related to the text given by the teacher. Because there are so many
types of Wordwall games, the authors chose one and gave some instructions on how to use
it to teach reading skills. Listed below are the steps involved in "Maze Chase" as the game
- The teacher delivers the text to the students; in this example teacher share a narrative
text with the students, reads the text together as well as discusses it

Figure 3. Narrative text about legend story

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JPBII, Vol. 11 No. 1 Maret 2023
p-ISSN : 2615-2800 , e-ISSN : 2615-4404 DOI: 10.23887/jpbi.v11i1.1572

- The teacher prepared several questions related to the narrative text in the form of a
Maze Chase game on Wordwall.net

Figure 4. Example of Maze Chase question

- Students are asked to answer the questions related to the text they have read.

Figure 5. Maze Chase game appearance on students’ device


Students can improve their reading skills with the help of ICT tools like Wordwall.
Wordwall platform can be used to increase students reading interest by choosing the
appropriate learning activities for the students. This media or games can track the progress
and proficiency of students. As a result, students benefit from the application. Students will
have more fun learning online if they use this app. The teacher also easier to check students'
work, and they do not need to check it individually. This platform can be one teaching
innovation that can assist teachers in creating joyful learning for the students.

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p-ISSN : 2615-2800 , e-ISSN : 2615-4404 DOI: 10.23887/jpbi.v11i1.1572

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