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Hand vein is a biometric modality that seems promising as it is acquired in Near Infrared light
(NIR), which implies that skin variations and dirtiness are less sensible than in visible light.
Moreover, the haemoglobin which flows in the veins is sensible to NIR light, this way allowing a
good quality of acquisition of the hand veins. It is possible to use either the back of the hand or
the hand palm. A recent study using back hand vein data and tested with 5 sessions per person
and 50 persons showed promising results. The main problem of this database is the low
resolution of the images (images at resolution 132x124 pixels).

The first commercialized products have been produced by Hitachi on the back and Fujitsu on the
palm. They have been patented but only little information is available on them. These companies
claim a very low FRR ( False Rejection Rate) at very low FAR (False Acceptance Rate) on a huge
database – close to 0% on 140000 hands. Unfortunately at this moment, there is no public database
allowing verifying these figures. In general, in the various papers present in the literature, after the
acquisition phase, some matching algorithms are used such as the Line segment Hausdorff
Distance (LHD) method. The LHD method has good experiment results. But, the structure
information of palm vein is not as clear as hand vein, so line-based feature is not a good choice for
palm vein recognition. Matching based on minutiae analysis and Hausdorff distance (MHD) was
used for hand vein recognition. Minutiae-like feature could also be extracted from palm vein
pattern; however, the Hausdorff distance algorithm applied in minutiae analysis is sensitive to the
geometrical transformation. Besides P2PM, LHD and MHD, all existing matching methods suffer
from the problem of image rotation and shift. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a new matching
method which can effectively solve this problem. This paper presents a new and efficient
matching method by introducing the iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm into palm vein
verification. The ICP algorithm was firstly proposed by Besl and McKay and it was originally
used in the registering of three dimensional (3D) range images. It is also well suited to align two
dimensional (2D) images. In the proposed method, we first extract vein information from the
Region of Interest (ROI). When matching two ROIs, we use ICP to estimate the rotation R and
translation T between them. Then we use the estimated R and T to correct the ROIs so as to reduce
the rotation and shift variations. The refined alignment of ROIs can bring great benefit in the
consequent palm vein verification. The detail of ICP algorithm is explained later in the report.
This paper is about the palm vein technology, its applications, how this technology is applied in
real time applications and the advantages of using this technology.


1.1 Purpose of the project 4
1.2 Problem with Existing Systems 5
1.3 Proposed System 5
1.4 Scope of the Project 5
1.5 Architecture Diagram 6



3.1 Functional Requirements 8

3.2Non-Functional Requirements 9
3.3 Software Requirements 9
3.4Hardware Requirements 9








1.1. Purpose of Project

Palm vein technology is primarily used for biometric authentication. It identifies individuals
based on the unique patterns of veins in their palms. This technology offers a high level of
security and accuracy, making it suitable for applications such as access control, secure
transactions, and identity verification. The vascular patterns in the palm are difficult to replicate
or forge, enhancing the reliability of this biometric method. With the increase in technology,
threat to personal data and national security had also increased. Then there was a need to
introduce a technology that secures our data more efficiently.

• Palm vein technology is secure because the authentication data exists inside the body and
is therefore, very difficult to forge.
• There are some other types of biometric authentications like:
1. Fingerprint recognisation
2. Voice recognisation
3. Iris recognisation

1.2. Problems with Existing Systems

Every individual have unique pattern of Palm veins, so the palm vein pattern is used
to authenticate some individual’s identity. The process of authentication and registration is
discussed in next topics. An individual first rests his wrist, and on some devices, the middle of
his fingers, on the sensor's supports such that the palm is held centimetres above the device's
scanner, which flashes a near-infrared ray on the palm . Unlike the skin, through which
nearinfrared light passes, deoxygenated haemoglobin in the blood flowing through the veins
absorbs near-infrared rays, illuminating the haemoglobin, causing it to be visible to the


• Voice Print Technology
• Finger/palm Print Technology
• Face Recognition Technology
• Iris Scan Technology
• Retina Scan Technology
• Ear shape recognition Technology

• Dynamic Signature Recognition (DSR)
1.3. Proposed System

In a proposed system of palm vein technology, the following components and processes are
typically involved:
1. *Image Acquisition:* A palm vein scanner captures the unique vascular pattern of an
individual's palm by emitting near-infrared light and recording the reflection patterns from
the veins.
2. *Image Preprocessing:* The captured palm vein image undergoes preprocessing to
enhance its quality. This may include noise reduction, image normalization, and other
techniques to improve the accuracy of feature extraction.
3. *Feature Extraction:* Relevant features are extracted from the palm vein image to
create a template that represents the unique characteristics of the individual's vascular
pattern. These features could include vein bifurcations, crossovers, and other distinctive
4. *Template Storage:* The extracted template is securely stored in a database. It's
essential to use encryption and other security measures to protect the stored templates from
unauthorized access.

1.4. Scope of the Project

The proposed system scope is limited to an extent of historic data. In future this machine
learning model may bind with various websites which can provide real time data for price
prediction. Also, we may add large historical data of car price which can help to improve the
accuracy of the machine learning model. We can build an android app as a user interface for
interacting with users. For better performance, we plan to judiciously design deep learning
network structures, use adaptive learning rates and train on clusters of data rather than the
whole dataset.

1.5. Architecture Diagram

Figure 1. Architecture Diagram of the Project

Figure 2. Architecture Diagram of the Project


Extensive research has been conducted on many verification technologies using biometric
features specifically hand over past decade. The work by L-q.Zhu, S-y.Zhang" involves
multimodal biometric authentication system in which knuckle print, finger geometry and palm
print have been used as features for verification by adopting decision level AND rule fusion
technique. It needed execution time of 1.393s. Lot of study has been done on finger knuckle
print to bring this feature as good biometric. A. Kumar et al.

" proposed ant colony optimization technique for bimodal knuckle verification which utilizes
fuzzy binary decision tree method. L. Zhang et al.Introduced finger knuckle print recognition by
score level fusion method by combining local features with Fourier transform coefficients that
gave EER of 0.358%. L. Zhang et al?," presented in their work a new technique for finger
knuckle print verification by adopting Gabor filter method for feature extraction.

The identification rate given by this method is high compared to other existing finger back
surface based methods. Although all these techniques justify finger knuckle print to be used as
biometric feature for security purpose but usage of only feature will not serve the need of
highlevel security applications.

3.1Functional Requirements

Functional requirements for a PLAM (Palm Vein) biometric authentication system are:

1. Vein Capture: The system should be able to capture high-quality images of the palm vein
pattern of an individual.

2. Image Processing: The captured images should undergo pre-processing, such as noise
reduction, contrast enhancement, and binarization, to improve the quality of the vein pattern.

3. Matching Algorithm: The system should have an efficient matching algorithm that can
accurately compare the captured vein pattern with the stored vein patterns in the database.

4. Security: The system should ensure the security and confidentiality of the stored vein
patterns by implementing appropriate encryption and access control mechanisms.

5. User Experience: The system should provide a user-friendly interface that is easy to use and
navigate, with clear instructions and feedback.

6. Scalability: The system should be able to handle a large number of users and their
corresponding vein patterns, without compromising on performance or accuracy.

7. Reliability: The system should be reliable and robust, with minimal false positives and false
negatives, and be able to operate in different lighting conditions and environments.

8. Compatibility: The system should be compatible with different devices and platforms, such
as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops, and be able to integrate with other biometric
authentication systems, such as fingerprint scanners and facial recognition software.

3.1 Non-Functional Requirements
1. Accuracy: The palm vein recognition system should have a high accuracy rate in
identifying unique vein patterns. This means that it should be able to distinguish
between different individuals with a low false acceptance and false rejection rate.

2. Speed: The system should be able to process a large number of users quickly and
efficiently, without causing long queues or delays.

3. Reliability: The system should be robust and reliable, with minimal downtime or
errors. It should also be able to handle different lighting conditions and user positions.

4. Security: The palm vein recognition system should provide a high level of security,
with encryption and other measures to protect user data. It should also be resistant to
spoofing attempts, such as fake vein patterns or images.

5. User-friendliness: The system should be easy to use and navigate, with clear
instructions and feedback for users. It should also provide options for user preferences,
such as language selection and privacy settings.

3.3. Software Requirements

To implement palm vein technology, you'll need both hardware and software
components. Software requirements typically include:

• Biometric Recognition Algorithm: Choose or develop a robust biometric

recognition algorithm specifically designed for palm vein authentication.
• Image Processing Software: Implement image processing software to
capture and enhance palm vein images for accurate analysis.
• Database Management System: Integrate a database management system
to securely store and manage palm vein data for comparison during
• Security Protocols: Implement encryption and secure communication
protocols to protect the transmission of palm vein data between the
hardware and software components.

3.4. Hardware Requirements

Implementing palm vein technology requires specific hardware components for
accurate and reliable authentication. The hardware requirements typically include:

• Palm Vein Scanners: Acquire high-quality palm vein scanners capable of

capturing detailed vein patterns. These devices use infrared light to create an
accurate image of the veins beneath the skin.

• Processor (CPU): Choose a powerful and efficient CPU to handle the
computational requirements of the biometric recognition algorithm. The
processor should be capable of fast image processing and matching.
• Memory (RAM): Ensure an adequate amount of RAM to support the quick
retrieval and processing of palm vein data during authentication. Storage (Hard
Drive/SSD): Provide sufficient storage space for storing palm vein templates,
user information, and system logs. Consider using secure and reliable storage

4. Technologies used

Every individual has unique pattern of Palm veins, so the palm vein pattern
is used to authenticate some individual’s identity. The process of authentication and
registration is discussed in next topics. An individual first rests his wrist, and on some
devices, the middle of his fingers, on the sensor's supports such that the palm is held
centimetres above the device's scanner, which flashes a near-infrared ray on the palm
Unlike the skin, through which near-infrared light passes, deoxygenated haemoglobin
in the blood flowing through the veins absorbs near-infrared rays, illuminating the
haemoglobin, causing it to be visible to the scanner.

Fig-2.1 Palm vein scanning

Arteries and capillaries, whose blood contains oxygenated

haemoglobin, which does not absorb near-infrared light, are invisible to the sensor.
The still image captured by the camera, which photographs in the near-infrared range,
appears as a black network, reflecting the palm's vein pattern against the lighter
background of the palm. An individual's palm vein image is converted by algorithms
into data points, which is then compressed, encrypted, and stored by the software and
registered along with the other details in his profile as a reference for future
comparison. Then, each time a person logs in attempting to gain access by a palm
scan to a particular bank account or secured entryway, etc., the newly captured image
is likewise processed and compared to the registered one or to the bank of stored files
for verification, all in a period of seconds.
Numbers and positions of veins and their crossing points are all compared and,
depending on verification, the person is either granted or denied access.


STEP 1: Palm vein authentication technology consists of a small Palm vein scanner that's
easy and natural to use, fast and highly accurate. Simply hold your palm a few centimetres
over the scanner.

Fig-2.2 A view from scanning device [2]

STEP 2: Scanner makes use of a special characteristic of the reduced haemoglobin coursing
through the palm veins; it absorbs near-infrared light. This makes it possible to take a
snapshot of what’s beneath the outer skin, something very hard to read or steal.

Fig-2.3 View of palm pattern at various stages of registering palm vein pattern [3]

STEP 3: The integrated optical system in the palm vein sensor uses this phenomenon to
generate an image of the palm vein pattern and the generated image is digitized, encrypted,
and finally stored as a registered template in the database.

Once the palm vein pattern is registered in the system, user can authenticate him/herself in
the system. The working of Palm Vein Technology is described in following steps
STEP 1: Hold your palm over the palm vein image sensor and camera which will take the
snapshot of palm.

Fig-2.4 Palm vein image sensor and palm image captured. [3]

STEP 2: Now palm image is processed and digitalized with the help of algorithm
implemented in the system.

Fig-2.5 Magnified view of palm vein pattern. [4]

STEP 3: This digitalized image is matched with the previously stored database and
authenticates user identity.


The probability that the system incorrectly matches the input pattern to a non-
matching template in the database. It measures the percent of invalid inputs which are
incorrectly accepted.
FALSE REJECTION RATE (FRR) The probability that the system fails to detect a match
between the input pattern and a matching template in the database. It measures the percent of
valid inputs which are incorrectly rejected.
The rate at which both accept and reject errors are equal. The value of the EER can be easily
obtained from the ROC curve. The EER is a quick way to compare the accuracy of devices
with different ROC curves. In general, the device with the lowest EER is most accurate.
Obtained from the ROC plot by taking the point where FAR and FRR have the same value.
The lower the EER, the more accurate the system is considered to be.


CHARACTERISTICS (ROC) The ROC plot is a visual characterization of the trade-off
between the FAR and the FRR. In general, the matching algorithm performs a decision based
on a threshold which determines how close to a template the input needs to be for it to be
considered a match. If the threshold is reduced, there will be less false non-matches but more
false accepts. Correspondingly, a higher threshold will reduce the FAR but increase the
FRRA common variation is the Detection error trade-off (DET), which is obtained using
normal deviate scales on both axes. This more linear graph illuminates the differences for
higher performances (rarer errors)

Fig-2.6 Receiver operating characteristics (graph between FRR and FAR). [5]

Fig-2.7 Graph showing EER identification by plotting FAR and FRR on same graph. [5]
FAILURE TO ENROL RATE (FTE OR FER) The rate at which attempts to create a template
from an input is unsuccessful. This is most commonly caused by low quality inputs.

FAILURE TO CAPTURE RATE (FTC) Within automatic systems, the probability that the
system fails to detect a biometric input when presented correctly.

TEMPLATE CAPACITY The maximum number of sets of data which can be stored in the


On the basis of testing the technology on more than 70,000 individuals, Fujitsu
declared that the new system had a FRR of 0.01% FAR of 0.00008% . Also, if your profile is
registered with your right hand, don't log in with your left - the patterns of an individual's two
hands differ. And if you registered your profile as a child, it'll still be recognized as you grow,
as an individual's patterns of veins are established in uterus (before birth). No two people in
the world share a palm vein pattern, even those of identical twins differ. In addition, the
device ability to perform personal authentication was verified using the following:

1. Data from people ranging from 6 to 85 years old including people in various
occupations in accordance with the demographics realized by the Statistics Canter of the
Statistics Bureau.
2. Data about foreigners living in Japan in accordance with the world
demographics released by the United Nations.
3. Data taken in various situations in daily life including after drinking alcohol,
taking bath, going outside and waking up.


1. The human palm vein pattern is extremely complex, and it shows a huge number of vessels.

2. The biometric information is located inside the human body, and therefore it is protected
against forgery and manipulation.

3. The position of the palm vein vessels remain the same for the whole life and its


Palm vein technology has a unique advantage in that authentication can be

done using the back of the palm also as the vein structure can be sensed by the
scanner from the back of the palm also which is very helpful if either side of the palm
is damaged then another side can be used for authentication purpose moreover it is
contactless authentication which is very hygienic and no need of cleaning the scanner
after every use as we do in the usage of the finger print scanner. Compared to other
areas palm veins shows higher accuracy and very low false acceptance rate[12- 16].

• It is very fast and it scans the palm within 2.18 seconds.

• Palm has no hair so it is easy to photograph the vascular pattern.
• No more problems of forgetting password’s and ID’s.
• It is difficult to forge.

• There are numerous factors that can affect the quality of the captured image such as
body temperature, humidity, heat radiation.

• It is still relatively expensive and not available for mass production yet.


In this report we have discussed all about Palm Vein Technology. Palm
vein technology is the new face of the biometric. It provides the maximum security as
compared to other biometric technologies because it uses information contained
within the body and is also highly accurate because the pattern of veins in the palm is
complex and unique to each individual. It also gives least FRR, FAR, EER among
them. Also, verification time is less as compared to other technologies. Since in this
technology ICP method is used which is free from orientation and rotational problems
of the image. Also, there is no disadvantage. As discussed earlier, by using
multimodal of fusion of other technology with PVT will make it more secure.
Moreover, its contactless feature gives it a hygienic advantage over other biometric
authentication technologies. This paper also describes some examples of financial
solutions and product applications for the general market that have been developed
based on this technology. Many of customers have favourably evaluated this
technology and have experienced no psychological resistance to using it. This has
encouraged manufacturers and developers to start development of new products for
various applications, beginning with financial solutions and followed by access
control units and login units.

We can use this technology in our daily life by making the scanning timeless
and scanner little in size by this we can use it for many applications like we can install
it in mobile phone for unlocking the device, we can use it as a security locking system
in houses and commercial complex’s and we can also use this technology for
identification of candidate in exam centers. The Palm vein technology will be the
most trusted and used biometric security system in the future, presently this palm vein
system is highly being used in Japan for various security purposes in various devices
various places, Sooner or later every security system is going to use palm vein
technology only. The palm vein technology is going to bring revolution in the field of
cyber security and many other fields.

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